View Full Version : Sex Slaves of ISIS (look at your own risk, expect anger to hit 11)

07-06-16, 09:01
It's f-ing disgusting. There's some things that are cultural/religious differences that should be respected, and there's some behaviors that make you, your culture, and your (version) the religion a POS in need of killin'

There's culture and or religion, and there's Basic Human Rights for which ALL people are entitled to no matter where they live and which culture and or religion they belong to. Yes, some times it's grey, some times it's not. In this case, it's black and white, and perpetrators and supporters should be eliminated with prejudice.

Don't care if you're a Muslim, a Christian, or a Satan worshiper, if you support/perpetrate such a thing, you need to go. That's moral/Basic Human Rights for which there is a line in the proverbial sand and there's no moral relativism here.

Finally, it says alot about our culture when between the horrific story and pictures are constant pops up for ads, the always popular and annoying sponsored ads with "three foods you should never eat of you want to lose weight" crap at the bottom, so the The Post can take advantage of this girls horror to drive traffic and make $. Obviously, the Post is not going to be the only site that will do it, but I couldn't ever justify making $ off of such a story (unless the only pop ups, etc were for charities etc to help her and others) and that added to my general disgust of their utterly farked culture and religion and "our" priorities.

Pics (at your own risk...) Story of her experience and escape:


Outlander Systems
07-06-16, 09:13
From the article:

Some hard-liners, however, continued to insist that under Shariah, sex slavery must be permitted

And that's the line.

Shariah is utterly and completely incompatible with western cultural values.

07-06-16, 09:28
Al-Azhar Professor of Theology Suad Saleh: In a Legitimate War, Muslims Can Capture Slavegirls and Have Sex with Them

07-06-16, 09:30
I hear they like little boys more than girls. Effing scum. :mad:

Outlander Systems
07-06-16, 09:34
Don't worry, President Clinton will ensure we import a steady stream of culturally-incompatible people.

I hear they like little boys more than girls. Effing scum. :mad:

07-06-16, 09:52

07-06-16, 10:36
To anyone who has worked in that part of the world in ANY capacity, this isn't news. The middle east is full of medieval repressive societies with disgusting and degrading practices that devalue humanity and value exploitation of women and children. Tolerance is a bad joke over there- it's their way or they try to kill you. I am echoing what Will said, in that no matter WHO you are, if you support or even tolerate this kind of stuff there is no place for you in my community, my country, or on my planet.

07-06-16, 12:36
Where is a pissed off Navy SEAL with a suppressed MP5 humming Cruxshadows to himself when you really, really need one?

07-06-16, 14:32
I have it on good authority from a member here that this is not representative of TRUE Islam and Christians are just as bad when they swap their sister for meth in the trailer parks.

07-06-16, 14:59
they just want to open soup kitchens all over the world !!!!

you are just racist islamaphobic anti gay etc....

what I do wonder is how brain dead the left has to be and not realize they are being used with this kinda stuff that they somehow think is not real or bush or trump fault etc..
sad really sad what the world is becoming

07-06-16, 15:25
"Finally, it says a lot about our culture..." Hey, maybe Hollywood could capitalize on this with something like "Sex And The Ummah", with some snuffings and beheadings thrown in to boost the ratings.

Because diversity.

07-06-16, 15:29
Wow...that is beyond horrible. How is it that the American left can just turn a total blind eye to this, yet waste so much time on how a star on a Trump poster looks like the Star of David! Amazing.

And yes, the Post is NOT the only news site that has a barrage of annoying popups and sidebar ads that make the whole damn site almost unreadable. The Blaze is also a huge perpetrator of this ugly practice.

07-06-16, 15:44
I have it on good authority from a member here that this is not representative of TRUE Islam and Christians are just as bad when they swap their sister for meth in the trailer parks.

It's a sad, sick world, homey.

The Philadelphia Archdiocese hired a political lobbyist to fight an extension to the statute of limitations on child rape. They don't want to go broke fighting cases against kids the kids they raped ten, fifteen years ago. In the old priest's home they raise a glass and wink to their friends when the window runs out on the last kid they molested.

Also... at the same time there are good people in the world working to liberate those in ISIS captivity:


They're Muslims too.

Because the war we're fighting (well... some of us) takes place in the Middle East.

