View Full Version : Priorities in Başûrê/ South Kurdistan/ Northern Iraq

06-10-16, 10:08
You guys know I support freedom everywhere, but this made me LOL...
(like, literally laugh my ass off sitting here at the keyboard)

The tide is turning against the most Evil force the world has seen since the early history of man. You are a diplomatic envoy dispatched to meet with the emerging government of a secular state which could prove to be our greatest ally in the fight against Daesh. They are in desperate need of arms, vehicles, equipment, etc- and what little our country has provided is hopelessly tied up in Baghdad, where the corrupt Iranian puppet regime fears that it will be used to support a longstanding separatist movement once the conflict is finished.

"Welcome, sir! We are pleased to have you within the borders of our country during our most holy month of..."





#‎US‬ Consul General Matthias Mitman raises the ‪#‎LGBT‬ Pride flag at the Consulate General in Erbil, Kurdistan Region.

Outlander Systems
06-10-16, 10:18
Our lack of materiel, and logistical support to the Kurds is ****ing disgusting.

Good to know, as you've indicated, we have our priorities straight (no-microagressing intended).

06-10-16, 10:23
That's TWO things KalashniKEV put up with which I am agreement. Gentlemen, kiss your loved ones, the apocalypse has begun.....

Yeah, this is some funny stuff....particularly in a region that will absolutely stone to death anyone not openly hetero....

06-10-16, 10:27
....particularly in a region that will absolutely stone to death anyone not openly hetero....

Did you see many stonings where you were in Iraq?

06-10-16, 10:37
Did you see many stonings where you were in Iraq?

Under the employ of Team Navy-Marine Corps? No. As employed by another government entity? Yes, but not Iraq.

06-10-16, 10:51
Yes, but not Iraq.

You do know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan... right?

We've only been fighting for 15 years now.

06-10-16, 11:04
You do know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan... right?

We've only been fighting for 15 years now.

Lol. That's funny, but not worthy of response.

06-10-16, 12:23
That and two proofs of purchase get you a Mail Order Hooded Cobra Commander.

But sadly no M4s, non corrosive/carcinogenic ammo, AT4s, medical supplies, nor a few A-10 runs.

Enjoy your K.D. Lang and Elton John, though

Outlander Systems
06-10-16, 12:31
Whoa, do you even Kenner, mail-order-proof-of-purchase Limited Edition™ Clark Kent, homie?

That and two proofs of purchase get you a Mail Order Hooded Cobra Commander.

But sadly no M4s, non corrosive/carcinogenic ammo, AT4s, medical supplies, nor a few A-10 runs.

Enjoy your K.D. Lang and Elton John, though

26 Inf
06-10-16, 15:24
That and two proofs of purchase get you a Mail Order Hooded Cobra Commander.

But sadly no M4s, non corrosive/carcinogenic ammo, AT4s, medical supplies, nor a few A-10 runs.

Enjoy your K.D. Lang and Elton John, though

Hater. Elton John is the guy who gave us:

So where to now St. Peter,
If it's true I'm in your hands?
I may not be a Christian,
But I've done all one man can.
I understand I'm on the road
Where all that was is gone.
So where to now St. Peter?
Show me which road I'm on;
Which road I'm on.


He was born a pauper
To a pawn on a Christmas day
When the New York Times
Said God is dead and the war's begun
Alvin Tostig has a son today

The dude hit it out of the park in the early 70's.

06-10-16, 18:01
Did you know Elton John and Michael Jackson made a song together? "Don't Let Your Son Go Down On Me". :cool:

But seriously, of all the politically correct bullshit I've seen this just about takes the freaking cake. In the middle of a war and I'm sooooo sure that this LGBT crap is first and foremost on the minds of the Kurds. Un-fvcking-real.

06-11-16, 02:40

06-11-16, 03:03
The dude hit it out of the park in the early 70's.

In the 4th grade I had no idea what "gay" was and Crocodile Rock was cool. So long as he doesn't mess with kids, Elton John can do whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned.

And the shit in the OP is too damn funny. Hillary and Obama claim Trump is driving groups like ISIS to hate us, how about forcing them to respect LGBT PRIDE MONTH. My god it would be absolutely funny if it wasn't completely indicative of how absolutely clueless we are about this crap.

06-11-16, 15:52
Wow, whose conrflakes did that Mitman guy piss in??

Lets see... Whether we like to admit it, Islamic culture is pretty anti-gay (understatement I know). The Kurds are hanging on by a thread and we really arent doing much to support them. Instead we give the Daeshbag another propaganda weapon against the Kurds. Wonder if the Kurds are thinking "with friends like these, who need enemies?"

06-11-16, 16:11
Okay, haha, boy you sure pranked us good.
Now about those guns and gear....

Oh....you were serious.

06-11-16, 22:48
Komrad Kev, yes those are some pretty messed up priorities, but they fall perfectly in line with the rest of the strategy.
Has it ever occurred to anyone here that maybe, just maybe, BHO & Co. don't actually want to defeat ISIS?
This is actually a brilliantly shrewd move. Put forward unpalatable B.S. like gay pride flags (and parades presumably), then when some Kurds inevitably don't play along, you can blame them, say that you tried your best, and leave them to be all slaughtered by ISIS. Ho hum. The media will play along like it always does.

Yes, some drone strikes here and there, some limited air strikes (but sparing the fuel trucks and giving them ample warning), and yes even a few SF/Special Operations HSLD missions/advisors, but really the will is just not there at the highest decision-making levels. It just isn't.