View Full Version : Riots in NYC and Dallas - two officers shot at Dallas

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07-07-16, 21:15
Live on TV Fox news as I type this, two officers down at Dallas riot.
News websites not updated yet.

Prayers to the officers.

ETA: Officers in Dallas locking down Lamar and Commerce (sp?) parking garage.

A "Rifle" was supposedly used and mutliple shots were fired before the two officers went down. No news of the officers' conditions.

Ultimate irony is that I turned the TV on for background noise while I clean my 92a1 after just coming home from the range...

07-07-16, 21:16

Fox News Live from Dallas reporting two officers down, police officer states man has rifle, developing.....

07-07-16, 21:22
Fox reporting a man with a rifle near the federal building at Lamar and commerce. I'm trying to see if friends in the area have more info

07-07-16, 21:23
Scanner radio picking up teams clearing parking garage now

ETA times square here in NYC is packed with protestors, looks like New year's eve. They closed down the main north south street from uptown to downtown as it seems to have caught NYPD by surprise.

07-07-16, 21:23


07-07-16, 21:28
Yayyy... more fodder for the anti-gunners. :mad:

07-07-16, 21:30
Police exchanging fire with suspect. Pretty descriptive radio transmissions on scanner radio

07-07-16, 21:32
Police are stacking up getting ready to enter a building (Bank of America?) where they believe the shooter is.

07-07-16, 21:36
Obama is to blame for all of this garbage. Yet again, he can't resist mugging it up on TV and open his yap about something that isn't even fully investigated. He can't bring himself to call out Islam but he can insinuate white cops are racists with very little information to go on.

07-07-16, 21:38
Description just put out of black male, camo shirt, black shorts, with an AR-15 who arrived in a red suburban

07-07-16, 21:41
I'm sure it was a BLM protest.

07-07-16, 21:41
Obama is to blame for all of this garbage. Yet again, he can't resist mugging it up on TV and open his yap about something that isn't even fully investigated. He can't bring himself to call out Islam but he can insinuate white cops are racists with very little information to go on.


07-07-16, 21:41


07-07-16, 21:56
Obama is to blame for all of this garbage. Yet again, he can't resist mugging it up on TV and open his yap about something that isn't even fully investigated. He can't bring himself to call out Islam but he can insinuate white cops are racists with very little information to go on.

7.5 years of this bullshit and some still wonder why Trump is in the position he is in, elected republicans are ball less when it comes to standing up to the divider in chief.

07-07-16, 22:01
Suspect seen on floor, pacing back and forth, body armor on.

ETA anyone that thinks that no one could stand up to the police or the Army has never watched one of these active shooter events where a lone gunmen gets three or four counties worth of police involved to take them down

Police are said to be negotiating with a second shooter

Fox reporting that first shooter was neutralized

07-07-16, 22:03
Conflicting report Live on Fox that 3 - 6 officers injured in shooting and a possible second shooter.

07-07-16, 22:03

07-07-16, 22:09
Yayyy... more fodder for the anti-gunners. :mad:

I'd love to see an armed citizen drop him.

07-07-16, 22:10
I'd love to see an armed citizen drop him.

That would be racist

07-07-16, 22:12
Obama is to blame for all of this garbage. Yet again, he can't resist mugging it up on TV and open his yap about something that isn't even fully investigated. He can't bring himself to call out Islam but he can insinuate white cops are racists with very little information to go on.

You're making it up, that never happens

Though the White House has sought to avoid commenting on specific cases before all facts are known, in this case Obama weighed in while both shootings are still being investigated, including a civil rights probe by the U.S. Justice Department into the Louisiana incident.

After deadly shootings, Obama says police must root out bias (http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/after-deadly-shootings-obama-says-police-must-root-out-bias/ar-BBu4lHb?li=BBnb7Kz&ocid=DELLDHP15)

07-07-16, 22:13
Cell phone camera:


Another angle:


Live CBS 11 Dallas:


Police chief: 2 Snipers on roof shot police officers; no suspects in custody

07-07-16, 22:15
Reports of a man on a roof with body armor

07-07-16, 22:15

Check that time stamp.

07-07-16, 22:19
Merge time.

07-07-16, 22:27
Dallas area rapid transit confirms at least one officer dead

07-07-16, 22:28
Heard reports of 4 shot, 1 kia.

07-07-16, 22:32
3 kia, 3 critical condition, 10 shot total, 2 shooters

07-07-16, 22:32
Man, the conventions are going to blow extra hard not. Awesome

07-07-16, 22:34
Latest: 10 shot, 3 killed...

07-07-16, 22:35
CBS 11 Dallas LIVE feed:


07-07-16, 22:39
Threads merged.

07-07-16, 22:44
This is unfortunate.

This is becoming too frequent. I doubt we, as a nation, will get it together anytine soon. It's getting worse.

This is like the beginning of the American Troubles like in Ireland.

07-07-16, 22:47
news here reported sniper.

07-07-16, 22:49
news here reported sniper.

Yes, official report from police chief said x2 shooters at elevated positions.

Still no suspects in custody.

07-07-16, 22:49
Anddddd cue gun control...

07-07-16, 22:49
This crap infuriates me. If this was to target cops, no media uproar will happen whatsoever. Nothing. Nada.

I really hope those numbers are wrong.

07-07-16, 22:51
10 cops shot. '
3 dead
3 critical
2 in surgery
2 snipers

07-07-16, 22:51
Obama is to blame for all of this garbage. Yet again, he can't resist mugging it up on TV and open his yap about something that isn't even fully investigated. He can't bring himself to call out Islam but he can insinuate white cops are racists with very little information to go on.

Here's an e-mail I just received from the White House...

The White House

President Obama: "We are better than this."

Today, President Obama spoke on the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

"I'd just ask folks to step back and think: What if this happened to somebody in your family? How would you feel? To be concerned about these issues is not political correctness, it's just being American and wanting to live up to our best and highest ideals."

If you haven't yet, you should take some time to watch the President's full remarks, or read them below.

President Obama's remarks on the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

Good evening, everybody. I know we've been on a long flight, but given the extraordinary interest in the shootings that took place in Louisiana and Minnesota, I thought it would be important for me to address all of you directly.

And I want to begin by expressing my condolences for the families of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

As I said in the statement that I posted on Facebook, we have seen tragedies like this too many times. The Justice Department, I know, has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge. The governor of Minnesota, I understand, is calling for an investigation there, as well. As is my practice, given my institutional role, I can't comment on the specific facts of these cases, and I have full confidence in the Justice Department’s ability to conduct a thorough and fair inquiry.

But what I can say is that all of us as Americans should be troubled by these shootings, because these are not isolated incidents. They’re symptomatic of a broader set of racial disparities that exist in our criminal justice system. And I just want to give people a few statistics to try to put in context why emotions are so raw around these issues.

According to various studies -- not just one, but a wide range of studies that have been carried out over a number of years -- African Americans are 30 percent more likely than whites to be pulled over. After being pulled over, African Americans and Hispanics are three times more likely to be searched. Last year, African Americans were shot by police at more than twice the rate of whites. African Americans are arrested at twice the rate of whites. African American defendants are 75 percent more likely to be charged with offenses carrying mandatory minimums. They receive sentences that are almost 10 percent longer than comparable whites arrested for the same crime.

So that if you add it all up, the African American and Hispanic population, who make up only 30 percent of the general population, make up more than half of the incarcerated population.

Now, these are facts. And when incidents like this occur, there’s a big chunk of our fellow citizenry that feels as if because of the color of their skin, they are not being treated the same. And that hurts. And that should trouble all of us. This is not just a black issue. It's not just a Hispanic issue. This is an American issue that we should all care about. All fair-minded people should be concerned.

Now, let me just say we have extraordinary appreciation and respect for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day. They’ve got a dangerous job. It is a tough job. And as I've said before, they have a right to go home to their families, just like anybody else on the job. And there are going to be circumstances in which they’ve got to make split-second decisions. We understand that.

But when we see data that indicates disparities in how African Americans and Latinos may be treated in various jurisdictions around the country, then it's incumbent on all of us to say, we can do better than this; we are better than this -- and to not have it degenerate into the usual political scrum. We should be able to step back, reflect, and ask ourselves, what can we do better so that everybody feels as if they’re equal under the law?

Now, the good news is, is that there are practices we can institute that will make a difference. Last year, we put together a task force that was comprised of civil rights activists and community leaders, but also law enforcement officials -- police captains, sheriffs. And they sat around a table and they looked at the data and they looked at best practices, and they came up with specific recommendations and steps that could ensure that the trust between communities and police departments were rebuilt and incidents like this would be less likely to occur.

And there are some jurisdictions out there that have adopted these recommendations. But there are a whole bunch that have not. And if anything good comes out of these tragedies, my hope is, is that communities around the country take a look and say, how can we implement these recommendations, and that the overwhelming majority of police officers who are doing a great job every single day, and are doing their job without regard to race, that they encourage their leadership and organizations that represent them to get behind these recommendations.

Because, ultimately, if you can rebuild trust between communities and the police departments that serve them, that helps us solve crime problems. That will make life easier for police officers. They will have more cooperation. They will be safer. They will be more likely to come home. So it would be good for crime-fighting and it will avert tragedy.

And I'm encouraged by the fact that the majority of leadership in police departments around the country recognize this. But change has been too slow and we have to have a greater sense of urgency about this.

I'm also encouraged, by the way, that we have bipartisan support for criminal justice reform working its way through Congress. It has stalled and lost some momentum over the last couple of months, in part because Congress is having difficulty, generally, moving legislation forward, and we're in a political season. But there are people of goodwill on the Republican side and the Democratic side who I've seen want to try to get something done here. That, too, would help provide greater assurance across the country that those in power, those in authority are taking these issues seriously. So this should be a spur to action to get that done, to get that across the finish line. Because I know there are a lot of people who want to get it done.

