View Full Version : Labour MP Assassinated

06-16-16, 11:27
Looks like a Britain First (Far Right) guy with a homemade gun.

Shot her once, apparently AD'd the second time, stabbed her and then kicked her in the head.



I know this will be immediately politicized into:

"See! White, Christian hatriots kill too!"


"See! Gun laws didn't stop someone from being shot!"


Shit is crazy right now, everywhere in the world.

Outlander Systems
06-16-16, 11:31
The British cultural Marxists will use this to argue that "Brexit" supporters, and British nationalists are whackadoodles...

...how convenient.

06-16-16, 11:33
Sounds like she was a good one too- apparently she crossed the aisle with former Tory international development minister Andrew Mitchell to back UK military action against ISIS.

Outlander Systems
06-16-16, 11:37
Roger that. From what I read she advocated for creating DMZs inside Syria for refugees attempting to flee ISIS and Assad's forces.

That actually sounds like a reasonable solution, and a military strategy that would be effective.

Sounds like she was a good one too- apparently she crossed the aisle with former Tory international development minister Andrew Mitchell to back UK military action against ISIS.

06-16-16, 11:54
Damn that's shitty.

06-16-16, 11:58

A side note: She was decent looking too.

06-16-16, 12:02
The poor women have no security? It's only takes a fraction of a second to walk up and shoot someone in the head even with security, but stabbing and kicking in the head, well, that takes a bit of time.

Alex V
06-16-16, 12:33
I see a knife ban coming they already have bins for people to surrender their knives. Might as well go the one step further.

06-16-16, 12:44
I see a knife ban coming they already have bins for people to surrender their knives. Might as well go the one step further.

You think that's a joke eh? The Brits have had serious discussions about banning knives with points on them and other whacked out nonsense such as:

‘Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife’


Banning knives with points:

"...many assaults are committed impulsively, prompted by alcohol and drugs, and a kitchen knife often makes an all too available weapon.

The research is published in the British Medical Journal.

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all."


06-16-16, 12:57
The poor women have no security? It's only takes a fraction of a second to walk up and shoot someone in the head even with security, but stabbing and kicking in the head, well, that takes a bit of time.

People always think that members of Congress have security teams that follow them around.

Only the leadership like the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader actually receive protection. Most members of Congress, even ones that you know and recognize, are just walking around town having meetings, eating food, and doing their thing.

She was also in her home district at the time, not London.

06-16-16, 13:05
People always think that members of Congress have security teams that follow them around.

Only the leadership like the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader actually receive protection. Most members of Congress, even ones that you know and recognize, are just walking around town having meetings, eating food, and doing their thing.

She was also in her home district at the time, not London.

Just the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader you say? I'm not clear exactly who in the gubment warrants security and who does not. Obviously it's impossible to cover them all all the time both logistically and cost wise.

06-16-16, 13:15
Just the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader you say? I'm not clear exactly who in the gubment warrants security and who does not. Obviously it's impossible to cover them all all the time both logistically and cost wise.

They won't tell you who does and who doesn't, but security details are only for "Congressional Leadership" (think in-succession-of-command) or those facing credible threats.

Members of the House and Senate leadership have the protection of U.S. Capitol Police on a constant basis, but ordinary members do not, unless there is some cause for concern.


06-16-16, 13:18
You think that's a joke eh? The Brits have had serious discussions about banning knives with points on them and other whacked out nonsense such as:


06-16-16, 13:23
My god...they've managed to totally screw up what was once the worlds greatest power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-16-16, 13:23
This will create a temporary distaste for "XYZ First!" as a motto.

(Even though all countries should put their own interests first)

06-16-16, 13:24
The British cultural Marxists will use this to argue that "Brexit" supporters, and British nationalists are whackadoodles...

...how convenient.

Bingo. BREXIT seems to be leading in the polls.

Sux that she passed away. May she rest in peace.

Seems like she may have had some sense about how to deal with refugees.

06-16-16, 13:32
My god...they've managed to totally screw up what was once the worlds greatest power.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The country that used to be Great Britain....now it's just Britain....

