View Full Version : Drug curious question for LEO

06-05-16, 15:19
I am a 63 year old male that hasn't been around drugs 40+ years. I don't enjoy most social gatherings but was recently forced by my SO to attend a pool party some of her business associates threw. Mostly white collar executive types 30-60YO. I smoke cigars and eventually found the corner of the patio where smoking was socially acceptable. More than tobacco smoking!! A short glass pipe with a small round bowl was being passed around and they would hold a lighter to it and hit it. I saw no smoke and didn't smell anything but it was breezy. After a google search it looked like a crack pipe. The other device is what I am curious about. It looked like a rectangular shaped cube maybe 2 1/2-3" tall and maybe 1" square. White ceramic or glass. It had a hole in it where a cylindrical pipe was stored. Almost like a heavy straw. He would pull the tube/pipe out of the container and put it back in while twisting the tube occasionally looking at the end of the pipe. After I guess being satisfied it was loaded he would draw from it with his lighter and put the pipe back into the container. Again no smoke or smell. What the hell would he be smoking with that rig? I could care less but it drives he crazy not being able to find what it was with google.

Alex V
06-05-16, 16:33

06-05-16, 16:47
That's a "one-hitter" (https://www.google.com/search?q=one+hitter&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjP1MDb7pHNAhWFwiYKHZvCC90Q_AUICSgC&biw=320&bih=492) for smoking pot.

26 Inf
06-05-16, 17:00
Crack or Meth would be my guess.

Maybe time for your SO to evaluate the folks with whom they are 'business associating.'

06-05-16, 17:20
More than likely pot which is about as socially acceptable as drinking a beer. I highly doubt a bunch of business types would be smoking crack or meth at a bbq. Not impossible just highly unlikely. Besides, if it was crack or meth they would have done it in the bathroom like respectable degenerates.

06-05-16, 17:50
Pot or Spice (artificial pot sold as 'incense')

At least they aren't squares. Surely if dope fiendery is afoot it had to be like the pool part at Boogie Nights.

Were they playing Night Ranger? Were they genuinely enjoying it?

06-05-16, 17:59
Crack or Meth would be my guess.

Maybe time for your SO to evaluate the folks with whom they are 'business associating.'

I wish it were that easy but at our age it isn't possible. On this island a lot of people that work hard play hard. I don't condone it but do accept it as almost normal. Funny short story.. I fixed a Harley for a guy in the neighborhood and when he came to get it he threw a ball of white powder wrapped in saran wrap on my bench and thanked me for the work... I ask what it was and he said 8 ball of coke I think. I told him to take it with him and he looked at me like I was crazy!! It isn't that easy to avoid. I wish it were.

06-05-16, 18:02
99.99% that was pot. In both cases.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-05-16, 19:10
sounds like it. Crack will smell like burning plastic almost. But with them twisting the pipe diffently sounds like meth. But people smoke just about everything now days.

06-05-16, 19:11
Pot has a smell that when smoked can be smelled for a block sometimes.

06-05-16, 19:38
Were the pipes elaborately colored, like very decorative? If so I'd say weed. If it was a straight up glass pipe then it could've been that girl crystal. Of course it might have been hash oil or wax (used in dabbing).

I would think you'd be able to smell the weed, although sometimes when up wind (really breezy) I cant smell it. It stinks. Smells like someone lit a skunks ass on fire (to me anyway). If it was meth, you would've noticed an obvious stimulant reaction ie "tweaking".

06-05-16, 19:39
Pot has a smell that when smoked can be smelled for a block sometimes.


I wasn't there but I'm going with Spice

If it were meth somebody would've really showed their natural ass one way or the other. Not necessarily violently.

06-05-16, 19:43
Dabs maybe?

But people smoke just about everything now days.This too.

06-05-16, 19:44
Dabs maybe?

The no smell made me consider dabbing, since it usually doesn't smell since its just straight up THC

06-05-16, 20:09
You never know. Not everyone who smokes boat gets naked in the street with a revolver either. That only happens on day 3 of use.

