View Full Version : TV shows that go anti gun etc..

06-30-16, 04:01
OK used to like Grimm but now its seeming to go more anti gun all the time ?
seems other shows have to like black list etc...

kinda burnt out and recently just quit watching shows like that ?
used to be more the whatever and still am if its subtle but when it starts to become a part of the show I kinda loose interest as you then are not watching a show but are watching idiocy :)

some movie stars same way wont bother watching that old dude who married madonna and was that spicole character ? forgot his name at the moment as that is how much I care ;) hahaha
the bourne series I like even though that guy is a freaking tool
but also the movies IMHO do not go into it like TV shows ? where the message is constantly pushed
like the recent caprio movie was a good flick even though he is personally a TOOL
for me its more just TV shows than movies :)

curious what any of you other folks do ?
quit watching the show ?
or the who cares its a TV show etc.. :)
dont even watch movies with tools anymore etc..
just curious :)

06-30-16, 04:17
I don't know, TWD, FTWD, and Z-Nation seem to be pretty pro-gun! :p

In all seriousness, I don't watch TV except for PBS kid shows with my son. I can't stand TV or even the commercials. If a show peeks my interests I simply rent them by season. I haven't had cable in years and will never again.

More people need to unplug from the mass media machine. .

For movies I'm all in, if I didn't watch a film directed by, written by, staring, some ****tard jellyfish Marxist then I'd never be able to watch anything. A lot of actors I would never cross the road to urinate on their face if it was on fire but I'll watch a movie depending upon the subject matter.

06-30-16, 06:04
Remember when gay characters first started appearing a few years ago? It was pretty shocking at the time, but now it is accepted as "the new normal." The concept is called mainstreaming. The shows will have plots about what ever social issue the left wants to jam down our throats until they finally get what they want. They are playing the long game, taking a decade to move the country, an issue at a time.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 06:47
Not Outdoor Man:


06-30-16, 07:00
Not Outdoor Man:


We like the show, but really... finger on the trigger?

06-30-16, 07:03
Not Outdoor Man:


Loved this episode.

One of the best "family" comedy shows on TV. Good messages, pretty conservative mentality base, and they show LOTS of cool old/replica guns in the background of Ed's office.

I dunno, my girlfriend is into "Foster's" right now, and while I know it's just a show, it kinda irks me that they portray all gun violence as a mental disorder.

But, meh, we gotta deal with how the media portrays society and societal issues. Not saying we should have to, but we gotta in our current situations.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 07:08
Ed's History of Asskicking, felt-backed gun display is freaking awesome.

I absolutely love this show. My favorite episode is where Chuck Larabee schools Ryan on dissing the flag.

That and the one where Mandy discovers that ham radio is like Twitter, "only more advanced because you don't have to type."

06-30-16, 07:28
Yep, Last Man Standing is awesome.




Certainly a gun friendly show. I too, am partial to the guns in Ed's office. Looks like a Mk18, AK (folder or pistol) & MP40.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 07:30
If I ever get to "Baller Status" I'm gonna make a display like Ed's.

Even the ::gasp:: children shoot guns on the show:


06-30-16, 07:41
Grimm? Is that the show where everyone morphs into some type of stupid looking goblin or werewolf? I think it comes on before dateline 20/20, I wish it would be cancelled. If only they would be anti shit cgi, and anti fairy tale goblins. Because then it would be cancelled.

People need to keep in mind that all of these tv shows are made for people with an IQ below room temp. Shitty plots, Shitty acting, pretty much all around garbage. Go watch a documentary or read a book.

06-30-16, 08:06
We like the show, but really... finger on the trigger?

Proves maybe that he's not a hardcore gun guy, but at least in the grand scheme of things he "gets it".

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06-30-16, 08:17
Proves maybe that he's not a hardcore gun guy, but at least in the grand scheme of things he "gets it".

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Maybe he's just an anti-Bichon guy. [emoji6]

06-30-16, 09:29
Luckily, the few shows that I watch were all about guns, like "Banshee" on Cinemax. I'd definitely bag it if any show started with the anti message.

Side note, went from going to Chipotle three times a week to none when they caved to the moms demand action/Bloomberg pressure to make anti-gun statement. Really miss my chicken burrito and chips but not enough to ever give them another dollar.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 09:46
Not sure where you're at but Willy's blows Shitpotle outta the water.

Charge me extra for chips!?! GTFOH!

