View Full Version : POTUS Dallas Memorial Speach

07-12-16, 14:41
WTF did I just watch...

Did Obama hijack a memorial to talk about racism in America?! Jesus ****ing Christ.

07-12-16, 14:45
Only got 5 more months of his nasty ass.

07-12-16, 15:02
Only got 5 more months of his nasty ass.

And then 8 years of crooked hitlery.

I refused to watch the current resident of the White House speak, same crap/different day.

07-12-16, 15:10
And then 8 years of crooked hitlery.

I refused to watch the current resident of the White House speak, same crap/different day.

Well....I'm being optimistic.

All he had to do was honor the fallen. I couldn't watch (like No TV or anything) but he should get a blog for his cute little ideas and keep it separate from the presidency.

It would be infuriating to see someone turn a memorial event for a fallen comrade into a moment to run the suck.

Alex V
07-12-16, 15:14
Sounds like it's a good thing I missed it.

07-12-16, 15:14
And then 8 years of crooked hitlery.

I refused to watch the current resident of the White House speak, same crap/different day.

Me too. I just can't stand to listen to his divisiveness and gibberish at all.

07-12-16, 15:15
WTF did I just watch...

Did Obama hijack a memorial to talk about racism in America?! Jesus ****ing Christ.

Please don't forget the push for gun control as well.

My bet is many of the officers killed and injured are 2A supporters.

How would you like some asshole at your funeral trying to undo a right which you spent a lifetime defending?

07-12-16, 15:22
... and kicked it off with a joke about how he nailed Michelle first!!!

That man is the most self serving out of touch fool I have ever seen. His words were so carefully worded into accusations and left handed compliments.

... and then the dumb ass said that Castile was known as "Mr. Rogers in Deadlocks" .. you could hear the audience moan. He's in Deadlocks alright... real dead locks.

What a self serving moron. I hate that pleading breathy hushed tone he gets into. That fake passion.

At a funeral!! The self righteous manchild strikes again.

07-12-16, 15:29
Without sounding morbid....I think this is why people should plan their Funerals while still alive.

All I want is immediate friends and family, a 40 oz to be poured, buried upside down, and for The Jim Carroll Band's People Who Died to be played at an onnoxious level.

And a stout lass in bikini armor to throw a firey javelin on a raft igniting it amidst the waters to pay tribute to my 1/684th Viking heritage.

Then everyone should drink and make merry as a celebration of life.

But that's just me.

07-12-16, 15:32
The Governor, The Mayor and The Chief of Police all should have asked him to stay home.
Is it a surprise to anyone that this Mope would step out of bounds on such a solemn occasion to push for some Progressive Socialist Crap?

07-12-16, 15:36
All the while there is another OIS going on at the capital building in DC currently.

07-12-16, 15:41
The officers should have turned their back on that individual.

07-12-16, 16:12
The officers should have turned their back on that individual.

This, they should have taken a page from NYPD.

Also, I wished the families would have told POTUS thanks but no thanks . . .

**** him six ways from Sunday, backwards, and sideways.

07-12-16, 16:31
“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.

Big A
07-12-16, 16:37
Only got 5 more months of his nasty ass.
As president. This dude ain't going away anytime soon. We'll still get his benevolent wisdom on social issues for years to come. But at least it won't be policy decisions, just his idiotic commentary...

Big A
07-12-16, 16:38
All the while there is another OIS going on at the capital building in DC currently.
Wait, what?

07-12-16, 16:39
he need dat glock cuz how els he gonna get dat computer from the rich white folk

“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.

07-12-16, 16:47
“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Hi-Point than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

07-12-16, 16:48
“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.

Wait.... Seven years and 6 months of this administration and this is the straw??? Brother where have you been????

I will admit that that one is pretty retarded. What a buffoon.

07-12-16, 16:56
“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.

Actually, before I was even a teenager I had access to a .38, a shotgun, and an M1 Carbine. The only time for a while that I ever saw a computer was at school. I eventually got a Commodore but it wasn't easy.

I never once considered a life of crime and violence. And if anyone started shit in high school...it wasn't me. It was people packing up and catching people alone.

