View Full Version : Are we seeing a turning point in more Conservative values?

06-24-16, 06:53
It's been an eventful week.
Lots of wins for Conservatives recently, would you guess this to be a trend? Are we returning to more Conservative values?

06-24-16, 07:14
There are a certain number of people awakening, and rejecting the turn to the left, but very hard to say that the trend is conservative.

Straight Shooter
06-24-16, 07:41
Though Im hoping we don't wait until pushed into a corner to fight...being in a corner in a fight aint a bad place to be sometimes.

06-24-16, 08:49
The problem (or good thing) is that the left has pushed too far, too fast. Every day, there are 50 new things you're not allowed to say, do, or think because the left has invented ways why such things are racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, whatever-we-decide-is-an-untouchable-class-phobic. Hell, they've even changed definitions of words: "Phobia" is supposed to mean a fear, and now it means "hate". Hate used to mean something you despise, now it means "any disagreement, however slight, to anything we stand for." They openly state how much they hate this country and they want to totally control every aspect of our lives. People are getting pissed. Even a lot of people who consider themselves liberal, see the right as generally more moderate than the left these days and are flocking to support the lesser of two evils.

06-24-16, 09:04
Wow BoryingGuy45, that's a great point about twisting the word "phobia". I'd never thought about it in those terms.

I think the recent voting changes are more of a sign of a deepening political divide. Personally, I'm tired of having to choose between Conservative Hatred or Liberal Shaming, and I don't understand why it's suddenly in vogue to shame someone for being moderate or centrist. I wonder why things are tending more to the extreme, and how much of that has to do with the proliferation of terrorism over the last generation or so. There are other factors as well, but I don't feel like things were as contentious or politicized in the 90s or even the 2000s as they are now. I'm definitely sick of politics dominating everything. It's hard to understand, harder to talk about in reasonable terms, and always results in someone getting their panties in a wad. These days I feel like I can't take a shit without someone being offended.

I just want to live my life...

06-24-16, 09:12
It's been an eventful week.
Lots of wins for Conservatives recently, would you guess this to be a trend? Are we returning to more Conservative values?

not really... everything is still part lines driven.

06-24-16, 09:30
Is it a switch to the Right, or is it an identification of what works and what doesn't work? For most Americans the lines are blurred between left and right concepts. Trump has played into that large group of Americans who are unhappy with both major political parties. Many of these people support Gay rights, but also believe in less government, control of our borders and a stronger military. You just can't classify this group anymore. Many have some small Left leanings, some Libertarian and Conservative beliefs. Maybe what we're seeing is the start of a new Hybrid political movement? I don't know. I'm along for the ride to see what happens.

06-24-16, 09:57
I see it like this- the general public that is to the left is being brought a bit right towards middle for the most part while those of us on the right are going further right for the most part, most being moderates and almost smack dab in the middle.

Politicians, SCOTUS, the media morons and all the alphabet agencies however are continuing to move left (At break neck speed!), even though we have small victories like defeating these recent gun control bills (I barely consider this a victory- as a real victory would be never having this issue of destroying rights come up in the first place right?) we have bigger problems in the form of the FED continuing to erode our rights at a quite alarming pace, chiseling away at the basic fabric of our Liberty and what this nation was found upon.

Look at the recent SCOTUS rulings- a blow to the 4th, the 14th, etc, etc, etc. Look at the recent legislation the Feds have vomited on us like the Patriot act, NDAA, ACA, etc, etc, etc.

It's always been a balancing act, but things are way out of balance in our current times, and the level of technology and control the Fed has put in place that works against us is staggering, horrific actually.

I see people waking up all the time, but is it too little too late? I don't know, I truly hope not.

We as Liberty minded and Freedom loving individuals need to do our part. Any opportunity you have to inject facts, rational logic and truth into anyones mind please take the time to do it in a fashion that can be received easily and comfortably.

I wait in the shadows for people to be pushed to a point that they open their eyes a small bit- always happens when they get angry over something a politician or Governmental body does that is seen by them as pushing too far, something that affects them personally and invokes a real response of discomfort. I then pounce and show them other instances of similar infringement or wrong doing.