Luckily, the few shows that I watch were all about guns, like "Banshee" on Cinemax. I'd definitely bag it if any show started with the anti message.

Side note, went from going to Chipotle three times a week to none when they caved to the moms demand action/Bloomberg pressure to make anti-gun statement. Really miss my chicken burrito and chips but not enough to ever give them another dollar.

06-30-16, 10:19
Maybe he's just an anti-Bichon guy. [emoji6]

Lol...yeah more of a miniature schnauzer guy myselfhttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160630/ae105dae74643afe2d29d971ba73d425.jpg

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06-30-16, 10:41
Say what you will, but this girl got me hooked on the "Mindy Project" and she is uber conservative. If you watch enough of it you'll pick up on little comments like:

She has a crush on "that old guy Bob Dole"

She's talking to a college student who's afraid of living by herself and she, genuinely, suggests buying a gun.

Slams Obama left and right.

Gets pissed off when people are on welfare.

06-30-16, 11:13
Seconded on Mindy Kaling. Good God y'all.... She reminds me of this one bougie girl I know who is just amazing. Turns out Mindy Kaling's brother is an anti-Affirmative Action activist so yeah.

While I don't care much about the guns on the show, I watch Last Man Standing solely for the black haired Bettie Page looking daughter. That's my damn Kryptonite.

Otherwise there aren't too many shows I watch except for old reruns of shows or movies on the antennae channels. Or old reruns of JAG which can be lame but that dark haired amazon Major Catherine Bell....good god. Like when she first started on the show and had a gruffer voice and that sorta girl mullet. OMG.

I do miss Strike Back though. Otherwise, I don't watch much TV because everything is so lame.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 11:17
Awesome Schnauzer, bro.

My parents have a miniature Schnauzer that has a vocabulary better than most High School students. She knows all her different toys by name, and is a little puppy genius.

Lol...yeah more of a miniature schnauzer guy myselfhttp://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20160630/ae105dae74643afe2d29d971ba73d425.jpg

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06-30-16, 12:33
Remember when gay characters first started appearing a few years ago? It was pretty shocking at the time, but now it is accepted as "the new normal." The concept is called mainstreaming. The shows will have plots about what ever social issue the left wants to jam down our throats until they finally get what they want. They are playing the long game, taking a decade to move the country, an issue at a time.

There was this one show that started recently, and even though I'm not a fan of shows that support certain agendas, the first couple episodes were brilliant.
By the end of the season, it's turned into nothing but blatant agenda pushing, so I won't be returning if it runs another season.

Big A
06-30-16, 12:43
Game of Thrones sure is anti-gun. You never see firearms on that show.

06-30-16, 13:25
Awesome Schnauzer, bro.

My parents have a miniature Schnauzer that has a vocabulary better than most High School students. She knows all her different toys by name, and is a little puppy genius.

Thanks man. Mine is the EXACT same way. And it's not like he has only two or three.

He wouldn't bring me a toy I was asking for one day, just sniffed around the pile and then looked at me confused. Did this three or four times until I realized I was using the wrong damned name.

Swear to god that's a true story.

I'd post the video proof I've taught him hand signals, but it's pretty long.

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06-30-16, 13:33
Game of Thrones sure is anti-gun. You never see firearms on that show.


Golden Girls was also lacking in guns

06-30-16, 13:48

Golden Girls was also lacking in guns

They had some really old guns. Betty White used to be a topless pinup model back in the day.

06-30-16, 13:56
They had some really old guns. Betty White used to be a topless pinup model back in the day.

Yeah, theirs would be considered curios & relics.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 14:02

I believe it. "Scruffy" is a trip. Until you posted that pic of little man, I thought she was the only solid white mini on earth.

Thanks man. Mine is the EXACT same way. And it's not like he has only two or three.

He wouldn't bring me a toy I was asking for one day, just sniffed around the pile and then looked at me confused. Did this three or four times until I realized I was using the wrong damned name.

Swear to god that's a true story.

I'd post the video proof I've taught him hand signals, but it's pretty long.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-30-16, 14:19
agree :)
but I do a lot of work on computer and I often have a show on the 2nd monitor I can watch on the side :)

Grimm? Is that the show where everyone morphs into some type of stupid looking goblin or werewolf? I think it comes on before dateline 20/20, I wish it would be cancelled. If only they would be anti shit cgi, and anti fairy tale goblins. Because then it would be cancelled.