I read a lot as a kid. Still do. Always keep a book in my jump bag. Good for the morale.

He's proved himself wrong with his own rhetoric. Most of these street creeps have never had basic home training.

I have literally had a woman say "I got six kids. I can't watch em all" in a tone implying that it is somehow my responsibility to wrangle her progeny.

Birth control is SO PLENTIFUL that it isn't funny. There's Plan B and Planned Parenthood. Or, hell, you could wait until you meet a person you intentionally wish to breed with.

There are some inconvenient truths out there but guns are not the problem.

Regardless a funeral for officers who checked 10-8 that day who were thinking "oh well SSDD" and went 10-7 the permanent way is not the place.

Richard Pryor and George Carlin would have had a field day with Obama

07-12-16, 17:26
“We flood communities with so many guns that it is easier for a teenager to buy a Glock than to get his hands on a computer or even a book,”
-The President of the United States

It's official. The President of the United States is a deranged moron.

Official video?
I have a pressing need to share that gem around....

07-12-16, 17:37
Official video?
I have a pressing need to share that gem around....


07-12-16, 17:43
Please don't forget the push for gun control as well.

My bet is many of the officers killed and injured are 2A supporters.

How would you like some asshole at your funeral trying to undo a right which you spent a lifetime defending?

This, and a damn disgrace too.

Coward he is.

07-12-16, 18:12
Never miss an opportunity to push your agenda.
I wish I had some footage of him telling the Officers about how BLM is merely a bunch of innocent folks protesting the deaths of even more innocent black victims like Mike Brown.
Maybe we could go ahead and cut to some of those same protesters chanting for the deaths of those Officers from Dallas before the shootings?
You know the same Officers who turned back, shielded and carried some of them to safety?
I have an idea for our POTUS,
Since you are soon to be unemployed and on the government retirement roles I would challenge you to run the numbers.
If the Civil War was fought to end Slavery, how many white versus black Men from the North laid down their lives to end slavery?
If the First World War was fought to end Imperialism, how many white versus black men died to make that happen?
If the Second World War was fought to end the Axis Armies dominance of Europe and the slaughter of innocent people, how many white versus black guys died to make that happen?
Now mind you Barry, we have several more wars to go and some of them you had a hand in.
So run the numbers and remember your ass is half white and Irish, so you should have a little bit of pride in seeing this.
We (Us white folks) have had the better part of making this world a better place for not only the BLM folks to protest about, but for the world in general.
We didn't bring you here, (for your information your Muslim Brothers had a big part in selling you in to slavery) but we had a big part in freeing your ancestors who were here.
We White folks for the most part have born the brunt of casualties in every war we have fought in since the revolution and when we have come home just wanted to be left alone to pursue prosperous well rounded live and have families. I know you don't like to hear it, but no shit, we built this country.
We've learned from the mistakes of the past, we have grown and become the better nature that Lincoln so eloquently spoke of. We have learned from the fifties and sixties, but damn Barry, you're pressing on us now.
Now, decades after any real racism exists, you want to say thugs like Mike Brown are the norm? That is who we need to have some sympathy and understanding for? If that is the case, you've lost your F'ing mind.
You really need to get in touch with reality Sir. You've lost touch with the very people who have brought you here and have put you twice in to the highest office of the land and possibly the world.
That speech in Dallas, that showed no class and little regard for the lives that were lost.

Oh by the way you F'ing Dick weed, we're related.
Oh and I'm a Lilly White Combat Vet who's been decorated for Valor.

Please feel free to post my rant wherever you might like, I'm pretty much sick of "Berry" being the First Black President, he is half Irish and should be F'ing proud of what that side of his Family has done.

07-12-16, 18:42
In the most severe irony of all, Obama is actually responsible for those deaths for inciting the racial divide and giving legitimacy to the BLM movement which is racist.

Even Bill Clinton, who was more than willing to advance himself by pandering to race, never incited the racism we are seeing today. Obama has undone race relations and we are now back to 1960s violence.

