View Full Version : Dallas, BLM, DTOM?

07-08-16, 10:06
Mods: I just noticed this was placed in the AR GD, and not the GD. That was my mistake, if you could move it it would be appreciated.

I have a question that will possibly piss some of you off, but I'm going to ask anyway.

First let me state a few things.

1. I think what happened in Dallas is/was the absolute wrong way to go about things. I think all involved should be classified as Domestic terrorist and be handle as such. I feel sorrow for the families that had to wake up without a husband, wife, mother, or fathers today. Nobody should have to go through that. I support the Dallas PD. They were there protecting people of the same group of people that want them dead, making sure the BLM had the right to exercise that right to a peaceful protest, even thought it was essentially against them. Then when they shots rang out they placed themselves between the BLM and the gun fire. I see them as heroes.

2. I do not support the black lives matter movement.

3.I am an American born and raised of a Mexican descent. I had a lot of unfavorable run ins with the law growing up that could have been deemed racial profiling to the point where I hated the LEOs with a passion due to the wrong I had encountered, though I have never once been arrested in my whole life. Once I started carrying a gun when I turned 18, I realized I had to find a different way to handle my encounters with LEOs, changing my attitude, my appearance, and also the place and people I hung around. Since I turn 18, I have had nothing but favorable encounters with LEOs. I no longer hate them but now respect them and view them in a much different light than I once did. I sympathize with what they have to go thought in this day and age with a camera on everything they do.

4. I feel that LEOs are being unjustly viewed as the villains in our society, and we never get to see what happens before all these videos that get released just the after math.

5. As a minority I hate being stereotyped, but understand why I am when I see so many living up to the standard set by others.

6. I believe firmly in the 2A and the right to bare arms , no matter what you are doing or where you go. I don't see the 2A having any limitations. I believe that the average citizen should be able to defend themselves from a tyrannical government with the same weapons the government has. Every citizen should be able to fight back on a equal playing field, but I see why that can't be. I don't support the NFA, the 68 GCA, I thinking the Left are the root of most of the issues we are seeing on a daily basis, and being politically correct is for the weak. If I say something that hurts your feeling that says more about you than it does about me. Toughen up.

7. I think when you resist arrest, make threatening gestures, or make a LEO fear for his safety you should be handled as such. If a cop is in a bad neighborhood that he knows is mostly criminals, he should be aware and always be vigilant.

8. I've always loved to argue, but only when I can be objective and see the fight from both sides, and try to understand the mentality of both.

Now that this is done. Let me get started.

There's those of you here that believe a few thing that I see constantly spewed out of 2A followers mouths, that has me questioning the irony and sincerity of some of you. Here's a few:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable - John F. Kennedy


Don't Tread on Me.

Now what do these mean to you? You say don't thread on me, then condemn what is happening in Dallas. You shouldn't.

Those here that state DTOM say you are willing to start a civil war if someone threatens to take away you gun rights, but who would you be shooting at? The local PD? The National guard? It would not be at the politicians that made these laws, thats for damn sure. It would be at the people being told to do their job and take your guns whether or not they believe in the cause.

Here's the question:

So black people around this country feel that their right to life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being treated in this county, which I view life is more important than the right to own a gun. They feel they are being targeted for genocide (which I don't not believe). This is their violent revolution, they think their right to life is being taken away, the are saying the same thing as you about gun rights shouldn't you be supporting them? They're fighting the same cause you are, a lose of constitutional rights, unalienable rights, and now we are seeing people fighting back. Why aren't you supporting them? Are they wrong?

They are doing what you say you're willingly to do, but now it seems you don't have the stomach for DTOM.

Perhaps you truly don't mean Don't Tread on me when you say Don't tread on me. Perhaps you feel it doesn't apply to minorities, maybe it's only a war cry for those that have never experienced racism, profiling, or any social injustice.

Is there any difference? Am I the only one who sees the irony? Take an objective look.

This is only a question from someone play devils advocate, this question doesn't not reflect my views. I don't support the killing of LEOs or any other innocent person as a way to bring about change. It's wrong.

07-08-16, 10:34
This belongs in the "General Discussion" forum at the bottom of the page. Please remove it from here.

07-08-16, 10:36
This belongs in the "General Discussion" forum at the bottom of the page. Please remove it from here.

Note the top of the thread where I ask for it to be moved after I noticed it was place in the wrong section.

07-08-16, 10:54
I think there's a big difference between an LEO acting on behalf of a truly tyrannical government where civil discourse is no longer possible and an individual shooting cops that are actually at a scene allowing a protest that is against them, to be held in a peaceful manner.

07-08-16, 11:16
BLM is not fighting for freedom for all. They are fighting for special privileges at the expense of others and for government sponsored subsidies. They condone criminal activities to force contact with the police and make martyrs of felons. They use terror and fear. They care not for honor. Would you really want to live in a nation built on such a foundation?

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 11:29

BLM is a radical terrorist organization/domestic insurgency, and should be dealt with accordingly.

It's one thing to have police kicking in doors and mowing down grandmothers without a rap sheet for "being a minority" or getting their "Tienenman Square" on; in case I missed something, that's NOT happening here.

BLM is not fighting for freedom for all. They are fighting for special privileges at the expense of others and for government sponsored subsidies. They condone criminal activities to force contact with the police and make martyrs of felons. They use terror and fear. They care not for honor. Would you really want to live in a nation built on such a foundation?

