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07-17-16, 10:02
There are 7-8 LEO shot as of now. Media reporting two shooters. Live coverage now.


07-17-16, 10:04

07-17-16, 10:09

Police officers have been shot in Baton Rouge, La., and authorities have begun a search for whoever fired on them, according to news reports.

Authorities said more than one officer was shot in the 9 a.m. incident, according to The Associated Press.

Three officers were shot, according to WBRZ-TV, and police closed the streets between the police department’s headquarters andInterstate 12.

A witness told the station that a man was dressed in black with his face covered shooting indiscriminately when he walked out between a convenience store and car wash across from Hammond Air Plaza.

This would seem to be a trend if I'm reading this right. I don't think it will stop anytime soon.

07-17-16, 10:30
I'm seeing reports on CNN of 3 KIA, 7 total officer shot as of right now. Of course they are also emphasizing the words "shooting" and "again".

07-17-16, 10:32
There's a "heavily armed" officer guarding the ED entrance with an "assault rifle". It's actually a shotgun...

07-17-16, 10:35
There's a "heavily armed" officer guarding the ED entrance with an "assault rifle". It's actually a shotgun...

Assault shotgun

07-17-16, 10:38
And boom, CNN has just made it a gun control and assault rifle issue via the "national security advisor" Juliette Kayyem. F^ck me.

07-17-16, 10:39

At least seven officers were injured and at least three of them are feared dead in a shooting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a source with knowledge of the investigation told CNN.

Police received a call of "suspicious person walking down Airline Highway with an assault rifle," the source said. When police arrived, the man opened fire.
The remaining officers are hospitalized in critical condition, the source said.
Kip Holden, the mayor-president of East Baton Rouge Parish, said authorities were still trying to get a handle on the situation, but added, "The count is three officers dead possibly."

07-17-16, 10:45
"Officers left completely defenseless". Really?!

07-17-16, 10:50
"Officers left completely defenseless". Really?!

Where are you seeing that?

07-17-16, 10:51
Where are you seeing that?

FOX News

07-17-16, 11:13
A man with a gun opened fire on police officers in Baton Rouge on Sunday, killing at least two and leaving up to four injured, an official said.

Since the shooting death of Alton Sterling by Baton Rouge police earlier this month, the department has worried about credible threats against officers.

It’s been an emotionally charged few days across the country because of the protests stemming from the Alton Brown shooting, and the ambush on Dallas police officers where a sniper killed five officers.

Two police officers have been killed and several others injured in a shooting, local media has reported.

“Law enforcement is working a shooting incident involving officers,” Casey Rayborn Hicks, a spokeswoman for East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, said in a statement.

The shooting took place on a a stretch of Airline Highway, which has been shut down and declared an active scene. She advised the public to steer clear of the area.

A police spokesperson told the CBS that “several officers were struck by gunfire” but he did not know “the extent of injury”.

No reports as of yet if they have the shooter.

07-17-16, 11:27
Our department just spent 10 hours yesterday running grueling active shooter scenario's with fire and ems. Thank God. There is a war on law enforcement and it is well under way. To those of you wearing a badge, by God, go home at the end of watch.

07-17-16, 11:29
Fvcking rage I'm feeling.

07-17-16, 11:29
LIVE news says 7 shot, 3 dead - 1 suspect dead, 2 still at large. :(

This will end badly for ALL...

07-17-16, 11:38
Two still at large pretty much means there are two losers out there on the street who don't have a reason to believe they will live through the day.
I'm guessing we haven't seen the end of this in B.R.La.
These guys are likely to have some fight left in them.

07-17-16, 11:46
Fvcking rage I'm feeling.

Sums up my feelings nicely..

07-17-16, 12:08
My thoughts and prayers are with the murdered and injured officers, their families, and the Baton Rouge LEO's as a whole. To those LEO's here, I thank God for your service, and pray that you all stay safe.

This is what Obama's America looks like. I can only imagine what Hillary's America would look like.

07-17-16, 12:08
Fvcking rage I'm feeling.

The BLM protestors will be out in force today and tomorrow without a hint of shame.....

07-17-16, 12:26
The BLM protestors will be out in force today and tomorrow without a hint of shame.....

And when most of the crime that effects them is Black on Black, it kind of makes you marvel at the level of hypocrisy.
I'm thinking we're about to get a poignant update by Barry, Jesse or Al at any moment.

07-17-16, 12:44
And on a completely unrelated note:

Baton Rouge residents gathered Saturday afternoon to form the newest chapter of the New Black Panther Party.

The New Black Panthers arrived in Baton Rouge last Saturday to protest the officer-involved shooting death of 37-year-old Alton Sterling. Two videos of the shooting sparked national outcry and protests across Baton Rouge.

Jerald Justice said the group was approached by local residents like Edwin Smith to help establish a Baton Rouge chapter.

“It is time for new leadership and a new organization to step forward in Baton Rouge,” Smith said. “I feel like the New Black Panther Party is the organization that can bring new leadership to Baton Rouge.”

Founders met Saturday to formally establish the chapter as well as gather names for new members. WBRZ News 2’s Earl Phelps was able to briefly attend the event on the condition that he does not reveal the meeting’s location.

“With the help of the New Black Panther Party, these members should be able to handle any or everything in their city,” Justice said.

07-17-16, 14:06
First: Condolences to these officers and their families. I hope these dark days come to an end soon.
Second: I hope for swift and painful justice for the perps.

All this insanity is making me ponder two main points:
1. What is that backlash from all this going to be? Gunning down LEO for no reason? In my view this is not the crowd to mess with, and they have the might of the vast majority of the citizenry behind them too. Like me, for example. I suspect a lot of BLM and BP members will no longer be taking in oxygen in short order here.
2. What will the net effect of this madness be on gun control? When we have crazy people starting a totally unjustified race war on innocent LEOs, will the majority of lefties still want to disarm all the good guys? I'm not talking about the radical lefties. Of course those guys want us disarmed, but what about the sheeple, the soccer moms and the fence-sitters? Will they want to ban guns because these crazy BLM people are murdering cops with them, or does this make them see why good guys need to be armed?

07-17-16, 14:15
Unbelievable: Watching Fox and I am almost throwing up and at the same time want to destroy my tv (figuratively). Shepard Smith interviewed Bobby Jindal and Jindal said "ALL lives matter". Smith countered that "how could you say that? that's devisive" , he may or may not have said "racist". He kept pressing Jindal on why did he say ALL lives matter. He went on to cut Jindal's interview short because Jindal's words did fit Smith's agenda.

