View Full Version : Gun Polls Thread

06-15-16, 14:28
As expected, media trying to dig up support for an agenda hoping to capitalize on emotions. Per usual, they have no shame nor respect for the victims. Denver Post:


The good guys are winning, so hit that poll.

Mods: perhaps this should be the thread for the big influx of polls that will be all over the place. Change title, etc as needed.

06-15-16, 14:41
86.64% - NO

13.36% - YES

as of this post

06-15-16, 15:11
Thank you for voting!
NO 86.69% (28,692 votes)
YES 13.31% (4,406 votes)

06-15-16, 15:25
+1 another No vote here

06-15-16, 16:48
All you have to do is visit sites like Yahoo and scroll down. Over and over click bait hit pieces on the 2nd Amendment.

Persuasion, manipulation, and the mainstream media = mass suasion.

06-15-16, 19:50
Gretchen Carlson, after calling for a ban on the AR today has a poll on her site. So far the no's are winning at 74%.


06-15-16, 20:24
Gretchen Carlson, after calling for a ban on the AR today has a poll on her site. So far the no's are winning at 74%.



06-16-16, 07:46
Voted! She is attractive but she is not showing a whole lot of intelligence with this poll.

06-16-16, 13:20
Voted! She is attractive but she is not showing a whole lot of intelligence with this poll.

Wretched Carlson???

She looks like a chainsmoking lunch lady you might find behind a in a junior high cafeteria.

06-16-16, 14:44
Wretched Carlson???

She looks like a chainsmoking lunch lady you might find behind a in a junior high cafeteria.

That's an insult to lunch ladies! They actually cared about us kids!

This hag needs to be on MSNBC.

If Rachel Maddow could be into dudes, be just a frog's hair more femme(just a sliver of a fairy whisker of a frog's hair), be more conservative, and replace Bill O'Reilly and Carlson then all would be right with the world.

If I had some horrid disease and got to Make a Wish it would be a 16 candles deal with Rachel, but you know anyway

I do not approve of Wretched Carlson

06-16-16, 15:11
If Rachel Maddow could be into dudes, be just a frog's hair more femme(just a sliver of a fairy whisker of a frog's hair), be more conservative, and replace Bill O'Reilly and Carlson then all would be right with the world.

I do not approve of Wretched Carlson

I'm 100% with you on that, homey.

I actually think if Maddow came by my place she'd come around pretty quick.

I'd shake up some cocktails and we'd have some intelligent discussion and respectful disagreement on a few issues before she'd be ripping my shirt off, buttons flying everywhere...

Wretched Carlson... Man, I take one look at her face with her fake toothy ass smile and all that eyeliner and I know what her daddy did to her in that trailer...

06-16-16, 16:11
Kev, you my homeboy and all...and at some point I'd for real like to have a Mr. Pibb with you but....

Rachel is mine, I saw her first.

06-16-16, 16:13
You guys are scaring me.

06-16-16, 16:40
Wretched Carlson???

She looks like a chainsmoking lunch lady you might find behind a in a junior high cafeteria.

Yeah but the things she would do to you behind that junior high cafeteria . . .

06-16-16, 16:47
Carlson's poll:

72% NO
28% YES

as of this post

06-20-16, 13:03
A real stupid one to hit. The "no" at 90% plus.

Do you think a gunmaker or firearms seller should bear some responsibility following a mass shooting?

Read more: http://www.wfsb.com/category/315412/do-you-think-a-gunmaker-or-firearms-seller-should-bear-some-responsibility-following-a-mass-shooting#ixzz4C8yuNGLA

06-28-16, 07:03
So far 92% say yes! A surprising result for that site.


06-28-16, 07:45
The four polls linked in this thread are bogus, Fox news told me that a majority of US citizens want some form of ban on assault rifles or gun control. (Sarcasm/off)

I think these polls are actually quite telling. look at the MSNBC poll on whether or not you should be allowed to carry in public. That poll alone has over 500k votes in which over 400k votes were in favor of being allowed to carry in public. I find it quite pathetic when Fox news will air a live segment about a poll that received maybe 3-10k votes in total. Then Fox will proceed to tell us the people have spoken and they want your guns.