View Full Version : Disabled Teen Beaten Bloody by TSA Agents

26 Inf
07-02-16, 16:50
Disabled Teen Beaten Bloody by TSA Agents
By Rick Moran July 2, 2016

For sheer stupidity and incompetence, this incident involving the TSA and a disabled teenage girl suffering from brain cancer who was savagely thrown to the floor when she became confused about a metal detector going off, can't be beat.

Why these bullies weren't thrown in jail is a mystery.

Seventeen-year-old Hannah Cohen was preparing to fly from Memphis to her home in Chattanooga with her parents last year. Hannah was going home following her annual treatments at St. Jude hospital for brain cancer. When she passed through the metal detectors, setting off an alarm, what happened next will make your blood boil.

Her years of treatment left the teenager partially deaf, blind in one eye, and limited in her abilities to walk and talk. She also, according to her mother, can become easily confused. When Hannah went through the metal detector at the airport, an alarm went off. Disoriented by the noise, she did not immediately cooperate with TSA agents who asked to conduct further screening.

Shirley Cohen tried to inform the agents about her daughter's disabilities, she told television station WREG, but airport police kept her away. That's when the situation between Hannah and the TSA officials became violent:

"She's trying to get away from them but in the next instant, one of them had her down on the ground and hit her head on the floor. There was blood everywhere," said [Shirley]. Security personnel arrested Hannah (though all charges against her were later dropped), and what should have been a night of celebration with family and friends because a night of terror and confusion in a jail cell.

A year later, the family is suing the airport, its police, and the TSA for damages, including medical expenses and emotional injuries. According to the lawsuit, they are asking for a "reasonable sum not exceeding $100,000 and costs."


I'd be willing to bet that regardless of what they ask for they get more than $100,00.

Imagine what that young lady has gone through and then to be subjected to this indignity by a bunch of glorified mall cops.

I hope to eff everyone of them got fired and they do not get qualified immunity. Assholes.

07-02-16, 17:11
Were NWA to re-unite just to cut a hell of a diss track called "Fvck the TSA", it would not offend me.

07-02-16, 17:33

when you cant become a real cop you become mall security :) when you fail at that you go to the TSA !!!!
some mall cops are nice folks so would never want to put them in the same basket as TSA which I hope goes away somehow

nothing like hiring of criminals with chips on there shoulder and no training !!!!!

07-02-16, 17:38
Well, it's good to know that the Toilet Safety Administration is still up to its usual hijinks.
Given the current lack of interest in their day to day abuses of power, I was starting to think they might have become halfway competent or something...:rolleyes:

Outlander Systems
07-02-16, 17:45
TSA: Cause nobody does security theater like us!

ETA: Just read the article. ****ing disgusting. The TSA is one of the most flagrant abuses of government overreach and is a glaring example of wasted tax dollars.

Fundamental Muslims hijack airplanes? Punish John Q. Citizen by forcing his kids to get groped and molested, stuffed in nekkid body scanners, and forced to endure brutal, standard government issue inefficiency just to fly to his family reunion.

Fundamental Muslims shoot up gay nightclubs and Christmas parties? Punish John Q Citizen by stripping his 2nd Ammendment.

Somebody stop me from OD'ing on all this "Freedom." :suicide:

I wish to God Kasim Reed would finally nut up and kick the ****ing JV Gestapo the **** outta Hartsfield once and for all like he's been threatening to.

07-02-16, 17:54
My experience with TSA has been terrible. This story rounds par for them. I hope the family gets a lot more and the outcome causes great suffering to those responsible. I can only imagine the types of people they are.

07-02-16, 18:15
I would be in jail because if that were my daughter I would kick the ever loving shit out of everyone who touched her. And not that I'm assigning any blame, but I would also make sure the TSA screeners all understood that the person coming through next is DISABLED and will NEED ASSISTANCE if it was my daughter.

07-02-16, 20:49
Just imagine, for one moment, if this teen was hijab wearing Mussie, and brown skinned. Now, obviously, she would never be touched let alone beaten, but if she was even pushed by one of these TSA pieces of garbage, she and her family would be multi millionaires, White House dinner guests, TIME magazine persons of the year, and the TSA goons who fought her up would be in jail, bankrupt, infamous, and ruined.

But that's Islamic privilege for you.

They get to wage jihad while the rest of the dhimmis submit.

