View Full Version : Supreme Court blocks President Obama's immigration plan

06-23-16, 09:51
Supreme Court blocks President Obama's immigration plan that sought to shield millions living in US illegally.

I like the look on their faces!

diving dave
06-23-16, 09:56

06-23-16, 11:12
Know who doesn't dick around with this mess? Singapore.

Overstay your welcome and they literally cane your ass and run your ass out on a rail.

06-23-16, 11:26
How can this be a celebration when fully 4 justices don't understand the rule of law or the constitution.


Alex V
06-23-16, 11:28
How can this be a celebration when fully 4 justices don't understand the rule of law or the constitution.


They understand it, they just willfully ignore it.

Singlestack Wonder
06-23-16, 12:12
obama just stated that it will not affect his policies....go figure...

06-23-16, 12:53
Know who doesn't dick around with this mess? Singapore.

Overstay your welcome and they literally cane your ass and run your ass out on a rail.

Heck, they do that for spitting on the sidewalk. It is law there that the taxis have to be washed daily. Cleanest large city I have ever been in.

06-23-16, 12:55
How can this be a celebration when fully 4 justices don't understand the rule of law or the constitution.

If Anton was still alive, GRHS, it would have been a 5-4 win.

06-23-16, 13:30
Funny (not!) how when a ruling goes in their favor it's "the settled law of the land." When one doesn't go their way it's "unfathomable and wrong so we won't abide by it." Hypocritical assholes.

I also like how they have plans, as soon as Cuntlery wins and appoints another libtard to the SCOTUS, to re-introduce a gun case to undo Heller. Of course their sacred cow "Roe v Wade" is untouchable, right? It is settled law because it went their way.

06-23-16, 15:44
Nice harpoon throw and richly deserved.

Now I want to know the story behind the heroic (slightly obese) ICE princess, Irene Martin. How did an obstructionist liar become an American Heroine over night? Must have been the Diversity Fairy and her wand of many colors...


06-23-16, 15:48
Funny (not!) how when a ruling goes in their favor it's "the settled law of the land." When one doesn't go their way it's "unfathomable and wrong so we won't abide by it." Hypocritical assholes.

Yep. You either support the law or you don't. Kind of like freedoms. It is an all or nothing thing. Because once you start picking and choosing then there is no real law.

06-23-16, 16:35
Darn... and I was SOOOOO looking forward to more mohammedans around here... :rolleyes:

06-23-16, 20:09
The President says that "today's Supreme Court decision takes us further away from the country we aspire to be."

1) who's the "we" that he's referring to, exactly? and 2) we aspire to be a country of illegal aliens that have no aspirations to assimilate to American values, ever? That sounds just lovely.

06-24-16, 04:06
The lawsuit was filed by then Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, now Governor. This isn't the first suit he has won before the SCOTUS.

Dude's a beast, had the honor of meeting him last month.

06-24-16, 06:51
The lawsuit was filed by then Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, now Governor. This isn't the first suit he has won before the SCOTUS.

Dude's a beast, had the honor of meeting him last month.

The guy has his head on straight and represents Texans well. I'm thinking Abbott is in for a long run here in Texas.

06-24-16, 14:22
Darn... and I was SOOOOO looking forward to more mohammedans around here... :rolleyes:

This ruling will do nothing to prevent the current influx of illegals. What it was going to do is legitimize the millions of illegals who are already here and basically allow them to stay. Not that they are going anywhere anyway.

06-24-16, 14:50
The guy has his head on straight and represents Texans well. I'm thinking Abbott is in for a long run here in Texas.

Or maybe 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.?

06-25-16, 19:09
I like an even number bench. The crap ends in a tie and the real constitutional challenges would swing at least one of them the other way.