View Full Version : And Trump's VP candidate is...Gov Mike Pence (IN)

07-14-16, 12:52
....Gov Pence from Indiana.

07-14-16, 13:42
For today :)

Trump might change his mind tomorrow.

07-14-16, 13:53
....Gov Pence from Indiana.

It was the only move.

Christie and Gingrich were too polarizing. Gingrich would have elected Hillary. I get he was looking for A VP that would have been the equivalent of Joe Biden, somebody nobody would want to see get the big chair so they leave the current incompetent alone, but Christie and Gingrich brought nothing meaningful to the table and would only been additional liability.


He's not perfect on every issue, but he is the best of the candidates being floated out there.

07-14-16, 13:55
For today :)

Trump might change his mind tomorrow.

What? Would he do that?? :rolleyes:

07-14-16, 15:53
Pence is Anti-dopers, Anti-rioters, Anti-baby killers, Anti-union, Anti-envirowhackos, and PRO-gun. What's NOT to like? :cool:

07-14-16, 15:57


07-14-16, 16:00


After losing early campaigns for Congress, he wrote an essay apologizing for running negative ads against an opponent, Rep. Phillip Sharp. The Indianapolis Star has reported Pence "swore off harsh political tactics." In the essay, Pence called for "basic human decency."

Agreed. Wtf? Basic human decency? The left doesn't exhibit any of that!

We are doomed. FMP

07-14-16, 16:06


Sounds like a decent guy. Is he sickening to you or did I miss some NPR slur? Or is the "sickening" sarcasm?

07-14-16, 16:07
I don't know too much about this guy, but he seems pretty decent upon first glace. Trump could have done a hell of a lot worse.

Straight Shooter
07-14-16, 16:08


If THAT is "sickening"...Ill take it all day, every day.

07-14-16, 16:09
Agreed. Wtf? Basic human decency? The left doesn't exhibit any of that!

We are doomed. FMP


I guess he was looking to pander to the extremists.


Designate first weekend in May as Ten Commandments Weekend.

This guy is not a serious pick. Surprised to see Trump hitch wagons with a loser!

07-14-16, 16:13
Better Pence then Christie.

07-14-16, 16:27


So Islamic Fundamentalists and Iranian Theocracies are ok but a born again VP is sickening?!?

I'm not a religious fan boy of any kind, but this hardly changes things. Gingrich would have come with similar religious luggage. And still better than the Clinton alternative. This is actually a good thing. It's like a yin / yang concept, Pence will bring in a lot of the people who were uneasy about Trump. This is a unifying move.

07-14-16, 16:35
I'm ok with it...

With Hill bag and her cronies though, I wish he'd picked Joe Black.

07-14-16, 16:40
Pence will bring in a lot of the people who were uneasy about Trump. This is a unifying move.

No, I don't think this was smart at all.

The hardcore GOP was going to hold their nose and vote for Trump anyway out of party unity and hatred for Hillary.

By going this way, Trump loses all his crossover and moderate support by hitching up with a guy who wants to:

Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
Voted YES on allowing electronic surveillance without a warrant. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on continuing intelligence gathering without civil oversight. (Apr 2006)
Voted YES on deauthorizing "critical habitat" for endangered species. (Sep 2005)
Voted YES on speeding up approval of forest thinning projects. (Nov 2003)

Plus death blow:

Future of conservatism demands traditional marriage. (Feb 2008)
Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Nov 2007)
Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2006)
Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
Voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004)

07-14-16, 16:42
So who are the extremists you speak of?

07-14-16, 16:49
So who are the extremists you speak of?

Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

07-14-16, 16:52
It's always good to know who my enemy is KalashniKEV.

07-14-16, 17:09
It's always good to know who my enemy is KalashniKEV.

The enemy of Liberty is an enemy of us all.

07-14-16, 17:30
Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

Christians are equated with loonies now? How tolerant of you.

07-14-16, 17:31
Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

If you take a step back and look at how democracy works, EVERYONE is trying to "impose" their morality on everyone else (even Libertarians). It's not exclusive to those with religious beliefs, and they have as much right as the rest of the population.

07-14-16, 17:38
No, I don't think this was smart at all.

So who was the smart move? Gingrich? Christie? Because those were the only other two serious contenders.

07-14-16, 17:42
The hardcore GOP was going to hold their nose and vote for Trump anyway out of party unity and hatred for Hillary.

I was thinking more of the people stuck in the middle uneasy with Trump as an inexperienced real estate developer and Hillary as a very experienced corrupt politician. Pense brings some "I'm a normal guy who knows how to talk like a normal person" to the equation.