Some of you guys seriously need to pull your heads out of the sand, wake up, and stop being owned by cheap propaganda.

they just want to open soup kitchens all over the world !!!!

Well... she's eating at a soup kitchen today.

what I do wonder is how brain dead the left has to be and not realize they are being used with this kinda stuff that they somehow think is not real or bush or trump fault etc..

There are fringe radical manipulators on both sides controlling the ideology, and they're both surrounded by hordes upon hordes of brain dead zombies slurping it all up, like they can't get enough.

Trump was 100% correct to say that Saddam kept his shit on lock- because he did. Now we're fighting against Assad so we can replace another secular parliamentary democracy with bearded head chopping maniacs in disdashas?

We need to be strong enough and smart enough to put our foot down and say, NO WAY to our elected representatives.

The problem is that as the burn cycle continues, more and more brain dead are drawn to the polar extremes and we as a society just get dumber, and dumber, and dumber...

07-06-16, 16:06
I'm pretty sure most of the population is chanting "the majority of Muslims don't do this. It's the religion of peace", before the bodies are cold.

Comparing a small portion of priests molesting to what ISIS etc does to people every day? I hope not.

Outlander Systems
07-06-16, 16:20
Nor do the clergy use scriptural support as "justification" for their actions.

I'm pretty sure most of the population is chanting "the majority of Muslims don't do this. It's the religion of peace", before the bodies are cold.

Comparing a small portion of priests molesting to what ISIS etc does to people every day? I hope not.

07-06-16, 16:29
I'm pretty sure most of the population is chanting "the majority of Muslims don't do this. It's the religion of peace", before the bodies are cold.

It's kind of like that former muslim terrorist who converted to Christianity said; "Not all muslims are terrorists, but all radical islam terror acts are committed by muslims".

07-06-16, 16:36
I'm pretty sure most of the population is chanting "the majority of Muslims don't do this. It's the religion of peace", before the bodies are cold.

It's a knee jerk response. Both groups are too stupid to understand the dynamics so they willfully become brainwashed by the partisan hate machine.

It's easier to switch it off (just look around).

Comparing a small portion of priests molesting to what ISIS etc does to people every day? I hope not.

It's no small portion of priests.

Then again, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is a recognized institution of the Catholic Church and they are on the record spending church monies to protect child molesters. It's all official business.

ISIS is anything but an official institution of Islam. Most of their victims are Muslims, and very little of what they do passes fiqh.

Nor do the clergy use scriptural support as "justification" for their actions.

They could though if they wanted, it's in there.

Biblical Isaac was 40 when he raped 3 year old Rebecca.

Outlander Systems
07-06-16, 16:40
Get real.

07-06-16, 16:54
Kev. He never raped her. She was 15. They married.

The percentage is small. It's wrong all the same. It is nowhere near what goes on with ISIS, AL Qaeda, Talib an, plus countries and sympathetics and centuries of practice that back up sharia law and millenia old barbaric tradition.

07-06-16, 17:01
It's a sad, sick world, homey.

The Philadelphia Archdiocese hired a political lobbyist to fight an extension to the statute of limitations on child rape. They don't want to go broke fighting cases against kids the kids they raped ten, fifteen years ago. In the old priest's home they raise a glass and wink to their friends when the window runs out on the last kid they molested.

Did you click on that article? I didn't post the pic for a reason, but I also suspect many commenting here didn't look. Look...Molestation, child brides, sex slaves, etc, are one thing, this is quite another.

That's what happens to those who attempt to escape. The priests and children, etc, is another topic for another day, and a valid issue and far more people should be rotting in jail over it, but even a hint you seem to be making of some 1:1 equivalence is fail. It's very difficult to compare crimes when you get at that level of depravity, but her injuries are internal and for ever external.

I'm unclear what your point is here. People have turned a blind eye to the evil crap of the Catholic church, check. Most people are stupid sheep, check.

07-06-16, 17:09
Will, I looked. It's horrific. I couldn't agree more.

07-06-16, 17:17
They could though if they wanted, it's in there.

Biblical Isaac was 40 when he raped 3 year old Rebecca.

Biblical Jesus was blasting Slayer on his ipod while mowing down the Romans with his SR-15 when they tried to shutdown his moonshine operation. He then (according to the mormon church) traveled to North American and taught a certain famous Tennessean how to make his famous whiskey.

