View Full Version : A long shot....trying to find name of this 1980's movie...

06-21-16, 01:35
I remember seeing it on USA "Up All Night" in the 1980's...I think.

Basically there are hot chicks in the desert trying to survive the tyranny of the local strong woman. (An old lady)

They meet up with this guy, who is the last free man known. All of the other men are kept in captivity for the...sperm banks.

The women want to keep him for themselves. Clever plot, huh?

Anyway I remember it having some cool guns in it. Wish I knew what the heck it was called! Anyone?

______Digital_Damage Got it! She Wolves of the Wasteland_____THANKS! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=she+wolves+of+the+wasteland&view=detail&mid=A9D08AACE902CD5FDA56A9D08AACE902CD5FDA56&FORM=VIRE

06-21-16, 02:53
Sounds a little like "Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy" (1990).

06-21-16, 03:46
Planet Earth (1974)?


Or perhaps Cannibal Women in the Avocado jungle of Death (1989)?

If not either of those have fun going through this list of this particular genre.

06-21-16, 04:27
Evil Alien Conquerors!

Alex V
06-21-16, 06:08
Sounds like Firefly's post apacholypse fantasy.

06-21-16, 06:32
Sounds like Firefly's post apacholypse fantasy.

I'm surprised he's not been here yet to chime in on the subject; coincidence or is something evil happening????
I'm sure as soon as the space alien chicks are done with him and untie him from the four poster bed he will drop in for a comment; well, maybe after about sixteen hours of sleep.

06-21-16, 06:59

Alex V
06-21-16, 07:01
I'm surprised he's not been here yet to chime in on the subject; coincidence or is something evil happening????
I'm sure as soon as the space alien chicks are done with him and untie him from the four poster bed he will drop in for a comment; well, maybe after about sixteen hours of sleep.

Maybe it's because the chicks in this movie aren't green or 6'-5" Amazons?

He will need to replenish fluids as well.

06-21-16, 07:46
Ahhh USA Up All Night. The beginning of my path to carpal tunnel troubles later in life.

Would this be the flick you are looking for?


Here is a list...

Also check out "Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell". It looks promising. Kinda sad to see Can't Buy Me Love on there. It is sad to think back on how little use to make me happy. I can remember free hbo or showtime weekends being like Christmas cause I knew after 11pm the good stuff came on. Guys my age would seek out the tv guide to see when the free weekends were. Word would get around the whole school in a day or two. Peopke now would blow a gasket if they had to go to the grocery store to buy a magazine just to know what is coming on that month, much less have to get up and change the channel or volume with a dial. If you were busy, you best have a vcr & know how to program it. Simple times indeed.

06-21-16, 07:49
A boy and his dog?

Big A
06-21-16, 08:09
Ahhh USA Up All Night. The beginning of my path to carpal tunnel troubles later in life.

Would this be the flick you are looking for?


Here is a list...

Also check out "Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell". It looks promising. Kinda sad to see Can't Buy Me Love on there. It is sad to think back on how little use to make me happy. I can remember free hbo or showtime weekends being like Christmas cause I knew after 11pm the good stuff came on. Guys my age would seek out the tv guide to see when the free weekends were. Word would get around the whole school in a day or two. Peopke now would blow a gasket if they had to go to the grocery store to buy a magazine just to know what is coming on that month, much less have to get up and change the channel or volume with a dial. If you were busy, you best have a vcr & know how to program it. Simple times indeed.

Those lists are great. I'm gonna have to start looking for some of these on Netflix & Prime, lolz.

And you're absolutely right about the HBO/Skinamax free weekends. I remember catching a skin flick on Cinnemax that had Catherine Bell from JAG in it.

06-21-16, 08:14


I am so pissed that you beat me to it.

I had it on VHS.

06-21-16, 08:38
It's been a while since I've watched it, but I think Hell Comes to Frogtown with Rowdy Roddy Piper sounds similar to the plot you described.

06-21-16, 09:03
Mmmmm, Catherine Bell.

I also fondly remember Patricia Arquette in the chicken coop on Tales From The Crypt. That was nice as well.

06-21-16, 09:16
Ahhh USA Up All Night. The beginning of my path to carpal tunnel troubles later in life.

Would this be the flick you are looking for?


Here is a list...

Also check out "Fertilize the Blaspheming Bombshell". It looks promising. Kinda sad to see Can't Buy Me Love on there. It is sad to think back on how little use to make me happy. I can remember free hbo or showtime weekends being like Christmas cause I knew after 11pm the good stuff came on. Guys my age would seek out the tv guide to see when the free weekends were. Word would get around the whole school in a day or two. Peopke now would blow a gasket if they had to go to the grocery store to buy a magazine just to know what is coming on that month, much less have to get up and change the channel or volume with a dial. If you were busy, you best have a vcr & know how to program it. Simple times indeed.

Yeah, and put the speed on "SLP", or you'd miss half of whatever you were recording.

I remember those days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-21-16, 12:31
More response than I expected, thanks!
I'll have to go through the info provided.
Another tip about the movie I was looking for is it was post apocalyptic. ..like a lot of those movies.

06-21-16, 12:41
I don't remember any cool weaponry in "a boy and his dog", but post apocalyptic and sperm donation rings true. Weird seeing Don Johnson in Miami vice after watching that movie.

06-21-16, 13:03
"You have aroused the seven snakes!!"

06-21-16, 13:53
I don't remember any cool weaponry in "a boy and his dog", but post apocalyptic and sperm donation rings true. Weird seeing Don Johnson in Miami vice after watching that movie.

That was one weird movie.

06-21-16, 15:49
That was one weird movie.

Not as weird as Zardoz.

06-21-16, 15:53
Not as weird as Zardoz.

Connery in a onsie diaper is pretty weird.

But the choice of what to feed your dog has to count for something.

06-21-16, 21:51
Hell comes to Frogtown is Very close..but thats just not the movie.

I don't remember frogmen..or that much civilization and buildings. It was more of a Mad-Max II level of civilization. And there was an old lady (human) who ran the desert and a prison of males kept to produce sperm for invitro fertilization.

I also recall the main guy being somewhat pudgy and bald with a mustache. I remember one of the warrior chicks having one of those mossberg pump .410's with the VFG...when did that model come out? (Tried to find that out but couldn't)

It would fall under the "post-apocolyptic gendercide" genre.

06-21-16, 22:01
She Wolves of the Wasteland?

06-21-16, 22:08
I asked a buddy who asked a guy and he says America 3000.

06-21-16, 22:12
I asked a buddy who asked a guy and he says America 3000.

I think you have it.

06-21-16, 22:33
She Wolves of the Wasteland?

YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!


Thanks!! Hmm..wish I'd offered a prize...Prize is an easy link to a good review of the film!

06-21-16, 22:45
YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!


Thanks!! Hmm..wish I'd offered a prize...want a prize?

As 80s as I am how did I miss this?! Cursory googling says I need to watch this.

I watched Up All Night and mostly remember slasher flicks, troma films, and this one where a guy turns himself into a T-Rex.

06-22-16, 00:45
That was one weird movie.

Weird, but memorable. I've never forgotten that movie.

06-22-16, 01:14
YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!


Thanks!! Hmm..wish I'd offered a prize...Prize is an easy link to a good review of the film!

Ironically enough I actually have this one on DVD but thought you were talking about something else.

06-22-16, 12:59
Ironically enough I actually have this one on DVD but thought you were talking about something else.
Ok...how much? (Who runs m4carbine.net barter town) :)

06-22-16, 13:27
Ok...how much? (Who runs m4carbine.net barter town) :)

Sorry it's in my personal library. But Netflix does have it and you can buy a copy from Amazon at a reasonable price.


06-22-16, 13:32
Alright..you probably have a nice collection!

06-22-16, 13:57
Alright..you probably have a nice collection!


06-22-16, 14:23

How much of that is Hentai?

06-22-16, 14:41
Hm. Yup. Big collection!

06-22-16, 15:09
I wish someone would help ME with a movie that has haunted me since the late 80s. I saw it on VHS and all I remember is this guy is like a Sheriff or deputy or something and they live in the country. Well they are having friends over for dinner and to hang out. Well his buddy's girlfriend is pretty young and the sheriff or whatever decides to have sex with her in the barn. Then carries on like nothing happened. The girl who looks like 19 then goes to help the wife in the kitchen who discovers hay in her hair and gives her a suspicious glance. Anyway guy is in the barn or shed and some motorcycle guys show up and kill off his friend and hold everybody hostage.

So anyway the guy makes this suit of armor and steel in the shed and kills off the bikers and saves the family.

I just remember that it seemed pretty gory, the suit of armor looked menacing and he had eye slits, and the sex scene was pretty outta nowhwere and he was cheating on his wife but nobody cared because bikers or whatever

06-22-16, 15:17
Sounds vaguely familiar but I don't think I ever saw it and don't know the name. Sorry.

06-22-16, 15:33
The House by the Lake is what I got from googling it again and it seems close enough but makes no mention of the guy making armor. Like he welds steel into a mask and breastplate so when they shoot him he just keeps at it. I think he pitchforks somebody.

It reminded me of a bizarre reverse Friday the 13th

06-22-16, 15:41
How much of that is Hentai?


