View Full Version : Secret meetings between Bill Clinton and Attorney General on Phoenix tarmac

07-01-16, 07:44
Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch plans to announce on Friday that she will accept whatever recommendation career prosecutors and the F.B.I. director make about whether to bring charges related to Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, a Justice Department official said. Her decision removes the possibility that a political appointee will overrule investigators in the case.

The Justice Department had been moving toward such an arrangement for months — officials said in April that it was being considered — but a private meeting between Ms. Lynch and former President Bill Clinton this week set off a political furor and made the decision all but inevitable.

rest of story here


07-01-16, 08:17
Either Bill Clinton suffers from dementia or he is trying to torpedo his wife. Any reasonable person outside of the legal system would recognize the impropriety of his actions, and it's inconceivable that a lawyer or former president would fail to see the inevitable consequences. He basically insured that his wife will get indicated by removing her best layer of protection - Lynch's shitty ethics and judgement.

I can only imagine that he wipped out his cell phone after the meeting, dialed 69 (speed dial to Monica), and told her, "Come'on over baby. I finally got rid of the bitch and there is a box of Cubans on my desk waiting for you."

07-01-16, 08:20
Trump and his people are incompetent if they can't make hay with this. Either she is indicted like she should be or she doesn't and that is a sign of how corrupt the system is.

07-01-16, 08:26
Either Bill Clinton suffers from dementia or he is trying to torpedo his wife. Any reasonable person outside of the legal system would recognize the impropriety of his actions, and it's inconceivable that a lawyer or former president would fail to see the inevitable consequences. He basically insured that his wife will get indicated by removing her best layer of protection - Lynch's shitty ethics and judgement.

Possible. It could also be that Bill is that arrogant, and getting stupid in old age. It could be that the Obama regime still hates Hillary and wants anyone else to be the Dem nominee, but could not go directly against her the way that the party system is rigged in her favor. Maybe this meeting was supposed to be sealing the deal on Hillary's whitewash, and instead it's going to be used by Obama &co. to terminate Hillary's campaign and pave the way for Biden or someone. I'm sure these people double-cross each other all the time.

It's also possible that the fix is still in, and that the announcement that AG Lynch will follow the FBI recommendation is no more truthful than 1000 other announcements from the Obama administration.

07-01-16, 08:30
Possible. It could also be that Bill is that arrogant, and getting stupid in old age. It could be that the Obama regime still hates Hillary and wants anyone else to be the Dem nominee, but could not go directly against her the way that the party system is rigged in her favor. Maybe this meeting was supposed to be sealing the deal on Hillary's whitewash, and instead it's going to be used by Obama &co. to terminate Hillary's campaign and pave the way for Biden or someone. I'm sure these people double-cross each other all the time.

It's also possible that the fix is still in, and that the announcement that AG Lynch will follow the FBI recommendation is no more truthful than 1000 other announcements from the Obama administration.

If that is the case then things will move fast. Any replacement for Hillary will need to come in the next 2-4 weeks to stand a chance. This could be the Trump card...

07-01-16, 08:30
Flipping channels this morning before work even the pro-HRC mouthpiece Matt Lauer admitted how bad this was. I still believe all of the hand-wringing and talk of indictments is fantasy....

07-01-16, 08:39
Hillary will not be indicted, and both her and Bill Clinton knew sometime back it wouldn't happen. I wouldn't be surprised that this spur of the moment meeting and leak was orchestrated by Bill to demonstrate how casually they took this investigation and to thank A.G. Lynch for just being there and wish her well for any job she seeks during an upcoming Clinton Administration. Oh, and some small talk about grandkids was exchanged as well.

07-01-16, 08:41
The meeting was supposed to be secret. Bill appointed her to the Eastern District of NY. Do the math.

07-01-16, 08:43
If that is the case then things will move fast. Any replacement for Hillary will need to come in the next 2-4 weeks to stand a chance. This could be the Trump card...

Maybe. Or maybe Hillary is legally KO'd closer to September, and Joe Biden rides in on a white horse to save the party, keeping Elizabeth Warren as VP and getting a warmer endorsement from Obama and Sanders than Hillary ever did.

Neither party is offering candidates who stand up to scrutiny. With that premise, you might want to consider finding a way to produce a candidate who won't be subject to any real scrutiny before election day. This could be a path for that.