07-08-16, 11:30
BLM is not fighting for freedom for all. They are fighting for special privileges at the expense of others and for government sponsored subsidies. They condone criminal activities to force contact with the police and make martyrs of felons. They use terror and fear. They care not for honor. Would you really want to live in a nation built on such a foundation?

No, not at all.

I believe strongly at this point the BLM should be classified as a terrorist organization for the ideal they are spreading, again in no way do I support them. I'm sure many of you feel the same.

I also believe that many of these cases that videos emerge of cops killing people regardless of race aren't showing the whole story. People are focus on the race of the person rather than the actions taken by that person before the issue begun with the LEOs that would paint the picture in an entirely different light,perhaps would show the person killed was probably the cause of their own demise.

People need to stop focusing on the race of a person and focus on the crime(s) committed.

07-08-16, 12:30
Don't Tread on Me.

Now what do these mean to you? You say don't thread on me, then condemn what is happening in Dallas. You shouldn't.

Those here that state DTOM say you are willing to start a civil war if someone threatens to take away you gun rights, but who would you be shooting at? The local PD? The National guard? It would not be at the politicians that made these laws, thats for damn sure. It would be at the people being told to do their job and take your guns whether or not they believe in the cause.....

Warning- this may piss some of you off.... but how is that "for damn sure"? Are these people some sort of superhuman protected class?
Let's pretend things have gone full metal retard, an it's time to start busting out the hatchets and muskets....
Logic dictates if certain persons are the ones causing the issue, then they're the ones that need to be made to change their tune....
Engaging an overwhelming force whose loyalties may be unsure is pointless, unless in the service of a greater objective, or to combat proven hostile elements.
"Just following orders" ain't an excuse either.

Taking a few potshots at some random cops doing nothing to stop or interfere with an apparently peaceful protest isn't revolution, it's dicktardery.

Dear NSA- plz don't send me to siberia. :o

07-08-16, 12:51
The problem with the BLM movement is twofold- first there are people that utilize the movement to incite violence and hope for a riot so they can loot. They are not truly in it to bring about a change of perspective. Second, we have a large group of people in this country that choose to vilify police based upon the actions of a few, but cry unfair when their race/neighborhood/class are vilified due to the actions of a few. Both sides are wrong and hypocritical. Let's roll back the clock a few decades. When I was growing up it was taught "don't run from the police or you could be shot - assumption of guilt", "be respectful of those in civil service and follow their instructions, as that is the quickest path to resolution ". Now children are being taught that it is ok to verbally assault the police, and that you should assume they are out to get you. When I was growing up, if the police brought me home, I was in trouble with the parental units no questions asked and my parents would be both apologetic and embarrassed. Now you see parents screaming at police and told they are going to get sued simply for making physical contact. Both sides have become hyper-sensitive and the sides are moving further apart.
I always assume that we haven't seen/heard the full story.

Doc Safari
07-08-16, 14:03
Jeez. It just dawned on me you guys are talking about BLM (Black Lives Matter) and not BLM (Bureau of Land Management). Both are terrorist organizations in my book.

07-08-16, 14:40
**This dumbass needs some situational awareness, pay attention the topic at hand, and keep his posts relevant.**

07-08-16, 15:31
The problem with the BLM movement is twofold- first there are people that utilize the movement to incite violence and hope for a riot so they can loot. They are not truly in it to bring about a change of perspective. Second, we have a large group of people in this country that choose to vilify police based upon the actions of a few, but cry unfair when their race/neighborhood/class are vilified due to the actions of a few. Both sides are wrong and hypocritical.

I agree with this. If the movement was about how to get American families back together, to start actually getting or finish an education, get and keep jobs and better THEMSELVES, then it would be embraced wholeheartidly by a vast majority of Americans I believe. As they instead decided to only care about black Americans, and then further allow their 'movement' to retard any actual benefit it may have been able to champion through misinformation and intimidation, they are radicals and therefore only attract radicals and weakminded.

07-08-16, 15:52
A few things about BlackLivesMatter to remember. The whole movement is based on the lie of "Hands up, don't shoot". They promote the lie that cops around the country just go around randomly shooting black people. They have, contrary to what they say on FB and Twitter, have advocated the killing of police ("Pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon!" and "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want 'em? NOW!") Not to mention, the POTUS has had their leadership at the White House and thanked them for their efforts, so you know where he stands.

So, IMO, f*** them.

07-08-16, 16:42
I agree with this. If the movement was about how to get American families back together, to start actually getting or finish an education, get and keep jobs and better THEMSELVES, then it would be embraced wholeheartidly by a vast majority of Americans I believe. As they instead decided to only care about black Americans, and then further allow their 'movement' to retard any actual benefit it may have been able to champion through misinformation and intimidation, they are radicals and therefore only attract radicals and weakminded.

no its always someone elses fault. 93% blacks killed by fellow blacks but thats none of my business

Outlander Systems
07-08-16, 16:45
Warning: Make ready thy barf bags:


A few things about BlackLivesMatter to remember. The whole movement is based on the lie of "Hands up, don't shoot". They promote the lie that cops around the country just go around randomly shooting black people. They have, contrary to what they say on FB and Twitter, have advocated the killing of police ("Pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon!" and "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want 'em? NOW!") Not to mention, the POTUS has had their leadership at the White House and thanked them for their efforts, so you know where he stands.

So, IMO, f*** them.

07-08-16, 17:52
years in the making with the Left giving a platform and exposure to violent thugs. Left continues to align itself with violent leftists and violent Islam.


07-08-16, 18:03
Warning: Make ready thy barf bags:



That's cute.