07-14-16, 17:52
Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

Your clock is stuck back a few years. Those loonies do exist, but as someone immersed in what you would consider radical fringe born-agains, namely, anyone who actively practices the Christian faith, I can tell you that 99% of us want what most non-leftists want: To be left the hell alone. The Focus on the Family/Moral Majority types are either dying off, or chilling out when it comes to politics. We never liked those people anyway as they're up our butts just as much as they're up the non-Christians' butts. Trust me, it's a pain having to listen to lectures about how Jesus turned water into non-alcoholic grape juice as he would NEVER condone even responsible drinking. We don't want to hear how believing in a literal six day creation and a 6,000 year old Earth is as essential to the faith as believing Christ to be the Son of God. And we don't like being told that God gets angry at us for watching movies and TV shows if they so much have "hell" or "damn" in the dialog, OR don't include a scene where someone shares the Gospel with someone else.

Besides, these "lunatics" are nothing but loudmouthed jerks anyway. Unlike some other faith's lunatic fringe, they don't tend to blow up or shoot up innocent people.

07-14-16, 19:48
I have to somewhat agree with Kev here. The religious right is voting against Hillary and would therefore vote Trump, regardless of VP choice. Pence is indeed too far right for the middle of the road people that are still considering Hillary. His hardcore, right-wing stance against abortion will for sure swing this a couple points towards Hillary.

General Flynn was almost the right choice, it's just too bad he didn't register as a republican about five years ago. Shoot, last year would almost make the grade. His military knowledge combined with his constitutional sense and thoughts on immigration would have kept us happy, and helped to sway middle of the road voters

The religious right needs to get a clue about some of their "social values" and realize the hypocrisy of saying "the government shouldn't infringe on the rights of the individual. Except for the most individual rights ever. I don't like it, so I'm telling you that you're not allowed to do it. Period. And oh, that's because the guy upstairs says it. I recognize rationally that he likely doesn't exist, but I like believing in an afterlife. So there."

07-14-16, 19:59
I don't know if it's smart or dumb but I do know why he chose Pence:
1) Shore up his conservative base. 15-20% of conservatives still say they will not vote for Trump. That is a problem if it continues to the election and Pence MIGHT help with that.
2) IN is a bellwether state.
3) Pence gives Trump some credibility when it comes to policy.

Oh, BTW - the ignore list is your friend.

07-14-16, 20:05
Many of us here in the state are glad to be rid of him. He has caused a number of embarrassing situations for us over the past couple years, his focus is been completely wrong. He likes to focus on social issues that have nothing to do with the current needs of the state or the country and distract everyone from the real problems. If he focuses attention solely on the economic side of things he would have done an amazing job, but he wasn't able to keep on target so we had a lot of problems.

In fact the only reason a number of us who are active within the state party have not worked on completely ousting him, is because he brought Eric Holcomb on as his new lieutenant governor. The good news is Eric stands a much better chance of winning the election then and would have winning reelection this coming cycle. And since trump stands about as much chance of winning as I would we don't have to worry about Pence as vice president either.

07-14-16, 20:22


Why? Do tell..

No white guilt?

07-14-16, 21:05
EVERYONE is trying to "impose" their morality on everyone else (even Libertarians).


So who was the smart move? Gingrich? Christie? Because those were the only other two serious contenders.

Gingrich would have been a solid pick because he's very intelligent, and even though he lacks charisma, Trump has more than enough for the whole ticket. He's been around, but he's also a person who learns from his mistakes. Plus, can you imagine Gingrich vs. Pocohantas in a debate?

Flynn would have been a good choice as well because he shores up the international/ FP side of the plan. Donald likes to talk all blustery and aggressive about the GWOT, but he's shown us that he doesn't know the difference between the Quds Force and the Kurdish people. Actually, let's be honest- he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. A decent play would have been something like, "let Donald takes care of the economy and jobs, let General Flynn fight the war... plus a big beautiful wall! (Hooray!)"

Another reason why I really like Flynn is because he's coming from the DIA side, and will admit that the "moderate Syrian rebels" are in fact al Qaeda. The CIA and DoS are concealing this, because they think they made a good play in backing al Qaeda in their fight against Qaddafi and now Assad. For a person of his stature to drop a truth bomb like that on Hillary+(Pocohantas?) would be EPIC.

...as someone immersed in what you would consider radical fringe born-agains, namely, anyone who actively practices the Christian faith.

I am a practicing Christian as well. The beliefs of the Radical Rightwing Christian Moralists are far better aligned with those of ISIS or the Taliban than they are aligned with American Values and Culture.

Many of us here in the state are glad to be rid of him. He has caused a number of embarrassing situations for us over the past couple years, his focus is been completely wrong.

