View Full Version : The Rio Olympics

06-28-16, 22:08
We are currently 6 weeks out, what's going to go wrong? We have the Zika virus, pollution, the venues aren't finished yet along with transportation, crime and of course the nation's current political upheaval. Not to mention they can't pay the cops for protection anymore. Those fund are slated to run out this week. Even CNN is expressing a little nervousness about the potential for it to a be a big failure.

Rio's Acting Governor: Olympics could be a 'big failure' (http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/28/americas/brazil-olympics-rio-budget/index.html)

I had my doubts about it from when the first announced it was going to Rio. I don't fully comprehend, other than some palms heavily greased with cash, why they are holding the Olympics in a 3rd world nation with some really hot women. Any predictions as to just how bad this could go or does anyone think they can actually pull this off successfully?

06-28-16, 22:53
If we don't see another Munich or worse at these Olympics, it will be a victory.

06-28-16, 22:58
$5 says Putin will make another land grab while we are watching Women's Gymnastics.

06-29-16, 00:53
I genuinely hope it goes well for them, it is certainly putting their problems on the world stage. The olympics is one of the few sporting events I even watch on TV anymore and I always look forward to it.

06-29-16, 06:10
They are advertising for a visit from isis...

06-29-16, 06:11
The World Cup went "well". So will this.

Straight Shooter
06-29-16, 07:31
With all this country's & the worlds problems..I GIVE A SHIT about the Olympics. If they want to knowingly go to a disease ridden modern day apocalypse of a city...they get what they deserve.

06-29-16, 08:12
they are one stadium collapse away from total economic collapse.

Alex V
06-29-16, 08:51
My best friend went to Brazil for work a few years back, he said it was the worst place he has ever visited.

Between the crime, poverty and lady-boys that country is a total %hit hole. I wanted to go to the Brazilian GP sometime around 2008 because the USGP was no more and it was cheaper than Canada. Looked into it and said "Oh Hell No"

06-29-16, 08:52
With all this country's & the worlds problems..I GIVE A SHIT about the Olympics. If they want to knowingly go to a disease ridden modern day apocalypse of a city...they get what they deserve.

I would agree with you, except for when all the sports revelers return to their respective nations of origin with genetic hitchhikers...

06-29-16, 13:09
They are advertising for a visit from isis...

That was my first thought too...


My second thought was, "Damn, BOPE is going to have some SWEET GoPro footage uploaded before the closing ceremony..."


06-29-16, 13:46
Yep, same banner I saw on the news this morning, not a good start for sure.

06-29-16, 14:47
read a good article about this but cant find it ?

basically was about the elitists and the oh we are so great making sure everyone is equal and giving the olympics to a 3rd world country who should not be doing this and cant afford it
the olympics are for the ultra wealthy countries and should stay that way so they can be nice and safe etc.
article went on this will be a disaster but of course instead of blaming themselves the globalists they will double down on wealth redistribution saying how every country should have what we have etc..
but of course if they got there way nobody could afford it then as we would all be poor ?

06-29-16, 14:52
The Olympics has become an unreasonably large production anywhere. Only the richest and most successful countries have been able to pull it off well. The Barcelona Olympics went OK but contributed to Spain's economic problems. The Athens Olympics helped to sink Greece. Both of those had far, far more going in their favor than there is for Rio.

I predict a half-baked Olympics with many athletes skipping the games, problems with having various sports complete their events, and a general slow disaster. Not necessarily much loss of life, but an extreme disappointment that helps deal a knockout blow to Brazil's economy.

06-29-16, 14:59
Oh this has the makings of Munich '72.
Which is sad, because I liked that movie Wild Orchid.
But man Brazil so corrupt, HIVed up, and ghetto.

06-29-16, 15:12
I may actually watch though - see if ISIS blows up something on live TV. :eek:

06-29-16, 15:23
We are currently 6 weeks out, Even CNN is expressing a little nervousness about the potential for it to a be a big failure.

r does anyone think they can actually pull this off successfully?

