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07-17-16, 13:20
Well now here's an interesting development if you fellas haven't seen it already;


Gee.... I wonder what would happen if someone called for five white states... :rolleyes:

Big A
07-17-16, 14:51
Well Mr. Babu Omowale, you and your followers could always move to Monrovia or Liberia...

07-17-16, 14:56
Well now here's an interesting development if you fellas haven't seen it already;
Gee.... I wonder what would happen if someone called for five white states... :rolleyes:

Five? FIVE??? What about 45? :)

I'm sure no part of truth will get through to these people, but for everyone else, might want to study the fantastic goings-on in the South African enclaves (more 20+ years ago than today), South Sudan after the split, etc.

07-17-16, 15:04

Assimilate, shut your loud black mouth, be happy, and enjoy the bounty of America that everybody treats like a Wal Mart.

Everything in one place that everyone thinks is tacky until it closes then nobody knows what do.

If they went to Africa their head would be on a stake, they'd get shot to hell for being the wrong shade of black, or something would be shitting them out by daybreak.

Before people get hepped up on this "Africa pride" bullshit, go watch Wild Geese, Africa Addio, Dogs of War, Outbreak, Book of Mormon and Tears of the Sun and then realize things have gotten worse over there.

Black nationalism is bullshit.

It's like if a buncha skinheads thought going to Germany would be cool.

NEEWP. Just a buncha drunks, uneven roads, and nasty ass frauleiners trying to snatch a Joe to GTFO of Germany.

These assholes just need their faces raked

07-17-16, 15:27
I recommend we give them the Sun. Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, & Calypso Louie can dust off the shuttle in the Air & Space Museum, and lead them. :neo:

07-17-16, 15:31
Idiots aren't even smart enough to "claim" 5 contiguous States.

I say buy them one way tickets to Somalia.

ETA: More at this link, this is hilarious.

Those Black Panthers have themselves a Gun Club (http://hueypnewtongunclub.org/about)

07-17-16, 15:41
I think certain counties here in GA would have some problems with this proposal.

The've already got all the big cities...

07-17-16, 15:58
I think certain counties here in GA would have some problems with this proposal.

The've already got all the big cities...


but we won't go there.

There are two (possibly three) kinds of Georgia folks

1. Bullshit city boys
2. Pissed off Redneck Jesus Freaks who could arm/ fend off a Marine Fireteam
3. Disgruntled loners who are constantly grim, occasionally drunk, and live off Goth chicks and destroying veejay

2 and 3 will always whip 1s arse.

07-17-16, 16:36
I cool with it. Hell, I will even rent some U-Hauls..... Texas was not on their list...... :jester:

Firefly and Outlander.... remember it is BYOB. ;)

07-17-16, 16:40
I cool with it. Hell, I will even rent some U-Hauls..... Texas was not on their list...... :jester:

Firefly and Outlander.... remember it is BYOB. ;)

I appreciate it. Texas might not be so bad. Surely you have freaky goth chicks somewheres.

07-17-16, 17:18
So when given "Forty acres and a Mule"to Freed Slaves by General Sherman, who took that away?
A Democrat.

I love me some Historic Irony, god bless the little pointed headed folks in the NBPP, I bet they all vote for Hillary too!

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 17:21

Roger. Got it!!!

I cool with it. Hell, I will even rent some U-Hauls..... Texas was not on their list...... :jester:

Firefly and Outlander.... remember it is BYOB. ;)

07-17-16, 17:36
We should blast this as we leave.


Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 18:06
Absolutely! Camelbaks full of Pibb and 'Dew; hammer down 'til at least Amarillo.

Alex V
07-17-16, 19:23
Absolutely! Camelbaks full of Pibb and 'Dew; hammer down 'til at least Amarillo.

How about we just offer them the entire North East. Too cold? I'd gladly trade them NJ, NY, CT, MA, MD and so on.

I'm just counting the days 'till I can pack up and take this party south.

07-17-16, 19:50
Sort of related, sorta not. But it's amazing that people like this exist and it's crazy what you can find on dating apps lol.




For the life of me I have no idea what racialized reproductive violence means.

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 19:52

That, right there, is the direct net result of cultural Marxism. Period.

07-17-16, 19:54

That, right there, is the direct net result of cultural Marxism. Period.
No doubt. I suffered through some sociology Max Weber and Durkheim bullish*t in college but man it seems things have accelerated a bit since I finished.

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 19:59
I had an English Professor in college that I did NOT get along with. Chick was nuts.

Side note: Screw the dating apps.

Step One: Get Galaxy S7
Step Two: Get Samsung Gear VR
Step Three: Download 3D, VR, ahem..."nekkid movies"
Step Four: Write me a personal letter of appreciation. In advance, you're welcome.

A coworker let me take it for a test drive...Ho. Lee. Phuc. Dude, disturbingly, frightening, stunningly realistic.

I'd start a thread on it, but the ban hammer would swoop in mercilessly with a quickness.

No doubt. I suffered through some sociology Max Weber and Durkheim bullish*t in college but man it seems things have accelerated a bit since I finished.

07-17-16, 20:04
For the life of me I have no idea what racialized reproductive violence means.

Da Fuq?!? "Radicalized Reproductive Violence," is an issue now? It seems like any type of intercourse with the Black Panther Queen of the ComBloc might somehow fit the bill.

07-17-16, 20:11
Outlander you made me think of the computer dude from Time Cop.

Women these days are lame and lonely for a reason. All they get is a couple of emotionless shallow fcks a year and a lot of week long "relationships"

Then they'll wake up old, fat, crows feet, gray headed and lamenting each time they see a young woman cooing her baby or taking her boy to the playground.

Meanwhile she'll marry some metrosexual who will leave her for a younger woman or another dude.

26 Inf
07-17-16, 20:13
ETA: More at this link, this is hilarious.

Those Black Panthers have themselves a Gun Club (http://hueypnewtongunclub.org/about)

I'm making a tee-shirt of the logo, just in case....:alcoholic:

07-17-16, 20:13
I say put the word out new state for those black folks USA is not good enough for

then when they arrive ship them to Africa !!! you call your self African American well now you can cancel out the American part :)
revoke passports etc..

sick of this idiocy

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 20:15
RE: Timecop

Dude, imagine a dream in HD, and it's like that. But better.

RE: 21st Century Women ~20-30 Abso****inglutely.

And they wonder why they continually get pumped-and-dumped, and still bleat about "a real man." 'Round and 'round on the Carosel of ding-dongs. Way to go, feminism!!

Anyway, if you want to hear the new gospel, PM me, as it wholly unsuitable for a public, PG-13 rated forum.

But, brother, it is glorious.

07-17-16, 20:25
Sort of related, sorta not. But it's amazing that people like this exist and it's crazy what you can find on dating apps lol.




For the life of me I have no idea what racialized reproductive violence means.

Nice choice of major. Enjoy working at Starbucks till you're 40. Don't come crying to me when you lose a job opportunity due to affirmative action and the person who gets your job then accuses YOU of being the one with an unfair advantage.

She is kinda cute though.

07-17-16, 20:34
I'm making a tee-shirt of the logo, just in case....:alcoholic:

1. We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the destiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.

Where the hell is THAT?! Watts? :rolleyes:

07-17-16, 20:37
She is kinda cute though.

"Cis woman"

Is that libtard speak for, "dude in makeup?" :eek:

07-17-16, 20:39
She could just say preference mudshark......jeez

07-17-16, 20:42
They already have a country within a country. It's called Washington DC!

In all seriousness, though, change that to five northeastern states and we have a deal. I would even throw California in for free!

07-17-16, 21:16
She could just say preference mudshark......jeez

"Cis woman"

Is that libtard speak for, "dude in makeup?" :eek:
This is hilarious



07-17-16, 21:16

That, right there, is the direct net result of cultural Marxism. Period.

I disagree, that is the result of mental retardation and I am probably insulting the developmentally challenged with this statement.

Oh fricken boy.

Biatch isn't even American. Good thing I don't do Twitter.


07-17-16, 21:26
This is hilarious

So.... I guess "straight" is now to patriarchal and therefore reproductively violent.
FML, If people like that mental chick are all that's in the 20-30 range I may as well just call it quits now. :cray:

07-17-16, 22:03
They have the South and West Sides of Chicago..... Why don't we run that as a test bed.

07-17-16, 22:03
So.... I guess "straight" is now to patriarchal and therefore reproductively violent.
FML, If people like that mental chick are all that's in the 20-30 range I may as well just call it quits now. :cray:

Not all of them are like that. Over 50% of the 20-30 population maybe, but there's still quite a few chicks in that age range with as good a head on their shoulders. You've just got to know where to look.

07-17-16, 22:09
She could just say preference mudshark......jeez

"Mudshark"? Is that like coalburner?

Outlander Systems
07-17-16, 22:54
Roger that. Likely a little less cultural and a lot more Marxist...

Probably Russian Intelligence Operative


Biatch isn't even American. Good thing I don't do Twitter.


07-17-16, 23:06
All I know is that girl is going to have a long row to ho.

07-18-16, 00:23
All I know is that girl is going to have a long row to ho.

You don't think she's already there?

26 Inf
07-18-16, 00:33
Well, dang, I read some of the facebook paqge linked and found this classic:

anastasia kārkliņa retweeted
maple cocaine
Jul 14
maple cocaine ‏@historyinflicks
Trump: I hate Muslims
Liberals: BOOOO! Unacceptable!
Hillary: I plan on killing many of them overseas
Liberals: YAAAAS!! SLAY! It's #HerTurn

07-18-16, 00:38
Nice choice of major. Enjoy working at Starbucks till you're 40. Don't come crying to me when you lose a job opportunity due to affirmative action and the person who gets your job then accuses YOU of being the one with an unfair advantage.

She is kinda cute though.

She keeps talking about "compensation" for her work. I've got and idea...

07-18-16, 00:59
Sort of related, sorta not. But it's amazing that people like this exist and it's crazy what you can find on dating apps lol.




For the life of me I have no idea what racialized reproductive violence means.

And ironically enough she is actually racist against black people.

After all she believes they need HER involvement because obviously black people alone couldn't do it.

07-18-16, 04:04
Where's Euro, this is def a chick for him.

07-18-16, 04:35
For the life of me I have no idea what racialized reproductive violence means.

They wish to RAPE the white race out of existence.

See the imam video calling for just this during the rape of Europe by afican and middle eastern fugees?

I swear to allah that some still don't know what this is all about and what the end game is . . .

There is a reason I invest heavily in precious metals; copper, steel, and lead.

If your not up on Critical Theory, give it a whirl only seven minutes.