Recent example being the Orlando shootings. I finally got my gay sister and her wife to go shooting with me and learn how to handle a gun safely. Big step for them. Small step for us. I've talked to them about gay's needing to own guns and be able to defend themselves just like everyone else for a long time, but it took gays being targeted violently and murdered for them to understand what I was trying to get across. I didn't gloat or say I told you so, I was happy to take them out and get them basic safety rules going and a bit of time behind a pistol. I will continue to stoke those flames whilst still maintaining their comfort level.

It's up to us all to do our part to get this country back on track and be a unified country once again. It starts in each individual persons mind and blossoms from there.

06-24-16, 12:23
"Even a lot of people who consider themselves liberal, "

That is because they probably are actual liberals in the classic sense, and not leftists like those who run the Dem party.

06-24-16, 12:31
That pendulum. It does swing.

OH58D brings up an interesting concept with the "hybrid" theory. I suppose I would fit into this category and many people I know would too. When Clinton got re-elected the second time, I concluded the system was rigged. Ever since Bush said we couldn't move 12,000,000 illegals home because moving that many people was not logistically possible, right after we just evacuated 22,000,000 people after Hurricane Katrina, I knew something wasn't right. Then the Rs passed The Patriot Act. What a misnomer that was…

Obviously the left is going in the wrong direction, but the right seems to be going left with them more and more. Government stopped serving "The People" long ago, and now seem to serve themselves. I find myself without a party to get behind. I've been voting R to keep the much worse Ds out of office, but that practice has seemed futile for decades now. I want something better. I want someone in office who represents ME and follows the constitution.

I had a conversation with a co-worker today. I questioned what values she held and what policies she favored. All right leaning. Yet she was planning on voting for the Hilde-monster because Trump is an "*$$hole". She quoted word for word all the lies the media has been spouting for all these months. She said she's been arguing with her husband about it. Her husband is the US born son of Mexican illegals. He is all for Trump and right wing politics and has been arguing with his Mexican family members for months over the subject. What my co-worker and her husband's Mexican family do not understand is that the media, all of the media, has been lying to us for decades. I set her straight on what is going on. I told her about the lies. I told her what Hillary's SS detail has to say about her. I told her about "Fast and Furious", the emails, and Benghazi. All of this was news to her. She had no idea that the left is totally corrupt, a bunch of liars, and that the media is complicit in their propaganda campaign. She knows now and intends to vote against the Hildabeast. SHe wants to know why, if these things I say are true, doesn't everyone know about it. Why, she asked, doesn't "someone" charge and prosecute her? Why doesn't somebody do something about all this?

As THCDDM4 noted, more and more people are waking up. This big push from the left for the last 8 years has gone so far that the subtleties that have as yet gone unnoticed by the masses, are now obvious, glaring, points of contention. My co-worker above was very upset about all the Chosen One's EOs. She had nothing good to say about the guy, but she really had no idea what is really going on. We need to help these people wake up. As frustrating as it may be, as futile as it may seem, we have to make the effort. We need to talk about it and explain. Its so easy to write off anyone voting D as an idiot, or a crazy person. Some of them just might be idiots or crazy, or crazy idiots. It has become apparent to me that a large percentage of them are ignorant, duped by the media, and simply confused by all the arguing from both sides. How do they know who to believe? This group would happily take our side, if they only knew what was really going on. We need to get the word out.

06-24-16, 19:17
I guess I don't understand why conservatiphobics can't agree with the common sense measures we can and should agree on, regarding the rights of everyone to be free from the fascism perpetrated by hateful leftist ideologies. We don't defend people's "Civil Lefts" and "Constitutional Lefts". You can't even say rights without the word " right". Its a matter of common sense!

06-24-16, 20:08
Declaring things to be "Liberal" or "Conservative" and then raging against the other team is what the partizan hate machine has programmed all the zombies/ sheep/ brain dead to do.