Potential ?? this thing is already a failure.

They can even make a structurally sound elevated walkway.

06-29-16, 15:53
I don't see terrorism happening. I see a third world dump feasting on all the participants (both athletes and spectators). I see robberies, thefts, physical violence and finally infrastructure failure. I don't think any terrorist organization has or even wants to do anything there, as the locals already have it covered and they have the advantage of home turf.

06-29-16, 16:04
ditto the local issues :)

I reckon terrorist will stay away as it will be much to dangerous there :) hahahahaha

NO I WANT 72 VIRGINS not raped/mugged by 72 BOY GIRLS

06-29-16, 16:33
If ISIS or any other terrorist organization wanted to conduct an attack during/on the Olympics, Brazil would definitely be the place to do it with ease.

The Olympics is boring as hell, I think they decided to hold it in Rio to make it interesting...

Big A
06-29-16, 16:48
All I care about is the women's beach volleyball.

06-29-16, 19:00
All I care about is the women's beach volleyball.

And women's shotgun, just to see if we can school the crap out of all the other folks agin' with our evil gun totin' wimminz. :cool:
Maybe archery, or at least it's the one other sport I can watch that doesn't make me want to throw something at the TV to make it more interesting... Is it just me or is Winter Olympics more fun?
Watched Rifle shooting last Oly. What a borefest. Being a world event, and having heard about "olympic level shooters" and such, I expected to see a line of dudes proned out on their mats at the thousand yard line with some kickass precision rifles. But NO.... instead it's a bunch of folk shooting BB guns on tripods indoors at the 25 with patches over their eyes.... :lazy2: :lazy2:
Literally, I thought at first it was a children's' shooting event, and the real match would start later. Then I realized it wasn't.

Per Brazil...
Apparently we couldn't get enough Ebola cases into the US, so now they've come up with a new scheme to infest us all with some f^cked up 3rd world disease.

06-29-16, 19:53
By a raise of hands, how many m4c members have actually been to Brazil?

[Raises hand]

The metro areas are ghetto fabulous depending where you are. Some are worse than others. To me, Memphis and Sao Paulo had a lot in common. I've yet to visit Detroit or the hood in NYC.

I wouldn't worry too much about terrorism. Brazilian Mil rolls hard with mounted machine guns and heavy presence in touristy areas. Don't kid yourself. It is a dangerous place, but so is Fresno at night.

It's a very Catholic country. They don't have the mooselimb kumbaya love like it goes on here.

I wouldn't suggest strolling a favela at night. But to be fair, I've been to places in Oakland that were about the same way safety wise.

It's probably the most beautiful, yet, most screwed-up place I've ever been to.

I loved Santos. That place really kicked ass. Haven't done rio yet. There was a fruit warehouse outside of st andre. I've Yet to see anything that even compares. Fresh, vine ripe, red gauva......probably the best taste I've experienced yet. Wash it down with fresh squeezed cane juice. Simply heaven.

If you ever get a chance to eat at a legit churrascaria, do it. One of the fine experiences in life. Coxinhas is probably one of my favorite foods.

You get to see lots of boobies on tv. Sex isn't taboo there like it's here. And the ladies on the beach........ Yet to see some place beat Brazil on that one.

The houses there are cool too. Lots of tile and open upper floors. Biggest drag there is the glass shards everyone glues to their fence walls.....lol....

The corruption in their society is so entrenched, that it'll probably never change. Which is really too bad. But it's what it is. I can't help but think if 2A existed there, it would be a really nice place.

06-30-16, 03:21
All I care about is the women's beach volleyball.

Meh, give me the Norwegian women's field hockey team every time . . .

You guys seen the toxic cesspool that athletes are supposed to row/swim/etc. in? Aeromonas hydrophila and some unknowns :bad:

06-30-16, 03:41




07-01-16, 11:19
The only two things I knew about Brazil before now was it's way south of Mexico and their BBQ/Churiscaria/Beef on skewers cuisine. That's some good stuff.