I want to throw up at Smith.

07-17-16, 14:17
Unbelievable: Watching Fox and I am almost throwing up and at the same time want to destroy my tv (figuratively). Shepard Smith interviewed Bobby Jindal and Jindal said "ALL lives matter". Smith countered that "how could you say that? that's devisive" , he may or may not have said "racist". He kept pressing Jindal on why did he say ALL lives matter. He went on to cut Jindal's interview short because Jindal's words did fit Smith's agenda.

I want to throw up at Smith.

I just saw that, and was thinking the same thing. He's such a pussy.

Recording of shooting:


07-17-16, 14:18
Something is going down in Baltimore too apparently

07-17-16, 14:23
Something is going down in Baltimore too apparently



07-17-16, 14:25
Something is going down in Baltimore too apparently

If you are talking about the Burger King hostage situation, it appears to be something different entirely -


07-17-16, 14:29
Unbelievable: Watching Fox and I am almost throwing up and at the same time want to destroy my tv (figuratively). Shepard Smith interviewed Bobby Jindal and Jindal said "ALL lives matter". Smith countered that "how could you say that? that's devisive" , he may or may not have said "racist". He kept pressing Jindal on why did he say ALL lives matter. He went on to cut Jindal's interview short because Jindal's words did fit Smith's agenda.

I want to throw up at Smith.

I would tell Shep that "White folks aren't going in to the Black Community and committing White on Black Crimes." for the most part crime in Black Communities is Black on black. White Cops shooting black criminals when they refuse to submit to an arrest is likely in the end the result of Black on Black Crime with a multiple arrest record suspect bleeding out on the street.
On another note it isn't White people seeing Black people committing crimes in Black neighborhoods and calling 911.
Criminals are going to do Crime, Cops are going to do Arrests and Black people are going to complain when the Criminals in their Community are shot resisting arrest. The fix for this, is for Black people to quit calling 911 and to accept crime as a part of Black Culture.
That or just tell BLM to STFU because the people getting killed aren't representative of their Black Culture.

07-17-16, 14:33
Unbelievable: Watching Fox and I am almost throwing up and at the same time want to destroy my tv (figuratively). Shepard Smith interviewed Bobby Jindal and Jindal said "ALL lives matter". Smith countered that "how could you say that? that's devisive" , he may or may not have said "racist". He kept pressing Jindal on why did he say ALL lives matter. He went on to cut Jindal's interview short because Jindal's words did fit Smith's agenda.

I want to throw up at Smith.
Had to Google the Smith guy. Why does he look like he wants to be 12?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-17-16, 14:36
Had to Google the Smith guy. Why does he look like he wants to be 12?

My wife always says he looks like he's not real life, like he's CGI...

07-17-16, 14:38
My wife always says he looks like he's not real life, like he's CGI...
Yep. Mannequin like

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-17-16, 14:40
My wife always says he looks like he's not real life, like he's CGI...



07-17-16, 14:46


Thanks for the links...but she doesnt ACTUALLY believe he's CGI, just that he looks fake, probably from all the makeup or something.

I do appreciate your help though.

07-17-16, 15:01
If the Black Community wants this to end, they simply need to quit reporting the Black on Black crimes committed against them to the Police.
Call the NBPP or BLM and ask them for some help when these crimes happen.
I'm sure they will be there momentarily to offer assistance.

07-17-16, 15:12
Had to Google the Smith guy. Why does he look like he wants to be 12?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

I am old, so WTF is "12"? some kind of code word or do you mean he wants to be 12 years old?

And what is CGI?

07-17-16, 15:17
I am old, so WTF is "12"? some kind of code word or do you mean he wants to be 12 years old?

And what is CGI?
Yea dude code words!
Did you see him? Trying so hard not to look 52 that he looks like a weird child with all the makeup. ....code words dude...code words

CGI = Computer Generated Image. As in fake, not real, made by computers.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-17-16, 15:18
One of these daya some cop is gonna go My Lai in the ghetto over this shit.

THEN people will have something to cry about.

Have we forgotten the documentary Dawn of the Dead where Wooley, fatigued and overstressed, starts decapitating people with a shotgun and muttering some coarse racial slurs?

What people NEED to do is take ten long steps back, realize that these problems aren't so bad or unfixable, and that life is short enough already.

There are already cops who freak out because some old lady doesn't pull over immediately so he can scratch her a bullshit ticket.

Do you really think these Punisher Skull Tackleberries can withstand the constant stress of potential ambush?

No. They'll go crazy. They are used to one-sided confrontation. They are not prepared for this doctrinally nor mentally.

So I hope everybody is just happy with the bullshit they've all created as I certainly am not.

07-17-16, 15:24
The Insufferable Airhorn of the United States is supposed to speak in a few minutes. I'm sure THAT will inspire peace, love, & doobs... :no:

07-17-16, 15:26
Yea dude code words!
Did you see him? Trying so hard not to look 52 that he looks like a weird child with all the makeup. ....code words dude...code words

CGI = Computer Generated Image. As in fake, not real, made by computers.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Thanks, wasn't sure.

Bad make up, bad lighting. Bad reporter, should stick to reporting the news and not be part of the news. Disappointed in Fox lately. They're moving left.

07-17-16, 15:27
More blood on Barry's hands directly related to his utter failure of leadership. Indeed, his reckless statements before any facts are known.

Condolences to the families of officers involved.

"We're now waiting on the "President"......oh great. How about the news networks swallow a dose of sanity and not put the idiot on TV again?

07-17-16, 15:28
Unbelievable: Watching Fox and I am almost throwing up and at the same time want to destroy my tv (figuratively). Shepard Smith interviewed Bobby Jindal and Jindal said "ALL lives matter". Smith countered that "how could you say that? that's devisive" , he may or may not have said "racist". He kept pressing Jindal on why did he say ALL lives matter. He went on to cut Jindal's interview short because Jindal's words did fit Smith's agenda.

I want to throw up at Smith.

Shepard Smith is the biggest dip*hit to ever be placed in front of a camera. Always has been and always will be.

Straight Shooter
07-17-16, 17:50
Our department just spent 10 hours yesterday running grueling active shooter scenario's with fire and ems. Thank God. There is a war on law enforcement and it is well under way. To those of you wearing a badge, by God, go home at the end of watch.

PLEASE, in Jesus name...you officers do whatever you must to get back to your families. You aren't safe now ANYWHERE, on OR off duty.

