View Full Version : Team Wendy and Hillary Clinton event?

06-12-16, 08:51

Saw this on Larry Vickers FB page. I am thinking they didn't think this through all the way. At least I hope that is the case. between this and the political contributions that have come out by their CEO it seems they are a far left leaning company that just happens to make a great product?



Team Wendy’s Statement
Team Wendy Friends and Customers,

Let me start by stating unequivocally that Team Wendy has not endorsed nor will be endorsing any candidate for President of the United States.

Our business and focus is centered around three principal goals: Protecting Americans and our allies against serious and potentially life-threatening impact related injuries, creating American jobs and promoting American manufacturing.

To the extent that politicians are interested in working with us to address these core goals, Team Wendy has always been, and will continue to be, willing to meet and listen. We do not get to dictate who serves as President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State or Chairman of the HASC. We simply engage with and are openly willing to work with anyone who shares our core mission of saving lives, or anyone who is in a position to positively advance our mission.

To those who are not aware, Team Wendy is a company within a portfolio of sister companies that focus mainly on industrial innovation. Team Wendy is very different than its sister companies. Team Wendy was founded in 1997 by Cleveland-based entrepreneur Dan T. Moore as a memorial to his daughter Wendy, who passed away from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) following a snow-skiing accident. Next year will mark the 20 year anniversary since Wendy’s passing as a result of that tragic accident. Her legacy and memory lives on daily here at Team Wendy through the work being done toward developing leading edge protective gear and other innovative products.

Wendy’s legacy also lives on through the work that Team Wendy does by engaging government, academia and the private sector to learn more about TBI and how we can better prevent this from happening to the American troops who do so much to protect our country.

Although we are a profit-making company, we will continue to be driven by Wendy’s legacy and will continue to work our tails off to provide our guys and gals on the front lines the best protective equipment possible, in the most timely fashion possible, and with the best customer service we can deliver. Nothing is more important to us.

We intend to actively and aggressively promote our core mission with Secretary Clinton during her time here on Monday and will continue to work as a company to do all that we can to be advocates for our core customers, our troops and first responders.


Jose Rizo-Patron

CEO, Team Wendy

06-12-16, 09:16
Racist got thrown out in the comments really quick.

06-12-16, 09:17
Of course it did

Alex V
06-12-16, 09:25
Saw this on FB a couple days before LAV posted it but saw it on his page this morning as well.

Not that I could accord a $1,000 helmet, but if I could I sure as shit would not buy it from them.

From the comments it seems they never set out to make a warfighter helmet, the company started to make helmets for skiers after the CEOs daughter suffered a TBI on the slopes. Not sure how true this is but the ballistic helmet was an afterthought as another revenue stream. They never did it to protect the men and women in harms way, just to make money. It's no wonder they would be anti 2A

06-12-16, 09:28
Between the donations and hosting a Hillary event, I would have to say they are now on my do not purchase list.

06-12-16, 10:59
On the other side of the coin...
If we knew the political affiliation of many of our favorite gun/ammo/gear manufacturers... I'd be willing to bet there wouldn't be much left to buy, if you wanted to vote with your money.
There's a few big box retailers either brick and mortar or online that I do not buy from if I can at all help it because of previous/current political BS, but are they going under because they lost the few hundred bucks I may have spent there? No.

Now, here's why I don't like this move by TW (shamelessly borrowed from the SSD comments);

TW has built a reputation for supporting and protecting our soldiers. By providing HC with a photo op, they are giving her free reign to ride upon that good will and suggest to the American public that she’s a champion for our troops – when nothing could be further from the truth.

06-12-16, 11:42
Not stoked about it, but if there's a fire sale on helmets I have no issues buying one if it saves me a few hundred dollars. I use their epic air pads in my ACH and they're fantastic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-16, 12:52
Trump gets a pass for supporting Democrats (and being BFFs with the Clintons) because its "good for business", but **** these guys?

06-12-16, 13:30
Trump gets a pass for supporting Democrats (and being BFFs with the Clintons) because its "good for business", but **** these guys?

One of the many benefits of not supporting Drumpf.

Outlander Systems
06-12-16, 14:21
Unfortunately true.

If there's a better helmet support/pad system for the ACH/MICH I'm all ears...

Not stoked about it, but if there's a fire sale on helmets I have no issues buying one if it saves me a few hundred dollars. I use their epic air pads in my ACH and they're fantastic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-12-16, 15:42
Trump gets a pass for supporting Democrats (and being BFFs with the Clintons) because its "good for business", but **** these guys?

Not really a fan of trump, but that was over 10 years ago.

06-12-16, 21:05
Unfortunately true.

If there's a better helmet support/pad system for the ACH/MICH I'm all ears...
Actually, I think TW holds the contract for those ACH pads.

They also have about 4 levels of upgrades on their website.

So, from a military contractor point of view, it's probably a shrewd business move.

Glad I got my bump helmet a year ago, on sale.

Outlander Systems
06-13-16, 05:23
Roger that.

My point was that, if there's something better, I'm willing to look into that. The TW stuff for the ACH is vastly superior to anything else I've come across.

Actually, I think TW holds the contract for those ACH pads.

They also have about 4 levels of upgrades on their website.

So, from a military contractor point of view, it's probably a shrewd business move.

Glad I got my bump helmet a year ago, on sale.

06-13-16, 12:45
Funny - it looked like HRC behind the podium talking to TW, but she sounded like a conversative - even praised W on his actions after 9/11 at one point!

Guess she didn't want any boos showing up in a Trump ad, so she treaded lightly.