It might be interesting to watch whatever is left of the O game there for the extra activities that might pop up. Like driving by a car wreck, you can't help but look.

07-01-16, 11:44
Brazil has been a mess for a long time. Hosting a global event like the Olympics will just highlight all of the ugliness that the socialist mantra can provide. I certainly hope no violence occurs but the door is open for for ANY terrorist criminal organization to walk through.

07-01-16, 12:19
CBS News did a piece on the Olympic bay this morning and how polluted it is. It is basically a giant toilet bowl of shit-filled water. I was completely disgusted.

07-01-16, 12:28
CBS News did a piece on the Olympic bay this morning and how polluted it is. It is basically a giant toilet bowl of shit-filled water. I was completely disgusted.

Don't forget your hepatitis shots.........

07-01-16, 13:25
Are the Russians still effectively banned due to the 'supplement' regulations?

07-01-16, 14:03
Don't forget your hepatitis shots.........

No kidding. The scientists stated that there was like a 99% chance of infection with only 3 teaspoons of water being ingested. Insanity.

07-01-16, 14:37
CBS News did a piece on the Olympic bay this morning and how polluted it is. It is basically a giant toilet bowl of shit-filled water. I was completely disgusted.
Yeah,I did forget about that part....lol......They aren't real big on sewage treatment.

I remember a hotel on the beach in santos that had untreated shit water flowing down the beach to the ocean. Needless to say that pretty much shut down the water play for me.

Water is usually nasty in hi pop areas anyways. Add the sewage and the industrial waste and it gets real nice.

Sewage gets dumped here too. At least it's treated, usually......lol... Local muni here dumped untreated for like nine days one time.

07-01-16, 14:52
Are the Russians still effectively banned due to the 'supplement' regulations?

Short answer, yes. I think they will be the winners of shit show

07-01-16, 14:56
Short answer, yes. I think they will be the winners of shit show

Was thinking the same thing.

08-07-16, 22:33
Well it certainly could be going worse.

USA brings home the first gold in shooting of all things.

US swimmers Ledecki is amazing how fast she is won gold tonight, and we slapped the French and Aussies and cheatin' Russkies in the men's 4x100.

There are reports of all kinds of random crap on Twitter under #rioproblems from exposed wiring in rooms, sewage coming out of shower drains and the like... Not sure if it's all true or not but hey, it's Rio.

08-07-16, 23:40
Looking forward to Brazil in Judo. Wonder how many Gracie guys will try and adapt to the Olympic sport format. Could be interesting.

Otherwise gymnastics is the only thing I really watch beside women's beach volleyball.

08-08-16, 10:12
I am going to remain hopeful that it is a celebration and not a fiasco. I will watch some of the events, mostly when I am at work (no cable TV at home).

08-08-16, 10:38
I haven't watched any Olympics since the late 1980's. It has become too PC, too Progressive, and too focused on women's sports, and those damn up close and personal stories to again appease women. No thanks. I don't care anymore, and since the end of the Cold War, the entire dynamic has changed.

It's not about sports anymore, it is about promoting the progressive agenda.

08-08-16, 10:47
All I care about is the women's beach volleyball.

Even I think the WBV is pretty sexist. What is up with those outfits? Look at me I'm an Olympic Athlete dressed as a swimsuit model. I understand why it works, it is pretty base though. It's not like the men are wearing itty bitties to help get the sand out

Are the Russians still effectively banned due to the 'supplement' regulations?

Didn't I see that the Russians were doping their paralympians? AYFKM? What kind of bottom feeder would do that?

I've enjoyed the games more that I thought. Pretty much there is the 84 Olympics and everything else has sucked.

A 48kg woman putting 100+Kgs over her head? Damn.

