View Full Version : Thinking about becoming a "news ostrich."

07-05-16, 13:33
Today marks one of the saddest days of my almost 60 years on this planet. I have lost almost complete faith in our Democratic system. The values and traditions imparted on me as a boy, and young man, which led me into the U.S. Army and several years at D.O.J. seem to have vanished. The news is filled with either bad news or horrible news. Yet, I feel drawn to the news like a rubbernecker to a car accident.

All of us who have served know that any "common man or woman" would already be in prison for what Mrs. Mao has done. The double standard we were always suspicious of has come into the light of day, and they don't even care to try and hide it any longer.

Am I wrong to want to withdraw from the news to the fullest extent possible, or do I owe it to myself and my country to continue to be fully informed about the sad state of our current affairs?

The older I get, the more confused I become and Alzheimer's hasn't even set in yet.

07-05-16, 13:42
They are gonna do what they are gonna do.

Unless you got a LOT of money then your morals and whatnot simply don't matter.

I'm at a point where I just don't care anymore. As I said in another thread, my "Going Galt" will be behind an inner city haji shop with vodka spiked Orange Juice hanging out and keeping it real all day.

07-05-16, 13:47
A friend of mine once said "Every day is Halloween at the newspaper."

Keep in mind that news makes things sound as bad as possible in order to attract ratings, views, and subscriptions. I personally don't think daily news is a necessity, even weekly news is pushing it sometimes. When something really big happens, you'll find out through the grapevine anyway, and most of what gets reported doesn't directly affect you personally (or else you'd probably know already). But I know exactly how you feel, some stories inspire anger simply because you're most likely a reasonable person.

I believe part of citizenship is staying informed, but that doesn't mean you have to constantly watch every channel and read everybody's commentary. Personally I've completely ditched cable, so no more 24 hour news. Every day I skim headlines, and I sometimes listen to a couple of weekly podcasts that sum up current events. I'll read a newspaper or a periodical if I come across one in the coffee shop, airport terminal, or wherever. Yet despite not being "plugged in" 24/7, I still manage to stay better informed and with a lower stress level than people who are. I still find out big events when everyone else does, but I don't have to wade through hours of BS to get it. You'll have to find an approach that works for you, but that's mine. Basically, if I ever start feeling angry and irrational, I recognize that I'm falling victim to the fear-mongering, and do something else. There are reasons to feel afraid or angry, but I can make that decision for myself- I don't need an anchor or a blogger to tell me how I feel. Even this forum gets to me sometimes and I recognize it's time to stop for a while.

Bottom line, I wouldn't advocate being an "Ostrich". Just some mitigation.

07-05-16, 14:27
Elkhound - you're not alone on this. I've been feeling the same way. There sure is a lot of doom and gloom in the press. Then you add in social media and the exposure multiplies. People posting, reposting, tweeting, retweeting, sharing, tagging, blah blah blah. I guess I just feel bombarded. I've taken breaks from all the BS in the past and I think I'm due for another one....but in a way that sevenhelment suggests above.

07-05-16, 14:43
I typically stay off the computer and away from the TV (except for movies) during holidays and the weekend. I am the happiest when I am "news-free."

07-05-16, 14:55
Putting your head in a hole does not make you immune from taking it in the ass...

07-05-16, 15:14
I never know what to believe anymore. Now, it's almost impossible to be completely unbiased on anything. People aren't computers, and we're always going to inject at least a shade of our personal view on a subject in any communication. But the media isn't even trying to report facts anymore. They are openly and blatantly pushing agenda, often willfully lying. Also, getting the story first is, for some reason, considered better than getting it right. They also advertise how their reporting has led to certain changes. I see it all the time with local news: How Channel 6 was able to get so-and-so's landlord to fix her plumbings, how they "made" a school pass a gender identity equality rule. I hate seeing local news advertising that when people are in trouble, they turn to the media. That's not their job. Their job is to tell us what's going on in the community and the world. Nothing more. The media has turned from being news reporters to quasi-vigilantes. For that reason, I don't trust them.

That said, one must know their enemy. If you're wise, you can glean facts and knowledge even from a corrupt media.

Outlander Systems
07-05-16, 15:25
Closing my eyes, whilst getting beaten, doesn't negate the sting.

Putting your head in a hole does not make you immune from taking it in the ass...

07-05-16, 15:31
It is one thing to become a news addict, TV on all day long to a news channel. Constantly checking on the web and blogs.