Let me just make a couple of final comments. I mentioned in my Facebook statement that I hope we don't fall into the typical patterns that occur after these kinds of incidents occur, where right away there’s a lot of political rhetoric and it starts dividing people instead of bringing folks together. To be concerned about these issues is not to be against law enforcement. There are times when these incidents occur, and you see protests and you see vigils. And I get letters -- well-meaning letters sometimes -- from law enforcement saying, how come we’re under attack? How come not as much emphasis is made when police officers are shot?

And so, to all of law enforcement, I want to be very clear: We know you have a tough job. We mourn those in uniform who are protecting us who lose their lives. On a regular basis, I have joined with families in front of Capitol Hill to commemorate the incredible heroism that they’ve displayed. I’ve hugged family members who’ve lost loved ones doing the right thing. I know how much it hurts. On a regular basis, we bring in those who’ve done heroic work in law enforcement, and have survived. Sometimes they’ve been injured. Sometimes they’ve risked their lives in remarkable ways. And we applaud them and appreciate them, because they’re doing a really tough job really well.

There is no contradiction between us supporting law enforcement -- making sure they’ve got the equipment they need, making sure that their collective bargaining rights are recognized, making sure that they’re adequately staffed, making sure that they are respected, making sure their families are supported -- and also saying that there are problems across our criminal justice system, there are biases -- some conscious and unconscious -- that have to be rooted out. That’s not an attack on law enforcement. That is reflective of the values that the vast majority of law enforcement bring to the job.

But I repeat: If communities are mistrustful of the police, that makes those law enforcement officers who are doing a great job and are doing the right thing, it makes their lives harder. So when people say “Black Lives Matter,” that doesn’t mean blue lives don’t matter; it just means all lives matter, but right now the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vulnerable to these kinds of incidents.

This isn’t a matter of us comparing the value of lives. This is recognizing that there is a particular burden that is being placed on a group of our fellow citizens. And we should care about that. We can’t dismiss it. We can’t dismiss it.

So let me just end by saying I actually, genuinely, truly believe that the vast majority of American people see this as a problem that we should all care about. And I would just ask those who question the sincerity or the legitimacy of protests and vigils and expressions of outrage, who somehow label those expressions of outrage as “political correctness,” I’d just ask folks to step back and think, what if this happened to somebody in your family? How would you feel?

To be concerned about these issues is not political correctness. It’s just being an American, and wanting to live up to our best and highest ideals. And it’s to recognize the reality that we’ve got some tough history and we haven’t gotten through all of that history yet. And we don’t expect that in my lifetime, maybe not in my children’s lifetime, that all the vestiges of that past will have been cured, will have been solved, but we can do better. People of goodwill can do better.

And doing better involves not just addressing potential bias in the criminal justice system. It’s recognizing that too often we’re asking police to man the barricades in communities that have been forgotten by all of us for way too long, in terms of substandard schools, and inadequate jobs, and a lack of opportunity.

We’ve got to tackle those things. We can do better. And I believe we will do better.

Thanks very much, everybody.

Watch the President's full remarks here.

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What I want to know is how a known felon and thug can get condolences from the President of the United States?

07-07-16, 22:51
I also really hope they get those scumbags steadfast and methodical like.

07-07-16, 22:52
More cops will be killed before this bullshit ends, more citizens will be killed. I'm seeing stuff already online about BLM supporters calling for more. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone started shooting cops. Every cop in the nation is now running in Condition Orangish-Red.

We can easily place the blame on assorted politicians who run their damn mouths with no information about OISs. I'll be very surprised if the President says much of substance tomorrow.

07-07-16, 22:54
More cops will be killed before this bullshit ends, more citizens will be killed. I'm seeing stuff already online about BLM supporters calling for more. I knew it was just a matter of time before someone started shooting cops. Every cop in the nation is now running in Condition Orangish-Red.

We can easily place the blame on assorted politicians who run their damn mouths with no information about OISs. I'll be very surprised if the President says much of substance tomorrow.

If they start targeting civilians, it will get ugly.

07-07-16, 22:54
They're saying 1 additional officer was injured by gunfire, for a total of 11.

07-07-16, 22:56
Picture of possible suspect?


07-07-16, 22:57
This is the suspect for the sniper that's on the loose:


07-07-16, 23:00

4th officer has passed.

07-07-16, 23:02
I'm thinking there's no way these were just your regular gang bangers. It sounds like they probably had military training.

07-07-16, 23:02
Police Chief: possible bomb planted; calling in feds

07-07-16, 23:03

4th officer has passed.

Damn, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those in uniform affected by this and their families.

07-07-16, 23:04
They're mentioning a possible bomb now...

07-07-16, 23:04
Here's an e-mail I just received from the White House...

What I want to know is how a known felon and thug can get condolences from the President of the United States?

I love the twisting of facts.

They receive sentences that are almost 10 percent longer than comparable whites arrested for the same crime.

Just one in particular. I guess Obama has never heard of PSI's and PSR's. You know, those things that talk about criminal history, community ties, job history, family history, etc. in regards to determining sentences.

I also like that they only compare these twisted stats to whites. How about the fact that Asians, Jews, and a few other races commit far less crime than whites do per capita. Or the simple fact that blacks commit more crime than any other race and that is why such stats exist.

Where is the uproar about single parent (most often mothers) households, the gang culture, the criminal culture, and so on that plagues the black community far more than others?

Sure lets just keep talking about "white privilege" as if it god damn exists.

07-07-16, 23:05
Prayers sent to all hurt and killed LEOs and their families.

07-07-16, 23:05
God help this country and those officers.

07-07-16, 23:06
Damn, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those in uniform affected by this and their families.

Yes, as well as the rest in uniform working their shifts right now that could face the same in the coming weeks.

07-07-16, 23:07
My thoughts and prayers are with the wounded and murdered officers.

Be very, very careful. Good luck and good hunting to the responding officers.

07-07-16, 23:08
According to this individual's statement on camera, he said he knew of couple of guys with rifles on them even telling them to give it to a cop so as not to be mistaken at about 1:10 mark:


07-07-16, 23:08
Hopefully those with CCW will be willing to help the blue if it comes to that in the coming weeks...

07-07-16, 23:11
Hopefully those with CCW will be willing to help the blue if it comes to that in the coming weeks...

Well since the latest tragedy was a CCW holder being killed by police... I don't think that's going to happen.

07-07-16, 23:11
Older brother of man in camo says that suspect turned over his rifle to an officer and left to go home...

07-07-16, 23:15
DPD just confirmed a 4th officer has passed.


07-07-16, 23:18
Prayers out to the officers and anyone else affected by this

I hope they smoke these guys soon.

Sent from my LG-H900 using Tapatalk

07-07-16, 23:27
Older brother of man in camo says that suspect turned over his rifle to an officer and left to go home...

Yeah, no way that guy was a shooter. talk about a dead man walking.... you don't walk the street with a rifle, smiling while the cops are being picked off like flies.

This is Obama's America at it's finest. Tomorrow you will be told to not jump to conclusions and prepare to turn in your weapons.

They need to hunt this f'ers down. Give them a trial within the hour and hang them at sunset. They can hang Hillary with them too. They are after all her people.

This is getting crazy.

07-07-16, 23:31
Mark Hughes (suspect in camo) has turned himself in.

07-07-16, 23:37
Mark Hughes (suspect in camo) has turned himself in.

Probably not the shooter. These guys know their days are going to end on the gurney in Huntsville no matter what, even if they surrender. Unless they took him wounded, or Obama has already agreed to pardon him, I'm thinking the shooters are still out there and this guy is just trying to clear his name. I'm thinking BLM is becoming more like the IRA, and there's a good chance we'll see a lot of this in coming days.

My theory only. Obviously, there's a good chance that I'm going to be proven wrong in coming days.

07-07-16, 23:38
Probably not the shooter. These guys know their days are going to end on the gurney in Huntsville no matter what. Unless they took him wounded, or Obama has already agreed to pardon him, I'm thinking the shooters are still out there and this guy is just trying to clear his name.

My theory only. Obviously, there's a good chance that I'm going to be proven wrong in coming days.

I agree - not the shooter.

07-07-16, 23:52
Am i the only one thinking terrorism ? A potential bomb from what im hearing on the police scanner and news. Seems way too planned out to me. Either that or BLM really stepped up their game.

07-07-16, 23:57
Am i the only one thinking terrorism ? A potential bomb from what im hearing on the police scanner and news. Seems way too planned out to me. Either that or BLM really stepped up their game.

I want to know if all the dead and injured are white.... if random, could be terror. If white LEO, then BLM or the terror side just upped their game.

Kinda unusual for terror to coordinate with a spur of the moment BLM protest though, no matter what.

07-07-16, 23:59
Damn, just watched a video on Fox of one if the shooters firing from behind a pillar . Looks like an officer attempts to come up behind him but the shooter sees hi,pm, and it was the outcome you would suspect of a rifle versus a handgun. Was really hard to tell but the rifle the suspect was shooting didn't look like an AR15 style to me but it was hard to tell.

07-08-16, 00:01
Fox says two shooters in custody and the danger is over.

07-08-16, 00:01
Video of shooter gunning down officer:


07-08-16, 00:05
Am i the only one thinking terrorism ? A potential bomb from what im hearing on the police scanner and news. Seems way too planned out to me. Either that or BLM really stepped up their game.

As I said before, I don't think these were a couple of pissed off thugs. They planned this out very professionally and I wouldn't be surprised if whoever set this up has a military background. I'm thinking BLM has turned from a bunch of no-nothing protesters to a full blown militant group.

