View Full Version : Laws Dont work = ban all scary assault rifles

07-19-16, 09:35
The new low and logic of gun banners, admit no amount of background checks, would have prevented the recent attacks, so only thing left of course "A ban and complete eradication of assault rifles from the hands of everyday citizens is a reasonable reform."

That's not the ramblings of some dumb kid on facebook, but published in The Daily News:

In Dallas and Baton Rouge, Micah Johnson and Gavin Long killed eight police officers and shot 12 others. Based on the final act of each of their lives, many are calling them evil murderers. They were also well-trained military veterans who served in Afghanistan and Iraq. From all accounts, both men were law-abiding citizens after their service.

I say that not to compliment either of them, but to highlight the glaring limitations of America's gun laws. Johnson and Long, armed with vicious assault rifles designed to inflict catastrophic damage to the human body, used them to do just that.

No type of background check would've stopped these men. Requiring gun training of all who purchase weapons would've been an easy hurdle for each of them. A waiting period wouldn't have been a problem. They didn't need a loophole to purchase their weapons.

Our current gun laws, if anything, have men just like Johnson and Long in mind.



07-19-16, 09:39
The end goal has always been the total disarming of America.
All the laws so far have just been steps, because they know if they skip straight to the end, it wouldn't work.
But, I suppose it's holding up the rest of the agenda.

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07-19-16, 09:45
This hardly even bothers me anymore. The hypocrisy is not unseen. You helped create this situation and are now capitalizing on it. A lot of people saw it coming.

Doc Safari
07-19-16, 09:46
When the gun banners see the violence that will soon engulf this country they will be scrambling to acquire these weapons, not ban them.

07-19-16, 09:50
When the gun banners see the violence that will soon engulf this country they will be scrambling to acquire these weapons, not ban them.

I don't agree. I think they'll be hiding behind armed people, dying badly, or paying armed people to protect them. They'll see no hypocrisy in that and the problems will all be due to "gun culture" and so forth. I see very few waking up and realizing an evil gun might not be a bad idea if the balloon goes up.

07-19-16, 09:50
I think owners of "evil assault weapons" have already made up their minds. Some will hand them over without blinking an eye. Some will hold out until they risk losing assets or serving jail time. Then, there are those who will die before giving up anything. Everyone fits in there somewhere. The only question is when do we find out who falls into each catagory.

ETA: I own "righteous defense weapons", nothing evil.

07-19-16, 10:14
I don't agree. I think they'll be hiding behind armed people, dying badly, or paying armed people to protect them. They'll see no hypocrisy in that and the problems will all be due to "gun culture" and so forth. I see very few waking up and realizing an evil gun might not be a bad idea if the balloon goes up.

I believe you are correct and the hypocrisy stinks to high heaven.
I don't know if the "Balloon" will ever go "Up", but I know the only way to stop evil is to empower good free Men to stop it immediately and right where it starts.
No amount of my good work, good parenting or attention and care to those I am responsible for can stop the evil that others can and will do. I take solace in the knowledge though that my future actions can prevent those I Love from being harmed.
Disarming me and all other good Men, only assures that those who choose to harm others, have the free reign to do so.
The cited examples only go to show that even though the Police may be there and on the exact scene where carnage is happening, only you can protect yourself.

07-19-16, 10:21
What about white panel vans?

30 million of them now in circulation in this country
So, Einstein, 30,000,000 of these and how many of them are used in mass shootings every year? Ten? That works out to 0.0003% of 'Assault Rifles' are used in mass shootings. If these rifles caused mass shooting, don't you think there would be a lot more shootings?

All this for a rifle that shoots rounds that you can't legally hunt deer with because it is not powerful enough.
How come they don't refer the .223 caliber back to 22lr rounds as being more similar? A 55gr .223 is closer to a 40gr 22lr than it is a .308 168gr.

Funny, he laments the death of 'babies' in Newton.... Really, you want to talk deaths of babies?

God, these people are completely nutty and stupid- and that is a dangerous combo.

07-19-16, 10:23
Someone should point out the axe attack in Germany and ask for a ban on axes as well

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07-19-16, 10:30
Someone should point out the axe attack in Germany and ask for a ban on axes as well

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
And trucks. Don't forget assault trucks.

07-19-16, 10:39
And the next article keeps the stupid rolling.


They fundamentally don't understand the 1994 AWB ban and what it did. I swear these people think that there were no ARs before 2004. Anyone who thinks that a 1994 woud have eny effect is a complete violence idiot. But maybe that is the point. They want them rounded up. OF course teh real hard core gun grabbers know that you have to register them before you can grab them. These useless idiots have literally jumped the gun and given away the ending.