08-08-16, 11:38
Even I think the WBV is pretty sexist. What is up with those outfits? Look at me I'm an Olympic Athlete dressed as a swimsuit model. I understand why it works, it is pretty base though. It's not like the men are wearing itty bitties to help get the sand out

That's funny because the only girls on the beach wearing less are every other girl on the beach. News reports either have to find an empty beach or shoot long shots because of all the locals running around wearing butt floss.

08-08-16, 11:57
That's funny because the only girls on the beach wearing less are every other girl on the beach. News reports either have to find an empty beach or shoot long shots because of all the locals running around wearing butt floss.

Is that effective clothing to wear for an olympic event? I get it, it wouldn't be as popular in a Burqa. They only way that people will watch women play football is if they are in lingerie.

08-08-16, 15:30
Is that effective clothing to wear for an olympic event? I get it, it wouldn't be as popular in a Burqa. They only way that people will watch women play football is if they are in lingerie.

It's not ineffective as hundreds of local girls have been playing the same game in much skimpier outfits.

As for lingerie football, it was a brilliant idea, but they decided to actually make it about winning the game so pretty soon the lingerie became very basic and for the most part the girls weren't the kind of girls I'd want to see in lingerie anyway, they looked like they should be playing football.

If you really want to complain about absolutely ridiculous outfits, look no further than Men's figure skating, specifically Johnny Weir.

08-08-16, 15:54
Is it odd I prefer watching the more 'low key' events? I couldn't give two shits about Michael Phelps; I much prefer to watch things like fencing, archery, and even ping pong. Some of those ping pong matches are insane!

08-09-16, 23:36
If anyone watched the mens 4x200 relay tonight. The kid that went from 0.10 to near 1.5 lead over the field was Townley Haas. Lives and trains just down the road.

08-10-16, 07:59
NSFW content removed and infractions sent. Clean it up, or clean yourselves out of this thread.

08-10-16, 08:28
If anyone watched the mens 4x200 relay tonight. The kid that went from 0.10 to near 1.5 lead over the field was Townley Haas. Lives and trains just down the road.

Watching that guy swim was awesome - he held up his end of the deal.

Q: Did Phelps forget he had to swim? I saw him standing around with his coat and sunglasses on until (what appeared to be) the very last second.

Or maybe that was NBC-induced drama...

08-10-16, 08:51
The women's gymnastic team crushed it. They were so dominant it aint funny. Aly Raisman is a cutie I used to see walking around the mall occasionally as she was one town over from me in MA. She's the "old" lady on the team.

08-12-16, 21:06
Katie Ladecky just killed the 800M freestyle. She beat the nearest competitor by over 11 seconds!! When she finished they where not even visible in the camera. 11 seconds where most winners are separated by less than a second.

Anthony Ervin just won the 50M freestyle. 35 years old.

Three way tie for silver including Phelps for the 100M Butterfly.

Favorite Women's soccer team lost in the semis.

Simone Manual getting ready to swim again.

08-12-16, 21:15
The women's gymnastic team crushed it. They were so dominant it aint funny. Aly Raisman is a cutie I used to see walking around the mall occasionally as she was one town over from me in MA. She's the "old" lady on the team.

I wonder what the deal was with Gabby Douglas. She looked pissed the whole time. I wonder if she is jealous of that Biles girl being the new queen. I expect she's going to pick up some pretty sweet endorsements. Yeah, that Raisman girl looked like she meant it.

08-12-16, 22:10
It may seem mawkish but seeing young girls and young men with their hands over their hearts and tears in their eyes as the Star Spangled Banner plays always gets me a bit.

We're having problems right now but we send our best athletes to represent us and it doesn't matter for a minute our civil disagreements. For a moment it is just an American standing tall over the rest.

08-12-16, 22:31
This is exactly why I always watch these things. Makes me feel good to be American for two weeks.

Women's gymnastics 1996
Men's 4x100 Swimming 2008

Many others but those two events unfolded live in front of me and I've been hooked since. Many great moments in 206 thus far.