Under Reagan, when Bernie Goetz shot several black males who were trying to rob him, the initial response from black people was generally positive. They were quoted as saying "they ride the trains too, they get victimized too." Sadly Goetz proved to be incredibly racist so pretty much everyone turned their back on him.

With the exception of the Rodney King riots, it hasn't been this bad for a long time.

07-12-16, 19:01
hates police

Indianapolis Metropolitan police are investigating after they say a man shot up an officer’s house on the east side of Indianapolis early Tuesday morning.

According to IMPD, the suspect fired 17 shots into a police car and home. The incident happened around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Police arrested a man a short time later after surveillance cameras captured images of the incident. He was identified as March Ratney, 27.

Police say Ratney was screaming he hated police, and he was wearing a shirt that said “F--- the police” on the front and “Black Lives Matter” on the back.
Thanks President Obama!

07-12-16, 20:59
The Governor, The Mayor and The Chief of Police all should have asked him to stay home.
Is it a surprise to anyone that this Mope would step out of bounds on such a solemn occasion to push for some Progressive Socialist Crap?

The Mayor invited him, on purpose no less! :(

07-12-16, 21:24
The Dallas mayor is a Dem, so...

full transcript if you want to relive the high blood pressure

07-12-16, 21:27
In the most severe irony of all, Obama is actually responsible for those deaths for inciting the racial divide and giving legitimacy to the BLM movement which is racist.

Oh absolutely... and I also think Obama was sending a subtle message to Virginia which is a needed state to win for Hillary. First black Governor Doug Wilder said the other day you would have to be out of your mind to think the divide isn't growing. I'd almost bet Barry was sending a message to Doug to STFU. Unfortunately people everywhere know Barry is nothing more than the man behind the curtain. He's simply the highest paid member of welfare roles because he damn sure has never had an original thought.

Barry is simply the most high profile idiot pressing that BLM BS, and as seen today, there is nothing that will stop him from doing so. Not even slaughtered LEOs.


07-12-16, 21:45
hates police

Indianapolis Metropolitan police are investigating after they say a man shot up an officer’s house on the east side of Indianapolis early Tuesday morning.

According to IMPD, the suspect fired 17 shots into a police car and home. The incident happened around 2:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Police arrested a man a short time later after surveillance cameras captured images of the incident. He was identified as March Ratney, 27.

Police say Ratney was screaming he hated police, and he was wearing a shirt that said “F--- the police” on the front and “Black Lives Matter” on the back.
Thanks President Obama!


Man fires 17 shots into officer’s patrol car and home, screams he hates police

You beat me to it. Here are some more interesting ones.


Police officers pick up bill for diners who didn’t want to sit near them


Three people arrested in alleged plot to kill officers in Baton Rouge

07-12-16, 22:02
It's everywhere......


Obama's America

07-12-16, 22:12

You beat me to it. Here are some more interesting ones.



I certainly hope the waiter told the cook to add some special sauce to table 8's meal. Losers.

07-12-16, 22:23
I don't see how LE put up with it all.

Low pay, everyone hates you and now many are totally cool with killing you for drunk Friday night kicks, the hours are terrible especially at first, there is a constant threat of having your name plastered all over Twitter for merely defending yourself (and the associated death threats toward you and your family), and the POTUS stands up at your funeral and disrespects your sacrifice with political double speak and outright lies.

I mean sheeyittt. At least we were 30+ dudes rolling around in OIF in armored vehicles and came back to some pretty warm receptions.

07-12-16, 23:15

Well, damn he actually said it.
I mean.... at this point are they literally just pulling BS like that out of their ass? It's almost like a contest to see who can come up with the most outrageous "fact", the most applause wins.

07-12-16, 23:33
**** you Barry. Your an class AAA major league asshole.

You could condemn da thug life..... But nope. Did you imagine the perp as one of your sons?

Keep trying dickhead. Your winning some battles, but you'll never win this war. This is America you fuvking prick. Go back to the third world shit hole you came from.

07-12-16, 23:48
I don't see how LE put up with it all.