07-17-16, 18:00
The PODS has been ID'd. I won't post it here because, screw him. He perpetuated his crime on his 29th birthday and there is a reason the media hasn't annouced his race yet. He sure as hell isn't Norwegian.

07-17-16, 18:05
The BGs are averaging 8 LE casualties for each of their own these last two attacks. What's gonna happen when they figure this out and 5 of them plan something serious?

Shit needs to change, but until then LE COCs just keep pushing the diversity mindset all like "It can't happen here".

07-17-16, 18:17
The PODS has been ID'd. I won't post it here because, screw him. He perpetuated his crime on his 29th birthday and there is a reason the media hasn't annouced his race yet. He sure as hell isn't Norwegian.

I prefer to see the names of the LEO's killed to honor their sacrifice than the name or details of some POS who will already be known to us all any was random nut who's mommy didn't hug him enough or Muslim "its work place violence" etc.

07-17-16, 18:19
The BGs are averaging 8 LE casualties for each of their own these last two attacks. What's gonna happen when they figure this out and 5 of them plan something serious?

Shit needs to change, but until then LE COCs just keep pushing the diversity mindset all like "It can't happen here".

No four words in human history has lead to the death of more people.

07-17-16, 18:30
Actually, he was a black ex-Marine E5.
MOS unknown.

Your average cop gets 20 hours a year of mandatory in service. Only 1 is devoted to firearms.

They are softer targets than you think. Plus one of the victims had just gotten out of Academy at age 40.

Sorry...but this is a young man's game. Especially patrol. A young man's game. Not a sexist but a pissant princess 23 year old girl is not my first choice against and active shooter. This ain't SVU.

By your 40s you should be in an office or contemplating the twilight of your service. Don't get easier. Chasing down a young 17 y/o track star when you're 23 and lean isn't such a big deal.

But at 35 and tick tock plus previous injuries, being more burly, etc it can be a little more daunting.

At 40+ for-freeking-get it.

Lot's of reconsideration on training and selection and so forth to be done here.

Because in two or three more weeks....it'll happen again somewhere.

07-17-16, 18:40

07-17-16, 18:49
This is the shooter's (Gavin Long) website:


Video of him blabbering:


Book he wrote:


07-17-16, 19:07


07-17-16, 19:10
God that sucks.....

I'm reading that the shooter was/is a nation of Islam member too apparently.

07-17-16, 20:01
Looking at this shitstick's videos he reminded me of that kid in California who shot up the town because nobody would give him a piece of ass.

Babbling on about his bullshit beliefs and philosophies.

'Justice'. I've learned the hard way that is a losded word. People get fcked by traffic cameras or some bullshit bike cop for no seatbelt but Clinton fcks over American lives and no action taken.

Quit worrying about Justice. Worry about MORALS.

There is a LOT in this world that I don't like. Real Talk, With the shit I've seen I could be the Charles Whitman in the ghetto and nobody would really blame me. Yeah....a young jock with an Escalade, 7 kids, and nothing but blood money. Would he be missed? Really?

But you know what...I, and the vast majority of others here, made a promise and have our words to uphold the Constitution/Law/ whatever against enemies foreign and domestic.

And out of 99 pieces of human filth, there's that one little old black lady trying to live, or some kid, or somebody who is decent and suffering no time with "the game".

So to do anything wrong or rash or emotional would be to let those people down.

That's the difference.

I shit on the word Justice. I worry about Morals.

Like Remember that one JAG episode where the KKK or whoever kidnaps that one guys family and makes him shoot down some foreign honchos plane and he's just about to do it and can't? Like he knows his family will die if he don't but he just can't because it just wasn't the thing to do.

So he doesn't. Kinda corny I guess but true. If you took an oath and meant it, then you won't do stupid shit.

So these radicals can suck an asshole.

They don't understand the first thing about what right and wrong really is.

So keep poking the bear. Reed and Malloy are 10-7. ED-209 is ready to go 10-8.

It can be like Europe or Latin America where the popo will respond to every call with rifles.

Then what? You think POSes are going facedown now?

Keep on with the bullshit. Plus there is talk of people forming posses. And there are a lot of former 11 Bang-Bangs with a lot of free time now.

Yeah so maybe BLM and the radicals may wish to take 10 steps back and re-assess the 'importance' of their bullshit.

Because a no shit American My Lai or Drenica is just a-waiting to happen

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 20:06
The irony is that, without LE and the legal system, the criminals would be in far, FAR worse shape...

07-17-16, 20:28
Actually, he was a black ex-Marine E5.
MOS unknown.

Your average cop gets 20 hours a year of mandatory in service. Only 1 is devoted to firearms.

They are softer targets than you think. Plus one of the victims had just gotten out of Academy at age 40.

Sorry...but this is a young man's game. Especially patrol. A young man's game. Not a sexist but a pissant princess 23 year old girl is not my first choice against and active shooter. This ain't SVU.

By your 40s you should be in an office or contemplating the twilight of your service. Don't get easier. Chasing down a young 17 y/o track star when you're 23 and lean isn't such a big deal.

But at 35 and tick tock plus previous injuries, being more burly, etc it can be a little more daunting.

At 40+ for-freeking-get it.

Lot's of reconsideration on training and selection and so forth to be done here.

Because in two or three more weeks....it'll happen again somewhere.

Agree but many departments don't have a choice they take what they can get. Plus I have seen a lot of young people jump to go to SROs for the day walker hours. **** that and **** them.

07-17-16, 20:35
I am so tired of this shit.

07-17-16, 21:18
Agree but many departments don't have a choice they take what they can get. Plus I have seen a lot of young people jump to go to SROs for the day walker hours. **** that and **** them.

I wish there were a police equivalent of Baron von Steuben

07-17-16, 22:13
I don't know how well the 'gun control' pitch goes when these guys are killing cops and trying to start a race war. You want me to turn over my guns while the police can't protect themselves... That is a tough sell.

I thought it would be fringe white supremacist groups shooting up BLM protestors as the shootings that happen. BLM/BPP people shooting up cops...

07-17-16, 22:34
I don't know how well the 'gun control' pitch goes when these guys are killing cops and trying to start a race war. You want me to turn over my guns while the police can't protect themselves... That is a tough sell.

I was just thinking the very same thing.

07-17-16, 22:44
I really, really hope that these terrorists are caught with no further injuries to the responding officers. To the murderers who have launched these despicable attacks, I hope you reap the whirlwind you have sown.

Effective now, Fort Worth PD is now working in pairs. I am sure other departments will follow.