07-08-16, 00:08
Video of shooter gunning down officer:


I can't watch that again. I saw it on Fox news and couldn't believe they actually aired it on national TV.

This wasn't a bunch of bangers out shooting. This is and needs to be considered an act of terror. Since the media hasn't released the races of those in custody I can only make one guess. My question becomes, is there any islamic connection with them? Any Black Panthers connection, they have a militant arm that has been making threats for years. Who are those assholes affiliated with.

07-08-16, 00:09
Video of shooter gunning down officer:


No video, just a picture.

07-08-16, 00:09
I just seen the video also. Made me sick to my stomach. Yeah i know its a long shot for terrorism but cells can activate at a moments notice. Just trying to make sense of it all. But it is very telling that only Police officers were the target. Did hear of a single female civy being hit but expected to be ok. Should be interesting to hear the motivation of the two shooters.

Damn, just watched a video on Fox of one if the shooters firing from behind a pillar . Looks like an officer attempts to come up behind him but the shooter sees hi,pm, and it was the outcome you would suspect of a rifle versus a handgun. Was really hard to tell but the rifle the suspect was shooting didn't look like an AR15 style to me but it was hard to tell.

07-08-16, 00:10
Dallas has had multiple protest/ marches by black panther style groups that were armed and open carrying in the past. Maybe they decided to take it to the next level.

07-08-16, 00:11
Video was horrible to watch though.

07-08-16, 00:11
Apparently it was right by the police headquarters. If true, it seems they were targeting cops.

07-08-16, 00:13
I know of one member here with DPD who was with them last time we spoke. Will be a bit but waiting for him to check in in the coming days and week ahead.

So certainly lift up prayers tonight and in the coming days.

07-08-16, 00:14
Fvcking rage....

07-08-16, 00:16
Well other then one civy women hit the rest were all police officers. So its pretty safe to say they were the targets. Ive been checking social media and people are actually justifying this. That and the typical blame the NRA bull. It blows my mind.

Apparently it was right by the police headquarters. If true, it seems they were targeting cops.

07-08-16, 00:16
It's very obvious they targeted cops. This is downtown, few miles away from HQ. HQ is completely clear of all this.

07-08-16, 00:18
It's very obvious they targeted cops. This is downtown, few miles away from HQ. HQ is completely clear of all this.

eye witness saying just that:


07-08-16, 00:20
Good God. What the hell is wrong with these people? Thoughts and prayers to the fallen officers and their families. And to all you other boys and girls out there behind the badge, please be careful.

Obamas America. Look how far we have fallen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-08-16, 00:22
It will get way worse if Killiary is elected.

Good God. What the hell is wrong with these people? Thoughts and prayers to the fallen officers and their families. And to all you other boys and girls out there behind the badge, please be careful.

Obamas America. Look how far we have fallen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-08-16, 00:31
This is beyond words. What a freefall this country is in. The president and others defending and empowering thugs ultimately leads to this stupidity.

What on earth will this county be like in 5-10 years. Thoughts are with those fallen in the line of duty and their families. What a terrible time to be a police officer, being attacked on all fronts.

07-08-16, 00:34
I'd say the shooter in the video is dead now. He looks like he got hit and pretty sure more fire awaited him.

I guess I'll say it...................... what if the shooters are a couple of rebel flag waving white guys?

If they were trained and thought they could take on the transit police and get out clean while making BLM look bad.

Everybody is playing every angle and the Obama crew wanted total chaos. Pit everyone against everyone else.

I hope they have one alive. If he's white, you might as well call it a day. Hillary getting off was "check"... if these were trained white guys.... it's "check mate".

07-08-16, 00:35
@ 00:34 Chief Brown: DPD is still in negotiations with suspect in El Centro parking garage, gun fire has been exchanged. Suspects claim multiple bombs downtown and threatening more LE lives will be lost.

07-08-16, 00:37
It will get way worse if Killiary is elected.

Unless the DNC and RNC can come up with two less polarizing candidates this month, it will get way worse no matter who gets elected.

07-08-16, 00:37
watching local news. Press conference with mayor and chief, they are still negotiating with one suspect who has been exchanging gunfire with police. Suspect the end of it is near and is going to take more cops out, and has bombs throughout the garage and downtown.

They have one female suspect in custody as well as two others that had camo and camo duffle bags.

Meanwhile a bunch of BLM tards have gathered in front of the 7-11 and are looking to cause trouble.

07-08-16, 00:37
Situation building in parking lot of 7-11 on Main where large crowd of BLM types taunting DPD skirmish line.

07-08-16, 00:39
Situation building in parking lot of 7-11 on Main where large crowd of BLM types taunting DPD skirmish line.

FFS , this ****sticks don't know when to call it quits.

07-08-16, 00:40
Oh boy,,, suspect in negotiation... "the end is coming" ... "bombs throughout building and elsewhere" suspect is pinned down and exchanging fire.

That really doesn't sound like a BLM type to me.

Chief not confident all suspects are accounted for. One is a female.

Determining how large crime scene is.

07-08-16, 00:41
@ 00:41 Chief Brown four suspects had been working in unison.

07-08-16, 00:41
That thought crossed my mind also. But if that were true i think there would of been a bigger impact if they went after the crowds not the PD. But from what i can tell and hear no one has actually been captured other then the female they spoke of.

I'd say the shooter in the video is dead now. He looks like he got hit and pretty sure more fire awaited him.

I guess I'll say it...................... what if the shooters are a couple of rebel flag waving white guys?

If they were trained and thought they could take on the transit police and get out clean while making BLM look bad.

Everybody is playing every angle and the Obama crew wanted total chaos. Pit everyone against everyone else.

I hope they have one alive. If he's white, you might as well call it a day. Hillary getting off was "check"... if these were trained white guys.... it's "check mate".

07-08-16, 00:42
Oh boy,,, suspect in negotiation... "the end is coming" ... "bombs throughout building and elsewhere" suspect is pinned down and exchanging fire.

That really doesn't sound like a BLM type to me.

Chief not confident all suspects are accounted for. One is a female.

Determining how large crime scene is.

Sounds like the BLM terrorist is bluffing.

07-08-16, 00:43
Video of shooter gunning down officer:


That video is wild. It doesn't necessarily have to be a radical group. There are plenty of gang bangers that have served in the military.

07-08-16, 00:44
If these are BLM or Black Panther types they have upped their game and are almost going full durka durka.

Sounds like more than just the 2 shooters. This is going to be interesting.

07-08-16, 00:47
Determining how large crime scene is.

Mayor Rawlings announced that people who work down town need to check Dallas city website for areas that are closed down for processing and ongoing active shootings with suspect in parking garage at El Centro College on Main St. Essentially downtown will be shutdown Friday.

07-08-16, 00:47
A lot of police in front of that 7-11. Not just the line in front but the camera panned over and it looks like. Swat/tac type group standing over on the side.

07-08-16, 00:48
I'm seeing scattered reports of a fifth fatality, but nothing confirmed.

07-08-16, 00:51
A lot of police in front of that 7-11. Not just the line in front but the camera panned over and it looks like. Swat/tac type group standing over on the side.

There is something more going on there. You don't get that many cops to defend a 7-11. If you look in the background the trash are out and about.

07-08-16, 00:53
This is going to be interesting.

"going to be" ?

"the end is near" comment sounds like white guy or terrorist to me. Female and 4 total sounds like terrorist. More LEO will die sounds like BLM.

All this is going to do is raise everyone's social blood pressure several more notches.

07-08-16, 00:54
There is something more going on there. You don't get that many cops to defend a 7-11. If you look in the background the trash are out and about.

That's what I was thinking, there are at least 20-30 LEO standing in a line and that is only what the camera is showing.

Sounds like the chief and mayor are looking at plans to take the one dude out they are still. Egotists get with.

07-08-16, 00:55
CBSDFW aired a somber video of DPD squad cars pulling up to Parkland and escorting the injured/deceased LEO's spouses and children into the hospital. All escorted by heavily armed plain clothes with PCs and SBRs rocked IDF style.

Many friends and former colleagues on duty tonight through out the Metroplex, FB is lit up with chatter. Houston PD mandated two man units in response indefinitely.

07-08-16, 00:55
"going to be" ?


Going to get "more" interesting

07-08-16, 00:56
The 7-11 crowd is getting smaller as DPD has brought in two DART buses. Downtown totally shutdown so people who rely on public transpo stranded to include the trouble makers.

07-08-16, 00:57
Flight restrictions over downtown Dallas according to Fox 4. That is going to play havoc with Love Field.

07-08-16, 00:59
The 7-11 was being looted according to the stream I'm listening to, which accounts for the battle rattle response.

07-08-16, 01:03
The 7-11 was being looted according to the stream I'm listening to, which accounts for the battle rattle response.

What exactly are they rioting for? Bat crap crazy.

07-08-16, 01:04
I take it that DPD cruisers aren't equipped with carbines? The news I've been watching is all handguns.

07-08-16, 01:06
What exactly are they rioting for? Bat crap crazy.
I think it was just a lot of foot traffic, and people took advantage of it to grab shit and run. They said it was alcohol being taken.

I take it that DPD cruisers aren't equipped with carbines? The news I've been watching is all handguns.

I've seen a couple of carbines, but none from earlier on. Not nearly as many as you'd think, if they were equipped.

07-08-16, 01:11
I take it that DPD cruisers aren't equipped with carbines? The news I've been watching is all handguns.

Negative, I'm local lots of AR type carbines abound.

07-08-16, 01:12
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.


07-08-16, 01:13
What exactly are they rioting for? Bat crap crazy.

Because Hillary and Obama tell them it's the right thing to do.

07-08-16, 01:18
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.

Wow, just wow. That is painful to watch.

07-08-16, 01:25
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.

