View Full Version : Russia/Putin vs USA/Hillary

07-02-16, 16:34
OK more a how corrupt have we become ?
with what hillbag has gotten away with is insane and I am sure she is going to walk scot free over this to ? but could be wrong

list pros cons of living in Russia/Putin vs Hillary as pres
as sadly both are now so corrupt that the leaders can be massive criminals in both countries

just curious what people think :)

not saying Russia is better or I want to live there just curious of viewpoints

07-02-16, 18:28
I don't speak Russian so I think I'll stick it out here.

It is ironic that as Russian gains freedoms with the end of communism, we lose freedoms with our trend towards socialism. In a generation, maybe two, will will probably be very much alike.

07-02-16, 18:31
Putin at least seems to do things for the benefit of Russia.

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 18:34
Whereas the Shedemon does what's best for the Shedemon and her criminal empire.

Putin at least seems to do things for the benefit of Russia.

07-02-16, 21:56
Crooks are crooks-

07-03-16, 04:57
Well the difference is Hillary doesn't have anything to blackmail Putin with unlike the reverse.

07-03-16, 18:51
You have no idea how corrupt Russia is. You may not like Clinton but Putin and Russia are an entirely different animal. They have been perfecting corruption for decades. It's a way of life from top to bottom.

07-03-16, 19:34
curious have you lived there ?
I only know a few folks that have and they say for sure its corrupt no doubt
a few folks who have spent time there also say its a lot like any country the cities are full of horrible corruption and the outer areas most folks are very nice and not like city folks ?
which I know from my travels and living seems to be the case also

I would love to live there for a year and get a better feel for what it is about
but some do have more freedoms then they used to etc..

I do think our country is headed toward what they are though with corruption etc... and wont be long for us to be even more like them
as said they also have more freedoms now from what they did and of course we are having less and less ?

You have no idea how corrupt Russia is. You may not like Clinton but Putin and Russia are an entirely different animal. They have been perfecting corruption for decades. It's a way of life from top to bottom.

07-03-16, 19:49
Whereas the Shedemon does what's best for the Shedemon and her criminal empire.

I thought Putin was part of her criminal empire.... or the other way round.

Outlander Systems
07-03-16, 19:57
They're all corrupt grifters.

07-03-16, 20:33
I had an interesting conversation with a former citizen of the USSR about that recently (mostly one sided- he talked, I listened.) His assertion is that we are much more socialist than the former Soviet Union in many ways (think social programs available that Russia would never consider). However, he also stated that their corruption is far worse on their best day than America at its worst. They have a history of openly murdering their own citizens and using that to inflame political will against their enemies, for example. He said it's no contest, even with current political trends, the USA at its worst is a far better place to live that Russia on its best day.

I wouldn't plan on defecting anytime soon.

07-04-16, 16:04
I doubt any of us would ever want to defect !!!! visiting sure but defecting no way :)

I had an interesting conversation with a former citizen of the USSR about that recently (mostly one sided- he talked, I listened.) His assertion is that we are much more socialist than the former Soviet Union in many ways (think social programs available that Russia would never consider). However, he also stated that their corruption is far worse on their best day than America at its worst. They have a history of openly murdering their own citizens and using that to inflame political will against their enemies, for example. He said it's no contest, even with current political trends, the USA at its worst is a far better place to live that Russia on its best day.

I wouldn't plan on defecting anytime soon.

07-05-16, 17:00
what just happened with hillary is why I say we are more alike then ever now !!!!

sad thing is when we go down nobody in the world is left to save us !!!!

07-05-16, 18:08
what just happened with hillary is why I say we are more alike then ever now !!!!

sad thing is when we go down nobody in the world is left to save us !!!!

If you got Jesus then you already saved.

But otherwise.....what can they really do?

They can't rob a poor man, they can only hang you once, and if you're a guy then they can't get you pregnant

07-06-16, 04:19
sad thing is when we go down nobody in the world is left to save us !!!!

That is the whole idea . . .

