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07-15-16, 13:49
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Outlander Systems
07-15-16, 13:59
Thank you for putting this up.

And I quote::

Finding: While in the United States some of the September 11 hijackers were in contact with, AND RECEIVED SUPPORT OR ASSISTANCE FROM, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.

Skayhk Shithead needs sandbagged...

07-15-16, 14:10
And......here we go.....

Doc Safari
07-15-16, 14:17
We should have attacked Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq.

Outlander Systems
07-15-16, 14:17
The Iraqi's didn't contribute to political campaigns...

We should have attacked Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq.

07-15-16, 14:19
Sadly I fear most of America will not care

Doc Safari
07-15-16, 14:21
The Iraqi's didn't contribute to political campaigns...

The Saudis are the Whore of Babylon, financing ISIS and a host of other jihadist causes. When the Shiites get tired of them they will feed them to the buzzards. Assuming the buzzards don't mind a little Uranium 235 in the air, of course.

07-15-16, 14:23
Sadly I fear most of America will not care

"What Difference Does It Make At This Point?"

Straight Shooter
07-15-16, 14:25
Like EVERYTHING ELSE..fvckin NOTHING will happen about it.

07-15-16, 14:25
Almost done reading..... Holy ****......

07-15-16, 14:37
God dammit I'm so angry right now I could punch a ****ing wall........

I'll put a summary up when I cool down a bit......

07-15-16, 14:43
As long as oil is traded in dollars, nothing will happen to the Saudis.

07-15-16, 14:44
As long as oil is traded in dollars, nothing will happen to the Saudis.

Truth. There are a lot of reasons the House of Saud will never be touched. Money, politics, alliances. Makes me sick.

07-15-16, 15:22
I've read it and I'm not feeling the outrage. What it basically said is that elements of the Saudi government MAY have supported the 9-11 terrorists, and those elements MIGHT have been affiliated with SA's intelligence apparatus. However, there is no evidence that establishes the extent of Saudi government involvement or at what level that involvement might have occurred (if at all). Moreover, nothing in the 28 pages implicates or even insinuates that the Royal Family played any role, or that the Saudi government sanctioned the attack.

Don't get me wrong, I might have a 5 second moment of silence if SA fell off the map in a massive earthquake. I'm just not seeing the smoking gun that I had expected.

B Cart
07-15-16, 15:27
As long as oil is traded in dollars, nothing will happen to the Saudis.

This^^. The Saudis will never be touched as long as this remains the case

07-15-16, 15:38
I've read it and I'm not feeling the outrage. What it basically said is that elements of the Saudi government MAY have supported the 9-11 terrorists, and those elements MIGHT have been affiliated with SA's intelligence apparatus. However, there is no evidence that establishes the extent of Saudi government involvement or at what level that involvement might have occurred (if at all). Moreover, nothing in the 28 pages implicates or even insinuates that the Royal Family played any role, or that the Saudi government sanctioned the attack.

Don't get me wrong, I might have a 5 second moment of silence if SA fell off the map in a massive earthquake. I'm just not seeing the smoking gun that I had expected.

I have not read it yet. I will tonight at work. But to speculate, they could have been intentionally ambiguous. I mean it is not like the government or its cronies are the most honest and integrity stricken bunch.

07-15-16, 15:43
God dammit I'm so angry right now I could punch a ****ing wall........

I'll put a summary up when I cool down a bit......

I'm amazed that so many people are surprised by this. Saudi is the number one teacher of Wahhabi in the world, this what many consider to be the most Orthodox form of Islam and it is the one that nearly all Sunni extremists follow. I would actually be amazed to discover the Saudi government had NOTHING to do with 9-11.

Gonna start holding my breath now waiting for Obama to ask Congress for a declaration of war.

07-15-16, 15:46
Read half of it..Sensei is right. Names names, but lots of "may" and "appears to have" in there.

Given how it reads so far, and how it ties names together, I can see how it's CLASS may have been an attempt to protect intelligence folks, or ongoing investigations.

Looking forward to any insight BTDT types on the forum may be willing to provide.

