View Full Version : Stabbing at protest in Sacramento

06-26-16, 17:01
Dang, some of those body blows are wicked. What happened to crowd control?


If you see the red and black flag, red mean Communist, black means anarchist. In this video, you see them attacking the ‘traditionalists’ who they call Nazis. They call themselves ‘anti-fa'(anti-fascist), dressed in ‘black bloc’ attire with the flags and this is what they do, try and attack anyone they believe is ‘fascist’.


06-26-16, 17:16
The Socialist Progressives love some violence don't they?
I'm guessing "Nazi's" are anyone who disagrees with them?

06-26-16, 17:20
Communists fighting national socialists in the streets.... Run in in B&w and it would look like Germany in the 30s.

Communists and NAZIs beating each other up, sounds like a good theme for a holiday if it weren't a sign that things could go sideways fast.

06-26-16, 17:36
Communists fighting national socialists in the streets.... Run in in B&w and it would look like Germany in the 30s.

Communists and NAZIs beating each other up, sounds like a good theme for a holiday if it weren't a sign that things could go sideways fast.

This is a good post: ‏@matlockfan1488 3h3 hours ago
Bolsheviks attacking nationalist, patriots, & conservatives is why the NSDAP rose, as a response to leftist terrorism. @ABC10Frances @ABC10

06-27-16, 04:21
Got to love the double standard and hypocrisy of the radical militant left. I see red, green, and black black supremacist flags and LGBTQIAPK (yes there are that many letters now) rainbow "pride" flags among others preventing the National Socialists from exercising their rights to peacefully assemble and freedom of speech.

Always entertaining when "special interest" groups clash, like the time when #BLM crashed a pride parade in Chiraq several months back and a memorial for the Orlando terror attack victims last week. I wonder how the #BLM militants would respond if their "Justice for _______ insert name here" riots oops I mean protests were upstaged by gays. Or militant feminazi demonstrations were drowned out by islamists.

06-27-16, 08:01
Communists fighting national socialists in the streets.... Run in in B&w and it would look like Germany in the 30s.
Communists and NAZIs beating each other up, sounds like a good theme for a holiday if it weren't a sign that things could go sideways fast.

Sometimes history repeats. Not a good sign.

Is it clear who attacked whom? I'm assuming the "counter protesters" attacked since that's how it usually is.

06-27-16, 08:30
Nothing like getting your message of anti hate across by beating and stabbing people and intimidating the media.

The American melting pot is certainly starting to boil...

06-27-16, 08:47
People need to rediscover civil discourse.

This mob rule jive gets old.

If someone is a bleeding heart commie, I'm willing to hear them out.

Hell, it sounds attractive to me. Free love, Humanism, nobody going hungry, everybody in it together, free weed, free birth control, never working, and a free Prius and WiFi like some John Lennon song.

But on that same token they have to hear me out when I say that all creatures are selfish, modern socialization is a nurtured construct(e.g. kindergarten), that there isn't enough material or incentive for free stuff, VD exists, weed rots your brain, and that if you live cradle to grave then you're not living; just existing.

And both sides heard go their separate way.

But knife fights and mob chaos will lead, inevitably, to someone biting off more than they can chew.

06-27-16, 10:01
I'm guessing "Nazi's" are anyone who disagrees with them?

You guessed wrong, chief.


They're a white supremacist skinhead group, and self identify as fascist.


Nothing like getting your message of anti hate across by beating and stabbing people and intimidating the media.

Who says either side has a message?

...and anyway, it was the Nazis that stabbed the Black Bloc-ers, who beat them with sticks.


If contained to an Island where there would be no threat to society or collateral damage, and live streamed in HD, this would make for an awesome Battle Royale!!!!

06-27-16, 10:06
If contained to an Island where there would be no threat to society or collateral damage, and live streamed in HD, this would make for an awesome Battle Royale!!!!

Would you think poorly of me if I said I would actually volunteer for no other purpose than to get my Kiriyama on? :rolleyes:

06-27-16, 10:09
Would you think poorly of me if I said I would actually volunteer for no other purpose than to get my Kiriyama on? :rolleyes:

Would you be a Nazi or a Blac Bloc-er?

06-27-16, 10:14
The President of Knife Control, Inc. is a Californian - you think he'd be the FIRST one decrying the senseless ownership of these killing instruments!!! :rolleyes:


06-27-16, 10:16
Would you be a Nazi or a Blac Bloc-er?

You never saw the movie Battle Royale?

Kiriyama didn't really take sides....

06-27-16, 10:16
needs more tazer and rubber bullets.

06-27-16, 10:26
You never saw the movie Battle Royale?

Kiriyama didn't really take sides....