After the dust settles from things going pear shaped and the pendulum swings back HARD, they all need to be hunted to the ends of the Earth like Nazi war criminals and hung at the end of a rope. They infiltrated academia decades ago and feted c%&ts like the one linked are their creation.

07-18-16, 08:17
Well, dang, I read some of the facebook paqge linked and found this classic:

anastasia kārkliņa retweeted
maple cocaine
Jul 14
maple cocaine ‏@historyinflicks
Trump: I hate Muslims
Liberals: BOOOO! Unacceptable!
Hillary: I plan on killing many of them overseas
Liberals: YAAAAS!! SLAY! It's #HerTurn

#HerTurn??? Are these people freaking serious?! We don't freaking "take turns" with the presidency, damn it. The most qualified person gets the job, regardless of color or sex. I don't care if it's a purple unicorn riding a tricycle; if I think it can reinstate the constitution and keep ISIS from killing us all then I'm voting for it. What does that shit for brains twit think she's entitled to the presidency for?

07-18-16, 08:39
If they went to Africa their head would be on a stake, they'd get shot to hell for being the wrong shade of black, or something would be shitting them out by daybreak.

Before people get hepped up on this "Africa pride" bullshit, go watch Wild Geese, Africa Addio, Dogs of War, Outbreak, Book of Mormon and Tears of the Sun and then realize things have gotten worse over there.

Black nationalism is bullshit.

IF they have been to Africa, they would see it's the LAST place they would ever want to be. I am certain there are a few hundred thousand refugees who would gladly trade places.

07-18-16, 08:41
Well Mr. Babu Omowale, you and your followers could always move to Monrovia or Liberia...

Just a quick FYI and geography lesson Monrovia is the capital of Liberia. And this has been you lesson for today.

07-18-16, 08:42
And ironically enough she is actually racist against black people.

After all she believes they need HER involvement because obviously black people alone couldn't do it.

And it says she is in Durham?? I call bullshit. If she's a Duke student I can rat her out. Very small school. Besides, she's too good looking to be a Duke student. UNC maybe. I still call bullshit.

26 Inf
07-18-16, 10:04
#HerTurn??? Are these people freaking serious?! We don't freaking "take turns" with the presidency, damn it. The most qualified person gets the job, regardless of color or sex. I don't care if it's a purple unicorn riding a tricycle; if I think it can reinstate the constitution and keep ISIS from killing us all then I'm voting for it. What does that shit for brains twit think she's entitled to the presidency for?

I'm not sure you took it in the vein I posted it in:

Trump: I hate Muslims
Liberals: BOOOO! Unacceptable! This is generally seen as the true Liberal response to Trump's statements.

Hillary: I plan on killing many of them overseas Actually fairly true in terms of her foreign policy bent.

Liberals: YAAAAS!! SLAY! It's #HerTurn I thought this was ironically commenting on how stupid the average Liberal is for supporting her.

Anyway, that is the way I interpreted it.

Maple Cocaine - the name makes me curious to see whether she is a hot gal or a fat bearded guy.

07-18-16, 10:14
And it says she is in Durham?? I call bullshit. If she's a Duke student I can rat her out. Very small school. Besides, she's too good looking to be a Duke student. UNC maybe. I still call bullshit.
Seriously see what you can find out. It'd be classic

07-18-16, 11:05
"Mudshark"? Is that like coalburner?
Mudshark was a term I heard in college. We had alot of big black basket ball players at my school. (Many of which were cool as hell and we hungout and partied often.) And, as nature would have it, black men tend to be better endowed or "well hung" anatomically speaking than white men.

So, a group of girls was talking and one said "so and so likes the mudshark....". Whut?? She explains it to me. Means she likes big black schlong...... Ohhhhh...

Which is fine if she prefers, whatever she prefers. Young Black guys in general tend to have more game than young white guys (based on my observations back in the day). A young white (not all, just many) guy would have tried to have a conversation with her on the subject of, whatever she put in her ad, since she'd probably bring it up, after he dished out cash for dinner, drinks, and maybe even a movie.

Black dude would have laughed at her and said gtfo..... And ignored her the rest of the night and resume partying. Having been cast off like that, her genetics and hormones kick in, (What, am I not good enough?) making it a mission to bed down said black dude. Black dude would later enjoy a very vigorous and spirited romp from the crazy white girl.

It's an alpha beta thing, as well as being attracted to what's taboo.

Moral of the story is parents, do a good job of raising your kids. Especially dads. It has nothing to do with skin color, and everything to do with making sure your kid isn't an idiot.

I've seen so many women with dad issues over the years. Hell, I married one. That's been an education all of its own.

I only wished I understood women this well back in college......lol...

07-18-16, 11:36
Nice choice of major. Enjoy working at Starbucks till you're 40. Don't come crying to me when you lose a job opportunity due to affirmative action and the person who gets your job then accuses YOU of being the one with an unfair advantage.

Wishful thinking, bro. This chick is just as likely to find a $100k gig at some philanthropic/charity/tax scam/taxpayer subsidized wealth redistribution operation or even in the government itself (same thing really) as a diversity officer or some shit.

Funny thing is, as someone already pointed out, that niches like this always bang dudes who don't give a flying **** about her causes and will treat her like meat. She and types like her hate betas and will flock to some criminal thug type over a law abiding, well-mannered, feminist beta cuck.

#HerTurn??? Are these people freaking serious?! We don't freaking "take turns" with the presidency, damn it. The most qualified person gets the job, regardless of color or sex. I don't care if it's a purple unicorn riding a tricycle; if I think it can reinstate the constitution and keep ISIS from killing us all then I'm voting for it. What does that shit for brains twit think she's entitled to the presidency for?

Everyone gets a turn, just like every Muslim will get a turn raping bitches like this when they get a chance.

Having lived in Africa, yeah, blacks in North America have no idea how good they have it.

07-18-16, 12:02
Seriously see what you can find out. It'd be classic

Duke offers a PhD in the lit department that covers some of this crap, but not all of it. And just so you know what we're all up against, that same department also has a graduate certificate in "Marxism and Society" (no shit). I am reaching out discreetly to some peeps I know on the academic side to see if she is around. But with what's she's trying to sell, it smells fishy to me.

07-18-16, 13:52
Wait, I thought so many folk fled to the north because it was better than the south. Just stay your butts up there and have fun in the rust belt.

07-18-16, 14:05
Looking at it again, chickie snack is a worn out single mom waiting to happen.

Yeah....some guy is gonna pay for you AND some other dude's kid because he's willing to "man up".

One of my fiends (not a typo) tried to set me up with this chick some years back.

"Oh she's just your speed. Freaky and young" So I go to pick her up and two kids she has. Trying to be sorta slick I inquire "Oh are ya babysitting?"

and she's all "No, these are my kids".

So I says "Well, I was told we should meet and we met so.....have a good night".

I made egress. That's a firm policy:
No women with kids and
No horse chicks.
And no alcoholics.

I ain't been caught up in no R. Kelly Trapped in a Closet mess yet...and don't plan to be.

07-18-16, 14:33
Wishful thinking, bro. This chick is just as likely to find a $100k gig at some philanthropic/charity/tax scam/taxpayer subsidized wealth redistribution operation or even in the government itself (same thing really) as a diversity officer or some shit.

Funny thing is, as someone already pointed out, that niches like this always bang dudes who don't give a flying **** about her causes and will treat her like meat. She and types like her hate betas and will flock to some criminal thug type over a law abiding, well-mannered, feminist beta cuck.

Everyone gets a turn, just like every Muslim will get a turn raping bitches like this when they get a chance.

Having lived in Africa, yeah, blacks in North America have no idea how good they have it.

Haha, no joke. They know, though. They bitch and moan about how we ripped them from their wonderful homes, but they start backtracking like made whenever someone suggests they go back. I thought about going to Nigeria once, a long time ago, and quickly disabused myself of that momentary lapse in sanity. Not too long ago, I heard that the bizarre foods guy got sick in Nigeria and had to be hospitalized from eating fully cooked meat. Even the doctors couldn't explain what happened to him. Yea, I'm not touching that continent with a ten foot pole. I might go to Egypt one day to see the pyramids, political situation allowing, but I'm bringing all my own food and water.

07-18-16, 15:32
Looking at it again, chickie snack is a worn out single mom waiting to happen.

Yeah....some guy is gonna pay for you AND some other dude's kid because he's willing to "man up".

One of my fiends (not a typo) tried to set me up with this chick some years back.

"Oh she's just your speed. Freaky and young" So I go to pick her up and two kids she has. Trying to be sorta slick I inquire "Oh are ya babysitting?"

and she's all "No, these are my kids".

So I says "Well, I was told we should meet and we met so.....have a good night".

I made egress. That's a firm policy:
No women with kids and
No horse chicks.
And no alcoholics.

I ain't been caught up in no R. Kelly Trapped in a Closet mess yet...and don't plan to be.

And what's wrong with "horse chicks"?

07-18-16, 15:34
Haha, no joke. They know, though. They bitch and moan about how we ripped them from their wonderful homes, but they start backtracking like made whenever someone suggests they go back. I thought about going to Nigeria once, a long time ago, and quickly disabused myself of that momentary lapse in sanity. Not too long ago, I heard that the bizarre foods guy got sick in Nigeria and had to be hospitalized from eating fully cooked meat. Even the doctors couldn't explain what happened to him. Yea, I'm not touching that continent with a ten foot pole. I might go to Egypt one day to see the pyramids, political situation allowing, but I'm bringing all my own food and water.

It wasn't really worth it. Going to see the pyramids that is. YMMV. You may like watching dudes shit in the streets of downtown Cairo.

07-18-16, 16:00
It wasn't really worth it. Going to see the pyramids that is. YMMV. You may like watching dudes shit in the streets of downtown Cairo.

I agree, one of the most disappointing thins I have ever seen in the world.

And I too have spent way too much time in Africa...........It sucks on many different levels.

07-18-16, 16:00
And what's wrong with "horse chicks"?

Having a Horse or Horses is very much like having a Kid, at least if you're doing it right. Time, Money and everything else that might go in being able to fly away for a weekend in Cabo, pretty much went out the Window when She bought the Horse(s).
You could buy a couple of decent Colt 6920's for one Vet Bill.

07-18-16, 16:03
amazed Eurodriver has not popped in and said OH yeah I know her ;);) hahahahahaha

07-18-16, 16:23
Wishful thinking, bro. This chick is just as likely to find a $100k gig at some philanthropic/charity/tax scam/taxpayer subsidized wealth redistribution operation or even in the government itself (same thing really) as a diversity officer or some shit.