06-16-16, 13:39
The country that used to be Great Britain....now it's just Britain....

It's all the immigration that's the reason why they suck so bad. Britain First!


Bingo. BREXIT seems to be leading in the polls.

Where's that one kooky dude??

RISIBLE! and an obvious false flag!

06-16-16, 14:26
This is bad. She seemed squared away and looked like Emma Watson only cuter.

Why must people be souch total assholes?

06-16-16, 15:25
This is bad. She seemed squared away and looked like Emma Watson only cuter.

Why must people be souch total assholes?

Yeah, she seemed like a cool chick. Lived on a houseboat, rode a bike to work, tried to help people.

The guy that did it was apparently a head case:

Mair was quoted in the Huddersfield Daily Examiner in May 2010 in a story dealing with workers at a local park. The piece says he got the job after being referred by a local clinic for adults with mental health problems.

I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world. Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common mainly caused by long-term unemployment.

All these problems are alleviated by doing voluntary work. Getting out of the house and meeting new people is a good thing, but more important in my view is doing physically demanding and useful labour.

When you have finished there is a feeling of achievement which is emotionally rewarding and psychologically fulfilling. For people for whom full-time, paid employment is not possible for a variety of reasons, voluntary work offers a socially positive and therapeutic alternative.

06-16-16, 15:57
Not sure why the argument is political parties, guns or knives when the issue is clearly a crazy person.

Crazy people use guns, knives, politics and religion to express their insanity. There is no way to disarm a crazy person.

06-16-16, 17:06
SteyrAUG exactly the point. Homicidal psychopaths. Between 9/11 and Germanwings Flight 9525 , knives and guns are simply not dangerous enough.

06-16-16, 17:07
Not sure why the argument is political parties, guns or knives when the issue is clearly a crazy person.

Crazy people use guns, knives, politics and religion to express their insanity. There is no way to disarm a crazy person.

I can think of a way, but it involves a 4 gram projectile traveling at 900 meters per second.

06-16-16, 19:28
Well that sucks.
The key difference here is that the perp did not belong to a massive ideology with clearly defined beliefs (in a codified holy book that is beyond criticism or doubt).

06-16-16, 19:29
Yeah, she seemed like a cool chick. Lived on a houseboat, rode a bike to work, tried to help people.

You might not understand British politics. She was Labour. That means she was a soft communist. If you think that's cool.

...how convenient


06-16-16, 21:36
I can think of a way, but it involves a 4 gram projectile traveling at 900 meters per second.

I meant there is no way to disarm them and leave them in public and have them become "safe."

06-16-16, 21:39
You might not understand British politics. She was Labour. That means she was a soft communist. If you think that's cool.


My tinfoil is tingling a wee bit here, I will admit.

06-17-16, 03:42
The British cultural Marxists will use this to argue that "Brexit" supporters, and British nationalists are whackadoodles...

...how convenient.
The person who the media is reporting said that the killer shouted "Britain First!" says that he never heard him say any such thing, and never once said that he did.


06-17-16, 06:37
Just the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader you say? I'm not clear exactly who in the gubment warrants security and who does not. Obviously it's impossible to cover them all all the time both logistically and cost wise.

In my opinion, it would be a huge mistake to give them security details. They are already disconnected from reality enough - you put a cordon around them and they'll start acting like kings, more so than they already are.

06-17-16, 07:01
I swear to God that if it were 1775 some of you would bitch out Paul Revere for waking you up in the middle of the night.

Not sure why the argument is political parties, guns or knives when the issue is clearly a crazy person.

You know this guy? You've met him?

Alex V
06-17-16, 07:19
You think that's a joke eh? The Brits have had serious discussions about banning knives with points on them and other whacked out nonsense such as:

‘Save a Life, Surrender Your Knife’

The researchers said there was no reason for long pointed knives to be publicly available at all."


Not a joke at all Will. Fully aware of the anti-knife thing in England. My parents were in London some years back and sent me photos of the posters. We all had a good laugh.

