View Full Version : Review: Predestination

06-24-16, 10:00
Finally watched this one on the plane going from MA -> FL and I'm glad I did! This movie explores time travel paradox's at a level no other movie of the time travel ilk can match, not even close. This movie is a mind bender to end all mind benders in the time travel genre.

Ethan Hawke does a solid job as the lead, but the real star of this movie is actress Sarah Snook, who does an INCREDIBLE job in this movie. I was blown away by her and if it was not a foreign made film, if the movie was not sci fi, not so incredibly mind bending and heavy, she'd win every damn award there is for this work. Hollywood and the world in general ignores sci fi as "serious movie" making as rule, and it only took them decades to acknowledge Blade Runner for example one of the finest examples of cinema ever made regardless of genre.

Very few movies leave me thinking about it all day the next day, and I'm still trying to untwist what I saw for the implications it addresses, the quality of movie making, the acting of the entire cast, and turns and twists I didn't see coming, and the last time I saw a sci fi movie that I didn't see it coming a mile away was "Luke, I am your father..."

This movie should have gotten far more attention than it did, but the general public won't "get it" so also not surprised it didn't.

My Rating: A*

FYI: The movie is adopted from All You Zombies—' " a science fiction short story by Robert A. Heinlein I read as a kid.


* = Would get an A+ but for a few minor flubs I doubt most will even notice or care, but A+ in sci fi is reserved for reference quality movies such as 2001, Blade Runner, etc.

06-24-16, 10:07
So, ummm….., you liked it?

06-24-16, 10:24
So, ummm….., you liked it?

It sucked man.

06-24-16, 13:29
I'm a big Robert A. Heinlein fan, but the self impregnating hermaphrodite was kind of a mind ****.

06-24-16, 13:44
I'm a big Robert A. Heinlein fan, but the self impregnating hermaphrodite was kind of a mind ****.

It was intended to be a mind fu%$, so I'd day mission accomplished. Can't think of any time travel movie that even gets a close second to the mind bender that was this movie.

06-24-16, 13:52
Actually saw this awhile ago and had forgotten about it.

I think my favorite time travel film is still Millennium (1989).

06-24-16, 13:58
Actually saw this awhile ago and had forgotten about it.

I think my favorite time travel film is still Millennium (1989).

Was fun in a cheesy sort of way. They should redo that one. Concept was great but effects, acting etc left much to be desired, even for the time I felt. This pic says it all:


06-24-16, 14:31
Was fun in a cheesy sort of way. They should redo that one. Concept was great but effects, acting etc left much to be desired, even for the time I felt. This pic says it all:


Certainly wasn't perfect. But it was a decent concept.

For me "Predestination" was a lot like "12 Monkeys", it was a good film but it was also all over the place.

Crow Hunter
06-24-16, 15:01
I didn't really like it.

But I also find the "I am my own Grandpa" paradox to be annoying and stupid.

It has gotten to the point that it is a trope and an annoying one at that. Any scifi movie that has even the hint that it might involve time travel, I pick out the two biggest actors and weave some impossible tale of how they are related and "Poof" that is what happens.

My wife asks, "How did you know that?!?!". I say "I have seen this movie before", then we have to get into the discussion of no, I am not seeing someone else and I didn't see this in the movie theater, it is the writer trying to be clever with the "I am my own Grandpa" paradox which was done in movie A, B, C and D.

I was impressed with the acting though. And, although I "figured it out", I was intrigued enough to keep watching just to make sure. Some movies I just tell my wife the end and go do something else. One time, I didn't even start watching the movie with her, I just walked through the living room, saw a scene, told her the ending and went into the spare bedroom to play a computer game only to hear a yelled "I HATE YOU!" about an hour and a half later. :cool:

06-24-16, 15:42
I like revenge fantasy Time Travel.

Like The Final Countdown where the F-14s just waste the Zeros.

People think Time Travel should be a noble concept. With good intentions.

No. That's boring. Look at BTTF, the ultimate goals were kinda selfish, de-wussify your dad, de-hussify your mom, ensure you marry your high school squeeze, and get Doc some prairie strange all while humiliating entire generations of a family of dumbasses.

That's why it is so beloved.