Please, wear your armor and practice your marksmanship.

07-17-16, 23:25
In the youtube video someone posted where he is saying he has no affiliations, if you look over his shoulder on the wall it looks like 2 pics of women in niqabs.

I think at this point it would behoove LE, especially large departments with more man power, to bring in some mil SME's on how to pull security when handling a hot or suspicious call where there is even a hint of trouble or possibility of an ambush. Have a couple guys who's only job at that time is keeping an eye on things armed with a long gun. Some Dept's may already be on top of this, but I promise that if things keep going like this LE will need to really step back and evaluate how they roll and work. Like others have mentioned, these ambushes are not something 97% of LE in the US are programed to react to. It might be a great time for some retired mil snake eaters to work up some curriculum to teach LE on how to handle an ambush by one or more guys as well as teach guys how to pull security while others process a scene vs just standing around BS'n.

The thing that I fear we will see next will be even worse. I just have this feeling it will not be long until one or more of these thugs kidnap or go after a LEO's family while he is on duty or away from them, then pull some sort of sh*t like we see in places like Mexico, Iraq, Syria.... I believe it will be at that point you will see a Sombra Negra-like movement form here and there.

If that does happen and eventually you see a push back by a single officer or group of officers on their own time, especially if the push back comes from just one white male; well just remember to pay attention to how the media and our leaders react vs these BLM terrorists.

I was looking through some pics I had of an EAG class I attended a few years ago and thought I am so glad Pat Rogers did not live to see this BS going down. He was very vocal about the fact that these types of attacks were coming for LE and urged anyone who strapped on a gun every day to be prepared. I am just glad he wasn't here to see it. He was a Cop's Cop and would do anything for another Officer. I am just really beyond shocked that somewhere, some old retired cop with a terminal illness who has grown bored of being a porch dick and still has enough health left to want to see a last run of action before he passes hasn't said F*ck It and gone all out on these thugs. Maybe it is just too early in the game, but out of the hundreds of millions of people in the US, eventually someone with skill is going to flip their sh*t and show them what's up.

The thing I am about to touch on is something I have pondered since 9/11, regardless of who is in power. All the speeches about freedom being in jeopardy and how we need to go after this group, or invade this country, or drone strike this guy....on and on.... All that aside, I have always felt the biggest actual threat to the freedom of each and every American and the Constitution/Bill or Rights lies within our own borders. We have huge numbers of our own countrymen (not to mention foreign nationals) who are chomping at the bit to see America fall. I'll never understand the urgency of going after someone like Saddam when we have people in our own Government who would make Saddam look like a Saint if they could get their way without impunity. Hell, we have one such running for POTUS. Google the things Bill Ayers said about how they would have to exterminate millions of Americans if they gained control of Govt. People like him are the role models of your Obamas and Clintons. How is there any wonder at all as to why we are in the shape we are now?

Those of you here who have young children, I pray for you. It would drive me crazy knowing what kind of world we are handing down to your kids.

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 23:38
Serious question:

Not every Department has the budget to stack dudes two deep in a patrol car.

What can we, as civilians, do to pitch in? Ride-alongs? Auxiliary? None of this dumb shit like OC in front of the Police Station. Like, ****ing really actually help?

This shit will most likely get worse before it gets better.

07-17-16, 23:59
another islamic son of obama !

even as a non LEO
when they block the road every single person should be in fear of there life and act accordingly !

07-18-16, 00:07
And another vet?

07-18-16, 00:10
Meant to quote you Outlander, but here...

The Dept still needs $ for you to be a Reserve Officer. You still have to train, qual,.....and they have to have liability insurance on you. So while they are not paying your salary, they still have to budget for your employment. Very, very few Dept's in my area roll with 2/cruiser. I am a reserve and have worked plenty of times alone covering the entire town due to low numbers of full time guys. No back up except for county units who may be 15-30 min out.

To be honest, a lot of Dept's treat their reserves like wannabes, and in many cases they are. If you are interested in doing that, look out for a Dept that treats their reserves right. Not just management, but the guys you will be working with. IDK how it is in GA, but in SC you can work alone after you put in a certain number of hours. You'll learn a lot on your own real quick. If you want to help, that would be the path I would suggest you look into. If you really care, you can volunteer to be the Rudy of a local agency. Volunteer to be the bad guy in FoF, or wear the bite sleeve for K9 training, runner for K9 tracking. Lots of ways to help if you know the right people.

07-18-16, 00:32


Saw this today. Would love to see Barry even attempt to comment on it and link it to racist policing.

07-18-16, 01:21
And another vet?

Copycat. I expected this would happen after the last guy didn't have luck turn against him until later in the game with his "military training". Unfortunately this likely won't be the last either. It's getting to where I don't want to watch the news anymore.

I got fingerprinted for EMS last Friday, I told the officer doing it that I appreciated what he does, and how it's not a job I would want right now. He told me thank you but fortunately we live in a county that is pretty pro LEO. I wanted to tell him how little that means, but I just continued on. Your county/city could be 99.9 percent pro LEO but one guy, that .01 percent, can ruin your day real quick.

Stay safe out there

07-18-16, 05:01
Most all my friends that I've made over the last thirteen years have attend five funerals locally this past week . . .

IMHO CLEOs in urban communities need to stop dispatching officers to calls, instead have them all at the station drinking coffee, eating doughnuts, and manning the telephones to take reports. And instead of patrolling have them hit the gym and the range. Let the communities consume themselves and the fire will burn out soon enough.

Or you could have a real leader in office instead of a Marxist agitator and unleash the dogs of war on black militants right now, NSA turn all attention off of MR. and Mrs. America in CONUS and capture all social media feed from these militants and fill Gitmo up with more radicals. I would take TSA out of the airports, deputize them and send them into these neighborhoods for fodder so the UAVs can locate enemy positions. Then it's weapons free . . .

07-18-16, 07:33
Or you could have a real leader in office instead of a Marxist agitator and unleash the dogs of war on black militants right now, NSA turn all attention off of MR. and Mrs. America in CONUS and capture all social media feed from these militants and fill Gitmo up with more radicals. I would take TSA out of the airports, deputize them and send them into these neighborhoods for fodder so the UAVs can locate enemy positions. Then it's weapons free . . .

There's some truth to this. Home boy in Baton Rouge made several media posts that protesting doesn't work and it was time to take action.

On the other hand, you're never actually going to be able to do that because our side is full of pussies and LEOs need their paychecks. Plus, LE serving to disassociate themselves even more from the black communities would only make things worse.