06-17-16, 07:43
You might not understand British politics. She was Labour. That means she was a soft communist. If you think that's cool.

Clearly you do not understand British politics. There is a Communist Party of Great Britain just like there is a Socialist Party.

The Labour Party arose from... any guesses??? The Trade Union movement.

Also... remember George Bush's best bud in the neoconservative, New World Orderist quest for planetary domination (or whatever his Saudi handlers told him he was doing)... the one that gave us the war-with-no-reason and accidentally opened up a portal to hell?

Why, that was the Labour Party's own Tony Blair.

I have two questions for you:

1) What's broken with you guys? Switch it back on, for god's sake... you're embarrassing yourselves.

2) In casual conversation and online, I've not encountered people reacting with hostility towards the victim yet, who appears to have been a good woman and a solid MP- are you really just angry that she reached across the aisle to strike ISIS?

The person who the media is reporting said that the killer shouted "Britain First!" says that he never heard him say any such thing, and never once said that he did.

Interesting, we'll see if they get their attributions straight or can produce tape of the guy changing his story.


Anyway, Tommy Mair was also a Neo Nazi who was radicalized by American Nazi and White Supremacist William Luther Pierce- the author of The Turner Diaries and also responsible for radicalizing Timothy McVeigh.

I'm not ready to call this guy crazy, and even if he is crazy you can still do the right thing for the wrong reason.

Can you clarify this?

Why was killing Jo Cox the right thing?

What about her upsets you? The ISIS bombing thing? Advocacy for women who were victims of violence?

06-17-16, 08:02
I made no specific mention of Jo Cox in my post. I edited it as you were replying, but the tone of my reply was more along the lines of "I'm not going to believe what the media says about this guy."

Neither should you.

Outlander Systems
06-17-16, 08:39

06-17-16, 08:53
I made no specific mention of Jo Cox in my post. I edited it as you were replying, but the tone of my reply was more along the lines of "I'm not going to believe what the media says about this guy."

Neither should you.

In the Cox case I'm pretty sure that the definition of crazy is on par. He killed a person for no apparent reason. IMO that qualifies as coocoo as Cocoa Puffs. I agree that we shouldn't take the propaganda machines statements as fact, especially in light of how the story is changing re the Britain First crap. IMO this is another one of those never let a crisis go to waste moments in Britain and the woman's death is being used to gain some points for the remain in the EU and commit cultural suicide movement. Sad.

Outlander Systems
06-17-16, 09:53


06-17-16, 10:15


Yep, something had to be done I guess as the exit campaign was looking like it was going to win.

06-17-16, 10:16
I agree that we shouldn't take the propaganda machines statements as fact, especially in light of how the story is changing re the Britain First crap.


The story never changed.


The guy was a freak and apparently fell victim to radicalization, spending $620 of his welfare-earned-money on neo nazi literature and homemade explosives crap. He was a subscriber to "South Africa Patriot" apartheid magazine.

Same story as every single one of these guys- lifelong loser, not integrated into society, falls victim to online (in this case, maybe print) radicalization, plans and executes terror attack. Nothing unique or special about him or it.

I can't believe that such widespread trutherism has taken such a hold in our society, and especially among our membership.

Acts of terror take place... and American citizens reject the real news in favor of kooksites like Infowars? Do you guys realize you just posted a couple of lunatics who really actually think that maybe Joe Cox intervened in an argument between the killer and some random-other-guy and got shot, stabbed, and kicked in the head for getting in the middle of it?

Killing (someone not specifically mentioned as a Labour MP) may be the right thing for the wrong reason?

I open the other thread, and there are members saying that the Orlando tragedy was fake???

Some of you guys are completely and totally insane.

06-17-16, 10:18
It's all the immigration that's the reason why they suck so bad. Britain First!


It's not all immigration, but it's a big part of it, as is pandering to it, and sacrificing everything that made Great Britain great at the altar of multiculturalism.

In my opinion, it would be a huge mistake to give them security details. They are already disconnected from reality enough - you put a cordon around them and they'll start acting like kings, more so than they already are.