07-08-16, 18:38
A few things about BlackLivesMatter to remember. The whole movement is based on the lie of "Hands up, don't shoot". They promote the lie that cops around the country just go around randomly shooting black people. They have, contrary to what they say on FB and Twitter, have advocated the killing of police ("Pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon!" and "What do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want 'em? NOW!") Not to mention, the POTUS has had their leadership at the White House and thanked them for their efforts, so you know where he stands.

So, IMO, f*** them.

Great post, elected Democrat Sheriff Clarke (who is black) said the same thing today and referenced this is all Marxist Alinsky tactics. Alinsky was a mentor of Hillary and influenced Obama's radical leftist mentors/professors.

07-08-16, 19:00
Clarke nailed blm being at fault for Gliniewicz murder too.

07-08-16, 19:54
Great post, elected Democrat Sheriff Clarke (who is black) said the same thing today and referenced this is all Marxist Alinsky tactics. Alinsky was a mentor of Hillary and influenced Obama's radical leftist mentors/professors.

I saw that this morning. Sheriff Clarke gave Obama and Jesse Jackson the verbal smackdown. It was great.

07-08-16, 20:10
I came across this organization and was able to cache their FB page before it was taken down. Here are some screen shots I took. What do you think?











07-08-16, 20:43
Under any other president, this group, if they truly exist, would be considered a terrorist organization and would be investigated as such. However, even if there are a string of attacks by people claiming allegiance to this BPPO, the FBI and the president would still dismiss them as unconnected, loan wolf attacks.

We'll see in coming days if this is BS, or if this is start of the American version of The Troubles.

07-08-16, 21:27
The Black supremacy movement is shockingly pervasive and influential. This country is in big trouble. Condemning BLM gets one labelled a racist in many parts of the country. The Age of Idiocy is here.

07-08-16, 21:59
I saw that this morning. Sheriff Clarke gave Obama and Jesse Jackson the verbal smackdown. It was great.

Clarke smacked Obama down when Gliniewicz was murdered also.

Really a great sheriff and not afraid to put his profession above any other considerations.

07-08-16, 22:38

07-08-16, 22:48

I can honestly say that despite not being black, I've no shit wept over more black bodies, gotten a bloodlust over black victims, and have spent time with more black youth than this cunt and any of these black loudmouths on TV.

07-08-16, 22:54
Live and let live.

All I want until it becomes impossible.

I don't fear death but I am at the point where I can't bear to see anymore death or suffering

07-08-16, 23:02
Off topic a little, but Mexican is not a race. That is a nationality. Latino would be their race.

07-08-16, 23:11
Bitch says “We’ve got to figure out what is happening when routine traffic stops, when routine arrests, escalate into killings …"

Oh, I think I figured it out just fine. Criminals resist law enforcement, get violent, or at least stupid, then get shot.

"Clearly, there seems to be a terrible disconnect between many police departments and officers and the people they have sworn to protect,”

No shit. The disconnect is the violence toward police by the criminals who lack decent morals or even common sense.

07-08-16, 23:15
I wonder how many votes she just lost and or gained?

07-08-16, 23:31
I wonder how many votes she just lost and or gained?

Everyone with an Obamaphone will vote for her. But they were gonna vote that way anyhow.

07-08-16, 23:36
You must also mean all those that don't pay ANY taxes and have their hands in the government kitty?

07-08-16, 23:58
You must also mean all those that don't pay ANY taxes and have their hands in the government kitty?

Let me say something scary. Politicians are a mirror of mainstream society. The average dipshit already believes that white cops deliberately target minority individuals because they can get away with killing them and in most cases it is racially motivated. They actually believe that shit.

I have had way too many discussions where somebody has actually said "You have to admit a huge percentage of cops are killing black people for little or no reason, the only difference is now thanks to the internet and phone video we are learning how pervasive it is."

People like Lynch, Clinton and the rest are simply telling potential voters what they want to hear and already believe.

07-09-16, 00:23
Let me say something scary. Politicians are a mirror of mainstream society. The average dipshit already believes that white cops deliberately target minority individuals because they can get away with killing them and in most cases it is racially motivated. They actually believe that shit.

I have had way too many discussions where somebody has actually said "You have to admit a huge percentage of cops are killing black people for little or no reason, the only difference is now thanks to the internet and phone video we are learning how pervasive it is."

People like Lynch, Clinton and the rest are simply telling potential voters what they want to hear and already believe.
Truth. We the people are only to blame for the things have become unfortunately.

Outlander Systems
07-09-16, 00:24
Great. Pander to it.

She just said to the black community that she fully intends to keep the dependency cycle rolling, and keeping them stuck where they're at. In perpetuity.

The problem is that they're not realizing that they're being played...again.

They are their own worst enemy, and shitweasels like Clinton, and other leftists, have convinced them that they're victims.

They're victims alright. But not in the way they believe.

I really wish black America could wake up to the fact that the left has been pissing on their backs and telling them it's raining...for decades.

The left are pathological enablers. The left are political leeches, simultaneously holding entire swaths of the population down through entitlement programs, whilst beating up on another segment through oppressive taxation, perpetuating an endless cycle of victimhood and government-sanctioned robbery.

This road the left is on will ultimately end with the U.S. as a third world country, and instead of lifting the black community out of the ghetto, and out of victim mentality, they're going to end up turning the entire country into an open-air cesspit.

Meanwhile, people like Hillary Clinton will amass unprecedented power and wealth.

Gotta hand it to 'em; they're expert swindlers.