I just want to see a bizarre Vietnam war movie with A-10 raids. Graphic A-10 raids.

06-24-16, 15:55
Star Trek IV still kicked MORE ass for a time travel flick. :p

06-24-16, 15:58
Star Trek IV still kicked MORE ass for a time travel flick. :p

My favorite Trek movie to date. Other than the fact no matter how fast you went around the sun you wouldn't go back in time, best Trek movie for me.

06-24-16, 16:02
It's too bad that time travel to the past isn't possible.

06-24-16, 16:10
It's too bad that time travel to the past isn't possible.

Why not?

06-24-16, 16:15
It's too bad that time travel to the past isn't possible.

According to who?

06-24-16, 16:32
If time travel were possible it would've happened by now.

06-24-16, 16:41
If time travel were possible it would've happened by now.

Says the man who posted this in the past and is now in the post's future, having traveled forward in time to the present.


06-24-16, 16:48
That's nothing to do with time travel. That's merely my deal with the Devil

06-24-16, 16:54
It's too bad that time travel to the past isn't possible.

Actually I think there are currently about three methods for retrograde time travel where the math works but we lack the technology or the resources to realistically make it happen.

06-24-16, 16:58
If time travel were possible it would've happened by now.

I see what you did there.

06-24-16, 17:13
What do we want?
Time travel!

When do we want it?

06-24-16, 17:19
Why not?

You would have to return every particle in the universe back to its old spatial coordinates, direction, and energy level.

06-24-16, 17:43
You would have to return every particle in the universe back to its old spatial coordinates, direction, and energy level.

Or alternates would simply be created and may already exist as parallels. I agree that a single time line is probably inviolate, I don't think it can be changed. But I think you could move from this time / space to a previous time / space (which would already exist and not need to be recreated or returned) but your mere presence at that previous time / space would result in an alternate time line. This would also satisfy the grandfather paradox.

Obviously we wouldn't know what would happen until we actually do it, for all we know we could destroy space / time forever or on the other hand we could be successful but not even realize that we were. If we sent somebody back 100 years it wouldn't likely change "our" present and we would have no knowledge of the alternate that was created or already existed. This would also explain why we aren't getting visitors from the future.

But this is all pretty much academic and little more than mathematical theoreticals. We can't even approach cosmic strands in outer space that "should" permit time travel, we don't have the vehicles or the energy sources that would be necessary to attempt other retro time travel methods.

06-24-16, 17:50
You would have to return every particle in the universe back to its old spatial coordinates, direction, and energy level.

To repeat, says who?

06-24-16, 18:02
Or alternates would simply be created and may already exist as parallels. I agree that a single time line is probably inviolate, I don't think it can be changed. But I think you could move from this time / space to a previous time / space (which would already exist and not need to be recreated or returned) but your mere presence at that previous time / space would result in an alternate time line. This would also satisfy the grandfather paradox.

Obviously we wouldn't know what would happen until we actually do it, for all we know we could destroy space / time forever or on the other hand we could be successful but not even realize that we were. If we sent somebody back 100 years it wouldn't likely change "our" present and we would have no knowledge of the alternate that was created or already existed. This would also explain why we aren't getting visitors from the future.

But this is all pretty much academic and little more than mathematical theoreticals. We can't even approach cosmic strands in outer space that "should" permit time travel, we don't have the vehicles or the energy sources that would be necessary to attempt other retro time travel methods.

I have never thought of that as a well grounded argument against it. Could be we are, but don't know (just about every movie and story stresses the need not be be discovered due to the impact on the future, yada yada,) it has not happened yet, at lest in this time line, and other possibilities, some of which go down some very interesting and bizarre, directions. The time dilation effects of relativity has been physically tested and confirmed via atomic clocks(1), and even communication satellites have to account for it to work. So, that is now longer in the theoretical realm based on math. More theoretical is the idea of hanging out at the event horizon of a black hole, then returning home to see time elapsed from your "time" spent at the event horizon very different, and the size of the black hole dictates the time differences as the more massive the black hole the greater the impact on the space/time around it.