08-13-16, 00:44
The women's gymnastic team crushed it. They were so dominant it aint funny. Aly Raisman is a cutie I used to see walking around the mall occasionally as she was one town over from me in MA. She's the "old" lady on the team.

She nailed silver tonight, right behind Biles. Only thing I can't stand is her obnoxious "look at me I don't know how to act at the Olympics" parents. They put on this huge show where they look like they are actually on a roller coaster while sitting in the stands and as a result get a lot of screen time that rightly belongs to the athletes, coaches, etc.

Wish they'd devote that time to Laurie Hernandez, she's so excited to be at the Olympics it doesn't matter who is winning. She is one of those rare people who is actually excited for her teammates and even competitors from other countries. You don't get any "fake hug" crap from her.

Really enjoying Women's Beach Volleyball too, and not for the reasons most assume. Kerry Jennings and April Ross are kicking major ass, although the Swiss team did win one set and pulled off some remarkable saves.

08-14-16, 04:01
Olympics Sponsors Want Nothing to Do With Team USA Shooters

Rio Olympics: American shooter Kim Rhode makes history with bronze medal win

With her bronze-medal finish in women's skeet shooting Friday, Rhode has officially medaled in six consecutive Olympic Games. In doing so, she became the first female Olympian to accomplish the feat and only the second overall Olympian in either the Summer or Winter Olympics to claim medals in six straight.


08-14-16, 04:30
The Olympics has turned in to the Sports version of an advertisement for Globalists.
If it were any more PC, I think I would puke.

08-14-16, 06:00
I'm just glad that the fecklessness of the host country...bad as it is...hasn't overshadowed the fact that USA is "whippin' that ass" in the medal count.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

3 AE
08-14-16, 12:01
It appears the first nine days have gone extremely well for both security and the USA having one hell of a medal run. The swim team put the hammer down on just about everyone, so has the women's gymnastics team, women's eight and coxswain in rowing just dominated the field, fencing team has done a great job getting four medals, shooting and archery team have medaled. Michelle Carter won gold on her last shot put to upset the favored Kiwi, Kayla Harrison was a beast in Judo and repeated as Olympic Champion, and 42 year old Kristen Armstrong wins her third consecutive gold in cycling. Great team effort so far. Hopefully we won't have some controversial political expression from some of the track and field winners in upcoming events. Oh, and Hope Solo should get her ass handed to her for the statement she made regarding the Swedish soccer team after the USA loss. Oh wait, she did!

08-14-16, 12:37
The shooters are mistreated.

We all watch gymnastics and beach volleyball for fun, but especially during the Cold War; beating the Soviets at Biathlon or shooting was a source of pride.

08-14-16, 13:20
Not sure if this was posted already:

Ryan Lochte and Three Teammates Robbed at Gunpoint - The New York Times

08-14-16, 18:51
Not sure if this was posted already:

Ryan Lochte and Three Teammates Robbed at Gunpoint - The New York Times

Best line "... the chief of security was mugged at knifepoint"

08-18-16, 21:18
So I wonder how much money Lochte's mouth cost him this week?

Something still seems fishy about this whole ordeal. Since when do 4 guys go to the one stall bathroom together at a gas station at 5AM after a night of drinking?

If you told me one peed on the floor next to the beer cooler, one passed out in the bushes, one sat in the taxi and peed his pants, I would probably believe you... But all 4 go to bathroom together and break a sink and mirror?.............. I don't know what the hell they were up to but something just doesn't sound right. The first lie didn't sound right and the 'camera truth' second version doesn't sound right either.

08-19-16, 00:12
And now it looks like Lochte and his teammates vandalized a gas station restroom and armed security guards detained them. Rather than wait for police, the swimmers were seen on video paying for the damage they caused and then on the today show completely fabricated a story about being robbed.


Lochte is a true embarrassment and I hope he loses all of his advertising endorsements.

08-19-16, 00:38
Rather than wait for police,

That's not necessarily a good idea in the Caribbean. See my post above.