Radical Marxists like this 02 thief will make six figures up on the ivory tower in academia indoctrinating the next generation. Academia is the only place someone with bullshit degrees like "gender studies", "black studies", "critical theory", "critical race studies", et al. can land a job.

07-18-16, 16:34
I agree, one of the most disappointing thins I have ever seen in the world.

And I too have spent way too much time in Africa...........It sucks on many different levels.

Yeah, there's more interesting stuff in America.

I wouldn't even dream of traveling abroad anywhere for fun outside the western hemisphere until one has seen all 50 states first.

I did Europe as a young cat before all the BS and while Euro chicks DGAF and were DTF, it was pretty underwhelming and inconvenient.

I like it here where you got wifi, free refills, and for the most part nobody is in your business.

The alcohol is also overrated af. EXCEPT for that Eastern Soviet bloc vodka. Good gawd, I had West Virginny white lightning that I thought was strong NEEWP.

Most people who beam about europe are joes who lost their v card in a Kraut whorehouse or married a bringback or these hipster kids who spent a week there in colkege and thought it was so "progressive"

It was bicurious and lame.


07-18-16, 16:35
Having a Horse or Horses is very much like having a Kid, at least if you're doing it right. Time, Money and everything else that might go in being able to fly away for a weekend in Cabo, pretty much went out the Window when She bought the Horse(s).
You could buy a couple of decent Colt 6920's for one Vet Bill.
Oh trust, I know about horses, cost and commitment. (I come from ranching family)
I'm more interested in the snarky comments Firefly had on the subject

07-18-16, 16:41
Oh trust, I know about horses, cost and commitment. (I come from ranching family)
I'm more interested in the snarky comments Firefly had on the subject

Because they will always love and want to ride a big dumb animal more than you.

As was aforementioned her vet and stable bills will somehow become "our" vet and stable bills.

Which is a negative.

07-18-16, 17:21
It wasn't really worth it. Going to see the pyramids that is. YMMV. You may like watching dudes shit in the streets of downtown Cairo.

Sounds like India, another nasty place I would never go. Let's just say Macho Picchu is winning out at the moment. It sucks that all the world wonders are in the nastiest places on earth.

07-18-16, 17:39
Because they will always love and want to ride a big dumb animal more than you.

As was aforementioned her vet and stable bills will somehow become "our" vet and stable bills.

Which is a negative.
And you end up like my brother, paying through the nose on upkeep and boarding a horse that he doesnt know how to ride, shes too large to ride and at 27y/o the horse itself maybe too old for anyone to ride(looks like a worn out horse from central casting to me). But still it lives and it was a gift from a long deceased realtive so it continues to consume my poor sap brothers paycheck. chick with a horse had better come complete with land and wealth.

07-18-16, 19:37
Looking at it again, chickie snack is a worn out single mom waiting to happen.

Yeah....some guy is gonna pay for you AND some other dude's kid because he's willing to "man up".

One of my fiends (not a typo) tried to set me up with this chick some years back.

"Oh she's just your speed. Freaky and young" So I go to pick her up and two kids she has. Trying to be sorta slick I inquire "Oh are ya babysitting?"

and she's all "No, these are my kids".

So I says "Well, I was told we should meet and we met so.....have a good night".

I made egress. That's a firm policy:
No women with kids and
No horse chicks.
And no alcoholics.

I ain't been caught up in no R. Kelly Trapped in a Closet mess yet...and don't plan to be.

Be careful with chicks you don't know...It's all fun and games til you're tied to the bed and some dude jumps outta the closet wearing a batman suit...

Had an old man tell me that once. Still not sure what to make of it, but it sounded like solid advice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-18-16, 19:57
What if we went all democracy like and the 88% simply voted to expel the 12%? Sort of a reverse slave trade. Can't argue it. Use the lefts catch all of a majority of Americans are for this. Heads. Exploding.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-18-16, 21:13
What if we went all democracy like and the 88% simply voted to expel the 12%? Sort of a reverse slave trade. Can't argue it. Use the lefts catch all of a majority of Americans are for this. Heads. Exploding.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Can we keep Neil Tyson and expel the Clintons?

07-18-16, 21:43
Can we keep Neil Tyson and expel the Clintons?

You betcha. One way or another we need to be rid of the Clintons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-18-16, 22:15
You betcha. One way or another we need to be rid of the Clintons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll willingly keep the entire population of Detroit if it meant we could get rid of the Clintons.

[insert disclaimer about Detroit joke here].

07-18-16, 22:52
The alcohol is also overrated af. EXCEPT for that Eastern Soviet bloc vodka. Good gawd, I had West Virginny white lightning that I thought was strong NEEWP.

Do not EVER try to drink Slovenian moonshine with a Slovenian. Just, don't. :alcoholic:

Big A
07-18-16, 23:42
Just a quick FYI and geography lesson Monrovia is the capital of Liberia. And this has been you lesson for today.

07-19-16, 09:05
So, I guess I was pretty much correct in my thinking that the US is basically fvcked.
At least until the turning point, when the few regular people have finally had enough. It's gonna be ugly.

However, despite the depressive state of this thread, it is so well scattered with win.
Hysterical. Win.

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07-19-16, 09:49
She could have not wasted so much space by just listing that she enjoys mudsharking and is a leftist.

Her ad has "stay the f*ck away" written all over it! LOL

07-19-16, 11:45
So, this is kind of a dick move, but, I just had to do this. Helping my mother in law fix her tablet........

This explains everything.......


07-19-16, 12:07
Be careful with chicks you don't know...It's all fun and games til you're tied to the bed and some dude jumps outta the closet wearing a batman suit...

Had an old man tell me that once. Still not sure what to make of it, but it sounded like solid advice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It's true. I still have the Batman suit, but did have to upgrade from the old Adam West suit to the Christain Bale suit several years ago. The old style suit just didn't bring out the initial shock it once held.

07-19-16, 13:04
It's true. I still have the Batman suit, but did have to upgrade from the old Adam West suit to the Christain Bale suit several years ago. The old style suit just didn't bring out the initial shock it once held.

As long as it wasn't the nipple suit...

That'd just be weird.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-19-16, 14:04
She could have not wasted so much space by just listing that she enjoys mudsharking and is a leftist.

Her ad has "stay the f*ck away" written all over it! LOL

And if she actually met her fantasy man to feel more 'cultured', she'd end up pregnant, beaten, and choked out.

Normal Black Male with and education and a job = Sellout Uncle Tom with internalized racism

Piece of shit driving a pimp daddy Cadillac with an "Only God can judge" tattoo and rap sheet = Misunderstood poet of the streets, unfettered by 'The Man'

Trust me......seen and documented it quite a bit. Trying to piss off daddy and yet it doesn't work because he disowned her ass and doesn't care.

26 Inf
07-19-16, 15:34
And if she actually met her fantasy man to feel more 'cultured', she'd end up pregnant, beaten, and choked out.

Normal Black Male with and education and a job = Sellout Uncle Tom with internalized racism

Piece of shit driving a pimp daddy Cadillac with an "Only God can judge" tattoo and rap sheet = Misunderstood poet of the streets, unfettered by 'The Man'

Trust me......seen and documented it quite a bit. Trying to piss off daddy and yet it doesn't work because he disowned her ass and doesn't care.

First job I had as a teenager there was a smoking hot girl from another high school that worked there. We got along good and I thought hell, may as well ask her out. One of the guys I worked with went to the same high school as her, so I asked 'hey does Linda have a boyfriend?' He laughed and said 'not a steady, but you aren't the right color.'

Fast forward 6 years, I'm just out of the Marines and bar hopping with my bother-in-law. I run in to Linda. We got to talking and it wasn't too long into the conversation that it becomes clear that not only is she no longer enamored of black guys, but she may have become the Imperial Wizardress, lot of hate directed at a race. I was married, so it wasn't like I wanted to date her, but after that I kind of didn't even want to know her.

She's not the only gal I've known to have that reaction. Let's check back on Mz cis-gendered in a couple of years and see how it's going.

07-19-16, 15:53
I got one better and referenced it once before in some other random thread.

It was late 90s and it was this granola girl in college. Young, semi-blonde, really into Dave Matthews Band. We all nicknamed her Topanga. Well she decides to join the Peace Corps and goes to Africa.

Well almost a year goes by and people are moving on whatever until we find out she has 'DEROSed' (or Peace Corps equivalent) from Africa and is back in the hood and.....

I have seen pissed off 'Nam vets not as grizzled or bitter. She looked like hell, cut her hair short, chain smoked, and every other word was "Effing N". Completely different person.

No more sandals and baby doll dresses, she wore real conservative, frumpy clothes. I dared not ask what went wrong but could only imagine.

Look....if you are attracted to someone. Have at it. Make sure you like THE PERSON. If you're chasing a bizarre fetish or wanting to "make a statement", you're only hurting yourself.

Who knows, Mrs. Firefly may be a blonde Japanese girl from China or a Black redhead from Nova Scotia. Don't know. I focus on the PERSON. Do I like this INDIVIDUAL for their merits and morals?

It's part of not being shallow. Like I tell people, I stopped playing with Barbies when I grew up.

07-19-16, 17:20
You have the best posts firefly. Blonde Japanese girl from China.....lol...

07-19-16, 17:24
You have the best posts firefly. Blonde Japanese girl from China.....lol...

Not mine. Ever see National Lampoon's Senior Trip? It had dude from Max Headroom as the principal.

The fat kid said it and it's been a running joke between me and a few other fellows for the last 20 years

07-19-16, 19:30
Sounds like India, another nasty place I would never go. Let's just say Macho Picchu is winning out at the moment. It sucks that all the world wonders are in the nastiest places on earth.

I once saw the Pyramids from 30,000 feet, and decided that was the safest way to see them. Bucket list item... check! "Catch 'em all" before the jihadists blow them all up!

Firefly, thanks for making me laugh. This thread is pure gold.

Big A
07-19-16, 20:40
You have the best posts firefly. Blonde Japanese girl from China.....lol...
I honestly want to read his A&B's. I bet there is pure gold in them.

Not mine. Ever see National Lampoon's Senior Trip? It had dude from Max Headroom as the principal.

The fat kid said it and it's been a running joke between me and a few other fellows for the last 20 years

07-21-16, 18:15
Now their getting it lol.


07-21-16, 18:53
Now their getting it lol.


I hate to say I told you so, but I think it's gone across the board. Its not just the Angry Leftist White Soccer Mom's anymore.

07-22-16, 03:17
Hah, that is the best thing they can do is not to vote, America thanks you!