07-18-16, 08:01
A Q I have is the same I had for the Dallas event, did these LEO have patrol rifles? Vid from Dallas showed a lot of LE running around without a long gun putting them at a serious disadvantage. I'm wondering if/when I a long gun was employed in this event. I'd thought lesson learned after the LA bank robbery how much damage can be done when the BG has a long gun (and body armor) and the responders do not. A patrol rifle wouldn't prevent these nuts from their attempts, but it may very likely end their attempts rapidly.

07-18-16, 08:16
A Q I have is the same I had for the Dallas event, did these LEO have patrol rifles? Vid from Dallas showed a lot of LE running around without a long gun putting them at a serious disadvantage. I'm wondering if/when I a long gun was employed in this event. I'd thought lesson learned after the LA bank robbery how much damage can be done when the BG has a long gun (and body armor) and the responders do not. A patrol rifle wouldn't prevent these nuts from their attempts, but it may very likely end their attempts rapidly.

This guy didn't.


07-18-16, 08:59
This guy didn't.


I'm wondering if there's a correlation between when the first LEO with a long gun shows up and such shooters are stopped. My WAG, is one would probably find a very strong correlation for obvious reasons. Need more details from the recent events to make stronger inferences, but it seems as rather obvious one. Until someone shows up with equal or greater firepower to take the goblin out, there will be death and destruction for those out gunned.

07-18-16, 09:03
A Q I have is the same I had for the Dallas event, did these LEO have patrol rifles? Vid from Dallas showed a lot of LE running around without a long gun putting them at a serious disadvantage. I'm wondering if/when I a long gun was employed in this event. I'd thought lesson learned after the LA bank robbery how much damage can be done when the BG has a long gun (and body armor) and the responders do not. A patrol rifle wouldn't prevent these nuts from their attempts, but it may very likely end their attempts rapidly.

Then you have people complaining about the militarization of the cops and how those 'optics' increase the divide between police and the communities. There is some truth to that and you don't need snipers scoping people from the top of APCs like you did in Ferguson. Look with your eyes, not you barrel. At the same time having you can capabilities to defend yourself and the community and put the smack down on gun men and you don't need to look like you just fell out of a Michael Bay movie or Magpul catalog shoot.

Ferguson was too hot, Dallas was too cold- there needs to be the right level.

When was the last shooter a white male? That is a big change over the past 2 years and definitely in the past year or so.

07-18-16, 09:14
I'm wondering if there's a correlation between when the first LEO with a long gun shows up and such shooters are stopped. My WAG, is one would probably find a very strong correlation for obvious reasons. Need more details from the recent events to make stronger inferences, but it seems as rather obvious one. Until someone shows up with equal or greater firepower to take the goblin out, there will be death and destruction for those out gunned.

I would say your WAG is likely right.
These guys shooting Cops don't want a fair fight, they want an ambush with overwhelming firepower and surprise on their side.
I don't think the general public has enough savvy and gun knowledge to know that not only does that AimPoint make the Cop safer, the ability it provides to return accurate fire and provide a more immediate end to a situation makes things better for those who might be caught in the cross fire.
When it comes to training the LEO's I think the short sided approach is to be pinching pennies. What is it going to cost you to pay out from something that went sideways because an Officer just didn't have the training?
Can it go to far? Certainly, I think the example of the guy in Ferguson scoping the crowd was a bit too far.

26 Inf
07-18-16, 09:47
A Q I have is the same I had for the Dallas event, did these LEO have patrol rifles? Vid from Dallas showed a lot of LE running around without a long gun putting them at a serious disadvantage. I'm wondering if/when I a long gun was employed in this event. I'd thought lesson learned after the LA bank robbery how much damage can be done when the BG has a long gun (and body armor) and the responders do not. A patrol rifle wouldn't prevent these nuts from their attempts, but it may very likely end their attempts rapidly.

I get that rifles earlier would have been the answer in LA, and most places. Officers wouldn't unass their cars on every call with rifles so they would still be forced to fight with what they have. LA could have been solved much earlier by an officer using rollover prone and head shooting the guys. These are skills, tactics that most officers don't have, and don't train on.

26 Inf
07-18-16, 09:50
This guy didn't.


No, he didn't, but surprisingly, he was using the unit to maximize his cover while apparently diverting traffic.

07-18-16, 10:17
I'd thought lesson learned after the LA bank robbery how much damage can be done when the BG has a long gun (and body armor) and the responders do not.

That lesson is a lot older than the LA bank robbery.

Apparently the answer to the Miami shootout where a dude with a Mini-14 was making lots of consistent hits was (inexplicably) 10mm handguns.
(Yes, I know about the side hit and penetration study- it was still the wrong conclusion)

Even back in the day they knew the obvious answer for street combat was a light and accurate rifle:


...you don't need to look like you just fell out of a Michael Bay movie or Magpul catalog shoot.

This convention is going to drive sales big time. Even I want some BATMAN ARMOR:


07-18-16, 10:21
I watched the bummer speech last night. You know, politics and opinions completely aside, he didn't even condem actions the BG.... All he said was we need to tone down our rhetoric and lead by example. Such crap......

Given the state of things right now, long guns and metal inserts for their soft armor seem mandatory to me. I'd even have a plate and mag carrier ready to go laying in the front seat.

What a sad time this is. So much terrorism at home.

07-18-16, 10:48
Then you have people complaining about the militarization of the cops and how those 'optics' increase the divide between police and the communities. There is some truth to that and you don't need snipers scoping people from the top of APCs like you did in Ferguson. Look with your eyes, not you barrel. At the same time having you can capabilities to defend yourself and the community and put the smack down on gun men and you don't need to look like you just fell out of a Michael Bay movie or Magpul catalog shoot.

Ferguson was too hot, Dallas was too cold- there needs to be the right level.

When was the last shooter a white male? That is a big change over the past 2 years and definitely in the past year or so.

Two totally different events and situations with very little similarities. One an active shooter with a long gun who has a major advantage until someone with a long gun engages him, the other civil unrest and rioting. I'm still wondering what % of Dallas PD is equipped with patrol rifles. In some PDs, they allow them to have a patrol rifles if they but them themselves and have to pay for the additional training.

I would say your WAG is likely right.
These guys shooting Cops don't want a fair fight, they want an ambush with overwhelming firepower and surprise on their side.
I don't think the general public has enough savvy and gun knowledge to know that not only does that AimPoint make the Cop safer, the ability it provides to return accurate fire and provide a more immediate end to a situation makes things better for those who might be caught in the cross fire.
When it comes to training the LEO's I think the short sided approach is to be pinching pennies. What is it going to cost you to pay out from something that went sideways because an Officer just didn't have the training?
Can it go to far? Certainly, I think the example of the guy in Ferguson scoping the crowd was a bit too far.