(1) "The Hafele–Keating experiment was a test of the theory of relativity. In October 1971, Joseph C. Hafele, a physicist, and Richard E. Keating, an astronomer, took four cesium-beam atomic clocks aboard commercial airliners. They flew twice around the world, first eastward, then westward, and compared the clocks against others that remained at the United States Naval Observatory. When reunited, the three sets of clocks were found to disagree with one another, and their differences were consistent with the predictions of special and general relativity."


06-24-16, 18:11
I have never thought of that as a well grounded argument against it. Could be we are, but don't know (just about every movie and story stresses the need not be be discovered due to the impact on the future, yada yada,) it has not happened yet, at lest in this time line, and other possibilities, some of which go down some very interesting and bizarre, directions. The time dilation effects of relativity has been physically tested and confirmed via atomic clocks(1), and even communication satellites have to account for it to work. So, that is now longer in the theoretical realm based on math. More theoretical is the idea of hanging out at the event horizon of a black hole, then returning home to see time elapsed from your "time" spent at the event horizon very different, and the size of the black hole dictates the time differences as the more massive the black hole the greater the impact on the space/time around it.

(1) "The Hafele–Keating experiment was a test of the theory of relativity. In October 1971, Joseph C. Hafele, a physicist, and Richard E. Keating, an astronomer, took four cesium-beam atomic clocks aboard commercial airliners. They flew twice around the world, first eastward, then westward, and compared the clocks against others that remained at the United States Naval Observatory. When reunited, the three sets of clocks were found to disagree with one another, and their differences were consistent with the predictions of special and general relativity."


I was speaking exclusively or retrograde time travel. Forward time travel is not only possible, as you noted we have already done it.

06-24-16, 19:54
To repeat, says who?

Why do you need a scientist to reference? The fact is that the past doesn't exist anymore.

The arrow of time only goes in the forward direction. It can slow down and speed up but it never reverses.

06-24-16, 20:00
Why do you need a scientist to reference? The fact is that the past doesn't exist anymore.

The arrow of time only goes in the forward direction. It can slow down and speed up but it never reverses.

Why does it never reverse? Restating the hypothesis doesn't consist of proof of that hypothesis.

06-24-16, 20:09
Why do you need a scientist to reference?

Because unlike some, I don't take the word from anonymous forum posters word for it based on nothing. You make a declarative statement like that minus any source for, than it's you opinion.

The fact is that the past doesn't exist anymore.

The arrow of time only goes in the forward direction. It can slow down and speed up but it never reverses.

That's time discussion 101, but does not answer the Q nor supported by anything. Going back in time is not reversing time per se, but it seems the current thinking is forward is possible and backward not so much.

06-24-16, 20:12
There's no need in me arguing the nature of time. Believe what you want. It's fun to fantasize about slingshoting around the sun to go back in time. However, in reality, time as we perceive it is only a construct of the mind.

06-24-16, 20:13
Well one of my earlier quotes was a paraphrasing of Hawking.

Albert Einstein spoke of time dilation which isn't so much time travel but time slowing down or stopping. At least relative to a singularity.

It's a lovely fantasy device to hop in a car and go 88mph to go back to an arcade, see Madonna when she was young or right a wrong.

But you simply cannot go back. You could slow time down or rather speed yourself up. But that's about it.

The best, most mature look at time dilation was The Forever War.

It was to Starship Troopers what Platoon was to The Green Berets.

They keep making these hyperspace hops and whole generations go by to fight a distant war. The people on Earth don't seem to care and the guy is a normal guy. Each time he DEROSes back to Earth, it's literally a different world. People look different. Talk different. Homosexuality is the norm.
For him, it seems like a year, but everyone else it's been a lifetime. So he rotates back with different people fighting space Vietnam and comes back to find that people are again, radically different, and now the bizarre people he went to war with seem more familiar and they are lost.

What was meant to show an author's personal exercise in ennui was clever as it showed the very posdible effect of time dilation travel. He got there and back fast to him, but life went on for others.

He left with a late 50s mentality and upbringing to fight a world away and came back to different world.

Unless you were just totally mentally detached or had nothing going for you then it wouldn't matter.

But home not feeling like home would be a hard pill to swallow.