07-06-16, 04:27
I had an interesting conversation with a former citizen of the USSR about that recently (mostly one sided- he talked, I listened.) His assertion is that we are much more socialist than the former Soviet Union in many ways (think social programs available that Russia would never consider). However, he also stated that their corruption is far worse on their best day than America at its worst. They have a history of openly murdering their own citizens and using that to inflame political will against their enemies, for example. He said it's no contest, even with current political trends, the USA at its worst is a far better place to live that Russia on its best day.

I wouldn't plan on defecting anytime soon.

I can think of a dozen countries I'd defect to before Russia.

07-06-16, 06:50
Putin is rooting for Hillary... for OBVIOUS reasons...


07-06-16, 07:05
The "Russian Re-Set" showed how weak Hillary is, and how the Russians just laughed at her, even making a comment publicly about how the translation was wrong on the Re-Set button. Very embarrassing.

07-06-16, 08:18
Russia is an interesting animal. The power class and power structure may be Caucasian and look like us, but Slavs do not think like us. Every form of Russian/Soviet government has been corrupt, way more so than ours. Ours just seems worse sometimes because of the variety and quantity of open media. Sure, they are all fat and happy capitalists now but don't for a second think they don't use racism/sexism/anti-LGBTism as means to their ends. The KGB is "gone" (really, morphed into a different department), but they still "disappear" people, anti-government protesters are frequently arrested and harassed, and they control the media.

All in all, warts and all, I prefer here.

07-06-16, 14:39
yeah but funny you just described our country also :)
lets see how many times has osama gave marching orders to the press and they follow !
lets see who was targeted by the IRS ?
lets see who gets the free pass cause of political party (progressives)
wow even those people that make people disappear ? especially with the clintons :)

we are the new Russia the communists aka progressives actually did what they set out to and we have been in it so long we actually think we are not part of it !
is it to late ? no but we are so far along its going to take a HUGE cleaning and the fact of the matter is we did not need to bring people in we brainwashed half our country into these people !!!!!

again I am not saying russia is better or worse I am saying its parallel these days IMHO and many others

Russia is an interesting animal. The power class and power structure may be Caucasian and look like us, but Slavs do not think like us. Every form of Russian/Soviet government has been corrupt, way more so than ours. Ours just seems worse sometimes because of the variety and quantity of open media. Sure, they are all fat and happy capitalists now but don't for a second think they don't use racism/sexism/anti-LGBTism as means to their ends. The KGB is "gone" (really, morphed into a different department), but they still "disappear" people, anti-government protesters are frequently arrested and harassed, and they control the media.

All in all, warts and all, I prefer here.

07-06-16, 14:55
yeah but funny you just described our country also :)
lets see how many times has osama gave marching orders to the press and they follow !
lets see who was targeted by the IRS ?
lets see who gets the free pass cause of political party (progressives)
wow even those people that make people disappear ? especially with the clintons :)

we are the new Russia the communists aka progressives actually did what they set out to and we have been in it so long we actually think we are not part of it !
is it to late ? no but we are so far along its going to take a HUGE cleaning and the fact of the matter is we did not need to bring people in we brainwashed half our country into these people !!!!!

again I am not saying russia is better or worse I am saying its parallel these days IMHO and many others

I'm OK with saying it is worse. A LOT worse. There are a ton of media/press that criticizes the government here, no one disappears/dies. The fact we are on this website having this discussion....they can't do that over there. We don't have to show papers when we travel between states, just because. We will never be like Russia. More like...Canada, or the UK.

07-06-16, 15:23
I'm OK with saying it is worse. A LOT worse. There are a ton of media/press that criticizes the government here, no one disappears/dies. The fact we are on this website having this discussion....they can't do that over there. We don't have to show papers when we travel between states, just because. We will never be like Russia. More like...Canada, or the UK.

For now, we don't. I think CA will be going that way soon, what with their "Agricultural Inspection" stations and all.

