View Full Version : Possible terrorist attack in Nice, France

07-14-16, 16:59

Truck plowed into Bastille celebrations. Some pictures of the truck appeared to show bullet holes in the front of the driver's cab, possibly shot by police to stop the driver/truck.

Going to be interesting.

07-14-16, 17:01
Ban trucks!

07-14-16, 17:12
Fox News just reported:

"DEVELOPING: At least 30 people were killed and 100 others were injured Thursday after a large truck drove into a crowd of people who had gathered for a Bastille Day fireworks show in the southern French city of Nice, a police official said.

The official told France's BFM TV that the driver of the truck was also dead. Witnesses told the station that the driver fired shots into the fleeing crowd on the Promenade des Anglais, a major boulevard along the Mediterranean Sea."

So now, we need to ban the Truck-Gun combo...our leader will love that! Hard to mow down a crowd in your Prius...

07-14-16, 17:20
Looks like there are going to be a lot of casualties.



A spokesman for the Alpes Maritime prefecture advised locals to ‘stay indoors’ as gunfire was heard, and a lorry was driven into a crowd on the Promenade des Anglais, Peter Allen reports.

Bodies could be seen lying on the floor by the beach, as the police and other emergency services tried to deal with a mass panic.

Fireworks were filling the night sky as the drama unfolded, as the crowds enjoyed July 14th, which is always a Bank Holiday in France.

"It is absolute chaos,” said an eye witness who works in the Nice judiciary.

"There are reports of dozens of people killed, and many more injured. Bodies are lying everywhere.

"Police are flooding the streets, including anti-terrorism officers. Nobody knows what to do, except to hide away. Gunmen are meant to be targeting hotels."

The lorry was seen mounting the pavement and piling into anyone the driver could see, ramming over those who tried to run away.

The area around the Promenade is full of hotels and restaurants, which that were all packed at the height of the holiday season.

07-14-16, 17:41
http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/07/14/truck-crashes-crowd-celebrating-bastille-day-several-dead/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social Warning - photos of bodies as you scroll down. They are saying 60 dead now.

07-14-16, 17:45
Must be those pesky isamophobic white supremacists over at Stormfront again . . .

07-14-16, 17:46
One of my kids was there just 2-3 days ago... glad he missed this!

Going to be hard to fight against this type of thing. Maybe those steel post traffic barriers when large crowds are present.

And another of my kids could not stay at their appt for 3-4 days due to BLM/related ruffians protesting 50 yards away. Well known park used as starting point, etc.

Folks need to realize there is no safe haven.

07-14-16, 17:51
Ban trucks!

that's the first thing that comes to mind?

07-14-16, 17:58
One way to protect against it is to go to pre 1968 immigration regulations here and the equivalent overseas.

One of my kids was there just 2-3 days ago... glad he missed this!

Going to be hard to fight against this type of thing. Maybe those steel post traffic barriers when large crowds are present.

And another of my kids could not stay at their appt for 3-4 days due to BLM/related ruffians protesting 50 yards away. Well known park used as starting point, etc.

Folks need to realize there is no safe haven.

07-14-16, 17:59
I have stopped caring about people that invite the wolf into their home being attacked by the wolf.

Marine Le Pen is the dangerous one, right? :alcoholic:

Coal Dragger
07-14-16, 18:00
I'm sure a peace loving Muslim wasn't at the wheel.

No doubt the work of a hatefull right wing conservative. Probably a white male NRA member! Never mind this is in France.

07-14-16, 18:01
Imagine if it had been a fuel truck.

07-14-16, 18:08
Sure hope President Hollande's hairdresser is safe.

07-14-16, 18:09
that's the first thing that comes to mind?

Were you looking for "Oh, the horror!"?

Sorry, but I'm surrounded by illness and death daily. It desensitizes you after a while.

Humor is how I survive.

On topic: I wonder if this will become more prevalent.

07-14-16, 18:26
Prayers for the victims and their families... and for more resolute opposition to radical islam.

Ban guns here, and we'll start seeing more of this, IEDs, and "creative" ways of mass murder.

Guns really aren't so bad in the big scheme, especially if the good guys have them too. Not that I expect any anti-gunners to be convinced by something as inconvenient as reality.

ETA: death toll being reported as 73 now. More than the latest AR-15 wielding maniac. Again, not that I expect it to matter to anyone in a political position.

Alex V
07-14-16, 18:41
One of my major clients is a global Paris based company. Following the previous Paris attack we were given a project to harden the lobby at their local plant. BR glazing, BR panels in the walls, access control, unobstructed sight lines from security desk. Wonder if they will change the design to include protection from vehicular attacks?

07-14-16, 18:41
Ban trucks!

Anything over one ton that does over 100kph, no honest man needs an assault vehicle like that.

07-14-16, 18:43
Imagine if it had been a fuel truck.

I've thought of that, only a matter of time.

07-14-16, 18:44
Prayers for the victims and their families... and for more resolute opposition to radical islam.

Ban guns here, and we'll start seeing more of this, IEDs, and "creative" ways of mass murder.

Guns really aren't so bad in the big scheme, especially if the good guys have them too. Not that I expect any anti-gunners to be convinced by something as inconvenient as reality.

ETA: death toll being reported as 73 now. More than the latest AR-15 wielding maniac. Again, not that I expect it to matter to anyone in a political position.