06-24-16, 21:59
There's no need in me arguing the nature of time. Believe what you want. It's fun to fantasize about slingshoting around the sun to go back in time. However, in reality, time as we perceive it is only a construct of the mind.

Time existed before man and conscious thought. Granted we may not have a full comprehension of time due to a humanistic view, but I think if we are capable of theorizing and then finding black holes we can probably understand time well enough to have working models. We probably have a fuller understanding of time than gravity.

06-24-16, 23:44
Time existed before man and conscious thought. Granted we may not have a full comprehension of time due to a humanistic view, but I think if we are capable of theorizing and then finding black holes we can probably understand time well enough to have working models. We probably have a fuller understanding of time than gravity.

Tell me what time is then.

06-25-16, 00:31
Why do you need a scientist to reference? The fact is that the past doesn't exist anymore.

The arrow of time only goes in the forward direction. It can slow down and speed up but it never reverses.

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."

Tell me what time is then.

Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once.

06-25-16, 00:44
Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once.

But what is it?

06-25-16, 01:48
Tell me what time is then.


Movement through space. Without space, there is no time.

06-25-16, 03:11
Time is relative, clocks are real.

How do we know we haven't been visited by humans from the future?

And what if our entire universe is nothing but a simulation . . .

06-25-16, 04:07
Time is relative, clocks are real.

How do we know we haven't been visited by humans from the future?

And what if our entire universe is nothing but a simulation . . .

Well then I revert back to the theory of Big Purple Kid.

06-25-16, 06:51
Time is relative, clocks are real.

How do we know we haven't been visited by humans from the future?

And what if our entire universe is nothing but a simulation . . .

But what is real?

One can go on forever with this line of thought. Time exists with or without humans, as does gravity. How we perceive it maybe uniquely human, but we have nothing to compare to, and if there are advanced civilizations out there, they likly have a very different understanding of space/time. No matter how intelligent, humans always tend to view things from a human-centric POV, starting with the sun revolves around us to all the universe is a function and simulation of our consciousness. Some posit the universe is conscious and we exist in it's simulation. Personally, I don't think the universe gives a damn about us and we still think in overly human-centric patterns.

Tom Campbell - My Big Toe etc - has some interesting thoughts on such topics (1). Some of it I find interesting, some of it I find self absorbed goblygook mental masturbation.


06-25-16, 09:11
We exist in a time realm of infinite time realms with infinite dimensions. I do not believe it is linear. I believe it is possible to not only go back or forward, but in any direction.

06-25-16, 10:04
It's too bad that time travel to the past isn't possible.

Whaddya think UFO's are? Our progeny, coming back to VISIT us 'cavemen!' :D

06-25-16, 10:14
How do we know we haven't been visited by humans from the future?

The future hasn't happened yet. There aren't any humans in the future to come back and visit us.

We predict that there will be humans in the future but when their time exists, ours will not exist anymore.

06-25-16, 12:07
Unless the future has already happened, we just haven't reached it, yet.

06-25-16, 14:25
The future hasn't happened yet. There aren't any humans in the future to come back and visit us.

We predict that there will be humans in the future but when their time exists, ours will not exist anymore.

Unless parallels / alternates exist and they can be bridged.

06-25-16, 15:12
We're the only creatures that probably think about this stuff.

I personally doubt parallels or alternates because we can't even find two snowflakes in our own universe.

There may well be busty amazon girls with death rays, anime hair, and bikini armor who have very liberal Amazon law about food, drink, and weaponry.....and we'll never see them. Ever. Solely because we are the Projects of the Universe and Reality.

Somewhere across time and space is my soulmate who is 6'2", built like Lynda Carter but better with big long green hair who sits at her home with her sisters lamenting on who she is going to share her awesome death ray collection and barbecue talents with.

And her oldest sister with the rack takes her to her bosom as she sobs and says "Oh there, there. He's out there somewhere. Just be patient."

And I'm stuck here on this godless rock, a trillion light years away because our Muslim president screwed up NASA.

I feel discriminated against. I'm not a hardcase. I'd just settle for the death ray and a jet pack.

I have needs.

06-25-16, 15:22
Unless parallels / alternates exist and they can be bridged.

But that would not be our future or past. It would be a separate alternate universe.