Thank you for that rundown- basically my Indiana friend told me the exact same thing, but with fewer details.

SO... Trump is picking a guy to take to the White House, that wasn't even going to win a state level election???

How strange!

07-14-16, 21:38


Exactly how is that sickening?

07-14-16, 21:56
So yet again, this has become a big tent party, vs homophobia, anti abortion, and bring your bibles...

I'm a life long Catholic. But I got tell you guys, I'm getting real tired of this We're republicans and only for only our brand of liberty....

Let's bitch about gays and abortions so we can totally loose this election.......

We're so screwed. Hillary is going to win easy now. They should have just thrown McStain in again. Why not.

It's almost like the gop likes being the second fiddle in D.C.. That role seems to suit then well......

F me running....yeah, lets bring a well seasoned congressman in.....Why the hell not.......

Dear Mr. Trump. I like your attitude. Especially when it comes to winning. And the fact that you roll in a 76 sikorsky like it's a mini van. I think that's bad ass.......But your also kind of....well....and idiot.....And say a lot of stupid shit... But I over looked that, because you give the establishments the middle finger. That was the whole point dude. It's that simple. Your popular because your NOT a politician...... You just totally effed yourself on winning by bringing in a career guy. The right really needed a non career guy, but you blew it. Way to go.

Slow golf clap.......

07-14-16, 22:16
I have MY own personal beliefs, religious rituals, etc

They don't need to be government policy

Instead of getting someone that was all business....he got someone to poke more holes in the Bible Belt.

I dunno what's worse...Christian Taliban condemning me to Hell, the Muslim Taliban wanting to blow me up, the radicals wanting to take my shit and get in my face, or the over sensitive racial bigots starting shit on humbugs.

Where did all the normal people go? Because that's where I wish to be.

07-14-16, 22:48
Kev, you are totally wrong on this whole "religion" thing and forcing people to believe in your value system.

It is as simple as looking at the global warming argument. The Progressives want to go legally after people who don't "believe" in global warming. I was trained as a chemist, Minored in biology. I never remember any of the science classes that I took anyone ever using the word believe.

The inquisitions are coming from the left, not from the right. There's even an app for burning people at the stake.

I am a practicing Christian as well. The beliefs of the Radical Rightwing Christian Moralists are far better aligned with those of ISIS or the Taliban than they are aligned with American Values and Culture.


You are too smart of a guy did say stupid shit like this .

07-14-16, 22:52
I have MY own personal beliefs, religious rituals, etc

They don't need to be government policy

Instead of getting someone that was all business....he got someone to poke more holes in the Bible Belt.

I dunno what's worse...Christian Taliban condemning me to Hell, the Muslim Taliban wanting to blow me up, the radicals wanting to take my shit and get in my face, or the over sensitive racial bigots starting shit on humbugs.

Where did all the normal people go? Because that's where I wish to be.

Of the bunch, the Christian fringe is the least of the evils. Most of the stuff they want they can't get anyway. They've spent so much time taking moral issues to court and losing, that they have decades of precedent in court set against them. The Muslims don't go to court, they just bomb and shoot up places to get their way. The radicals riot and commit various acts of terrorism as well. The Christians are also the least likely to want to take your guns.

Christianity, as an institution, hasn't used the sword to spread or enforce anything major since at least the early 1700s. I can't remember the last time a woman was beaten by a street preacher for wearing pants instead of a dress, or a famous singer was assassinated for corrupting the youth with the approval of a large number of Christians.

07-14-16, 22:53
Exactly how is that sickening?

Notice that the hard core Trump supporters, the ones who thought that he'd actually build a wall, deport the Mexicans, and "destroy" the GOP establishment are pissed. On the other hand, the reluctant Trump supporters, the ones who see him as a lesser of two evils and plan to hold their collective noses in November, can't understand all the consternation surrounding Pence. Your a very smart guy, is it really necessary to feed the bears?

07-14-16, 22:54
I'm not down on Christians. I believe in God.

I just like to keep my church and state separate.

07-14-16, 23:00
I was thinking more of the people stuck in the middle uneasy with Trump as an inexperienced real estate developer and Hillary as a very experienced corrupt politician. Pense brings some "I'm a normal guy who knows how to talk like a normal person" to the equation.

Do you really think that people talking about right wing armies, the destruction of the GOP, etc. want a "normal guy"? What are you smoking and where can I get some?

07-14-16, 23:03
I'm not down on Christians. I believe in God.

I just like to keep my church and state separate.

And you think that Pense has set up a theocracy in IN?

07-14-16, 23:15
The number of people some member sare capable of trolling continues to impress me.

Not going to lie and say that I love Trump's pick, but I can understand it.

