View Full Version : SCOTUS wiped their behinds with the 14 Amendment

06-24-16, 04:33
Ironic that the same Amendment that was used to litigate desegregation in schools is being used to exclude the less than equals . . .

So much for that whole "equal protection under the law" thing huh . . .

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a challenge to a race-conscious admissions program at the University of Texas at Austin, handing supporters of affirmative action a major victory.

The decision, Fisher v. University of Texas, No. 14-981, concerned an unusual program and contained a warning to other universities that not all affirmative action programs will pass constitutional muster. But the ruling’s basic message was that admissions officials may continue to consider race as one factor among many in ensuring a diverse student body.


06-24-16, 14:26
The idea that diversity is more valuable than accomplishment is one that always baffled me.

If I tried to get into a difficult school and somebody else simply had higher SATs, then great, they are smarter or worked harder, they earned it.

But if I actually had the higher scores and lost the spot to somebody because they are culturally different? Well that's basically racism.

It's no different than the racism that once existed that attempted to keep minorities out of schools. You want diversity? Fine, people of different cultures should instill values of education and accomplishment so their kids can compete on the same level.

06-24-16, 14:30
Great post.

06-24-16, 14:54
The idea that diversity is more valuable than accomplishment is one that always baffled me.

If I tried to get into a difficult school and somebody else simply had higher SATs, then great, they are smarter or worked harder, they earned it.

But if I actually had the higher scores and lost the spot to somebody because they are culturally different? Well that's basically racism.

It's no different than the racism that once existed that attempted to keep minorities out of schools. You want diversity? Fine, people of different cultures should instill values of education and accomplishment so their kids can compete on the same level.

Let's be real, bro.

Most of the people in positions of power, to include SCOTUS, simply wouldn't be there unless they were diversity hires.

I have a tool box. I need to hammer a few nails. I just want a damn hammer. Why oh why must I fumble through screwdrivers, wrenches, and ratchets first?

This may sound racist but big, pissed off hetero white guys with guns and a little gumptiomn took over the goddamned world. Statistically whites are the global minority, and always have been, and women outnumber males, and always have, yet whole Empires forged and continents conquered.

There are places today in the 21st century where people go to witch doctors and shove bones up their noses.

Why these people want to undo all that hard work baffles me.

Trust me, most of the diversity hires didn't have to work like a dog nor have a college degree just for the privilege of working a shitty area. They will never get injured, never raise a hand in violence, and never get talked down to by brass for doing their jobs.

Women will be "protected" and black folks who are cowards or fools will be promoted. And they won't let you forget it.

That's why they can't be trusted nor respected. And if a person of color IS a genuine hard charger the he's a sellout, Uncle Tom, or a Go-Boy.

There it is.

06-24-16, 14:57
I'm against all Affirmative Action, but you couldn't have picked a more pathetic test case- 47 students with lower Academic Index scores were admitted to the class she was rejected from... but 42 of them were white.

06-24-16, 16:37
I told my daughter that instead of "Asian American" she should choose the "Native American/Eskimo" on her applications.

06-24-16, 16:46
I told my daughter that instead of "Asian American" she should choose the "Native American/Eskimo" on her applications.

lol the whole Native American tag don't getcha too far.

There are oodles, upon oodles of red haired, or balding, pasty round eyed, green eyed, white guys who have legit tribal recognition and then there are swarthy, black haired almond eyed Geronimo looking dudes who don't and never will.

For a lark, I wemt to a Pow Wow and it was just....lame. Sooo lame.

I wish I could be Jamaican. I have Musical Youth record. Why not? :)

06-24-16, 16:56
I'm against all Affirmative Action, but you couldn't have picked a more pathetic test case- 47 students with lower Academic Index scores were admitted to the class she was rejected from... but 42 of them were white.

yep... but let them have their moment for outrage. Seems to be the thing to do these days.

06-24-16, 17:50
Let's be real, bro.

Most of the people in positions of power, to include SCOTUS, simply wouldn't be there unless they were diversity hires.