It was in post # 69 just not embedded. I just can't make myself watch it again.

07-08-16, 01:26
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.

I posted it a few pages back.

The shooter doesn't look like just a thug to me.

07-08-16, 01:28
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.

Watch the end of that vid. After he kills the first guy he then tries to exit but a several shots come towards and past him. Then he fires and advances out to right. I think he he killed two officers there. we just can't see the other one. Those were probably the first two initial mentions. Otherwise he could not have gone that way out.

07-08-16, 01:29
I posted it a few pages back.

The shooter doesn't look like just a thug to me.

I would agree with this. He turned to engage , rifle at his shoulder and closed with the threat without hesitation. Doesn't seem like the normal gansta style shooting to me.

07-08-16, 01:31
Loud boom heard in background of media tent city, possible explosion. Nothing confirmed could be flash bang echo (tall close buildings etc.), controlled explosion as DPD bomb squad and ATF have been combing downtown.

07-08-16, 01:35
Live non-media stream:


07-08-16, 01:37
Haven't seen this embedded yet . . .

DPD officer who attempted to close with suspect executed at point blank range.

He's either super ballsy and high as a kite, or this wasn't his first rodeo. Makes a person wonder if he did some fighting in Syria. That frantic type of disregard for his own life is exactly how they fight there. Reminds me of the videos coming out of Syria the way he just hauled ass right out in the open. I could be totally wrong, but he strikes me as someone with real world combat experience but no formal training. Then again, maybe he just played a lot of airsoft.

ETA: Watch the far left of the screen when the cop first runs up behind the pillar, and you can see that the cop got at least one shot off. It makes you wonder if the cop hit him once or twice and he was wearing a vest. In any case, the terrorist was getting shot at and without ANY hesitation whatsoever runs towards the fire. 99.9% of people, even with training, would have scrambled to get behind that pillar.

ETA: I take back what I said about him looking frantic. If you enlarge the video and slow it down you can see he's actually extremely efficient and methodical. What looks like flailing in the video is just the pixelation and camera movement. Everything about the guy looks professional.

07-08-16, 01:47
The guy everyone was posting photos of is released, but one refreshing thing is, when this reported asked his brother why he had the gun, he goes "because it's his right."

Sorry for MSNBC link;

07-08-16, 01:48
DPA just Tweeted a fifth officer has now died of their wounds.


07-08-16, 01:53
DPA just Tweeted a fifth officer has now died of their wounds.

Unfvcking real...

Just a few days ago I was reading an article on how morale within DPD is so low and there continues to be an Exodus of officers..

07-08-16, 02:04
Reports coming in that standoff is over with last suspect who was barricaded in El Centro College's parking structure.

07-08-16, 02:24
its been known that gangs have been putting tons of members into military to get training for a long time ?

those that think this is not BLM folks need to pull there head our and realize this is them !!! many are trained and many are thugs and some are a combo of both !

lets just hope the press realizes what these people are about !!! but I am sure this will be just another call to ban assault weapons with some strange spin on blaming trump, LEO and white folks for the racism that is happening

07-08-16, 02:26
its been known that gangs have been putting tons of members into military to get training for a long time ?

those that think this is not BLM folks need to pull there head our and realize this is them !!! many are trained and many are thugs and some are a combo of both !

lets just hope the press realizes what these people are about !!! but I am sure this will be just another call to ban assault weapons with some strange spin on blaming trump, LEO and white folks for the racism that is happening

However likely, there is no evidence to support that claim at this point in time.

07-08-16, 02:40
Dallas is the birth place and headquarters of both the Huey P. Newton Gun Club and the NBPP. No evidence of either factions involvement. No info has been released on the three confirmed suspects in custody.

Lot of possibilities . . . with the current climate an attack like this could be used to spin up several agendas and promote civil unrest, gun ban rhetoric, ISIS propaganda, et al.

One year and one month ago DPD headquarters was attacked by a man who lost custody of his children in an armored vehicle who had to be taken out by .50 BMGs.

07-08-16, 02:53
Being reported last suspect has taken his own life.

07-08-16, 03:02
Well....This whole thing has made it hard for me to sleep.

I am really crestfallen about this whole sad affair. 5 guys are not going home tonight and that makes me angry and depressed.

Nothing I can do. And I feel we as men know that is the worst thing. Not being able to do anything.

Everybody be careful. It should go without saying but I simply don't want to hear what Obama has to say as it will be infuriating. He wanted this to happen, and happening it is.

07-08-16, 03:05
Well....This whole thing has made it hard for me to sleep.

I am really crestfallen about this whole sad affair. 5 guys are not going home tonight and that makes me angry and depressed.

Nothing I can do. And I feel we as men know that is the worst thing. Not being able to do anything.

Everybody be careful. It should go without saying but I simply don't want to hear what Obama has to say as it will be infuriating. He wanted this to happen, and happening it is.
I can't sleep either...it just sucks.

BLM is planning another large rally in DC tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. I'll post photos.

07-08-16, 03:06
Being reported last suspect has taken his own life.
F'ing pussy

07-08-16, 05:10
Obama spoke just a minute ago from Warsaw . . .


07-08-16, 06:14
Can't sleep either. I was hoping there would be more info by now. I'm just haunted by that video of the officer getting gunned down. The more I think about it, the more I can't even begin to reconcile what we see in it with any sensible explanation. That bastard was just too good to be BLM, or even ISIS for that matter. The more I watch that video the more convinced I become that he had combat experience and more than the ordinary CQB training. My fear is that it's one of our own turned jihadi. The only other explanation I can come up with is that it's a BLM thug or homegrown jihadi who spent lots of time at private training courses.

07-08-16, 06:29
Obama spoke just a minute ago from Warsaw . . .

F his fake sympathy. Its his comments in the past as well as those from Eric Holder plus his support for thugs that have brought this crap on. Even in the wake of this tragedy he and the rest of the politicians, who with their words have emboldened these assholes, are pushing their agenda while offering their "condolences".

07-08-16, 06:40
Watching the video of the one shooter on the news this AM... I don't think he's recent military as he's not squaring off as he's shooting. IE: he's exposing his side's as he advances, weak areas in any armor.

Do get the sense he is an experienced shooter though just based on the way he moved. (Shooting while he advanced)

07-08-16, 06:45
Not everyone is trained to square off while they shoot.

07-08-16, 06:53
Watching the video of the one shooter on the news this AM... I don't think he's recent military as he's not squaring off as he's shooting. IE: he's exposing his side's as he advances, weak areas in any armor.

Do get the sense he is an experienced shooter though just based on the way he moved. (Shooting while he advanced)

To me it looked like he was squared off while he was advancing.

07-08-16, 07:03
To me it looked like he was squared off while he was advancing.

Hard to tell, but to me he was about 45 degree bladed. Looked experienced either way. I could not see it in the grainy video, but was half expecting to see a C clamp style over stylized "push the gun" hold.

Definitely appeared comfortable shooting while advancing into fire

07-08-16, 07:12
He definitely moved like he had experience of some type. Whether it's civilian instruction or prior military service he was comfortable moving and shooting and knew what he was doing.

07-08-16, 07:13
Kinda looks like a AK to me

07-08-16, 07:17
CNN LEO analyst Harry Houck in tears talking about "officers with 9mm having to take on shooters with *automatic weapons* that their vests cannot stop"

An ex detective should know better... the rifles were clearly not full auto. Even on Fox they are making reference to ar-15s since they had "clips". "Powerful weapons" from a fox forensic expert.

07-08-16, 07:19
It certainly appears that this was a planned ambush, and that the shooters had at least some kind of training. Remember, this protest was not scheduled ahead of time, so that means this groups was sitting and waiting for the right moment. If there is one group like this, odds are there are others as well, sitting and waiting for the right moment. Scary times we live in. God bless the LEOs, and I pray for everyone to make it home.

07-08-16, 07:20
He definitely moved like he had experience of some type. Whether it's civilian instruction or prior military service he was comfortable moving and shooting and knew what he was doing.

What struck me most is how cool he was under fire. That cop even had the drop on him, and he controlled the situation as if it were just another day at work for him. It's one thing to have training, but it's another thing entirely to be able to use that training in the real world.

07-08-16, 07:29
I don't know how credible the source is, but here is a supposed FB post by the group claiming responsibility:


Here is a cache of the FB page before it was taken down:


07-08-16, 07:34

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-08-16, 07:35
"going to be" ?

"the end is near" comment sounds like white guy or terrorist to me. Female and 4 total sounds like terrorist. More LEO will die sounds like BLM.

All this is going to do is raise everyone's social blood pressure several more notches.

Just curious, ever heard of the BLA & the things they did. Pretty sure women were involved.

07-08-16, 07:41
I don't know how credible the source is, but here is a supposed FB post by the group claiming responsibility:


Here is a cache of the FB page before it was taken down:


That UK site looks trashy as all getout. And if that facebook page is in any way connected to the actual shooters, then I would bet that it's a front for a larger organization. Whatever idiots made that page don't seem to have the mental capacity to pull off something on this level.

07-08-16, 07:43
Suspect said he wanted to "kill white officers" was with "BLM", they used a robot to blow the ****er up.

07-08-16, 07:45
That UK site looks trashy as all getout. And if that facebook page is in any way connected to the actual shooters, then I would bet that it's a front for a larger organization. Whatever idiots made that page don't seem to have the mental capacity to pull off something on this level.

I agree about the UK site, but just because they write stupid shit on FB doesn't mean they aren't capable.

07-08-16, 07:49
First - my sympathy for fallen officers and their families.

Second - observation from far awany (actually I sit some 500 yard from where POTUS sits).