This will make you stressed and burned out for sure.

But one must be informed.

As it has been pointed out you stick your head in the sand, it puts you in the perfect position to take from the progressives some where else.

07-05-16, 15:40
At this point the only comfort I get is knowing someday justice will come to these liars/cheats...maybe another life, maybe another universe, but I feel justice is waiting for them.

OP, I am also finding ways to disconnect from being lied to all the time, every day. Fork them-

07-05-16, 15:44
Closing my eyes, whilst getting beaten, doesn't negate the sting.

In fact, putting your head in a hole positions you perfectly to take it up the ass - right in the buttocks...both figuratively and literally.

07-05-16, 15:46
At this point the only comfort I get is knowing someday justice will come to these liars/cheats...maybe another life, maybe another universe, but I feel justice is waiting for them.

OP, I am also finding ways to disconnect from being lied to all the time, every day. Fork them-
In the meantime the ruling class Progressive Socialists will focus on applying their form of justice that negates 200 years of rights and freedoms. All you can do is remind yourself that the Bill of Rights is not a list of gifts provided to us by government, we have these rights despite whatever government is in power. They key will be exercising these rights.

Outlander Systems
07-05-16, 15:55
Can't argue that, bro.

At best case, it primes the target for a solid boot to the rump.

In fact, putting your head in a hole positions you perfectly to take it up the ass - right in the buttocks...both figuratively and literally.

07-05-16, 16:25
Putting your head in a hole does not make you immune from taking it in the ass...

So very true, but at least it is a surprise!

07-05-16, 17:43
From childhood on, I was a history buff. My Depression-era/WWII parents weren't all that well "schooled" but could spot a lie a mile off. In college (GI Bill) the only course I ever took that was worth a damn was political theory. The upshot of it all was that all the verbal diarrhea was, at best, bullshit. At worst, lies. Nothing new under the sun. Fox news was the last "news" I watched, and I quit that a while back.

The other thing a religious outlook, warts and all. As a believer, I think we have immortal souls, and are just passing through ("A bad night in a bad inn.") As much as I love my country, all civilizations eventually end--not that I think we're quite toast yet--God willing. And in any case, if we're "bound for glory"--well, this too shall pass.

But not today, you totalitarian bastards. Not today.

07-05-16, 18:02
I will always be a news junkie for current events. As a Patriot, you have to know what the enemy is up to and plan accordingly. I live in a very rural part of New Mexico, and it would be easy just to cut off the rest of the world (I'm 70 miles from town) and just look at the wide open spaces and a cloud or two floating across the sky, all while on horseback. When I get back to the ranch house, usually during a cup of coffee or a meal, the satellite TV is on and I'm keeping up with what new form of evil is befalling America. You can't plan accordingly if you don't know what's going on.

07-05-16, 18:03
Dienekes, that's the way I look at it.

It's just a ride. It's just a rental car.
I didn't ask to be born and I won't cry about dying.

And as we say here in the Confederacy "When it's your time, it's your time".

I might watch the news just to see how piss poor people are managing my tax money but that doesn't mean I care.

Nothing I can do. If I had Gates Zuckerberg, or Buffett money.....I'd be suing the shit out of every level of Government I could just to make some asshole work.

I can't take it with me. That's where new money rock stars go wrong. They piss money away on dope, whores, cars, and mansions.

I'd have a Federal lawsuit going every goddamn payday.

07-05-16, 18:18
Putting your head in a hole does not make you immune from taking it in the ass...

No but you can pretend it's Anna Kornikova with a strap on getting way too playful.

I would have stopped watching the news completely years ago if not for my wife. She has to know everything, local news, evening news, Sunday morning show, facebook news feeds, all of it.

I'd rather watch Mork and Mindy reruns than the nightly farce that passes for information.

07-05-16, 18:46
I'm more of a Maria Sharapova and Mr. Belvedere guy but yeah. Same.

07-05-16, 19:30
Drugs and alcoho, then alcohol. They won't change anything but you eventually will forget to care.