People need to keep in mind that all of these tv shows are made for people with an IQ below room temp. Shitty plots, Shitty acting, pretty much all around garbage. Go watch a documentary or read a book.

06-30-16, 14:49
Not Outdoor Man:


Great show. The political jokes and the guns are refreshing in today's television.

06-30-16, 14:58
I don't watch tv, I spend the $1200 + per year I would spend on cable, on ammo or vacations.

I spend about $50 a year on movies.

I live vicariously, through myself ;).

06-30-16, 15:34
Not Outdoor Man:


Is it just me, or does the barrel seem....small? Is that a .22lr?

06-30-16, 15:39
Is it just me, or does the barrel seem....small? Is that a .22lr?

I actually venture it is a non-gun or blank barrel.

Tim the Toolman Taylor is a convicted felon.

ETA Who did Fed Time

06-30-16, 16:24
agree no cable fees here only watch stuff on the internet these days :)

quit going to movies years ago have a nice home theater setup that is better than the movies anyway :) and they come out quick enough now not a long wait

I don't watch tv, I spend the $1200 + per year I would spend on cable, on ammo or vacations.

I spend about $50 a year on movies.

I live vicariously, through myself ;).

06-30-16, 16:27
never knew that had to look that up :)

so he was a coke head with o1.5 lbs of coke when he was caught for trafficking
I actually venture it is a non-gun or blank barrel.

Tim the Toolman Taylor is a convicted felon.

ETA Who did Fed Time

06-30-16, 16:50
NCIS is surprisingly anti-gun.
Not every show, but enough.

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 17:05
I remember some eye roller moments on one of the Law and Order shows. Mark them down as well.

NCIS is surprisingly anti-gun.
Not every show, but enough.

06-30-16, 17:13
NCIS is surprisingly anti-gun.
Not every show, but enough.

I'm shocked that show is still on. After they killed off that dark headed girl it got lame. Yeah Abby is okay but not as interesting as she was literally 10 years ago.

The one cop show I totally loved (which is exceedingly rare for me) was Flashpoint.

It wasn't stupid. It was actually pretty intelligent, especially in the first 2 seasons. It showed you HOW people got in the jams they had created for themselves. The popo guns were pretty standard(most people got Remington'd) and it wasn't so much anti-gun as anti-criminal. I thought dude recognizing the flute marks from a spent 308 case as being from an HK G3 was a nice touch.

And a lot of times nobody got shot at all. They showed that it wasn't always black and white. The one where the guy holds up the hospital to get his daughter a heart transplant stands out(this is in Toronto, Canada, mind you, with all that "free" healthcare).

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 18:05
Cop Shows?


Call me when you, "The Glades" bro.

06-30-16, 18:41
It is doubtful that anyone on this forum watches it, but I will throw it out there anyway. Grey's anatomy is anti-gun, and they went full retard a couple months back with an episode.

Before anyone asks, no I don't watch that crap. My GF loves it, it is her favorite show.

06-30-16, 18:59
The one cop show I totally loved (which is exceedingly rare for me) was Flashpoint.

Wasn't that the show with the Pink Ranger?

06-30-16, 19:06
The Black List is anti gun? What happened there?

Shouldn't every show out of Hollywood be anti-gun by default?

I agree with the above comment about the long game. If you watch any tv you would expect to walk out your door and your next door neighbors would be a dysfunctional family with a strong gay contingent.

06-30-16, 19:25
Wasn't that the show with the Pink Ranger?

Yes. Yes it was. She would Remington 700 your ass too.

I even, incidentally, had that same flex fit hat that I used to wear at one point until sweat just turned it Prince Purple.

So it got DXed.

Also, I don't watch cop shows really. What is The Glades and should I investigate further?

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 19:28
You should.

Chicago detective retires to Florida, and ends up begrudgingly working for the State Police whilst living in his dope ass Rap Music Video pad he got from a lawsuit from being shot in the ass by his Captain with Chicago PD.

It's quirky. And you'd definitely like it. I hate cop shows and action flicks that aren't Sci-Fi, but it's an entertaining show.

Big A
06-30-16, 19:35
I'm shocked that show is still on. After they killed off that dark headed girl it got lame. Yeah Abby is okay but not as interesting as she was literally 10 years ago.

The one cop show I totally loved (which is exceedingly rare for me) was Flashpoint.