07-09-16, 00:44
Every single alphabet soup/LEO/PMC/PSD/armed guard person assigned or requested to protect her needs to simply say "No" from now on. Seriously. There is no way I could ever take a bullet, or even a grimace from that [derogatory female expletive]. I can't possible fathom why anyone else could either.

I truly wonder if there's an unspoken understanding amongst anyone on her protection detail that, should things go south, they'll make it look good, but ultimately be juuuuust too slow...

07-09-16, 00:51
The Black supremacy movement is shockingly pervasive and influential. This country is in big trouble. Condemning BLM gets one labelled a racist in many parts of the country. The Age of Idiocy is here.

So much as saying "Just because I'm white doesn't mean I'm a racist," is racist. Anything except lowering your shields, surrendering your ships, and submitting to BLM is racist.

Sometimes I wish that white privilege was a thing. Maybe I wouldn't be stuck in a shitty apartment, working a dead end job, getting turned down for better paying jobs that I'm more than qualified for if the world handed me things on a silver platter for being white. Alas, there's white privilege, but apparently it means "white privilege for every white person except BoringGuy45."

07-09-16, 01:11
Latinos as I understood was more the heritage of where one lived grew up or ancestors of a area not the race but its used to describe people from those places of many races
the race would be more like Hispanic or Mayan, Incan, Aztec where the later 3 and a few more would be the original natives of Central America
and most Mexicans are Spanish decent from when they conquered the true natives as called Latinos for ease of grouping :)
and this is what I found when living down there tons of racism between the Latino ! the Spanish think they are superior to others and act and treat others so !

and as such racism is all over the place and as I understand many blacks are racist against other blacks as well as other cultures
just like some white folks are racist against other white folks do to where your ethnic or religious background is
when I lived in the Caribbean the island I was on the blacks and whites had no issues with each other but both sides hate the spaniards !

I think we just have to come to grip humans hate other humans
starts in HS where your school is superior and then goes onto colleges and then onto sports fanatics and so on !!!

Off topic a little, but Mexican is not a race. That is a nationality. Latino would be their race.

07-09-16, 01:38
I really wish black America could wake up to the fact that the left has been pissing on their backs and telling them it's raining...for decades.

I wish black America would stop living as "black" and realize they are getting dealt the same shitty cards as the rest of us. Actual racism, and I mean the real thing - not somebody said something unkind, hasn't existed for most people in a long time.

The big deal about the Charleston church shooting was the fact that something like that really hasn't happened since the 1970s. There are no more "caught on the wrong side of town after dark" lynchings. White people are far more likely to be targeted for the "knockout game" than blacks are to be targeted by racist skinheads.

Wish everyone could just wake up to a level playing field, get educated if you desire, get a job based upon that education or other skills you possess, follow the rules and just live your life.

I don't live as a white person, I don't worry if my clothes are white, if my music is white or if I'm speaking like a white person (beyond the understanding that my personal vernacular might not be accepted at my place of employment). I'd hate to think that aspects of my life would be dictated to me by the white community. That would drive me nuts.

I honestly don't understand why "some" people let others with nothing more than commonality of skin pigment dictate terms to them. I can understand coming together to honor or preserve culture or heritage, of course that makes me more Asian than white in my case, but the idea of a "white community" means I would have to actually like the Clintons.

And that is why racism is wrong.

07-09-16, 02:47
Leftist responses in RED.

I wish black America would stop living as "black" and realize they are getting dealt the same shitty cards as the rest of us. Actual racism, and I mean the real thing - not somebody said something unkind, hasn't existed for most people in a long time.

It's called systematic racism these days.

I don't live as a white person, I don't worry if my clothes are white, if my music is white or if I'm speaking like a white person (beyond the understanding that my personal vernacular might not be accepted at my place of employment). I'd hate to think that aspects of my life would be dictated to me by the white community. That would drive me nuts.

That's the definition of white privilege.

07-09-16, 03:16
This made me laugh:


07-09-16, 03:18
That's the definition of white privilege.

To that I reply, I'm trans black and culturally Asian.

07-09-16, 03:20
The Black supremacy movement is shockingly pervasive and influential.

Nope, they are just useful idiots to the power players, that doesn't make them any less dangerous.

Cultural Marxism is why BLM is a thing and gaining traction.

07-09-16, 03:27
This made me laugh:



07-09-16, 04:05
Relax fellas, Hilldog is down with the struggle and speaks the language . . .


07-09-16, 05:03
My top 10.

Currently in the US there are certain laws that apply to ONLY African American. These laws don't particular pertain to every single African American in the US but are made readily available under certain circumstances.

1. There are currently 31 federally funded programs dedicated to African American.

2. There are currently 113 federally subsidized NPO's that reach out to the specific needs of African American: Congressional Black Caucus, National Urban League, NCAAP, National Action Network, National Council of Negro Women, Rainbow/PUSH, Congress of Racial Equality, A New Way Forward, Active Voice, Center for Research on Social Change, Race Matters Institute, Search for Common Ground and many others.

3. There are currently as of June 2016, 817 scholarships funds dedicated to providing African American an avenue into a University/College. 128 of which are partially subsidized by the federal government, 3 of which are federally funded and passed by legislation. Over 500 of those scholarships are fully funded and require at least a 2.0GPA.

4. Affirmative Action, though isn't an act that is only available to African Americans, but Latinos and Asians as well. Though African Americans who work for the federal government have lower requirements than Whites, Asians and Latinos. One big difference is education, where a high school diploma is mandatory for any federal government job, a GED is sufficient for an African American. We are talking strictly entry level position with a pay schedule around GS 4-5.