07-06-16, 17:26
Biblical Isaac was 40 when he raped 3 year old Rebecca.
Chapter and verse please.

07-06-16, 18:07
Ahhhh... the religion of peace, love, & doobs, strike again! :rolleyes:

07-06-16, 18:17
Kev. He never raped her. She was 15. They married.

She was 3. He was 40.

Abraham sent his servant under a sworn oath to capture a bride for Isaac and he said that she must "speak her wishes" and go willingly. They claim Rebecca did in front of her brother and her mom.

After that, the servant took her away to bring her to Isaac, and she was required to veil herself for presentation. Isaac immediately took her into his mother's TENT and put the D on her- before they were married. (this is quite clear)

So she consented to go away with the servant, we're not sure about getting pounded out in a tent in the desert at age 3, but not really much of a love story.

The percentage is small. It's wrong all the same. It is nowhere near what goes on with ISIS, AL Qaeda, Taliban...

It is not small by any means. Pope Francis claimed it was 2% in an interview with la Repubblica, but it's really more like 15%. (Anyway, even if the Pope was correct, 1 in 50 is not small, as you claim)

The point you missed is that the Catholic church is an official institution. ISIS, AQ, Taliban are all takfirist ideologies.

Did you click on that article? I didn't post the pic for a reason, but I also suspect many commenting here didn't look. Look...

That's what happens to those who attempt to escape.

I did read it, but I guess you didn't.

Her facial injuries are from a landmine that killed her friends.

Did you think it was ISIS? Dude, you've gotta read the article before you start discussing it...

Anyway, short war story- she belonged to one of the Doctors in Hawijah hospital, and that was our town.

One day on a combined (IP/US) mounted (gun truck) patrol we encountered some dudes walking briskly away after they spotted us- maybe 1.5-2K out though. The terrain was all wadis so we dismounted the trucks and gave chase.

Somehow we managed to lose the dudes, but the IP never followed us. We're catching our breath, talking about how pissed we were, and that we would smoke that ass with wind sprints back at the IP compound.

When we got back to the road, they were all looking at us with expressions of shock- "You guys just ran through a big time mine field."

I might have walked past that same landmine ten years ago.

07-06-16, 18:29
She was 3. He was 40.

Abraham sent his servant under a sworn oath to capture a bride for Isaac and he said that she must "speak her wishes" and go willingly. They claim Rebecca did in front of her brother and her mom.

After that, the servant took her away to bring her to Isaac, and she was required to veil herself for presentation. Isaac immediately took her into his mother's TENT and put the D on her- before they were married. (this is quite clear)

So she consented to go away with the servant, we're not sure about getting pounded out in a tent in the desert at age 3, but not really much of a love story.

You cannot be serious.

Trump was 100% correct to say that Saddam kept his shit on lock- because he did. Now we're fighting against Assad so we can replace another secular parliamentary democracy with bearded head chopping maniacs in disdashas?

We need to be strong enough and smart enough to put our foot down and say, NO WAY to our elected representatives.

The problem is that as the burn cycle continues, more and more brain dead are drawn to the polar extremes and we as a society just get dumber, and dumber, and dumber...

Amen. How can anyone believe it's a good idea to destabilize the relatively secular Assad regime? Our experiences in Iraq and Libya should scream out to all rational thinkers as to the dangers of doing so.

07-06-16, 18:36
You cannot be serious.

Well... it's in the book of Genesis, which is about as "serious" as Sonic the Hedgehog.

It's easier to believe the ancient child rape parts than the talking snake parts though.

Amen. How can anyone believe it's a good idea to destabilize the relatively secular Assad regime? Our experiences in Iraq and Libya should scream out to all rational thinkers as to the dangers of doing so.

http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r220/Kalashnikev/Screen%20Shot%202016-05-22%20at%207.56.10%20AM_zpsoyexv0pp.png (http://s145.photobucket.com/user/Kalashnikev/media/Screen%20Shot%202016-05-22%20at%207.56.10%20AM_zpsoyexv0pp.png.html)

07-06-16, 19:26
I'm personally long over the soup kitchen meme that has infected M4C and the dogpiling it seems to incite.

Similarly, I'm over the religious "my dog is better than your dog because he eats kennel rations" equivocating.

All I know is that these young women shall never trust men again and what befell them was horrible...