Somebody is putting lot of effort into destabilising US internally. First is was typical misinformation campaign: cherry picking (and twisting) isolated incidents to build up tension of specific social (ethic) group against authorities. With increased tensions authorities become under assault by some less mentally stable individuals from this social group. This increases tension even more as authorities either refrain to intervene or are very tense when members of this social group is are involved. This leads to reduced social acceptance toward authorities as well as generate more incidents that can blown up in information assault. Then things that look like professionally organised provocations start, that are clearly aimed to provoke authorities to intentionally or accidentally to shoot at peaceful protesters, with possibility for those protesters to return fire (no necessary, but a bonus). In case of shoot-out between authorities and protesters original shooters could have good opportunity to leave area.

Things are unfolding like taken straight from play-book for intelligence service that by careful manipulation, use of deniable assets and so called "useful idiots" wants to overthrow social and legal order in a country in a way to make it easier to take control over that country. In recent history this kind of game was generally played by 2 countries. One of witch is now under such attack. Is this the other one or new player joins the stage? Lack of claims for bragging rights from several terror organisations is also important. Hybrid warfare has 1000s of faces.

I hope that I'm completely wrong and that my imagination is leading me nowhere, but this is how it all looks to me in context of initial campaign of inflating every case that fits narrative.

Alex V
07-08-16, 07:51
That video is hard to watch. Cop was at a disadvantage, knew it, and still engaged the suspect. Got shot in the back because he was hugging cover.

So fvcking pissed right now.

Every training class I have take has had some LEOs in it and almost all of them express how they would take the help from a civilian in these situations. Living in NJ, I am not help with my guns at home, but as someone has said in an earlier post, following MN, would we (civilians) still try and help? I think I would, no idea how I would explain that I am a good guy in time to not get shot. This is just infuriating.

I will admit that as a teen/young adult I hated cops because of the vast amount of speeding tickets I received and the nasty comments I got as a "kid" in a fast car. Living in NJ where the vast majority of LEOs believe I should not have the right to carry and some believe I should not have 2A right at all doesn't make liking LEOs any easier. However, the more times I left this shit state, the more I realized its not the rule, its the exception and LEOs in other states are stand up people who endorse my rights. My opinions have grown up as I have.

07-08-16, 07:55
In pres conference happening now, they cornered the shooter, who said it was directed at cops, white people, anger over recent police shootings, etc, he acted alone. Does not appear to be a coordinated group, but as others have said, vid suggests training.

Suspect did not kill himself, he was killed when they set off an explosive when talks went bad and he started shooting at them. I didn't know PDs had use of intentionally lethal explosives, but speaker stated it was an intentionally set off "bomb" that killed the suspect they put on a robot, so not a flash bang, etc.

They fragged him it appears. Rest in pieces you POS.

07-08-16, 08:07
In pres conference happening now, they cornered the shooter, who said it was directed at cops, white people, anger over recent police shootings, etc, he acted alone. Does not appear to be a coordinated group, but as others have said, vid suggests training.

Suspect did not kill himself, he was killed when they set off an explosive when talks went bad and he started shooting at them. I didn't know PDs had use of intentionally lethal explosives, but speaker stated it was an intentionally set off "bomb" that killed the suspect they put on a robot, so not a flash bang, etc.

They fragged him it appears. Rest in pieces you POS.

It sounded like they detonated one of his IEDs and it in turn killed him, not that they tossed in a frag or anything like that.

4 suspects in custody, including the two from the high speed chase leading out of down town. Chief alluded that he was not sure the danger is completely over yet.

07-08-16, 08:08
F his fake sympathy. Its his comments in the past as well as those from Eric Holder plus his support for thugs that have brought this crap on. Even in the wake of this tragedy he and the rest of the politicians, who with their words have emboldened these assholes, are pushing their agenda while offering their "condolences".

I stopped watching that asshat years ago. EVERYTHING he's EVER said sounds like this;


OR this'


07-08-16, 08:09

07-08-16, 08:13
It sounded like they detonated one of his IEDs and it in turn killed him, not that they tossed in a frag or anything like that.

4 suspects in custody, including the two from the high speed chase leading out of down town. Chief alluded that he was not sure the danger is completely over yet.

Chief stated he died from an explosive they used on a robot, unless I heard it wrong/took it incorrectly, or he simply misspoke. Suspect stated he worked alone, and as you know, suspects may or may not end up being connected they have in custody.

07-08-16, 08:14
I saw something about a police officers bullet "bouncing off the body armor of the assailant". I think this may be in reference to the officer whom was shot in the back. This is very sad and angering.

07-08-16, 08:15

I'm reading only one suspect, who is now dead.

The 4 suspects was from what they just reported on the news, also said they are not cooperating.

07-08-16, 08:16
Chief stated he died from an explosive they used on a robot, unless I heard it wrong/took it incorrectly, or he simply misspoke. Suspect stated he worked alone, and as you know, suspects may or may not end up being connected they have in custody.

I listened to the press conference. You heard right, the chief said they blew up the dirt bag because they couldn't take him any other way without endangering other officers. Good for DPD. The dirt bag said to the police that he wanted to kill WHITES and WHITE police officers. Hate crime much?

07-08-16, 08:17
Chief stated he died from an explosive they used on a robot, unless I heard it wrong/took it incorrectly, or he simply misspoke. Suspect stated he worked alone, and as you know, suspects may or may not end up being connected they have in custody.

went back and read the transcript, looks like you are right.

07-08-16, 08:18
I listened to the press conference. You heard right, the chief said they blew up the dirt bag because they couldn't take him any other way without endangering other officers. Good for DPD. The dirt bag said to the police that he wanted to kill WHITES and WHITE police officers. Hate crime much?

It will NOT be reported that way in the drive by media!

07-08-16, 08:23
I listened to the press conference. You heard right, the chief said they blew up the dirt bag because they couldn't take him any other way without endangering other officers. Good for DPD. The dirt bag said to the police that he wanted to kill WHITES and WHITE police officers. Hate crime much?

The media has already decided that blacks can't be racist, and therefore are incapable of committing hate crimes. It's like the freaking fourth law of thermodynamics or something.

07-08-16, 08:24
I listened to the press conference. You heard right, the chief said they blew up the dirt bag because they couldn't take him any other way without endangering other officers. Good for DPD. The dirt bag said to the police that he wanted to kill WHITES and WHITE police officers. Hate crime much?

Workplace violence obviously.

07-08-16, 08:25
Workplace violence obviously.

That goes without saying

07-08-16, 08:28
Can't sleep either. I was hoping there would be more info by now. I'm just haunted by that video of the officer getting gunned down. The more I think about it, the more I can't even begin to reconcile what we see in it with any sensible explanation. That bastard was just too good to be BLM, or even ISIS for that matter. The more I watch that video the more convinced I become that he had combat experience and more than the ordinary CQB training. My fear is that it's one of our own turned jihadi. The only other explanation I can come up with is that it's a BLM thug or homegrown jihadi who spent lots of time at private training courses.

More than a million veterans across the US have CQB training, we're coming out of 15 years of conflict. BLM/Nation of islam I can see, jihadi I do not. This is NOI's backyard, my bet is they are responsible.

07-08-16, 08:33
What struck me most is how cool he was under fire. That cop even had the drop on him, and he controlled the situation as if it were just another day at work for him. It's one thing to have training, but it's another thing entirely to be able to use that training in the real world.

Of course all is speculation at this point, but a couple of things should be considered.

Now I am going to go out on a limb from thr given facts and assume the perps are supporters or sympathetic to the BLM movement. The race of the perps really doesn't matter, it is the cause. I'll be willing to bet if it is a BLM based group there will be white perps involved just like there has always been with groups like BLA & BPP. I have seen "thugs" mentioned as the possible perps. Trust me, your afterage street thug, regardless of race, but honestly ESPECIALLY AA thugs/gangsters are the least probable perp for this crime. There is a reason they rob and beat elderly and women. Risk vs reward. The only thing they are a fundamentalist about is making $, getting laid, and high. Like a big cat in Africa, they will usually only go after something they are pretty sure they can take with little to no harm to themselves in the process.

Whomever did this, did it for a cause they believed in enough to die for. I have long said it is only a matter of time before Islamic Fundamentalist take advantage of the lack of strong leadership and lack of father figures in the typical black and/or urban enviroment. From the lack of a father as a kid on up to the lack of strong role models in their community, if I was a leader of the people we are fighting over seas I would be devoting much effort into working that void to my advantage to cause as much trouble here as I could. Much of our hoods are ripe for the picking for the right leader to come along and make them true believers. There is a lot of individual power given to the male via Islam over women and over non-believers.

I wouldn't get too hung up on if the guy who killed that cop in the video was this or that, trained or experienced. If I had to guess he was probably wearing some sort of body armor coupled with either some sort of 10 ft tall and bullet proof attitude from drugs or not, that made him a hard charger. There are tons of people all through history who were just good at fighting naturally w/o training or experience.

All that ^ is secondary. The thing that should really worry us is the fact that this is not some G (or cracker ass cracker, doesn't matter) riding by a protest popping off a few rounds to gain street creds, but a somewhat organized group who as a whole went in with the determination to push the fight to the death. That is the mark of a true believer, whatever it is they believe in. This will inspire others who are out there and maybe sitting on the fence about what to do into action. I predict it won't be long until they are trying to out do each other in scope and scale of attacks.

Don't get overly psyched up about what they did. Especially if you are in LE. If something goes down in your area, always respect your opponent, but this isn't CAG making hits in US cities. Respect their danger, but do not yourself or allow your co-workers to make them into a Boogy Man. Just like the news calling them snipers. IMHO, a dude in an elevated position firing on people is just a man using his surroundings to increase hit probability. Now if they had someone so far out it takes them hours of searching to locate his FP or don't have a clue where he was shooting from and he is busting heads from that distance, or was doing what the 2 in DC (even though it was relatively short range), then you can drop the sniper term. But calling someone a sniper at the drop of a hat just gives them another platform to harp on and the next thing we will be fighting to keep is any scoped bolt action rifle.