5. Expanding Opportunities for African-American Families is a budget passed by congress in 2008 to assist African Americans with default student loans, mortgages, credit card bills and child support. This budget included additional bi-weekly unemployment aid, long term child support, additional money for higher rent cost, internet, cable television, smart phones and cellular voice & data plans. In 2013 the government wanted to change the name to Expanding opportunities for Successful African American families but was turned down because this budget targets African American that are currently receiving some type of government assistance like health care, housing, auto, food etc.

6. Fannie Mae: As of 2016, They will provide additional mortgage availability to African Americas families with less than desirable credit history to buy a home by allowing a potential home buyer to count the last 36 months of rent and bills as income. This will eliminate the need to manually underwrite riskier loans in exchange for a higher interest rate. - Our aim is to help lenders serve their customers efficiently so that more borrowers qualify and have access to mortgage credit,” Fannie Mae President and CEO Timothy Mayopoulos said in a statement. “Our goal is to make sustainable homeownership a reality in urban communities across the country while reducing risk for taxpayers." - simply put!

7. USDA and Food Stamps. - you can read about it here http://www.cbpp.org/research/facts-about-african-americans-in-the-food-stamp-program

8. An entire month dedicated to black history and to black civil rights leaders. 3 national holidays: Juneteenth, Kwanzaa and Martin Luther King Jr Day.

9. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has made recommendations during the Obama administration to pass legislation on practice/policies etiquette so that African Americans with "non violent" felonies could be considering for employment when seeking a government job. This was talked about a year ago, "non violent" felonies could one day be protected under equal opportunity practices and policies when being considered for a government job.

10. The mandatory 2015 "White Privilege" course our white service men and women had to take. http://www.dailywire.com/news/3996/heres-white-privilege-indoctrination-course-us-james-barrett

Lets move on. Black Lives Matter suggest that black are oppressed and there is a large racial divide in our country as well as a large gap in equality. There might be but our federal government sponsors and invest $489 Billion dollars every single year on African American programs. Personally I think it is a slap in the face. If you look at this at face value you will see that the black community receives help and assistance from the federal government, the way I see it is that the bar was set so high by whites that the federal government came to the conclusion that the black community could in no way come close to obtaining the same results, so they created a Special Olympic type of society just for black people to achieve the same results as there white counterpart yet only have to put in 30% of the effort.

What happened in Dallas, my home town is ironic. A group of black men and women assembled to protest police officers and it was the police officers that died saving there life from a black man who was killing white police officers. Its a paradox. The killer died in the same manner at the hands of the same people he was protesting. Ironic? From what I have learned from police officers in the surrounding areas are that the next BLM rally will be very different. There will be police from several municipalities, sheriffs as well as SWAT that will consider each and every BLM protester as a potential cop killer and they will treat each individual accordingly. If you were upset at something that happened in Minnesota or Louisiana, then why did you chose Dallas to protest? BLM has gone from a political/social reform organization to a suspected terror organization that should at least be put on a watch list. We don't need BLM because as stated, there are well over 500 organizations that support African American interest. I don't agree with killing cops for any reason. I had to delete 4 friends off of Facebook today as well as report one person for putting up no less that 30 memes suggesting that we need to kill more cops and that all cops are Klan members. I noticed while writing that, his profile does not exist anymore. Racism, bigotry, hate, jealousy, greed, deception will be around until the sound of trumpets and the day of judgment.

07-09-16, 08:31
why would blacks and minorities trust a Clinton after her husband put scores of them in prison with the 1994 Crime bill

07-09-16, 09:19
Relax fellas, Hilldog is down with the struggle and speaks the language . . .



07-09-16, 10:04


07-09-16, 10:11
Relax fellas, Hilldog is down with the struggle and speaks the language . . .


How much fire retardant is in that pant suit to keep it from exploding in flames?

07-09-16, 10:24
Leftist responses in RED.

I wish black America would stop living as "black" and realize they are getting dealt the same shitty cards as the rest of us. Actual racism, and I mean the real thing - not somebody said something unkind, hasn't existed for most people in a long time.

It's called systematic racism these days.

I don't live as a white person, I don't worry if my clothes are white, if my music is white or if I'm speaking like a white person (beyond the understanding that my personal vernacular might not be accepted at my place of employment). I'd hate to think that aspects of my life would be dictated to me by the white community. That would drive me nuts.

That's the definition of white privilege.

It is really called being the majority population and there is nothing unjust about it. It is a pure and simple matter of fact about how societal influences work due to numbers. Asian Americans figured this stuff out. They held onto their culture and came to thrive in our great society built upon laws that emphasize individual liberty and personal responsibility despite incongruitly and unjustly being treated as second class citizens and damn near slaves in past American history. But oh let's concede the so called white law system of oppression needs complete dismantling and rebuilding as a black system. This is literally what BLM is calling for as a black power movement of various degrees. 'Sounds a lot like... segregation...

07-09-16, 13:53
What happened in Dallas, my home town is ironic. A group of black men and women assembled to protest police officers and it was the police officers that died saving there life from a black man who was killing white police officers.

I don't recall hearing that the shooter or shooters were firing into the crowd of protestors. I thought that the shooter or shooters were specifically targeting police officers.

If you were upset at something that happened in Minnesota or Louisiana, then why did you chose Dallas to protest?

Isn't it obvious? Because they live in Dallas.

07-09-16, 16:02
People (and I use that term loosely) like HRC and the rest of the left want to keep not just the black community but all of us dependent on the government for everything. Its governmental slavery.