And Black Hills doesn't make near enough 77 gr OTM to fix the evils of the world.

I would beseech fathers to protect their daughters and men to be good examples.

Of all the crimes I've dealt with over the long years, rape and child molestation is one that has legitimately made me want to pull a no shit Cocka Dau Sgt Barnes on a motherfvcker.

But I can't. So I don't.

07-06-16, 19:49
So you've admittedly created the 3 years old and the 15%?

Would you say the same sonic line about the Quran?

07-06-16, 20:19
So you've admittedly created the 3 years old and the 15%?

Would you say the same sonic line about the Quran?

Given that Abrahamic religions serve as a foundation belief for Islam, I'd say he just did.

07-06-16, 20:37
Amen. How can anyone believe it's a good idea to destabilize the relatively secular Assad regime? Our experiences in Iraq and Libya should scream out to all rational thinkers as to the dangers of doing so.

Unless it was on purpose.

I was honestly hoping the Arab Spring would be a real thing. They are about 1,000 years overdue for a renaissance and we'd all be better off if they officially joined us in the 20th century, if not the 21rst.

But in each and every case, starting with Egypt, no matter who wins the popular election, you end up with the Islamic brotherhood or worse. It's a damn shame we backdoored Saddam in 1990 over their dispute with Kuwait. Iraq was the closest thing to a secular democracy in the region and we had spent a decade cultivating an alliance with them after the Iranian Islamic revolution.

All that work and effort undone with a single act of retardedness from the Bush Administration.

Saddam and Assad are definitely not nice people, but neither was the Shah and all of them were far preferable to the Ayatollah, the House of Saud, Al Quida or ISIS. We never seem to learn. We support the Northern Alliance against the Russians and then just walk away like nothing bad can happen with a country based upon Islamic fundamentalism and a surplus of lost Russian equipment and the stuff we donated to the effort.

If the UN wasn't capable of settling the Iraq / Kuwait dispute, we should have left it alone. Let Saudi kick Saddam out of Kuwait, let OPEC mediate the conflict or just buy Kuwaiti oil from Saddam. We even had a chance after removing Saddam but we blew it.

We somehow got it in our head that "Bath Party" = "Nazi's of some kind" and we had to completely remove them. Then some idiot decided since the Bathists were Sunni's everything would be okie dokie if we simply replaced them with Shia's. In a brilliant act of diplomacy we brought the Sunni / Shia conflict front and center into an actual shooting war with Iraqi oil fields as the prize. And people wonder why it turned to shit and we currently have Iranian militia fighting ISIS in Iraq.

Then President Bam Bam decided we could make exactly the same mistake in Syria, destroy US credibility with threats we can't back up and at the same time restart the Cold War with Russia within the space of a few months. That is actually an impressive amount of incompetence, perhaps even surpassing Bush (41) who is the guy originally responsible for the mess.

07-06-16, 23:12
In President "Bam Bam"'s defense... the Cold War with Russia was going to get re-started sooner or later.

NATO (especially Germany and Poland)'s strategic interest is to push ever east to defend against Russian pushes west, Russia's strategic interest is to push ever west to defend against Central and Western European pushes east. If it wasn't going to be in Ukraine, it was going to be in Poland or the Baltic states. The only way it ends is if Russia collapses and is too busy taking care of the small things... or NATO collapses and is too busy taking care of the small things.

07-07-16, 01:10
In President "Bam Bam"'s defense... the Cold War with Russia was going to get re-started sooner or later.

Not necessarily. If we had a real leader they could have met on neutral ground and both fessed up to trying to bring Ukraine into their sphere of influence. Something could have been worked out, certainly if Stalin and Hitler were able to divide up Poland we could have worked with Putin, he's night and day compared to Stalin and we buddied up with him after Hitler violated their alliance.

The big problem is I don't think Putin fully realized how absolutely weak willed and powerless Obama was until he made big threats in Syria, declared chemical weapons as his "line of death" and then when it came time to play your cards basically did nothing about Assad and almost laughed Putin to death with sanctions.

And by taking the ISIS side of things in the Syrian conflict, which is the side we are on if we are fighting Assad, we did nothing but undermine ourselves and the chaos in Iraq and Syria are what we have to show for electing a junior Senator to lead the nation.