I agree 100%. I would take away armed protection from ALL politicians, so they can fend for themselves as the rest of us have to. Perhaps they wouldn't be so gung-ho about "gun control" when those gun control laws would leave hem and their families defenceless.

Clearly you do not understand British politics. There is a Communist Party of Great Britain just like there is a Socialist Party.

The Labour Party arose from... any guesses??? The Trade Union movement.

Also... remember George Bush's best bud in the neoconservative, New World Orderist quest for planetary domination (or whatever his Saudi handlers told him he was doing)... the one that gave us the war-with-no-reason and accidentally opened up a portal to hell?

Why, that was the Labour Party's own Tony Blair.

I have two questions for you:

1) What's broken with you guys? Switch it back on, for god's sake... you're embarrassing yourselves.

2) In casual conversation and online, I've not encountered people reacting with hostility towards the victim yet, who appears to have been a good woman and a solid MP- are you really just angry that she reached across the aisle to strike ISIS?

Interesting, we'll see if they get their attributions straight or can produce tape of the guy changing his story.


Anyway, Tommy Mair was also a Neo Nazi who was radicalized by American Nazi and White Supremacist William Luther Pierce- the author of The Turner Diaries and also responsible for radicalizing Timothy McVeigh.

Can you clarify this?

Why was killing Jo Cox the right thing?

What about her upsets you? The ISIS bombing thing? Advocacy for women who were victims of violence?

Tony Balir was a statist thug and traitor who was bought and paid for by radical Islamists in Saudi Arabia, as was GWB. How do you keep bringing everything back to Bush, though? Criticizing Socialism, Demoncrats, etc. doesn't mean one loved Dubya.

06-17-16, 10:26
Tony Balir was a statist thug and traitor who was bought and paid for by radical Islamists in Saudi Arabia, as was GWB.


Kind of hard to be a "soft communist" though when you're a Thatcherite and one of the most conservative Western leaders of our time, no?

(It's cool to let the freak flag fly though... I get it: Trump is a NAZIIIII!!! Obama is a MUSLIM!!! Center Left parties are COMMUNISSST!!! Center Right parties are FASCISSSST!!! Aagghhhh!)

Outlander Systems
06-17-16, 10:34

I'm not questioning the event.

What's "convenient" is how it's being spun to make Brexicans look like wingnuts.

I don't have any doubts that a whack-job killed an MP.

I don't have any doubts that an orthodox Muslim shot up a gay bar.

What I find reprehensible is that, tragedies, in today's society, are immediately spun to push an agenda.

Dude investigated by Feds on multiple occasions, goes on a rampage. Media response: Ban Guns.

Dude with mental problems kills a politician. Media response: Brexit supporters are murderous psychos.

It's beyond transparent. I called it in the 2nd post of the thread.

Bad shit happens. The political/media class uses bad shit for the political grist mill.

It's an obscenity to the victims in Orlando, and it's an obscenity to the death of the MP.

06-17-16, 11:10
Dude investigated by Feds on multiple occasions, goes on a rampage. Media response: Ban Guns.

Dude with mental problems kills a politician. Media response: Brexit supporters are murderous psychos.

There are media outlets for different political persuasions. Fox is MSM, and hasn't been calling for a gun ban. Neither have a lot of different media outlets. I haven't heard anyone saying that Brexit supporters are murderous psychos.

Are you really more mad that there are people with different opinions and that those are being discussed in the public space?

All that stuff is actually separate though, from fringe sites and radical kookery- which I have seen gaining more and more traction, here and in other places, as the burn cycle goes on. That was the point I was trying to make.

06-17-16, 11:11

Kind of hard to be a "soft communist" though when you're a Thatcherite and one of the most conservative Western leaders of our time, no?

Blair was BFFs with Clinton before he was George's date. That guy got played more than the Amen Break. That Blair could only win by embracing the truisms of Thatcherism after the abject failure of Labour party policies in post WWII Britian is just reality. Also reality is that the New Labour Blairists are losing out to Labour that is more akin to the Loopy Labour of old. You say that Labour as a Trade Unionist party doesn't have heavy socialistic if not communistic tendencies, is to use your phrase, insane.