07-02-16, 20:52
Just imagine, for one moment, if this teen was hijab wearing Mussie, and brown skinned. Now, obviously, she would never be touched let alone beaten, but if she was even pushed by one of these TSA pieces of garbage, she and her family would be multi millionaires, White House dinner guests, TIME magazine persons of the year, and the TSA goons who fought her up would be in jail, bankrupt, infamous, and ruined.

But that's Islamic privilege for you.

They get to wage jihad while the rest of the dhimmis submit.

Really wish that privilege extended to converts, I'd profess to be muslim in a heartbeat. Right now the only thing stopping me is bacon and the fact that white guy muslims don't count.

07-02-16, 21:47
I'm not surprised in the least those wanna be cops did something like that. I hate TSA with a passion.

07-03-16, 04:52
Disgusting, if that were my child they would have had to shoot my ass.

The family needs another attorney, the lady who got burnt from hot coffee and McDonald's got millions.


Outlander Systems
07-03-16, 08:09
From the video:

"We have a TSA Cares hotline that passengers can call..."

Wow. Surreal, dude.

07-03-16, 08:40
This is truly shameful. I hope these thugs are charged and convicted for assault. The lack of situational awareness and inability to deescalate an innocent misunderstanding without immediately resorting to violence is clear proof that this agency as a whole lacks direction and leadership. The nation vilifies LE for doing their jobs, yet they meekly shuffle like mindless sheep, ignorant of the civil rights that have been surrendered in the name of security. And the kicker- as we are forced to stand in long lines getting deprived of our rights, we are sitting targets for the very people TSA is supposed to be catching
Just yesterday I was telling my wife about the gay TSA screener in Denver, as part of the justification for why I prefer to drive there now. This is the guy who selected desirable male travelers to grope when he patted them down for additional screening measures.
There's a case from a few years back where a man needed to wear a bag to catch urine leakage after prostate surgery. When the scanner detected the anomally the gentleman tried to tell the TSA people what it was, and that he wanted a private screening. They refused and patted him down on the spot, rupturing the bag in the process. To add insult to injury I think they laughed at him and made him stand in front of the entire security area while they decided the next step.
In the end though, I think we as a nation brought this upon ourselves with our complacency. We complain about it, sure, but have we really done any thing about it during election time?

07-03-16, 09:40
This is truly shameful. I hope these thugs are charged and convicted for assault. The lack of situational awareness and inability to deescalate an innocent misunderstanding without immediately resorting to violence is clear proof that this agency as a whole lacks direction and leadership. The nation vilifies LE for doing their jobs, yet they meekly shuffle like mindless sheep, ignorant of the civil rights that have been surrendered in the name of security. And the kicker- as we are forced to stand in long lines getting deprived of our rights, we are sitting targets for the very people TSA is supposed to be catching
Just yesterday I was telling my wife about the gay TSA screener in Denver, as part of the justification for why I prefer to drive there now. This is the guy who selected desirable male travelers to grope when he patted them down for additional screening measures.
There's a case from a few years back where a man needed to wear a bag to catch urine leakage after prostate surgery. When the scanner detected the anomally the gentleman tried to tell the TSA people what it was, and that he wanted a private screening. They refused and patted him down on the spot, rupturing the bag in the process. To add insult to injury I think they laughed at him and made him stand in front of the entire security area while they decided the next step.
In the end though, I think we as a nation brought this upon ourselves with our complacency. We complain about it, sure, but have we really done any thing about it during election time?

The problem with doing it at election time is "my guy isn't the problem" or "that guy isn't pure enough because of....(list any perceived political transgressions from the past 40 yrs)".

All the while, if the other sides candidate can guarantee even a small step in the right direction, they take it.

As far as the TSA, Republicans I believe are the baby daddy of this abortion.

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07-03-16, 10:33
Shameful. This Republican inspired abomination needs to just go away. I hope the poor girl hits the lottery.

07-03-16, 12:20
the fact they have a hotline shows there is a major major issue !!!!!

I hope karma comes back on those agents so so so strong

07-03-16, 12:38
TSA: Cause nobody does security theater like us!

ETA: Just read the article. ****ing disgusting. The TSA is one of the most flagrant abuses of government overreach and is a glaring example of wasted tax dollars.

Yeah, remember the VIPER teams from TSA that were involving themselves in vehicle traffic on the interstates? Haven't heard much more about that but I recall thinking "Oh joy, another venue for the TSA to totally fvck up".

07-03-16, 14:26
Everyone involved in this deserves to hang.

07-03-16, 16:19
Thousands Slapping Around doing what they do best.

07-03-16, 17:24
TSA: Cause nobody does security theater like us!

