View Full Version : Post Dallas: civis with ARs stand guard

07-13-16, 08:14
This comes under "what could possibly go wrong?" heading

Their intent is good, but one could envision things going downhill real fast. According the article the chief was ok with it, which is what counts, but it would not take much for those with good intentions minus some common sense to discuss it first with the PD etc for things to take a very ugly turn. But, it's 'Murica and if people wanna do that and the PD they wanna do it in front of is OK with it, fine.

Citizens with AR-15s Stand Guard Outside Texas Police Departments

SPLENDORA – On Saturday, July 9, three men decided to do something a little different for their weekend. James Evans, Roger Tarrant, and Paul Wilson of Splendora woke up and decided to head down to both the Patton Village and Splendora Police Departments and show their support for our law enforcement. This comes in light of the recent tragedy in Dallas, in which officers were shot down by a sniper simply for doing their job. The three men started out in Patton Village at around 9 a.m. and stayed there until about 11:30 a.m., which is when they moved to the parking lot of the Splendora Police Department and City Hall.

With their AR-15 rifles in hand, they stood in the heat and gained quite a bit of attention. A large number of passersby honked their horns in approval, while others stopped for photos, selfies, and to personally thank them for what they were doing. James Evans stated that he, “wanted to show police that civilians stood by them, that they aren’t alone.”

“I am tired of seeing officers slain for doing their job,” he said. His message was heard by many, as citizens and local businesses began sending water and food for them to enjoy. “We had to put some of the food on the hood of our truck just so people would know that we were good,” joked Evans.

The trio even got the support of Roman Forest Chief Stephen Carlisle, who stated he supports these young men and the Roman Forest Police Department thanks them for having their backs. He stayed and chatted for a while as well as took several photos with them.

The Splendora Police Department acknowledged their gesture and appreciated it too. They want the community to know that these men have a thorough understanding of gun safety and are very respectful of the law.

People were very enthusiastic over the courage they had to go out and display their support for law enforcement. Shaylie Wright, one of many eager supporters, said, “It’s awesome, what they are doing.”

Even with all of this newfound popularity, they don’t let the reason they did this in the first place slip their minds, and neither should we. The citizens of Montgomery County support our officers.



07-13-16, 08:28
Just like the aftermath of the attack at the military recruiting center in Chattanooga. All those bubbas showing up with all kind of weapons to guard the recruiting offices. They will fade away soon enough.

Straight Shooter
07-13-16, 08:37
I agree that it will fade away fairly quickly, but By God at least someone is doing SOMETHING positive for the police- I wouldn't name call them for anything. Kinda..no..SHOCKED that you would demean their intentions like that.

07-13-16, 08:41
I agree that it will fade away fairly quickly, but By God at least someone is doing SOMETHING positive for the police- I wouldn't name call them for anything. Kinda..no..SHOCKED that you would demean their intentions like that.

Are you responding to Sam or me? I said "...if people wanna do that and the PD they wanna do it in front of is OK with it, fine." Good intentions don't always go the way you think they will however.

Straight Shooter
07-13-16, 08:45
To SAM, sir.

07-13-16, 08:52
To SAM, sir.

Rgr rgr.

07-13-16, 08:52
At least it is a positive gesture....if all the leftist media and Dem rhetoric were true about white conservatives being racist hate mongering trigger happy gun nuts, there would be quite the backlash to what is going on.

07-13-16, 09:06
I'm sure their intentions were good.

07-13-16, 09:26
I'm certain that their intentions are good and it is quite nice to have folks start doing something positive for the LEO. I do wonder what happens when some agitator shows up and starts messing with these dudes. If one of them shoots a black dude, even if 100% justified they will be crucified I'm sure. Conversely, if shots are fired will their presence make LEO response easier or harder?

Maybe bringing by lunch, mowing some lawns, or even discretely patrolling the neighborhood (with LEO notification) might be a better choice.

Not there and don't know the community, so I'm just thinking worst possible scenario. But I am glad someone is doing something nice for the LEO community instead of pissing on them.

07-13-16, 09:55
All it will take is the wrong president and some SCOTUS shenanigans,
And those police and those volunteer guards could be in the same situation
As the BLM shooter.

07-13-16, 14:04
Without the direct support of the Dallas PD this could go very wrong.

It would be my first instinct to do the same, but I have some degree of impulse control.

07-13-16, 22:11
Good for them. Alot of people will talk the talk but wont go out there and walk the walk.

07-13-16, 22:28
Here's the simple thing;

In regards to the upcoming shitfest about guns, after an event like Dallas, you need an immediate public, propaganda pushback, ie. the slandered need to be seen doing something positive.
Take a cue from the Dems- you may hate Hillary, but right now she's out there hugging kids for tv commercials.
Or all the "all cops ain't bad" clickbait stories rolling across facebook right now.
Etc., etc., and so forth.
Immediate propaganda pushback.

So grab your ARs, and get the hell out there and hug some kids, or "stand with" the police in front of the local PD, or weed some old lady's flowerbed with your tac'd out buddies or something.
Might just save the 2A for a few more months....