Straight Shooter
07-05-16, 19:38
I was a news addict...not using the term loosely either. Last election night, watching FOX news..at 8:30 that evening after watching Carl Rove make an utter & complete fool of himself and the newtwork, I cut it off, swore off it & haven't watched 2 seconds of it since. I also at that time said FVCK Repubs, politics and basically said to hell with the country.
All I do now is scan headlines on Drudge, and I might click on an article twice a week if that. The American media is best, most efficient propaganda machine the world has ever known..and yes I mean FOX too. I don't watch tv, mine has been off for weeks now. You are better off without it. I aint upset over Hillary, cause Ive said here, there & everywhere for a year she not get into ANY trouble & WILL BE the next POTUS. Once you accept things for how they really are, instead of how it ought to be, or how you think it ought to, things will be easier to take. What I do now is:
2. Spread the word amongst close friends & family to prepare.
3. Amass all ammo/weapons/gear ect. I can possibly afford.
4. Practice when I can.
5. Study & read EVERYTHING I can to learn new crafts & skills
6. And keep my MINDSET honed & ready to take part in any legit, Constitutionally driven "re-do" that may hopefully come up.

07-05-16, 20:05
[QUOTE=Dienekes;2342829]From childhood on, I was a history buff. My Depression-era/WWII parents weren't all that well "schooled" but could spot a lie a mile off. In college (GI Bill) the only course I ever took that was worth a damn was political theory. The upshot of it all was that all the verbal diarrhea was, at best, bullshit. At worst, lies. Nothing new under the sun. Fox news was the last "news" I watched, and I quit that a while back.

The other thing a religious outlook, warts and all. As a believer, I think we have immortal souls, and are just passing through ("A bad night in a bad inn.") As much as I love my country, all civilizations eventually end--not that I think we're quite toast yet--God willing. And in any case, if we're "bound for glory"--well, this too shall pass.

I like the "A bad night in a bad inn" metaphor. That is a good way to look at life. I also agree that all civilizations eventually end. I, too, do not think we are toast yet, but we are drawing nearer each month. I am not really concerned for myself. I have lived a wonderful life during an exciting period to time. I fear, however, for my children and the next generation or two.

07-05-16, 20:10
"1. PRAY
2. Spread the word amongst close friends & family to prepare.
3. Amass all ammo/weapons/gear etc. I can possibly afford.
4. Practice when I can.
5. Study & read EVERYTHING I can to learn new crafts & skills
6. And keep my MINDSET honed & ready to take part in any legit, Constitutionally driven "re-do" that may hopefully come up."

Straight Shooter, those are words to live by. Particularly the PRAY portion. I am trying to say the Serenity prayer every time all of life's B.S. starts to get me down. Bottom line, I am a Christian and I believe all things take place in accordance God's plan and it will all work out the way it is supposed to. (However, that still doesn't mean we have to like how it transpires!)

Straight Shooter
07-05-16, 20:31
"1. PRAY
2. Spread the word amongst close friends & family to prepare.
3. Amass all ammo/weapons/gear etc. I can possibly afford.
4. Practice when I can.
5. Study & read EVERYTHING I can to learn new crafts & skills
6. And keep my MINDSET honed & ready to take part in any legit, Constitutionally driven "re-do" that may hopefully come up."

Straight Shooter, those are words to live by. Particularly the PRAY portion. I am trying to say the Serenity prayer every time all of life's B.S. starts to get me down. Bottom line, I am a Christian and I believe all things take place in accordance God's plan and it will all work out the way it is supposed to. (However, that still doesn't mean we have to like how it transpires!)


07-05-16, 23:33
A friend of mine once said "Every day is Halloween at the newspaper."

Keep in mind that news makes things sound as bad as possible in order to attract ratings, views, and subscriptions. I personally don't think daily news is a necessity, even weekly news is pushing it sometimes. When something really big happens, you'll find out through the grapevine anyway, and most of what gets reported doesn't directly affect you personally (or else you'd probably know already). But I know exactly how you feel, some stories inspire anger simply because you're most likely a reasonable person.

I believe part of citizenship is staying informed, but that doesn't mean you have to constantly watch every channel and read everybody's commentary. Personally I've completely ditched cable, so no more 24 hour news. Every day I skim headlines, and I sometimes listen to a couple of weekly podcasts that sum up current events. I'll read a newspaper or a periodical if I come across one in the coffee shop, airport terminal, or wherever. Yet despite not being "plugged in" 24/7, I still manage to stay better informed and with a lower stress level than people who are. I still find out big events when everyone else does, but I don't have to wade through hours of BS to get it. You'll have to find an approach that works for you, but that's mine. Basically, if I ever start feeling angry and irrational, I recognize that I'm falling victim to the fear-mongering, and do something else. There are reasons to feel afraid or angry, but I can make that decision for myself- I don't need an anchor or a blogger to tell me how I feel. Even this forum gets to me sometimes and I recognize it's time to stop for a while.