I don't remember the character names.

Plus they all look exactly the same (because of the school uniforms... y'know?).

06-27-16, 10:38
I don't remember the character names.

Plus they all look exactly the same (because of the school uniforms... y'know?).

He was the kid with punk hair and black suit who let his UZI do the talking.

06-30-16, 19:06
mind you this facist woman is a 7th grade middle school teacher


06-30-16, 19:06
cant believe im siding with white nationalists like this. Violent thugs came prepared with weapons because they felt it was "self defense"


06-30-16, 19:36
cant believe im siding with white nationalists like this.


It was an organized rumble... it should not be construed as Nazis doing free speech stuff and sharing selected readings from Mein Kampf when the big bad Libs showed up.

They actually coordinate this stuff through their respective twitter accounts:




06-30-16, 19:54
So white nationalists arent allowed free speech? They had a permit to peacefully protest at the capital. Leftists showed up in near 10x the numbers with all kinds of weapons and claim self defense.

06-30-16, 20:03
Bring bricks and bats in quotation marks, eh?

Well that changes everything

06-30-16, 20:03
So white nationalists arent allowed free speech? They had a permit to peacefully protest at the capital. Leftists showed up in near 10x the numbers with all kinds of weapons and claim self defense.

See post #9.

The Blac Blockers brought sticks and bricks, the Nazis were doing the stabbing.

It was all planned ahead of time.

06-30-16, 20:06
Bring bricks and bats in quotation marks, eh?

Well that changes everything

1) They're supposed to say sticks-and-bricks... I question their cred.

2) They need to put a Che Guevara on there or something so it's clear that it's a leftist kind of thing- If I saw that in the bathroom of my favorite dive bar, I'd be like... "Pshhh... bring bricks and bats?? I'm bringing an AR... there hasn't been good Nazi killing for 50 years!"

06-30-16, 20:32
1) They're supposed to say sticks-and-bricks... I question their cred.

2) They need to put a Che Guevara on there or something so it's clear that it's a leftist kind of thing- If I saw that in the bathroom of my favorite dive bar, I'd be like... "Pshhh... bring bricks and bats?? I'm bringing an AR... there hasn't been good Nazi killing for 50 years!"

Nazis AND Communists?

Um.....We find ourselves a hide, draw up some range cards, bring some Pibbskis and some potted meat and crackers, wait until the last few are standing from killing each other and go to work with some scoped Semi Autos?

06-30-16, 20:44
My dislike for white supremacists doesnt supercede the right to free speech. That moment you realize Antifa use fascist actions to attack fascist beliefs. These thugs are no different than anti Trump protestors who attacked Trump supporters in California without provocation. The problem with the left is they believe their violence is free speech while other's free speech is violence.


06-30-16, 21:17
My dislike for white supremacists doesnt supercede the right to free speech. That moment you realize Antifa use fascist actions to attack fascist beliefs. These thugs are no different than anti Trump protestors who attacked Trump supporters in California without provocation. The problem with the left is they believe their violence is free speech while other's free speech is violence.


VERY well stated.

No sympathy for nazis, but for counter-protesters to plan violence (as the card makes obvious) does nothing for their claims.

Which stock saying do I want to use here:
-play stupid games, win stupid prizes? or
-two wrongs don't make a right? or
-not all fights have a right side.

06-30-16, 21:30
My dislike for white supremacists doesnt supercede the right to free speech.

Right... but what about a crowd of Nazis wielding blades as in the example above?

It seems to me that might be a use for that stupid D60 thing I bought... either that or candle pin bowling.

No sympathy for nazis, but for counter-protesters to plan violence (as the card makes obvious) does nothing for their claims.

*Traditionalist Worker Party is one of the Nazi groups.

06-30-16, 22:51
*Traditionalist Worker Party is one of the Nazi groups.

Yes, I understand. Their fliers were ominous too, but avoided blatant references to weapons and violence (even if the language and fist make it not too hard to infer). The counter-protesters were the ones to bluntly say "bring weapons."

06-30-16, 23:06
Right... but what about a crowd of Nazis wielding blades as in the example above?

I was under the impression the knives didn't come out til people started getting whacked....
Either way, all perfectly justified since it was either legit self defense at that point, or "pre-emptive self defense" as the miniature militant leader in the video is so fond of..... :happy:

06-30-16, 23:24
I've always wanted to go to a KKK rally with a video camera and ask the members to spell:


That, would be really funny.

07-01-16, 01:28
So white nationalists arent allowed free speech? They had a permit to peacefully protest at the capital. Leftists showed up in near 10x the numbers with all kinds of weapons and claim self defense.

That's what passes for "freedom" these days.