Hillary is loathsome and even the Dems know it. Against Trump I would put odds on Trump. Biden is something of a buffoon and lightweight, but I don't think very many people consider him loathsome. If all of a sudden the contest becomes Trump/unknown vs. Biden/Warren, a ton of middle of the road people are going to choose mediocre Biden over loose-cannon Trump. Would it decide the election? I don't know. But it would seem to give much better odds to the Dems than Hillary.

Outlander Systems
07-01-16, 08:44
Winner, winner. Chicken dinner.

....and wish her well for any job she seeks during an upcoming Clinton Administration.

07-01-16, 08:49
Harvard Law and a pretty mouth. Have a president in your pocket, and you'll end up on the Supreme Court.

07-01-16, 08:57
Maybe. Or maybe Hillary is legally KO'd closer to September, and Joe Biden rides in on a white horse to save the party, keeping Elizabeth Warren as VP and getting a warmer endorsement from Obama and Sanders than Hillary ever did.

Neither party is offering candidates who stand up to scrutiny. With that premise, you might want to consider finding a way to produce a candidate who won't be subject to any real scrutiny before election day. This could be a path for that.

Hillary is loathsome and even the Dems know it. Against Trump I would put odds on Trump. Biden is something of a buffoon and lightweight, but I don't think very many people consider him loathsome. If all of a sudden the contest becomes Trump/unknown vs. Biden/Warren, a ton of middle of the road people are going to choose mediocre Biden over loose-cannon Trump. Would it decide the election? I don't know. But it would seem to give much better odds to the Dems than Hillary.

Filing deadlines for some states were in May and most states will pass their deadline in the next 4 weeks. It's hard to win an election when you are not on the ballot...

07-01-16, 11:00
Or maybe they just threw the big fish a worm to see if he'd engage in a conspiracy?

Either the fix is in, or we're witnessing Chicago style politics at its very best.

They do this kind of shit for sport, even when they DON'T loathe the other person.

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07-01-16, 11:44
Simply amazing.. They don't give flying F at all.

People were all pissed at nixon over Watergate..... Yet, these effing assholes get to do what ever that want. Blatantly.... They don't even try to hide their corruption now. Both Clinton's....I mean sheesh, just how scum bag can you be. They just keep raisingthe bar with regularity.

And no one cares..... Plus, she'll probably need the next president....... Eff me running......

It's like watching house of cards.......But fo realz....

07-01-16, 11:50
The Clinton Foundation and by extension, Bill are also part of the FBI investigation. He was probably trying to shield himself and get the heads up on what they have on him.

I see Lynch came out today saying she will go along with whatever the FBI recommends. Probably just trying to cover her ass after the meeting with Bubba was uncovered.

Outlander Systems
07-01-16, 11:53

Nothing to see here, folks. This is well-played, politics-as-usual.

She's covering her ass, and most likely already knows that no one at Justice has the stones to bring an indictment against their soon-to-be-boss, if they want to keep getting a paycheck.

Political theater.

07-01-16, 11:55
This whole thing smells to high heavens........but as someone else said, America doesn't care. The hypocracy of this of course is if it were a stand up Republican nominee that had a real chance of winning.........well you know the rest. Effing pathetic.

07-01-16, 12:00
Bill only meets with women in private for two reasons, and I guarantee he's not stuffing Lynch.....

07-01-16, 12:01
And no one cares..... Plus, she'll probably need the next president....... Eff me running......

I fear what will happen if she's wins, takes office and immediately blanket pardons herself, bill and all their flunkies. That's a constitutional crisis in the making followed by worse....

07-01-16, 12:24
Either Bill Clinton suffers from dementia or he is trying to torpedo his wife. Any reasonable person outside of the legal system would recognize the impropriety of his actions, and it's inconceivable that a lawyer or former president would fail to see the inevitable consequences. He basically insured that his wife will get indicated by removing her best layer of protection - Lynch's shitty ethics and judgement.

I can only imagine that he wipped out his cell phone after the meeting, dialed 69 (speed dial to Monica), and told her, "Come'on over baby. I finally got rid of the bitch and there is a box of Cubans on my desk waiting for you."

Remember, Bill was disbarred for committing perjury. :rolleyes:

07-02-16, 05:21
You guys think anything will come of this . . . seriously?

