View Full Version : Bad Major!

07-01-16, 19:46
Looks like the Major got pissed. In this PC time, will probably cost him his career in the mil.

US Army Major arrested after throwing bags of bacon at mosque

During this holy month of Ramadan for Muslims, a series of frightening events has shaken worshipers at a NC mosque.

Now police believe they know who was behind it. A US Army Reserve major reportedly made several different threats, aimed at a Islamic center in Raeford, North Carolina.

The Hoke County Sheriff ‘s office says Russell Langford had firearms, ammunition and other weapons in his Chevy Tahoe when they arrested him- and he’d apparently threatened to open fire at the mosque.

At about 4:30 pm Thursday, employees at the Masjid Al Madina found two bags of bacon in front of the mosque – a sign of disrespect- as Muslims are prohibited from eating pork.

Langford allegedly returned later, threatening to blow up the mosque while flashing his gun. Police say he also followed a man home as he was leaving afternoon prayers.

At about 8pm, Langford came back and tried to run a group of people over as they were going into the building for prayer services, the Imam said.

Ibrahim Hooper, of the Washington-D.C. Council on American-Islamic Relations said, “We call on state law enforcement authorities and the FBI to investigate this incident as a possible hate crime.”


07-01-16, 20:03
Trespassing, littering, petty vandalism, and being an immature doofus isn't a hate crime.

The accusations of threats at this point are hearsay.

I'm sure most people are very frustrated that this one religion can't seem to get it together globally but....

I wouldn't want someone defacing my stuff. So, yeah.

As per his military career, he's a Major. It would be difficult to want to follow a person who wants to re-enact Junior High. If he were some low level guy....then, yeah whatever. Grow up.

But at some level, someone's newly minted 18 y/o's life may be in his hands and he spends his off time playing Bart Simpson.

No thanks

07-01-16, 20:07

07-01-16, 20:07
While funny, I weep for the wasted Bacon..

07-01-16, 20:14
While funny, I weep for the wasted Bacon..

Aye.....That could've been sammiches.

If you're going to menace people, do crayon doodles and tape it to the door. Even if you go to jail, it'll make homeboy investigating it chuckle a bit. Who knows, it may even make a refrigerator somewhere

07-01-16, 21:51
Officers are held to a higher standard of conduct and they should be.

I understand his frustration, but a person who is tasked with making life or death decisions affecting people in his charge should act in a professional manner at all times.

07-01-16, 22:06
If the worst thing Muslims did to other people was throw deli meats at them, this entire problem wouldn't even exist.

I propose that this was "Food Drive Jihad" and he was simply donating to help feed the needy.

26 Inf
07-01-16, 22:17
Trespassing, littering, petty vandalism, and being an immature doofus isn't a hate crime.

The accusations of threats at this point are hearsay.

Sometimes I forget you are from the South. :p Unless an officer witnesses something, everything other than physical evidence in a report could be called hearsay.

Trespassing, littering, petty vandalism, and being an immature doofus isn't a hate crime

Did you not see this:

Langford allegedly returned later, threatening to blow up the mosque while flashing his gun.

Police say he also followed a man home as he was leaving afternoon prayers.

At about 8pm, Langford came back and tried to run a group of people over as they were going into the building for prayer services, the Imam said.

Nothing to see here, move along.

Sorry wings, I'm with the Washington-D.C. Council on American-Islamic Relations on this one. **** him.

07-01-16, 23:22
If the worst thing Muslims did to other people was throw deli meats at them, this entire problem wouldn't even exist.

I propose that this was "Food Drive Jihad" and he was simply donating to help feed the needy.

Do they use bacon in soup kitchens? :)

07-02-16, 05:12
If the worst thing Muslims did to other people was throw deli meats at them, this entire problem wouldn't even exist.

Sad but true.

07-02-16, 06:02
Some folks will work pretty for that PTSD diagnosis.

07-02-16, 06:52


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07-02-16, 07:08
Mosques are the enemy's recruitment and planning centers. They should all be shut down and each and every attendee arrested, prosecuted and executed for treason.
Throwing bacon, property crimes don't hold a candle to Islamic Jihad, be it the soup kitchen variety or otherwise.

Bergdahl was given promotions to Sargeant, a White House invite and a pass from being prosecuted for desertion and treason. This Major deserves at least a promotion.