It wasn't stupid. It was actually pretty intelligent, especially in the first 2 seasons. It showed you HOW people got in the jams they had created for themselves. The popo guns were pretty standard(most people got Remington'd) and it wasn't so much anti-gun as anti-criminal. I thought dude recognizing the flute marks from a spent 308 case as being from an HK G3 was a nice touch.

And a lot of times nobody got shot at all. They showed that it wasn't always black and white. The one where the guy holds up the hospital to get his daughter a heart transplant stands out(this is in Toronto, Canada, mind you, with all that "free" healthcare).
Right? Same plot every episode and Navy cops investigating shit that the FBI would totally pull rank on....? C'mon, and then there are two stupid spin offs. Scott Bacula playing a Cajun GTFOH with that shit. The only redeeming quality to NCIS LA is Daniella Ruah. She definitely supplanted Catherine Bell for me.

Yes. Yes it was. She would Remington 700 your ass too.

I even, incidentally, had that same flex fit hat that I used to wear at one point until sweat just turned it Prince Purple.

So it got DXed.

Also, I don't watch cop shows really. What is The Glades and should I investigate further?
Eh... It's not Longmire...

Basically a Yankee cop transfers to a suburb of Miami and solves murders while bitching about Florida.

06-30-16, 19:58
The only redeeming quality to NCIS LA is Daniella Ruah. She definitely supplanted Catherine Bell for me.



Jennifer Love Hewitt and Catherine Bell are literally the only reasons I have Hallmark. Both girls are a little older but that's all right with me.

And Scott Bakula was old 25 years ago. He's like 75 now, right?

And will check out Glades and Longmire

Outlander Systems
06-30-16, 20:27
The love triangle shit with the hot Latina's convict husband shit is lame, but the silliness, and general lightheartedness of the show make up for the love interest bullshit and the cop cliches.

If you don't like the pilot episode, you won't like the show.



Jennifer Love Hewitt and Catherine Bell are literally the only reasons I have Hallmark. Both girls are a little older but that's all right with me.

And Scott Bakula was old 25 years ago. He's like 75 now, right?

And will check out Glades and Longmire

06-30-16, 20:30
Everyone wanna talk about TV shows pushing an agenda, but that shit seems to be going on all over the place now :rolleyes:

P.S. Catherine Bell +1

06-30-16, 21:34

Another fellow 40K nerd here on M4C?
Oh, capital! :D

NCIS is surprisingly anti-gun.
Not every show, but enough.

Pretty much every cop show I've seen any episodes of on mainstream TV have been anti gun.
And all sorts of other varying subtle to blatant politi-social statements throughout, content, quantity, and blatantness dependent on the show.

07-01-16, 00:17
Another fellow 40K nerd here on M4C?

That makes... what, 4?

07-01-16, 04:22

I believe it. "Scruffy" is a trip. Until you posted that pic of little man, I thought she was the only solid white mini on earth.


They're like little people.

I know there's at least 4 others, as the entire litter looked like him.

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Outlander Systems
07-01-16, 06:35
Is it bad if the first thing I wanted to say when I saw that was, "WARHAMMERRRRRRRRR."?

Another fellow 40K nerd here on M4C?
Oh, capital! :D

You're not from Missouri, by chance?


They're like little people.

I know there's at least 4 others, as the entire litter looked like him.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-16, 07:20
Wasn't that the show with the Pink Ranger?

Amy Jo Johnson....mmmm hmmmm....

The movie "Susie Q" is worth watching just for her...and the outfit she spends most of the movie in.

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07-01-16, 07:21
Is it bad if the first thing I wanted to say when I saw that was, "WARHAMMERRRRRRRRR."?

You're not from Missouri, by chance?

Oklahoma. He's an "Okie from Muskogee".

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-01-16, 09:08
And will check out Glades and Longmire

Definitely check out Longmire. It's a good show, and I haven't noticed any liberal agendas.

07-01-16, 09:26
Longmire: Making Wyoming the most dangerous place to live since they stopped making a show about Cabot Cove.

And subject to some lazy writing/failures to do research.

Early in the first season, some guy gets whacked with a Sharps and everyone in the episode talks about how they don't make Sharps rifles any more (never mind that there are two manufacturers in Montana alone). Then in the second season there's an almost comical episode with a veteran suffering from PTSD - comical in how inaccurate the depiction of PTSD is. In the same episode, they talk about finding out that a pistol that was used in a murder, and who that pistol is registered to. As though Wyoming has a firearms registry....