Hillary could ritually sacrifice a mixed race immigrant transgender toddler, shoot an endangered gorilla, and molest an entire Girl Scout Jamboree on live TV and no enforcement actions would be taken against her.

Short of the serfs rising up and chasing her down with torches and pitchforks in the streets this individual, her "husband", and daughter are Above the Law.

07-02-16, 05:33

Just two days after Bubba meets with Lynch we get this...

"Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch."

"If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President."

07-02-16, 06:28
We're being duped here.
I'm just saying that if Hillary, the POTUS and Lynch were ever on the same the same e-mail, well, sorry but they all knew She wasn't using the secure server.
Pretty much that says Lynch can't be involved. Everyone in that loop has the potential to be connected to this case if they as much as read or typed that e-mail address even if it was to forward or to CC her to a message.

07-02-16, 06:56
I see Lynch came out today saying she will go along with whatever the FBI recommends.

Actually she didn't. What she said was she expects to go along with with whatever the FBI recommends. Expects = wiggle room.

07-02-16, 07:35
I believe this was all planned by the Clinton Machine, they want the opposition to complain and request a Special Prosecutor, therefore starting back at square one. Sometime in the middle of her 1st term, the SP might issue a finding. Clinton mode of operation, drip, drip, stall and stall.

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 07:37

I believe this was all planned by the Clinton Machine, they want the opposition to complain and request a Special Prosecutor, therefore starting back at square one. Sometime in the middle of her 1st term, the SP might issue a finding. Clinton mode of operation, drip, drip, stall and stall.

07-02-16, 07:54
Today's NY post 40262

07-02-16, 07:57
Can't everyone involved be given a pardon by the POTUS on his way out of the door?
I'm pretty sure if you've ever had the OPSEC briefing as a .mil guy you have a better understanding of this stuff than the average civilian out there, but in this age of technology, why doesn't everyone "get it"?
The Ultimate "rub your nose in it" moment would be Lynch sitting on the SCotUS and I have no doubt that idea was floated in the meeting.

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 08:18
Or 8 more years as AG...

Can't everyone involved be given a pardon by the POTUS on his way out of the door?
I'm pretty sure if you've ever had the OPSEC briefing as a .mil guy you have a better understanding of this stuff than the average civilian out there, but in this age of technology, why doesn't everyone "get it"?
The Ultimate "rub your nose in it" moment would be Lynch sitting on the SCotUS and I have no doubt that idea was floated in the meeting.

07-02-16, 08:21
Can't everyone involved be given a pardon by the POTUS on his way out of the door?
Could be wrong, but believe only convictions can be pardoned.

07-02-16, 08:38
Could be wrong, but believe only convictions can be pardoned.

Q5: What are the differences between a pardon and a commutation?

A: A pardon can be granted at any time after the offense is committed, including before a person
is tried, convicted, sentenced, or starts serving a sentence. Typically, however, a pardon is not
granted until after a person has finished serving their sentence and remained law-abiding for a


07-02-16, 08:45
Q5: What are the differences between a pardon and a commutation?

A: A pardon can be granted at any time after the offense is committed, including before a person
is tried, convicted, sentenced, or starts serving a sentence. Typically, however, a pardon is not
granted until after a person has finished serving their sentence and remained law-abiding for a


Thanks for the correction.

07-02-16, 09:39
And yet, my fat ass would be in Jail right now doing hard fed time.

07-02-16, 09:48

Just two days after Bubba meets with Lynch we get this...

"Department of Justice officials filed a motion in federal court late Wednesday seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s four top aides and officials with the Clinton Foundation and Teneo Holdings, a closely allied public relations firm that Bill Clinton helped launch."

"If the court permits the delay, the public won’t be able to read the communications until October 2018, about 22 months into her prospective first term as President."

Actually is this a sign that they think there is something there and want to keep it out of the public eye so as to not taint the evidence?

07-02-16, 10:13
Actually is this a sign that they think there is something there and want to keep it out of the public eye so as to not taint the evidence?

Generally, the phrase "tainted evidence" refers to evidence obtained illegally or as a result of a search determined to be illegal.