Guns have always been a poor way to kill lots of people. We're actually lucky to date guns have primarily been the weapon of choice for the religion of peace or spree killer types in the US. Every single time they decide to use something other than guns, death and injury toll goes way up. Pray they stick to guns.

07-14-16, 18:45
Imagine if it had been a fuel truck.


07-14-16, 18:45
I've thought of that, only a matter of time.

Read books of people like Flynn, Thor, etc and you'll never run out of creative ideas to cause large scale death and destruction. And that's just the fiction writers.

07-14-16, 18:46
Sort of makes you wonder if Western so-called "leaders" have any idea of what they are up against. Winston Churchill knew their kind all too well in the "low, dishonest" 1930s: “Decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent. ”

Which reminds me--I need to get started on this--maybe I'll learn something I can use: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/era-of-the-crusades.html

07-14-16, 18:58
Sort of makes you wonder if Western so-called "leaders" have any idea of what they are up against. Winston Churchill knew their kind all too well in the "low, dishonest" 1930s: “Decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent. ”

Which reminds me--I need to get started on this--maybe I'll learn something I can use: http://www.thegreatcourses.com/courses/era-of-the-crusades.html

They feed on the chaos. It advances their statist agenda.

07-14-16, 19:14
Imagine if it had been a fuel truck.

NPR is reporting that the French are reporting that the truck was laden with "explosives and grenades".

Alex V
07-14-16, 19:16
NPR is reporting that the French are reporting that the truck was laden with "explosives and grenades".

FNC saying the same.

Death toll up to 75 now. :-(

07-14-16, 19:19
Fire near Eiffel Tower

07-14-16, 19:20
NPR is reporting that the French are reporting that the truck was laden with "explosives and grenades".
One report I caught stated, "arms and grenades".

07-14-16, 19:23
One report I caught stated, "arms and grenades".

I heard something similar earlier. Probably an issue with different translators working from similar reports.

07-14-16, 19:26
Jesus... Prayers for the families of the lost.

Europe has already lost this battle and possibly the war. Even if they built giant walls and shot anyone trying to come in, they already have hundreds of thousand of threats inside that will do what they want. Sadly they have reached and passed their tipping point. They will need to do something very aggressive to clean house.

07-14-16, 19:29
Fire near Eiffel Tower
They are saying it's not related. An accidental fire. But damn....


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07-14-16, 19:30
They are saying it's not related. An accidental fire. But damn....

Let's hope that's true.

07-14-16, 19:33
Video of the Eiffel Tower on fire: https://twitter.com/alexisthiebaut/status/753710743753752576

07-14-16, 19:49
I have stopped caring about people that invite the wolf into their home being attacked by the wolf.

Marine Le Pen is the dangerous one, right? :alcoholic:

Tell that to a solid French cop that has to go investigate a rape and has to nearly shoot his way out of gang territory.

Very unlikely all of France invites terrorists any more than all of America.

I'm not French or a cop, but you've got a pretty broad brush there.

When you stop caring, the bad guys gain ground.

07-14-16, 19:52
Tell that to a solid French cop that has to go investigate a rape and has to nearly shoot his way out of gang territory.

Very unlikely all of France invites terrorists any more than all of America.

I'm not French or a cop, but you've got a pretty broad brush there.

When you stop caring, the bad guys gain ground.

I get where you're both coming from. However, what can you do about it?

Outlander Systems
07-14-16, 19:57
Pour some Scotch, light up a Macanudo, and watch the world consume itself in stupidity.

When France is an outpost of the IS, at least the French kafirs can pat themselves on the back for not "being racist."

Got Jizya?

Alex V
07-14-16, 20:02
Pour some Scotch, light up a Macanudo, and watch the world consume itself in stupidity.

When France is an outpost of the IS, at least the French kafirs can pat themselves on the back for not "being racist."

Got Jizya?

Up to 77 casualties. Ugh. This is very tragic.

07-14-16, 20:10
I want to know what is in the back of the truck, assuming they havent opened it yet. Something in my gut is saying it was a failed truck bomb.

Outlander Systems
07-14-16, 20:18
It absolutely is.

Up to 77 casualties. Ugh. This is very tragic.

07-14-16, 20:36
I hear where he is coming from there is a point when you have to just sit back and realize you cant save someone that does not listen does not seem to care and mostly is BLIND to the truth !!!! which is sadly the country

we used to get seasick people on the boat all the time ! we tell em get to the back of the boat and keep your eye on the horizon grab a ginger drink from the bar and deep breaths
instead they go to the front and put there head down ?
when we pull in we say get in the water it will help stay off the top deck so what do they do head to the top deck then put there head over the rail and look down !!!!

some people you cant help and maybe that LEO is thinking OH we are so multicultural ! not like you racist islamaphobic Americans !
yeah I feel sorry for em but at the same time the only way they are going to change is from within and sadly like our country I dont see that happening anytime soon
we are racing the opposite way and so is basically all over Europe with being so PC it is killing us literally

Tell that to a solid French cop that has to go investigate a rape and has to nearly shoot his way out of gang territory.

Very unlikely all of France invites terrorists any more than all of America.

I'm not French or a cop, but you've got a pretty broad brush there.

When you stop caring, the bad guys gain ground.

07-14-16, 20:40
Must be those pesky isamophobic white supremacists over at Stormfront again . . .
More than likely a radicalized Mike Pence follower. NPR warned us...