We've seen a victory of individualism over collectivism in the UK. That is all.

Meanwhile, here in VA, our governor has taken executive action to restore rights for people who had them stripped by the judiciary through due process (voting for felons)... while simultaneously supporting a measure to allow the executive to strip rights without due process of law (no fly, no buy).

06-24-16, 20:43
People forget that underneath politics are human beings.

Nobody wants to be hassled or backed in a corner. Sometimes change os good. Sometimes not.

Women wanted to vote and work. Fine.

But some women were happier tending to families and children and get hassled for it.

Black folks wanted equality and civil rights. Fine.

It gave people a chance to go and do what they wanted in life.

But some people still simply self segregate. Then there are those that think they are owed something or that they won't be doing 'square's work" because it's cool to be on the renegade.

Peope wanted to leave their shithole countries to have a better life. Fine.

They learned English, got some education and training, changed their name, and felt good that they were finally, praise God, an American.

But then came the yabs, the non-assimilates, and the criminals. Oh yes, and you must press One for English.

So under all of that....there are people who wanted to be left alone and simply aren't being left alone.

Because people are doing the class warfare spiel. Women can't be women. Blacks can't just be regular people in the world. And people who squat shit in sinks are given immigration preference over people with high education and English fluency.

And enough people are pissed off lately.
I am close to a black girl who says that there is nothing African about her. She's black, not political, just wants to raise a kid, see the Bahamas a few times, buy a Mercedes, grow old, and die.

That's it. That's all. No hyphens, no BS.
She is 100% grown folks radio.

Had a decent upbringing, just living life.

People forget that. That's why I too, grow sick of a label.

I'm at an age where I've seen enough American Gutter that I just want to sit back, watch cartoons or Golden Girls reruns, explore reloading, and die at age 60.

That's it. That's all. Not much ambition or youthful idealism left.

06-24-16, 22:43
I'm not certain that we can generalize accurately about direction of trends if we base the generalization on a few events occurring within a short time. Like others here, I'm dismayed with political correctness dictates and knee jerk liberals who haven't yet been mugged. I fret when Trump tries to be our spokesman. I fear that he has low credibility and will hurt our cause rather than help it. Of course, I'll vote for him and not her. I don't trust the man.

Our society is fragmented. Some say that our diversity is our strength. On one level our diversity can be described as a bunch of groups, which have selfish interests and narrow outlooks. Several enjoy protected status to such an extent that criticizing them is not permitted. You and I refer to some of these people as freaks, fruits, its, queers and so on, but others may insist that society guarantee them a place on the old pedestal. At the same time, we must not criticize welfare cheaters, gang members, illegal aliens, and a few others. Believe me when I say that such topics can not be mentioned in polite or cultured circles because bringing them forward results in exclusion from the group.

In my wildest dreams I can't envision the day when Americans can discuss such controversial issues unless they speak dialog according to a prepared script. But for political conservatives to be able to win elections and influence outcomes, they must appeal to a wider group and get beyond obsessing about homo's and butt sex, abortion, and walls for wetbacks to name a few. Otherwise, we will find ourselves continuing to preach to the choir, which will have fewer and fewer members.

06-24-16, 23:05
Good post Willie especially the last paragraph.

06-24-16, 23:17
That pendulum. It does swing.

OH58D brings up an interesting concept with the "hybrid" theory. I suppose I would fit into this category and many people I know would too. When Clinton got re-elected the second time, I concluded the system was rigged. Ever since Bush said we couldn't move 12,000,000 illegals home because moving that many people was not logistically possible, right after we just evacuated 22,000,000 people after Hurricane Katrina, I knew something wasn't right. Then the Rs passed The Patriot Act. What a misnomer that was…

Obviously the left is going in the wrong direction, but the right seems to be going left with them more and more. Government stopped serving "The People" long ago, and now seem to serve themselves. I find myself without a party to get behind. I've been voting R to keep the much worse Ds out of office, but that practice has seemed futile for decades now. I want something better. I want someone in office who represents ME and follows the constitution.

