View Full Version : DNC & Clinton Foundation servers hacked

06-21-16, 17:44

Reddit discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4p57go/hacker_releases_clinton_foundation_documents/

CNN's spin: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/21/politics/dnc-hack-russians-guccifer-claims/index.html

tl;dr - An allegedly Russian hacker breached the DNC and Clinton Foundation servers. Those that have dug through the files are showing how the DNC was basically campaigning for Hillary before she even announced her candidacy. It also compiled a bunch of Hillary weaknesses into one place.

Also stuff like this:

Outlander Systems
06-21-16, 18:26
I'd like to think this will bring her and her flying monkies down, but I suppose her life is an example that:

The Devil is real
If you sell your soul to him, he'll make good on his end of the bargain.

06-21-16, 20:26
I'd like to think this will bring her and her flying monkies down, but I suppose her life is an example that:

The Devil is real
If you sell your soul to him, he'll make good on his end of the bargain.

Yeah. It won't dissuade her supporters any more than they have been dissuaded in the face of all her other lies and crap. And her opponents already didn't support her, so... nothing new since nothing illegal (yet).

06-22-16, 06:35
Subject to confirmation, but could get interesting if true:

Hacker 'Guccifer 2.0' publishes DNC campaign docs with strategies for defending Clinton

After claiming responsibility for infiltrating the Democratic National Committee's database, hacker 'Guccifer 2.0' has now published research allegedly compiled by the DNC on ways to protect presidential candidate Hillary Clinton from political attacks.

The anonymous hacker (or hackers), who goes under name Guccifer 2.0, revealed Tuesday what he called the "Dossier on Hillary Clinton from DNC" that includes "a big folder of docs devoted to Hillary Clinton that I found on the DNC server."


Source docs:


Outlander Systems
06-22-16, 07:43

06-22-16, 09:26
It could come to 100% irrefutable proof that she is guilty of all of the email/server crimes, she was the second gunman on the grassy knoll, she is in cahoots with a necrophiliac pedophile...."her" people will vote for her regardless of what comes out. The 25% of self-professed "I'm-an-Independent-and-I-don't-Know-How-I'm-Gonna-Vote" may sway a little bit.

06-22-16, 11:47
Her sycophantic followers could be demoralized into not overtly championing her publicly, if the liberal media could find within themselves a shred of journalistic integrity. If they lead the news cycles with this blockbuster information and actually did some real deal investigative journalism, Hillary would be toast.

Since they have zero integrity and are pretty much just the media arm of the DNC these days, none of that will happen. The Fourth Estate is now the Fifth Column, and that isn't going to change anytime soon. :(

06-22-16, 15:37
Remember The Dead Zone? Where the guy holds up a baby to shield himself from gunfire and it ruins his chances to be president?

Clinton could do that and nobody would care. This leak would ruin anybody else.

Dist. Expert 26
06-22-16, 20:10
I do see one ray of light, albeit a small one. The undeniable revelation that the DNC conspired to ensure that Hitlery was the nominee is sure to piss off a good number of Sanders supporters, hopefully to the point of sitting this election out, or at the very least voting for the Green Party or some other left-wing candidate.

At this point though I've lost all faith in the media, our justice system, and frankly the country as a whole. It's like we're living in an episode of South Park.

06-22-16, 20:12
Totally agree.

06-23-16, 02:15
Anonymous and Julian Assange claim to have way more on her and will dump it all as time is closer to the election.

The game is rigged folks, and has been for a looooong time.

06-23-16, 08:28
Anonymous and Julian Assange claim to have way more on her and will dump it all as time is closer to the election.

The game is rigged folks, and has been for a looooong time.

Its smart to wait, as people have a short memory and will forget by the time of the election.

Unless they have enough to get her arrested or otherwise step down before the convention.

06-23-16, 08:53
Remember The Dead Zone? Where the guy holds up a baby to shield himself from gunfire and it ruins his chances to be president?

Clinton could do that and nobody would care. This leak would ruin anybody else.

Even the kids Mom would vote for her and all the while wearing an "I'm for Her" T-Shirt. Of course the arrow wouldn't point to her child.

06-23-16, 10:45
It is pretty sad when the people we spend the latter half of the 1900's in the biggest Mexican standoff known to man with hold more of a key in helping put our country on the right track than pretty much any other entity in the US right now.

I hope they have a ton of dirt on her and dump it for the whole world to see. I am so glad that most of the WWII Vets are not alive to see what we have been reduced to. Just the fact that out of ~323,000,000 people the only person Dems can come up with as a contender for the Presidency is currently under investigation from the FBI alone is sickening. Even if you don't believe in conspiracy theories, no one can deny the fact that with so many people in the US and all power staying with a select few for decades is just not right.

It is so bad at this point and people are so sick of Washington BS I cannot help but wonder how he would do if a average Joe US citizen, man, woman; red, yellow, black, or white (doesn't matter) came out and announced he was running for President but did it in the following way:

"Hello, I am Joe Schmuckatelli. I was a B-C student in school. I was in jailed once overnight for PDC for being drunk and raising hell at a bar one evening on St Pactricks Day. I have had 4 speeding tickets and several seatbelt violations. I have been divorced twice due to my insatiable lust for beatnik girls (here's looking at you Firefly), but I pay my child support and try to be a good Dad regardless that their mother is a Shepherd for the Devil. I like Jack Daniels, I smoke, most always drive 5-10 over on the interstate, and was quite fond of indica in my early 20's. My credit isn't perfect, but I work and pay my bills. I rarely miss a day of work, and am present at all my kids football games, plays, awards ceremonies..... I have done nothing special in life to brag about but I do love my country and fellow country men. I know and accept my strengths and weaknesses from lessons learned during an at times "hard life". I will not spend my campaign or campaign funds running around the US blowing money. Instead, I will use all my campaign funds to pay for the largest head hunting program ever devised. I will spend that money seeking out the absolute best qualified person for any given cabinet or apointee job. You will not be voting for me, but for the best leadership team ever assembled. I will make it a point that a person must have a majority of their life spend in any given field, for example FBI Director. You must have at least 5 years in an actual LE street level patrol position with positive peer reviews during that time as well as experience in other aspects of LE work like Detective Division as well as having served in a leadership position. No job will be awarded due to association or on good ole boy status. I will start a grass roots campaign fund like gofundme, and funds must come from individuals not corporations or fronts with the understanding that contributions absolutely do not equal a return favor later on.

Just come out and straight up tell everything, good, bad, and ugly from minute one. I know there are a ton of guys like myself who would be absolutely giddy over that kind of honesty and leadership outlook. Oh well, one can dream I suppose.

06-23-16, 10:54
Its smart to wait, as people have a short memory and will forget by the time of the election.

Unless they have enough to get her arrested or otherwise step down before the convention.

It also gives them time to 'spin' whatever is revealed just like they have with everything else. Somehow the word 'Benghazi' has become a hot button word that now means 'Republican overreach and bullying' to most Democrats instead of a word that triggers anger and a demand for answers and culpability the way that it should for most Americans and does for the few of us that actually know what the word means.