I must admit though, I am glad some of the #BLM'ers see through Hillary and are not supporting her.

07-22-16, 06:07
Where's Euro, this is def a chick for him.

No way man.

No way.

07-22-16, 07:22
How about we just offer them the entire North East. Too cold? I'd gladly trade them NJ, NY, CT, MA, MD and so on.

I'm just counting the days 'till I can pack up and take this party south.
No no no no no

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-22-16, 13:50
Would you rather see this country divided and possibly live in a region where people of your similar views live or remain as one country but be willing to live under a crumbling (morally, socially, and economically) socialist state?

Me? I've always thought it better that we stayed as one unified country after the Civil War. However, I'm starting to see where the idea of going our own separate ways might be the only key to maintaining the lives we want to live. A growing entitlement and socially liberal society that has a slight edge in the voting booth (enough to get their way) yet a sizable minority that doesn't see it that way; sizable enough that it can't be ignored simply by outvoting them by a measly 5-10%.

I also harbor no illusions or fantasies about how rough it would be on those fledgling regions as they cut away from the mother ship. It'd likely suck for quite a while.

07-22-16, 14:14
I've been saying this for quite sometime.

Give the leftists their own land.

Coal Dragger
07-22-16, 14:15
I've been saying this for quite sometime.

Give the leftists their own land.

Yes, then wait a few years....invade their land and exterminate them.

07-22-16, 14:21
Yes, then wait a few years....invade their land and exterminate them.

LOL.......... Why? it will be totally ruined by then... :jester:

Coal Dragger
07-22-16, 14:24
Well over time it could be rebuilt and re-settled.

07-22-16, 14:26
Actually a loose confederation of regions might be a more workable solution if things continue to unfold as they have been. Same currency would alleviate economic woes to a degree that might otherwise be associated with a split. Of course taxation (one of the sticking points) would have to be decided as well as inter-region commerce. A region might allow someone a temporary "visa" to vacation at the beach but being a registered Democrat could exclude you from residence in certain regions for instance. Let's say a libtard from NY or MA wants to go to the beach in FL. Okay, it's commerce. However, you're a registered Democrat? You'll never be allowed to permanently live there. Vice versa of course.

07-22-16, 14:29
Well over time it could be rebuilt and re-settled.

Good answer..... ;)

Doc Safari
07-22-16, 14:30
I've been saying this for quite sometime.

Give the leftists their own land.

I'm hip. Build a wall around their states, then fill their states with water. (Okay, I'm kidding, but this country is too polarized for everyone to just go back to getting along).

07-22-16, 14:38
I'm hip. Build a wall around their states, then fill their states with water. (Okay, I'm kidding, but this country is too polarized for everyone to just go back to getting along).

That is kind of why I started this thread. There is a divide. Who made it or created it is a moot point by now. I proudly stand on one side of this divide and quite frankly I mostly despise those on the other side of the chasm. No apologies either.

07-22-16, 14:43
One interesting point to ponder is what would a poll similar to this show at, say, DU? Would they be for a Balkaniztion? Or more ominously would they be for MAKING everyone live under their rules? See we're mostly right-leaning conservative/libertarian folks here and in the truest sense of being "conservative" basically just want to be left alone. The other side, however, is hell-bent on making everyone do it their way. That is the hallmark of the Left......forced mass participation. This is exactly why I don't see us singing kumbayah or sharing a Coke.

Coal Dragger
07-22-16, 14:44
I'm hip. Build a wall around their states, then fill their states with water. (Okay, I'm kidding, but this country is too polarized for everyone to just go back to getting along).

Which would be hilarious since the stupid bastards would blame it on rising ocean levels from global warming.

07-22-16, 14:44
Before I joined the USMC all of the "old guys" I knew were totally worn out of America, patriotism, etc. By old, I mean guys in their mid 20s.

I didn't get it. I felt like they were a dishonor to the uniform. What kind of scumbag would go to war and come back with nothing but disdain for his country and Americans in general?

Now I get it.

Doc Safari
07-22-16, 14:48
Before I joined the USMC all of the "old guys" I knew were totally worn out of America, patriotism, etc. By old, I mean guys in their mid 20s.

I didn't get it. I felt like they were a dishonor to the uniform. What kind of scumbag would go to war and come back with nothing but disdain for his country and Americans in general?

Now I get it.

Sadly, I do too. I love my country but I cannot condone killing unborn children, treating Islamic jihadists like they have all the rights and we have none, militarization of the police, tolerance of racism against whites, and bigotry against people of strong Christian beliefs.

I cannot even wear a tactical cap with an American flag on it anymore. All my "tactical" caps have my state flag now.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 14:49
Galt up. Quit producing.

...Can't get blood from a turnip.

Just hope they don't decide to take the turnip...


07-22-16, 14:53
Before I joined the USMC all of the "old guys" I knew were totally worn out of America, patriotism, etc. By old, I mean guys in their mid 20s.

I didn't get it. I felt like they were a dishonor to the uniform. What kind of scumbag would go to war and come back with nothing but disdain for his country and Americans in general?

Now I get it.

Probably more so that than (at least what once was) my country.

07-22-16, 16:18
The South will rise again!

I think the worst part of America these days is that we are all treated and talked to like 12 year olds but are expected to pay out the nose like we're the rich old uncle.

Half the country busts their ass while the other half hangs out playing hoops or drinking gin and shooting dice behind a gas station.

And people who wanted to bullshit their way in life get elected and tell everyone else what to do.

So....that leads to hard feelings.

Meh, I'll go to Antarctica and just put on some 2pac and keep it real.

Eff it.

07-22-16, 20:50
Before I joined the USMC all of the "old guys" I knew were totally worn out of America, patriotism, etc. By old, I mean guys in their mid 20s.

I didn't get it. I felt like they were a dishonor to the uniform. What kind of scumbag would go to war and come back with nothing but disdain for his country and Americans in general?

Now I get it.

This isn't anything new unfortunately. My old man and uncle, both of whom served in Nam, my uncle a Marine, enlisted, both had similar feelings. Both enlisted, both served, both got told when they were coming back to the states not to wear uniforms off the base, not to wear their metals, not to even tell people that they had been in Nam. To say that they were upset would be an understatement. My old man still talks of the shit and my uncle after he got out wouldn't eat rice for decades and I know he saw some shit since he has said precious little ever of his time.

It is sad that those who sacrifice for their countrymen, either in yesteryear, or current times are treated so lowly. I have buried brothers who died in that sandy hell. I remember at the funeral not feeling anger for losing them, they died for a cause that was righteous and they welcomed that risk because that was the men they were and they were great for it. I was saddened at the loved ones that they left behind, wives, families, saddened that I would never raise a glass with them again, laugh at their jokes, but I know they wait at the gates so that one day we may share those stories that we never shared. But the seething hatred, the barely contained violence that I held for those who celebrated their death, who held signs defacing their memory words cannot describe. We've lost our way, as a country. My role models were fighting men, men who worked hard, who risked their lives for a cause. Be them the soldiers, the family members who fought, served, who endeavored to make a life, or those hard men of books, the men of violence, action, intellect, who would fight for their cause, their beliefs. John Kelly from Clancy's novel is still a favorite of a man of focus, even if that focus may fall outside the law. What are the role models of today youth? Rappers? Athletes with multiple domestic violence convictions? Assholes? How many youth what to learn to fly? What to explore outer space? What to live free without someone else footing their bills? Want to raise a family in the quiet unadorned, unpublicized life of just a normal person? We are a dying breed, dead men walking, the quiet ones, the ghosts.

07-22-16, 20:57
I've been saying this for quite sometime.

Give the leftists their own land.

1) No. We do't just give away what is not ours to give. Men (including those from generations past) bled and died for that land. It;s not our to give away.

2) There are many good people who would be stuck in the lands given to the Left. This would be abandoning them to the wolves.

3) The Left is Cancer. It will spread unless removed entirely. They fight dirty. We've seen that in how they have infiltrated America and the West despite us "winning" the Cold War. They go after the young (chilren in schools being brainwashed) and collude with other enemies (e.g. Islam) to bring down their mutual enemies (i.e. us) via mass immigration.

07-22-16, 21:00
This isn't anything new unfortunately. My old man and uncle, both of whom served in Nam, my uncle a Marine, enlisted, both had similar feelings. Both enlisted, both served, both got told when they were coming back to the states not to wear uniforms off the base, not to wear their metals, not to even tell people that they had been in Nam. To say that they were upset would be an understatement. My old man still talks of the shit and my uncle after he got out wouldn't eat rice for decades and I know he saw some shit since he has said precious little ever of his time.

It is sad that those who sacrifice for their countrymen, either in yesteryear, or current times are treated so lowly. I have buried brothers who died in that sandy hell. I remember at the funeral not feeling anger for losing them, they died for a cause that was righteous and they welcomed that risk because that was the men they were and they were great for it. I was saddened at the loved ones that they left behind, wives, families, saddened that I would never raise a glass with them again, laugh at their jokes, but I know they wait at the gates so that one day we may share those stories that we never shared. But the seething hatred, the barely contained violence that I held for those who celebrated their death, who held signs defacing their memory words cannot describe. We've lost our way, as a country. My role models were fighting men, men who worked hard, who risked their lives for a cause. Be them the soldiers, the family members who fought, served, who endeavored to make a life, or those hard men of books, the men of violence, action, intellect, who would fight for their cause, their beliefs. John Kelly from Clancy's novel is still a favorite of a man of focus, even if that focus may fall outside the law. What are the role models of today youth? Rappers? Athletes with multiple domestic violence convictions? Assholes? How many youth what to learn to fly? What to explore outer space? What to live free without someone else footing their bills? Want to raise a family in the quiet unadorned, unpublicized life of just a normal person? We are a dying breed, dead men walking, the quiet ones, the ghosts.

Kain, this is an outstanding post and very well articulated.

07-22-16, 21:02
I don't care what other people do, I mean I really don't give a damn anymore.
I did what I did as a Young Man, now I'm and Old Man and I refuse to change. If they want to be total jackasses, all I can do is keep on moving forward with my life and mentally put them on mute.
Will we have to part ways with the left? Undoubtedly, it just can't go on much longer, we are too polarized and things are going from a cold political war to all out violence in the last couple of weeks.
I fear for the future of my Country, but I think I have enough of my ducks in a row to make things work.

07-22-16, 21:36
It needs to hold for another 12 years. I would like to get my kids raised before it gets really nasty. Hopefully in the end, where ever we are, we can be left alone and free.

My God knows my soul and my family knows I love them. I'm down for whatever.