07-06-16, 16:16
yeah I guess I could agree with someone saying its a lot worse to :) ahhahaha

never say never IMHO :) we are on the way to them and they are on the way to us IMHO again a fusion of the modern control is what the end goal is
and we are again not there yet and can turn this around but with so many brain washed folks ? I am having less faith we can
and I am not talking on the way to old Russia communism

we dont have to show papers yet ! well its getting closer some are fighting that but look at all the so called road side checks and what happens and demands of illegal search etc..
yes we can have this debate on line which has to be kinda underground for them
are we truly free to travel ? if I take my guns on a trip through California will I be OK say with some SBR and other toys and say 5,000 rounds ?

but if you said certain words these days in public openly you can now be in a ton of trouble !!!! hate speech is now cutting into free speech
and the gov will force you to do things you do not want in the name of equality yet over there you can still get away with saying NO ?
again give or take as examples

I know some Russian photographers and they seem to have a ton of freedom and post their thoughts etc.. on other photo boards the gay thing comes up and they say I wont shoot the fags with a camera at least ! and if you did that on a public forum for wedding photography in the USA about potential clients as a reply you would be sued and in trouble and you would be forced to do it or be sued
so who has the freedom in that situation ?

so UK ? the place where you have to be 18 to buy dinner flatware and no pointy knives etc.. or Russia ? hmmmmm again which is the more control cameras everywhere big brother on top of you and lots of other things not so nice going on
is living in a secure prison better than living in the wild ?

I'm OK with saying it is worse. A LOT worse. There are a ton of media/press that criticizes the government here, no one disappears/dies. The fact we are on this website having this discussion....they can't do that over there. We don't have to show papers when we travel between states, just because. We will never be like Russia. More like...Canada, or the UK.

07-07-16, 11:43
Is the US Government corrupt of course it is. But Russia is far worse. When they openly murder reporters who dare speak I'll of leaders over there you know they don't play games. When is the last time a politician here openly murdered a reporter in the US because of a bad news report?

When is the last time this country was driven to absolute destruction like the former USSR. Yeah we have some serious issues but Russia/USSR is a way worse animal. Always has been always will be. And for those professing their love and admiration of Putin you need to seriously check your values and reassess whether or not you truly want to be here and enjoy our freedoms and values.

07-07-16, 14:14
again do you think our country is headed in the proper direction ?
or we headed the wrong way ?
has Russia got more freedoms and stuff recently ?
all I am saying is in my life time I never would have thought things are so bad here !

again no love curiosity yeah
but I am %100 American through and through :) but I also know things are not all rosy and they have been trying to destroy us from within for years and the fact again they have succeeded in part and am only drawing what I see are signs that its happening

no love or admiration for putin he is a murdering KGB guy who wants to take us over by destroying us
he does what he does like any politician and the fact he was in that video meeting Reagan shows how long he has bee in the system and what his role was going to be in a sense

IMHO putin or other high ups are just like clintons !
on the front they seem OK but reports of the back side of them is freaking darker than dark

as far as reporters you mean like Michael Hastings ? or older like Casolaro ? or even older like Paul Guihard who was found shot in the back ?
no we have not gotten there yet openlylike the dude beaten to death on the street with pipes or poisoned with nuke juice etc.. just very very mysterious things but many have been jailed recently and many receive there marching orders directly from the white house etc...
the recent hillary thing IMHO never would have happened look at watergate !

I hope we never collapse like they did but then again we have our own issues now with massive division etc.. and never say never about a collapse happening

07-07-16, 17:21
Is the US Government corrupt of course it is. But Russia is far worse. When they openly murder reporters who dare speak I'll of leaders over there you know they don't play games. When is the last time a politician here openly murdered a reporter in the US because of a bad news report?

It's not out in the open but Micheal Hastings who exposed former CIA director Petraeus among others died in a fiery car accident under suspicious circumstances.

That and officials like Obama and Hillary have the MSM media in their pockets so there is that as well.

07-07-16, 19:19
We "learn stuff " from the mainstream media which is the propaganda arm of the government and corporations ,so how do we know Comrade Putin is what the media reports he is ?

07-07-16, 20:33
good point :)
but I reckon a lot of what we know is not what he says but his actions which is something they cant cover up etc...

We "learn stuff " from the mainstream media which is the propaganda arm of the government and corporations ,so how do we know Comrade Putin is what the media reports he is ?