Lastly, RIP to the fallen Officers. Please know there are still those in America who love you and deaply appreciate what you laid down last night for your Country and Community.

07-08-16, 08:35
This is terrible and tragic. This is pure domestic terrorism and that is what it needs to be called.

Lets see - Red-line in Syria - where did that get us...on the world stage, coupled with pulling out of Iraq and letting something like ISIS fester....

Embracing the Arab Spring and Libya...Bengazi

Tepid response to Ferguson with Mr Eric Holder - almost blaming the cops...and we are just beginning to see where that is getting us...

What else can our wonderful POTUS get us with - maybe taking some Constitutional rights away.

Has he been right about anything?

07-08-16, 08:36
I have never heard of police using an explosive to take out a suspect. Is that something that is in the playbook or was it more of a one off type thing? Seems much better than stacking and going into the room with a determined asshole with a rifle.

07-08-16, 08:38
First - my sympathy for fallen officers and their families.

Second - observation from far awany (actually I sit some 500 yard from where POTUS sits).

Somebody is putting lot of effort into destabilising US internally. First is was typical misinformation campaign: cherry picking (and twisting) isolated incidents to build up tension of specific social (ethic) group against authorities. With increased tensions authorities become under assault by some less mentally stable individuals from this social group. This increases tension even more as authorities either refrain to intervene or are very tense when members of this social group is are involved. This leads to reduced social acceptance toward authorities as well as generate more incidents that can blown up in information assault. Then things that look like professionally organised provocations start, that are clearly aimed to provoke authorities to intentionally or accidentally to shoot at peaceful protesters, with possibility for those protesters to return fire (no necessary, but a bonus). In case of shoot-out between authorities and protesters original shooters could have good opportunity to leave area.

Things are unfolding like taken straight from play-book for intelligence service that by careful manipulation, use of deniable assets and so called "useful idiots" wants to overthrow social and legal order in a country in a way to make it easier to take control over that country. In recent history this kind of game was generally played by 2 countries. One of witch is now under such attack. Is this the other one or new player joins the stage? Lack of claims for bragging rights from several terror organisations is also important. Hybrid warfare has 1000s of faces.

I hope that I'm completely wrong and that my imagination is leading me nowhere, but this is how it all looks to me in context of initial campaign of inflating every case that fits narrative.

This x's 100. I have felt this way for some time. Something just stinks to high hell and I really worry what the future holds.

07-08-16, 08:40
I am really hoping that they have all of the jackasses involved and that there isn't a couple still running around.


8:15 a.m.


8:10 a.m.

Police Chief David Brown says authorities are still not certain that they have identified everyone involved in an attack on a downtown protest march that killed five police officers.

Brown said Friday that investigators have not ruled out that others may have been involved in the attacks that left a total of 12 officers and two civilians shot.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings says an overnight standoff with one suspect in a parking garage ended when police detonated an explosive about four hours after the attack began. Authorities say the explosive was attached to a robot to protect officers.

Brown would not reveal any details about other potential suspects that have been detained by police and interviewed.7

07-08-16, 08:47
I have never heard of police using an explosive to take out a suspect. Is that something that is in the playbook or was it more of a one off type thing? Seems much better than stacking and going into the room with a determined asshole with a rifle.

According to the DPD Chief thats why they did it. So as not to risk the lives of police after negotiations broke down.
I say AMF.

07-08-16, 08:53
This x's 100. I have felt this way for some time. Something just stinks to high hell and I really worry what the future holds.

Honestly it really isn't that complicated. Liberalism breeds victimhood, victimhood breeds resentment.

07-08-16, 08:58
That video is hard to watch. Cop was at a disadvantage, knew it, and still engaged the suspect. Got shot in the back because he was hugging cover.

So fvcking pissed right now.

Every training class I have take has had some LEOs in it and almost all of them express how they would take the help from a civilian in these situations. Living in NJ, I am not help with my guns at home, but as someone has said in an earlier post, following MN, would we (civilians) still try and help? I think I would, no idea how I would explain that I am a good guy in time to not get shot. This is just infuriating.

I will admit that as a teen/young adult I hated cops because of the vast amount of speeding tickets I received and the nasty comments I got as a "kid" in a fast car. Living in NJ where the vast majority of LEOs believe I should not have the right to carry and some believe I should not have 2A right at all doesn't make liking LEOs any easier. However, the more times I left this shit state, the more I realized its not the rule, its the exception and LEOs in other states are stand up people who endorse my rights. My opinions have grown up as I have.

I would be EXTREMELY cautious getting involved in something like this if not LE. If you were in the vantage point of the cameraman filming that cop being shot and knew for certain he was a perp then engaged him that would be one thing. You can be certain if you were running around armed alone you would probably be treated as a hostile. If you really wanted to help I would prob try to flag down a uniform guy and ask him to help and stay right on his ass, or call 911 give them a solid discription of yourself, leave the phone on speaker and constantly relay your location and what you see. Be prepared to be treated as a hostile when LE arrives. I would only do that if there were little to no units responding yet.

If there is a strong LE turnout, you'd be more help trying to move those injured to safety or a medical triage point.

07-08-16, 09:01
Hey, what do you know, the Hillary email and FBI cover up is not news any more. What a coincidence.

07-08-16, 09:02
Honestly it really isn't that complicated. Liberalism breeds victimhood, victimhood breeds resentment.

Organized violence against police is nothing new, at least to some of us older guys. Most here weren't around in the 60's when the BPP was advocating Kill The Pigs! Lots of violent riots in major cities between 65 and 75, including some sniper activity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panther_Party

07-08-16, 09:10
Just got to work, clearly missed a lot, was there (officially) more than one shooter or is it unknown at this time?

07-08-16, 09:11
I would be EXTREMELY cautious getting involved in something like this if not LE. If you were in the vantage point of the cameraman filming that cop being shot and knew for certain he was a perp then engaged him that would be one thing. You can be certain if you were running around armed alone you would probably be treated as a hostile. If you really wanted to help I would prob try to flag down a uniform guy and ask him to help and stay right on his ass, or call 911 give them a solid discription of yourself, leave the phone on speaker and constantly relay your location and what you see. Be prepared to be treated as a hostile when LE arrives. I would only do that if there were little to no units responding yet.

If there is a strong LE turnout, you'd be more help trying to move those injured to safety or a medical triage point.

I second this. Going rogue will not only likely get you shot, but it might get the cop killed by the real shooter while he's distracted by your rambo routine.

07-08-16, 09:26
In a hectic active shooter scenario with scores of civilians and LEO running around confused, the last thing I would do as a civilian is pull my weapon in an attempt to 'help out' as that is a surefire way to get targeted by mistake. I would only do so if I was immediately confronted with one of the shooters.

07-08-16, 09:26
According to the DPD Chief thats why they did it. So as not to risk the lives of police after negotiations broke down.
I say AMF.

I understand the booger-eater had an explosive device on his body. Well, bye.

07-08-16, 09:28
I have never heard of police using an explosive to take out a suspect. Is that something that is in the playbook or was it more of a one off type thing? Seems much better than stacking and going into the room with a determined asshole with a rifle.

I think it was one of his IED's. that too makes me feel like this guy was .mil or 'identified' as .mil because he used the term IED. "You will eventually find the IEDs" or did he pick that up from the central park ordeal.

How can he part of no group when he had 3 others in his 'group'. Of course they are terrorists. They are team of assassins targeting LEO and especially white LEO AND leaving the thought and intention as they die that there is more to come.

I agree somewhat with Montrala... I forget what the term is but there is situation where one person will stand up to lead a cause and few if any will follow... but then that second guy comes in and says yeah, let's do this and suddenly people join in and he actually becomes the leader. This can very well be whats happening. The more tactical methods and the organized bombs, small team. These things borrowed from ISIS and the long drawn out ordeal in the desert. This could turn into a real nightmare worse than it already is.

This is Obama's America. He got everything he asked for. When he walks out the door America will be on fire.

07-08-16, 09:30
.. I forget what the term is but there is situation where one person will stand up to lead a cause and few if any will follow... but then that second guy comes in and says yeah, let's do this and suddenly people join in and he actually becomes the leader. .

Pack mentality? that's how animals act.

07-08-16, 09:31
So do we know there was more than one shooter? A shooter in an elevated position reported and that shooter at street level seems like two.

Congressional black caucus comes out against guns....

07-08-16, 09:31
I understand the booger-eater had an explosive device on his body. Well, bye.
Hey was threatening that they / he had set multiple IED's. Sounds like DPD chose to take him down with the robot just in case he was telling the truth. No need to send in officers only to have them blown up while trying to take down the bad guy. Good call by DPD.

I'm really wondering if this was a militant black power group, possibly African American Muslims? That's probably our best case scenario. The only question is, will the Feds then declare them a domestic terrorist organization?

07-08-16, 09:32
Why does the use of the term, "IED," mean he has military training or is a military wannabe?

We've been hearing about IEDs in the news since at least 2003.

07-08-16, 09:33
I think it was one of his IED's.

I thought DPD already took credit for it using a robot.

07-08-16, 09:34
I think it was one of his IED's. that too makes me feel like this guy was .mil or 'identified' as .mil because he used the term IED. "You will eventually find the IEDs" or did he pick that up from the central park ordeal.

The Police Chief's description clearly made it sound like they used their own explosive device to take him down.

This is Obama's America. He got everything he asked for. When he walks out the door America will be on fire.


07-08-16, 09:35
Hey, what do you know, the Hillary email and FBI cover up is not news any more. What a coincidence.