Returning accurate fire on target would seemingly reduced likelihood or errant rnds hitting unintended targets. We know most PDs loath to pay for additional training and allow scary evil long guns.

07-18-16, 10:57
I watched the bummer speech last night. You know, politics and opinions completely aside, he didn't even condem actions the BG.... All he said was we need to tone down our rhetoric and lead by example. Such crap......

Given the state of things right now, long guns and metal inserts for their soft armor seem mandatory to me. I'd even have a plate and mag carrier ready to go laying in the front seat.

What a sad time this is. So much terrorism at home.

Here is the thing that becomes apparent to me at least.
Obama has some White guilt and he can't get over it, he will never be Black enough so calling these guys out on their misbehavior would set him up for the "And how would you know White Boy?" reply.
I think he cringes at the thought of him not being taken seriously by a group of people whom he tries to represent, yet has nothing in common with. I think he has a very deep seated anger and fear that Black People don't take him seriously. After-all what would he have in common with the kid in inner city Chicago?
Lets face it, this guy was just dark enough to have every advantage and just White enough to Pass through life without a lot of drama. It's been a pretty smooth ride for this guy. He isn't ever going to call them out, he doesn't have it in him because he would be found out to essentially have been born pretty Lilly White in the Grand Scheme of things.
I know red headed Irish guys in Chicago with more real street credibility.

07-18-16, 11:41
Here is the thing that becomes apparent to me at least.
Obama has some White guilt and he can't get over it, he will never be Black enough so calling these guys out on their misbehavior would set him up for the "And how would you know White Boy?" reply.
I think he cringes at the thought of him not being taken seriously by a group of people whom he tries to represent, yet has nothing in common with. I think he has a very deep seated anger and fear that Black People don't take him seriously. After-all what would he have in common with the kid in inner city Chicago?
Lets face it, this guy was just dark enough to have every advantage and just White enough to Pass through life without a lot of drama. It's been a pretty smooth ride for this guy. He isn't ever going to call them out, he doesn't have it in him because he would be found out to essentially have been born pretty Lilly White in the Grand Scheme of things.
I know red headed Irish guys in Chicago with more real street credibility.
Interesting. Never thought about that before. Very plausible. Maybe it's not just hate for America after all.

07-18-16, 11:59
Two totally different events and situations with very little similarities. One an active shooter with a long gun who has a major advantage until someone with a long gun engages him, the other civil unrest and rioting. I'm still wondering what % of Dallas PD is equipped with patrol rifles. In some PDs, they allow them to have a patrol rifles if they but them themselves and have to pay for the additional training.

Well, the end result was very different, but they both started off as peaceful protests.

In any event, I think speed of deployment (of a patrol officer's carbine) is going to be a bigger thing than whether or not every patrol car has a carbine in it.

If your carbine is in your trunk, it's going to feel like it takes forever to get to it, especially if you're under fire. The alternative being that you know there's an officer under fire and you need to get your carbine, so now instead of rolling up and then booking it for your trunk, you stop, get it out of the trunk, then drive on. The carbine needs to be somewhere readily accessible to the officer, so they can grab it on their way out of the car, without having to stop and pull stuff out of the trunk. (And the department needs to make it clear that for some sorts of calls, the officer gets out of the car with the carbine - or otherwise find a way of minimizing the probability that an officer rolls up on an active shooter situation and jumps out of the car with just what's on their belt and in their pockets.)

07-18-16, 12:45
Well, the end result was very different, but they both started off as peaceful protests.

In any event, I think speed of deployment (of a patrol officer's carbine) is going to be a bigger thing than whether or not every patrol car has a carbine in it.

If your carbine is in your trunk, it's going to feel like it takes forever to get to it, especially if you're under fire. The alternative being that you know there's an officer under fire and you need to get your carbine, so now instead of rolling up and then booking it for your trunk, you stop, get it out of the trunk, then drive on. The carbine needs to be somewhere readily accessible to the officer, so they can grab it on their way out of the car, without having to stop and pull stuff out of the trunk. (And the department needs to make it clear that for some sorts of calls, the officer gets out of the car with the carbine - or otherwise find a way of minimizing the probability that an officer rolls up on an active shooter situation and jumps out of the car with just what's on their belt and in their pockets.)

Problem solved bro ;)


07-18-16, 12:59
Oh, I know.

It's just not SOP for many PDs. Might not even be allowed in a lot of them, either.

07-18-16, 17:27
Oh, I know.

It's just not SOP for many PDs. Might not even be allowed in a lot of them, either.

No doubt. SOP is to not scare the public with evil black rifles that shows the "militarization" of the po po and all that. This would make an interesting thread on it's own. After the LA bank shooting, I made the comment the LA PD should at the very least equip the rank and file with sabots and simple glass for their shot guns for such an event. They had shot guns, but at those ranges with body armor, the usual load (I assume OO buck) didn't do shit. Sabot is not the best option, but it will sure as hell get your attention and the vast majority of these events take place in well under 100 yards I'd wager. Will not likely scare the public, would be used for specific events they could defend the use of them, etc. A few people sending 12g sabots your way is old school physics, but physics don't care and armor or not, you'll know you were hit at typical engagement distances.

Option two, why not supply simple bolt guns? A Ruger scout rifle? A scout rifle with an optic may not be high tech, but put glass on goblin, and that .308 will do it's job and do it well. People don't fear bolt guns and with some basic training would be far more effective than pistols when someone has a long gun.

Even the Ruger Mini 14 is an obvious choice for a semi auto 5.56, if not a silly one in terms of an AR for a tad more $, but working in the context of how ARs are perceived, even among those in PDs, i viable choice as it's not viewed on the same level as the AR.

Or, pistol caliber carbines with an optic that uses the same mags they have in their pistols? The optic and longer sight radius clearly adds and advantage of getting bullet in goblins at distance.

We all know why an AR based gun makes sense, but working with the real world and giving LE an added response to get goblins down sooner than later is the goal here right now that can be employed quickly, some with minimal investment (sabots at the minimum for those PDs where the basic shot gun found in patrol cars) to making them pay for it, as some PDs do.

Alex V
07-18-16, 18:30
Surveillance photos of the shooter are showing up on FNC.