07-14-16, 23:26
Of the bunch, the Christian fringe is the least of the evils. Most of the stuff they want they can't get anyway. They've spent so much time taking moral issues to court and losing, that they have decades of precedent in court set against them. The Muslims don't go to court, they just bomb and shoot up places to get their way. The radicals riot and commit various acts of terrorism as well. The Christians are also the least likely to want to take your guns.

Christianity, as an institution, hasn't used the sword to spread or enforce anything major since at least the early 1700s. I can't remember the last time a woman was beaten by a street preacher for wearing pants instead of a dress, or a famous singer was assassinated for corrupting the youth with the approval of a large number of Christians.

That is very well written. I'm amazed at the number of people who think that social issues are on the political radar. From what I can tell, the "Christian Right" is just trying to maintain a status quo rather than push a social agenda. Besides, the real issues are entitlement spending, Islamofacism, government regulation ranging from the ACA to the EPA, immigration, and tax reform. Trump is not going to waste political capital on social issues if he gets elected no matter who his VP is; the man employs strippers at his NJ casino.

Personally, I think that Trump is an idiot. However, I think that Pence would be a very reasonable choice and may turn out to be a good choice if he could pull off a victory.

07-14-16, 23:37
And you think that Pense has set up a theocracy in IN?

Negative, sir.

But I do think he could turn of the inbetweeners we could be using.

If Republicans would drop the abortion, drop the gay anxiety, and drop the nose thumbing Freedom Fries-esque passive aggressiveness...

More young people hitting their late 20s that were 18 when Obama got in will see the incentive to paying less taxes, more privatization, and less overbearingness.



This was(is?) an opportunity to buck the establishment and streamline more libertarianism. Maybe not in an ideal way but at least opening the door.

We've put up with BS Republicans and BS Democrats.

Surely there's a viable 3rd option where we can get back in the black, look after America first, not have to fret over our individual rights every time something happens, and go back to living like we deserve again.

Because It's looking more like Clinton is going to get it from where I sit.

I lived through 8 years of this crap. I just want a break

07-14-16, 23:39
I am a practicing Christian as well. The beliefs of the Radical Rightwing Christian Moralists are far better aligned with those of ISIS or the Taliban than they are aligned with American Values and Culture.

Um, no.
There are no Christians (not a well-funded, organizaed group, anyways) that are even remotely in the same galaxy as ISIS or the Taliban.
I'm not even Christian, yet I am aghast when Christians allude to Christianity being either responsible for or similar to ISIS. Truly baffling. Must stem from some self-loathing/complex or something.

07-14-16, 23:55
I would have liked a military man, but as Governors go Pence has done a pretty good job here in Indiana, so I can live with this pick.

Still wish someone like a Mattis or a West had run... I've always liked the idea of having a fellow veteran in the white house. Would have been cool with me if the founding fathers had stated military service as a requirement, but I get the whole civilian government thing too.

07-14-16, 23:57
I would have liked a military man, but as Governors go Pence has done a pretty good job here in Indiana, so I can live with this pick.

Still wish someone like a Mattis or a West had run... I've always liked the idea of having a fellow veteran in the white house. Would have been cool with me if the founding fathers had stated military service as a requirement, but I get the whole civilian government thing too.

I feel you but....

Wesley Clark and Charles Rangel have proven that being in the military doesn't make you a good or freedom loving person.

07-15-16, 00:02
Negative, sir.

But I do think he could turn of the inbetweeners we could be using.

If Republicans would drop the abortion, drop the gay anxiety, and drop the nose thumbing Freedom Fries-esque passive aggressiveness...

More young people hitting their late 20s that were 18 when Obama got in will see the incentive to paying less taxes, more privatization, and less overbearingness.



This was(is?) an opportunity to buck the establishment and streamline more libertarianism. Maybe not in an ideal way but at least opening the door.

We've put up with BS Republicans and BS Democrats.

Surely there's a viable 3rd option where we can get back in the black, look after America first, not have to fret over our individual rights every time something happens, and go back to living like we deserve again.

Because It's looking more like Clinton is going to get it from where I sit.

I lived through 8 years of this crap. I just want a break

We must have a different definition of libertarianism if you think that Trump was going to accomplish what Ron Paul could not. NOTHING about what Trump says or supports suggests that he will move the needle in a libertarian direction...not...one...little...bit.

Anyway, you might lessen your frustration if you stop expecting the GOP to become a successful version of the Libertarian Party. It won't, and forcing the issue is self-defeating. If you want a libertarian platform, then vote for the Libertarian Party candidate and stop blaming Republicans for that party's failures.