I've stopped watching it.

07-01-16, 09:49
Longmire: Making Wyoming the most dangerous place to live since they stopped making a show about Cabot Cove.

This cracked me up. Although I like the show, how many murders can one place have?

07-01-16, 13:21
This cracked me up. Although I like the show, how many murders can one place have?

I think I read an article where they did some number crunching and found that if every crime that occurred in Wyoming occurred in Absaroka county (the show's setting) that they would have one murder per season and that if Absorka county were a real place, it would have the highest per capita murder rate in the first world.

I think this is the article: http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/the-body-count-is-longmires-absaroka-county-the-most-murder-plagued-place-on-tv/

07-01-16, 23:38
Banshee is good.

First ep has something to the effect of "is that the new STI? How did you even get one??".

A season two episode mentions AAC suppressors.

Havent seen 3 or 4 yet.

The first episode also has a giant Strike Back advertisement in it. It's also a Cinemax show btw.

07-02-16, 20:50
Can't believe i missed the WH40k nerd rollcall / big =][= in the sky.

I was honestly happy when TWD FINALLY addressed the fact that their guns actually use expendable ammo and they were going to actually start rolling their own.

07-02-16, 21:10
Can't believe i missed the WH40k nerd rollcall / big =][= in the sky.

I was honestly happy when TWD FINALLY addressed the fact that their guns actually use expendable ammo and they were going to actually start rolling their own.

Don't ask about Inner Sphere affiliations, who knows where that leads.

And since it is fantasy, I sorta...actually would like to entertain the idea that even though it is Z Day plus 5 years that somewhere Black Hills and Surefire would still be open.

Like if you could get to a working phone or computer you could order something and they'd send a lad to deliver on horseback like the pony express.

07-02-16, 21:57
NCIS is surprisingly anti-gun.
Not every show, but enough.

Harmon is an anti.


07-02-16, 22:06
Definitely check out Longmire. It's a good show, and I haven't noticed any liberal agendas.

Not much. I kind of wonder if that was why it got axed. Fair amount of the subjects that sound off the wall are actually based on actual events.

"Vic" has popped off an anti gun line on occasion and seems to be something of an anti gunner in real life, but apparently packs knives based on posting she lost her 6th to TSA awhile back.

07-02-16, 22:10
Harmon is an anti.


Lots of disappointing names on that list.

Especially Krista "Emmanuelle in Space" Allen and Mr. Rogers.

I know the myth has been debunked but deep down I always wanted to believe that he had been a hard drinking Marine sniper in the Korean War who had 200 dead chinese and Norks killed. Who had full sleeve tattoos with skulls, EGA, and naked women and found religion after being tossed in the brig for punching out a cherry LT in a drunken fit. I belived, man. Like until the internet. Like into my teens.

It turns out he was just really prissy, and unrealistic.

Everyone else on the list can KMA

07-02-16, 22:21
Lots of disappointing names on that list.

Especially Krista "Emmanuelle in Space" Allen and Mr. Rogers.

I know the myth has been debunked but deep down I always wanted to believe that he had been a hard drinking Marine sniper in the Korean War who had 200 dead chinese and Norks killed. Who had full sleeve tattoos with skulls, EGA, and naked women and found religion after being tossed in the brig for punching out a cherry LT in a drunken fit. I belived, man. Like until the internet. Like into my teens.

It turns out he was just really prissy, and unrealistic.

Everyone else on the list can KMA


Have to go Bob Ross instead.


07-02-16, 22:23

Have to go Bob Ross instead.


Holy shit, Bob Ross kicks ass. I just thought he was a hippie pothead. This gives a greater appreciation for having watched that painting show back in the day

ETA then there was that one (possibly) Nazi guy who was far out. Whats,hisface.

Big A
07-02-16, 22:28
Holy shit, Bob Ross kicks ass. I just thought he was a hippie pothead. This gives a greater appreciation for having watched that painting show back in the day

ETA then there was that one (possibly) Nazi guy who was far out. Whats,hisface.
Wait, you seriously didn't know Bob Ross was a bad ass when he wasn't painting happy little trees in happy little forests?

07-02-16, 22:34
Can't believe i missed the WH40k nerd rollcall / big =][= in the sky.

I was honestly happy when TWD FINALLY addressed the fact that their guns actually use expendable ammo and they were going to actually start rolling their own.