06-17-16, 12:24

Kind of hard to be a "soft communist" though when you're a Thatcherite and one of the most conservative Western leaders of our time, no?

(It's cool to let the freak flag fly though... I get it: Trump is a NAZIIIII!!! Obama is a MUSLIM!!! Center Left parties are COMMUNISSST!!! Center Right parties are FASCISSSST!!! Aagghhhh!)

Well, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim. Having a Muslim dad, gone to school as a Muslim in his homeland of Indonesia, prayed as a Muslim, listened to the Islamic call to prayer ("the most beautiful sound in the world"), freed 5 Taliban terrorists for 1 Taliban convert and traitor, etc., etc.

06-17-16, 12:39
You know this guy? You've met him?

Never met Manson, Lanza, Ramirez or Loughtner. But based upon their actions, pretty secure in my "crazy" assessment. Bring me evidence to the contrary and I'll gladly reassess.

06-17-16, 13:18

Kind of hard to be a "soft communist" though when you're a Thatcherite and one of the most conservative Western leaders of our time, no?

(It's cool to let the freak flag fly though... I get it: Trump is a NAZIIIII!!! Obama is a MUSLIM!!! Center Left parties are COMMUNISSST!!! Center Right parties are FASCISSSST!!! Aagghhhh!)

LOL, why are you brining up Blair? Thatcherite? What does that have to do with anything? Have you heard of Corbyn or Miliband? Yes, you are right, I don't know anything about UK politics.

06-17-16, 13:18
Where are all the calls not to impugn all the BREXIT proponents because of the actions of one crazed individual? Have they lost their 'blame the gun' scripts over there because of the ban? Where is the outreach to the BREXIT people and understanding of their view concerns? Maybe elect one of them Mayor of London so they can put Page 3 girls on adverts on the tube?

06-17-16, 13:38
Well, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim.

Do you really, honestly think the President is a Muslim, or is that like, "Hurrr, hurr, hurr..." ?

You know how that makes you sound...

Never met Manson, Lanza, Ramirez or Loughtner. But based upon their actions, pretty secure in my "crazy" assessment. Bring me evidence to the contrary and I'll gladly reassess.

Being crazy is not the immediate cause of the event though. There are lots of crazy people out there.

1) Mair was a total loser, unsocialized, outsider, rejected by society.
2) Mair found some solace in gardening.
3) Mair was still missing something, and found his missing piece in the Neo Nazi teachings of William Luther Pierce.
4) Through Turner Diaries or messaging from any of the other hate groups he followed, he was inspired to carry out his attack.

Sounds just like...

1) Mateen was a total loser, unsocialized, outsider, rejected by society.
2) Mateen found his missing piece in the Salafist teachings of Abu Mohammed al Adnani.
3) Current messaging tells the terrorists not to communicate their plans or write things down, but to carry them out lone wolf style- just make sure you pledge your allegiance to the Caliphate before.

Sounds just like... every other spree killer.

There's never going to be a shortage of stupid, worthless people in this country. Taking away semi automatic weapons/ limiting magazine capacity/ etc does not prevent tragedy from occurring- because they will only plan some other Evil thing. We must not allow our fellow Americans to fall victim to hateful ideologies.

So... this weekend... maybe pick up the phone and call a worthless loser that you know, and tell them a lie that they're awesome.

Invite them over for a burger. Pour them a beer. Give them a hug.

...and if they start running their mouth on some kook shit, slap the ever living shit out of them. I'm talking wrist-sprain-power... Batman SMACK! kind of intensity.

...and if they happen to be a gun owner as well, then you better come with the backhand.

We can't allow ourselves to slip any further into stupid. It shouldn't take a damn terror attack for us to wise up. Police up your buddies. This has been a Public Service Announcement by KalashniKEV, and I approve this message (and all subsequent bitch slappings).

