View Full Version : Police officers shot & wounded in Missouri, Georgia the morning after Dallas attack

07-08-16, 12:35
Police officers shot & wounded in Missouri, Georgia the morning after Dallas attack https://www.rt.com/usa/350228-police-officer-killed-ballwin/

Watch yours backs

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07-08-16, 12:47
Watching from afar....curious to see if any are truly independent or if there are any connections....

07-08-16, 12:52
Watching from afar....curious to see if any are truly independent or if there are any connections....

Connections aren't what they used to be when everyone is plugged in to a 24 hour news cycle and has a smart phone.
You don't have to join, just "follow" it on twitter.
You don't have to plan or initiate action, just react to the action you see.
As juvenile as it sounds, I think some folks just want to be a part of the drama.

07-08-16, 13:06
Watching from afar....curious to see if any are truly independent or if there are any connections....

The connection is black militantism who's flames have been fanned by Marxist political leaders such as the Community Organizer in Chief, AG Holder, AG Lynch, and the radical fringe propaganda mechanism known as the main stream media.

We've been in a low intensity race war ever since Barry took office, he and his ilk have bolstered civil unrest at every turn.

Doc Safari
07-08-16, 13:11
I think this is being coordinated by subversives maybe all the way to the highest office. They are trying to gin up support for more gun control while pushing their liberal racial agenda. I place the blame squarely at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for fomenting racial and anti-cop hatred.

07-08-16, 13:22
Good God. Prayers for those officers as well. I too wonder if it's related to Dallas/militant activity and not just an unlucky coincidence.

07-08-16, 13:28
Good God. Prayers for those officers as well. I too wonder if it's related to Dallas/militant activity and not just an unlucky coincidence.

This was what I was trying to articulate. Copycat crap? Unlucky coincidence?

Doc Safari
07-08-16, 13:32
Even if it's copycats, this crap could spiral out of control in a heartbeat.

07-08-16, 13:34
Even if it's copycats, this crap could spiral out of control in a heartbeat.

Agreed. That's what I am worried about. Along with jittery cops with itchy fingers.

07-08-16, 14:06
Notice the source?

We have to learn about events that happen in our country (but don't advance the media's agenda) from foreign news sources.

Sad...isn't it?

Did you know that 2 or 3 white perps were shot and killed by police this week? That too never got a mention but you heard all about Baton Rouge and MN, didn't you?