Everybody knows everybody in those places. It's best to make friends, play by their rules, and move on. But when .Gov owns the cameras.......... things get tricky.

08-19-16, 01:02
That's not necessarily a good idea in the Caribbean. See my post above.

Everybody knows everybody in those places. It's best to make friends, play by their rules, and move on. But when .Gov owns the cameras.......... things get tricky.

I think if the security guys at the gas station wanted to do bad things we'd have a story about "missing US swimmers." I think Lochte and the retard crew got off light by just paying for the damage. I don't think there is anything mysterious about the events, Lochte is a known retard and dumbass who was drunk with a crew of dumbasses and they went in a bathroom and broke a bunch of shit and tried to skip out without being caught.

But security was tight enough to prevent bad things from happening to drunk athletes and they happened to be right there to hold them accountable. If the local PD showed up, given the global spotlight I think they'd have been processed by the book to show how "professional" the Olympic PD is.

Now if it was 2015 and some dumbass Americans broke shit up in a local business, then you'd definitely have a point. But I don't think Lochte possesses the brain matter to think on that level, they were just trying to skate without getting caught.

08-19-16, 10:56
In addition to kicking ass in the pool, it appears that these swimmers were striving for the gold in retardedness. You're in a third world shithole where crime is generally rampant. So what's the smartest thing you can do?? Go out of the semi secure area full of young hot, horny people desperate to let off steam and have access to a condom runner to get drunk as a skunk in an unknown area. Then while you're drunk you do some damage and get busted by security. Those guys are NICE ENOUGH to let you go after you fork over $100 for the damage. Most normal guys when they wake up think: Shit what did I do last night? Hope YouTube doesn't have video of me being an ass and cost me lots of sponsor money. These guys think lets get on NBC and make shit up about being robbed so the locals who have been taking shit for being a corrupt third world shithole that shouldn't have had the Olympics granted them have to do something. Tats worthy of a platinum medal in ****tard.

08-19-16, 11:23
Yeah, I'll admit Lochte is an idiot. Just unbelievably stupid. It just seems strange to me that he would risk losing all his endorsements over a broken mirror... AND.. try to make himself look like some sort of badass.

08-19-16, 14:10
Yeah, I'll admit Lochte is an idiot. Just unbelievably stupid. It just seems strange to me that he would risk losing all his endorsements over a broken mirror... AND.. try to make himself look like some sort of badass.

He's well known to be a tool. Tools gonna tool. Had he just said nothing of it, probably never been an issue at all.

08-19-16, 15:23
I think Lochte was trying to draw attention to himself to help another guy out. The other guy just coughed up $11K as a gesture of kindness in lieu of a trial/conviction.

08-19-16, 15:28
With how dominate the US has been this Olympics... anyone getting the feeling we are about to see a bunch of US athletes get busted for PED's?

Currently 40 medals over the second place country...

08-19-16, 15:55
The fact Russia wasn't there didn't hurt us any that's for sure.

The fact they just about sent the whole team home, I doubt if there is any more to find. Don't they usually catch them right after the individual event?

08-19-16, 16:13
Well.....nobody got blown up or held hostage this time.

You know....a part of me thought something was going to happen this year. I'm glad it didn't. The elements were there.....incompetent third world corrupt police, neighboring Cartel territory, high crime rate, and just a lot of things that could happen. But...no.

And the Women's Beach Volleyball was constantly on TV and man some of them girls are built right. Shame Sharia prevented some countries girls from being free. And before anyone calls me a pig, I know plenty of chicks who don't care about swimming but always watched men's swimming.

So aside from a mugging or two....I call it a win.

08-19-16, 16:23
The fact Russia wasn't there didn't hurt us any that's for sure.

The fact they just about sent the whole team home, I doubt if there is any more to find. Don't they usually catch them right after the individual event?

Russian's were not caught for years after.