06-17-16, 13:52
My issue is that a young lady was murdered, politics regardless.

I currently despise pretty much every democrat in action, but would not wish them harm.

Jail maybe, but not harm.

Same with Orlando, a lot may not agree with that lifestyle, and don't have to, but if one purports to be a truly Westernized Christian or even a Rational Atheist/Agnostic/Buddhist then you should feel bad for the fallen. Shouldn't give up rights, but should feel bad.

Outlander Systems
06-17-16, 13:59
That's all I'm saying.

I can't even so much as get a cup of coffee, without it being political. It's repugnant.

Sometimes a cup of coffee is just a cup of ****ing coffee.

My issue is that a young lady was murdered, politics regardless.

I currently despise pretty much every democrat in action, but would not wish them harm.

Jail maybe, but not harm.

Same with Orlando, a lot may not agree with that lifestyle, and don't have to, but if one purports to be a truly Westernized Christian or even a Rational Atheist/Agnostic/Buddhist then you should feel bad for the fallen. Shouldn't give up rights, but should feel bad.

06-17-16, 14:00
Nah homie. Not this guy. Chuck, Hillary, Diane, Joe - all those ****s could get set on fire and beheaded on the internet by ISIS and I'd throw a watch party.

But ISIS isn't stupid. They know they're on the same team.

06-17-16, 14:03
That's all I'm saying.

I can't even so much as get a cup of coffee, without it being political. It's repugnant.

Sometimes a cup of coffee is just a cup of ****ing coffee.

Word. Even poets say "Somerimes it's just a tree"

06-17-16, 14:04
Nah homie. Not this guy. Chuck, Hillary, Diane, Joe - all those ****s could get set on fire and beheaded on the internet by ISIS and I'd throw a watch party.

But ISIS isn't stupid. They know they're on the same team.

I said Democrats, not Stalinists so.......

06-17-16, 14:20
Nah homie. Not this guy. Chuck, Hillary, Diane, Joe - all those ****s could get set on fire and beheaded on the internet by ISIS and I'd throw a watch party.


I don't care what party they're in- if they or the President gets kidnapped by Ninjas, this Bad Dude is ready to roll out.


06-17-16, 15:34
Do you really, honestly think the President is a Muslim, or is that like, "Hurrr, hurr, hurr..." ?

You know how that makes you sound...

How it makes me sound depends on the audience. Galileo sounded like a crazy Satanic heretic to some people Hussein Obama sounds like a progressive savior to some, Hitlery sounds like a reasonable womens' rights advocate to some.

Hussein's track record speaks for itself, as does his glowing, deferential attitude and actions towards Islam. I state again: Muslim father attended schools as a Muslim, prayed as a Muslim, installs Muslim Brotherhood dictators while killing/overthrowing secular ones frees Taliban just to name a few.
Walks like a duck talks like a duck, is a duck.

06-17-16, 15:47
And so????

I could care less if he were a Hari Krishna. The real issue is his policies and view points. The Birth Certificate and Religion thing are really red herrings for his basic views on issues. I love the black half of him, it's the over-educated Progressive elitist white side of him that I don't like. How he got into the colleges that he did is a specific that I think would end up embarrassing him. Michelle's Social Justice Warrior thesis paper would be enlightening and probably embarrassing also. Everyone looks at his mouth when we should be looking at what he doing with his hands.

A lady was assassinated. That should scare and piss off everyone. I know some people here are all down for the Armageddon, but if we can avert it, that would be a better outcome. We aren't talking a nice Revolutionary War, we are talking French Revolution.

06-17-16, 18:06
Do you really, honestly think the President is a Muslim, or is that like, "Hurrr, hurr, hurr..." ?

You know how that makes you sound...

Being crazy is not the immediate cause of the event though. There are lots of crazy people out there.

1) Mair was a total loser, unsocialized, outsider, rejected by society.
2) Mair found some solace in gardening.
3) Mair was still missing something, and found his missing piece in the Neo Nazi teachings of William Luther Pierce.
4) Through Turner Diaries or messaging from any of the other hate groups he followed, he was inspired to carry out his attack.