Bottom line, I wouldn't advocate being an "Ostrich". Just some mitigation.

Citizens feel like they belong. Part of being a citizen is feeling like you have a say in things. That you matter. We don't. I didn't consciously stop being a citizen. It just left me when I wasn't looking. Or was it taken away? I don't know. I do know that I haven't had any influence over what's happened. I'm just being carried along by the political currents. Believe me I tried. From registering for selective service, joining the Corps, voting in every election since I turned 18, joining advocacy groups like the NRA and donating to the cause, even becoming a delegate at the state conventions for my political party. It just didn't matter.

So here I sit. I haven't seen a "leader" in a national political office in over 25 years. Almost the entirety of my adult life has been marred by frustration and a lack of understanding, as to how arrogance and incompetence became the defining characteristics of political success? Apparently the world has moved on while I wasn't looking. Lord knows I wasn't sitting around with my head up my ass, but it happened nonetheless. I'm a political and societal news junkie and all I can find is the media equivalent of Mexican ditch weed. So I can continue smoking absolute shite, or I can quit cold turkey. After all, from the time I turn it on until the time I turn it off, the content is 3% information and 97% propaganda, and that's being generous. What outlet you're buying from doesn't change the percentages, it just changes the tint on the filters they use.

So does it really matter whether you see the giant dong in your rear view mirror? You're getting it in the kiester whether you see it coming or not. THEY will not allow you to deny them what they feel is their due. You OWE them, don't you get it? So I'm not going to listen to the doom and gloom anymore. I'm checking out of it. About the only silver lining might be the financial side. I have to imagine the sweetheart deals Hillary will be making on Wall St., will make Bill's lassiez-faire policies pale in comparison. Obama has had the money changers hiding in their bunkers for eight years, so they should be ready to make some deals. I've got a little less than 8 years until early retirement and I can't wait to check out. Hopefully I can make enough bank off Hill's skid greasing to live out my days chasing golden dorado and dove down in Uruguay. Perhaps the Gauchos will still be punching non-GMO fed, growth hormone free steaks on the hoof by the time I arrive?

Regardless, the rat race can run on without me. I used to crave it, but now I just want to be left alone. Is that really too much to ask? :confused:

07-05-16, 23:48
I was a news addict...not using the term loosely either. Last election night, watching FOX news..at 8:30 that evening after watching Carl Rove make an utter & complete fool of himself and the newtwork, I cut it off, swore off it & haven't watched 2 seconds of it since. I also at that time said FVCK Repubs, politics and basically said to hell with the country.
All I do now is scan headlines on Drudge, and I might click on an article twice a week if that. The American media is best, most efficient propaganda machine the world has ever known..and yes I mean FOX too. I don't watch tv, mine has been off for weeks now. You are better off without it. I aint upset over Hillary, cause Ive said here, there & everywhere for a year she not get into ANY trouble & WILL BE the next POTUS. Once you accept things for how they really are, instead of how it ought to be, or how you think it ought to, things will be easier to take. What I do now is:
2. Spread the word amongst close friends & family to prepare.
3. Amass all ammo/weapons/gear ect. I can possibly afford.
4. Practice when I can.
5. Study & read EVERYTHING I can to learn new crafts & skills
6. And keep my MINDSET honed & ready to take part in any legit, Constitutionally driven "re-do" that may hopefully come up.

Hate to be the one to say it, but No. 6 isn't going to happen for all of the other "reality based" observations you made. The system is rigged and nobody is going to upset the apple cart. The "occupy crowd" actually exerts more influence than we ever will and they are just professional vandals.

Two truths you can absolutely depend on.

1. You don't want to see what a second "revolution" or "civil war" will look like. If we really broke down to that stage we would do an incomprehensible amount of damage and for the most part the innocent will suffer the hardest, the honest will lose the most and the evil and guilty will be the only ones to benefit from any of it. You think our government is screwing us now, wait until they actually get a "green light" on an armed population that they will simply deem "terrorists."

2. If we did have a successful "revolution" and defeated the current government, you can absolutely depend upon the fact that we will end up with something much, much worse. It won't be a restoration of the Constitution as intended but the will of the majority opinion in America today. We will have a shiny new socialist democracy that will make the worst infractions of our current government look like nothing terrible.

Straight Shooter
07-05-16, 23:58

07-07-16, 14:03
"Destruction and Creation", John Boyd, 1976. Results will probably depend on whether any virtue remains in the polis.