07-01-16, 04:59
mind you this facist woman is a 7th grade middle school teacher


Immigrant: check
"Minority": check
Indoctrinated via academia: check
School teacher: check
Believes in violence yet plays victims to the big bad evil straight White male.

If we had any type of POTUS and AG, Marxist political subversives like this would be scooped up instead of being allowed to admit to and boast about crimes on live local news broadcasts.

"B.A.M.", I'll have to remember that one.

I'm sure her public ISD employer will praise her for her "courage" in organizing this riot/assault instead of terminating her like they should. If my kid was going to the school district where she taught my attorney would be on the phone with the superintendent.

07-01-16, 07:57
I've always wanted to go to a KKK rally with a video camera and ask the members to spell:


That, would be really funny.

In the distant past (90's) I was acquainted with a variety of people who studied the far-right movements in the US - lumped together were KKK, neo-nazis, militias, and groups like the John Birch Society. Even at the KKK level the leaders wouldn't be quite as dumb as being unable to spell that word, although maybe half their followers would. What you would find, at least back then, were people who were simply totally marginalized from the political process, and well aware of it. They weren't ever going to elect a candidate anywhere, or even get a meaningful response from an actual politician.

At the time, that was the far margins. Today, ask who really can get meaningful political influence. If your reply doesn't begin with a 7- or 8-figure asset test, reconsider. Yes, there are tons of Dem politicians who claim to represent the poor/workers/minorities/whatever, but all of them have rich backers. The Rep side exploits the poor, the Dem side does it worse but hides it very well.

So, looking at the totally marginalized people, playing nazi dress-up and being a nuisance at the public square some lazy Saturday was the most they could do. Not worth much, but it was enough to get some people motivated.

Now look at the counter-protesters. How different are they? Yeah, most are a different color and they may have various "identities," but aren't they also people who are marginalized from the political process, well aware of it, and not likely to get a meaningful response from an actual politician?

It's all a sideshow for the fringes of society. You won't find your successful and respectable friends going to be on either side of these rallies, whatever their political views.

Apologies if I'm stating the obvious.

07-01-16, 08:31
So acting out because they feel they aren't being heard?

Every problem gets nationalized and federalized.

07-01-16, 08:38
So acting out because they feel they aren't being heard?

I'm not defending it in any way. I'm just suggesting how you might try to understand what's going on. This sort of stupid, fringe conflict has played out hundreds of times over the last century, with various groups on either side. 130 years ago it would have been Irish vs. Chinese anywhere west of the Rockies, but the game is the same.

07-01-16, 15:18
I'm not defending it in any way. I'm just suggesting how you might try to understand what's going on. This sort of stupid, fringe conflict has played out hundreds of times over the last century, with various groups on either side. 130 years ago it would have been Irish vs. Chinese anywhere west of the Rockies, but the game is the same.

My favorite was the 1979 shootout between the American Communist Party and the KKK in Greesboro.


07-01-16, 15:23
I watched that video and all I could think pf was how I miss those old cars. Not detracting from the public disorder but still, that one car I think was an Opel.

07-01-16, 16:23
Immigrant: check
"Minority": check
Indoctrinated via academia: check
School teacher: check
Believes in violence yet plays victims to the big bad evil straight White male.

If we had any type of POTUS and AG, Marxist political subversives like this would be scooped up instead of being allowed to admit to and boast about crimes on live local news broadcasts.

"B.A.M.", I'll have to remember that one.

I'm sure her public ISD employer will praise her for her "courage" in organizing this riot/assault instead of terminating her like they should. If my kid was going to the school district where she taught my attorney would be on the phone with the superintendent.

B.A.M.N is their group: By Any Means Necessary. Which obviously implies violence. They are textbook Brown Shirts and Maoists.

07-01-16, 16:29
videos have been taken down but heres others


07-01-16, 16:29

07-01-16, 17:02
You know when I was a kid I had a wrist rocket slingshot. At about 75 yards I could put a heck of a dent in a 70's era beer can.
I gotta go looking for another one of those things because I feel that at my age, that's abut how much distance I would need to play whack a mole with a whole bunch of these nutz.

07-02-16, 04:38
B.A.M.N is their group: By Any Means Necessary. Which obviously implies violence. They are textbook Brown Shirts and Maoists.

Ah hah, thanks for the correction.

07-02-16, 05:19
You know when I was a kid I had a wrist rocket slingshot. At about 75 yards I could put a heck of a dent in a 70's era beer can.
I gotta go looking for another one of those things because I feel that at my age, that's abut how much distance I would need to play whack a mole with a whole bunch of these nutz.

Yeah, I ain't messing with anyone with a slingshot who looks like they might know what's up. Esp if they rock overhauls...