07-02-16, 10:21
Going back to her admitting She had her own server and that work documents crossed it and now along with the evidence that some of these were various levels of classification were/are enough to convict her.
Well, perhaps anyone and everyone but her. The idea that this has been drug out this long and the charade of her having the ability to run for POTUS after this evidence was brought to the light of day leads me to believe, they really don't give a damn, full speed ahead.
She should be in a cell deep inside the bowels of Leavenworth right next to Bradley Manning.

07-02-16, 11:37
Could be wrong, but believe only convictions can be pardoned.
nixon was never convicted of anything but ford pardoned him

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07-02-16, 13:31
nixon was never convicted of anything but ford pardoned him

See post #32 - you are late to the party.

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 14:01
Couple of questions:

1) How is a spouse of someone under investigation for leaking Top Secret information able to meet with the AG of the United States, who just so happens to have prosecutorial oversight over the investigation?
2) How is this not grounds for disbarment for AG Lynch?
3) How is this NOT an issue of "National Security"?
4) Let's assume this was an issue of National Security, how in the **** are the Fibbies or Secret Squirrels at NSA supposed to get FISA authorization to retroactively collate ELINT on these two parties, when such requests go through said AG?

This is collusion, plain and simple. Yes, we've been played. Yes, this is arrogant, boundless corruption, and nothing short of a politically-maneuvered, preventative coup detat.

Again, behavior more fitting of a banana republic.

In a sick, demented fashion, our only hope to prevent the lawless from usurping the legal system in this country lies in:

Trump outright beating her ass in the GE.
Foreign Intelligence Services releasing the information they've clandestinely collected through their own cyber espionage programs.

On the second, said FIS can either:

1) Assist in exposing grotesque corruption of the Clinton Crime Family; ensuring a Trump win.
2) Maintaining said collected Intelligence for future blackmail purposes.

This country is in big, big trouble folks.

07-02-16, 16:30
This will be a whole bunch of nothing and this bitch will walk right into the white house

07-02-16, 16:32
ditto this sadly

This will be a whole bunch of nothing and this bitch will walk right into the white house

07-02-16, 18:46
See post #32 - you are late to the party.
hardto keep up on mobile :D

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07-02-16, 20:48
You know what....

If Hillary gets POTUS, oh freaking well.

I'll just do like everybody else and sit out by a gas station all day drinking OJ and Vodka, wearing a cocked flat brim cap and sweats, not bathing, just loitering and just start keeping it real.

Why not? I deal with people who keep it real and despite no job, kids they can't keep track of, living in PJs, being convicted felons and having some diseases the CDC ain't discovered yet they all look pretty goddamn fat dumb and happy to me.

I now 'get' American Beauty. Maybe even Apocalypse Now. Just split from the program.

Stop the gears of the world.

My Galt's Gulch will be a raunchy, ghetto haji shop in the inner city where every other word is either the F word or an N bomb. I'll just be chilling. I'll sleep in some fat woman's bed or hell just on the side of the damn sidewalk. What the hell, why not? Either bedroom shoes or a Nike on one foot and Adidas on the other. Maybe even get some white dirt and carry a pickle jar around. I'll barter in loosies and bacon cheeseburgers.

Yes Sir

26 Inf
07-02-16, 22:34
I'll barter in loosies and bacon cheeseburgers. Yes Sir

Okay, so the equivalent of going loosie with a bacon cheeseburger is what, selling it by the bite? Or do you cut it up into small pieces and stick toothpicks in it? I'd like to get in on the ground floor of that gig, maybe branch out into BLT's.

07-02-16, 22:45
Okay, so the equivalent of going loosie with a bacon cheeseburger is what, selling it by the bite? Or do you cut it up into small pieces and stick toothpicks in it? I'd like to get in on the ground floor of that gig, maybe branch out into BLT's.

A loosie is a single cigarette. Do you not have middle eastern shopkeeps in your AO?

They sell them for like 50 cents a pop out of a little bin. Most are stale.

But yeah....I wager nibbles or pinches of a sammich has street value. And there's ALWAYS a guy selling speakers for $100

ETA you said Loosie-equivalent. My reading comprehender is off center today. sry

07-03-16, 03:42
A loosie is a single cigarette. Do you not have middle eastern shopkeeps in your AO?

They sell them for like 50 cents a pop out of a little bin. Most are stale.