Once more unto the breach...

07-07-16, 19:25
Am I wrong to want to withdraw from the news to the fullest extent possible, or do I owe it to myself and my country to continue to be fully informed about the sad state of our current affairs?

The older I get, the more confused I become and Alzheimer's hasn't even set in yet.

I know the temptation - I'm a "senior" too. Personally, I want to be as tuned in as possible - regardless of how depressing it may be. To use Rush's terminology - I don't want to be a "low information" voter or citizen. HOWEVER, this means you must be aware of the "bend" of the various news groups and adjust what you take in. That is becoming harder and harder as time creeps forward.


07-07-16, 20:19
Hate to be the one to say it, but No. 6 isn't going to happen for all of the other "reality based" observations you made. The system is rigged and nobody is going to upset the apple cart. The "occupy crowd" actually exerts more influence than we ever will and they are just professional vandals.

Two truths you can absolutely depend on.

1. You don't want to see what a second "revolution" or "civil war" will look like. If we really broke down to that stage we would do an incomprehensible amount of damage and for the most part the innocent will suffer the hardest, the honest will lose the most and the evil and guilty will be the only ones to benefit from any of it. You think our government is screwing us now, wait until they actually get a "green light" on an armed population that they will simply deem "terrorists."

2. If we did have a successful "revolution" and defeated the current government, you can absolutely depend upon the fact that we will end up with something much, much worse. It won't be a restoration of the Constitution as intended but the will of the majority opinion in America today. We will have a shiny new socialist democracy that will make the worst infractions of our current government look like nothing terrible.

Ther is much truth here, especially about the apple cart. The going is very good for some very key, powerful interests. Plundering the taxpayers and future generations, and selling off what was paid for in blood and sweat of past generations, is a booming business. However, I wouldn't say #6 is beyond the realm of possibility. It might be a slim chance, but possible. If enough people get fed up. And judging by Trump's popularity, that doesn't look too unfathomable.
The only question is if those people can act fast enough before they get swamped by the increasing numbers of indoctrinated idiots, illegal and legal immigrants only coming for the freebies and to not integrate (at best) or to outright colonize, outbreed and conquer (at worst, and more realistically).

I'd favor a re-do, however bloody, over the slower, surer death of liberty.

07-07-16, 20:24
To use Rush's terminology - I don't want to be a "low information" voter or citizen. HOWEVER, this means you must be aware of the "bend" of the various news groups and adjust what you take in. That is becoming harder and harder as time creeps forward.

I think this is what a lot of people dont realize - watching the few MSM news channels doesnt make you into an "informed" voter...it just turns you into a MIS-informed voter.

I used to watch the news (mostly Fox, but I would force myself to check CNN and even MSNBC on occasion) regularly but I very rarely do anymore. Im sorry...but Fox, CNN, and MSNBC are not news stations, they're pure propaganda for their respective "side". Ultimately it's all about giving the US voter a false "choice" of R versus D...when in reality they're both driving towards the same thing: a bigger more controlling .gov

Kinda went off on a tangent there...I read way more "fringe" news sites lately (zerohedge.com in particular, which mostly just links to other website articles).

07-07-16, 21:53
Ther is much truth here, especially about the apple cart. The going is very good for some very key, powerful interests. Plundering the taxpayers and future generations, and selling off what was paid for in blood and sweat of past generations, is a booming business. However, I wouldn't say #6 is beyond the realm of possibility. It might be a slim chance, but possible. If enough people get fed up. And judging by Trump's popularity, that doesn't look too unfathomable.
The only question is if those people can act fast enough before they get swamped by the increasing numbers of indoctrinated idiots, illegal and legal immigrants only coming for the freebies and to not integrate (at best) or to outright colonize, outbreed and conquer (at worst, and more realistically).

I'd favor a re-do, however bloody, over the slower, surer death of liberty.

We might have the guns, the gear and the training...what we lack is numbers. And a million ants can still take down an elephant. If we tried to restore government as intended by the Constitution every major city would look like the Battle of Mogadishu and despite guns, gear and training...you'd be lucky to survive until morning.

Sure the people in places like Montana could take to the hills...but so what. You can exert influence from the hills. State capitals and Washington DC would lock down harder than Moscow during Able Archer.

07-07-16, 22:23
If you are not completely ****ing disgusted you are not paying attention or something is seriously wrong with you.