View Full Version : Be Vigilant! Even in nowhere land evil men are still afoot!

06-05-16, 12:05
I live in Bum Friggin' Egypt West Virginia well off the beaten path. I'm always preaching to my wife and friends to be alert of their surroundings, watch where they go and to keep their head on a swivel. My wife is kind of utopian, and this just reinforces to her that bad guys are out there and will harm you if they can. Things like this don't happen very often around here where we're so far off the beaten path, so it's very eye opening to those like my wife who think that something like this couldn't happen to me where I live.

I so wish this thug would have met up with someone carrying that could have saved everyone a lot of time and taxpayer money...


06-05-16, 12:20
An aluminum baseball bat would wipe that smirk off his face permanently if swung hard enough, and you'd get the added bonus of hearing the "tink" as it crushed his face in. Win-win.

Piece of fvcking shit.........

06-05-16, 13:03
Ever see the Guinea Pig movies or 120 Days of Sodom?

We could probably end a lot of thuggery in short order.

ETA You probably shouldn't google any of that.

But if we would bring back public hangings and crucifixions, that'd be a healthy start.

06-05-16, 14:01
Ever see the Guinea Pig movies or 120 Days of Sodom?

We could probably end a lot of thuggery in short order.

ETA You probably shouldn't google any of that.

But if we would bring back public hangings and crucifixions, that'd be a healthy start.

You've got that right. Hell, I'd bring the rope.

26 Inf
06-05-16, 15:14
But if we would bring back public hangings and crucifixions, that'd be a healthy start.

I think the death penalty for folks who have demonstrated their disregard for humanity, as evidenced by their actions, is just. It doesn't deter, it is simply just.

This kind of proves my point:

IN England around 1800, more than 200 offenses, including forgery, poaching, cutting down somebody else's tree and associating with gypsies, were punishable by death.

Women and children were hanged for petty theft. In 1801, for example, Andrew Brenning, 13, was hanged for breaking into a house and stealing a spoon.

Hangings were attended by huge crowds, and since spectators were preoccupied with watching the gallows, hangings were favorite hunting grounds for pickpockets, even though picking a pocket was a capital offense.

There are all kinds of folks who have thought through the likely results of their actions, as the Crips guy did, and still carried out their plan....in his case death is just.

I also believe there are folks who haven't directly killed people, but by their carefully planned schemes have cost thousands their fortunes. I believe that level of depravity is also worthy of death.

It is not punishment, it is not revenge, it is just that we not have them around.

06-05-16, 17:36
It is not punishment, it is not revenge......

Actually it is about retribution, payback, vengeance, whatever you want to call it. They need to pay in kind for the life they've taken in cold blood. I realize that "polite and proper society" dictates it's really about deterrence, justice, yada yada. I just wish people in this country would drop the facade and admit what it really is about, and quite frankly should be about.

06-05-16, 17:48
funny sometimes how some people bring things up like 1800 England to compare or prove some point to today ? HUH !!!!!

simple kill them the way they killed the other person and dispose of the body no burial no grave nothing burn to ash and throw out in trash ! save cost to tax payers over the long haul and since so many are repeat offenders crime rates will go down !

it will be interesting to watch what happens in the Philippines after the new Presidents announcement yesterday :)

please clarify this ?

I also believe there are folks who haven't directly killed people, but by their carefully planned schemes have cost thousands their fortunes. I believe that level of depravity is also worthy of death.

you mean like morons signing up for loans they KNOW they can not make you want to kill the bankers ? not the idiots who got greedy signing there home away ?
or you mean wall street types who again are smart enough to know greedy folks will try to make money and loose ? again don't invest in things you cant loose on
its like saying lets kill casino owners since they cause problems !!!
once again its the people driving to the casino and gambling get what they deserve !!!

I do think those who say steal ID and defraud people if that is what you meant yes they should also be killed !
you break into my bank account on line etc..

but when its two parties and one agrees no way its on them

06-05-16, 17:52
Crucifixion or hanging amd let the buzzards feast

26 Inf
06-05-16, 19:27
Actually it is about retribution, payback, vengeance, whatever you want to call it. They need to pay in kind for the life they've taken in cold blood. I realize that "polite and proper society" dictates it's really about deterrence, justice, yada yada. I just wish people in this country would drop the facade and admit what it really is about, and quite frankly should be about.

Hey fine, apparently you didn't comprehend the part about the death penalty having no deterrence value.

Also here is the definition of just versus justice: based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

So, other than you advocating acting out of emotion, rather than dispassionately, I don't see where we are that far apart.

06-06-16, 04:01
Yeah to think there are people that don't lock their doors, still pick up hitch hikers, answer their doors to complete strangers, etc. boggles my mind.

I've had members on this forum think it's paranoia to CCW taking the trash to the curb. It just takes that one time. I draw upon the violent experiences from my own family and learned long ago it's not a question of if but when.

And yes, this 02 thief along with his entire crew and those like them should be dipped in pitch, nailed to a tree, and set ablaze to light the highways at night. Revenge, justice, deterrent what have you it says if you **** with people you will be ****ed in any language.

06-06-16, 05:51
Hey fine, apparently you didn't comprehend the part about the death penalty having no deterrence value.

Also here is the definition of just versus justice: based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

So, other than you advocating acting out of emotion, rather than dispassionately, I don't see where we are that far apart.

No, we don't disagree on the end result, just on the "why" of it. I have no issue with putting a bullet in his head "dispassionately". However that "acting out of emotion" phrase is frequently used by the anti-death penalty crowd during their tirades against executions. To want to see someone pay in kind for their murderous ways is not a knee-jerk "emotional" response, but rather a cold hard if X then Y. No hand-wringing emotion, just a statement of fact, almost like a math equation.

06-06-16, 07:35
Yeah to think there are people that don't lock their doors, still pick up hitch hikers, answer their doors to complete strangers, etc. boggles my mind.

I've had members on this forum think it's paranoia to CCW taking the trash to the curb. It just takes that one time. I draw upon the violent experiences from my own family and learned long ago it's not a question of if but when.

E-vites to gun fights always seem to get caught in spam filters.

06-06-16, 08:47
He'd of had a LOT more luck hiding in NYC, than he would have in Bluewell, WV!!! :rolleyes:

06-06-16, 08:58
funny sometimes how some people bring things up like 1800 England to compare or prove some point to today ? HUH !!!!!

simple kill them the way they killed the other person and dispose of the body no burial no grave nothing burn to ash and throw out in trash ! save cost to tax payers over the long haul and since so many are repeat offenders crime rates will go down !

it will be interesting to watch what happens in the Philippines after the new Presidents announcement yesterday :)

please clarify this ?

you mean like morons signing up for loans they KNOW they can not make you want to kill the bankers ? not the idiots who got greedy signing there home away ?
or you mean wall street types who again are smart enough to know greedy folks will try to make money and loose ? again don't invest in things you cant loose on
its like saying lets kill casino owners since they cause problems !!!
once again its the people driving to the casino and gambling get what they deserve !!!

I do think those who say steal ID and defraud people if that is what you meant yes they should also be killed !
you break into my bank account on line etc..

but when its two parties and one agrees no way its on them

Lose not loose they have completely different meanings