I had a conversation with a co-worker today. I questioned what values she held and what policies she favored. All right leaning. Yet she was planning on voting for the Hilde-monster because Trump is an "*$$hole". She quoted word for word all the lies the media has been spouting for all these months. She said she's been arguing with her husband about it. Her husband is the US born son of Mexican illegals. He is all for Trump and right wing politics and has been arguing with his Mexican family members for months over the subject. What my co-worker and her husband's Mexican family do not understand is that the media, all of the media, has been lying to us for decades. I set her straight on what is going on. I told her about the lies. I told her what Hillary's SS detail has to say about her. I told her about "Fast and Furious", the emails, and Benghazi. All of this was news to her. She had no idea that the left is totally corrupt, a bunch of liars, and that the media is complicit in their propaganda campaign. She knows now and intends to vote against the Hildabeast. SHe wants to know why, if these things I say are true, doesn't everyone know about it. Why, she asked, doesn't "someone" charge and prosecute her? Why doesn't somebody do something about all this?

As THCDDM4 noted, more and more people are waking up. This big push from the left for the last 8 years has gone so far that the subtleties that have as yet gone unnoticed by the masses, are now obvious, glaring, points of contention. My co-worker above was very upset about all the Chosen One's EOs. She had nothing good to say about the guy, but she really had no idea what is really going on. We need to help these people wake up. As frustrating as it may be, as futile as it may seem, we have to make the effort. We need to talk about it and explain. Its so easy to write off anyone voting D as an idiot, or a crazy person. Some of them just might be idiots or crazy, or crazy idiots. It has become apparent to me that a large percentage of them are ignorant, duped by the media, and simply confused by all the arguing from both sides. How do they know who to believe? This group would happily take our side, if they only knew what was really going on. We need to get the word out.

Nicely stated, if I was back in Southern CA anytime soon I'd buy you a drink.

06-24-16, 23:36
Declaring things to be "Liberal" or "Conservative" and then raging against the other team is what the partizan hate machine has programmed all the zombies/ sheep/ brain dead to do.

We've seen a victory of individualism over collectivism in the UK. That is all.

Meanwhile, here in VA, our governor has taken executive action to restore rights for people who had them stripped by the judiciary through due process (voting for felons)... while simultaneously supporting a measure to allow the executive to strip rights without due process of law (no fly, no buy).

Maybe, but I'm sick and tired of being told by liberals that I lack "common sense" if I disagree with them. That is an out and out direct insult. When they marginalize my needs and interests because I'm a "bitter clinger", or uneducated or racist or xenophobic because how could I possibly disagree with them unless there was something wrong with me?

I'm not a zombie or a sheep or brain dead, I'm insulted, marginalized and bullied so as to make me shrink away and cede my rights, lest I be demonized publicly. Well you know what I am? I am RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT!!! I will not be pushed any further and not be only will I not cede one more inch, I'm on a mission to roll them back or roll right over them like a steamroller. Their choice, makes no difference to me. I've been insulted for FAR too long.

Here's the difference between me and them. I'm not trying to take a single thing from them. Gays? Don't care. Abortion? Don't care. Giving all of YOUR money to undeserving societal leeches? Don't care. Want to turn your shitty state into the northernmost Mexican state? Don't care. You want me to agree with your decisions or pay a thin dime to support it? **** you, you ****ing ****ity ****! You want to tell me what to say or what to do or how to think or what I can or cannot own? You'd best step off before you get blood all over yourself.

Seriously, I'm done suffering these sanctimonious fools or listening to utter gobshites spew feces from their smug faces. D.O.N.E. :mad:

06-25-16, 00:14
The problem (or good thing) is that the left has pushed too far, too fast. Every day, there are 50 new things you're not allowed to say, do, or think because the left has invented ways why such things are racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, whatever-we-decide-is-an-untouchable-class-phobic. Hell, they've even changed definitions of words: "Phobia" is supposed to mean a fear, and now it means "hate". Hate used to mean something you despise, now it means "any disagreement, however slight, to anything we stand for." They openly state how much they hate this country and they want to totally control every aspect of our lives. People are getting pissed. Even a lot of people who consider themselves liberal, see the right as generally more moderate than the left these days and are flocking to support the lesser of two evils.