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07-15-16, 15:50
I'm amazed that so many people are surprised by this.

Me also. This is old news. How have people not at least pieced this together? There is speculation a lot of ISIS funding is coming from there also. Oh and guess where Osama was from? Yep that's right Saudi Arabia.

07-15-16, 15:50
Well, I'm still not even sure what to say. I mean, we all knew that almost all the attackers were Saudis. We knew that that out of the gate. But I am in a bit of disbelief.

So I guess, I'm going to give a cliff notes version and there will be some spoiler alerts in this post. So if you do not want to ruin it and read the PDF and all of its Glory, don't read my post.

Well, most of the people involved in 9/11, worked in various capacities for the Saudi government, or for the Royal Family or whatever the the f*** they're called.

One or two of them supposedly were Intelligence Officers for the Saudi government. One of them was a pilot for the Royal Family, at least one of them worked for the Saudi Embassy. Of course, I am paraphrasing some of this because I did not take notes. One of them either did or had connections somehow to The Prince and manage the property for him and Colorado.

There was an event in Phoenix in 1999 if I remember right, that was basically a dry run for those guys trying to hijack an airplane. He tried to get into the cockpit twice. And what do you know? The FBI decided to not prosecute....

There was also significant amounts of money coming in various ways to various people involved. Lots of direct payments from the Royal Family. Talks about some Somali Connection in San Diego. Also to various organizations and charities. It goes on to talk about how Osama Bin Laden had relationships with people that were high places in Saudi Arabia. And that they were perceived to be sympathetic to the cause.

It also talks about the lack of cooperation of investigating Osama Bin Laden from the Saudi government. They even came out and said they would not assist in any investigation of Osama bin Laden. This is all prior prior to 9/11.

They don't flat come out and say that the Saudi family or state sponsors terrorism. But, if you can read between the lines, and if you could read all the redacted paragraphs and testimony, Well, you get the idea. Where there's smoke there's fire right?

It seems to me, the entire thing was played wrong. When those be B2 squadrons got launched, you remember when George W stood there on a pile of crumbled steel and said "I hear you, and the people that brought down these buildings will soon hear you too"...... well, one squadron should have gone to the Afghanistan, the other have gone to Riyadh.

Everyone that was interviewed wants to act like they didn't know. Bull f****** s***. They say in there several times that Saudi Arabia was not considered or said to be considered by the state department as a terrorist state. They knew, they knew and we got played hard.

It talks about all of the Saudis that got paid. What about Americans? Did any Americans get paid off in this deal? I think that brings some really serious legitimate questions. I have a hard time believing that many Saudis got their palms greased, and no Americans got greased in the process.

The report reads like a plot out of a Tom Clancy book.

You know what I think. They oughta release all the Kennedy papers while we're at it. Then I guess the Americans can decide. Not that we'll do jackshit about any of it. Just not enough balls anymore. Well, and I suppose when you're Maybe getting paid, why the f*** not...

Only real difference between 9/11, and Pearl Harbor, was that the Japanese at least had enough balls to wear uniforms when they attacked, and crashed planes into buildings. The Saudis didn't.

This is such f****** horseshit.

Outlander Systems
07-15-16, 16:43
I would surmise that anything with hardcore specificity, especially at the time, would have been TS/EO/Classified.

07-15-16, 17:05
Read half of it..Sensei is right. Names names, but lots of "may" and "appears to have" in there.

Given how it reads so far, and how it ties names together, I can see how it's CLASS may have been an attempt to protect intelligence folks, or ongoing investigations.

Looking forward to any insight BTDT types on the forum may be willing to provide.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

All that means is a lawyer edited it before going live. Ever watch a newscast where the cops catch the perp in the act and on video, but it's still "alleged..."? Same same... :rolleyes:

07-15-16, 17:27
All that means is a lawyer edited it before going live. Ever watch a newscast where the cops catch the perp in the act and on video, but it's still "alleged..."? Same same... :rolleyes:

Probably right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Big A
07-15-16, 18:10
"What Difference Does It Make At This Point?"
If you're gonna quote it please get it right:

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

Her "at this point" part just emphasizes her contempt for the rule of law...