07-22-16, 21:51
The South will rise again!

I think the worst part of America these days is that we are all treated and talked to like 12 year olds but are expected to pay out the nose like we're the rich old uncle.

Half the country busts their ass while the other half hangs out playing hoops or drinking gin and shooting dice behind a gas station.

And people who wanted to bullshit their way in life get elected and tell everyone else what to do.

So....that leads to hard feelings.

Meh, I'll go to Antarctica and just put on some 2pac and keep it real.

Eff it.

In your vision of the south rising again.....I was wondering what flag you were going to use since the old one is no longer valid. I would love to see a version of your making....

07-22-16, 21:51
I'll stay put. I've got too much invested in my area and fighting is nothing new to this family. In the 19th Century we fought Comanche, Kiowa and the occasional Mescalero & Jicarilla Apache, in addition to confidence men, pistoleros, rustlers and other two-legged vermin of the plains. Used to have scum from a place in the Texas Panhandle called Tascosa ride out here rustling cattle. Some got weighed down with lead by my ancestors back in the day.

I've got enough land to keep the hoards of the unclean from getting too close to home, and it takes a special breed to live this far out from civilization. If it all goes to shit politically and socially, we'll just hunker down and ride it out. If they bring the fight, they will get it back with a vengeance.

07-22-16, 22:53
It's funny that this topic came up. My wife and I have been Netflix binging the show Revolution from a couple years back (we're on the second season now). The country has pretty much been broken up into smaller regional chunks roughly consisting of the North East, South East, Texas, the Mid West, and the West Coast (the Monroe Republic, Georgia Republic, Texas, Plains Nation, and California Commonwealth, respectively).

I'm honestly not sure which way I'd lean.

07-22-16, 23:16
I'd have to go with Balkanization. There's the view that a split up of the U.S. would be a near apocalyptic disaster, our country would dissolve into Somalia with various clans fighting for dominance, China and Russia dropping in troops to snatch up new overseas colonies, and the EU falling under the reign of ISIS who would be knocking on our door soon. It's possible things could go that bad, but on the other hand, I can see how it might turn out, while not ideal, still being a livable world.

In truth, sometimes breakups of major powers have actually saved them in the long run. For example, the Roman Empire was in incredible turmoil in the 3rd Century. There were constant civil wars, coups, plagues, provinces breaking away, barbarian raids, and very nearly every emperor's reign ended in assassination. If we think things are corrupt now, it's child's play compared to the corruption in Rome in the 200s. On top of this, the Goths were invading from Europe, and the Persians were taking over Rome's holdings in the Middle East. Unable to sustain itself, the Empire split into three empires. The three empires were still nominally connected to one another, and they were all Roman in terms of culture, but they all had their own emperors and governments. Without everyone fighting for that one spot in the Imperial Palace in Rome, a lot of the corruption straightened out, the emperors all had less land and people groups to deal with, and separately, they were able to work to repair the damage. Later, the three fragments, now much more stable, were united again and Rome resumed its world dominance. Now obviously, it didn't last, and it later dissolved back into the mess it was and ended up falling. But the point is, the temporary break up actually saved Rome. Had the Empire remained united and in turmoil, it's likely that it would have fallen 200 years earlier than it actually did. But here's another point about why Balkanization is better than a United Socialist States: The Byzantines.

The Western Roman Empire officially dissolved in 476 AD, but the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire remained one of the most powerful empires in the world for almost a thousand more years! Yes, it's true they did gradually lose land, power, and influence over that thousand years, but they remained powerful and independent over most of that time. Even the Muslim Empire learned not to **** with them too much. While there was a noticeable regression in culture, technology, and stability in Western Europe after the Fall, Eastern Europe remained quite stable and there really wasn't a "dark age" there.

Another point to be made about the Fall of Rome is that Rome wasn't replaced by any other power. Overall, the world political map really just reverted back a time of pre-Roman dominance. There were a number of major powers (such as the Persians, the Byzantines, and later the Muslims), but nobody took their place as the superpower.

My point to all this:

If the U.S. were to break up, it would be breaking up into states that have high human development, 1st world infrastructure, and economies larger and more powerful than even many other current 1st world countries. Without theorizing the new map, there's a good chance that a break up would still preserve a mutual defense agreement, trade between the fragment-states, and obviously we'd have a shared culture. There would likely be some disputes over various states, but there's a good chance that the remains of the former U.S. could live somewhat harmoniously with one another.

Also, while the individual states would obviously not be as powerful as the United States, they would all likely remain major world powers. They wouldn't be able to enforce their will the way we can now, but likely they would have enough military clout to remain independent. This brings me to my next point, who would be the new superpower? China? Russia? Turkey? My opinion: Nobody. Yes, China and Russia would remain powerful, and probably more powerful than the nations of the former U.S., but I don't think they'd seamlessly slide into our spot.

My view of what a post-U.S. world power structure would look like: Simply a reversion to pre-World War II. A world with many different powerful nations, but no superpower. We'd kinda go to what many people want: a land with sovereign states that are powerful enough to defend themselves but do not go out and police the world. Basically, what the Ron Paul's of the world want: The U.S. pre-superpower. Obviously, I don't think that story would end happily ever after. But what I'm saying is, Balkanization is something we may be able to live with if it comes to that.

07-23-16, 02:22
I've been saying this for quite sometime.

Give the leftists their own land.

CA, NY, NJ, CO and MA ain't enough for them?

Straight Shooter
07-23-16, 03:38
I find that most people who are not well traveled, who haven't been more than a couple states away from their home for any length of time, are very very naïve as to how different & worlds apart this country is.
As a former OTR driver with close to one and a half million miles roaming this country and parts of Canada, Ive said here and elsewhere many times, that we aren't united for shit, its propaganda being fed to us I believe in part to help keep another civil war from happening.
Go to Kalifornia, to about anywhere north of Richmond VA, go to Shitcago, ect, and tell me how any freedom loving, decent person wants to live like this. Oh, and my beloved South is as bad as anywhere, WORSE even. EVERY major city in the United States is a fvcking cesspool. Ive been to almost all of them, many many times. Ive a flag tat I NEVER show, same with my USMC one. People have known me 25 years don't know I have either. After seeing what Ive seen in this country, I am totally mystified how we haven't had a 100% economic, societal breakdown/collapse. WE ARE IN BAD SHAPE FELLAS. I sure as hell hate what its become, but if by Gods pure grace He decides to restore & renew us, we really could have an awesome country again. One where every man, woman & child would pull together like during WW2, to sacrifice for the country. But, I don't see that happening with a rainbow colored White house, occupied by a fvckin Muslim President. The Lord has washed His hands of us, & I have too.

07-23-16, 04:04
Here in FEMA zone VI I can say that Abbott and many like him in our state's leadership would secede from the Union if an Article V Convention of the States is ignored by Heir Hillary.

I'd rather clean house nation wide but it's too late for that now.

The feds have a map showing the new D.C. in Boulder, CO. after COG protocols are implemented. A Balkanization type event is anticipated if not orchestrated.

Several years ago, Parag Khanna, a senior research fellow at the New America Foundation, wrote a prescient op-ed in The New York Times, "The End of The Nation State," citing a United States National Intelligence Council's report on how the world will look a generation from now:

One scenario, "Nonstate World," imagined a planet in which urbanization, technology and capital accumulation had brought about a landscape where governments had given up on real reforms and had subcontracted many responsibilities to outside parties, which then set up enclaves operating under their own laws. These aren't states; they're "para-states" — or, in one common parlance, "special economic zones."

07-23-16, 08:45
No, because we all must live up to the United States Constitution, or face death.

The fringe radical sociopaths and their polar zombie hordes on both sides of the spectrum would both fail to meet the standard set by the framers.

As I've said many times- when the revolution comes and it's time to grab your gun and get in the street, a true American Patriot is not gonna know who to shoot.

07-23-16, 10:15
No, because we all must live up to the United States Constitution, or face death.

The fringe radical sociopaths and their polar zombie hordes on both sides of the spectrum would both fail to meet the standard set by the framers.

As I've said many times- when the revolution comes and it's time to grab your gun and get in the street, a true American Patriot is not gonna know who to shoot.

We're already facing death, the constitution has been abandoned by both sides the zombies are running the government.

07-23-16, 10:21
I have no idea how it could actually work.

The cities cannot support themselves.

The rural have zero interest in supporting the cities.

Who gets stuck supporting the FSA?

The FSA will get out of hand when the benefits stop.

Only a very small fraction of the military have lived 100% on patrol for a week or more.

Even with some like minded neighbors,
The sheer manpower for security, food, etc. will be brutal.

Outlander Systems
07-23-16, 10:22
You don't get the system of governance you want; you get the system of governance you deserve.

07-23-16, 12:12
I would only want to live in a balkanized region, if said region utilized exile as a societal tool to improve the overall viability of the region. Additionally, acceptance of immigrant applications would be akin to undergoing a TS-SCI clearance background check, which would include political views. It would also include a tiered probationary period.

I'm not sure how to deal with economic stratification. Skilled labor needs to pay very well. The people who create and maintain the crucial infrastructures should get top dollar. They should also be held to high standards. Not everyone will be willing to deal with those pressures, but they shouldn't expect to earn at the same rate.

The society should be responsible for charity, social programs and the arts, not the government. The government should only be responsible for the common defense, ensuring free markets and equal opportunity, and oversight of critical infrastructure and key resources.

Mission creep should be zealously opposed and undermining the clear purpose of the minimal government by special interests, should trigger intense scrutiny of said special interests.

Beyond that I don't know, but most of the problems we have today stem from "special" people who use the government to take for themselves that which they haven't earned, without giving a damned thing back in turn. The people who feel they're entitled to this are the problem. Whether you reprogram them, make them afraid to actualize their greed or remove them, fail to fix that and it won't matter whether we remain a union or Balkanize. :(

07-23-16, 12:42
No, because we all must live up to the United States Constitution, or face death.

The fringe radical sociopaths and their polar zombie hordes on both sides of the spectrum would both fail to meet the standard set by the framers.

As I've said many times- when the revolution comes and it's time to grab your gun and get in the street, a true American Patriot is not gonna know who to shoot.

