View Full Version : another islamic attack in France

06-14-16, 06:48
quick blame the NRA and the Christians !!!!


Islamic State Claims Responsibility For ‘Allahu Akhbar’ Terror Killing Of Senior French Police Officer

religion of peace !

During the video livecast which took place before his account was suspended by Facebook the killer mused what to do with the three year old child who sat near him after he killed it’s mother,and called on his followers to wage jihad against “police officers, prison guards, journalists, rappers”

and once again been in trouble before for terrorism but let go !!!!

the killer was already known to police, reports Le Figaro. Larossi Abballa was convicted in 2013 and jailed for three years for terror recruitment in a plot linking France and Pakistan.

06-14-16, 09:59
NOTHING to do with Islam. NOTHING!!! Got it, you bunch of white Stormfronting racists?
Poor guy was probably on his way to wage soup kitchen jihad for the homeless and just got lost.

06-14-16, 11:32
Pretty disturbing. There is no better time than now to be continually vigilant.

06-14-16, 13:26
Pretty disturbing. There is no better time than now to be continually vigilant.

Carry everywhere. If you can't carry there, don't go there.

06-14-16, 13:33
Carry everywhere. If you can't carry there, don't go there.

That has been my advice to my friends lately as well. It's your responsibility to protect yourself. No one is coming to save you.

Big A
06-14-16, 13:40
Carry everywhere. If you can't carry there, don't go there.

And when you get a jury summons or subpoena.....?

06-14-16, 13:50
REALLY need to fill his casket full of bacon grease before you bury him...

06-14-16, 14:42
You've got the cart before the horse.

06-15-16, 03:37
NOTHING to do with Islam. NOTHING!!! Got it, you bunch of white Stormfronting racists?
Poor guy was probably on his way to wage soup kitchen jihad for the homeless and just got lost.

Totally this ˄ .

06-15-16, 18:34
And when you get a jury summons or subpoena.....?

There are exceptions, obviously.