07-02-16, 07:08
Had he stopped at the Bacon, would be LOL worthy. A bad idea for his career to be sure, but LOL. Waving a gun around was fail on his end. We all share the Major's frustration to be sure, but he knew better. Probably drunk and pissed off and lost it. I hope he lands on his feet. For all we know, he'll end up on a speaking tour after that

07-02-16, 07:22
But at some level, someone's newly minted 18 y/o's life may be in his hands and he spends his off time playing Bart Simpson

I must've missed the one where Bart vandalizes the synagogue and rants on killing the Jews.

He is (rightfully) toast, but if grand bargaining between the civil authorities and his career counselor were possible, it would be interesting to deploy the guy as an advisor and get him some experience. Put him at the tip of the spear co-located with some ANA or perhaps the Peshmerga and have him learn about Islam and rely on Muslims for his safety. Show him some of the mass graves up north in Iraq and ask him if they're Chaldean, Yezidi, Shia, Sunni, from al Anfal, Gulf II, ISIS or what the hell does it matter.

Plus you could follow him around with a camera and film it for a documentary. In fact, I would have the War Department making a lot of great films like they did back in the day if I were in charge.

ETA: I guess he had two tours as an MP.


He looks like a douche.

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 08:28
Kev, what's your take on CONUS mosques as FOBs for political Islam?

07-02-16, 09:14
Kev, what's your take on CONUS mosques as FOBs for political Islam?

I'm not sure if I completely understand what you mean, but as far as terrorism, the opposite is in fact true.

All radicalization materials (al Awlaki, al Adnani) from the days of passing tapes to the online stuff today stress that the target must unplug from the mainstream, not participate in the local faith community (because it's full of spies for the kuffar), not listen to the local Imam (because he is a propagandist for the kuffar), and to only take cues and religious instruction from militant radicals abroad.

That's not something that's unique to Islam- that's human psychology.

If we look at the would be terrorist in this incident, I'm willing to bet that he was instructed by his own handlers to unplug from the mainstream, assign the "liberal" tag to his neighbors and then hate and rage against them, not to listen to reports from "the mainstream media" but to only get his ideological cues from fringe radicals on hatesites or AM talk radio, etc.

No successful and well adjusted person has time or inclination for any of this nonsense.

07-02-16, 09:33
First off, I can't help the manner in which I was brainwashed.

Second, don't get me wrong. Dude is a loser and deserves to be prosecuted for his crimes. I'm just opposed to the concept of 'hate crimes'. Motive is irrelevant. Punish actions not thoughts.

Third, There was that one episode of the Simpsons where Homer was chumping on a Muslim family that Bart befriended.

My point wasn't a rote narrative of a Simpson's episode. It was me saying that such behavior is sophomoric and stupid.

Plus his jail picture is none too flattering. His shirt looks like something someone might buy while drunk surfing on Amazon at late o'clock at night but only a real dipstick or someone from TOS would actually wear in public.

Lots of things irk me, upset me, frustrate me, and for whatever reason just gripes my ass.

But I accept the fact that there is very little in this world I can control and while I don't accept it personally....I accept it cosmically.

Like....I don't see myself going through the trouble of harrassing someone else I don't know because me and my redneck buddies think "them ragheads need some 'Merica in their face". Which is very likely how Major Tom here's conversation with his drinking buddies likely went.

Plus yeah the MP factor. A lot have to be de-pine coned if they matriculate to civilian policeman.

"Difference between you and me is 85% of who I policed were trained killers"

*Wolf Stare*

"Oh you mean the Army guys who obey orders, render salutes and courtesies, and are held to a stricter legal code while you cut them a speeding ticket? Gotcha."

07-02-16, 10:24
Plus his jail picture is none too flattering. His shirt looks like something someone might buy while drunk surfing on Amazon at late o'clock at night but only a real dipstick or someone from TOS would actually wear in public.

I'm sure he picked it out just for his mugshot.

Waving a pistol around and trying to run over old ladies on their way to worship sounds a lot to me like a suicide by other. The guy is deeply troubled.

At the same time, with the "wolf" reference, you've got to wonder if he thought he might achieve martyrdom among certain fringe radical elements... like he'd have his picture on the wall at the next loser-empowerment-seminar.