+1111111111 Excellente!

06-25-16, 04:33
Every day, there are 50 new things you're not allowed to say, do, or think because the left has invented ways why such things are racist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, whatever-we-decide-is-an-untouchable-class-phobic. Hell, they've even changed definitions of words: "Phobia" is supposed to mean a fear, and now it means "hate". Hate used to mean something you despise, now it means "any disagreement, however slight, to anything we stand for." They openly state how much they hate this country and they want to totally control every aspect of our lives. People are getting pissed. Even a lot of people who consider themselves liberal, see the right as generally more moderate than the left these days and are flocking to support the lesser of two evils.

It all goes back to Marxism.

"Racist" -- A Word Invented by USSR's Leon Trotsky

As for everything else it's business as usual; divide and conquer, control is always automatic, et al.

06-25-16, 10:35
Maybe, but I'm sick and tired of being told by liberals that I lack "common sense" if I disagree with them. That is an out and out direct insult. When they marginalize my needs and interests because I'm a "bitter clinger", or uneducated or racist or xenophobic because how could I possibly disagree with them unless there was something wrong with me?

I'm not a zombie or a sheep or brain dead, I'm insulted, marginalized and bullied so as to make me shrink away and cede my rights, lest I be demonized publicly. Well you know what I am? I am RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT!!! I will not be pushed any further and not be only will I not cede one more inch, I'm on a mission to roll them back or roll right over them like a steamroller. Their choice, makes no difference to me. I've been insulted for FAR too long.

Here's the difference between me and them. I'm not trying to take a single thing from them. Gays? Don't care. Abortion? Don't care. Giving all of YOUR money to undeserving societal leeches? Don't care. Want to turn your shitty state into the northernmost Mexican state? Don't care. You want me to agree with your decisions or pay a thin dime to support it? **** you, you ****ing ****ity ****! You want to tell me what to say or what to do or how to think or what I can or cannot own? You'd best step off before you get blood all over yourself.

Seriously, I'm done suffering these sanctimonious fools or listening to utter gobshites spew feces from their smug faces. D.O.N.E. :mad:

Pretty much this.

I've said it before but it bears mentioning again: aside from the Moral Majority types, conservatives basically just want to be left alone (within reason). Liberal agendas require forced mass participation. There is no leaving ANYONE alone, unless of course you're in a "speshul" group who dare not be criticized. I don't like guns so NO ONE can have them, and if so I'll decide what kind and under what conditions. You must rejoice in and embrace "alternative lifestyles". No, it's not enough that you simply accept it but you must openly proclaim your tacit support or you're a "hater" and "bigot" (I love that one). Don't want the country overrun with unchecked illegal immigration? Racist hater you are. Closer tabs on the Religion of Peace you say? Friggin' Islamophobic bigot!

I'm basically sick of this shit, and have been for quite some time. I WILL stand up and speak my mind and do not care one iota what label they throw at me. In fact, by the time I'm done with my rant I'll justify every damn label you threw at me and leave you red-faced that I could say such things with such vulgarity and frantically scrambling for your "safe space"! America is divided and I PROUDLY stand on one side of that divide. I have NO interest in joining hands and singing kumbayah with my "fellow citizens" as roughly half of them are what I consider domestic enemies; THEY are the ones putting these shithead politicians in office with their collectivist, PC ideas. Remember, most people are sick of other Congress-critters, not their own.

06-25-16, 11:29
...for political conservatives to be able to win elections and influence outcomes, they must appeal to a wider group and get beyond obsessing about homo's and butt sex, abortion, and walls for wetbacks to name a few.

American Conservatives should not win American elections- and won't- because those are the issues that define the very foundation of their platform.

The zero-sum-game of Left/ Right, promoted by the partisan hate machine, needs to be replaced by a new paradigm... and it's happening.