06-25-16, 21:04
Time travel: cool
Movie: blowed

06-25-16, 21:40
Watched it this evening.

Unfortunately I think I've consumed too many books and movies on the subject, as I had a pretty damn good idea of how it was going to end and what the "big reveals" would be.

My very favorite time travel movies are Time Crimes directed by Nacho Vigalondo (Spanish language), and Primer. Primer is one of those movies that I had to watch a couple times before I wrapped my head around the whole thing. Ultimately that movie inspired a shitload of infographics and flowcharts of timelines that people made to fully explain the movie. Not one to watch without paying attention.

Looper had a solid base but ultimately fell flat when the writers didn't follow the rules of their own universe to give a cutesy-but-impossible ending. Probably changed after negative testing with American audiences.

06-25-16, 21:47
But that would not be our future or past. It would be a separate alternate universe.

Ok, now I'm following your train of thought. To the best of our knowledge you are correct "our timeline" future hasn't happened yet. But if somebody bridged an alternate timeline how would we really know the difference. We really don't know the rules right now because we've never done it.

06-26-16, 03:09
The future hasn't happened yet. There aren't any humans in the future to come back and visit us.

We predict that there will be humans in the future but when their time exists, ours will not exist anymore.

Are you familiar with the RAF/USAF Bentwaters UFO incident?

I think this is the best case for a visitation from humans from the future.

06-26-16, 07:36
Ok, now I'm following your train of thought. To the best of our knowledge you are correct "our timeline" future hasn't happened yet. But if somebody bridged an alternate timeline how would we really know the difference. We really don't know the rules right now because we've never done it.

It may also be the case an alternative universe is on an alternative time, so ten minutes in one, may be 100 years in the other. Bridging one, waiting ten minutes, and going back, would result in 100 years time change. My favorite sci fi writer working today, Peter Hamilton explores that a bit in recent books.

Going backward would be more difficult, but for all we know there's an alternative universe that's time line is opposite ours. It's going in one direction as ours appears to, but in the opposite direction, hence time spent in one alternative universe then returning to ours, would result in going backward in time.If I'm going south on a highway but you are going north, we are both going forward yet in opposite directions. I'm not aware of anything that says alternative universe would prevent that and are going forward in parallel, but I'm Kip Thorne that's for sure.

06-26-16, 12:41
Going backward would be more difficult, but for all we know there's an alternative universe that's time line is opposite ours. It's going in one direction as ours appears to, but in the opposite direction, hence time spent in one alternative universe then returning to ours, would result in going backward in time.

Nope. There would be nothing to go back to. Our past is nothing but a memory now. It doesn't exist. You seem to think that all points in time coexist simultaneously. They don't. Space expands and entropy occurs.

I wish you were right. I'd love to go back to the 80s.

06-26-16, 14:25
Nope. There would be nothing to go back to. Our past is nothing but a memory now. It doesn't exist. You seem to think that all points in time coexist simultaneously. They don't. Space expands and entropy occurs.

I wish you were right. I'd love to go back to the 80s.

I always thought with sufficient technology we might be able to view the past.

For example if we had the means to observe something 1 million light years away, we could travel to that point and observe our past.

06-26-16, 14:30
I always thought with sufficient technology we might be able to view the past.

For example if we had the means to observe something 1 million light years away, we could travel to that point and observe our past.

That may be possible. If we had warp drive we could go 30 light years away from the Earth and observe the light that left the Earth in the 80s.

06-26-16, 14:31
Are you familiar with the RAF/USAF Bentwaters UFO incident?

I think this is the best case for a visitation from humans from the future.

A more objective source.


If there actually were visitors, how would we have any idea where they came from?

06-26-16, 16:05
Nope. There would be nothing to go back to. Our past is nothing but a memory now. It doesn't exist. You seem to think that all points in time coexist simultaneously. They don't. Space expands and entropy occurs.

I wish you were right. I'd love to go back to the 80s.