07-15-16, 00:07

Gingrich would have been a solid pick because he's very intelligent, and even though he lacks charisma, Trump has more than enough for the whole ticket. He's been around, but he's also a person who learns from his mistakes. Plus, can you imagine Gingrich vs. Pocohantas in a debate?

Flynn would have been a good choice as well because he shores up the international/ FP side of the plan. Donald likes to talk all blustery and aggressive about the GWOT, but he's shown us that he doesn't know the difference between the Quds Force and the Kurdish people. Actually, let's be honest- he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. A decent play would have been something like, "let Donald takes care of the economy and jobs, let General Flynn fight the war... plus a big beautiful wall! (Hooray!)"

Another reason why I really like Flynn is because he's coming from the DIA side, and will admit that the "moderate Syrian rebels" are in fact al Qaeda. The CIA and DoS are concealing this, because they think they made a good play in backing al Qaeda in their fight against Qaddafi and now Assad. For a person of his stature to drop a truth bomb like that on Hillary+(Pocohantas?) would be EPIC.

Gingrich is the only one as polarizing as Clinton. Flynn wasn't one of the final three. I would have been behind Flynn too, but like many other "fantasy candidates" he wasn't an option.

07-15-16, 00:18
Do you really think that people talking about right wing armies, the destruction of the GOP, etc. want a "normal guy"? What are you smoking and where can I get some?

It's where "I" am at and a lot of people I know. It's like this, I didn't want another RINO like McCain or Romney to hand the election to the Democrats...again.

But at the same time, I'm not supporting Trump to destroy the GOP or "get even" or anything like that. I'm looking for a course correction, not the destruction of the Republican party. Trump isn't everything I want plus a free iphone but he's as close as we are going to get to a fix. Hillary certainly isn't a fix.

More to the point, I'm not terribly religious, I'm not anti abortion, I don't have a problem with gay people and I have concerns about those who would bring more religion into government. This was one of the reservations I had with Cruz. But Pence doesn't give me the same concerns.

He basically has a very parallel view with Trump in immigration, great on guns and seems to be decent on many other economic issues. I also don't see him being the radical Christian fundamentalist boogeyman that Kev sees. Born again doesn't mean radical, it just means religious. And if we can suffer a President with extreme Muslim sympathies, I think we can weather Pence as VP. Reagan was also pretty religious and it didn't kill us.

07-15-16, 00:25
I'm just sitting here in Alaska rejoicing that it wasn't Sarah Palin. There is a God.

07-15-16, 00:48
We must have a different definition of libertarianism if you think that Trump was going to accomplish what Ron Paul could not. NOTHING about what Trump says or supports suggests that he will move the needle in a libertarian direction...not...one...little...bit.

Anyway, you might lessen your frustration if you stop expecting the GOP to become a successful version of the Libertarian Party. It won't, and forcing the issue is self-defeating. If you want a libertarian platform, then vote for the Libertarian Party candidate and stop blaming Republicans for that party's failures.

Well....hell. I banged the Trump drum. That's documented here and I shan't reverse myself. I said "Give him a chance", so I suppose I will give Pence a chance.

My biggest self reflection is to stop trying to foolishly think Republicanism is a gateway drug to Libertarianism.

And you bring up Ron Paul and I thought he was going to be not the next Reagan but more like the John Connor.

And it didn't happen. And it was most depressing.

07-15-16, 02:27
Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

And this right here is why Pence is a good choice.

But I can see why atheist loons who want to implement their radical fringe agenda against traditional American values and it's moral fabric like forcing homosexuality down people's throats, the murder of the unborn in the name of militant feminism, letting men in the women's restroom/lockeroom, et al.

American Bolshevics.

07-15-16, 07:36
So one from Indy who says he is a good choice, one who says he is a poor choice. When I heard about it I reached out to a buddy in Indy, he thought it was a good choice. Meh. Time will tell.

07-15-16, 08:24
It's where "I" am at and a lot of people I know. It's like this, I didn't want another RINO like McCain or Romney to hand the election to the Democrats...again.

But at the same time, I'm not supporting Trump to destroy the GOP or "get even" or anything like that. I'm looking for a course correction, not the destruction of the Republican party. Trump isn't everything I want plus a free iphone but he's as close as we are going to get to a fix. Hillary certainly isn't a fix.

More to the point, I'm not terribly religious, I'm not anti abortion, I don't have a problem with gay people and I have concerns about those who would bring more religion into government. This was one of the reservations I had with Cruz. But Pence doesn't give me the same concerns.

He basically has a very parallel view with Trump in immigration, great on guns and seems to be decent on many other economic issues. I also don't see him being the radical Christian fundamentalist boogeyman that Kev sees. Born again doesn't mean radical, it just means religious. And if we can suffer a President with extreme Muslim sympathies, I think we can weather Pence as VP. Reagan was also pretty religious and it didn't kill us.