Low pay, everyone hates you and now many are totally cool with killing you for drunk Friday night kicks, the hours are terrible especially at first, there is a constant threat of having your name plastered all over Twitter for merely defending yourself (and the associated death threats toward you and your family), and the POTUS stands up at your funeral and disrespects your sacrifice with political double speak and outright lies.

I mean sheeyittt. At least we were 30+ dudes rolling around in OIF in armored vehicles and came back to some pretty warm receptions.

I'm glad you say that. The old guard is fed up and saying "eff it" in droves.

Speaking personally, I'm at my limit as well. A LOT of guys who were hard chargers simply are not seeing the point.

This is why the majority of police officers starting out now are either:

a. Pissant 4'11" girls or fat dykey types who let that mouth overload their ass but get promoted after a year and there are no shit street soldiers who are slick sleeves after 15 years

b. Thuggish guys who have dollar sign tattoos and 5 point crown tattoos who are all Alonzo Harris until it gets real then they panic or turn tail

c. Dopey, predominately white, guys who didn't do shit in their youth and had a mid-life crisis and joined police academy at age 40(which is pretty old in police years). The LOOK old but have not damn bit of experience and it shows.

These people accomplish nothing.
Most guys getting out the military might do a year, realize it's stupid and decide to use their GI Bill to get a real job and slay some college girls along the way.

The guys who started young are looking at 40(I know I am) and are realizing that there's a life to be lived. Hard chargers who trained, produced, and actually GAVE A FVCK.

Police work could be the BEST JOB EVER. Seriously. You COULD be a good influence. You COULD right the wrongs. Every day is different. I won't lie....hot or risky calls could be EXCITING. You know...the rush. Feeling the rush. Terror and excitement all at once

It is LITERALLY better than sex. Especially if you get to protect someone who can't protect themselves. Slamming or thumping a bastard who wants to get violent. Tackling the shit out of a piece of trash.

Then there's the chance to be known in the hood. To get familiar with people who you otherwise wouldn't. To have people say "Hey I'm glad you work my neighborhood"
or to have some shady type say "Hey man, that cop's straight." or "He cool".

Nothing better.

But.....the pay cuts...the impossibility of reaching retirement...the politics...tge racist shit.

THE RACIST SHIT. I am NOT Black. But dammit I've shed more tears over black bodies, avenged more black victims, and spent more time with Black youth than freaking Don "Downlow" Lemon or Al Sharpton or Hussein Obama.

There are black kids that I feel like are my kids. I've given out hugs and would stop by just to make sure they weren't mislead by bullshit.

But....an army of lions led by a sheep will be slaughtered by an army of sheep led by a lion.

Too many diversity hire promotes, too much focusing on bullshit and not paying attention to real shit, and peole just not caring has led to a LOT of the last of the old guard either going private or changing vocation.


We don't need bullshit over sensitive, over jumpy, asshole, ego trip bitches who are only good for scratching tickets on bullshit

We need MEN who get out there and see it through. Pro active officers. Guys who get out in their neighborhoods and keep the peace. Even if they they can't do anything at least they care.

I'm sorry but some fat, bitchy dykey Amy Farrah Fowler looking cop does NOT inspire me. I want an easy going but hard charging guy who can handle business showing up, getting the facts, and following through.

But that's not who they want anymore. Politics politics. City councils and county commissioners called every day by these loudmouth no life having ASSHOLES who won't go away until their little agenda rules everyone.

And I fear a braindrain. Like people will have forgotten the art of good old honest ghetto policing.

But you know what....nobody cares what I think.

07-12-16, 23:50

Maybe we could have segregated lunch counters again. That way people wouldn't have to sit next to cops. Do these people not realize they are today's "klan"?

07-13-16, 00:46
I'm glad you say that. The old guard is fed up and saying "eff it" in droves.

Speaking personally, I'm at my limit as well. A LOT of guys who were hard chargers simply are not seeing the point.

This is why the majority of police officers starting out now are either:

a. Pissant 4'11" girls or fat dykey types who let that mouth overload their ass but get promoted after a year and there are no shit street soldiers who are slick sleeves after 15 years

b. Thuggish guys who have dollar sign tattoos and 5 point crown tattoos who are all Alonzo Harris until it gets real then they panic or turn tail

c. Dopey, predominately white, guys who didn't do shit in their youth and had a mid-life crisis and joined police academy at age 40(which is pretty old in police years). The LOOK old but have not damn bit of experience and it shows.

These people accomplish nothing.
Most guys getting out the military might do a year, realize it's stupid and decide to use their GI Bill to get a real job and slay some college girls along the way.

The guys who started young are looking at 40(I know I am) and are realizing that there's a life to be lived. Hard chargers who trained, produced, and actually GAVE A FVCK.

Police work could be the BEST JOB EVER. Seriously. You COULD be a good influence. You COULD right the wrongs. Every day is different. I won't lie....hot or risky calls could be EXCITING. You know...the rush. Feeling the rush. Terror and excitement all at once

It is LITERALLY better than sex. Especially if you get to protect someone who can't protect themselves. Slamming or thumping a bastard who wants to get violent. Tackling the shit out of a piece of trash.

Then there's the chance to be known in the hood. To get familiar with people who you otherwise wouldn't. To have people say "Hey I'm glad you work my neighborhood"
or to have some shady type say "Hey man, that cop's straight." or "He cool".

Nothing better.

But.....the pay cuts...the impossibility of reaching retirement...the politics...tge racist shit.

THE RACIST SHIT. I am NOT Black. But dammit I've shed more tears over black bodies, avenged more black victims, and spent more time with Black youth than freaking Don "Downlow" Lemon or Al Sharpton or Hussein Obama.

There are black kids that I feel like are my kids. I've given out hugs and would stop by just to make sure they weren't mislead by bullshit.

But....an army of lions led by a sheep will be slaughtered by an army of sheep led by a lion.

Too many diversity hire promotes, too much focusing on bullshit and not paying attention to real shit, and peole just not caring has led to a LOT of the last of the old guard either going private or changing vocation.


We don't need bullshit over sensitive, over jumpy, asshole, ego trip bitches who are only good for scratching tickets on bullshit

We need MEN who get out there and see it through. Pro active officers. Guys who get out in their neighborhoods and keep the peace. Even if they they can't do anything at least they care.

I'm sorry but some fat, bitchy dykey Amy Farrah Fowler looking cop does NOT inspire me. I want an easy going but hard charging guy who can handle business showing up, getting the facts, and following through.

But that's not who they want anymore. Politics politics. City councils and county commissioners called every day by these loudmouth no life having ASSHOLES who won't go away until their little agenda rules everyone.

And I fear a braindrain. Like people will have forgotten the art of good old honest ghetto policing.

But you know what....nobody cares what I think.
I'm trying bro...

07-13-16, 01:43
I'm trying bro...

Never thought I'd say this to a cop, but "Do YOU first" and hopefully you are a quick judge of "friend or foe." There was a time, not very long ago, when I expected cops to kind of "put it out there" because that is your job, just like it is the job of military people to shoot at bad guys. Conversely, there was a time, not very long ago, when I knew for sure if I saw a cop "in over his head" that I would not only stop but I'd get into it if he clearly needed the help.

I knew there were a lot of worms in that can, but I honestly believed anybody stuck in that shit situation would understand my intentions and realize I was it for the immediate time being.

I am no longer confident in any of that. I wish to god their was a citizens auxiliary group whose sole purpose is to make sure cops don't get ambushed and to be friendlies if and when it happens. I'd actually be one of those people who would volunteer for that shit. But that would never be allowed.

Even worse, cops have so much shit to think about and so many consequences they must weigh before they decide to protect their own lives that I don't think they are "as capable" of processing the fact that I'm actually coming to assist because it looks like they are way in over their head.

Everything is so bad now it's hard to trust any of it.

07-13-16, 04:47
As president. This dude ain't going away anytime soon.