Wearing that on a t-shirt next time I fly.

I'm positive it'll be completely over their heads.

07-03-16, 17:29
I would be in jail because if that were my daughter I would kick the ever loving shit out of everyone who touched her. And not that I'm assigning any blame, but I would also make sure the TSA screeners all understood that the person coming through next is DISABLED and will NEED ASSISTANCE if it was my daughter.
I would be too.

That is the part I don't understand, people just stand back and watch.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

07-03-16, 18:10
That is the part I don't understand, people just stand back and watch.

If you're talking about others in line, it's probably because they have no clue what's going on and have no desire to end up on a no-fly list for the rest of their lives because they decided to try and "help."

07-03-16, 18:24
If you're talking about others in line, it's probably because they have no clue what's going on and have no desire to end up on a no-fly list for the rest of their lives because they decided to try and "help."
No, I was meaning mostly parents or other family members just allowing it happen.

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07-03-16, 19:39
No, I was meaning mostly parents or other family members just allowing it happen.

Oh, yeah that's complete BS...

Bubba FAL
07-03-16, 20:21
No, I was meaning mostly parents or other family members just allowing it happen.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Not really all that surprising really. People have become inured to submitting to all kinds of things in the name of safety. They are taught from a young age to submit to authority, not to resist and not get involved. So no, it doesn't surprise me to read that their initial reaction was shocked inaction. Me, I have a bad temper when it comes to bullies...

07-03-16, 20:31
I've reached out to a woman I met along the way who is TSA so I'll report back what the inside scoop is

26 Inf
07-03-16, 21:17
No, I was meaning mostly parents or other family members just allowing it happen.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

The original story said they were prevented from assisting by airport police.

07-04-16, 09:31
If I am traveling with a disabled Teen, I believe I would be escorting her through the process. Isn't that SOP for doing something like this?

07-04-16, 10:17
If I am traveling with a disabled Teen, I believe I would be escorting her through the process. Isn't that SOP for doing something like this?
I don't think so, unless the person is incapable of listening to or performing what ever actions the screeners call for. I say this after watching numerous people get wheeled up to the check point, and then get ordered to stand inside the scanner.
So, in this case, I think the mom could be with her daughter up to the screening point, but each person is forced to be screened individually.

07-04-16, 10:26
I don't think so, unless the person is incapable of listening to or performing what ever actions the screeners call for. I say this after watching numerous people get wheeled up to the check point, and then get ordered to stand inside the scanner.
So, in this case, I think the mom could be with her daughter up to the screening point, but each person is forced to be screened individually.

Clearly the young Lady in question could not perform the required task or there was some question of her ability to do so.
You as a parent or a guardian simply escort them and explain the issue and ask for some help. They may be busy, they may be rude, but most of them are going to have some empathy if you apply yourself correctly.
Once you explain the issue about a possible confused mental state chances are these guys might even let you be just in her view or hold her hand through most of the process.
It's not rocket science and you are at a Nazi roadblock. Keep your head about you, be polite and always ask for the boss if you feel a need.

07-04-16, 11:39
Clearly the young Lady in question could not perform the required task or there was some question of her ability to do so.
You as a parent or a guardian simply escort them and explain the issue and ask for some help. They may be busy, they may be rude, but most of them are going to have some empathy if you apply yourself correctly.
Once you explain the issue about a possible confused mental state chances are these guys might even let you be just in her view or hold her hand through most of the process.
It's not rocket science and you are at a Nazi roadblock. Keep your head about you, be polite and always ask for the boss if you feel a need.

I agree, completely, but as we have seen time and again with TSA there is a low level of thinking/understanding at the check point level. Mom in this case is probably thinking that she and her daughter are people going through a gate, and will be treated as such. Maybe they even expect some compassion when the girl's medical conditon becomes apparent, because that is what they've experienced when meeting kind strangers. Most of here have miltary/LE backgrounds, so we know the drill and behave accordingly. The problem I think is that most people in this country do not have this experience, and are living normal quiet lives in normal quiet suburban bubbles. Living in a police state is not in their immediate focus.The concept of being searched and scrutinized as a threat is still not part of Joe and Jane Citizens' mind set.

07-04-16, 19:06
Not really all that surprising really. People have become inured to submitting to all kinds of things in the name of safety. They are taught from a young age to submit to authority, not to resist and not get involved. So no, it doesn't surprise me to read that their initial reaction was shocked inaction. Me, I have a bad temper when it comes to bullies...
And when someone fights back against someone in authority on the spot, most state that is totally wrong no matter what the authority figure was doing. And to only file a lawsuit after the fact.