You're not, but like I said in a previous post, Trump's support comes in two forms: the majority who are holding their noses and a minority who are holding his scrotum like a leech in "Stand By Me." Trump's Dartos muscle is up in arms because Pence embraced touch-back amnesty in his House days. Yes, their CURRENT immigration views parellel, but Trump started this campaign with a hardline of deporting all the brownies and putting an end to work visas. Now, his hardline supporters are coming to realize the consequences of backing a candidate without principles.

I love it. In fact, I love it so much that I almost took Kev off my ignore list just to watch him squirm.

07-15-16, 08:35
So who was the smart move? Gingrich? Christie? Because those were the only other two serious contenders.

Neither party can fix their ticket when the fatal flaw is at the top.

I'm not down on Christians. I believe in God.

I just like to keep my church and state separate.

The problem is that any value held by the right is put up as a religious based one, while anything from the left is just good progress. Values from the right are discounted out of hand and some places even made illegal, while those of the progressives are seen as the new dogma. A pretty good trick. Of course black preachers are exempt from this.

07-15-16, 09:06
Kev, you are totally wrong on this whole "religion" thing and forcing people to believe in your value system.

OK, let's say I'm wrong and this horrible cave dwelling reptile rebrands himself for national consumption on social issues.

He is still constitutionally incorrect on state surveillance, big intrusive government, and a number of other critical issues.

Don't forget that while the VP is always a "heartbeat away from the oval office," that President Trump will probably be assassinated during his first term by Islamic Radicals, BLM, Cartel Sicarios, the Red Chinese, Vladimir Mother****ing Putin, or who knows who else.

That means this guy just might get to implement his backward ideas. Goodbye Liberty, hello 10 Commandments Police State.

...and the whole time, Trump's front line still has all the same weak spots and totally-empty-gaps. VP pick should have closed the gaps and reinforced weak spots.

07-15-16, 09:24
OK, let's say I'm wrong and this horrible cave dwelling reptile rebrands himself for national consumption on social issues.

He is still constitutionally incorrect on state surveillance, big intrusive government, and a number of other critical issues.

Don't forget that while the VP is always a "heartbeat away from the oval office," that President Trump will probably be assassinated during his first term by Islamic Radicals, BLM, Cartel Sicarios, the Red Chinese, Vladimir Mother****ing Putin, or who knows who else.

That means this guy just might get to implement his backward ideas. Goodbye Liberty, hello 10 Commandments Police State.

...and the whole time, Trump's front line still has all the same weak spots and totally-empty-gaps. VP pick should have closed the gaps and reinforced weak spots.

First, Pence does close gaps and reinforce weak spots. It's likely a safe pick for Trump. Far from my first (second or third) pick, though. I like Flynn.

Second, the notion that Pence or any VP-cum-POTUS promotion would turn us into a "10 Commandments Police State" is totally ludicrous.

07-15-16, 09:36
Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

LOL, this tells me how far we have fallen as a country when a born again Christian is classified in the same breath as "loonies, radical fringe, etc". Morality is what we need (not less of).


07-15-16, 09:36
First, Pence does close gaps and reinforce weak spots.


I doubt either of them can spell al Qaeda without a "u" or draw a basic map of either theater from memory. That's a problem.

Second, the notion that Pence or any VP-cum-POTUS promotion would turn us into a "10 Commandments Police State" is totally ludicrous.

Hopefully next year you won't be translating Mexican pharmaceutical websites looking for an overnight express mail Plan B pill after the Christian Sharia takes hold.

(j/k- Pence is a surrender pick. If Trump goes Pence, he effectively gives up and concedes the race to Hillary)

07-15-16, 09:41
LOL, this tells me how far we have fallen as a country when a born again Christian is classified in the same breath as "loonies, radical fringe, etc". Morality is what we need (not less of).


Agreed. And not only classified as "loonies, radical fringe, etc" but as "American Taliban". It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

07-15-16, 09:47
LOL, this tells me how far we have fallen as a country when a born again Christian is classified in the same breath as "loonies, radical fringe, etc". Morality is what we need (not less of).



Agreed. And not only classified as "loonies, radical fringe, etc" but as "American Taliban". It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


07-15-16, 09:47
LOL, this tells me how far we have fallen as a country when a born again Christian is classified in the same breath as "loonies, radical fringe, etc". Morality is what we need (not less of).


Kev actually claims to be a "Christian" which makes me wonder if John Ch 3 has anything to do with his life.

07-15-16, 09:49
I am seeing 2008 all over again.

