View Full Version : Shooting in German Theater

06-23-16, 09:52

At least 25 wounded in initial report.

06-23-16, 10:15
It can't be. Germany has very strict gun laws right?

06-23-16, 10:24
Is it too early to speculate? Think maybe this is radical Buddhists? Southern Baptists? Maybe Orthodox Jews?

Outlander Systems
06-23-16, 10:31
Theater probably had a soup kitchen. Thus, "workplace violence."

Is it too early to speculate? Think maybe this is radical Buddhists? Southern Baptists? Maybe Orthodox Jews?

06-23-16, 10:32
Fox is now reporting the gunman is dead. If he is of the radical islamic persuasion, they German gov't will do their absolute best to keep it quiet. The last thing they want is organized, angry Germans in the streets singing marching songs.

Alex V
06-23-16, 10:34
The last thing they want is organized, angry Germans in the streets singing marching songs.

That didn't work out well for the country last time, but nationalism is the only thing that will save Europe this time.

06-23-16, 10:50
That didn't work out well for the country last time, but nationalism is the only thing that will save Europe this time.

Well in fairness last time they singled out a group who actually was innocent of the trumped-up accusations, not so with this current group.....they tend to bring it on themselves.

Alex V
06-23-16, 10:51
Well in fairness last time they singled out a group who actually was innocent of the trumped-up accusations, not so with this current group.....they tend to bring it on themselves.

I am part of the "last time group," having said that, Europe needs nationalism this time.

06-23-16, 10:59
No one is dead other than the shooter. according to MSN, and other media reports. The civilian injuries were from the Police tear gas. Nice job LEO.

06-23-16, 11:02
Actually......I am ready for blond haired blue eyed men in Feldgrau uniforms singing Teufellieden looking strack as hell and toting fixed bayonet G3s to start marching through the streets of Germany.

Hey Germany, I personally am over WWII. Clean slate. You do what you gotta do.

06-23-16, 11:03
No one is dead other than the shooter. according to MSN, and other media reports. The civilian injuries were from the Police tear gas. Nice job LEO.

Yeah, it looks like the initial reports were way off...shocking.

A man opened fire a German movie theater in Viernheim, Germany and the situation was resolved when the gunman was killed by police.

No one was injured however first reports from all major media outlets said up to 50 people were injured. None were injured but were instead all reacting to the police’s tear gas.

06-23-16, 11:03
No one is dead other than the shooter. according to MSN, and other media reports. The civilian injuries were from the Police tear gas. Nice job LEO.

They got lucky. Glad it worked out

Alex V
06-23-16, 11:10
Actually......I am ready for blond haired blue eyed men in Feldgrau uniforms singing Teufellieden looking strack as hell and toting fixed bayonet G3s to start marching through the streets of Germany.

Hey Germany, I personally am over WWII. Clean slate. You do what you gotta do.

LOLZ :lol:

06-23-16, 11:14
It can't be. Germany has very strict gun laws right?

Ya I don't believe the headline, the Bamster said this doesn't happen in civilized countries like France & Germany!

06-23-16, 13:23
Obviously the works of jews still angry about WWII.

06-23-16, 13:37
Where is the Wehrmacht when you need them?

06-23-16, 13:43
Daily Mail is saying he was a Neo Nazi

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06-23-16, 14:16
I feel the same way firefly does.

06-23-16, 14:40
Over/under on time till Barack blames the NRA?

06-23-16, 15:10
Daily Mail is saying he was a Neo Nazi

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

No one shot, I'm going with white native guy.

06-23-16, 15:34
Over/under on time till Barack blames the NRA?

Maybe John Lewis will go to the German Parliament or whatever they call it there and lead a sit in for peace :)

06-23-16, 16:13

Outlander Systems
06-23-16, 16:56
That guy...

...what a clownshoes.

Maybe John Lewis will go to the German Parliament or whatever they call it there and lead a sit in for peace :)

06-23-16, 17:08
lets see brexit and merky trying to control things and this happens in Germany

a guy non muslim was the very first thing said !!! not terrorist related but they dont know why ?
hmmm so they dont know why but they know what it was not ? this is just to strange !!!!

the guy was a gunman(reported) 20-25 injured NO deaths ? maybe injured from other things ?

OK tin foil time cause this is really smelling funny

06-23-16, 17:42
lets see brexit and merky trying to control things and this happens in Germany

a guy non muslim was the very first thing said !!! not terrorist related but they dont know why ?
hmmm so they dont know why but they know what it was not ? this is just to strange !!!!

the guy was a gunman(reported) 20-25 injured NO deaths ? maybe injured from other things ?

OK tin foil time cause this is really smelling funny

Armed with a blank firing gun, took hostages, SEK used gas and stormed in, killing the would be PODS. Injuries were likely incurred during the rescue operation.

06-23-16, 18:18
OK so why ?
we here first second its not terrorist muslim related but we have no clue ?
OK that alone is odd

a guy with blank gun ? OK again why ?

and again 25 injured in getting the bad guy is strange in itself

the fact of what is going on with the EU and control ?

timing ?

yes it could be real and coincidence but the way they came out the moment it happened to declare what it is not and the ONLY guy that dies is the one who could answer

just seems mighty fishy

Armed with a blank firing gun, took hostages, SEK used gas and stormed in, killing the would be PODS. Injuries were likely incurred during the rescue operation.