07-14-16, 20:48
Pour some Scotch, light up a Macanudo, and watch the world consume itself in stupidity.
When France is an outpost of the IS, at least the French kafirs can pat themselves on the back for not "being racist."
Got Jizya?

I understand the fatalistic attitude, but this has to be stopped yesterday. If it's not stopped in Europe, Europe will fall, and that will make the US situation 1000 times worse.

07-14-16, 21:42
video of the truck hitting the crowd


07-14-16, 21:46
I understand the fatalistic attitude, but this has to be stopped yesterday. If it's not stopped in Europe, Europe will fall, and that will make the US situation 1000 times worse.

What're you gonna do?

Hollande is a pu$$y, and so is most of Europe.

07-14-16, 21:47
nobody panic. im sure barack will hit the air soon to tell us how this is all our fault

07-14-16, 21:48
CNN guest is more worried about the Left losing power than lives/freedoms lost. Attacks like this vindicate what the right has been warning about for years and discredit what the Left has PCed for years


07-14-16, 21:48
It's sad. It's like out of Children of Men

I speak out of frustration but if I were coming from some shithole Muhammed-Freak country and ended up in France all I would want to do is:

Shave and get a haircut
Learn French
Get a goddamn job
Screw (consensually and respectfully) as many skinny Ooh La La French chicks as I could
and just live on wine and love while that prissy accordion sounding music plays.

Not hard.

BUT NOOOOOOooooo.....that's too easy, isn't it.

ETA When I did France pre-9/11 it was different and pretty groovy. I was told "Jamais parlez de Dieu, d'argent, ou le politique" and did so and everybody was awesome.

If I were King of France, them fruity FAMASes would get shitcanned and everybody would get Glocks and Colts or LMTs. If you're a police your ass better be strapped and swaggering.

This bisexual "unarmed" police meter maid shit is simply not doing it.

07-14-16, 22:02
CNN guest is more worried about the Left losing power than lives/freedoms lost. Attacks like this vindicate what the right has been warning about for years and discredit what the Left has PCed for years


God forbid the Left loses power.

It's not like people have been getting murdered in their own country for the last few years or anything.

Maybe a Nationalized, Hard Right Europe would be the much needed testosterone shot in the arm.

After some heads busted, terrorists gunned down like mangy dogs, a few crucifixions, and people quitting the bullshit people might chill the hell out after a while.

A Conservative is a Liberal who just got mugged after all. Am I the only person who saw Death Wish?

07-14-16, 22:05
I get where you're both coming from. However, what can you do about it?

Ok, for you and Honu...

The good guys can never be afforded the luxury of "not caring anymore" ... because that's exactly what the bad guys want.

On any given day, any given good guy may only be able to get out of bed and say "I care".. that's something. We are a world of good guys ( and gals )... I don't know what each individual can do. Some can do way more than others... but the good guys can never stop caring. It is simply not an option.

You can chose to distance yourself from an issue for two reasons. One is simply to pretend or hope you can escape it. The other is to observe it from a different perspective in the hopes to subdue it. Sometimes this latter is a necessity.

Humanity tends to adapt to humanity one way or another. Giving up would only be a solution if the opposing force would collapse due to a lack of anything to feed upon. That would be ideal to simply sit back and watch life happen but that would mean you are content in perhaps seeing your race, culture, or what have you, consumed by another as a normal course of business as the greater world continued on.

I should have chosen my words better in reply to Euro,, it reads worse than what I was thinking. The bottom line is, the opposition wants everyone to say F-it, I give up,,, but we can never do that. We can say, I need a break, somebody else come up with an idea, whatever, but we have to care even when it's not in our back yard. Especially when it's not in our back yard.

So I suppose you could care about a person in a restricted state. Then find a friend to care about another. Then the four of you enlist others and gain a like minded person each from another country. It's only a mouse click away.

You know the old saying about the weakest link in a chain? Well if a chain breaks at least you still have two pieces of chain. So what you can do is start being a blacksmith and building your chain.

"you" is never going to magically swoop down like Superman and stop a terror attack. We have never lived in that reality and yet somehow have defeated great evil often with the most unassuming people involved. Almost like magic with the right person being in the right place at the right time because they cared.

Every good man has to continue to care. Again no reflection on Euro, I get what he was saying too. I presented that poorly.

07-14-16, 22:07
A truck is a great tool for inflicting harm on a lot of pedestrians. A truck laden with petrol, alcohol, etc., is even more effective. A truck is difficult to stop, even if it is an empty truck.

07-14-16, 22:15
Ban high capacity trucks. He didn't even have to reload or refuel to create a wmd.

We need the bullet button equivalent for trucks....... I know, lets set the ecm governed speed limit to 2.3 mph.......

Dhere.... All fixed it.

Maybe needs less control and more crusade....


Luckily them retards don't know explosives. That could have been so much worse.

07-14-16, 22:26
CRAZY mohammedans?!?! Say it ain't so!!! :rolleyes:

07-14-16, 22:36
When the terrorist used illegal AKs in their attack in Paris, that didn't make any impact or change the thought pattern of the gun grabbers here. This new truck attack, will not open their eyes to the fact of who we are dealing with rather than concentrating on the legal guns.

07-14-16, 22:38
we never gave up trying to help the seasick folk ? but you get to the point again you cant help them if they wont do what is needed ?
does not mean you give up on yourself or your position etc.. but again sometimes there is no way you can do anything but shake your head and think IDIOTS

but if you are out with friends and they are trying to pick a fight everywhere do you say guys I am outa here as I dont want to be part of this ?
then later you find out they got there butts kicked
do you think OH I wish I stayed with em ?
glad I got out and saved my bacon and realize not to hang out with those folks when drinking ?