But yeah....I wager nibbles or pinches of a sammich has street value. And there's ALWAYS a guy selling speakers for $100

ETA you said Loosie-equivalent. My reading comprehender is off center today. sry

I think your wingman is well versed in loosies, after all that is how we got Justice for . . . "I Can't Breavvve". ;)

26 Inf
07-03-16, 13:55
I think your wingman is well versed in loosies, after all that is how we got Justice for . . . "I Can't Breavvve". ;)

Yep, I even got a 'Breath Easy and Obey the Law' t-shirt.

07-03-16, 15:15
New excuse: "Lynch let Clinton board plane because it was hot"

Dang, they are amazing!

Outlander Systems
07-03-16, 15:18

He was there golfing in the 101-degree heat.

New excuse: "Lynch let Clinton board plane because it was hot"

Dang, they are amazing!

07-03-16, 16:39
so he was golfing at night :)


He was there golfing in the 101-degree heat.

07-03-16, 17:33
I wasn't going to say anything but.........I do think lynch worries about the heat. Look at her kankles. The pic they put up on drudge report made her feet look like they were dying to get out of those shoes. I do not think she has ever seen a treadmill in her entire life.

Let's not forget we are in unprecedented global warming.

07-03-16, 19:26
This is called being BULLETPROOF!! http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/17/article-0-0068545B00000258-171_634x403.jpg If you don't know Who these People are, you better do your research and smell the coffee.

07-04-16, 05:41
This is called being BULLETPROOF!! http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/17/article-0-0068545B00000258-171_634x403.jpg If you don't know Who these People are, you better do your research and smell the coffee.

They only own half the world's wealth but some how never get mentioned in Forbes . . .

07-04-16, 06:55
This is called being BULLETPROOF!! http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/10/17/article-0-0068545B00000258-171_634x403.jpg If you don't know Who these People are, you better do your research and smell the coffee.

They certainly aren't In the top 17 richest persons in the world, therefore they aren't 'BULLETPROOF"

07-04-16, 10:16
This is a nice comparison and a good read.

Assange never knowingly destroyed the information placed on his servers; he wanted all the information made available to the world. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30,000 emails, which is itself another federal crime.

Assange and Hillary both made it possible for persons to use the internet to obtain classified information.

President Obama has stated that Hillary did nothing wrong. No president has ever said Assange did nothing wrong.

Assange exposed government impropriety, Hillary covered up her own impropriety.

Assange never profited personally from his activities. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton both were paid millions through deals that may have been made through her server emails.

A military intelligence specialist, Bradley Manning, was kept in prison for three years without a trial for sending classified information to Assange over the internet. No one has admitted any wrongdoing in the setting up and use of Hillary’s private server. Hillary's I.T. specialist cited Fifth Amendment immunity 125 times at one deposition and hasn't spent one minute in prison.

07-04-16, 11:34
huma whatsername admitting under oath that daily schedules were destroyed...


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07-04-16, 11:53
This is a nice comparison and a good read.

Assange never knowingly destroyed the information placed on his servers; he wanted all the information made available to the world. Hillary Clinton deleted over 30,000 emails, which is itself another federal crime.

Assange and Hillary both made it possible for persons to use the internet to obtain classified information.

President Obama has stated that Hillary did nothing wrong. No president has ever said Assange did nothing wrong.

Assange exposed government impropriety, Hillary covered up her own impropriety.

Assange never profited personally from his activities. Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton both were paid millions through deals that may have been made through her server emails.

A military intelligence specialist, Bradley Manning, was kept in prison for three years without a trial for sending classified information to Assange over the internet. No one has admitted any wrongdoing in the setting up and use of Hillary’s private server. Hillary's I.T. specialist cited Fifth Amendment immunity 125 times at one deposition and hasn't spent one minute in prison.

Thats because justice is not truly blind. That's a falsehood perpetuated to mollify the masses.

07-04-16, 12:04
Did Bill bring the cigars?

That's pretty much the question you ALWAYS hafta ask when he meets with a female(s) alone... :rolleyes:

07-04-16, 12:16
Thats because justice is not truly blind. That's a falsehood perpetuated to mollify the masses.