Every likely was some kind spice. But people have been snorting and smoking a lot of heroin lately.

06-05-16, 20:28
Pot... that pipe is made to keep the smoke and smell down. they have been around for ages. It's what Ryno12 posted above. The box is just a stash box. It's made to do exactly what you experienced. Be unnoticeable in a casual setting.

06-05-16, 21:20
you mention island ? what island ?
if the Hawaiian Islands I would say its batu aka Hawaiian Ice aka meth !

sadly the islands are some of the highest % users in the US before I moved I remember a survey done and it was like %48 said they were using I was shocked at how many folks I knew not as friends but acquaintance were using
boat captains security folks tons and tons of hotel staff and we are talking the front end ones etc.... seems like about %75 of the surfers or more

26 Inf
06-05-16, 21:45
Pot has a smell that when smoked can be smelled for a block sometimes.

Many folks have jumped on the 'vape' bandwagon with pot. In most cases they can smoke it in public with no one the wiser.

I should have thought of that, but I assumed the OP would know the difference between a pipe and a 'vape.'

Like NC Dave the twisting of the pipe made me think of crystal meth.

06-05-16, 22:17
MJ or MJ Derivative/THC. Maybe spice, but it's become a lot less popular these days. I highly doubt you were seeing narcotics...

06-05-16, 22:20
He said he saw no smoke. That is not happening with vape. unless they were smoking the juice turned into wax which I have seen a few times.

06-05-16, 22:24
Why not, I have seen many rich well established people use hard drugs. They just hide that shit better because they got bands on bands yo. But at the end of the day they still act like trash they just have the extra starch.

06-05-16, 22:25
Still sticking with spice. Mebbe dabs.

Meth heads usually come in three shades:

1. Horny
2. Giddy
3. Violent.

And this is before the come down. The high can last 48-72 hours. If it was dank, you would've smelled it. It reeks. It smells, to me, like feet and skunk ass but more pungent. Nothing smells like marijuana but marijuana.

Or maybe it was just tobacco and someone was wanting to be weird with something from a head shop. That happens now.

But it's over now and well, if they can live with what they ingest and the consequences, have at it.

06-05-16, 22:29
Why not, I have seen many rich well established people use hard drugs. They just hide that shit better because they got bands on bands yo. But at the end of the day they still act like trash they just have the extra starch.


Homeboy with a tree has nothing on people that can afford the good stuff. Roxy, Molly, Coke, Keef, Cheese, you name it.

Hell, lawyers are some of the biggest dope fiends because
A. They see dope dealers all the time
B. Return business
C. They are arrogant as hell.

Much like the teacher from the classic film Fast Times at Ridgemont High, I'm convinced everybody is on dope.

06-06-16, 00:12
Pot has a smell that when smoked can be smelled for a block sometimes.

Not in those one hitters. You inhale the whole deal. That's how they are made and why they were made. If it were windy, someone smoking a cig, a bar-b-que,... you could be standing next to them and never smell a thing.

ETA: btw, the OP seem to be describing two things... the bowl being passed around with no smoke... No idea what that may be.. could be anything... ,, but the white tube, box and method of loading sounds exactly like a one hitter.

The glass pipe with bowl they were passing around could have been anything... apparently something that doesn't burn easily and doesn't stay lit or produce much smoke. Not sure what that might be.

06-06-16, 01:35
OP can you find a picture of the pipe you are talking about and link it?

Because from your description it could be a one hitter weed pipe or a meth pipe. When I first read your post I immediately thought meth.

06-06-16, 03:13
More than likely pot which is about as socially acceptable as drinking a beer.

If somebody was at my party and started that shit, they'd never be invited to my home again.

06-06-16, 07:31
More than likely pot which is about as socially acceptable as drinking a beer. I highly doubt a bunch of business types would be smoking crack or meth at a bbq. Not impossible just highly unlikely. Besides, if it was crack or meth they would have done it in the bathroom like respectable degenerates.

hahaha pretty much.