Again, based on? Source? Your background for this is? When you make declarative statements of fact, you need to support it with something, or admit it's simply your opinion. The fact is, no one knows the answer to that this time, no one. Hence, we can discuss it as possibilities yet to be confirmed, if they ever are. I'm not aware of anything I have sad that's outside the possibility of what is at least hypothesized by the heavy hitters in this area, but feel free to correct me if wrong beyond your continuous statements minus jack shit for any support at all. It's getting annoying. If you read what I wrote closely, it's in fact the opposite of all points in time coexisting simultaneously, which is the only reason it's within the possibilities.

06-27-16, 03:06
A more objective source.


If there actually were visitors, how would we have any idea where they came from?

I think I got my RAF/USAF in the 80's incidents mixed up, I meant to post about the Rendlesham Forest incident.

The Airmen who responded to the incident were implanted (memory) with a binary code, years later once decoded it gave a very specific message you can read in this link.

While many people think this was a message from little green men it has been hypothesised it was in fact humans from the future coming back in time to conduct research due to the last part of the message "Origin Year 8100".

06-27-16, 03:42
I think I got my RAF/USAF in the 80's incidents mixed up, I meant to post about the Rendlesham Forest incident.

The Airmen who responded to the incident were implanted (memory) with a binary code, years later once decoded it gave a very specific message you can read in this link.

While many people think this was a message from little green men it has been hypothesised it was in fact humans from the future coming back in time to conduct research due to the last part of the message "Origin Year 8100".

Again, the wiki source mentions none of that, least of all the binary code stuff.

06-27-16, 04:04
Again, the wiki source mentions none of that, least of all the binary code stuff.

I know, I saw a documentary on those two Airmen on Discovery one time.

Who knows, pretty interesting stuff. Some of the UFO phenomenon might just be humans from another time/dimension. As it as been said space travelers are essentially time travelers once one takes into account the distances involved.

06-27-16, 21:28
I have watched quite a few UFO documentaries, and a few of them talked about that incident and the binary code. Very interesting. Very.

06-27-16, 22:08
The universe does not work like most think it does.

Classic Newtonian physics is close enough to put a man on the moon and explosions on target,
But if you are small enough and fast enough it does not apply to you.

If you get moving fast enough for time to be different for you than where you left,
You are moving some serious relativistic mass. How do you get enough power to accelerate it even more?

Heinlein had a fun old time twisting and stretching the mores of politics, government, mores, sexuality, and culture.

You remember that kid in your class that would do stuff like ask the priest if he could poison the wine and wafers since it would be turned into the blood any body of Christ and not hurt anybody,
Or would tease guys with hot sisters and moms and ask if they ever got the hots for them?

He did that on a master grand scale.

I am glad one of his works got a fairly good treatment.

I don't think any time travelers, aliens, Angels, etc. have been walking around with me,
But there are so many systems out there with a pantheon of a dozen archetypes,

06-27-16, 22:23
Funny, I wanted to see the Germans have A-10's at the battle of Kursk.

06-27-16, 22:56
did the future travel folks get the tech from other planet aliens though :)

06-27-16, 23:08
We've really on scratched the surface of quantum physics so I imagine the future is going to hold some pretty amazing things.

I mean look at quantum entanglement. Fascinating.

06-27-16, 23:54
I know, I saw a documentary on those two Airmen on Discovery one time.

Who knows, pretty interesting stuff. Some of the UFO phenomenon might just be humans from another time/dimension. As it as been said space travelers are essentially time travelers once one takes into account the distances involved.

Just so we are on the same page. I would LOVE for most of that stuff to be true.

I would love it if somebody finally produced proof of contact. I'd love to live in a time and place where aliens or alien technology was actually discovered.

I would love it even more if we ever got actual proof of time travelers from some distant future. It would definitively answer so many questions even if we had no real understanding of the mechanics involved. And again, I'd love to live in that time and place.

But as with most things that would make life much more satisfying, there is actually ZERO proof. There are lots of believers, there are lots of claims and testimonials, but we should remember that once there were even more people who absolutely believed in the validity of the Egyptian gods and I don't think that makes a case for the actual existence of Aten.

I love the documentary stuff, I have the "In Search of..." DVD box set. My father was absolutely convinced that he saw a UFO and that we have been visited by alien space travelers. But as much as the Drake equation makes is statistically likely that intelligent life exists in many places (even with the Rare Earth considerations factored in), I don't think we have any proof yet.