Yes, there are well established monoliths of power on both sides, and like fascists and communists are on opposite ends of the spectrum they have one thing in common: tyranny. However, I do have to say that the Left/Progressives/Liberals/whatever you want to call them are in fact the more dangerous of those monoliths. The "Right" side of the equation still has a large element of "just leave me alone" thinkers (excluding the Moral Majority, as they are a very small percentage of the "Right" these days). Alas, the "Left" side of the equation requires forced mass participation, i.e. they won't "just leave you alone". They don't like guns so nobody should have one. They want LGBT "rights", but just accepting it isn't enough for them; no, if you don't revel in it and openly embrace it you are a hater bigot. They WILL NOT just leave you alone, which is why I see them as the bigger threat and will cast my lot (if it comes to it) with the Right-leaning side. They may not be perfect but they are a hell of a lot less imperfect than the Left.

07-23-16, 12:58
I remember having a discussion in 2012 with my liberal mother, her liberal retired Marine bff, and the bff's liberal then recently EAS'd daughter about the US Balkanizing.

The consensus then was that the US had become so polarized that reconciliation was going to be difficult or impossible and Balkanization might be for the best. The view being that said Balkanization would be largely a controlled break-up, with the federal government being dissolved and the individual states (and their state governments) choosing to associate with each other by forming trade deals, alliances, and perhaps even regional federations (so Washington, Oregon, and Idaho might form their own joint federal government, for instance), rather than a mad rush from United States of America to Mad Max of America.

Yes, there are well established monoliths of power on both sides, and like fascists and communists are on opposite ends of the spectrum they have one thing in common: tyranny. However, I do have to say that the Left/Progressives/Liberals/whatever you want to call them are in fact the more dangerous of those monoliths. The "Right" side of the equation still has a large element of "just leave me alone" thinkers (excluding the Moral Majority, as they are a very small percentage of the "Right" these days). Alas, the "Left" side of the equation requires forced mass participation, i.e. they won't "just leave you alone". They don't like guns so nobody should have one. They want LGBT "rights", but just accepting it isn't enough for them; no, if you don't revel in it and openly embrace it you are a hater bigot. They WILL NOT just leave you alone, which is why I see them as the bigger threat and will cast my lot (if it comes to it) with the Right-leaning side. They may not be perfect but they are a hell of a lot less imperfect than the Left.

Sounds to me like you have blinders on when viewing the loonies of the right.

07-23-16, 13:06
Sounds to me like you have blinders on when viewing the loonies of the right.

No, I just have a better idea of who mostly sees things the way I do. Again, I'm not talking the Moral Majority crowd or the Skinheads or KKK, but I think you know that.

07-23-16, 13:12
No, I just have a better idea of who mostly sees things the way I do. Again, I'm not talking the Moral Majority crowd or the Skinheads or KKK, but I think you know that.

In that event, I think you don't know very many loonies of the left.

Most leftists I know don't like being told what to do any more than you or I do. Most of them are chiefly leftists because the right to do what they want with their bodies (abortions, recreational drugs, &c.) is more important to them than the right to keep and bear arms.

07-23-16, 14:01
In your vision of the south rising again.....I was wondering what flag you were going to use since the old one is no longer valid. I would love to see a version of your making....

The Rebel Battle flag in reverse :jester:

07-23-16, 14:11
However, I do have to say that the Left/Progressives/Liberals/whatever you want to call them are in fact the more dangerous of those monoliths. The "Right" side of the equation still has a large element of "just leave me alone" thinkers

No. That's not true.

You might be a happy resident of Gunopolis, blazing an $800 full auto AR every weekend, and... as a male, you might be OK when the warlord of Gunopolis wants to place Big Government right in the pussy. But then it might get strange with so many "like minded folks" tracking your church participation and beliefs... an then they will ban tattoos, put gays in cages, and implement all kinds of other Christian Sharia.

The only path for them is identification ---> killing/death.

If a Framer-stan emerges, I'm down... but it won't happen... and I'm not sure if it wouldn't be a better start to guide Demoburg right than to guide Repugniville... or if killing your way to the top of either is morally acceptable.

I'll figure it out once the hammer drops. The extremists will start the revolution, but the moderates will finish it.

07-23-16, 14:25
No. That's not true.

You might be a happy resident of Gunopolis, blazing an $800 full auto AR every weekend, and... as a male, you might be OK when the warlord of Gunopolis wants to place Big Government right in the pussy. But then it might get strange with so many "like minded folks" tracking your church participation and beliefs... an then they will ban tattoos, put gays in cages, and implement all kinds of other Christian Sharia.

The only path for them is identification ---> killing/death.

If a Framer-stan emerges, I'm down... but it won't happen... and I'm not sure if it wouldn't be a better start to guide Demoburg right than to guide Repugniville... or if killing your way to the top of either is morally acceptable.

I'll figure it out once the hammer drops. The extremists will start the revolution, but the moderates will finish it.

Yes, it is. You conveniently left out this part of what I posted: ".....excluding the Moral Majority". Quite contrary to what you may believe Kev, most conservative-leaning people DO just want to be left alone. They are not looking to regulate your bedroom or who you pray to or even if you pray at all (I don't). If anyone would think it better to "....guide Demoburg right than to guide Repugniville" it would be you, as if in some twisted way you see demons to the Right but all is just peachy looking Leftward and with just a little tweaking...... (wait, isn't that how Libs see socialism/communism despite their repeated failures? If just the right person was doing it).

I will add that a little Libertarian thinking to the conservative side is not a bad thing to add into the mix.

07-23-16, 14:28
Most people - whether liberal or conservative - just want to be left alone.

The loonies on both sides want to use government to force their morality on everyone else.

07-23-16, 14:30
In that event, I think you don't know very many loonies of the left.

Most leftists I know don't like being told what to do any more than you or I do. Most of them are chiefly leftists because the right to do what they want with their bodies (abortions, recreational drugs, &c.) is more important to them than the right to keep and bear arms.

I know enough of them. They don't like being told what to do if it comes from the Right, and if it was regulating morality I'd agree. But they think me being able to own what the hell I want EBR-wise is "telling them what to do" when in fact it is THEIR views that require ME to do something (or not do something). Sure, the legalizing of pot and abortions aren't forced on everyone, but the crux of their agenda requires forced mass participation.

07-23-16, 14:36
Most people - whether liberal or conservative - just want to be left alone.

The loonies on both sides want to use government to force their morality on everyone else.

If you refer to a large middle ground of citizens you may be right. If it wasn't for voting it would work out well, wouldn't it? Unfortunately that middle ground divides one way or the other, so even a liberal who just wants left alone will vote Democrat and thereby indirectly endorse all that they stand for. Now before you throw out the inevitable "But but the Republicans...." let me point out to you who is now the Republican candidate for POTUS. I know you don't like him, and I'm not a yuge fan either, but he is certainly NOT what you or Kev might deride as a typical Republican. In fact, Kev likes him! So we may be seeing some change on the Right but so far the Left is business as usual; in fact, they're doubling down on libtardedness.

07-23-16, 14:51
If you refer to a large middle ground of citizens you may be right. If it wasn't for voting it would work out well, wouldn't it? Unfortunately that middle ground divides one way or the other, so even a liberal who just wants left alone will vote Democrat and thereby indirectly endorse all that they stand for. Now before you throw out the inevitable "But but the Republicans...." let me point out to you who is now the Republican candidate for POTUS. I know you don't like him, and I'm not a yuge fan either, but he is certainly NOT what you or Kev might deride as a typical Republican. In fact, Kev likes him! So we may be seeing some change on the Right but so far the Left is business as usual; in fact, they're doubling down on libtardedness.

The center cannot hold.

True, Drumpf is not your typical Republican, but he's also got an authoritarian streak a mile wide.

If somehow Hilliary loses this election, we might see some positive changes in the Democratic party. I'm not convinced that the GOP has changed for the better, nor that the change is sustainable - once Drumpf dies or loses interest in politics, it will fade to ash or return to pushing the agendas of Neocons and the "Moral" "Majority".

07-23-16, 14:51
Funny story. Talked to a guy from England yesterday. He tells me he's trying to find someone that's mixed race but couldn't remember the name and I'm like, ok, black, white? And then he informs me that in England it is considered racist to refer to blacks as black and I said that's stupid. This is America.

Bunch of panzy asses over there. He left before I could inquire as to he opinion on Islam.

07-23-16, 14:56
The center cannot hold.

True, Drumpf is not your typical Republican, but he's also got an authoritarian streak a mile wide.

If somehow Hilliary loses this election, we might see some positive changes in the Democratic party. I'm not convinced that the GOP has changed for the better, nor that the change is sustainable - once Drumpf dies or loses interest in politics, it will fade to ash or return to pushing the agendas of Neocons and the "Moral" "Majority".

First bold: Yeah, I've taken that nuance away a few times too. We shall see I guess.

Second bold: I hope not, but again we shall see.

07-23-16, 15:57
Quite contrary to what you may believe Kev, most conservative-leaning people DO just want to be left alone. They are not looking to regulate your bedroom or who you pray to...

No. You are wrong.

What you're thinking of is actually the ideology known as "Libertarianism."

Conservatives wake up just like the the rest of us with a raging boner as the sun comes up- the difference is that they imagine (in their lonely beds) a scheme to own and control the pussy. They are dreaming up laws and societal rules that they can enforce on others and exploit to their advantage.

Go take one of those 100 question quizzes that map on four axes Authoritarian vs. Libertarian and Republican vs. Democrat. It could be an eye opening experience and cause you to examine your core beliefs.

Conservatives do not want sex without penalty or consequence. A parking lot rendezvous or stairwell encounter is an abomination to them, and goes against their God. They think that by forcing every clumpy/ blastula/ embryo/ fetus into a child-borne-unto-this-world that females, in their rational minds, will select them as mates... realizing of course that an overweight computer programmer pulling six fig-a-liggs in Nashville is better than an athletic, funny, stoner/boozer/basement-dweller guy who will leave them after it gets boring.

Ten years into the Christian Sharia rule, we WILL see arraigned marriage with young girls in this country. I guarantee it.

It's not "religious," it's losers trying to create a system that allocates resources to their benefit rather than competing for resources with other people who easily outclass them.

See also: The far Left.

(If you are a True Patriot, you will not know who to shoot.)

...he informs me that in England it is considered racist to refer to blacks as black and I said that's stupid. This is America.

It is stupid to segregate people by race. Most of us aren't even all one race.

We should upgrade to the Brazilian standard for racially classifying and organizing people- how do they do it in such a complex environment?

They don't.

What is the benefit? Why is it important? Who cares???

Outlander Systems
07-23-16, 16:16
Kev's Cliff's Notes:

"Conservatives want all up in my bedroom - Liberals want all up in my wallet."

07-23-16, 16:57
No. You are wrong.

What you're thinking of is actually the ideology known as "Libertarianism."

