View Full Version : Google Manipulating Search Results for Clinton

Outlander Systems
06-09-16, 19:19
The need to resort to cheap parlor tricks like vote-rigging through Liebold machines is amateur hour. It is far more efficient, and far more Huxleyan, to use the soft-dictatorship of manipulation, whereby the participant is coerced into erroneously assuming that he or she has made a conscious decision through self-determination.

Hard to believe this is the kind of banana republic garbage occurring in our country:

The stealthy, Eric Schmidt-backed startup that’s working to put Hillary Clinton in the White House:


For some light reading:


(Search-Engine Manipulation Effect)

And this cute little video here:


While I am certainly no fan of Bernie, looking at the election results, the disparity in terms of percentage of votes, vs. Delegates-Awarded is vomit-inducing on the Democrat side.

While, Google is a private company, and can do what it wishes, within the law, I find it highly offensive both to the nature of free and open elections, and the democratic electoral process in general, that they would pull these types of stunts.

I miss America.

06-09-16, 19:38
It is their search engine.
I can elect not to use it.


Hillary Clinton is a carpetbagger actually does show up.

In the spirit of good taste I will say I wasn't finished typing after carpet

06-09-16, 19:40
Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


06-09-16, 19:42

No tracking, but the same search results.

I never use Google.

06-09-16, 19:43
Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


She's NASA burn up on re-entry hot, right?

06-09-16, 19:44
Tell her I said "That's cute, sweetie"

06-09-16, 19:47
She's NASA burn up on re-entry hot, right?

She better be that, and rich too.

06-09-16, 19:53

06-09-16, 19:53

No tracking, but the same search results.

I never use Google.

This bit of knowledge has enhanced my internetting.

Thank youm

Outlander Systems
06-09-16, 19:54
You ain't the target demographic, though.

If you don't begin, and end, your sentence with, "Derp", the Jedi mind-tricks won't work.

It is their search engine.
I can elect not to use it.


Hillary Clinton is a carpetbagger actually does show up.

In the spirit of good taste I will say I wasn't finished typing after carpet

Serious Student: absolutely. As well as startpage.com.

Google is the Devil.


No tracking, but the same search results.

I never use Google.

As a guy with a checkered past of vegetarian, vegan, socialisty former lovers myself; they are wonderful horizontal companions, but I would never provide them with a ring, or allow them to bear my offspring.

Don MOPP 4 gear, and perform a safety-check prior to engagement of the "objective", Marine.

Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


06-09-16, 19:55
She better be that, and rich too.

And a father that owns a liquor store, but has a heart condition.

Then Euro has all his bases covered.

06-09-16, 19:55

No tracking, but the same search results.

I never use Google.

^^This 1000%^^ They don't track you and they don't support the socialist agenda. I refuse to use anything google, with the exception of youtube which I used before the communists acquired the service.

Outlander Systems
06-09-16, 19:58
Off-Topic, but semi relevant:

For those of you who still use google, or have an Android, click these links and prepare to have your butthole create a singularity through its rapid puckering-motion:



06-09-16, 20:03
Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


Tell her I'm sorry she's so ignorant of the truth.

06-09-16, 20:33
She better be that, and rich too.

And able to suck a bowling ball through a coffee straw.

Seriously, I've dated the whole gamut from the cheerleader, to the puritanical slut, to the freak, to the one who made the freak look like a prude. I mean someone who read 50 Shades and said it was light foreplay and then I hand John Ringo's Ghost and goes, "Once you get past the action bullshit it sounds kind of fun." :blink:

if you don't share at least some basic concepts I don't a shit how nice your ass is, or how open minded you are in the bedroom, or outside it for that matter it ain't going to work and I have enough reasons to sleep with guns within arms reach as it is, I don't need more.

Anyway, on topic. Yes, as Firefly stated we can use other services, but the problem is if you have a service that is skewing the results the uneducated will take it as fact because they are too lazy, too stupid, or want that to be the truth to actually go out of their way to verify what they are reading is true. I mean just in our community how many myths and outright lies continue to be perpetuated won't educate themselves? I mean I have handed people copies of the Filithy 14 article when they claim that ARs can't go 100 rounds without cleaning only to have them go, "I ain't wasting my time with that shit, it too long, ARs suck and never run, AKs never malf and run forever because they are the greatest."

06-09-16, 21:01
Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


She better swallow.

06-09-16, 22:52
have nasty horrid fun with her humiliate treat bad etc.. and dump her then laugh and say typical lib just a piece of meat to use by more intelligent folks !

Liberal girl sitting next to me on the couch, after being shown the video, says:

"The conservatives are the ones that do this all the time. They control the media. This is how Trump is so popular. Trump is a bigot that wants to ruin the lives of millions of immigrants. Hillary sent some emails from her home. Big deal. Tell your little gun forum friends they need to get a grip on reality."


06-09-16, 22:52

*Whistles innocently.*

06-09-16, 23:26
"Preparing the battlespace"

The other side is very good at this, ours is not.
It's a shame that more folks don't take that into consideration as they sit in their garage stroking their massive gun collection with visions of battling tyranny dancing through their heads....