It's funny you say that... I didn't catch it but Rush Limbaugh laughed yesterday and said "it's going to the "Hillary who?" if "X" happens. This of course was before the Dallas ordeal.

The only thing still tied to Hillary is that she is pro BLM and if she backs off that now it will just be another lie on her list. It was actually a debate question and she was a proud #BLM candidate.

07-08-16, 09:36
I think they used on of his IEDs to make it happen.

I just watched the Congressional Black Caucus, specifically John Conyers, already making calls for an assault weapons ban and other gun laws. The bodies aren't even cold yet. F*cking assholes. They barely paid lip service to the dead officers, they don't care.

07-08-16, 09:37
I heard on the news this morning that a 5th officer has passed from their wounds.

A truly shit day.

As has been mentioned before this will be spun into anything but a hate crime or terrorist act. Because it was against the police it will be pigeonholed as workplace violence and swept away.

What happened to this country?

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Alex V
07-08-16, 09:37
I would be EXTREMELY cautious getting involved in something like this if not LE. If you were in the vantage point of the cameraman filming that cop being shot and knew for certain he was a perp then engaged him that would be one thing. You can be certain if you were running around armed alone you would probably be treated as a hostile. If you really wanted to help I would prob try to flag down a uniform guy and ask him to help and stay right on his ass, or call 911 give them a solid discription of yourself, leave the phone on speaker and constantly relay your location and what you see. Be prepared to be treated as a hostile when LE arrives. I would only do that if there were little to no units responding yet.

If there is a strong LE turnout, you'd be more help trying to move those injured to safety or a medical triage point.

No I get that and agree. What I was trying to say is that I have had multiple LEOs tell me they would take the help while we are shooting the shit during a class, but the reality is VERY different.

07-08-16, 09:40
What happened to this country?

A silent coup and destruction from within is what happened to us.

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 09:45
Classify BLM as a terrorist organization.

Problem solved.

07-08-16, 09:50
Classify BLM as a terrorist organization.

Problem solved.

I don't believe at all in the notion of "hate crimes" but if you are going to have them, then this has to be considered one.

07-08-16, 09:54
I second this. Going rogue will not only likely get you shot, but it might get the cop killed by the real shooter while he's distracted by your rambo routine.

Unless it was specifically coordinated with the police, a very bad idea. There may come a day the police require and ask for non LE assist, but that's not this day.

07-08-16, 09:56

07-08-16, 10:10
Anyone have a decent information link outlining POTUS's efforts to further demonize LE over the years? I'm trying to explain this all and she's just not getting it.

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 10:11

Folks wanna get pissed; they have a Constitutional Right to protest and speak out.

Triggers start getting pulled?

I heard there were vacancies at Gitmo. These folks are nothing more, nothing less, than a Chocolate ISIS. To them, just replace "Infidel/Kafir" with, "Police Officer".

****ing disgusting.

I don't believe at all in the notion of "hate crimes" but if you are going to have them, then this has to be considered one.

07-08-16, 10:15
I have never heard of police using an explosive to take out a suspect. Is that something that is in the playbook or was it more of a one off type thing? Seems much better than stacking and going into the room with a determined asshole with a rifle.
Google Philadelphia MOVE bombing. Dropping C4 from a helicopter and taking out a city block

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07-08-16, 10:18

Folks wanna get pissed; they have a Constitutional Right to protest and speak out.

Triggers start getting pulled?

I heard there were vacancies at Gitmo. These folks are nothing more, nothing less, than a Chocolate ISIS. To them, just replace "Infidel/Kafir" with, "Anything other than black American".

****ing disgusting.

Fixed that for you.

07-08-16, 10:22
First - my sympathy for fallen officers and their families.

Second - observation from far awany (actually I sit some 500 yard from where POTUS sits).

Somebody is putting lot of effort into destabilising US internally. First is was typical misinformation campaign: cherry picking (and twisting) isolated incidents to build up tension of specific social (ethic) group against authorities. With increased tensions authorities become under assault by some less mentally stable individuals from this social group. This increases tension even more as authorities either refrain to intervene or are very tense when members of this social group is are involved. This leads to reduced social acceptance toward authorities as well as generate more incidents that can blown up in information assault. Then things that look like professionally organised provocations start, that are clearly aimed to provoke authorities to intentionally or accidentally to shoot at peaceful protesters, with possibility for those protesters to return fire (no necessary, but a bonus). In case of shoot-out between authorities and protesters original shooters could have good opportunity to leave area.

Things are unfolding like taken straight from play-book for intelligence service that by careful manipulation, use of deniable assets and so called "useful idiots" wants to overthrow social and legal order in a country in a way to make it easier to take control over that country. In recent history this kind of game was generally played by 2 countries. One of witch is now under such attack. Is this the other one or new player joins the stage? Lack of claims for bragging rights from several terror organisations is also important. Hybrid warfare has 1000s of faces.

I hope that I'm completely wrong and that my imagination is leading me nowhere, but this is how it all looks to me in context of initial campaign of inflating every case that fits narrative.

Unfortunately, you are exactly right.
This is EXACTLY, SPOT ON what the community organizing Degrowthers are doing.

07-08-16, 11:01
Has any one heard what type of firearms that was used ? Shooter that was killed was Ex Army reservist out in 2015 and part of a "gun club" just reported

07-08-16, 11:04
Google Philadelphia MOVE bombing. Dropping C4 from a helicopter and taking out a city block

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Wow, I have to admit I have never heard of that before.

07-08-16, 11:04
He's ex Army

07-08-16, 11:07
again with the combat experience ? what no black guys with a chip on there shoulder are/were in the military ?
what about the black guy from the FD that wanted cops killed arrested yesterday ?
again known gang members are in the military ! and very many blacks in general

and the BLM movement is about killing cops and white folks !

he will never be tied to BLM cause Ft Hood was a work place shooting
and the gay club in FL was a lone wolf no idea why ? not a terrorist though
muslims are peaceful BLM is peaceful

07-08-16, 11:10
Watching a BLM "protest organizer" talk here in Dallas in the news..... A white guy with a buzz cut and long beard. Interesting.

07-08-16, 11:13
yeah useful idiot for sure just like the white guys who are muslim jihadis !
kool-aid drinker for sure

Watching a BLM "protest organizer" talk here in Dallas in the news..... A white guy with a buzz cut and long beard. Interesting.

07-08-16, 11:13
And Lynch's speech sucks... Go figure.

07-08-16, 11:17
Watching a BLM "protest organizer" talk here in Dallas in the news..... A white guy with a buzz cut and long beard. Interesting.
The Jeff Hood guy? Pretty sure he's a lunatic

07-08-16, 11:21
Does anyone have statistics on the racial lay out of our military?

What about the racial breakdown of Law Enforcement?

Then we come to the racial breakdown of the prison systems?

In my opinion I believe there will be a pretty large difference between the numbers.

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07-08-16, 11:35
Here's where open carry could have gone seriously wrong. I'm amazed he was not burned down by arriving LE. Maybe he'd left the area by then, but he's a lucky SOB. He was walking around with his AR at the rally. This type of thing adds to the load on the responding LE, adds additional confusion (multiple shooters assumed, etc) and greatly increases potential for shooting by LE that didn't need to happen. Hey, had he been in the right place at the right time to make a difference, great, but more likely he'd be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a 2A supporter taken out in the shit storm and general confusion of the event. To me, this comes under protected Rights, that requires some common sense and use of brain matter, and open carry at such a gathering a bad idea of monumental proportions. Now he's getting death threats:

Man falsely connected to the shooting by Dallas police is now getting ‘thousands’ of death threats

"Amid the confusion, a man in a camouflage T-shirt briefly became one of the most sought individuals in the United States.

Late Thursday, the Dallas Police Department sparked a manhunt for Mark Hughes though a Twitter post, writing, “This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!”

Hughes was openly armed, though footage of the march before the snipers began firing shows him walking without incident among protesters. A woman who was recording the protest, Shantay Johnson, told the Dallas Morning News he had given her a high-five."



07-08-16, 11:40
Here ya go:






I'm saddened a member of the US military has taken such steps, but I doubt this will comes as a huge surprise to anyone, and there's been an uptick of such events after every war sadly.

07-08-16, 11:41
It certainly appears that this was a planned ambush, and that the shooters had at least some kind of training. Remember, this protest was not scheduled ahead of time, so that means this groups was sitting and waiting for the right moment. If there is one group like this, odds are there are others as well, sitting and waiting for the right moment. Scary times we live in. God bless the LEOs, and I pray for everyone to make it home.

Good article on Breitbart RE this line of thinking. Lots of opportunity to use civil unrest as a smoke screen for something else. Hard to tell sheep from wolves and one pack of wolves from another.


07-08-16, 11:53
like the panthers or other radical black groups are not involved with the blm movement ?
yeah its like saying there no racist in the hells angels they are just a bunch of dads with bikes !

BLM is about killing leo and whites ! with some on the edge that refuse to believe that just like how many think islam is a religion of peace and muslims are not terrorists

whats that saying
if muslims are not terrorist then how can anti muslim talk create more terrorists ?

07-08-16, 11:54
Hmmm, a PFC? Looks to be a non-combat MOS looking at his collar in class As. He didn't get much training. I'd say BCT and that's likely it as far as any combat training. I could be wrong...

07-08-16, 12:01
Also heard rumors hes a registered democrat

Here ya go:






I'm saddened a member of the US military has taken such steps, but I doubt this will comes as a huge surprise to anyone, and there's been an uptick of such events after every war sadly.

07-08-16, 12:10
Also heard rumors hes a registered democrat

They always are.

07-08-16, 12:11
Hmmm, a PFC? Looks to be a non-combat MOS looking at his collar in class As. He didn't get much training. I'd say BCT and that's likely it as far as any combat training. I could be wrong...