Clinton holds an early lead, which will only grow. She's the "first" woman president. Can't discriminate.

The right is all over the place and so disorganized a leader of ISIS could get the VP nod.

Better start buying mags homies!

07-15-16, 09:49
Kev actually claims to be a "Christian" which makes me wonder if John Ch 3 has anything to do with his life.

I don't think Kev would know a Christian if one walked up and slapped him. Hmm... let's test this...

Kev: Go slap yourself.

07-15-16, 10:11
OK, let's say I'm wrong and this horrible cave dwelling reptile rebrands himself for national consumption on social issues.

He is still constitutionally incorrect on state surveillance, big intrusive government, and a number of other critical issues.

Don't forget that while the VP is always a "heartbeat away from the oval office," that President Trump will probably be assassinated during his first term by Islamic Radicals, BLM, Cartel Sicarios, the Red Chinese, Vladimir Mother****ing Putin, or who knows who else.

That means this guy just might get to implement his backward ideas. Goodbye Liberty, hello 10 Commandments Police State.

...and the whole time, Trump's front line still has all the same weak spots and totally-empty-gaps. VP pick should have closed the gaps and reinforced weak spots.

Sounds like Barry's plan to have Biden as VP. That is better than up armoured limo to keep people from killing you.

07-15-16, 10:12
Lighten up please, and keep it squarely about the veep. I think you have religion, islam, hillary, et al adequately covered in your many other threads.

07-15-16, 10:13
I am seeing 2008 all over again.

I'm seeing Virginia all over again.

They can sneak an American Taliban past us by distracting with the other issues, and in a naturally Republican environment they might even win, but once they start trying to implement their sicko ideas, it's game over.

We will protect our women, and we won't let this happen.

Trump just lost.

PS: Thinking more on this- he did it for the Koch Money. Self funding for so long was great, but he failed to build the apparatus necessary to fund a full scale campaign. In the end, let the record show that Trump got pimped by the GOP elite.

07-15-16, 10:14
Clinton isn't seen as a woman, she's seen as a Clinton.

They are trying to buff and polish her, but those are some hard edges....

So Pence isn't a sure thing? Is that because of Nice or is there really second thought on him.

07-15-16, 10:20
Fox News just confirmed it with trumps tweet

07-15-16, 15:52
And this right here is why Pence is a good choice.

But I can see why atheist loons who want to implement their radical fringe agenda against traditional American values and it's moral fabric like forcing homosexuality down people's throats, the murder of the unborn in the name of militant feminism, letting men in the women's restroom/lockeroom, et al.

American Bolshevics.

Ok, that was funny.

07-15-16, 15:56
OK, let's say I'm wrong and this horrible cave dwelling reptile rebrands himself for national consumption on social issues.

He is still constitutionally incorrect on state surveillance, big intrusive government, and a number of other critical issues.

Don't forget that while the VP is always a "heartbeat away from the oval office," that President Trump will probably be assassinated during his first term by Islamic Radicals, BLM, Cartel Sicarios, the Red Chinese, Vladimir Mother****ing Putin, or who knows who else.

That means this guy just might get to implement his backward ideas. Goodbye Liberty, hello 10 Commandments Police State.

...and the whole time, Trump's front line still has all the same weak spots and totally-empty-gaps. VP pick should have closed the gaps and reinforced weak spots.

How many extremist views was Joe Biden able to put into place? This guy is going to be VP not Chancellor.

Alex V
07-15-16, 15:57
You guys are freakin' me out. I knew nothing about Pence, I was just hoping it would not be Christie...

07-15-16, 16:07
I doubt either of them can spell al Qaeda without a "u" or draw a basic map of either theater from memory. That's a problem.

Now you are just being obtuse. There is no correct spelling of any Arabic work, only accepted romanizations. This is why Koran and Quran are both correct. This is also why you see Qaddafi, Gadhafi, Kaddafi, Kadaffi, Qaddafy Duck, etc. This is also why you see "Tokio" on old maps from World War II, people weren't idiots, that was just the accepted romanization.

It gets even worse in Chinese with preferred dialects and Peking becomes Beijing.

These are all just words that don't have a rendering based upon the Greek alphabet so we assign romanizations which are pretty much just phonetic equivalents.

And that is why Al Qaida can also be spelled Al Quida.

07-15-16, 16:11
I am seeing 2008 all over again.

Clinton holds an early lead, which will only grow. She's the "first" woman president. Can't discriminate.

The right is all over the place and so disorganized a leader of ISIS could get the VP nod.

Better start buying mags homies!

I'm not saying we can't lose, but Trump is not Romney. That said, the novelty of electing the "First Woman President" will be hard to overcome for many, especially for those who voted for Obama simply because they wanted to help elect the first black President.