Time to ban Isralie imports. :rolleyes:


07-18-16, 18:39
Surveillance photos of the shooter are showing up on FNC.

Time to ban Isralie imports. :rolleyes:

Don't give them any ideas.

07-18-16, 18:41
Surveillance photos of the shooter are showing up on FNC.

Time to ban Isralie imports. :rolleyes:

Well that will confuse the hell out of the retards in the media.

I swear to allah someone needs to inform the media that he used a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt Range. :D

07-18-16, 18:42
Well that will confuse the hell out of the retards in the media.

I swear to allah someone needs to inform the media that he used a Phased Plasma Rifle in the 40 Watt Range. :D

I would put money that one of the talking heads would repeat it.

07-18-16, 18:50
Surveillance photos of the shooter are showing up on FNC.

Time to ban Isralie imports. :rolleyes:
I'm gonna start screaming antisemitism!!!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-18-16, 18:57
Surveillance photos of the shooter are showing up on FNC.

Time to ban Isralie imports. :rolleyes:

So now that fits into 'AR15' type? That is I saw as being reported as the cops saying it was. Anything that takes a STANAG magazine?

I know it's not, but it looks like an EOTECHS backwards.

07-18-16, 19:02
So now that fits into 'AR15' type? That is I saw as being reported as the cops saying it was. Anything that takes a STANAG magazine?

I know it's not, but it looks like an EOTECHS backwards.

Even a Vz 58 with an adapter?

Meh, he could have just as easily used a shotgun. Apparently he'd made a video about killing cops before he went put and did it. His YT channel is gone but it is out there.

07-18-16, 19:13
Even a Vz 58 with an adapter?

Meh, he could have just as easily used a shotgun. Apparently he'd made a video about killing cops before he went put and did it. His YT channel is gone but it is out there.
Yugo AKs as well

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Alex V
07-18-16, 19:33
I know it's not, but it looks like an EOTECHS backwards.

Might me an M21 or similar reflex sight. Isralie gun, might as well use an Isralie sight...

07-18-16, 19:46
I don't know how well the 'gun control' pitch goes when these guys are killing cops and trying to start a race war. You want me to turn over my guns while the police can't protect themselves... That is a tough sell.

I thought it would be fringe white supremacist groups shooting up BLM protestors as the shootings that happen. BLM/BPP people shooting up cops...

Funny how that generally seems to work out....
"Fringe white supremacist groups" lynched nobody (afaik) last year (but got beat up by tolerant liberals this year, after...doing nothing).
"Heavily armed" "right wing extremists/ Y'allquaeda/domestic terrorists" seize a government building, nobody gets shot (by the "extremists" that is...).
"Some 2A exercising individual might shoot me as I wander the streets playing Pokemon because I'm black!" (black supremacists actively target white cops).
"Guns are the problem!" (some asshole drives a truck through 180+ people).

Boogeyman distracting from the real threat, anyone?

So now that fits into 'AR15' type? That is I saw as being reported as the cops saying it was. Anything that takes a STANAG magazine?

I know it's not, but it looks like an EOTECHS backwards.

Buys two thousand dollar rifle.... Mounts mediocre optic.
In case you didn't already know the fella was a tard... :rolleyes:

07-18-16, 21:14
Buys two thousand dollar rifle.... Mounts mediocre optic.
In case you didn't already know the fella was a tard... :rolleyes:

The rifle also has an aftermarket recoil pad and an aftermarket handguard.

So not only did he spend $2000 on the rifle, he then went and found aftermarket doodads and then installed them, and then (probably) bought the junk optic.

I suppose he might have bought the rifle second-hand from a buddy or a pawn shop, that it used to belong to somebody who maybe spent more money than they should have and then got rid of it. Maybe they slapped the cheapo optic on it to charge him $3000 or something. Maybe the shop slapped it on there to make it easier to sell. Dunno.

07-18-16, 21:27
did he buy it or get it how most thugs do ?

07-18-16, 21:55
did he buy it or get it how most thugs do ?

Probably came as a free promo with his computer....

07-18-16, 22:44
yeah kinda what I was thinking !

Probably came as a free promo with his computer....

07-19-16, 01:32
Probably came as a free promo with his computer....

Yeah I was thinking the local librarians handed them out, you know cause guns are easier to acquire than books.

07-19-16, 01:45
From CNN:

Long used a IWI Tavor SAR 5.56 rifle with a strap on it to keep the rifle in place as he engaged the officers, helping him maintain accuracy. He also was armed with a 9mm pistol and a Stag Arms M4 variant 5.56 rifle. The rifle was staged inside his Chevrolet Malibu rental car so he could get to it during the shooting, Edmonson said.

07-19-16, 02:10
From CNN:

Goddamn accurized assault straps, probably why he was so effective despite his shitty optics. We really need to think about regulating straps.

07-19-16, 06:07
Goddamn accurized assault straps, probably why he was so effective despite his shitty optics.

Meprolight M21 is actually a pretty good sight. The only thing I don't like about it is the mount.


I dig the concept of a fiber optic reflex though (perhaps too much).

07-19-16, 06:56
Ban assault straps!!

07-19-16, 07:23
No one needs a strap

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-19-16, 07:25
He had his XD loaded with FMJ?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Alex V
07-19-16, 08:06
Meprolight M21 is actually a pretty good sight. The only thing I don't like about it is the mount.

I dig the concept of a fiber optic reflex though (perhaps too much).

Called it :-D

07-19-16, 10:44
I'm surprised to see a tavor honestly. Not surprised to see the stag. If one consistent common denominator among the almost always democratic mass shooters, is that they like cheap rifles........

Ban cheap rifles! Hell, better yet ban people! Problem solved.

07-19-16, 11:00
Here is the thing that becomes apparent to me at least.
Obama has some White guilt and he can't get over it, he will never be Black enough so calling these guys out on their misbehavior would set him up for the "And how would you know White Boy?" reply.
I think he cringes at the thought of him not being taken seriously by a group of people whom he tries to represent, yet has nothing in common with. I think he has a very deep seated anger and fear that Black People don't take him seriously. After-all what would he have in common with the kid in inner city Chicago?
Lets face it, this guy was just dark enough to have every advantage and just White enough to Pass through life without a lot of drama. It's been a pretty smooth ride for this guy. He isn't ever going to call them out, he doesn't have it in him because he would be found out to essentially have been born pretty Lilly White in the Grand Scheme of things.
I know red headed Irish guys in Chicago with more real street credibility.

Reminds of the scene from 8 Mile when Eminem outs Clarence for being a rich kid.