I am more the later type

when doing rescues you have to know when you cant and not become another victim to be rescued !

Ok, for you and Honu...

The good guys can never be afforded the luxury of "not caring anymore" ... because that's exactly what the bad guys want.

On any given day, any given good guy may only be able to get out of bed and say "I care".. that's something. We are a world of good guys ( and gals )... I don't know what each individual can do. Some can do way more than others... but the good guys can never stop caring. It is simply not an option.

You can chose to distance yourself from an issue for two reasons. One is simply to pretend or hope you can escape it. The other is to observe it from a different perspective in the hopes to subdue it. Sometimes this latter is a necessity.

Humanity tends to adapt to humanity one way or another. Giving up would only be a solution if the opposing force would collapse due to a lack of anything to feed upon. That would be ideal to simply sit back and watch life happen but that would mean you are content in perhaps seeing your race, culture, or what have you, consumed by another as a normal course of business as the greater world continued on.

I should have chosen my words better in reply to Euro,, it reads worse than what I was thinking. The bottom line is, the opposition wants everyone to say F-it, I give up,,, but we can never do that. We can say, I need a break, somebody else come up with an idea, whatever, but we have to care even when it's not in our back yard. Especially when it's not in our back yard.

So I suppose you could care about a person in a restricted state. Then find a friend to care about another. Then the four of you enlist others and gain a like minded person each from another country. It's only a mouse click away.

You know the old saying about the weakest link in a chain? Well if a chain breaks at least you still have two pieces of chain. So what you can do is start being a blacksmith and building your chain.

"you" is never going to magically swoop down like Superman and stop a terror attack. We have never lived in that reality and yet somehow have defeated great evil often with the most unassuming people involved. Almost like magic with the right person being in the right place at the right time because they cared.

Every good man has to continue to care. Again no reflection on Euro, I get what he was saying too. I presented that poorly.

07-14-16, 22:45
Newt NAILS it.

However, I can easily see those ideas being turned on the citizenry...



07-14-16, 23:00
we never gave up trying to help the seasick folk ? but you get to the point again you cant help them if they wont do what is needed ?
does not mean you give up on yourself or your position etc.. but again sometimes there is no way you can do anything but shake your head and think IDIOTS

Right, I said I presented my thoughts poorly.... at the same time, if you choose to take people out diving, you are responsible for them, so if you let them do as they please, that's on you... but that's a different story... If you are the Capetian on the boat, you either are or are not. If you tell them to stand at the rear rail, they damn well better stand there.... after all it is your boat and you are the Captain.... or not.

Again... that's a different story. Your analogy puts you in control from the start. A terror attack is reactionary and one can choose to fight back or give up. I feel we are bigger and better and can't give up.

I'm not by any means claiming to have a solution but I know we have a ton of super smart people and hardware and can reverse the situation.

"shake your head and think IDIOTS"

Seeing your students as idiots is a failure of the teacher and the Liberal way. I don't know you, but I don't think that is who you really are. I get your point and speaking to me I understand you, but someone that doesn't know where you are coming from will have a 180. I know you care about the safety and enjoyment of your passengers. Every day of life we have to dig deeper. that's just the way it is.

Unlike Liberals where the thought is to give everyone anything they want... I am saying care enough to hold your hand out and lift others to the place that will make them better people. Teach them to see what you see.

07-14-16, 23:35
Really want to post some immature snarky IDGAF stuff, but I honestly just hope the the French collectively pull their heads out of their fourth point of contact.

07-14-16, 23:58
I would love for the French, who are now ID'd by the bad guys as an easy target, to get their confidence back and start getting the work done. Tragically I just don't see that happening. It has been bred or beaten out of them. They keep getting their teeth kicked in and don't do anything in return.

07-15-16, 00:01
I would love for the French, who are now ID'd by the bad guys as an easy target, to get their confidence back and start getting the work done. Tragically I just don't see that happening. It has been bred or beaten out of them. They keep getting their teeth kicked in and don't do anything in return.

IKR. I wish they had a modern day Devil's Guard

07-15-16, 00:13
no worries :)

I think Frances Captain jumped ship :)

again I am not saying give up but I am saying at this point its not our country ?
THEY have to initiate the change and they are not willing sadly I dont think this attack will make them open there eyes more than likely it will be OH we need to bring more in show them we love them and care and blah blah blah

sadly we are trying to be like them and invite more of this into our country and let them get away with it ! thanks mostly to our current admin of course

I guess I say its horrible but they need to clean there own house first and we need to clean ours

hoping the next president does something about the problem and if we get attacked I hope he turns the attackers country into a piece of glass and then let the world know you cant do this happens again ! well once again a country of glass !
take the gloves off like we did in WWII !

make it known to other countries if we get terrorists in our country we are coming back on yours harder than you can imagine so you better think twice any mosque ever have someone come out of it as a terrorist
the whole mosque is deported and flattened turned into a park with a big ol cross or star of david heck even a big ol gay flag just to piss em off

but that is fantasy sadly its like putting a penny on a train track does not do much but make your penny bigger !