Too many issues of Liberty vs. Tyranny, Individualism vs. Collectivism, and even Good vs. Evil have been twisted and contorted into Left/ Right issues for easier digestion by the brain dead zombies/ sheeple.

After Trump loses in November, he should start a Five Star Movement/ Bull Moose Party/ whatever he wants to call it (Probably the Trump Party) and on DAY ****ING ONE he will have more members than the moving-towards-extinction GOP.

The Era of two party politics is over- the 24 hour news cycle and partisan hate machine killed it. It produces too many knee jerks and allows too much power to fringe radicals. Plus, it drives otherwise sane, weak-minded people to the polar extremes.

Just look at Virginia- We had one Governor trying to literally get government inside the pussy, inventing a new state seal without approval to cover up a cartoon titty, and all kinds of other bad stuff... and so we replaced him with a guy who uses Executive Action to seriously curtail CCW (he'd end it himself if he could), get felons into the voting booth, and all kinds of other bad stuff.

The people are sea sick. Stop rocking the boat or I swear to god we will sink it on purpose just to see who can swim.

06-25-16, 13:01
American Conservatives should not win American elections- and won't- because those are the issues that define the very foundation of their platform.

The zero-sum-game of Left/ Right, promoted by the partisan hate machine, needs to be replaced by a new paradigm... and it's happening.

Too many issues of Liberty vs. Tyranny, Individualism vs. Collectivism, and even Good vs. Evil have been twisted and contorted into Left/ Right issues for easier digestion by the brain dead zombies/ sheeple.

After Trump loses in November, he should start a Five Star Movement/ Bull Moose Party/ whatever he wants to call it (Probably the Trump Party) and on DAY ****ING ONE he will have more members than the moving-towards-extinction GOP.

The Era of two party politics is over- the 24 hour news cycle and partisan hate machine killed it. It produces too many knee jerks and allows too much power to fringe radicals. Plus, it drives otherwise sane, weak-minded people to the polar extremes.

Just look at Virginia- We had one Governor trying to literally get government inside the pussy, inventing a new state seal without approval to cover up a cartoon titty, and all kinds of other bad stuff... and so we replaced him with a guy who uses Executive Action to seriously curtail CCW (he'd end it himself if he could), get felons into the voting booth, and all kinds of other bad stuff.

The people are sea sick. Stop rocking the boat or I swear to god we will sink it on purpose just to see who can swim.

You may be right about that, but ONE will remain.....guess which one? That is what I have a problem with, as what they stand for is mostly the antithesis of what I believe in (minus any Moral Majority BS as I've stated before).

06-25-16, 13:04
Maybe, but I'm sick and tired of being told by liberals that I lack "common sense" if I disagree with them. That is an out and out direct insult. When they marginalize my needs and interests because I'm a "bitter clinger", or uneducated or racist or xenophobic because how could I possibly disagree with them unless there was something wrong with me?

I'm not a zombie or a sheep or brain dead, I'm insulted, marginalized and bullied so as to make me shrink away and cede my rights, lest I be demonized publicly. Well you know what I am? I am RIGHTEOUSLY INDIGNANT!!! I will not be pushed any further and not be only will I not cede one more inch, I'm on a mission to roll them back or roll right over them like a steamroller. Their choice, makes no difference to me. I've been insulted for FAR too long.

Here's the difference between me and them. I'm not trying to take a single thing from them. Gays? Don't care. Abortion? Don't care. Giving all of YOUR money to undeserving societal leeches? Don't care. Want to turn your shitty state into the northernmost Mexican state? Don't care. You want me to agree with your decisions or pay a thin dime to support it? **** you, you ****ing ****ity ****! You want to tell me what to say or what to do or how to think or what I can or cannot own? You'd best step off before you get blood all over yourself.

Seriously, I'm done suffering these sanctimonious fools or listening to utter gobshites spew feces from their smug faces. D.O.N.E. :mad:

I don't know what state you are in, but can you hear my applause upon reading your post?

Well said. Very well said.