Death to the False Emperor!

Don't ask about Inner Sphere affiliations, who knows where that leads.

And since it is fantasy, I sorta...actually would like to entertain the idea that even though it is Z Day plus 5 years that somewhere Black Hills and Surefire would still be open.

Like if you could get to a working phone or computer you could order something and they'd send a lad to deliver on horseback like the pony express.

Inner Sphere? I was always fond of Clan Ghost Bear as a youth, but have grown to be fond of the Free Rasalhague Republic.

07-02-16, 22:35
Wait, you seriously didn't know Bob Ross was a bad ass when he wasn't painting happy little trees in happy little forests?

I honestly did not. I was an aspirant doodler as a kid and would try to paint or draw along and I recall being told "That guy's a hippie pothead draft dodger"(exact words) by a friends dad when we watched at his house.

But then I was told about how Mr. Rogers was this hardcore bodydropper.

I was like 8. Cut me slack. I always liked the paimting and the way he talked and just figured he was mellow on weed.

if you catch someone lying to kids about stuff like that, kick them in the balls. Because they will probably in their deference to age will believe it.

07-02-16, 22:38
Death to the False Emperor!

Inner Sphere? I was always fond of Clan Ghost Bear as a youth, but have grown to be fond of the Free Rasalhague Republic.

Yes Inner Sphere. Once Clans blew up everyone wanted to do Clans and I just wanted to blow shit up in a Marauder or BattleMaster and dispose of all the stupid Clan "rules".

The point of BattleTech was to be a Merc, not join a cult.

07-02-16, 22:53
I honestly did not. I was an aspirant doodler as a kid and would try to paint or draw along and I recall being told "That guy's a hippie pothead draft dodger"(exact words) by a friends dad when we watched at his house.

But then I was told about how Mr. Rogers was this hardcore bodydropper.

I was like 8. Cut me slack. I always liked the paimting and the way he talked and just figured he was mellow on weed.

if you catch someone lying to kids about stuff like that, kick them in the balls. Because they will probably in their deference to age will believe it.

The guy who Ross learned from had an interesting background also.


I had no idea Ross started doing the show in the 80s, always assumed it was reruns from the late 60s to early 70s before I looked him up a couple of years ago.

07-02-16, 23:15
The guy who Ross learned from had an interesting background also.


I had no idea Ross started doing the show in the 80s, always assumed it was reruns from the late 60s to early 70s before I looked him up a couple of years ago.

Yeah thats him. The german guy. I know we have a breadth of age range on this forum but perspective:

80s lads had no google. We listened to what older people said and ran with it. Like drinking soda and pop rocks at the same time would kill you or whatnot.

Kids these days are spoiled with their phones. In my day you had to look it up in a dictionary or take some old guy's word for it.

Like the Nintendo blowjob. There was no internet as it is today. But somehow this ritual was passed along as if it were arcane knowledge. And it worked. Blow on cartridge, game works. EVERYBODY of that generation has blown on an NES cart.

At some point your lips were on that damn cartridge and you blew on it like a Louisiana Colored Man with a harmonica doing the Blues. Because you had to get yo' Contra on.

And now kids can look up shit in China and they want to keep up with the Kardashians.

Yeah...you never had to huff and puff on an Xbox. Bastards

Big A
07-02-16, 23:31
I honestly did not. I was an aspirant doodler as a kid and would try to paint or draw along and I recall being told "That guy's a hippie pothead draft dodger"(exact words) by a friends dad when we watched at his house.

But then I was told about how Mr. Rogers was this hardcore bodydropper.

I was like 8. Cut me slack. I always liked the paimting and the way he talked and just figured he was mellow on weed.

if you catch someone lying to kids about stuff like that, kick them in the balls. Because they will probably in their deference to age will believe it.
:) I grew up watching it with my dad and my dad took up his painting style and did some really good paintings himself.

I just thought everyone knew a bit of his history by now.


07-02-16, 23:36
Don't ask about Inner Sphere affiliations, who knows where that leads.

And since it is fantasy, I sorta...actually would like to entertain the idea that even though it is Z Day plus 5 years that somewhere Black Hills and Surefire would still be open.

Like if you could get to a working phone or computer you could order something and they'd send a lad to deliver on horseback like the pony express.

Clan Wolf checking in.

Also more of an Imperial Guard man myself if talking about Warhammer 40K.

Wait... what was this thread about again ?