The only one I have is Twin Dolls. I'm not big into animation to begin with, I think the only other film I have is "Heavy Metal." But hentai really isn't my thing.

06-22-16, 15:43
The House by the Lake is what I got from googling it again and it seems close enough but makes no mention of the guy making armor. Like he welds steel into a mask and breastplate so when they shoot him he just keeps at it. I think he pitchforks somebody.

It reminded me of a bizarre reverse Friday the 13th

House by the lake is a 70s film where some scumbag types rape and murder a girl and end up taking shelter at her parents house. Parents discover they are the ones who killed their girl and go to town on the house guests.

Nobody makes an armor suit though.

06-22-16, 15:53
House by the lake is a 70s film where some scumbag types rape and murder a girl and end up taking shelter at her parents house. Parents discover they are the ones who killed their girl and go to town on the house guests.

Nobody makes an armor suit though.

That's Last House on the Left. I saw original and remake and sorta liked the remake slightly better. Dunno why.

It was one of those weird b movies.

06-22-16, 16:03
That's Last House on the Left. I saw original and remake and sorta liked the remake slightly better. Dunno why.

It was one of those weird b movies.

It's weird because Wes Craven was actually making a Vietnam protest movie. The scene where they marched her out in the lake and shot her was actually a reference to the shooting of Nguyen Van Lem. Then there was the whole "Good guys become the bad guys" concept when the family become the butchers and a bunch of other hippie horseshit.

06-22-16, 17:05
It's weird because Wes Craven was actually making a Vietnam protest movie. The scene where they marched her out in the lake and shot her was actually a reference to the shooting of Nguyen Van Lem. Then there was the whole "Good guys become the bad guys" concept when the family become the butchers and a bunch of other hippie horseshit.

Probably why I liked the remake better.
The original was just boring. The remake felt more like a cut and dry revenge deal.
Same with Hills Have Eyes.

I am not a remake guy but sometimes, yeah, a little polish on them boots make em worth looking at.

I never understood the anti-American protest spiel. Even in the last decade, I've reconsidered a lot of the American adventurism and feel pissed that we, as a nation, were shooting the wrong people.
Not in the moral sense, but more that we had bigger fish to fry but did not because of the last few bullshit presidents. I'm sure the folks that were greased had it coming anyway. Whatever, that's politics.

But at the end of the day, it is an American soldier somewhere and he could be clubbing seals or pissing in the milk of schoolchildren, and I still want him to win, come home, find the girl with biggest tits, and reproduce.

So these hippies and their messages can cram it.

Anyways I liked that one 70s movie about this Green Beret and his buddies who killed a biker gang. They all wore OD and Green Berets and drove into the rumble on vintage Kawasakis. I saw it on Offbeat Cinema. Don't know the name.

06-22-16, 17:09
In the years following Vietnam, the military wasn't exactly the most popular institution in America.

06-22-16, 17:26
In the years following Vietnam, the military wasn't exactly the most popular institution in America.

Well then folks should have laid off the weed and Beatles albums.

I dare say Korea was a sketchier deal and nobody acted a fool towards the military. That behavior was simply uncalled for and I hope those who protested rot in hell.

I tried to be oohrah but had a medical issue they didn't like(resultant from an injury, story of my sorry life) so a bit depressed I had a job here to do at least trying to keep shit here moderately cleaned up(ha!) and every christmas for a while there, I would send unopened Pmags from my personal stash, dirty books, bubble wrap, and lottery tickets to people.
It wasn't much but at least I wasn't 22 years old waving a commie flag and bitching about 'hegemony'.

But...that was a pointless rant I guess

06-22-16, 17:49
Probably why I liked the remake better.
The original was just boring. The remake felt more like a cut and dry revenge deal.
Same with Hills Have Eyes.

I am not a remake guy but sometimes, yeah, a little polish on them boots make em worth looking at.

I never understood the anti-American protest spiel. Even in the last decade, I've reconsidered a lot of the American adventurism and feel pissed that we, as a nation, were shooting the wrong people.
Not in the moral sense, but more that we had bigger fish to fry but did not because of the last few bullshit presidents. I'm sure the folks that were greased had it coming anyway. Whatever, that's politics.

But at the end of the day, it is an American soldier somewhere and he could be clubbing seals or pissing in the milk of schoolchildren, and I still want him to win, come home, find the girl with biggest tits, and reproduce.

So these hippies and their messages can cram it.

Anyways I liked that one 70s movie about this Green Beret and his buddies who killed a biker gang. They all wore OD and Green Berets and drove into the rumble on vintage Kawasakis. I saw it on Offbeat Cinema. Don't know the name.

You'd probably like "Rolling Thunder."


