View Full Version : Speech at Normandy

06-06-16, 19:58
This video is worth watching. The message is timeless. Substitute the regions of the world where our Military is currently fighting in the speech and the message still applies.


06-06-16, 23:53
Can't view video from my current location. Please tell me it's not Shitstain Hussein giving a speech at Normandy.

06-07-16, 00:41
I read a book a few years back, from a USSS agent who was on the Reagan detail. He was there when President Reagan gave that speech.

He said it was one of the few times that they were so emotionally impacted, the speech was that powerful.

I'll look in my library for that book.

06-07-16, 10:49
Can't view video from my current location. Please tell me it's not Shitstain Hussein giving a speech at Normandy.

Ronald Reagan gave the speech. I was not aware that Obama has ever bothered to travel to Normandy to honor our fallen troops.

06-07-16, 11:32
I read a book a few years back, from a USSS agent who was on the Reagan detail. He was there when President Reagan gave that speech.

He said it was one of the few times that they were so emotionally impacted, the speech was that powerful.

I'll look in my library for that book.

I remember watching that one on TV. Even as a dumbass high school kid I stopped and took notice.

06-07-16, 11:41
If you really want to get verklempt like a bitch


It got me.

I wish I could put a boot in the ass of the little French shits that tried to mock him

06-07-16, 12:00
Was there for the 50th, for sure it got to me.

Now look at this shit, released on the 6th, dang we are going down hill!

STAND-TO! Edition: Monday, June 6, 2016

TODAY'S FOCUS: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month

Provided by ASA M&RA/ Army G-1 Public Affairs Office
What is it?

The U.S. Army observes the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month to commemorate the proud legacy of LGBT men and women who are woven into the fabric of the nation and the Army.


06-07-16, 12:11
^^^^^^^Jesus H. Chr*st. What a way to neuter an Army. What a morale killer for 99.9% of the personnel.

3 AE
06-07-16, 23:12
If you really want to get verklempt like a bitch


It got me.

I wish I could put a boot in the ass of the little French shits that tried to mock him

For sure on the kids, but they're only kids who have no idea of the message that young man was trying to get across on that beach. Now the little girl who stood by his side and saluted, well, she gets it. Bravo young lady. This video always get's to me. Thanks for posting it Firefly.