on the shaking head parts :) no I care about people and am sad for all the innocent folks
I guess shaking my head and saying IDIOT is my way of coping
I worked in the FD for a while the Paramedics man were they brutal and laugh about stuff cause that is how they dealt with it BUT a lot of it also was how the person hurt acted
like that lady I save her life she wants to sue me
just shake your head
same with France they had an attack and did nothing it seems ? again shake your head kinda thing
hope that makes more sense what I mean

HEY dont go out we got red flags up surf will kill ya !
idiot goes out anyway so you rescue him with his now broken back
shake your head freaking IDIOT :)

again maybe also cause I worked and did rescues about 5 a week that changed me :) ahhahahaha
but I rescued em all even got a couple good fruit baskets and some other goodies out of the deal :)

Right, I said I presented my thoughts poorly.... at the same time, if you choose to take people out diving, you are responsible for them, so if you let them do as they please, that's on you... but that's a different story... If you are the Capetian on the boat, you either are or are not. If you tell them to stand at the rear rail, they damn well better stand there.... after all it is your boat and you are the Captain.... or not.

Again... that's a different story. Your analogy puts you in control from the start. A terror attack is reactionary and one can choose to fight back or give up. I feel we are bigger and better and can't give up.

I'm not by any means claiming to have a solution but I know we have a ton of super smart people and hardware and can reverse the situation.

"shake your head and think IDIOTS"

Seeing your students as idiots is a failure of the teacher and the Liberal way. I don't know you, but I don't think that is who you really are. I get your point and speaking to me I understand you, but someone that doesn't know where you are coming from will have a 180. I know you care about the safety and enjoyment of your passengers. Every day of life we have to dig deeper. that's just the way it is.

Unlike Liberals where the thought is to give everyone anything they want... I am saying care enough to hold your hand out and lift others to the place that will make them better people. Teach them to see what you see.

07-15-16, 00:24
maybe this is more to point

not giving up but knowing when to step back and when to help and again realize sometimes people can self rescue and need to do it themselves but they have to listen first :)

07-15-16, 01:05
maybe this is more to point

not giving up but knowing when to step back and when to help and again realize sometimes people can self rescue and need to do it themselves but they have to listen first :)

Right, but listen or not, you are not going to let them sink into the deep. You simply are not going to do that. That is not who you are.

Now regarding stepping back... when was the last time we got into France's business? I would say we have stepped back... so now maybe instead of "not care", we say "if you need anything, call me". I know that's an over simplification but now is not the time to blow off the troubles of others no matter how they got there.

We are no better with our borders.

I see this as a time to care and join rather than watch and hope. IOW, we don't want a self rescue to say OMG, I never want to get back in the water. That does happen.

07-15-16, 01:54
More than likely a radicalized Mike Pence follower. NPR warned us...

Hah, NPR . . . :lol:

07-15-16, 03:06
its like my kid riding a bike I am going to let him fall and skin his knee :) but he will learn to ride a bike
if he insists he can sit on the seat backwards and he wont listen I will watch him UNTIL he says OK you were right I was wrong
bad analogy but my kid would learn very shortly :) lets hope the Europe learns ?

I forgot the Chinese quote thing about time and winning even if it takes lifetimes kinda thing ?

agree on the borders for sure and other areas mentioned we have our own mess to clean up but sometimes a outside perspective is what one needs :)
Russia to US you have terrorists those guys are going to do something !!! obama oh I will have em over a beer they are good kids :) (last part made up sarcasm)

I see this as a time to care and pray and hope and keep telling you have to open your eyes to your problem ! when you are ready I will be here to help with that problem and maybe some solutions
now for those who are wounded I can help with ....

on the self rescue going back in water :) there are some people that sadly never do learn ? and that is also tough

one of my HS buds his daughter got into the wrong crowd when she was in her early 20s so true story/analogy
got into drugs and you try and try and try but you cant do anything until THEY want to stop and THEY do it on there own even if you force them into rehab they will fall back until they want to be rescued or want help !
now they may be to embarrassed to ask for help so also a good person will see the signs :) but you always care for them and love them keep a eye on them and of course intervene if you see worse danger if you can but again you can stop her from getting beat up again by a drug boyfriend by going there and kicking the crap out of him to the point he needs a hospital and say if you ever come near again I will kill you by beating you to death ! but you still cant stop her from doing drugs or falling for another idiot !!

Right, but listen or not, you are not going to let them sink into the deep. You simply are not going to do that. That is not who you are.

Now regarding stepping back... when was the last time we got into France's business? I would say we have stepped back... so now maybe instead of "not care", we say "if you need anything, call me". I know that's an over simplification but now is not the time to blow off the troubles of others no matter how they got there.

We are no better with our borders.

I see this as a time to care and join rather than watch and hope. IOW, we don't want a self rescue to say OMG, I never want to get back in the water. That does happen.

07-15-16, 05:46


I've never seen it. I'm blown away

Even DU has "has enough". Even DU is calling for prohibiting Muslims from traveling to the US. And it wasn't deleted or put out to a jury.

There's still a few loonies who think these are false flag attacks by right wingers trying to get votes, but they are shut down pretty quick.

07-15-16, 07:01


I've never seen it. I'm blown away

Even DU has "has enough". Even DU is calling for prohibiting Muslims from traveling to the US. And it wasn't deleted or put out to a jury.

There's still a few loonies who think these are false flag attacks by right wingers trying to get votes, but they are shut down pretty quick.

I really cant get over the amount of retards who scream "hoax" or "false flag" after every single attack...

07-15-16, 07:25
not all muslims!