07-09-16, 16:22
I don't recall hearing that the shooter or shooters were firing into the crowd of protestors. I thought that the shooter or shooters were specifically targeting police officers.
they didn't know that at the time did they? When shots are fired, everyone was sent running, the police acted and got everyone they could off the streets. The police blocked off the streets for the publics safety and even escorted people back to there cars for safety.

Isn't it obvious? Because they live in Dallas. I don't complain about the weather in Florida while living in Texas nor do I complain about California's strict gun laws for the same reason. I understand that BLM don't like police but out of all the most recent incidents since Trayvon Martin, all happened in other states, not Texas and certainly not Dallas. Dallas police were targeted and killed because of the anger people had towards police in totally different states. This would indicate, at least in my eyes, that all police officers are targets, regardless of city or state for the BLM vendetta.

07-09-16, 17:19
I don't complain about the weather in Florida while living in Texas nor do I complain about California's strict gun laws for the same reason. I understand that BLM don't like police but out of all the most recent incidents since Trayvon Martin, all happened in other states, not Texas and certainly not Dallas. Dallas police were targeted and killed because of the anger people had towards police in totally different states. This would indicate, at least in my eyes, that all police officers are targets, regardless of city or state for the BLM vendetta.

So when people in Pakistan and Saudi want to protest the US government's use of drones, they should come to the US and have a march on Washington DC?

When people in the US and Western Europe wanted to protest Apartheid in South Africa, they should have gotten on airplanes to Joburg and held mass demonstrations there?

Where would be the appropriate place to hold a protest against the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Should Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan have urged Americans to fly to Moscow to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

Protesters have lives and jobs. You protest where you live, especially when the protests are an immediate response to an event. I'd be shocked if similar protests weren't carried out across the country.

07-09-16, 17:33
I get what "culture" is. WTF does "race" mean any more in a nation founded on ideas, with air travel, the Internet, and more important stuff to deal with???

I'm "half-Irish" Caucasian. Big deal. I call it mutt-American and proud of it. I'm a work in progress as is the country; one day at a time.

It's about character, nada mas.

And Obama would be a scoundrel no matter what color he was in whatever time, place, or age he infested.

07-09-16, 17:39
your comparing global and foreign policy and events to local issues. The use of drones is in response to the US not having jurisdiction and we cannot depend on help from foreign governments.

Millions of protesters gather in DC every year to protest.

BLM is not a unified organization that is recognized by any body of government. Its a movement which was initially founded after a hashtag #blacklivesmatter, following Michael Browns death. The BLM protest that occurred in Dallas the night of the shooting which resulted in the deaths of 5 officers was in response to two separate events that happened in Minnesota and Louisiana.

There will always be protest but the suggestion that people should revolt in there cities from events that happen in other cities unjustified. Similar protest will most likely continue across the country but the end results will not be what BLM expected. It will be far worse.

07-09-16, 17:46
I REALLLLY HOPE some day she's talking thru steel bars...

Big A
07-09-16, 17:55
I REALLLLY HOPE some day she's talking thru steel bars...
I really hope she has a fatal brain aneurysm....

07-09-16, 19:15
I like to see her get taken out by some POS thug that Obama released from prison with a gun from Fast and Furious.

07-09-16, 19:53
Haven't you guys noticed the awfully convenient timing of this? First, the FBI releases their investigation results, then people get upset, then this. The public is now looking elsewhere. I bet HRC wants to give that Dallas sniper a big wet kiss.

The sooner they meet in Hell, the better IMO.

07-09-16, 19:54
Rather it be gnarly disease
Guns are above what she deserves imho :)

I like to see her get taken out by some POS thug that Obama released from prison with a gun from Fast and Furious.

07-10-16, 02:44
I don't recall hearing that the shooter or shooters were firing into the crowd of protestors. I thought that the shooter or shooters were specifically targeting police officers.

That is the story but non-LEOs where hit too, one black female protester was shot in a leg and another male was shot.


07-10-16, 06:48
I like to see her get taken out by some POS thug that Obama released from prison with a gun from Fast and Furious.

That would only negatively affect her and firearm owning civilians.

07-10-16, 16:30
Off topic, and directed at JasonB1....

I can't help but think your Jason Blaha.

Is this you?


Because, if that is you, that explains the heavy duty trolling from JasonB1....

07-10-16, 16:36
Off topic, and directed at JasonB1....

I can't help but think your Jason Blaha.

Is this you?


Because, if that is you, that explains the heavy duty trolling from JasonB1....


So why would you think that?

07-10-16, 18:07
I like to see her get taken out by some POS thug that Obama released from prison with a gun from Fast and Furious.

I think you need to stop! All your doing is building us up, raising our hopes and smashing them all the pieces!

07-10-16, 18:19
I'm wondering what the response would be if due to the President continuing to support the BLM Machine, if the Mayor of Dallas and the Govenor of Texas just told the POTUS, "No Thanks."
After all of the partisan rhetoric and an inability to tell BLM that they are quickly approaching the edge of our patience, what does Obama add to the situation.?
I mean other than to use the deaths of these Officers to spread some more Police hate and to stir the s**t pot of BLM anger a little faster, as I am sure he will do, what do the Families of these Officers get and how is this in any way good for Texas?
Really why bother?

07-10-16, 21:22
Haven't you guys noticed the awfully convenient timing of this? First, the FBI releases their investigation results, then people get upset, then this. The public is now looking elsewhere. I bet HRC wants to give that Dallas sniper a big wet kiss.