I'm hoping we will give a reality TV star a crack at the job, the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

07-07-16, 03:26
Some of the posts in this thread can be summed up with . . .

: the act of changing or causing something to change direction

So some how a centuries old Judea/Christian institution that has been infiltrated by pedophiles not unlike other entities that allow access to young children such as youth league sports, child care facilities, schools, summer camps, et al. is the same as a 7th century death cult who has practiced open air (and now virtual) slave markets for the past 1,400 years?


07-07-16, 04:18
I have it on good authority from a member here that this is not representative of TRUE Islam and Christians are just as bad when they swap their sister for meth in the trailer parks.

Could you please PM me their username? I'm updating my ignore list. Thanks.

Never mind, they are already on it.

07-07-16, 06:33
I did read it, but I guess you didn't.

Her facial injuries are from a landmine that killed her friends.

Did you think it was ISIS?

Yes, yes, I do. Because young old girls running through mind fields to to get away from men who rape and beat them is not the fault of ISIS. Check. As she said

"“Even if I had lost both eyes, it would have been worth it, because I have survived them.”

Anyway, short war story- she belonged to one of the Doctors in Hawijah hospital, and that was our town.

One day on a combined (IP/US) mounted (gun truck) patrol we encountered some dudes walking briskly away after they spotted us- maybe 1.5-2K out though. The terrain was all wadis so we dismounted the trucks and gave chase.

Somehow we managed to lose the dudes, but the IP never followed us. We're catching our breath, talking about how pissed we were, and that we would smoke that ass with wind sprints back at the IP compound.

When we got back to the road, they were all looking at us with expressions of shock- "You guys just ran through a big time mine field."

I might have walked past that same landmine ten years ago.

Lucky SOBs you all were. ;)

07-07-16, 06:53
The Bible mentions 3 events but doesn't say they occurred at the same time. It doesn't ever say she was 3. It doesn't say she was born the same time he was 37.

What it does say is she is carrying buckets of water out to the horses and that she must consent to the marriage. 2 things a 3 year old would not be able to do.

It is thought she was close to 15 and was born already, years before Isaac was 37.

07-07-16, 09:30
Given that Abrahamic religions serve as a foundation belief for Islam, I'd say he just did.


You got to it before I did, and you are 100% correct.

They're all the same religion anyway.

Saddam and Assad are definitely not nice people, but neither was the Shah and all of them were far preferable to the Ayatollah, the House of Saud, Al Quida or ISIS. We never seem to learn.

We are crazy like a fox.

It is a clear policy objective of the United States to keep the Middle East constantly desperate, starving, chaotic, disorganized, and ready to lash out.

The strong men built universities, industry, amusement parks, sports stadiums, etc...

All of their regimes were characterized by explosive growth and modernization- They were all on their way to break out of the developing world and deliver for their people a nation they could be proud of and that would stand shoulder to shoulder with the world's powers, have their voice heard and their interests respected.

What did it get Qaddafi? Raped with a knife in a drainage ditch by a CIA backed al Qaeda franchise.

If the UN wasn't capable of settling the Iraq / Kuwait dispute, we should have left it alone. Let Saudi kick Saddam out of Kuwait, let OPEC mediate the conflict or just buy Kuwaiti oil from Saddam. We even had a chance after removing Saddam but we blew it.

Saddam was in the right- he saved the al Sabah dynasty from becoming food for Persians and in return they stole his oil by slant drilling Iraqi reserves, put onerous repayment terms on the loans he took to keep them safe, charged him out the ass to use their ports... plus Kuwait is the 19th province anyway and they only got a flag as part of a British deal to hook up a bunch of dirtbags who don't do any working or fighting.

Everyone in the world knew this at the time, we just had a compromised POTUS who was a sleeper agent for a foreign regime who invested generously in him and promoted his success in the hopes that he could one day be useful (Bush 41).

It was the best investment ever- and also the most open manipulation of a US President ever.

We somehow got it in our head that "Bath Party" = "Nazi's of some kind" and we had to completely remove them.

This was part of the cartoonish Gulf I propaganda.

People here still believe it. It's sad.

Yes, yes, I do. Because young old girls running through mind fields to to get away from men who rape and beat them is not the fault of ISIS. Check.

I don't known man... you're a smart guy.