07-15-16, 07:43
not all muslims!

True, but to be honest those figures are considerably higher than I thought they would be, especially in the younger group. Jeesh.......

Million dollar question: will the majority do their part to rat-out or expose the violent (not so small) minority? I think we know the answer to that, don't we?

07-15-16, 07:47
nearly all Muslims will turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorism.

07-15-16, 07:52
nearly all Muslims will turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorism.

Yup. For a bunch of reasons...intimidation/retribution, fear, apathy, whatever. But until they step up ('they' being the countries' leadership, both political and religious) and start railing against it, Akbar the shopkeeper won't.

07-15-16, 08:21
when your PC leaders out there wont even call it for what it is "radical Islamic terrorism" what hope is there for a non violent muslim to risk their lives to report radicals

07-15-16, 08:30
facts known so far



07-15-16, 09:16
This is the second time in two weeks I got a facebook alert that said, "Friend McFriend has checked in as SAFE" and I'm like... from what?

Newt NAILS it.


I like Newt, but I thought that was so dumb.

What's he going to do, send them a postcard that says "SHARIA: YES/NO" and have them circle one?

07-15-16, 09:39
Breaking News: Obama Administration now believes that Nice attacks were not inspired by Islamic terror. Instead, the administration believes the truck driver got distracted while playing Pokemon Go.

07-15-16, 09:45
Breaking News: Obama Administration now believes that Nice attacks were not inspired by Islamic terror. Instead, the administration believes the truck driver got distracted while playing Pokemon Go.

Well, Mohammed (interesting name...hmm...where have we heard that before) was not overly religious so it is entirely plausible.


Some would argue that driving a truck into a crowd of thousands with the intent of killing them in the name of religion would prove otherwise, but if the Associated Press says that he wasn't overly religious and that stemming migration won't do anything to quell this problem then I believe them.

07-15-16, 10:05
This is the second time in two weeks I got a facebook alert that said, "Friend McFriend has checked in as SAFE" and I'm like... from what?


I like Newt, but I thought that was so dumb.

What's he going to do, send them a postcard that says "SHARIA: YES/NO" and have them circle one?

1) stop immigration
2) deportation of no-fly/ terror suspects
3) surveillance of mosques
4) surveillance of extremist sites

I'm of the opinion that some of these measures are a slippery slope, and could eventually have a negative impact on the American citizenry.

What's the alternative?

07-15-16, 10:13
True, but to be honest those figures are considerably higher than I thought they would be, especially in the younger group. Jeesh.......

Million dollar question: will the majority do their part to rat-out or expose the violent (not so small) minority? I think we know the answer to that, don't we?

A guest on Bill Mahr's show nailed when he described the problem this way:

At the center there is Militant Islamists who are actively killing and dying to spread Islam - that is about 1-2% of the Muslim population.

Supporting that militant core are Islamists who agree and support the militants but are not yet willing to die or pick up a gun themselves. Of note, some in this category cross over to the militant group when properly "stimulated." This group represents another 5-10% depending on the region.

Next, you have conservative Muslims. While they are not trying to put all non-believers to the sword, they tolerate the militants and hold views on social issues that are the antithesis of Western Values. Some of these will also cross over to the Islamist category from time to time. A very small number will at times relax their views. God only knows how many are in this category, but my guess is that it is quite large.

What is left over is progressive Muslims. They are the Diet Coke of Islam - just 1 calorie. Many are my co-workers and I would not even know they were Muslim if it were not for their last name. They drink, bang nurses, marry outside of Islam, etc.

Now, there are 1.6 Billion Muslims on the planet. Do you really think that this is going to be solved without a massive world war now that 80-160 million of them want to put your head on a stake?

07-15-16, 10:13
Well, Mohammed (interesting name...hmm...where have we heard that before) was not overly religious so it is entirely plausible.


Some would argue that driving a truck into a crowd of thousands with the intent of killing them in the name of religion would prove otherwise, but if the Associated Press says that he wasn't overly religious and that stemming migration won't do anything to quell this problem then I believe them.

Welp, in all seriousness, I guess that means France will likely get hit again. And again. Until they're willing to wake up and identify the actual problem.

07-15-16, 10:17
nearly all Muslims will turn a blind eye to Islamic terrorism.

This is the same as the didn't see nothing phenomena in crime ridden ghettos. When you're surrounded by the enemy you STFU of you die.

This is the second time in two weeks I got a facebook alert that said, "Friend McFriend has checked in as SAFE" and I'm like... from what?

Probably in France traveling and wants to let friends and family know he's not under a car.


I like Newt, but I thought that was so dumb.

What's he going to do, send them a postcard that says "SHARIA: YES/NO" and have them circle one?

I though that about 90% of what he stated was dead on. The 10% about testing was retarded for sure. Like the terrorist types are going to tell he truth. They have no issue hiding their faith and partaking in western decadence until it's time to meet the Virginians.

We can not continue to ignore the threat that ISIS/Al Queda and Radicalized Islamist pose to our citizens and interests. Since there is no effective way to screen the good from the bad we MUST put US citizens ahead of everyone else. PERIOD. IMO that means end all immigration from the area. Sorry, but we owe those folks nothing. We can send $$ to set up safe zones for the refugees, but stay the hell there. We have 0 need to student visas. They can wrap up their semesters/quarter whatevers and go home to attend a university there.