Our only real hope is that Trump can get on message (domestic economy, sound immigration policies, national security) and stay on message. If he get's suckered into abortion debates, women's issues or health care the election is his to lose.

07-15-16, 16:14
You guys are freakin' me out. I knew nothing about Pence, I was just hoping it would not be Christie...

Take a breath, ignore the hype. Read the actual record.


Lot's of good, some bad, plenty of no big deal.

07-15-16, 16:28

Gingrich would have been a solid pick because he's very intelligent, and even though he lacks charisma, Trump has more than enough for the whole ticket. He's been around, but he's also a person who learns from his mistakes. Plus, can you imagine Gingrich vs. Pocohantas in a debate?

Flynn would have been a good choice as well because he shores up the international/ FP side of the plan. Donald likes to talk all blustery and aggressive about the GWOT, but he's shown us that he doesn't know the difference between the Quds Force and the Kurdish people. Actually, let's be honest- he doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. A decent play would have been something like, "let Donald takes care of the economy and jobs, let General Flynn fight the war... plus a big beautiful wall! (Hooray!)"

Another reason why I really like Flynn is because he's coming from the DIA side, and will admit that the "moderate Syrian rebels" are in fact al Qaeda. The CIA and DoS are concealing this, because they think they made a good play in backing al Qaeda in their fight against Qaddafi and now Assad. For a person of his stature to drop a truth bomb like that on Hillary+(Pocohantas?) would be EPIC.

We already have one recycled failure from 1994 on the ballot, and you're saying adding another one would be a good idea? It's kinda hard to take you serious when you post stuff like that. :dirol:

Born-agains... loonies... the radical fringe who seek to impose their twisted morality on others.

American Taliban.

I am a practicing Christian as well. The beliefs of the Radical Rightwing Christian Moralists are far better aligned with those of ISIS or the Taliban than they are aligned with American Values and Culture.


07-16-16, 05:12
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I guess that makes a video worth a billion . . .

That summed up the rhetoric perfectly, bravo.

07-16-16, 09:39
Now you are just being obtuse. There is no correct spelling of any Arabic work, only accepted romanizations.

The process you're describing is called transliteration, and I know all about it, tovarisch. ;)

Pick a different example then- they're both dumb on foreign policy and it's still a huge gaping hole in the coastal defenses.

Hillary has negative experience here- but she still has experience as the Secretary of State of the world's only superpower.

We already have one recycled failure from 1994 on the ballot, and you're saying adding another one would be a good idea?

Don't take my word for it then- everyone knows this is the end of the Trump campaign. People are supposed to be like HELL YEAH! when you announce your running mate- that did not happen.

In fact, gays, women, limited government types, and moderates all posted their disappointment to his social media- in LARGE numbers. He lost a lot of support on Friday pandering to the phantom electorate. It was amazingly stupid.

Singlestack Wonder
07-16-16, 09:59
The process you're describing is called transliteration, and I know all about it, tovarisch. ;)

Pick a different example then- they're both dumb on foreign policy

These comments are part of the rhetoric thrown out by the left. Let's see, obama, kerry, and clinton's foreign policy have let the Arab world explode in violence and terror attacks in the last 8 years, allowed isis to take over countries and use them as a base for global terror attacks, allowed Russia to invade another sovern country, allowed China to completely take control of the South China Sea, allowed Mexico to keep sending their unwanted across the border to strain our economy, and most importantly, allowed Americans to die overseas while withholding assistance. If that's foreign policy experience, no thanks. I'd rather have Trump....

07-16-16, 10:51
Clinton isn't seen as a woman, she's seen as a Clinton.

She is also being seen as near brain dead here lately. The Clinton/Kaine dog and pony show was in VA this week. I got to see a few cuts on the news. Clinton is standing there doing the "bobblehead" then Kaine is giving Spanish lessons like he's speaking to a grade school class. Then Clinton goes... "I like that one!, that's a good slogan, I really like that"... I thought to myself holy cow that woman may have actually been mentally broken by emailgate and the worry over further charges of lying to the FBI.

So that leaves this Pence guy as simply needing to make the Trump/Pence team looked balanced with Trump in charge and a strong support system at hand. Hillary is looking more like her VP will actually be running the show. She looks more and more incompetent every day.

So if the GOP can present a (P + vp) balance they are going to look a lot better than what Hillary is putting together which looks like (VP + p). She clearly does not look or sound like she's all there. Not even her usual version 'all there'.

07-16-16, 10:58
I'm just sitting here in Alaska rejoicing that it wasn't Sarah Palin. There is a God.

Same here.
I guess he's not *that* desperate to sink his own ship.