06-10-16, 03:39
Imagine that a billion dollar "search engine" manipulates Hillary searches . . .

Red pill or blue pill . . . frog in the pot . . .

IOS and Android users have been spied on by Google, um they have more funds than the NSA and those bastards listen to people through their smart dish washers, true story Google it lol.

06-10-16, 04:24
So basically House of Cards was produced to give us a soft break in to what we would actually end up with; got it.


That said I found Frank hilarious at times.

Outlander Systems
06-10-16, 07:41
"Conspiracy Theory" becomes "Conspiracy Fact."

Imagine that a billion dollar "search engine" manipulates Hillary searches . . .

Red pill or blue pill . . . frog in the pot . . .

IOS and Android users have been spied on by Google, um they have more funds than the NSA and those bastards listen to people through their smart dish washers, true story Google it lol.

06-10-16, 10:00
Does M4C permit posts of booty pics? Maybe you guys could help tell me if its real or she's an undercover brother.

I'll even write "For Serious" on it in ink ;)

Outlander Systems
06-10-16, 10:02
PM me!

Does M4C permit posts of booty pics? Maybe you guys could help tell me if its real or she's an undercover brother.

I'll even write "For Serious" on it in ink ;)

06-10-16, 11:48
Eurodriver, I just now read yesterday's post with you on a couch with a dimwit. Son, you gotta be careful. If you lie down with dogs, then you might get up with fleas(or something else). I know that you been off to war, went through fireman training school, and completed a mail order book keeping course, and I know that toxins from your club foot might have reached your brain. Trust an old man's judgment. In this day and time some of these confused girls got Adam's apples, and if you get one of these, then, son, you just need to take her home(and don't let her kiss you in the mouth). I don't know how else to explain it. ;)

06-10-16, 12:17
For whatever reason, in my mind, Euro's bae sounds like Harley Quinn or Melanie Griffith 60 years ago when she was 20

06-10-16, 12:30
Her response:

"See? None of you contradicted what I said, just resorted to personal attacks. You're all a bunch of grumpy old men whose viewpoints aren't shared by anyone but yourselves."

In all seriousness, and I'm not one to defend a bitch just for the vajayjay, she really doesn't see the big deal about the email issue.

For whatever reason, in my mind, Euro's bae sounds like Harley Quinn or Melanie Griffith 60 years ago when she was 20

Think Kiera Knightly with a donk. For real.

If I can get her to go, heck, if I can go I'll bring her by djgators booth at the next gun show for independent verification. :moil:

Eurodriver, I just now read yesterday's post with you on a couch with a dimwit. Son, you gotta be careful. If you lie down with dogs, then you might get up with fleas(or something else). I know that you been off to war, went through fireman training school, and completed a mail order book keeping course, and I know that toxins from your club foot might have reached your brain. Trust an old man's judgment. In this day and time some of these confused girls got Adam's apples, and if you get one of these, then, son, you just need to take her home(and don't let her kiss you in the mouth). I don't know how else to explain it. ;)

:dance3::dance3::dance3: Always good to hear from you, but I know she's not packing heat!

06-10-16, 12:57
Kiera Knightley you say?

So uh.....

Does she got a sister?


And I'm not old! I'm merely well lived

06-10-16, 13:25
To be fair, I wasn't attacking Eurogf. I was more continuing our (on-going) Eurotrap jokes.

Maybe she's a transphobe. :o

06-10-16, 15:31
Ghostery is a nice plug in as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-10-16, 20:02
Does M4C permit posts of booty pics? Maybe you guys could help tell me if its real or she's an undercover brother.

I'll even write "For Serious" on it in ink ;)

Go ahead. It's been about 15 minutes since I have banned somebody. I'm getting rusty.

06-10-16, 20:15
In all seriousness, and I'm not one to defend a bitch just for the vajayjay, she really doesn't see the big deal about the email issue.

Ask her if she'd be okay with a supervisor at her work getting away with breaking a rule for which she would be fired and lose her pension, 401K, or what the hell ever and yet they receive no repercussions, and are even promoted? If no, then why is that bitch doing something in violation of the law okay? Ask her to articulate that argument. I would bet it isn't anything that is reasoned or sensical. And if you don't get laid because of that question, well when you drag your ass out of an area where the bugs are larger than rats, I'll buy you a beer. Or a pitcher.

Go ahead. It's been about 15 minutes since I have banned somebody. I'm getting rusty.

Euro wouldn't be that stupi....wait he was a marine wasn't he? Oh shit!


06-10-16, 20:51
About 15 years ago, I remember seeing a bumper sticker quite often:

"You can't have my rights, I'm still using them."

True then, true today. Just a different party in power.

She may wish to ponder the implications of that.

06-10-16, 21:22
Anybody who hasn't figured out it's rigged yet I'd suggest tuning or calibrating your discernment.

Here's the another Con:

Why not just rob Peter to pay Paul?

Tax the few rich… and give the money to the many poor.
Remember, it’s a majority rule system!
Why won’t that work?
Have you forgotten? The voters don’t really control the system.
Peter does.