We need to go after their ability to finance and recruit. IMO that means take their $$. If we are willing to use Civil Asset Forfeitures on US citizens we shouldn't have an issue seizing funds from anywhere on the planet. Every teenager should have a free pass on hacking any website promoting radical Islam and the like. You get bonus points for putting goat porn on instead of the regular broadcast. YouTube should be fined out the ass when one single be heading video shows up.

The oil wells used to finance ISIS operations should be smoldering messes. Every motorcade waiving an ISIS flag should become the highway of death.

The idea that we can be nice nice to these people is idiotic.

07-15-16, 10:20
1) stop immigration
2) deportation of no-fly/ terror suspects
3) surveillance of mosques
4) surveillance of extremist sites

I'm of the opinion that some of these measures are a slippery slope, and could eventually have a negative impact on the American citizenry.

What's the alternative?

I don't know that it would be a slippery slope. I have a strong feeling that our .gov already has many militia, anti-government, extremist white groups under surveillance. Mosque and muslims seem to get a free pass right now so why not add those bastages to the list.

Your 1st and 2nd point should be no brainers. If you are here and not a citizen you should be auto deported as soon as you are added to any type of watch list. We should not be accepting any immigrants from ME nations right now. If we just want to help people, there are plenty of people from non durka durka states that would love to come here and don't want to run people over or blow shit up.

07-15-16, 10:23
I don't know that it would be a slippery slope. I have a strong feeling that our .gov already has many militia, anti-government, extremist white groups under surveillance. Mosque and muslims seem to get a free pass right now so why not add those bastages to the list.

Your 1st and 2nd point should be no brainers. If you are here and not a citizen you should be auto deported as soon as you are added to any type of watch list. We should not be accepting any immigrants from ME nations right now. If we just want to help people, there are plenty of people from non durka durka states that would love to come here and don't want to run people over or blow shit up.

I concur.

07-15-16, 10:23
Probably in France traveling and wants to let friends and family know he's not under a car.

No, this one lives in Nice.

My friend in Istanbul was on a layover.

I guess this is the new shitty world where your phone tells you on a weekly basis if terrorists killed any of your friends based on their GPS location.

07-15-16, 10:24
We can not continue to ignore the threat that ISIS/Al Queda and Radicalized Islamist pose to our citizens and interests. Since there is no effective way to screen the good from the bad we MUST put US citizens ahead of everyone else. PERIOD. IMO that means end all immigration from the area. Sorry, but we owe those folks nothing. We can send $$ to set up safe zones for the refugees, but stay the hell there. We have 0 need to student visas. They can wrap up their semesters/quarter whatevers and go home to attend a university there.

We need to go after their ability to finance and recruit. IMO that means take their $$. If we are willing to use Civil Asset Forfeitures on US citizens we shouldn't have an issue seizing funds from anywhere on the planet. Every teenager should have a free pass on hacking any website promoting radical Islam and the like. You get bonus points for putting goat porn on instead of the regular broadcast. YouTube should be fined out the ass when one single be heading video shows up.

The oil wells used to finance ISIS operations should be smoldering messes. Every motorcade waiving an ISIS flag should become the highway of death.

The idea that we can be nice nice to these people is idiotic.

This x 100

07-15-16, 10:42
Has Obama piped up and blamed this on guns, white people or said this was not caused by Islam?

...you know it is coming...that train is never late!

07-15-16, 10:45
Has Obama piped up and blamed this on guns, white people or said this was not caused by Islam?

...you know it is coming...that train is never late!

I was actually going to watch his "town hall" Meeting last night just to see if he mentioned anything regarding this attack, but I got busy.

07-15-16, 10:56
My sister, mom, aunt, uncle and cusins are in Europe on a cruise. They wernt far from Nice yesterday and even thought of going but decided against it cause they weren't sure if they'd make it back to the ship in time

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-15-16, 12:32
1) stop immigration
2) deportation of no-fly/ terror suspects
3) surveillance of mosques
4) surveillance of extremist sites

I'm of the opinion that some of these measures are a slippery slope, and could eventually have a negative impact on the American citizenry.

What's the alternative?

Did we look for the IRA money men at Temple?

Slippery slope or common sense?

07-15-16, 13:05
If you are here and not a citizen you should be auto deported as soon as you are added to any type of watch list.

What ever happened to watch lists being arbitrary and without due process?

07-15-16, 13:18
I though that about 90% of what he stated was dead on. The 10% about testing was retarded for sure.

What about charging people with felonies for visiting certain websites?

Seems like a surefire way to lose the war, no? Like... guaranteed mission failure.

It's an act of surrender that shows our enemy that we are incapable of providing an intellectual challenge to their ideology- so we ban their message. Knock, knock, knock... Psssssst.... Newt? That's probably the number-one-thing you can do to magnetize their ideology!

You'd have 35 minutes of Jihadi messaging spliced into the middle of "The Bourne Identity" and shared on torrent sites. Dudes would be passing flash disks instead of tapes like back in the day (which they already do). Plus the Dark Web?

Meanwhile, G-men would probably take me down on the metro, and if they didn't just randomly shoot me for no reason, I'd be charged with over 100 felonies based on my browsing history- because I too access this very same information... for a different reason.

Then you'd have to justify to the American taxpayer why you're spending such a huge amount of money and committing massive resources to asking people "Do you like Sharia?" or "I noticed you read Inspire magazine... do you get inspired?"