Ya kind of the point, it took juiced Russians to level the medal count. So.... does the US also have something sinister going on?

08-19-16, 16:54
Russian's were not caught for years after.

Ya kind of the point, it took juiced Russians to level the medal count. So.... does the US also have something sinister going on?

The basic inside opinion is anyone who gets caught these days either didn't listen to their "coach" or just stupid. Their always 10 steps ahead of the testing and some things can't be tested for. To say it's down to a science would be an understatement. Getting caught these days usually due to a whistler blower. They are now pulling blood stored from the 80s to test with new testing tech they didn't have at the time. Not even the most high profile cases of doping (Balco) was ended due to testing tech but whistle blowing. Gene doping will be a game changer and I wouldn't be surprised if countries with government sanctioned PED development don't already have that ready for the next Olympics. I discussed that some 09, so I'd expect there's been advancements in that area by now. Records being blown away all over the place this O. A connection?


08-19-16, 19:15
So.... does the US also have something sinister going on?

I don't think so. We also have a ton of money and the best training it can buy.

That Ledecky girl blew the record out of the water and I would be stunned if she was using PEDs.

U. Bolt smoked his competition in the 200M but was 6/10 over the record. That left the rest of the field way over the record. So you would figure if at least one of them were doping they would have possibly beat him. Yet they were all realtionaly similar to him in that they too were a bit slower than he.

That other girl in the swimming that was wagging her finger at the Russian flat out said we don't like the dopers. I don't know if she set a record but she beat the Russian that has been caught twice.

08-20-16, 13:03
I think if the security guys at the gas station wanted to do bad things we'd have a story about "missing US swimmers." I think Lochte and the retard crew got off light by just paying for the damage. I don't think there is anything mysterious about the events, Lochte is a known retard and dumbass who was drunk with a crew of dumbasses and they went in a bathroom and broke a bunch of shit and tried to skip out without being caught.

But security was tight enough to prevent bad things from happening to drunk athletes and they happened to be right there to hold them accountable. If the local PD showed up, given the global spotlight I think they'd have been processed by the book to show how "professional" the Olympic PD is.

Now if it was 2015 and some dumbass Americans broke shit up in a local business, then you'd definitely have a point. But I don't think Lochte possesses the brain matter to think on that level, they were just trying to skate without getting caught.

Well it appears he did lie. But is also appears they were basically robbed.

The other swimmers are giving the actual story.

They went to the gas station and the bathroom was locked, so they pissed on the side of the building.

Lochte tore down a poster.

Gas station owner fetched security, and the security guards did point their weapons at them demanding money. That is why they thought they were being robbed.

Lochte got up and started calling them names, while the security guards yelled back pointing their weapons at them telling them to hand over their money.

Another customer came over defused the situation and the swimmers gave them all the cash they had on them (about $120). The security guards threatened the swimmers again and asked them to run. Forced to give $120 for a $10 poster at gun point.

3 AE
08-23-16, 20:24
"The U.S. military is being represented by 18 athletes in Rio, but the first one to medal was pole vaulter Sam Kendricks. The former Ole Miss track star, who is listed as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve, won the bronze in the men’s pole vault earlier this week with a jump of 19 feet 2¼ inches, becoming the first American to medal in the event in 12 years. He also may be the only American to stop mid-run on a jump during the event, which happened earlier this week when Kendricks overheard the national anthem while competing in the qualifying round."

Also, "He isn’t the only one who has stopped what he was doing to pay his respects during an Olympic event, either: Jamaican superstar Usain Bolt, while not an American citizen or U.S. soldier, once stopped in the middle of a live interview with Television Espanola to listen to the U.S. national anthem after one of his races in 2012."

This story made the rounds a few days ago. I was very touched by their common respect for our National Anthem. Kudos and a salute to 2nd Lieutenant Kendricks and a "Big Up" to Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt for his act of respect during an interview at the track during the 2012 London Games.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2016/08/21/u-s-pole-vaulter-sam-kendricks-stopped-mid-run-to-stand-at-attention-for-national-anthem/ :thank_you2:

08-23-16, 20:42
Well it appears he did lie. But is also appears they were basically robbed.