Sounds just like...

1) Mateen was a total loser, unsocialized, outsider, rejected by society.
2) Mateen found his missing piece in the Salafist teachings of Abu Mohammed al Adnani.
3) Current messaging tells the terrorists not to communicate their plans or write things down, but to carry them out lone wolf style- just make sure you pledge your allegiance to the Caliphate before.

Sounds just like... every other spree killer.

There's never going to be a shortage of stupid, worthless people in this country. Taking away semi automatic weapons/ limiting magazine capacity/ etc does not prevent tragedy from occurring- because they will only plan some other Evil thing. We must not allow our fellow Americans to fall victim to hateful ideologies.

So... this weekend... maybe pick up the phone and call a worthless loser that you know, and tell them a lie that they're awesome.

Invite them over for a burger. Pour them a beer. Give them a hug.

...and if they start running their mouth on some kook shit, slap the ever living shit out of them. I'm talking wrist-sprain-power... Batman SMACK! kind of intensity.

...and if they happen to be a gun owner as well, then you better come with the backhand.

We can't allow ourselves to slip any further into stupid. It shouldn't take a damn terror attack for us to wise up. Police up your buddies. This has been a Public Service Announcement by KalashniKEV, and I approve this message (and all subsequent bitch slappings).

Gonna head over to the local Islamic center this week. If they start talking about how homosexuality should be punishable by death, or how America is the great Satan, or any of that "kooky crazy shit" I'll go ahead and get them all squared away.

Outlander Systems
06-17-16, 18:13
That's okay in contemporary society, bro.


Gonna head over to the local Islamic center this week. If they start talking about how homosexuality should be punishable by death, or how America is the great Satan, or any of that "kooky crazy shit" I'll go ahead and get them all squared away.

06-17-16, 19:55
And so????

I could care less if he were a Hari Krishna. The real issue is his policies and view points. The Birth Certificate and Religion thing are really red herrings for his basic views on issues. I love the black half of him, it's the over-educated Progressive elitist white side of him that I don't like. How he got into the colleges that he did is a specific that I think would end up embarrassing him. Michelle's Social Justice Warrior thesis paper would be enlightening and probably embarrassing also. Everyone looks at his mouth when we should be looking at what he doing with his hands.

A lady was assassinated. That should scare and piss off everyone. I know some people here are all down for the Armageddon, but if we can avert it, that would be a better outcome. We aren't talking a nice Revolutionary War, we are talking French Revolution.

Yes but his policies and viewpoints are a direct consequence of his Muslim upbringing/faith/loyalty/sympathies (select all that apply).
Remember that the American Revolution started over a hell of a lot less than what all Westerners (be it in North America or Europe) have been putting up with for many years.
A tax on tea taxation without representation. Meanwhile Europeans have to bow down to laws passed by un-elected bureaucrats, see their daughters raped by Muslim invaders brought in for votes, political strategery and ideological reasons, disarmament en masse, subject to prosecution and prison for "offending" invaders, etc.

06-20-16, 09:22
Gonna head over to the local Islamic center this week. If they start talking about how homosexuality should be punishable by death, or how America is the great Satan, or any of that "kooky crazy shit" I'll go ahead and get them all squared away.

Make sure you show up around 8:30PM.

You'll be treated to a feast, share in fellowship, and quickly find out that you've been rehearsing and repeating the lies of fools.

...or just continue to substitute email chain letters, AM radio, and fear-sites for life experience.

I'll bet you don't go.


Crow Hunter
06-20-16, 11:47
Brexit fears subside, large stock market jump.

And to continue on the tradition:


06-21-16, 12:22
People always think that members of Congress have security teams that follow them around.

Only the leadership like the House Speaker and Senate Majority Leader actually receive protection. Most members of Congress, even ones that you know and recognize, are just walking around town having meetings, eating food, and doing their thing.

She was also in her home district at the time, not London.

they all measure how important they are by how much of a security team they have