God I hate that prolapsed syphilis infected anus of a human being...

07-15-16, 19:23
I'm amazed that so many people are surprised by this. Saudi is the number one teacher of Wahhabi in the world, this what many consider to be the most Orthodox form of Islam and it is the one that nearly all Sunni extremists follow. I would actually be amazed to discover the Saudi government had NOTHING to do with 9-11.

Gonna start holding my breath now waiting for Obama to ask Congress for a declaration of war.

I knew they were Saudi. Didn't know that they basically ALL worked for the gov, intelligence, or the royal family.

I'm pissed about the fact they all know each other. And the fact that our government seems cool with that.

Call me nutz in my best van wilder voice.

07-15-16, 20:22
This wasn't even a stray on NBC Nightly News tonight. Nothing. Granted there were a few other hot topics tonight, the editorial piece on terror at the end could easilyhavebeen replaced by ACTUAL news.

07-15-16, 20:30
Enough money changes hands and you can get away with murder. 3000+ murders. And worldwide Jihad. And all the other murders associated with that.
The US, Canada, Europe and all the West have all been sold by the greedy selfish elites.

I am surprised this report even eventually kinda saw the light of day (even as redacted as it is). I guess they have to feed us some crumbs.
So, Iraq was attacked based on some sketches, but Saudi Arabia wasn't despite planning and funding 9/11.

07-15-16, 21:13
Sadly I fear most of America will not care

As do I.

07-15-16, 21:49
I knew they were Saudi. Didn't know that they basically ALL worked for the gov, intelligence, or the royal family.

I'm pissed about the fact they all know each other. And the fact that our government seems cool with that.

Call me nutz in my best van wilder voice.

Here's an early clue.


07-17-16, 10:44
As long as oil is traded in dollars, nothing will happen to the Saudis.

This. Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran were all trying to undermine our petrodollar.





Dozens more articles found via Google.

07-17-16, 21:04
I propose Saudi intelligence involvement is more likely to try to get us involved in the region to take out their rivals.

Not so much the Petro dollar.

07-19-16, 03:21
Some people want absolute proof. Sure thing. I learned many years ago that coincidences don't exist. Often times, things are exactly as they appear even though you don't have a treasure map where X marks the spot.

07-19-16, 14:02
Some people want absolute proof. Sure thing. I learned many years ago that coincidences don't exist. Often times, things are exactly as they appear even though you don't have a treasure map where X marks the spot.

once is an occurrence.

Twice is a coincidence.

Three times or more and its a trend or pattern.

We may have butt ****ed the wrong countries.

07-19-16, 23:15
Some people want absolute proof. Sure thing. I learned many years ago that coincidences don't exist. Often times, things are exactly as they appear even though you don't have a treasure map where X marks the spot.

You need to unlearn that. There is such thing as true, true, and unrelated.

I don't need to be told that X marks the spot any more than I need to be told that the Saudis are not our friends. However, this 28 pages that so many had hoped would prove the Saudi Royal Family was complicit in the attack (or that the Bush Administration was protecting the Royal Family) added very little to what was already known and suspected.

07-22-16, 04:25
If you say so. I disagree. Hopefully Saudi Arabia disintegrates in my lifetime and I can laugh about it.

You need to unlearn that. There is such thing as true, true, and unrelated.

I don't need to be told that X marks the spot any more than I need to be told that the Saudis are not our friends. However, this 28 pages that so many had hoped would prove the Saudi Royal Family was complicit in the attack (or that the Bush Administration was protecting the Royal Family) added very little to what was already known and suspected.

Outlander Systems
09-28-16, 11:56

There it is.


09-28-16, 12:02
We should have attacked Saudi Arabia instead of Iraq.

We didn't need the 28 pages to figure that one out.

09-28-16, 12:09

There it is.


Well at least Harry Reid kept his lack of integrity intact.

Outlander Systems
09-28-16, 14:49
He didn't want to have another "Theraband" hit him in the face.

Well at least Harry Reid kept his lack of integrity intact.