06-22-16, 18:09
Probably why I liked the remake better.
The original was just boring. The remake felt more like a cut and dry revenge deal.
Same with Hills Have Eyes.

I am not a remake guy but sometimes, yeah, a little polish on them boots make em worth looking at.

I never understood the anti-American protest spiel. Even in the last decade, I've reconsidered a lot of the American adventurism and feel pissed that we, as a nation, were shooting the wrong people.
Not in the moral sense, but more that we had bigger fish to fry but did not because of the last few bullshit presidents. I'm sure the folks that were greased had it coming anyway. Whatever, that's politics.

But at the end of the day, it is an American soldier somewhere and he could be clubbing seals or pissing in the milk of schoolchildren, and I still want him to win, come home, find the girl with biggest tits, and reproduce.

So these hippies and their messages can cram it.

Anyways I liked that one 70s movie about this Green Beret and his buddies who killed a biker gang. They all wore OD and Green Berets and drove into the rumble on vintage Kawasakis. I saw it on Offbeat Cinema. Don't know the name.

Chrome and Hot Leather ?


06-22-16, 18:27
Wildcard, Yes that seems to be it. Yet another DVD to buy.

And Steyr, Yes that's another one to see. I always liked most of Tommy Lee's movies. Especially The Park is Mine.

06-22-16, 19:22
Wildcard, Yes that seems to be it. Yet another DVD to buy.

And Steyr, Yes that's another one to see. I always liked most of Tommy Lee's movies. Especially The Park is Mine.

Possibly one of my top ten favorite movies. I remember when it first aired on HBO and thankfully I recorded it shortly after.

06-22-16, 20:02
Here's another 'long shot' - back in the 80's i remember a tv episode (i can't remember the show) where a family moves to a new neighbourhood. the mom encourages the dad to join the other men in the neighbourhood on their weekend 'fishing trip' (something like that), but that's just what they tell their wives they're doing. turns out that they're mercenaries or weekend warriors and go on 'missions' every week where they fly to another country. the episode ends with the dad saying to his son "how about we go see that new rambo movie?". i thought it was one of the new twilight zone or amazing stories episodes, but it isn't. anyone remember seeing something like that?

06-22-16, 22:30
YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S IT!!!!


Thanks!! Hmm..wish I'd offered a prize...Prize is an easy link to a good review of the film!

I think the stand up thing to do would be at least buy the dude a Jobu in honor of the 80's for helping you out. But that's just me.


Should anyone reading this get into an 80's movie kick, I always like Ruckus, the first couple The Gods Must Be Crazy films and even though it is a 70's flick, Animals Are Beautiful People was hilarious to me.

06-22-16, 23:07
2:48 ish is pure conedy gold withe the guy getting brass to the face. No computer generated graphics there.


06-22-16, 23:16
If you find humor in these type flicks, Animals Are Beautiful People is the best nature movie ever. Almost as funny as watching Jim Fowler in Mutual of Omaha try to catch a wild stranded mean ass cougar from a rock in the middle of a large body of water or better yet when he rappeled down off a cliff to single handedly catch a condor.

I really do miss some of the old shows. Especially Fred Sanford.


06-24-16, 15:55
Here's another 'long shot' - back in the 80's i remember a tv episode (i can't remember the show) where a family moves to a new neighbourhood. the mom encourages the dad to join the other men in the neighbourhood on their weekend 'fishing trip' (something like that), but that's just what they tell their wives they're doing. turns out that they're mercenaries or weekend warriors and go on 'missions' every week where they fly to another country. the episode ends with the dad saying to his son "how about we go see that new rambo movie?". i thought it was one of the new twilight zone or amazing stories episodes, but it isn't. anyone remember seeing something like that?

That sounds like Masquerade

06-24-16, 16:58
That sounds like Masquerade

How did I ever not see that show?

06-24-16, 17:31
That sounds like Masquerade

Just checked out the synopsis of the series, sounds pretty awesome and alot like MM described. I'll have to check it out.

06-25-16, 19:06
A boy and his dog?

OMG!!! I was a friends house and his mom comes in with a VCR tape. She is just going on about how bad she wants to see this movie with a young Don Johnson and his dog. She loved Don and Dogs so it has to be the best movie ever made...........The look on her face was priceless and we watched the rest of it at my house after we had to get that filth out of her house. She screamed and yelled at us like it was our fault and she didn't like my "you're the one who rented it" comment.

06-25-16, 20:12
That sounds like Masquerade

Watched the opening title on YT and they didn't ring a bell - however the plot does sound like what i was describing! especially since rod taylor was in the show - that's why i might have confused it with the twilight zone.
wish i could find episodes online to see if that's the show. Thanks!