Then, when you are forced to come with the results to back it up (which is exactly what happened to the "NYPD Demographics Unit") you'd find 1000 reviews of Halal Restaurants and zero actionable intel, plus overt corruption like "Militant guys pump iron, so you need to pay my gym subscription and let me hang with the bros all day on the clock" (both of which are real things that happened).

Eventually those assets will be forcefully redirected towards more serious threats to the American Citizen- i.e. violent crime- and with all that asshattery that's taken place around the above, you know exactly what that's going to mean:

Charge every American with a felony for every hip hop track on every iPod.

Because having information should be a new type of crime (according to Newtonberry).

07-15-16, 13:20
What ever happened to watch lists being arbitrary and without due process?

We're talking about non-citizens.

Alex V
07-15-16, 13:30
My sister, mom, aunt, uncle and cusins are in Europe on a cruise. They wernt far from Nice yesterday and even thought of going but decided against it cause they weren't sure if they'd make it back to the ship in time

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Yikes, reminds me of when my mom was supposed to have a job interview in Tower One on Tuesday September 11th. Luckily she was in Spain and had to reschedule.

07-15-16, 13:54
I don't know that it would be a slippery slope. I have a strong feeling that our .gov already has many militia, anti-government, extremist white groups under surveillance. Mosque and muslims seem to get a free pass right now so why not add those bastages to the list.

Your 1st and 2nd point should be no brainers. If you are here and not a citizen you should be auto deported as soon as you are added to any type of watch list. We should not be accepting any immigrants from ME nations right now. If we just want to help people, there are plenty of people from non durka durka states that would love to come here and don't want to run people over or blow shit up.

I don't know about other industries, but healthcare in the US would collapse if you deported all of the Muslims who are non-citizens. About 1/6 of the housestaff and hospitalists labor pool are Muslims on visas. Virtually all of our non-faculty hospitalists are Muslim. Our hospital would collapse if 1/6 of the labor pool disappeared. I imagine that other critical access and tertiary medical centers are in the same boat.

07-15-16, 13:57
I don't know about other industries, but healthcare in the US would collapse if you deported all of the Muslims who are non-citizens. About 1/6 of the housestaff and hospitalists labor pool are Muslims on visas. Virtually all of our non-faculty hospitalists are Muslim. Our hospital would collapse if 1/6 of the labor pool disappeared. I imagine that other critical access and tertiary medical centers are in the same boat.

It would just mean 100% residency match rates for US citizens.

I'm down with that.

07-15-16, 14:02
It would just mean 100% residency match rates for US citizens.

I'm down with that.

Not in my city. Oh, the convenience stores would board up. Some of the taxis would stop. But if you eliminated, er, deported, Chinese, then we would have a problem.

07-15-16, 17:00
Well, Mohammed (interesting name...hmm...where have we heard that before) was not overly religious so it is entirely plausible.


Some would argue that driving a truck into a crowd of thousands with the intent of killing them in the name of religion would prove otherwise, but if the Associated Press says that he wasn't overly religious and that stemming migration won't do anything to quell this problem then I believe them.

It's tough to listen to that when the guy literally committed the attack called for in the article entitled "The Ultimate Mowing Machine", from the 2nd edition of Al Qaeda's "Inspire" magazine. :(

07-15-16, 17:21
We're talking about non-citizens.

They still get a hearing with a judge before deportation.

Non-citizens are still protected by due process.

07-15-16, 17:27
They still get a hearing with a judge before deportation.

Non-citizens are still protected by due process.

I meant no due process for non-citizens to be put on a list.

07-15-16, 18:17
Must be those pesky isamophobic white supremacists over at Stormfront again . . .

Nah, bro. This guy was just driving a truckload of soup over to the local soup kitchen on a weekly soup kithen jihad run. He must have had a heart attack (brought on by unpleasant feelings stemming from the injustice of the Crusades) and plowed through the crowd.
As for the explosives, that was planted by the Jews. They substituted the soup for explosives.

nobody panic. im sure barack will hit the air soon to tell us how this is all our fault

Crusades, guns, the NRA, intolerance, hate, yadda, yadda.
All Whitey's fault.

Bro, do you even sabotage?

07-16-16, 03:59


07-16-16, 04:54
Crusades, guns, the NRA, intolerance, hate, yadda, yadda.
All Whitey's fault.

Bro, do you even sabotage?

"It's been a difficult several weeks in the United States, but the divide that exists is not between races and ethnicities and religions," Obama said. "And those impulses, when we do not speak out against them and build institutions to protect people from those impulses, they can take over. They can be unleashed, so all of us have responsibilities, not just a few." -BHO


"I fully expect by tomorrow morning that President Obama will have rediscovered his left-wing roots and will give a press conference in which he'll explain that the problem is too many trucks," Gingrich said. "If only we had truck regulation, then we wouldn't have problems like Nice because it is trucks that are dangerous. I mean that's the exact analog to Orlando and just tells you how nuts the left wing in America is."

07-16-16, 05:16
"I fully expect by tomorrow morning that President Obama will have rediscovered his left-wing roots and will give a press conference in which he'll explain that the problem is too many trucks," Gingrich said. "If only we had truck regulation, then we wouldn't have problems like Nice because it is trucks that are dangerous. I mean that's the exact analog to Orlando and just tells you how nuts the left wing in America is."


I heard that audio clip on a talk radio program the other day, spot on doesn't even begin to describe it. Newt hit the X-ring and screwed the prom queen on that one.