The sooner they meet in Hell, the better IMO.

Certainly a continuing theme that these riotous events/shootings happen each time information of big government wrongdoing is exposed. Conveniently shifting attention away from atrocities committed by Obama, Clinton , etc. As short as the general public's attention span is, these big incidents serve to wipe the collective memory clean it would seem.

07-10-16, 21:41
Certainly a continuing theme that these riotous events/shootings happen each time information of big government wrongdoing is exposed. Conveniently shifting attention away from atrocities committed by Obama, Clinton , etc. As short as the general public's attention span is, these big incidents serve to wipe the collective memory clean it would seem.

Well blowing up Baby Food factories is so 90's afterall.

07-11-16, 17:46
Just saw Biden talking about banning "armor piercing bullets".

The interviewer asked what "sporting purpose" AP rounds had.

I love how they fail to mention that soft armor isn't intended to stop rifle rounds.

07-11-16, 17:51
Just saw Biden talking about banning "armor piercing bullets".

The interviewer asked what "sporting purpose" AP rounds had.

I love how they fail to mention that soft armor isn't intended to stop rifle rounds.

Facts and common sense have no place in politics.

Never have and never will.

Politicians get elected off fear not trust.

07-11-16, 19:09
This would indicate, at least in my eyes, that all police officers are targets, regardless of city or state for the BLM vendetta.

Ding, ding, ding.... winner!

The guy in Dallas was writing R. B. and many believe to be G. on the wall in his blood. He told everyone he wanted to kill white cops and whites in general. He asked how many he got and wished he had killed more.

RBG refresher.....

There is most certainly a small segment of society that wants to kill cops and especially white cops. Generally speaking they are part of some black organization. RBG, BP, BLM, whatever... it's a subset no matter how you look at it. I don't think they are real particular about seeing justice with regard to the parties involved in any specific incident. Any dead cop will do. I think BLM many only serve as a cloak though for the true crazies.

07-11-16, 19:14
I'm wondering what the response would be if due to the President continuing to support the BLM Machine, if the Mayor of Dallas and the Govenor of Texas just told the POTUS, "No Thanks."

Oh, I wish.. How I would love to see Texas tell him to just have another party in the Rose Garden with BLM and stay the hell out of Dallas.

07-11-16, 19:34
Haven't you guys noticed the awfully convenient timing of this? First, the FBI releases their investigation results, then people get upset, then this. The public is now looking elsewhere. I bet HRC wants to give that Dallas sniper a big wet kiss.

The sooner they meet in Hell, the better IMO.

Maybe not..... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/poll-most-disapprove-of-fbi-decision-to-exonerate-clinton/ar-BBub9TV?ocid=ansmsnnews11

56% of America wants her charged.

07-11-16, 19:37
Maybe not..... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/poll-most-disapprove-of-fbi-decision-to-exonerate-clinton/ar-BBub9TV?ocid=ansmsnnews11

56% of America wants her charged.
The fact that it's that low saddens me.

07-11-16, 19:41
ditto that low saddens me to but look how many did not want obama care and it happened anyway !!!!

Maybe not..... http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/poll-most-disapprove-of-fbi-decision-to-exonerate-clinton/ar-BBub9TV?ocid=ansmsnnews11

56% of America wants her charged.

07-11-16, 19:58
Ban all the 855 ammo you like.

I'll just stock up on 30 06 and 300 Win Mag. Lots of "sporting purpose" same with sabot slugs for a shotgun. Oodles of "sporting purpose"

Even soccer moms accept that a wood stock weapon isn't "scary".

But again the 2nd Amendment doesn't mention sports, law enforcement, feelings or workplace violence. It doesn't even grant the goddamn right. It acknowledges that the right is inherent and shall not be infringed.

I'm sorry there are, and shall always be, dirtbags in the world.

But the reality is that bad things are going to happen and the test of a man is how he deals with it.

Pens and letters only matter to people who respect them. Preaching to the choir but still.

07-11-16, 21:47
Ding, ding, ding.... winner!

The guy in Dallas was writing R. B. and many believe to be G. on the wall in his blood. He told everyone he wanted to kill white cops and whites in general. He asked how many he got and wished he had killed more.

RBG refresher.....

There is most certainly a small segment of society that wants to kill cops and especially white cops. Generally speaking they are part of some black organization. RBG, BP, BLM, whatever... it's a subset no matter how you look at it. I don't think they are real particular about seeing justice with regard to the parties involved in any specific incident. Any dead cop will do. I think BLM many only serve as a cloak though for the true crazies.

I guarantee that is what he wrote.


07-11-16, 21:51
Off topic, and directed at JasonB1....

I can't help but think your Jason Blaha.

Is this you?


Because, if that is you, that explains the heavy duty trolling from JasonB1....


That guy is a slack jaw poser.

Infinite ELGintensity roasts that guy constantly.


26 Inf
07-11-16, 22:26
Just saw Biden talking about banning "armor piercing bullets".

The interviewer asked what "sporting purpose" AP rounds had.

I love how they fail to mention that soft armor isn't intended to stop rifle rounds.

So you think that is a key point to bring up to these folks? Their response: 'See, all rifles bad except Firefly's Red Rider, wait, put eye out, all rifles bad.'

07-11-16, 23:06
So you think that is a key point to bring up to these folks? Their response: 'See, all rifles bad except Firefly's Red Rider, wait, put eye out, all rifles bad.'

Nope. The juice isn't worth the squeeze. The will never stop lying. It's just hard to watch.

Comic relief:


07-12-16, 04:18
Just saw Biden talking about banning "armor piercing bullets".