The other swimmers are giving the actual story.

They went to the gas station and the bathroom was locked, so they pissed on the side of the building.

Lochte tore down a poster.

Gas station owner fetched security, and the security guards did point their weapons at them demanding money. That is why they thought they were being robbed.

Lochte got up and started calling them names, while the security guards yelled back pointing their weapons at them telling them to hand over their money.

Another customer came over defused the situation and the swimmers gave them all the cash they had on them (about $120). The security guards threatened the swimmers again and asked them to run. Forced to give $120 for a $10 poster at gun point.

I heard broke a mirror and a sink. Security holding vandals isn't the same as being robbed. Letting them go when they coughed up the cash for the damages was actually pretty decent of them.

08-24-16, 08:05
I heard broke a mirror and a sink. Security holding vandals isn't the same as being robbed. Letting them go when they coughed up the cash for the damages was actually pretty decent of them.

All credible reports was he tore down a poster, the swimmers and two witness (other cabbie) gave that account. The owner and police, stated he broke down the bathroom door and trashed the place (which does not appear to be true), appears the owner was going to try and shake them down for more money when the police arrived.

Let put that in context, you would be ok with a police officer(which is what they thought they were) pointing a firearm at you (Not being able to communicate) and demanding money (5 times the damage) over a torn down poster? You think that was "decent" of them? Seriously?

08-24-16, 08:55
I heard broke a mirror and a sink. Security holding vandals isn't the same as being robbed. Letting them go when they coughed up the cash for the damages was actually pretty decent of them.

Except a reporter went to the bathroom a day later and saw a very old sink and soap dispenser.....

08-24-16, 09:13
Except a reporter went to the bathroom a day later and saw a very old sink and soap dispenser.....

USA Today seems to have been the one doing the follow up. The article is long but does go in depth including photos of the supposedly broken items in the bathroom. It also mentions one of the swimmers, Feigen, paid out $11,000 to keep from being charged. The locals have also said if Locate would pay the "fine" this would all go away.

Investigation Raises Questions About Lochte Incident/89082232/ (http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/rio-2016/2016/08/21/investigation-ryan-lochte-rio-olympics-authorities/89082232/)

08-24-16, 10:22
Welcome to a shit hole third world country.

Wtf who is suprised here.

When out of the US , this ain't kansas dorthy, the laws and customs are different in another country

Be thankful this wasn't in Saudi Arabia

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

08-24-16, 14:20
Welcome to a shit hole third world country.

Wtf who is suprised here.

When out of the US , this ain't kansas dorthy, the laws and customs are different in another country

Be thankful this wasn't in Saudi Arabia

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

I've got a funny Indian 'strip club', transvestite and butch female vice-cop story. I sooooo thought I was going to a Mumbai jail.

I usually hang out with locals, and usually they use me to tamp down on stuff if anything. Kind of 'Don't be a dumbass around the middle, aged, heavyset, American'.

08-25-16, 03:27

08-25-16, 05:09
...and his heroism landed Lochte on Dancing With The Stars.


08-25-16, 06:34
...and his heroism landed Lochte on Dancing With The Stars.


Glad to see the truth come out (http://www.tmn.today/2016/08/truth-out-rio-police-corruption-media-silent-lochte-drama/?source=Trump) - maybe he'll get his sponsors back now, too.

Straight Shooter
08-25-16, 06:58
The Lone Ranger with Johnny FVCKSTICK Depp.
I literally knew in the first 45 seconds, that theyd ruined the movie. Walked out under 30 minutes it was SO bad. TERRIBLE flick.
They've ruined that franchise forever. They coulda made a movie covering the story in a serious way...woulda been awesome.
But..no. Depp played an Indian version of Jack Black and everything else about it sucked too.