He was a Reservist, MOS 12W (masonry and carpentry specialist).

07-08-16, 12:13
Said it once, say it 1000 times, nothing in the world could get me to live in a city of any size.....

07-08-16, 12:15
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

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07-08-16, 12:22
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

I actually laughed and snorted out loud.

07-08-16, 12:34
no but google is now backing the BLM movement !

Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

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07-08-16, 12:57
And the stupid rolls on.


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07-08-16, 12:58
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

Kudos to the family of Alton Sterling (Baton Rouge) for this statement during their time of grief:


"We wholeheartedly reject the reprehensible acts of violence that were perpetrated against members of the Dallas Police Department.

Our hearts break for the families of the officers who were lost as they protected protesters and residents alike during a rally.

Regardless of how angry or upset people may be, resorting to this kind of sickening violence should never happen and simply cannot be tolerated.

Members of law enforcement have a very difficult job and the vast majority conduct themselves honorably as they protect and serve our communities.

We maintain that officers who violate the public trust and their training should be held accountable through our country's justice system.

Responding to violence with violence is not the answer."

07-08-16, 13:00
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

A black militant calls for the murder of WHITES and WHITE LEOs then shoots and murders 5 LEO's, wounds six others, as well as a bystander who is black and the Rev. Jesse "Give Me Give Me Give Me Money" Jackson came out this morning and blamed . . . wait for it . . . wait for it . . . DONALD TRUMP.

07-08-16, 13:04
no but google is now backing the BLM movement !

How so?

07-08-16, 13:11
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

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It is Trump's fault. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3680429/It-s-kind-anti-black-mood-Reverend-Jesse-Jackson-points-finger-Donald-Trump-followers-rise-mean-spirited-division-America.html)

07-08-16, 13:22
It is Trump's fault. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3680429/It-s-kind-anti-black-mood-Reverend-Jesse-Jackson-points-finger-Donald-Trump-followers-rise-mean-spirited-division-America.html)

Really liked the quote:

"When we say 'Black Lives Matter' we're not saying blue lives don't matter. We're saying all lives matter."....

So, why is it not called the ALM? You know, All Lives Matter.

I agree, truly, I do, All Lives Do Matter. But this segregation has been being pushed harder and harder every year.

I remember how things were growing up, things have seem to have gotten worse over time... I am not sure, maybe it was just different for us here.

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 13:24
Sent from a member here, who can't post in GD:


"Look at this picture until it causes you discomfort.

These are guys doing their jobs to go home at night (or morning) to their families. They aren't street thugs. They aren't child molesters.

Now try and find some "justification" in what happened in Dallas.

I ****ing DARE you."

Solid insight from everyone on helping out officers if you're CCWing or being a Responsible Armed Citizen, too. More people need to be aware of being part of the solution and not the problem .

07-08-16, 13:28
Two of the dead officers were friends of a friend of mine. :(

Alex V
07-08-16, 13:29
Looks like this POS was a "masonry and carpentry specialist?" Army Corp of engineers? Don't think this is a combat MOS. please correct me if I am wrong.

07-08-16, 13:35
Two of the dead officers were friends of a friend of mine. :(

Dude...sorry for your loss. Shit sandwich for sure.

07-08-16, 13:51
Has anyone heard about the others DPD had in custody? There was a female and some other males reported as in custody last night.

I still have a hard time believing he acted alone.

07-08-16, 14:01
Has anyone heard about the others DPD had in custody? There was a female and some other males reported as in custody last night.

I still have a hard time believing he acted alone.

Still in custody, not cooperating with investigators.

I said this last night many pages back, Dallas is home to and the birth place of the NBPP and the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, both black militant factions.

Photos of him in black militant regalia along with other black militants, possible he had support from one or both groups but nothing has been confirmed.

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 14:07
Damn, dude. Really sorry to hear that.

Two of the dead officers were friends of a friend of mine. :(

07-08-16, 14:20
Have any "leaders" in the black community condemned these attacks? I haven't seen or heard anything.

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I don't know if that rhetorical or just pondering aloud. Are you perhaps expecting Obama to trot out a 'representative' to speak reason. Sort of like the Muslim leader at the Orlando press conferences? Here is what was said just hours before the attack.


07-08-16, 14:33
Said it once, say it 1000 times, nothing in the world could get me to live in a city of any size.....

Second that. Not that you can't be had in Smallville, USA. As Bill Hickok found out.

Hereabouts I'm the nondescript guy in McDonald's sitting in a tactically good spot sipping his senior coffee, checking out M4C on his I-Pad.

07-08-16, 14:47

This would lead me to believe he acted alone. Or he didn't plan on having any help at the time he wrote it. I could be wrong.

Hopefully no one believes he had PTSD. Well, logic would dictate that he did not. Just anger management and possible borderline personality disorder.

07-08-16, 14:56
So... He is distancing himself from BLM now, from the afterlife?


I guess this will be the reasoning that BLM had nothing to do with it and their agenda didn't drive him at all..

Or, does this mean that BLM is to blame, considering that it sounds like the culmination of being betrayed "by his country" and how BLM was now "torn the real message of truth".

07-08-16, 15:02
I never even heard of 12W, so I did some reading on the army forum. According to the active duty 12Ws there, some of their guys saw combat early on in the invasion, but apparently it was an isolated incident. According to them, 12W is completely separate from 12B. They did however warn that 12Ws are subject to IEDs as they travel a lot. Long story short, I seriously doubt this guy has PTSD, but it's technically possible...assuming he was even deployed. For all we know, he spent his entire career in the states.

As for weapons training, it doesn't look like they do much after basic. Aside from the occasional trip to the range, I think it's safe to say that he got 95+ percent of his weapons training via private instruction. A prospect that leaves me highly surprised and utterly dumbfounded.

07-08-16, 15:03

Do you mind if I use your screen shot of the dirt bag's manifesto?

07-08-16, 15:04
This would lead me to believe he acted alone. Or he didn't plan on having any help at the time he wrote it. I could be wrong.

Hopefully no one believes he had PTSD. Well, logic would dictate that he did not. Just anger management and possible borderline personality disorder.

Let us not even bring those issues up because it will denigrate this and draw attention away from what it really is: a racist POS who hated white people. Just as Shitstain tried to make Orlando into a "hate crime" and mental disorder so he will also latch onto anything other than what it really is in this instance and try to further his anti-gun agenda.

07-08-16, 15:09
So... He is distancing himself from BLM now, from the afterlife?


I guess this will be the reasoning that BLM had nothing to do with it and their agenda didn't drive him at all..

Or, does this mean that BLM is to blame, considering that it sounds like the culmination of being betrayed "by his country" and how BLM was now "torn the real message of truth".

I read it as the bolded bit being a part of his prerogative. BLM isn't militant enough, might even be starting to see how dumb their exculionary rhetoric is and changing that, thus becoming part of the reason for his percieved betrayal.

07-08-16, 15:09
I never even heard of 12W, so I did some reading on the army forum. According to the active duty 12Ws there, some of their guys saw combat early on in the invasion, but apparently it was an isolated incident. According to them, 12W is completely separate from 12B. They did however warn that 12Ws are subject to IEDs as they travel a lot. Long story short, I seriously doubt this guy has PTSD, but it's technically possible...assuming he was even deployed. For all we know, he spent his entire career in the states.

As for weapons training, it doesn't look like they do much after basic. Aside from the occasional trip to the range, I think it's safe to say that he got 95+ percent of his weapons training via private instruction. A prospect that leaves me highly surprised and utterly dumbfounded.

He completed one deployment to Afghanistan totaling 8 months.

He was in the Reserves, and I am highly doubtful that at the timeline he was deployed there were any combat operations of any kind a Reserve 12W would be taking part in.

The only ones I have ever seen built useless shit like decks for B-huts and target stands when downrange.

07-08-16, 15:15
Two of the dead officers were friends of a friend of mine. :(

Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

07-08-16, 15:19
Thoughts and prayers to you and yours.

Just to clarify, I did not know those officers, my friend used to work with them. But thanks, condolences were passed on through my friend.

07-08-16, 15:23
Just to clarify, I did not know those officers, my friend used to work with them. But thanks, condolences were passed on through my friend.

Sorry, I missed that but please do pass them on.

07-08-16, 15:24

Do you mind if I use your screen shot of the dirt bag's manifesto?

Not at all sir.

07-08-16, 16:15
I have never heard of police using an explosive to take out a suspect. Is that something that is in the playbook or was it more of a one off type thing? Seems much better than stacking and going into the room with a determined asshole with a rifle.

I'm uncomfortable with this. A robot with a bomb is a land version of a drone. I'm not against him dying, I just don't like the civilian escalation of weaponry. Gas the bejesus out of him.

So do we get to take down all the BLM flags? That was to blame in the last race related mass shooting. Without guns and flags, we would all be safe.

07-08-16, 16:24
I'm uncomfortable with this. A robot with a bomb is a land version of a drone. I'm not against him dying, I just don't like the civilian escalation of weaponry. Gas the bejesus out of him.

Nothing new:

On May 13, 1985, the police, along with city manager Leo Brooks, arrived in force and attempted to clear the building and execute the arrest warrants.[16] This led to an armed standoff with police,[17] who lobbed tear gas canisters at the building. The police said that MOVE members fired at them; a gunfight with semi-automatic and automatic firearms ensued.[18] Commissioner Sambor then ordered that the compound be bombed.[18] From a Pennsylvania State Police helicopter, Philadelphia Police Department Lt. Frank Powell proceeded to drop two one-pound bombs (which the police referred to as "entry devices"[16]) made of FBI-supplied water gel explosive, a dynamite substitute, targeting a fortified, bunker-like cubicle on the roof of the house.[19]