I read the OP and I think you didn't read it, because it seems to imply that ISIS did that to her face- if you did, then I think you're doing an emotional play on the zombie/ sheep/ ostrich clique here.
(who you also knew would not read it before posting ;) )

What it does say is she is carrying buckets of water out to the horses and that she must consent to the marriage. 2 things a 3 year old would not be able to do.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Watering livestock is literally, exactly a task for small children to do in that part of the world- then and now.

She probably looked exactly like this:

She was 3 years old. Start a new thread for biblical child rape- it's not the only instance. (Unless you're trying to get this locked...)

07-07-16, 09:49
Dude, why would I be trying to get it locked? Why would I want a whole other thread based on that? You started the biblical rape crap.

Noone knows how old she was. You don't even believe the damn story so why argue the "facts" of it?

Stop thinking you're always the smartest guy in the room. You're intelligent. Fine. But it comes off arrogant and you seem to always be telling the hordes of morons how things really are.

Your 1:1 priests to militants of Islam comparison is bs.

07-07-16, 13:39

You got to it before I did, and you are 100% correct.

They're all the same religion anyway.

Gotta admit, that was scary. But besides bacon eating Christians, I don't think there is a Christian organized sex slave trade. At least not any of consequence (lone wolf guys with girls locked in the attic for years excluded) and not in the last 100 years. Probably could go back a lot further but 100 years makes the point.

You'd have to go back to the abolition of slavery, even though that technically wasn't a sex slave trade.

We are crazy like a fox.

It is a clear policy objective of the United States to keep the Middle East constantly desperate, starving, chaotic, disorganized, and ready to lash out.

The strong men built universities, industry, amusement parks, sports stadiums, etc...

All of their regimes were characterized by explosive growth and modernization- They were all on their way to break out of the developing world and deliver for their people a nation they could be proud of and that would stand shoulder to shoulder with the world's powers, have their voice heard and their interests respected.

What did it get Qaddafi? Raped with a knife in a drainage ditch by a CIA backed al Qaeda franchise.

It's a theory, but a theory with one major flaw. The UAE, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran and too many other states to name, many of which are modern enough to do all the things you suggest we are trying to prevent.

In fact Saudi and the UAE would probably be on top of our list. Syria was hardly on the verge of some kind of economic breakout. Iraq was just barely holding their shit together after a LONG war with Iran when we first visited. They weren't exactly in a better place when we came back the next time.

Also we just made Iran a nuclear power in a deal that clearly wasn't in our own best interest because it tips the Sunni / Shia balance of power and Saudi eventually is going to demand nuclear parity. That will be great fun when the Wahhabi's have a nuclear option.

So if this is some CIA global strategy, they really suck at their job.

Bubba FAL
07-08-16, 10:39
It's a knee jerk response. Both groups are too stupid to understand the dynamics so they willfully become brainwashed by the partisan hate machine.

It's easier to switch it off (just look around).

It's no small portion of priests.

Then again, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is a recognized institution of the Catholic Church and they are on the record spending church monies to protect child molesters. It's all official business.

ISIS is anything but an official institution of Islam. Most of their victims are Muslims, and very little of what they do passes fiqh.

They could though if they wanted, it's in there.

Biblical Isaac was 40 when he raped 3 year old Rebecca.

Enough with the moral equivocation already! Evil is evil, whether it is Islamic sex slaves or pedophilic priests. One does not justify the other. Fact is, Luther (et al.) was speaking out about corruption in thru Roman church as many as 500 years ago, where is the corollary in the Islamic world?

You make a shocking claim about Isaac and Rebekah. Yet, when asked to cite chapter and verse, you cannot -- because it's simply not true. In Gen. 24, Rebekah was drawing water at the well when first spotted by Abraham's servant - quite a feat for a 3 year old, yes? This is well before Rebekah is even introduced to Isaac. The only mention of age comes in Gen 25, where we are told that Isaac was 40 when he married Rebekah.

Your disdain for all things Christian is clear. It is also clear that you claim to understand something you've never lived nor truly studied. Tell me, from whence did you receive your theological training -- 'Atheists are us'?

Though I am Christian, I have read the Koran and studied Islamic theology. There are fundamental issues with Islam which lead me to the conclusion that Islam is Satanic in nature and origin. This is not to say that all Muslims are evil, just as one cannot say that all Christians are good just because they claim to believe. I can go into detail, but that is beyond the scope of this thread.