I have a tool box. I need to hammer a few nails. I just want a damn hammer. Why oh why must I fumble through screwdrivers, wrenches, and ratchets first?

This may sound racist but big, pissed off hetero white guys with guns and a little gumptiomn took over the goddamned world. Statistically whites are the global minority, and always have been, and women outnumber males, and always have, yet whole Empires forged and continents conquered.

There are places today in the 21st century where people go to witch doctors and shove bones up their noses.

Why these people want to undo all that hard work baffles me.

Trust me, most of the diversity hires didn't have to work like a dog nor have a college degree just for the privilege of working a shitty area. They will never get injured, never raise a hand in violence, and never get talked down to by brass for doing their jobs.

Women will be "protected" and black folks who are cowards or fools will be promoted. And they won't let you forget it.

That's why they can't be trusted nor respected. And if a person of color IS a genuine hard charger the he's a sellout, Uncle Tom, or a Go-Boy.

There it is.

Honestly, I don't care if the entire university system became 50% Asian, 48% Jewish and 2% other. IF the SAT scores merit it, that is how it should be.

I'm not interested in white accomplishment of the past just as much as I don't care about slavery of the past. That is what "those people did then." I want to live and be judged by what people do NOW, I just want to do it on a level playing field.

People decry nepotism as bad, but then they turn around and have no problem with tribalism? A world where people are advanced based upon rarity of skin pigment? Sometimes I honestly can't believe this is how the world is in the 21rst century, it's pretty depressing.

06-24-16, 18:30
lol the whole Native American tag don't getcha too far.

There are oodles, upon oodles of red haired, or balding, pasty round eyed, green eyed, white guys who have legit tribal recognition and then there are swarthy, black haired almond eyed Geronimo looking dudes who don't and never will.

For a lark, I wemt to a Pow Wow and it was just....lame. Sooo lame.

I wish I could be Jamaican. I have Musical Youth record. Why not? :)

Word. American Indian is going to go down as the last bastion of acceptable racism, right behind super smart Asians. I have a minority female in my .gov office turning out superior work product for $10K less annually than her counterparts. But she's Native American, so my pointing that out to HR half a country away produces a collective yawn. SMH

06-24-16, 20:22
So how does this jive with the 'I identify as....' movement?

06-24-16, 22:03
So how does this jive with the 'I identify as....' movement?

As with everything else, it's fine unless you are actually white. They might designate a bathroom for you, but when it comes to the big stuff like education, scholarships, job placement and any beneficial government programs...that stuff is still reserved.

06-24-16, 22:09
I am very unhappy about this ruling, but as has been mentioned this was not the case to fight this on.

Now using this stupid case we are stuck with racist policies like affirmative action.

06-25-16, 03:28
People decry nepotism as bad, but then they turn around and have no problem with tribalism? A world where people are advanced based upon rarity of skin pigment? Sometimes I honestly can't believe this is how the world is in the 21rst century, it's pretty depressing.

Seven minute video explains how we got here . . .


06-25-16, 03:34
American Indian is going to go down as the last bastion of acceptable racism, right behind super smart Asians.

Perform a Google search for 'Asian Privilege', you see if one demographic is successful in certain areas (grades, college acceptance, etc.) it must be due to racism. They're next on the progressive chopping block.

Let's not forget the time Jesse Jackson extorted millions from Toyota for not having enough black dealers, board of directors, and advertising teams.

06-25-16, 04:16
Seven minute video explains how we got here . . .


Seen it before. Still can't believe we actually did it and are at this point.

06-25-16, 19:04
lol the whole Native American tag don't getcha too far.

There are oodles, upon oodles of red haired, or balding, pasty round eyed, green eyed, white guys who have legit tribal recognition and then there are swarthy, black haired almond eyed Geronimo looking dudes who don't and never will.

For a lark, I wemt to a Pow Wow and it was just....lame. Sooo lame.

I wish I could be Jamaican. I have Musical Youth record. Why not? :)

The beauty of the world today is you can self identify as anything you want to! I say go for it Mon!