06-23-16, 18:45
Armed with a blank firing gun, took hostages, SEK used gas and stormed in, killing the would be PODS. Injuries were likely incurred during the rescue operation.


06-23-16, 18:55

Zero deaths besides the criminal and likely all injured were from the police gas.

06-23-16, 19:54
Police said they were investigating whether the weapon was genuine.
police had found a hand grenade and an explosives belt next to the man’s body but could not confirm whether they were fake or real.

OK again would be really easy to know if it was fake so what is it ????

again this was called A SHOOTING BY GUNMAN
but he did not shoot anybody ?
also the ministry guy is saying the police FOUGHT with the gunman ?

Peter Beuth, the state interior minister of Hesse, said.

“There were hostages inside and there was a struggle which ended with his death. We have no information that anyone else was injured.”Police denied earlier reports that several of the cinema-goers had suffered the effects of tear gas they used against the gunman.

“We have no indications regarding the motive, but we can say with certainty that the attack did not have an Islamist motive.”
again OK you dont know but strange it cant be that ! and that was the first message out basically with the panic of gunman 50 injured not islamist !!!!

AGAIN just really strange a shooting with nobody shot nobody hurt nobody but the bad guy killed with a CLEAR message this was nothing to do with islam and just a nut with a gun
and again the timing with brexit and control and the push of the EU etc...

and for sure could be just what it is a nut but with a fake gun
not like the German gov or any gov would ever ever do anything like this for control NO that would never happen

06-23-16, 19:58
Zero deaths besides the criminal and likely all injured were from the police gas.

so no injuries etc...

Peter Beuth, the state interior minister of Hesse, said.

“There were hostages inside and there was a struggle which ended with his death. We have no information that anyone else was injured.”Police denied earlier reports that several of the cinema-goers had suffered the effects of tear gas they used against the gunman.

06-23-16, 20:19
We should send Loretta Lynch asap so that she can spread love and compassion quickly so that there will be no more threat of Islamic attacks in Germany, just as she suggested for us here. I am so relieved that she's on our side. Maybe send Kerry too, just to be thorough.


06-23-16, 20:30
I edited the misspelled word "Geman" in the thread title because.....

I'm a grammar Nazi. :cool:

06-24-16, 01:10
I edited the misspelled word "Geman" in the thread title because.....

I'm a grammar Nazi. :cool:


Any more information out there about the guy? I am not finding anything substantial.

06-24-16, 01:37
anyone kinda think OK teeny tiny girl and the other dudes choice of clothes seems minimal ?




06-24-16, 01:53
Most likely they grabbed their gear and responded.

06-24-16, 03:04
yeah kinda figured that ?
never was in the PD but was in the FD and we had our full turnouts at hand and always had a jump ready to ?
just thought responding type guys would have something besides the vest helmet and guns ?
no idea just thought it was strange ;) especially with the time frame etc..

that chick is tiny though ;)

Most likely they grabbed their gear and responded.

06-24-16, 04:30
yeah kinda figured that ?
never was in the PD but was in the FD and we had our full turnouts at hand and always had a jump ready to ?
just thought responding type guys would have something besides the vest helmet and guns ?
no idea just thought it was strange ;) especially with the time frame etc..

that chick is tiny though ;)

They probably made a judgment call and donned their gear in haste; the time to suit and boot (even in QRF mode) could cost lives in an active shooter situation. More than likely they were the closest guys with gear and they decided to shave some seconds off their response time by just donning and beating feet, but who knows but them.

06-24-16, 04:41
I guess I would have thought there was rules about that kinda stuff ? again not saying its bad just odd to me and very curious :)
I know when I was in the FD very strict rules of what we could wear on scene mostly for our own protection and this was 30 years ago

guess we will never know :) hahahahah but does make sense

They probably made a judgment call and donned their gear in haste; the time to suit and boot (even in QRF mode) could cost lives in an active shooter situation. More than likely they were the closest guys with gear and they decided to shave some seconds off their response time by just donning and beating feet, but who knows but them.

06-24-16, 04:49
I guess I would have thought there was rules about that kinda stuff ? again not saying its bad just odd to me and very curious :)
I know when I was in the FD very strict rules of what we could wear on scene mostly for our own protection and this was 30 years ago

guess we will never know :) hahahahah but does make sense

That is why discretion exists. If I was leadership and an active shooter scenario was initiated, I would call an audible as so. But, it is METT-TC dependent.

06-24-16, 10:20
yeah kinda figured that ?
never was in the PD but was in the FD and we had our full turnouts at hand and always had a jump ready to ?
just thought responding type guys would have something besides the vest helmet and guns ?
no idea just thought it was strange ;) especially with the time frame etc..

that chick is tiny though ;)

But she's probably way more badass than I will ever be :cool:. I kind of dig the "I was having a 'cino and responded to a shooter" look everyone except for mighty mouse is sporting.

06-24-16, 10:43
Most likely they grabbed their gear and responded.

If people remember during the Bank of America shootout in LA in 1997, the LAPD SWAT members that actually engaged and killed the last of the robber answered the call in their shorts and t-shirts. Sometimes there's no time to waste putting on the uniform.

06-24-16, 15:44
thanks did not know that :)

If people remember during the Bank of America shootout in LA in 1997, the LAPD SWAT members that actually engaged and killed the last of the robber answered the call in their shorts and t-shirts. Sometimes there's no time to waste putting on the uniform.