07-03-16, 01:17
Yes Inner Sphere. Once Clans blew up everyone wanted to do Clans and I just wanted to blow shit up in a Marauder or BattleMaster and dispose of all the stupid Clan "rules".

The point of BattleTech was to be a Merc, not join a cult.

I came to BattleTech through MechWarrior 2 and had no idea that there was anything more to BattleTech than the Clans for the longest time.

I was about ten. If I have a twisted sense of honor, you can probably blame the Clans for that.

And then as a teenager, I played MW2: Mercs. I actually thought it was set in a different universe or a completely different (and earlier) era. Right up until hearing the Clan Wolf batchall, after killing a bunch of pirates. Might have even been the perfect way to be introduced to the larger BattleTech universe, as the names of the Great Houses meant nothing to me and the cynicism and grimdark of the life of an Inner Sphere mercenary was quite shocking (at first), compared to being a Clan warrior.

07-03-16, 01:26
I'm with Firefly, did Battletech before clans and didn't like clans. Personally liked and stayed with Robotech / Palladium megaverse (thanks to Harmony Gold). Just wished the Robotech/Macross/Southern Cross/Genesis Climber Mospeada games were better or actually even ported over to the US market (very few actually were). Shadowrun was cool too. Played the hell outts the Sega Genesis game for it as well.

07-03-16, 02:34
Clan Wolf checking in.

Also more of an Imperial Guard man myself if talking about Warhammer 40K.

Wait... what was this thread about again ?

Comstar here. Just a commo trying to do commo things.

Also, radical inquisition in 40k. Because the ends justify the means.

07-03-16, 03:03
Wow... This is bringing back some memories.

07-03-16, 04:32
Thanks to my mother I grew up watching both Bill Alexander and Bob Ross.

But more recently I have had a revelation about Mr. Ross . . .


07-03-16, 09:21
There are/were a few bad asses in the Entertainment industry. That guy from Nirvana who became a SEAL or Delta or something. Then there that comedian who's a Marine LTC. Rob Riggle I think. He's the cop from The Hangover who's cop car is stolen

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07-03-16, 10:36
The guy from Nirvana, Jason Everman, went Army Special Forces The Rock 'n' Roll Casualty Who Became A War Hero (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/02/magazine/evermans-war.html?_r=0). He was also in Soundgarden for a little while.

Rob Riggle is the shit. Basic Goolging shows he did 9 years active then the rest as a reserve where he retired in 2013 as a Public Affairs Officer. During the whole "Code Pink" thing at Berkeley he, as part of the Daily Show, it was killer. He is still actively involved in veterans issues. Rob Riggle Goes to Berkeley (http://www.cc.com/video-clips/9fgyc6/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-marines-in-berkeley)

07-03-16, 11:10
Jason is a good friend :) known him since HS days great guy and he gets crap that is not deserved by people that do not know him sadly !
whats interesting is his kinda nemesis Ben became the full time bass player for Soundgarden also from the same HS :)

07-03-16, 12:45
Kris Kristofferson and James Arness were two legit badasses also.

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07-03-16, 13:43
There are/were a few bad asses in the Entertainment industry. That guy from Nirvana who became a SEAL or Delta or something. Then there that comedian who's a Marine LTC. Rob Riggle I think. He's the cop from The Hangover who's cop car is stolen

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Then there's Steve Buscemi, who was a volunteer firefighter and just showed up at a station on 9/11 to do whatever they needed, and didn't tell anyone after the fact.

And Chuck Norris who was, of course, USAF.

07-03-16, 13:45
Then there's Steve Buscemi, who was a volunteer firefighter and just showed up at a station on 9/11 to do whatever they needed, and didn't tell anyone after the fact.

And Chuck Norris who was, of course, USAF.
He was NYPD. Don't think they are volunteer

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07-03-16, 13:46
Kris Kristofferson and James Arness were two legit badasses also.

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Kris was a ranger and a helicopter pilot. His parents were more bad ass. They disowned him when he chose to leave the military

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07-03-16, 16:25
He was NYPD. Don't think they are volunteer

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Buschemi was a full time fire fighter but left to get into acting. During 9/11 he returned to his old house, geared up and went to work.

07-03-16, 16:27
Kris was a ranger and a helicopter pilot. His parents were more bad ass. They disowned him when he chose to leave the military

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Yeah that's crazy. His dad was a General, iirc.

As for James Arness, his WWII decorations per wiki...

His decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, the Purple Heart,[1] the European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with three bronze battle stars, the World War II Victory Medal, and the Combat Infantryman Badge.[8]

I think I read somewhere he earned the Purple Heart from being on the business end of an MG42, but I could be mistaken on that part of it.

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07-04-16, 05:25
Use to be most actors/musicians were Veterans; Lee Marvin, James Gardner, Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Willie Nelson, to on and so forth . . .

Never knew about Kris Kristofferson's military accolades. Like Prince, many people don't realize that most of his biggest songs were written for and performed by other well known artist.

07-07-16, 14:13
Anyone noticed anything in Hell on Wheels? Only thing I have seen was an NYC church where they welcomed Bohannon to stay as long as he was unarmed so he left.

07-07-16, 16:38
I won't watch them, same as not patronizing an anti gun business.

11-05-16, 20:13
Bumping this thread...

Anyone watching Last Man Standing notice that the AR SBR (Mk18?) that was mounted on the wall in Ed's office, along with the AK pistol & MP40, has been taken down & replaced with a Thompson SBR?
I wonder if they were taking flak about the AR or if they were just arbitrarily changing up the set.

11-06-16, 14:24
Luckily, the few shows that I watch were all about guns, like "Banshee" on Cinemax. I'd definitely bag it if any show started with the anti message.

Side note, went from going to Chipotle three times a week to none when they caved to the moms demand action/Bloomberg pressure to make anti-gun statement. Really miss my chicken burrito and chips but not enough to ever give them another dollar.

That kind of shit ****ing annoys me too. Like what does a burrito place have any buisness making political statements anyway? Just STFU and make burritos!

05-15-17, 16:20
So ABC pulls the plug on Last Man Standing claiming due to reasons of scheduling conflicts.
I call bullshit. Who cancels their second highest show due to scheduling conflicts??

Typical Hollywood crap...


05-15-17, 18:21
Probably because​Tim Allen made a comment about how careful you have to be in Hollywood as a conservative, on the Kimmel show

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05-15-17, 19:55
only watched it a bit some things were a touch like the writers had to throw in a view ? but seemed like a good show to bad its canceled !

watching ripper ? or ripper street about old london during the time of the ripper and they throw in this cross dressing gay thing and they(characters) are saying we dont judge what people do !

watching more youtube then ever about things I like :)

05-15-17, 20:36
So ABC pulls the plug on Last Man Standing claiming due to reasons of scheduling conflicts.
I call bullshit. Who cancels their second highest show due to scheduling conflicts??

Typical Hollywood crap...


Yeah... I can smell the BS from Hollywood on that one all the way in Virginia.

05-15-17, 20:41
I hardly watch network TV any more. The wife and I will watch stuff like The Voice, and the Mrs. really likes Tom Selleck in Blue Bloods. Seems like a well written show. Working out of my ranch house, I am in and out tending to things that break and critters that need tending to at all hours, so it's hard to spend time watching a complete episode of anything.

I kind of like watching "reality" shows like Deadliest Catch, or some off beat stuff like Alaskan Bush People. Inbred kids with speech impediments running around with guns is always fun to watch. I actually watch it for the scenery.

Another turd of a show (that gives me pure enjoyment) on the Destination America Network is Mountain Monsters. Nothing more American than bearded Hillbillies running around Appalachia at night with rifles, yelling and chasing unseen Big Foots, Red-eyed Sloth Devils and the other usual devilish critters found in West Virginia. I'm starting to wonder if there was some toxic spill that led to the rise of these "Monsters", or those Hillbillies drank contaminated water that fried their brains?

05-15-17, 20:56
I don't know, TWD, FTWD, and Z-Nation seem to be pretty pro-gun! :p

In all seriousness, I don't watch TV except for PBS kid shows with my son. I can't stand TV or even the commercials. If a show peeks my interests I simply rent them by season. I haven't had cable in years and will never again.

More people need to unplug from the mass media machine. .

For movies I'm all in, if I didn't watch a film directed by, written by, staring, some ****tard jellyfish Marxist then I'd never be able to watch anything. A lot of actors I would never cross the road to urinate on their face if it was on fire but I'll watch a movie depending upon the subject matter.

I disagree. TWD and FTWD are pretty anti gun at times. They try to control access and in TWD they were so screwed up they had a list of every gun in the armory and people had to check guns in and out. The registry bit then in the ass in the end.