Conservatives wake up just like the the rest of us with a raging boner as the sun comes up- the difference is that they imagine (in their lonely beds) a scheme to own and control the pussy. They are dreaming up laws and societal rules that they can enforce on others and exploit to their advantage.

Go take one of those 100 question quizzes that map on four axes Authoritarian vs. Libertarian and Republican vs. Democrat. It could be an eye opening experience and cause you to examine your core beliefs.

Conservatives do not want sex without penalty or consequence. A parking lot rendezvous or stairwell encounter is an abomination to them, and goes against their God. They think that by forcing every clumpy/ blastula/ embryo/ fetus into a child-borne-unto-this-world that females, in their rational minds, will select them as mates... realizing of course that an overweight computer programmer pulling six fig-a-liggs in Nashville is better than an athletic, funny, stoner/boozer/basement-dweller guy who will leave them after it gets boring.

Ten years into the Christian Sharia rule, we WILL see arraigned marriage with young girls in this country. I guarantee it.

It's not "religious," it's losers trying to create a system that allocates resources to their benefit rather than competing for resources with other people who easily outclass them.

See also: The far Left.

(If you are a True Patriot, you will not know who to shoot.)

It is stupid to segregate people by race. Most of us aren't even all one race.

We should upgrade to the Brazilian standard for racially classifying and organizing people- how do they do it in such a complex environment?

They don't.

What is the benefit? Why is it important? Who cares???
I agree it's stupid but from the simple standpoint of trying to identify someone through use of basic identifiable descriptors it is a pretty basic function.

26 Inf
07-23-16, 17:00

Go take one of those 100 question quizzes that map on four axes Authoritarian vs. Libertarian and Republican vs. Democrat. It could be an eye opening experience and cause you to examine your core beliefs. [/QUOTE]

As my mother would say, 'So if KEV told you to jump off a bridge, would you do that, also?'

Apparently, yes. Now I'm flashing back to that Everybody Loves Raymond Episode where Marie final sees what her sculpture resembles and says 'Oh, my God, I'm a Lesbian.'

'Come sit around the campfire and we will share all food equally, even with James, who rather than hunting and gathering, spent the day playing with himself...'

I feel like a Shakespearean character.

07-23-16, 17:14
Kev's Cliff's Notes:

"Conservatives want all up in my bedroom - Liberals want all up in my wallet."


I just want left alone.

I actually agree with the Brazilian standard. I ain't exactly white myself.

Slight side note: One of the most attractive girls I ever saw had like olivish brown skin, wavy sandy hair that I thought was bottle( it wasn't), crystal blue eyes and anglo facial features.

Her dad was as black as the ace of spades and her mother was of Euro-Spanish descent and she was Dominican.

As uncouth as it may have been in hindsight, my first words to her were "Damn, you're fine". She was all right while it lasted, but too princessy at the end of the day.

Oh well. Kev brings up a good point. I consider myself spiritual, I believe in God, Jesus is all right with me(as the Doobie Bros famously sang)

But to those living in the Bible Belt, you have undoubtedly met the Christian Taliban. If you haven't then you may be one. These are people who really, really need to lighten up.

Like they have book burnings, forbid dancing, roll in the aisles, and declare every last little inconvenience or setback to be a sign of the Tribulations

I personally knew people who got pissed that the Rapture didn't happen on Y2K. If you look at a naked chick or get your ashes hauled then you are just going to burn in Hell for eternity. But, contrariwise if they get caught with someone else's woman they say "I prayed about it, God knows my heart, I'm not perfect, merely forgiven"

Then there are people who proclaim Catholics to be a "cult" and "literally as bad as Islam or the Jews(wtf?!)".

I'm not Catholic or Jewish myself, but I got your back. So I says "Well...Catholics pray to the same God, and the Old Testament is old Jewish faith and writings and your God is the God of Abraham. What's the problem?"

Then they say "Well MY Pastor says...." and then I just tune out the rest.

So yeah....he has a point. See these two groups; Nazi Republicans and Soviet Democrats barter against us with our own rights every day.

"Well if you give up your guns and taxes, you can get laid and high like a hippie all day, or if you keep your guns and money, you can't import them and you have to observe X, Y, and Z rituals and not make the baby Jesus cry. Also you have to be a virgin until wedding day, marry a woman of your own race, and that's just the bottom line. Take it or leave it."

And we had all these rights already without their "help". Self Made Middle Men, they are.

If people want to buy beltfeds over the counter, right on. If people want to get stoned and piss their lives away, have at it. If someone with a terminal disease wants dignity without splattering their brains, have at it. If two or three dudes want to have Roman orgies, have at it, just don't get in my face. If some butch chick wants to be a dude, as long as they are age of majority and can afford it, go nuts.

And ya know....I was talking with some fellows years back and they were redneckish, good ol boy types. Whatever. I was on my own time and shooting the breeze. Well guns come up and everyone goes on about this thatvand the other. I say "Well it's BS. We should be able to buy whatever."

Then I hear "No. Machine guns should be illegal. Blacks(not the word he used, however) would get ahold of them."

Then I say "So?"

"Well you should know how they are given what you do"

So I says "Interesting ideas you have. But Fck this, I got better things to do with my time. Be blessed."

Needless to say, we weren't friends.

Tl;dr Disillusuionment. Disillusionment everywhere.

07-23-16, 21:56
No. You are wrong.

No Kev, I'm not wrong. And just because you say it is so doesn't make it such. Sorry to inform you. Your constant assumptions about conservatives (yes with a little sprinkling of Libertarianism) is WAAAYYY off from reality. The KKK/white cracker-ass racists boogeymen you see around every corner are a figment of your imagination. So too are the homophobic Cretans wanting to drag gays into the streets and lynch them (along with a few blacks too right?). Get over it man, the side you apparently despise the most isn't remotely as bad as you'd like to imagine.

Remember this? ...better start to guide Demoburg...." Meaning of course your leanings are obvious. Mine might be also......oh well. To each his own.

07-24-16, 04:23
Most leftists I know don't like being told what to do any more than you or I do. Most of them are chiefly leftists because the right to do what they want with their bodies (abortions, recreational drugs, &c.) is more important to them than the right to keep and bear arms.

Yeah but they sure get pesky about people wanting to abort them, funny thing . . .

07-24-16, 04:30
But then it might get strange with so many "like minded folks" tracking your church participation and beliefs... an then they will ban tattoos, put gays in cages, and implement all kinds of other Christian Sharia.

If a Framer-stan emerges, I'm down...

Riiiiiiiight, because in reality the majority of the founding fathers were what people like you refer to as "American Taliban" and "Christian Sharia".

So the question begs to be asked if the framers were so down with homosexuality and men in the little girls outhouses why didn't they mention any of that in any of the founding documents?

07-24-16, 04:41
Funny story. Talked to a guy from England yesterday. He tells me he's trying to find someone that's mixed race but couldn't remember the name and I'm like, ok, black, white? And then he informs me that in England it is considered racist to refer to blacks as black and I said that's stupid. This is America.

Bunch of panzy asses over there. He left before I could inquire as to he opinion on Islam.

It's not just there. Here in the US critical theorists have given us a new vocabulary. They are not "black" that will soon be as offensive as how people use to say they were "colored". The political correct mechanism is "African-American". Next up referring to someone who is from Mexico a "Mexican" will be deemed "racist". Even though that is but a mere nationality.

Ever wonder why whites are called European Americans?

But sit down, take an couple of aspirin, perform a Google search for "banished words lists" compiled by progressives in academia, and weep for the future.

07-24-16, 04:55
For a guy who has proclaimed he is a conservative and a practicing Christian in this very sub-forum THIS is a very interesting post.

Conservatives wake up just like the the rest of us with a raging boner as the sun comes up- the difference is that they imagine (in their lonely beds) a scheme to own and control the pussy. They are dreaming up laws and societal rules that they can enforce on others and exploit to their advantage.

Conservatives do not want sex without penalty or consequence. A parking lot rendezvous or stairwell encounter is an abomination to them, and goes against their God. They think that by forcing every clumpy/ blastula/ embryo/ fetus into a child-borne-unto-this-world that females, in their rational minds, will select them as mates... realizing of course that an overweight computer programmer pulling six fig-a-liggs in Nashville is better than an athletic, funny, stoner/boozer/basement-dweller guy who will leave them after it gets boring.

Ten years into the Christian Sharia rule, we WILL see arraigned marriage with young girls in this country. I guarantee it.

And I guarantee within five years of Marxist Atheism rule, we WILL see pedophilia decriminalized and accepted in this country. In fact I called that in the tranny in the girl's bathroom thread which is funny because the handful of members who support men in girls' restrooms decry that as "anti LGBTQIAPK" (yes there are that many letters now lol), "homophobic", and or "transphobic".

07-24-16, 06:37
So yeah....he has a point. See these two groups; Nazi Republicans and Soviet Democrats barter against us with our own rights every day.

One group far outnumbers the other (guess which one......just turn on the TV and you'll see which it is). Kev overplays it in a Moral Equivalency kinda way. Sure, both groups DO exist but as I said one is far larger, louder, and has more power than the other. MUCH more power.

I'm not a fan of being told how my life should be lived by anyone, but the far Left has considerably more clout in policy and government in general than the Moral Majority. This is 2016, not 1930. Holy Rollers and snake handlers are a tiny blip on the radar in these modern days. The far Left? In 2016 they're in your face, up your ass, and salivating at consolidating even more power. "Rights" are what they deem them to be. The Constitution is an outdated old parchment that really isn't applicable anymore, and by damned they're doing their best to see to it that it is ignored (and getting away with it!).

07-24-16, 07:43
I agree it's stupid but from the simple standpoint of trying to identify someone through use of basic identifiable descriptors it is a pretty basic function.

Then let it be a line in a personal description when you're trying to locate someone. Why should it appear on forms for literally every single thing we do?

Also we have cameras now, fingerprints, and DNA.

Racial classification and categorization makes zero sense, and is a holdover from the days when you could purchase a black man to do all your work for you. It is only used for racist purposes on both sides and it needs to go away. There is no benefit.

No Kev, I'm not wrong.

...The KKK/white cracker-ass racists boogeymen you see around every corner are a figment of your imagination. So too are the homophobic Cretans wanting to drag gays into the streets and lynch them (along with a few blacks too right?).

No, you are wrong... they're right down the block.

You should get out and meet them sometime. Firefly knows what I'm talking about.

Remember this? ...better start to guide Demoburg...." Meaning of course your leanings are obvious. Mine might be also......oh well. To each his own.

You did not understand.