Too bad someone didn't chime in and inform Creepy Joe and the assclown interviewing him that Barry already banned 7n6, yes I know it's not AP but tell that to Barry and his ATF. The 02 thief in Dallas used a 5.45x39 Saiga conversion.

07-12-16, 04:22
Ban all the 855 ammo you like.

I'll just stock up on 30 06 and 300 Win Mag. Lots of "sporting purpose" same with sabot slugs for a shotgun. Oodles of "sporting purpose"

Even soccer moms accept that a wood stock weapon isn't "scary".

Not true hombre . . .


Outlander Systems
07-12-16, 05:25
Bro-stick, that's right up there with "Shoulder Thing That Goes Up."

Not true hombre . . .


07-12-16, 08:05
Seriously if the POTUS is not going to tell BLM they need to do a bit of a self check and tone down the violent rhetoric, I would as the Governor of Texas, the Mayor of Dallas or the Dallas Chief of Police ask him to please just stay in DC.
Do we really need him repeating the same tripe that only seems divisionary and that seems to embolden some to call for further violence against LEO's?

The Faux Knews Chix? They're all as dumb as a wet stick when it comes to guns.

07-12-16, 08:56
Here's the question:

So black people around this country feel that their right to life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness is being treated in this county, which I view life is more important than the right to own a gun. They feel they are being targeted for genocide (which I don't not believe). This is their violent revolution, they think their right to life is being taken away, the are saying the same thing as you about gun rights shouldn't you be supporting them? They're fighting the same cause you are, a lose of constitutional rights, unalienable rights, and now we are seeing people fighting back. Why aren't you supporting them? Are they wrong?

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. That's true, but what currently prevents them from their " right to life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? in this country that violent resistance is warranted? I know all manner of highly successful people of color, all of whom with a great disdain for those who use excuses by many why they can't succeed. That's really the Q here. What we have is a large % of people - of all colors - who think they're entitled to do what the want when they want and any authority that tells them otherwise is an oppression to them. Per usual, one needs to break down the current facts, that whites are killed more often by police, vast majority of murders to people of color comes from someone of their own color, etc, etc per discussed here in various threads.

The underlying issue that's under the surface that's not being talked about in public, is an underlying sentiment that because people of color had it so bad in the past, it's payback for whites/those in power, even if it's not logical nor warranted. Similar to the silent majority of Muslims who while not directly involved in any terrorist activities, quietly think it's justified either due to their religious beliefs, and or, their feeling Muslims have been oppressed and this is payback. Adding to that are those who simply want anarchy, and other motives that has nothing to do with racial justice.

07-12-16, 09:39
Not true hombre . . .


A real firearms wizard, that one...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-13-16, 22:32

07-13-16, 23:13
Do not ever use that word here again. Whether you changed the spelling or not. First and only warning.


07-13-16, 23:34
I wonder how he feels about being the modern day equivalent of a rich, white plantation owner's house ni&&er?


OP, the article references info wars...

07-14-16, 04:20
Yes Soros is funding BLM as he did with Occupy.

It's not like CNN/MSNBC/etc. or any of the other gate keepers of the fourth estate will report on it.

Also they sure don't report on one of the BLM founders hiding out in Cuba . . .

On the 40th anniversary of the cold-blooded murder of a New Jersey state trooper, the fugitive convicted of the killing, Joanne Chesimard, has been named a Most Wanted Terrorist by the FBI—the first woman ever to make the Bureau's list of top terrorists.



07-14-16, 05:28
I wonder how he feels about being the modern day equivalent of a rich, white plantation owner's house ni&&er?

Insurance, on Soros part. Trying to make sure THAT house doesn't get burned down, at least. :rolleyes:

07-14-16, 07:36

OMG! They arrested DeRay!


This is the guy whom the monied interests want to lead BLM. Right now he's just #BLM.

Those three looney ladies who started it all will be marginalized and squeezed out before the leaves start to change.

Do not ever use that word here again. Whether you changed the spelling or not. First and only warning.


Welcome to the new home of White Supremacist hate speech.

This problem has been brewing for a long, long time and as a member here I think I'd be more likely banned for pointing it out than for participating in the Hatenanny.

07-14-16, 16:05
Do not ever use that word here again. Whether you changed the spelling or not. First and only warning.


Understood, sorry. :(

Welcome to the new home of White Supremacist hate speech.

This problem has been brewing for a long, long time and as a member here I think I'd be more likely banned for pointing it out than for participating in the Hatenanny.

I was attempting to point out the unbelievable irony of the situation. If you felt I was being a hateful racist, that was absolutely not my intent. However, I will point out that confirmation bias works both ways and leave it at that. Peace out! :agree:

07-14-16, 17:27
Welcome to the new home of White Supremacist hate speech.


That is hilarious considering the verboten opprobrium he referenced is African-American vernacular reserved for those in their community that have been deemed to please white people even if it means disowning their own racial identity.

Hence serving old man Soros and his agenda.

But you already knew that so don't let that get in your way of promulgating the leftist radical fridge tactic of labeling anything "racist" that diverts from your ideology.

07-14-16, 17:31
I was attempting to point out the unbelievable irony of the situation. If you felt I was being a hateful racist, that was absolutely not my intent. However, I will point out that confirmation bias works both ways and leave it at that. Peace out! :agree:

Meh, don't fall for the bait.

The Marxist origins of the word "racist" and calling one's opposition such tripe . . .

"Racist" -- A Word Invented by USSR's Leon Trotsky