McVeigh's death row diaries reveal his thirst for martyrdom- including starving himself prior to execution so he would "look like a concentration camp victim" in post-mortem photos he believed would make him famous. Maybe this guy also was deluded in to believing that he would be the catalyst for the destruction of America?

07-02-16, 10:57
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you mean, but as far as terrorism, the opposite is in fact true.

All radicalization materials (al Awlaki, al Adnani) from the days of passing tapes to the online stuff today stress that the target must unplug from the mainstream, not participate in the local faith community (because it's full of spies for the kuffar), not listen to the local Imam (because he is a propagandist for the kuffar), and to only take cues and religious instruction from militant radicals abroad.

That's not something that's unique to Islam- that's human psychology.

If we look at the would be terrorist in this incident, I'm willing to bet that he was instructed by his own handlers to unplug from the mainstream, assign the "liberal" tag to his neighbors and then hate and rage against them, not to listen to reports from "the mainstream media" but to only get his ideological cues from fringe radicals on hatesites or AM talk radio, etc.

No successful and well adjusted person has time or inclination for any of this nonsense.

How do you think they got to the point of seeking out online DIY jihadi kits? They didn't just wake up one day and say "you know, I think I'm going to brows some jihadi propaganda today!"

Almost no one radicalizes without a local influence precursor. Lone wolves tend to come out of certain mosques in certain locations. They don't tend to be affiliated with other mosques that are known to take a more inclusive approach to the larger community. If aren't aware of that, you need to do more research.

07-02-16, 11:10
Almost no one radicalizes without a local influence precursor.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

07-02-16, 11:41
You have no idea what you're talking about.

No, I have a job that requires that I know this subject frontwards, backwards and upside down. Your tax dollars have paid for my substantial level of training and study on the topic for the past 15 years. I literally have the people in my AOR who do the investigations of these people on speed dial. I've worked side by side with them for a decade now. They come to me as the SME in my area of expertise when one of their subjects intersects with my domain. When was the last time I provided them Intel? Wednesday.

Don't come into my area of expertise and tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Do more research and correct your deficiencies before you attempt to challenge me, sport.

07-02-16, 12:14
I wasn't on the lone wolf deal. I was just making fun of Niedermeyer types.

But yeah I guess...I dunno. Even if he wanted to be the touch off to some catalyst that's his problem. Like the home alone looking kid and the black church.

And as for the green haired girl mugshot, be a lad and PM me a link. It's for research

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 12:37
Roger that.

My understanding of current TTPs for these dudes was that they were using "Mainstream" Islam as a front, to conduct operations under "religious" cover. Mostly Saudi funding to various "Muslim" "fraternal" organizations and political advocacy groups. I've seen, heard, and read this from multiple sources, but I'm always open to alternate information.

I suppose further research is in order.

I'm not sure if I completely understand what you mean, but as far as terrorism, the opposite is in fact true.

All radicalization materials (al Awlaki, al Adnani) from the days of passing tapes to the online stuff today stress that the target must unplug from the mainstream, not participate in the local faith community (because it's full of spies for the kuffar), not listen to the local Imam (because he is a propagandist for the kuffar), and to only take cues and religious instruction from militant radicals abroad.

That's not something that's unique to Islam- that's human psychology.

If we look at the would be terrorist in this incident, I'm willing to bet that he was instructed by his own handlers to unplug from the mainstream, assign the "liberal" tag to his neighbors and then hate and rage against them, not to listen to reports from "the mainstream media" but to only get his ideological cues from fringe radicals on hatesites or AM talk radio, etc.

No successful and well adjusted person has time or inclination for any of this nonsense.

07-02-16, 17:06
Yep, mosque are totally benign. It's all the internet's fault.


Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 17:27
I'm sure his position was a metaphor, and it's being taken out of context. :rolleyes:

If that were a Christian pastor saying that shit, the church would be sacked, burned to the ground, and every media outlet from here to Denmark would be on board to play, "look at the corn-pone, inbred fundie."

The double standard is getting reeeeeeaally old.

Yep, mosque are totally benign. It's all the internet's fault.


07-03-16, 03:31
Yep, mosque are totally benign. It's all the internet's fault.

Well that and apparently old white guys who host AM talk radio shows . . . :lol:

But yeah mosques, check out the weapons caches they have found in mosques in Paris over the last year.