If a Framer-stan emerges, I'm down... but it won't happen... and I'm not sure if it wouldn't be a better start to guide Demoburg right than to guide Repugniville... or if killing your way to the top of either is morally acceptable.

It is undetermined if Demoburg or Repugniville would be a faster/better path to get back to Framerstan. Both polar extremes are Evil and seek to deprive Liberty.

Riiiiiiiight, because in reality the majority of the founding fathers were what people like you refer to as "American Taliban" and "Christian Sharia".

So the question begs to be asked if the framers were so down with homosexuality and men in the little girls outhouses why didn't they mention any of that in any of the founding documents?

I'm sure if you think about it a little, you could answer that yourself.

Why didn't they tell us what foods were good to eat?

How come they didn't dictate a style of music we should all get down to?

It is indeed a glaring omission that they did not tell us who to have sex with, or where to take a shit.

Were you looking for those kinds of things in a legal document???

For a guy who has proclaimed he is a conservative and a practicing Christian in this very sub-forum THIS is a very interesting post.

I'm skipping church today because I'm packing for a trip.

What I've written is indeed true though... and even though I'm a Catholic, my God is not the same God as the American Taliban, and not because they are mostly Protestant.

(OT: Maybe this is also why you can't seem to understand the conflict where in or the role of Islam?)

And I guarantee within five years of Marxist Atheism rule, we WILL see pedophilia decriminalized and accepted in this country.

More likely to see onerous taxes and redistribution of wealth under Marxist rule.

The Lefties can't make any money and the Righties can't get any ass.

Did you ever notice that an Occupy rally is mostly filled with people who are basically unfit for any kind of productive, wage earning labor and an anti-abortion rally is filled with people who are unfit and undesirable for any sexual activity? (Although maybe "protest people" in general are ugly and unfit for work.)

Sure, both groups DO exist but as I said one is far larger, louder, and has more power than the other. MUCH more power.

Actually, the schemes of the left seem more palatable because they filter them through government so it gains a veneer of legitimacy. Right wing schemes are much more personally intrusive and felt in people's lives.

Example: Sitting where I am today in lefty land, I don't bitch like "Ohhhh... my taxes are too high! And they have all these wasteful programs!" but a few years back when I got off the plane from Iraq and was denied the purchase of Alcohol on Sunday it was almost some Rambo: First Blood type shit about to go down...

07-24-16, 07:46
ETA: The "stan" threw you.

I wasn't assigning any meaning to the town-suffixes, but change them to Repugnistan, Demogorad, and Framerville and they can have meaning.

07-24-16, 11:03
No, you are wrong... they're right down the block.

You should get out and meet them sometime. Firefly knows what I'm talking about.

Actually, the schemes of the left seem more palatable because they filter them through government so it gains a veneer of legitimacy. Right wing schemes are much more personally intrusive and felt in people's lives.

No Kev, once again I'm not wrong. You know not of which you speak. I've lived here for > 20 years and have never met a Klansman. Don't care to either. I have, however, been held up for work due to a pre-BLM Ferguson-sympathy shit-fit that was allowed to block the interstate. Maybe the Klan was really behind that? Your Right Wing boogeyman behind every corner spiel is worn out man.

The schemes of the Left are more palatable to who? You? The 52% of voting idiots out there that gave us Shitstain twice? So when was the last Right Wing intrusion into your life? When was the last time a Holy Roller preacher showed up in your bedroom? Conversely, when was the last Left Wing intrusion into your life? How about every payday. If they get their way it'll be when you try to buy/transfer/possess an Evil Black Rifle.

To repeat, you need to put it into TRUE scale, not Kev-World with the Klan Boogeymen all over the freaking place. Since it's 2016 and not a century ago the factions you speak of on the Right are miniscule compared to those on the Left. Hell, on the Left they basically run and populate one of our two major political parties! You can't begin to tell me that the threat from each is equal. Not talking theory here, but reality. I'll guaran-freaking-tee you that the BLM movement (sounds like bowel movement) far outnumbers Klan membership in the U.S. (today, not 1920 to keep you oriented).

And yeah I got what you were trying to say about Demoburg. Your implication was that it would be easier to "fix" the Democrats than to do so with the Republicans. Riiiiight. In fact, I'd say the nomination of Trump as compared to the Dems pick shows that indeed if any party has begun to change it's the Republicans.

07-24-16, 11:04
Yeah but they sure get pesky about people wanting to abort them, funny thing . . .

I've never heard of mandatory abortions outside of Red China. While there are many American Marxists and radical tree huggers who want population controls, few of them speak of mandating abortions or 'one child' policies: The idea is more of a general concept than a specific policy.

Conversely, of course, there are many on the right who advocate mandatory birth control (including abortions) for 'undesirable' parts of the population and making women little more than baby-making machines.

26 Inf
07-24-16, 23:09
I've never heard of mandatory abortions outside of Red China. While there are many American Marxists and radical tree huggers who want population controls, few of them speak of mandating abortions or 'one child' policies: The idea is more of a general concept than a specific policy.

Conversely, of course, there are many on the right who advocate mandatory birth control (including abortions) for 'undesirable' parts of the population and making women little more than baby-making machines.

You didn't get what he was saying: Abortion is murder, so he is saying those pesky pro-choicers don't like folks aborting/murdering them.

07-24-16, 23:18
Conversely, of course, there are many on the right who advocate mandatory birth control (including abortions) for 'undesirable' parts of the population and making women little more than baby-making machines.

Many on the right? Really? There are "many" on the right who advocate for forced abortions and mandatory birth control? Turning them into baby making machines? Please let me know these sources because I think you have been delving to deep at the democratic underground forums or somethings.

07-25-16, 00:01
Many on the right? Really? There are "many" on the right who advocate for forced abortions and mandatory birth control? Turning them into baby making machines? Please let me know these sources because I think you have been delving to deep at the democratic underground forums or somethings.

You haven't heard of the so-called Moral Majority, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, &c.?

Because whether you like it or not, they're conservative.

07-25-16, 01:16
hahahahahahahah OH


look how many KKK members were and are democrats in gov positions !!!!!

and to say the moral majority are KKK or AB in this country is silly beyond silly !!!

You haven't heard of the so-called Moral Majority, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, &c.?

Because whether you like it or not, they're conservative.

07-25-16, 02:19
You didn't get what he was saying: Abortion is murder, so he is saying those pesky pro-choicers don't like folks aborting/murdering them.

No, I got what he was saying, I was being intentionally obtuse.

hahahahahahahah OH


look how many KKK members were and are democrats in gov positions !!!!!

and to say the moral majority are KKK or AB in this country is silly beyond silly !!!

When did I say anything about Democrats and Republicans?

I'm talking about liberals and conservatives. And the Democrats (conservatives) who supported the KKK became the Dixiecrats, became Republicans.

So, hey, LEARN HISTORY (exclamation points)!

07-25-16, 03:58
I'm sure if you think about it a little, you could answer that yourself.
I've thought a lot in the past of what the mindset was of men in the 18th century. Homosexuality was not accepted and they would have never even thought it possible that it would be something that people would actually consider as normal one day. Kind of like manned flight.

Why didn't they tell us what foods were good to eat?
Why would they? Only Jewish members of the continental government would have had any type of dietary laws to adhere to and IIRC there weren't to many of them around at that time.

How come they didn't dictate a style of music we should all get down to?
Music style and culinary arts were not a moral question for them why didn't they tell us we could or could not marry our horses?

It is indeed a glaring omission that they did not tell us who to have sex with, or where to take a shit.
Omission, nah back then common sense abounded, everyone knew you got it on with with your spousal partner or bar maids (prostitutes) and where the outhouses were.

Were you looking for those kinds of things in a legal document???
Negative Ghost Rider, just mentioning them due to your founder quote.

Replies in red.

I'm skipping church today because I'm packing for a trip.

What I've written is indeed true though... and even though I'm a Catholic, my God is not the same God as the American Taliban, and not because they are mostly Protestant.

(OT: Maybe this is also why you can't seem to understand the conflict where in or the role of Islam?)

Well I don't practice a religion nor attend any type of religious institution, it's just that your posts seem to contradict themselves from time to time. All the Catholics that I know, grew up around, and have worked with are staunch pro-lifers and don't support the LGBTQIA agenda.

As for islam I look at it through a historical lens and call it as I see it.

07-25-16, 04:14
I've never heard of mandatory abortions outside of Red China. While there are many American Marxists and radical tree huggers who want population controls, few of them speak of mandating abortions or 'one child' policies: The idea is more of a general concept than a specific policy.

Infantcide is a thing.

There are those in the militant feminists crowd that want murder, err "abortions" to be legal for children up to three years of age. But hell, why stop there?

Conversely, of course, there are many on the right who advocate mandatory birth control (including abortions) for 'undesirable' parts of the population and making women little more than baby-making machines.

Really, who?

Planned Parenthood's founder Margaret Sanger was a radical leftist and a proponent of eugenics. I've never heard of a Republican much less a conservative being on the board of Planned Parenthood or any of the like.

In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in December, 19, 1939, Sanger exposited her vision for the “Negro Project,” a freshly launched collaboration between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The letter echoes the eugenic ideologies still visible within the corporate vein of Planned Parenthood today.

It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

07-25-16, 04:19
You haven't heard of the so-called Moral Majority, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, &c.?

Because whether you like it or not, they're conservative.

JFYI the Aryan Brotherhood is a prison gang. White prisoners join the gang in CA and TX prisons mostly to seek protection from sexually slavery to black prison gang members and or from being murdered. They are not nor have ever been a political entity and sense they are all felons they cannot vote much less hold public office. They are considered and classified by DOJ as organized crime.

07-25-16, 04:27
hahahahah OK I am sure you also are on the camp that the republicans and democrats at one time swapped and that is why the dems voting was the way it was in history

yeah sorry the recent leaks of emails shows the LIBERAL democrats are in many cases the KKK members and they want to control the blacks and republicans conservatives and basically anyone not white and sadly some fall into that prey why you see white folks with BLM signs ? liberal democrats !

conservatives do not believe in controlling blacks or other folks !! that is the Democratic or liberal party !!!!
this is why all the things done to them are well because they cant do it themselves they need special this and special that kinda things CONTROL
liberals say blacks NEED special considerations for jobs etc..
conservatives say best person for the job does not matter what race

same as schools etc..

so once again liberals are the most racist people around

No, I got what he was saying, I was being intentionally obtuse.

When did I say anything about Democrats and Republicans?

I'm talking about liberals and conservatives. And the Democrats (conservatives) who supported the KKK became the Dixiecrats, became Republicans.

So, hey, LEARN HISTORY (exclamation points)!