07-04-16, 19:48
At least the agents made it home at the end of their shift... :rolleyes:


26 Inf
07-04-16, 20:31
That is awesome.

07-04-16, 21:03
I've been forced to stand back while they questioned our 6 & 8 yo sons. These were polite, but firm. And very adamant, we had to stand back out of earshot.

On another trip they made my wife hand our infant to me abruptly while they searched her carry-on at the gate. Startled the infant, who started screaming. So I tried to stand 10 feet away in sight so the child could see that mom was ok. They told me I had to go ahead and board, or they would detain all of us.

We had passports, even for the infant. Wife and I had maintained passports for decades.

This was just stupid, not behavioral. Can't profile, but we'll randomly put folks through the wringer.

07-05-16, 07:21
According to the article airport police were present and kept the mother from helping.

If I was there I would have arrested the TSA ass wipes for felony assault.

Trump needs to get rid of the TSA if he becomes president.

07-05-16, 08:43
I've been forced to stand back while they questioned our 6 & 8 yo sons. These were polite, but firm. And very adamant, we had to stand back out of earshot.

My children have Autism, and would be easily agitated, being forcibly removed from their parents in such a strange locale.

Just Reason #7,889,346,713,304,843,549,143,765,735,643,034,650,646,143,067,046,730,576,101,981,814,607,654,173,567,531,565,367,815,643,591 I don't fly anymore. :no:

07-05-16, 09:31
Sorry to say, but not a damned thing of consequence will come of this. Maybe the agents in contact with the child will get a slap on the wrist or maybe transfer back to real welfare instead of TSA welfare. On the grand scheme of things TSA won't give a cap or do a crap. Even if Trump gets elects Fuhrer instead of president the TSA is here to stay.

Only way to kill the TSA is if enough airlines and airports are economically hampered by the lack of travel that they revolt and tell TSA to pound sand to be replaced by private security. Even then IMO TSA will morph into train security or national highway patrol and NEVER be disbanded. It's a government beurocracy. It never dies.

07-05-16, 14:10
My children have Autism, and would be easily agitated, being forcibly removed from their parents in such a strange locale.

Just Reason #7,889,346,713,304,843,549,143,765,735,643,034,650,646,143,067,046,730,576,101,981,814,607,654,173,567,531,565,367,815,643,591 I don't fly anymore. :no:

My oldest son, 14, has Aspergers, so I get it.

We flew last week to Omaha, Nebraska. Going and coming back I was itching for a fight in Charlotte, NC and Omaha, Ne.; both times I was utterly disappointed at how professional, even friendly, TSA was, especially to my kids. My son has a broken arm and is in a cast and they did pull him aside to wand the cast, but they allowed me to stand right there. It was a non-issue.

That said, I have travelled solo and witnesses some truly ****ed up behavior by TSA.

07-05-16, 14:21
I travel a couple of times a month for work and have seen all levels of TSA. From extremely polite and helpful to outright hateful. Getting TSA PreCheck or Global helps as those lines tend to be shorter and they don't hassle you over everything. I have had Global Entry for a while but wife and daughter have their interviews this Friday.

07-05-16, 19:33
Government employees are so special.

07-05-16, 19:44
My children have Autism, and would be easily agitated, being forcibly removed from their parents in such a strange locale.

Just Reason #7,889,346,713,304,843,549,143,765,735,643,034,650,646,143,067,046,730,576,101,981,814,607,654,173,567,531,565,367,815,643,591 I don't fly anymore. :no:

My 19 son has leukodystrophy and is in a wheel chair, and your reason is mine also.

07-05-16, 19:45
Only way to kill the TSA is if enough airlines and airports are economically hampered by the lack of travel that they revolt and tell TSA to pound sand to be replaced by private security. Even then IMO TSA will morph into train security or national highway patrol and NEVER be disbanded. It's a government beurocracy. It never dies.
I'm downright shocked that the TSA hasn't morphed into a national highway patrol. Cars are a far more common means of transportation that they could be securing and administering.

07-05-16, 21:14
I'm downright shocked that the TSA hasn't morphed into a national highway patrol. Cars are a far more common means of transportation that they could be securing and administering.
Be grateful for bureaucracy.

07-06-16, 04:29
I'm downright shocked that the TSA hasn't morphed into a national highway patrol. Cars are a far more common means of transportation that they could be securing and administering.

They dry ran this concept with their VIPR teams.

They are still around just Google them.