I would agree;
The author of that article made an excellent comparison. The problem would seem to be that our media for the most part wont cover the contents of that article or any of the facts of the case that make her look bad.
Simply by saying "She had her own server." and "There was Classified information passing through the server and over her Private E-mail account." are enough to warrant a trial. Baby stepping around the facts and being brutally honest with them is what will allow her to walk on this.
It's a pivotal moment for America if She walks on this one.

07-04-16, 13:30
I've said before Bradley manning is in prison for and the feds want ed Snowden in prison for basically the same thing hillary did, namely systematically compromising classified information systems

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07-05-16, 03:55
They certainly aren't In the top 17 richest persons in the world, therefore they aren't 'BULLETPROOF"

Not the Klintons, but their pals the Rothschilds.

07-05-16, 08:22
Well we should know something soon, the FBI Director has a news conference at 11:00

07-05-16, 08:26
Well we should know something soon, the FBI Director has a news conference at 11:00
I'm sure in their " non biased" wisdom she'll be found innocent in order to bring her poll numbers up

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07-05-16, 10:13
Over the weekend the FBI interviewed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the final steps in the ongoing criminal investigation into alleged mishandling of classified information. Clinton was interviewed for more than three hours. Top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were interviewed earlier this year. Former Clinton staffer Brian Pagliano, who was hired to set up the private server in Clinton's home, was given immunity by the FBI and has been cooperating. During a separate deposition conducted by Judicial Watch, Pagliano plead the Fifth more than 125 times. More than 2000 pieces of classified information, including top secret information, have been found on Clinton's server.

I'm not sure how she can dodge this one.

07-05-16, 10:17
No charges, no surprise.

+ We are supposed to believe none of this was discussed with the AG on the tarmac. Baloney. She meets with slick willie and suddenly all of these dominoes start falling? Sheer coincidence.

07-05-16, 10:18
Over the weekend the FBI interviewed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the final steps in the ongoing criminal investigation into alleged mishandling of classified information. Clinton was interviewed for more than three hours. Top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were interviewed earlier this year. Former Clinton staffer Brian Pagliano, who was hired to set up the private server in Clinton's home, was given immunity by the FBI and has been cooperating. During a separate deposition conducted by Judicial Watch, Pagliano plead the Fifth more than 125 times. More than 2000 pieces of classified information, including top secret information, have been found on Clinton's server.

I'm not sure how she can dodge this one.
She has Loretta Lynch, who no doubt made a deal with Bill. Neither she nor Obama will find any wrong doings no matter what's found it will be swept aside by the media

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07-05-16, 10:19
Over the weekend the FBI interviewed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, one of the final steps in the ongoing criminal investigation into alleged mishandling of classified information. Clinton was interviewed for more than three hours. Top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills were interviewed earlier this year. Former Clinton staffer Brian Pagliano, who was hired to set up the private server in Clinton's home, was given immunity by the FBI and has been cooperating. During a separate deposition conducted by Judicial Watch, Pagliano plead the Fifth more than 125 times. More than 2000 pieces of classified information, including top secret information, have been found on Clinton's server.

I'm not sure how she can dodge this one.

Just watch and you'll find out. :(

BTW, how can Pagliano plead the 5th 125 times, if he has an immunity agreement in place?

It doesn't matter, even though she broke the law, Comey just said they aren't recommending any charges, because there was no "intent" discovered during the investigation. Wow. Just... Wow...

07-05-16, 10:19
No charges, no surprise.

No surprise for sure. But he eluded if it were anyone else... When I heard the word 'Although' I knew she slipped through this one too. Obama knew it else he wouldn't be with her today.

07-05-16, 10:19
No charges, no surprise.
Our federal government is a joke

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07-05-16, 10:24
Our federal government is a joke

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Banana Republics are no joke. :(

07-05-16, 10:26
We are living in a third world dictatorship.

07-05-16, 10:30
Rule of law is dead

07-05-16, 10:35
Just watch and you'll find out. :(
It doesn't matter, even though she broke the law, Comey just said they aren't recommending any charges, because there was no "intent" discovered during the investigation. Wow. Just... Wow...

Comey gave her a pass; She was still at fault ignorance or incompetence is not an excuse, but Comey excused it.

We're pretty much screwed.

07-05-16, 10:42
And she will be our next president. Unreal. This isn't America. Not even close.