07-19-16, 14:30
Originally Posted by KalashniKEV

Meprolight M21 is actually a pretty good sight. The only thing I don't like about it is the mount.

I dig the concept of a fiber optic reflex though (perhaps too much).

They are similar to the old Trijicon Reflex sight. I used to have one. One problem is that they tend to wash out in bright light, since it's not adjustable (at least the Trijicon wasn't).

Big A
07-19-16, 17:50

07-19-16, 18:00
Montrell Jackson (peace be upon him) was a far better man than I.

Should I meet an untimely demise....

I want to be buried upside down so the world can kiss my ass. And if I was never able to break leather (or Serpa rather) and get a shot off: FVCK YOU, I'll be in Hell keeping it warm and waiting for a rematch.

07-19-16, 19:39
Montrell Jackson (peace be upon him) was a far better man than I.

Should I meet an untimely demise....

I want to be buried upside down so the world can kiss my ass. And if I was never able to break leather (or Serpa rather) and get a shot off: FVCK YOU, I'll be in Hell keeping it warm and waiting for a rematch.

My comeback for people who tell me I'm going to Hell is "Well at least I'll know people!" That usually gives them a "WTF?" look on their face!

07-19-16, 19:44
Reminds of the scene from 8 Mile when Eminem outs Clarence for being a rich kid.

You gotta link to that stuff on here; no one on M4C is about that life ;)


07-19-16, 19:50
My comeback for people who tell me I'm going to Hell is "Well at least I'll know people!" That usually gives them a "WTF?" look on their face!

Hell won't be so bad. Hook up with on of then Succubus demon chicks in leather bikinis, all the hair metal, get to hang with Mr. Rogers and Sammy Davis Jr.

Once you get used to the heat...sheeeyit...

Per Euro, nickel please.... 8 Mile was good when it came out but I'm over Eminem. He's so 2003

07-19-16, 20:22
Hell won't be so bad. Hook up with on of then Succubus demon chicks in leather bikinis, all the hair metal, get to hang with Mr. Rogers and Sammy Davis Jr.

Once you get used to the heat...sheeeyit...

Per Euro, nickel please.... 8 Mile was good when it came out but I'm over Eminem. He's so 2003

May I interest you in one of the thousand delights of Slaanesh?
Join the 40K cult- We have hot demon chicks that just can't wait to get their claws on you! ;)

07-19-16, 20:27
May I interest you in one of the thousand delights of Slaanesh?
Join the 40K cult- We have hot demon chicks that just can't wait to get their claws on you! ;)

This is heresy I can work with

07-19-16, 21:30
May I interest you in one of the thousand delights of Slaanesh?
Join the 40K cult- We have hot demon chicks that just can't wait to get their claws on you! ;)

Until GW went and made Chaos more family-friendly to keep parents from returning the Codices that their kids were buying.

07-20-16, 08:07

So he had PTSD..... So now this can be about getting guns out of vets hands....

07-20-16, 09:21

So he had PTSD..... So now this can be about getting guns out of vets hands....

No he didn't. He suffered from being a complete ****ing idiot racist.

07-20-16, 09:36
No he didn't. He suffered from being a complete ****ing idiot racist.

It would be interesting to speak to some of those who served with him. Generally you don't go completely BS Crazy overnight. It would be interesting to know the other side of this guys behavior under the stresses of deployment and his interaction with his Platoon mates.

07-20-16, 10:09

So he had PTSD..... So now this can be about getting guns out of vets hands....

Anything to spin and divert it away from a black racist killing cops in a blatant domestic terror attack by BLM/Nation of Islam/etc.

07-20-16, 10:19
It would be interesting to speak to some of those who served with him. Generally you don't go completely BS Crazy overnight. It would be interesting to know the other side of this guys behavior under the stresses of deployment and his interaction with his Platoon mates.

Methinks he a had a GIANT racial chip on his shoulder. The military attracts all walks of life; saw it myself 30 years ago, probably hasn't changed much.

07-20-16, 10:20
Anything to spin and divert it away from a black racist killing cops in a blatant domestic terror attack by BLM/Nation of Islam/etc.

You got it.

07-20-16, 11:51
Methinks he a had a GIANT racial chip on his shoulder. The military attracts all walks of life; saw it myself 30 years ago, probably hasn't changed much.

I knew muslims, buddhists, gang members, white supremacists, etc when I was in the Marine Corps just 8 years ago.

07-20-16, 12:31
I knew muslims, buddhists, gang members, white supremacists, etc when I was in the Marine Corps just 8 years ago.

I spent 21 years in, so I get that, but what I am wondering is, did his racist views show themselves while he was in, or did this evolve after he left the Military.
A lot of guys come in all jacked up, but learn pretty quickly that it's not going to work out well for them in the military. Some even move forward and learn they were fed a line of crap as a kid and that, that kind of hate isn't reality.

07-20-16, 13:15
I knew muslims, buddhists, gang members, white supremacists, etc when I was in the Marine Corps just 8 years ago.

We're so old now man.

07-21-16, 09:08
Hell won't be so bad. Hook up with on of then Succubus demon chicks in leather bikinis, all the hair metal, get to hang with Mr. Rogers and Sammy Davis Jr.

Once you get used to the heat...sheeeyit...

Per Euro, nickel please.... 8 Mile was good when it came out but I'm over Eminem. He's so 2003

Yeah, I picture it being pretty much like a non-stop version of Rammstein's Engel video. Only w/o AC.

07-21-16, 13:58
Yeah, I picture it being pretty much like a non-stop version of Rammstein's Engel video. Only w/o AC.

I'm glad you said that. I've done Rammstein and it was literally like Hell. None of this stadium crap

Close as you can to the stage, moshing, feeling the flames from the pyro, and loud angry German music.

Life well lived

07-23-16, 16:38
Just rode by the Brad Garafola funeral route. Didn't feel right to stop wearing shorts, but there are many folks lining the streets to show support. Lot's of birds in the air too.

07-24-16, 04:01
Just rode by the Brad Garafola funeral route. Didn't feel right to stop wearing shorts, but there are many folks lining the streets to show support. Lot's of birds in the air too.

Good to hear, when the four DPD and one DART officers were laid to rest around here everything came to a stop. The processions were miles long . . .

07-24-16, 05:54
Anything to spin and divert it away from a black racist killing cops in a blatant domestic terror attack by BLM/Nation of Islam/etc.

And leave us not forget, the sleuth-in-chief! :rolleyes:
