View Full Version : Chicago BLM Activist: "We Need to Abolish the Police"

07-13-16, 07:38
I support her.

I'm all for no police in Chicago... lets see how she feels after 6 months.


07-13-16, 08:03
LOL. The road these idiots are paving will eventually lead to paying for police but not getting police. Not meaning that as a snide remark towards LEO. I mean that in the sense that LEO will just not show up quick or until events have long transpired. Clean up the mess and take a report. Kind of like certain jurisdictions are doing with property crime, except doing it with rape, kidnapping, ... She just many get a taste of what she is asking for. Wanna bet it won't taste like steak and lobster and more like a bleeding hemorrhoid diarrhea sandwich.

07-13-16, 08:20
I support her.

No more police in the inner city, that which we used to call the ghetto.

Little does she understand, the death rate for blacks would sky rocket as the thugs preyed on the good people.

The good people would arm themselves for protection and since they really do out number the thugs, then maybe the black community would purge the thugs from their community and we could build a better future for all.

07-13-16, 08:32
I support her.

No more police in the inner city, that which we used to call the ghetto.

Little does she understand, the death rate for blacks would sky rocket as the thugs preyed on the good people.

The good people would arm themselves for protection and since they really do out number the thugs, then maybe the black community would purge the thugs from their community and we could build a better future for all.

Add a wall around the target communities and open the gates once the crime rate is equal and stable to the surrounding neighborhoods.

07-13-16, 08:39
I saw this on Fox the other night and the views above popped into my head as soon as she said this. There was also another woman on that panel that was spewing nonsense. I watched about 20 minutes of it and had to turn the channel because of these 2 women. To counter that though there was a couple of black Pastors that made a lot of sense.

07-13-16, 08:53
Mind-boggling stupidity....the people and the neighborhoods that need police the most are campaigning against it.

07-13-16, 09:06
Mind-boggling stupidity....the people and the neighborhoods that need police the most are campaigning against it.

Or they, well some, want segregated policing. The number of people I've seen calling for black cops only in black neighborhoods is mind-boggling. They actually seem to think that would solve some of the problems of hood rats doing hood rat stuff with their friends. I think the reality is those asking for segregated policing are under the impression they could manipulate the cops if they were the same color, from the same socio-economic background. Unfortunately, I just don't get the feeling the mouth pieces calling for the abolishing of LE or segregated police actually live in those neighborhoods.

07-13-16, 09:08
Guess they are two factions...because I remember hearing before on some of these high profile cases involved black officers that didn't matter because the black officers were even more racist.

07-13-16, 09:14
Classic lack of understanding the law of unintended consequences....

They will reap, what they sow....

07-13-16, 09:28
Classic lack of understanding the law of unintended consequences....

They will reap, what they sow....

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07-13-16, 09:45
Up is down. Light is dark. Inside is out. We have fully entered "Bizzaro World".

If not for comedy entertainment purposes, why does an idiot like that have a mic in front of her? Hmm… idiot...? Ah! I've got it. She's a "Useful Idiot"!!!

07-13-16, 09:55
Give them what they want. You don't want cops in the hood? Ok. Wish granted.

Every Monday we'll send a streets and san front loader and dump truck down the street, with police escort, and pick up the results of the weekend carnage. Just put them at the curb.

2 weeks of that, they'll be begging for the cops to come back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-13-16, 10:50
Up is down. Light is dark. Inside is out. We have fully entered "Bizzaro World".

If not for comedy entertainment purposes, why does an idiot like that have a mic in front of her? Hmm… idiot...? Ah! I've got it. She's a "Useful Idiot"!!!

Yep. It was funny when Megan Kelly said" Okay, less Jerry Springer..." because she and her producers picked the folks to be on this panel and they were very Jerry Springer-esque!

I think of all things in America, the media is definitely doing the greatest deal of damage along side the Fed Gov. They foment fear and hatred, division and derision. They spotlight the biggest idiots and the loudest screaming headed assholes, they focus on the radical on both sides of the spectrum and have NO integrity anymore- none of them do. Facts be damned. Reality be damned. It's man made weather and it rains down on us 24/7.

07-13-16, 11:59
Classic lack of understanding the law of unintended consequences....

They will reap, what they sow....

Mind-boggling stupidity....the people and the neighborhoods that need police the most are campaigning against it.

She's not stupid and she fully understands the consequences. The black community in America is dominated by a criminal culture that has a vested interest in eleminating the influence of law enforcement. No, not every black person is a criminal, and being black is not a genetic predisposition to crime. Instead, it is a conscious decision of many in the black community to operate outside of the law through the drug trade, theft, transfer payments (nothing more than institutionalized theft), etc.

BLM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the growing black criminal culture in America. Their job is to distract, deflect, or deny this criminal culture so that it can continue to exist. That's not stupid; it's playing to one's self-interest.

At the same time, Megyn Kelley is simply playing to her self-interests by dispensing this propaganda because it attracts viewership.

07-13-16, 12:09
I have a strong feeling that if you offered to suspend all police activity in her AO, she would cry racism and demand that the police fully disband everywhere.

07-13-16, 14:25
The obvious solution.


07-13-16, 14:27
She's not stupid and she fully understands the consequences. The black community in America is dominated by a criminal culture that has a vested interest in eleminating the influence of law enforcement. No, not every black person is a criminal, and being black is not a genetic predisposition to crime. Instead, it is a conscious decision of many in the black community to operate outside of the law through the drug trade, theft, transfer payments (nothing more than institutionalized theft), etc.

BLM is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the growing black criminal culture in America. Their job is to distract, deflect, or deny this criminal culture so that it can continue to exist. That's not stupid; it's playing to one's self-interest.

At the same time, Megyn Kelley is simply playing to her self-interests by dispensing this propaganda because it attracts viewership.

So like Trump, you are saying in effect "they are not sending us their best."

07-13-16, 14:39
Fine. All the popos will be at Galt's Gulch playing volleyball and drinking coke like somethinf out of an 80s commercial while you all kill yourselves off.

Have Fun!

07-13-16, 16:30
I agree, get rid of all cops in Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland, St. Louis and Baltimore for starters then see how it pans out. Should be a grand social experiment.

07-13-16, 16:35
Hah. I actually came here to post this. I love the crowds reaction.

07-13-16, 17:05
Fine. All the popos will be at Galt's Gulch playing volleyball and drinking coke like somethinf out of an 80s commercial while you all kill yourselves off.

Have Fun!

Actually I think we need to just evacuate the friendlies and just turn south Chicago into a maximum security prison city.

07-13-16, 17:10
Rio is a good city to see how this has turned out :)

favelas for USA !!!!!

07-13-16, 17:13
24x7 Purge for inner cities!

Clean the Gene Pool!

07-13-16, 17:43
I support her.

I'm all for no police in Chicago... lets see how she feels after 6 months.

:lol::lol::lol: How about 6 minutes? :haha:

Big A
07-13-16, 17:58
Actually I think we need to just evacuate the friendlies and just turn south Chicago into a maximum security prison city.
But then you'll end up with escape from Chicago...

07-13-16, 18:01
But then you'll end up with escape from Chicago...

Yeah and Kurt Russell isn't so young anymore..

07-13-16, 18:30
Where does it say she's a BLM affiliated activist?

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07-13-16, 19:18
Yep. It was funny when Megan Kelly said" Okay, less Jerry Springer..." because she and her producers picked the folks to be on this panel and they were very Jerry Springer-esque!

I think of all things in America, the media is definitely doing the greatest deal of damage along side the Fed Gov. They foment fear and hatred, division and derision. They spotlight the biggest idiots and the loudest screaming headed assholes, they focus on the radical on both sides of the spectrum and have NO integrity anymore- none of them do. Facts be damned. Reality be damned. It's man made weather and it rains down on us 24/7.

Yes and yes...well said

07-13-16, 19:47
Mind-boggling stupidity....the people and the neighborhoods that need police the most are campaigning against it.

Correction. The people that CALL the police the most are the ones campaigning against...

07-13-16, 20:13
Where does it say she's a BLM affiliated activist?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

the very first sentence.

07-13-16, 20:45
The way of the future:

Give them what they want. You don't want cops in the hood? Ok. Wish granted.

Every Monday we'll send a streets and san front loader and dump truck down the street, with police escort, and pick up the results of the weekend carnage. Just put them at the curb.

2 weeks of that, they'll be begging for the cops to come back.


07-13-16, 20:57
this thread makes me think of movie "Escape from NY"

07-13-16, 21:20
Police-free zones.

07-13-16, 21:44
But then you'll end up with escape from Chicago...

Worked for NY.

07-13-16, 21:46
Police-free zones.

Ya know. I'm sure it was a sarcastic joke, but it could work. Just make sure and post really BIG signs. If they want to create their own little Somalia, let them.

07-13-16, 21:47
Snake Plissken, I thought you were dead........

07-13-16, 21:50
Snake Plissken, I thought you were dead........

.....I am.........

07-13-16, 22:31
Why not abolish police? They are so poorly trained, power hungry, racists, wouldn't we better off without them?

07-13-16, 22:53
Why not abolish police? They are so poorly trained, power hungry, racists, wouldn't we better off without them?

In a weird way....your post reminds me of tge Secret Wars comics I read as a kid. There's this longhair hippie alien god who is sweet on, I think, Boom Boom or Dazzler or whomever. His name is the Beyonder. He takes all the superheroes of any merit and puts them to do battle on this alien planet.

Well all the newspapers are lamenting the loss of all the world's superheroes and is going to shit. I think they get like really third rate "superheroes" to fill in but they just suck. People like hell I dunno Stilt Man or Mr. Stretcho or someone lame that a two bit mugger could beat up.

Because once all the solid people forsake the profession. That's what will happen.

You'll trade Capt. America and Spiderman for Stilt man or Dude Man or some other feeb.

07-13-16, 23:43
Emphasis should be on the "feeb". No offense to our federal LE guys on here but I don't want federal cops doing patrol work on my streets. I want local cops with local control. Of course, federal control might well be the end goal.

07-14-16, 04:33
I support her.

I'm all for no police in Chicago... lets see how she feels after 6 months.

I'm down . . .


The obvious solution.

OCP logo

Agreed, low income minority communities across CONUS do not need LEOs, they need urban pacification units like ED209 . . .


07-14-16, 09:42
Emphasis should be on the "feeb". No offense to our federal LE guys on here but I don't want federal cops doing patrol work on my streets. I want local cops with local control. Of course, federal control might well be the end goal.

Ding ding. Someone wants a new version of the Brownshirts. Having lived in a country with federally controlled police I can honestly say that it sucks ass. If you think there is a chasm between police and citizen today, just wait till every 6 months a new rotation of LEO arrive from say NYC to TX. Or TX to Kali. No personal ties, not friendships, no reason to actually care about anything other than doing what you're told or your family in state X (while you're in state A) is on their own. MUCH easier to just follow orders when you don't know anyone, have no ties to the community and know you (and family) won't be around long enough to face social pressures. The possibilities are mind boggling.

07-14-16, 09:53
Ding ding. Someone wants a new version of the Brownshirts. Having lived in a country with federally controlled police I can honestly say that it sucks ass. If you think there is a chasm between police and citizen today, just wait till every 6 months a new rotation of LEO arrive from say NYC to TX. Or TX to Kali. No personal ties, not friendships, no reason to actually care about anything other than doing what you're told or your family in state X (while you're in state A) is on their own. MUCH easier to just follow orders when you don't know anyone, have no ties to the community and know you (and family) won't be around long enough to face social pressures. The possibilities are mind boggling.

This is the progressives ultimate goal. Yes they want to disband the police but yet they want to establish a FED LEO program at the local level. They are already started with the FED guidelines and finding restrictions. Not a happy future if that happens.

07-14-16, 10:21
A federalized police force would be mega, mega, mega lame

07-14-16, 13:07
Ding ding. Someone wants a new version of the Brownshirts. Having lived in a country with federally controlled police I can honestly say that it sucks ass. If you think there is a chasm between police and citizen today, just wait till every 6 months a new rotation of LEO arrive from say NYC to TX. Or TX to Kali. No personal ties, not friendships, no reason to actually care about anything other than doing what you're told or your family in state X (while you're in state A) is on their own. MUCH easier to just follow orders when you don't know anyone, have no ties to the community and know you (and family) won't be around long enough to face social pressures. The possibilities are mind boggling.

All great points.

Our police system here isn't perfect, but what we have that the rest of the world doesn't have is the community policing concept. In most of the world, the police operate on the concept of "obey or die." I'd say that police in the U.S. are, at best, respected, but at worst, hated but not necessarily feared (which is is both good and bad). In most countries, including allied Western democracies, the police are often greatly feared.

When an officer lives in or near the community he works, he has a personal vested interest in not only keeping the community safe, but also maintaining amicable relations with fellow citizens as much as possible. Also, when the central power of a police agency answers to a smaller government like a municipality or a county, neither the agency nor the local government have the clout to simply ignore the citizens and trample on them as they please the way a federal government can.

Another thing is, if we were to have federal police, if you think that there would be a chasm between the federal police and the citizens, imagine what it would be like if we had a gendarmarie. In most of Europe, you can live in the city and answer to police officers, or you can live in the country and answer to soldiers with arrest power. While the national police would likely live among whatever local community they're assigned, imagine gendarmes who only make contact with the general public on duty, but then go home to live in a barracks, or at least a community set aside for the gendarmarie. Given the size of the U.S., if general policing was ever federalized, you can bet your last dollar that we would have both a federal police and national gendarmarie.

These activists just don't realize what kind of a monster they're trying to create.

07-14-16, 13:54
When the ChiComs made their move on Tiananmen Square they used PLA units that were not from the Beijing area (the PLA is organized regionally, unlike our military). There is a reason they did that in Tiananmen Square.

07-14-16, 13:58
A federalized police force would be mega, mega, mega lame

TSA for every day life.

07-14-16, 14:39
TSA for every day life.

Yeah, remember their little foray a couple years ago out of the airport business with the VIPER teams on the interstate?