07-13-16, 08:01
Never thought I'd say this to a cop, but "Do YOU first" and hopefully you are a quick judge of "friend or foe." There was a time, not very long ago, when I expected cops to kind of "put it out there" because that is your job, just like it is the job of military people to shoot at bad guys. Conversely, there was a time, not very long ago, when I knew for sure if I saw a cop "in over his head" that I would not only stop but I'd get into it if he clearly needed the help.

I knew there were a lot of worms in that can, but I honestly believed anybody stuck in that shit situation would understand my intentions and realize I was it for the immediate time being.

I am no longer confident in any of that. I wish to god their was a citizens auxiliary group whose sole purpose is to make sure cops don't get ambushed and to be friendlies if and when it happens. I'd actually be one of those people who would volunteer for that shit. But that would never be allowed.

Even worse, cops have so much shit to think about and so many consequences they must weigh before they decide to protect their own lives that I don't think they are "as capable" of processing the fact that I'm actually coming to assist because it looks like they are way in over their head.

Everything is so bad now it's hard to trust any of it.

It's an impossible job, there is no way I would do it.
My Grandpa told my little brother before he went to the academy, "Why be a Cop? Everybody hates Cops, if you want to help people, be a Fireman, everybody likes Firemen."
Four years on the job, my brother left to be an EMT.

07-13-16, 09:22
Anyone catch that? His statement that it's easier for kids to get a Glock than a computer or a book was all very emotional and such, but BS. Illegal guns are easy enough to get no doubt if you know where to look and have the $, but that does not make them easier to find then a computer or book.

The problem is a culture where a kid chooses a gun over a computer or a book and has the illegally earned cash to buy it. Once again, culture and tool user vs the tool is the issue, which he missed.

It was the guns fault per usual. Even the uber lefty NY Post thought he blew it:

How Obama ruined his Dallas memorial speech

"And then he blew it.

He blew it by going on for almost 25 more minutes, repeating himself endlessly, and broadening his specific focus to a more general preachment about how “we” need to “open our hearts” on the subject of race.

As usual, Obama made strange use of the word “we,” because when he says “we,” he means “you,” and when he means “you,” he means people who aren’t as enlightened and thoughtful as he and his ideological compatriots are.

Worse yet, the excessive length gave rise to a few extraordinarily ill-conceived flourishes that would have been discarded from a more contained and controlled final speech.

By far the most jaw-dropping was his assertion that it’s easier for a poor kid in a struggling neighborhood to get a Glock than a book. That’s not presidential. That’s Bill Maher, or Trevor Noah."



07-13-16, 09:32
The best statement was:

"We're not as divided as people think we are."

So, you're admitting that your attempt at dividing the people and police have failed?

Or, does this just undermine the 100+ speeches from before in which he declared we were more racially divided then we were aware of. How much of a blind eye is turned towards our division...

Oh, but we're not: "As divided as I think I made you all." is what he should have said.

The glock comment had me yelling: "Oh Bull-F-ing-Shat"

I had my nephew, in highschool, in the room as well and I asked him: "What's easier to get; a computer, a book, or a gun?" he just snorted and said that he was happy they only had five more months of him.

While I don't agree with everything that 15 year old thinks, we agree on guns, and we agree that his rhetoric is maddening.

And, to top it all off, this was in front of the nation, in front of all of those fallen officer's friends and families, and he spat in their faces with that "memorial".

That memorial was for his failed policies, his division of the people, and how he's going to backtrack to cover it up and put distance between his past actions and his future ones.

My nephew is right though... Five more months.

07-13-16, 09:47
He could not just let this be about the fallen and not turn it into a manifesto for his political beliefs...could he?

I knew his speech would be bad, but I did not expect it to be that bad.

...a new low...from someone that never disappoints us on low speeches.

07-13-16, 10:46
This has been a topic of discussion.

Dallas police memorial (https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?186207-Dallas-police-memorial)

Big A
07-13-16, 15:46

Hilary would not allow that. It is her turn after all...

07-13-16, 17:51
Threads merged. Please use clear, descriptive subject lines to help avoid duplicate thread starts. Especially if its a current event certain to be discussed.

07-15-16, 16:18
All comes into proper perspective when once realized, Obama is shukin ana jiving the idiots that voted him into office both terms.