07-05-16, 10:51
- Monday June 27th -Slick Willie waits on the tarmac to intercept the Democratic AG
- Saturday July 2nd - FBI interviews the lying wench over a holiday weekend
- Tuesday July 5th - FBI recommends no charges even after finding evidence laws were broken and handling of classified information was "careless" within the State Department
- Tuesdaay July 5th - Barry starts campaigning for the lying wench who will still claims she handled no confidential material on her private email server.

We're supposed to accept there was no conversation between the AG and Slick Willie concerning this case? HorseCRAP. The AG needs to resign today.

How hopelessly stupid do they think we really are?

07-05-16, 10:52
This kinda shit is how civil wars start......of straws and camels backs....

07-05-16, 10:54
This kinda shit is how civil wars start......of straws and camels backs....
Yeah and I'm so down for one too

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07-05-16, 10:59
Yeah and I'm so down for one too

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I hate the idea, because it will make the last time look like a #$(*&#$ picnic it will be so nasty and bloody. When you delegitimize the authority of the gov't to enough extent in a big enough segment of the populace, it will happen.

07-05-16, 11:02
I'd rather it happen then continue the course we're on . I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees

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07-05-16, 11:18
I'd rather it happen then continue the course we're on . I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees

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I have no issues with that, I'd just rather my children not to pay the price in pain and misery....

07-05-16, 11:32
Can we just start calling her 'Judge Lynch'? I'd start to refer to her that way so that when she is appointed people can see the connection.

07-05-16, 12:00
Can we just start calling her 'Judge Lynch'? I'd start to refer to her that way so that when she is appointed people can see the connection.

And no one will ever see the connection.......... just sad.

Mauser KAR98K
07-05-16, 12:17
It is the Corrupt Bargaining of the 21st Century.

Outlander Systems
07-05-16, 12:50
It would be a lot funnier if it wasn't true.


Coal Dragger
07-05-16, 13:00
So I guess we no longer have a credible Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation in this country anymore.

Too bad for the agents and other Federal LEO's that have integrity and actual standards, because the agencies no longer have any credibility at all.

07-05-16, 14:00
So I guess we no longer have a credible Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation in this country anymore.

Too bad for the agents and other Federal LEO's that have integrity and actual standards, because the agencies no longer have any credibility at all.

They're still there, but they've been renamed to Department of Just Us and Federal Bureau of Instigation. :(

07-05-16, 17:04
Federal Bureau of Excuses

Outlander Systems
07-05-16, 17:12
Let us eat cake?


07-05-16, 17:20
I am sure they just talked about the world domination and how pathetic the republican party is

07-05-16, 20:08
They only own half the world's wealth but some how never get mentioned in Forbes . . .
INDEED. How Ironic!

07-05-16, 20:50
So I guess we no longer have a credible Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation in this country anymore.

Too bad for the agents and other Federal LEO's that have integrity and actual standards, because the agencies no longer have any credibility at all.

EPA has been bat crap crazy since the start. HUD is just a jobs program. BHO weaponized the IRS.

They've taken our govt and turned it against us one Dept at a time.

07-05-16, 21:10
We are living in a third world dictatorship.

No. No we aren't. To say such a thing is absurd. It could be much, much worse.

07-05-16, 21:56
We are living in a third world dictatorship.

No sir. Not yet anyway. It amazes me how people from Mexico can come over here and vote for these people. It is literally the same way Mexican officials get elected. It's a big smokin' crime ring with fake elections to try give the illusion of democratic process.

Except in Mexico, if you protest, they mow your ass down, secretly dispose of the body, and offer no explanation or even communication with the next of kin. Your ass is just gone.

07-05-16, 22:15
No. No we aren't. To say such a thing is absurd. It could be much, much worse.

And please do not challenge those @sshats.
The State of Illinois is $8b in hock and eight months behind on paying bills. BHO is a creature of that third world paradise.

07-06-16, 05:28
No sir. Not yet anyway. It amazes me how people from Mexico can come over here and vote for these people. It is literally the same way Mexican officials get elected. It's a big smokin' crime ring with fake elections to try give the illusion of democratic process.

Except in Mexico, if you protest, they mow your ass down, secretly dispose of the body, and offer no explanation or even communication with the next of kin. Your ass is just gone.
After Hillary gets elected we will be real soon. Probably like Venezuela

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