26 Inf
07-13-16, 22:51
I see this differently from most of you.

What I saw was three guys, trying to get attention, and making themselves a ripe target for anyone wanting to harm them. They spent a couple hours standing in front of a couple of police stations, WTF, was it a world tour? When I see these kind of shenanigans I just kind of shrug and go 'operator as fvck' to myself.

If they were serious about having the local PDs' backs they could have arrived separately and covertly, set up three observation points (an L) where they could mutually observe either other for safety and over-watch the station and the units parked outside without drawing attention to themselves.

What we don't need is a bunch of open carry BS - it does not garner support from those that don't already support us, and makes a lot of supporters uneasy.

A group with banners proclaiming support for the police in front of the station, with concealed weapons, being over-watched by others as I mentioned would be much more effective.

A call locally for gun owners and any other citizens to march in support of the police would be more effective and honest in showing support.

As I said, I'm sure I feel differently than many folks.

07-13-16, 22:59
Without the direct support of the Dallas PD this could go very wrong.

It would be my first instinct to do the same, but I have some degree of impulse control.

They are not in Dallas. They are in east Texas if I am not mistaken.

07-13-16, 23:03

pretty much. I'd love a few Ranger Regiment sniper school graduates just chilling on rooftops with their favorite rifle looking down in case ill shit was afoot.

With sickass callsigns like "Thor", "Raindance", and "Staples"

Like if something topped off you could say "Staples, I'm at 3rd and 12th. I need help! Hoodie with the AK!


And the most country ass guy would sound off on the radio and say

"That was easy" *spits dip*

26 Inf
07-13-16, 23:47

pretty much. I'd love a few Ranger Regiment sniper school graduates just chilling on rooftops with their favorite rifle looking down in case ill shit was afoot.

With sickass callsigns like "Thor", "Raindance", and "Staples"

Like if something topped off you could say "Staples, I'm at 3rd and 12th. I need help! Hoodie with the AK!


And the most country ass guy would sound off on the radio and say

"That was easy" *spits dip*

Well, I didn't want to come right out and say, 'they ain't never gonna get to shoot anybody that way, they is going to get their young asses shot.'

They kind of looked like the goat or whatever animal they stake out on safaris to bait in the lions and tigers. Hunting over bait could appeal to some folks, but those boys were acting like bait.

07-14-16, 00:34
If I were a chief there is no way I would allow this to go on. It's nice that they support law enforcement and want to do something but if things are so bad that the front of the station needs to be guarded by men with rifles, it should be the officers out there in uniform doing it. The fact is that things are not that bad. As cops we need to be aware of the possibility of problems at our stations and not get complacent walking in and out, but at the end of the day attacks on PDs are EXTREMELY rare. Police stations in the U.S. aren't forts and aren't under regular attack. I'm not some social justice warrior out there railing against police militarization at all but let's get our heads on straight here, a police station is there for the public. It needs to be a place that people who need the police feel safe going in and out of and having random guys hanging around outside with rifles probably doesn't do much to enhance the actual purpose of the police station.

On the other hand, I REALLY want to know where my department can get one of those robot bombs.

07-14-16, 02:00
I see this differently from most of you.

What I saw was three guys, trying to get attention, and making themselves a ripe target for anyone wanting to harm them. They spent a couple hours standing in front of a couple of police stations, WTF, was it a world tour? When I see these kind of shenanigans I just kind of shrug and go 'operator as fvck' to myself.

If they were serious about having the local PDs' backs they could have arrived separately and covertly, set up three observation points (an L) where they could mutually observe either other for safety and over-watch the station and the units parked outside without drawing attention to themselves.

What we don't need is a bunch of open carry BS - it does not garner support from those that don't already support us, and makes a lot of supporters uneasy.

A group with banners proclaiming support for the police in front of the station, with concealed weapons, being over-watched by others as I mentioned would be much more effective.

A call locally for gun owners and any other citizens to march in support of the police would be more effective and honest in showing support.

As I said, I'm sure I feel differently than many folks.

With the cops at Defcon 2 right now, covert surveillance would definitely get noticed and probably acted upon.

I get you on the Open Carry stuff, the wrong people show up and they show up wearing kilts and shit like it's some kind of Tapco Renaissance Fair.

Sadly there really isn't any good way to guard the police or guard the military. First it makes them look like they can't protect themselves and the clowns reporting for duty are basically saying "Don't worry, I'm here to do what you can't do for yourself." Second, there is no safeguard or official agreement even if the assistance was actually welcomed. If I was a racist asshole I'd be delighted to see a bunch of neckbeards with guns standing in front of the cop shop. With a few well placed shots I could probably have them shooting at cops and cops shooting at them. Wouldn't that be special.

If we had any kind of real leadership, with police actively being targeted by a racist group in a coordinated effort, we'd be rolling out the National Guard in Dallas and every other city they want to hold large, violent protests in.

07-14-16, 05:32
I agree that it will fade away fairly quickly, but By God at least someone is doing SOMETHING positive for the police- I wouldn't name call them for anything. Kinda..no..SHOCKED that you would demean their intentions like that.

Let's hope BLM takes up urban gardening as their raison d'etre, and gives them a REASON to fade away.