I don't think our government has alien artifacts at Area 51, I don't think we have employed alien technology to make advances, I don't think any government would be capable of maintaining such a cover up. Our government is the same government that couldn't conceal a blowjob and couldn't prevent a subcontractor from leaking stuff from the NSA.

If any government had any actual alien stuff, the cat would have been out of the bag completely within 10 years. It would make Watergate look like nothing, nobody would be able to sit on it. Somebody would leak it, somebody would break the story. It would literally be the biggest thing that has ever happened to our species. It would forever change the world and it wouldn't be confined to documentaries and websites.

06-28-16, 00:15
I know, I saw a documentary on those two Airmen on Discovery one time.

Who knows, pretty interesting stuff. Some of the UFO phenomenon might just be humans from another time/dimension. As it as been said space travelers are essentially time travelers once one takes into account the distances involved.

Or it could simply be natural phenomena that we only partially experience and our wonderfully imaginative primate brain fills in the blanks.

Generally speaking, it has been my experience that the people most likely to experience supernatural events like hauntings, visitations of angels and demons, and so forth are those who already believe in such things. Ditto-ditto UFOs and similar phenomena.

Infrasound is an example: Your body can detect infrasound but your brain generally cannot identify it, and it can cause you to feel anxiety or fear. At the resonant frequency of your eyeballs, it might cause you to see things that aren't there. People fill in the blanks with their imagination, and their imagination conjures ghosts, angels, demons, aliens, whatever. Further, it has been hypothesized that the Dyatlov Pass incident (and incident during which nine experienced Russian outdoors people tore their tent apart from the inside, then started working on tearing their clothing off, with six dying of hypothermia and the remaining three dying of traumatic internal injuries, but with little evidence of any external injuries) may have occurred in part due to naturally occurring infrasounds in the mountains where the skiers died.

06-28-16, 03:18
I love the documentary stuff, I have the "In Search of..." DVD box set.

I know, I'm the one who posted the Amazon link to the series in the RIP Leonard Nimoy thread. :p

06-28-16, 03:33
Or it could simply be natural phenomena that we only partially experience and our wonderfully imaginative primate brain fills in the blanks.


Infrasound is an example: Your body can detect infrasound but your brain generally cannot identify it, and it can cause you to feel anxiety or fear. At the resonant frequency of your eyeballs, it might cause you to see things that aren't there. People fill in the blanks with their imagination, and their imagination conjures ghosts, angels, demons, aliens, whatever. Further, it has been hypothesized that the Dyatlov Pass incident (and incident during which nine experienced Russian outdoors people tore their tent apart from the inside, then started working on tearing their clothing off, with six dying of hypothermia and the remaining three dying of traumatic internal injuries, but with little evidence of any external injuries) may have occurred in part due to naturally occurring infrasounds in the mountains where the skiers died.

Humans are biological electrical chemical beings. Small things can effect our electrical system or our brain chemistry with massive side effects. Are you familiar with "Voice of God Weapons"? I believe at any one time most of the people on the planet can be made to believe just about anything. Project Blue Beam was/is a USAF holographic PSYOP, they can create the second coming of Christ in the clouds or the Mahdi for followers of islam. Talk about a shit show, can you imagine the implication if someone flipped that switch LOL!

The Dyatlov Pass incident is another one that as always fascinated me, haven't heard of the Infrasound theory before thanks for sharing.

06-28-16, 07:08
The universe does not work like most think it does.


Most people don't think about the universe at all sadly. Too busy taking selphies and catching up on reality TV.

06-28-16, 13:35

Humans are biological electrical chemical beings. Small things can effect our electrical system or our brain chemistry with massive side effects. Are you familiar with "Voice of God Weapons"? I believe at any one time most of the people on the planet can be made to believe just about anything. Project Blue Beam was/is a USAF holographic PSYOP, they can create the second coming of Christ in the clouds or the Mahdi for followers of islam. Talk about a shit show, can you imagine the implication if someone flipped that switch LOL!

Hoping you don't honestly believe that would work.


06-28-16, 14:56
About the movie reviewed in the OP:

Hey. Go f*ck yourself…