07-19-16, 10:41
The UK and Australia have only been able to get by on the account they are islands. And by get by I mean large amounts of violence; but less of it gun violence at the expense of law abiding citizens unable to defend themselves. France is a good example of pathetic foolishness as islamists bring anything in no problem. And their neighbor isn't a country ruled by drug cartels...

Let's give the gun controllers aks74u "super scary black NFA (semi auto) assault rifles" and the Americans get unscary "hunting rifles" in 300WM. 5 seconds to shoot at 50 meters. For science.

07-19-16, 11:16
I don't agree. I think they'll be hiding behind armed people, dying badly, or paying armed people to protect them. They'll see no hypocrisy in that and the problems will all be due to "gun culture" and so forth. I see very few waking up and realizing an evil gun might not be a bad idea if the balloon goes up.


07-19-16, 11:18
The UK and Australia have only been able to get by on the account they are islands. And by get by I mean large amounts of violence; but less of it gun violence at the expense of law abiding citizens unable to defend themselves. France is a good example of pathetic foolishness as islamists bring anything in no problem. And their neighbor isn't a country ruled by drug cartels...

Let's give the gun controllers aks74u "super scary black NFA (semi auto) assault rifles" and the Americans get unscary "hunting rifles" in 300WM. 5 seconds to shoot at 500 meters. For science.

Fixed it...

07-19-16, 11:29
Fixed it...

What did you fix? Can you at least bold/increase font size whatever you changed so we don't have to do a word-by-word comparison between the two?

07-19-16, 11:33
What did you fix? Can you at least bold/increase font size whatever you changed so we don't have to do a word-by-word comparison between the two?

he added a zero to the distance.

BTW, I agree it is annoying.

Straight Shooter
07-19-16, 11:35
And the next article keeps the stupid rolling.


They fundamentally don't understand the 1994 AWB ban and what it did. I swear these people think that there were no ARs before 2004. Anyone who thinks that a 1994 woud have eny effect is a complete violence idiot. But maybe that is the point. They want them rounded up. OF course teh real hard core gun grabbers know that you have to register them before you can grab them. These useless idiots have literally jumped the gun and given away the ending.

Ever talk to a younger gun owner/shooter? They DONT EVEN KNOW there was a 10 year ban. Ive had to actually oull it up at work and prove it to them, they would NOT believe me! Then, I showed them either online, or a few of my own ban mags, with the LE/GOV USE ONLY stamping. They couldn't believe it. They've never heard of the AWB at all...amazing to me.

07-19-16, 11:47
Ever talk to a younger gun owner/shooter? They DONT EVEN KNOW there was a 10 year ban. Ive had to actually oull it up at work and prove it to them, they would NOT believe me! Then, I showed them either online, or a few of my own ban mags, with the LE/GOV USE ONLY stamping. They couldn't believe it. They've never heard of the AWB at all...amazing to me.

What this person is suggesting is not just an AWB, but AWB followed by confiscation. Per usual, people who wish for such things will send others to do the confiscating.

07-19-16, 11:51
What this person is suggesting is not just an AWB, but AWB followed by confiscation. Per usual, people who wish for such things will send others to do the confiscating.

Everyone wants to play gun-grabbing NAZI, but they want to stay in the warm staff car while someone else goes door-to-door.

07-19-16, 12:43
I think owners of "evil assault weapons" have already made up their minds. Some will hand them over without blinking an eye. Some will hold out until they risk losing assets or serving jail time. Then, there are those who will die before giving up anything. Everyone fits in there somewhere. The only question is when do we find out who falls into each catagory.

ETA: I own "righteous defense weapons", nothing evil.
I think I coined it in another thread but I vote for liberty defense mechanism

07-19-16, 12:53

Video on that page goes on to mention assault rifles, including the Ruger 10/22.......

It also makes it seem that there were no assault rifles before 2004.

I was recently involved in a instance where a industrial product got picked up by the social media and it went viral. Like videos with millions of views, thousands of comments and hundreds of articles. Not one of them got it right and the comments were the best, if you want to hurt your head. I don't trust journalists with anything and when it gets a few thousand comments on Facebook, you just can't combat the stupid. My first e-mob experience from the inside.

07-19-16, 13:11
Ever talk to a younger gun owner/shooter? They DONT EVEN KNOW there was a 10 year ban. Ive had to actually oull it up at work and prove it to them, they would NOT believe me! Then, I showed them either online, or a few of my own ban mags, with the LE/GOV USE ONLY stamping. They couldn't believe it. They've never heard of the AWB at all...amazing to me.

Totally true.

I've been telling my friends to get mags and lowers. One of them finally lamented:

"When was the last time AR magazines were banned??? Never!! So stop throwing it in our faces that you have so many!"

I calmly explained he should research the 1994 crime bill, and now we go halvsies on PSA $6.99 D&H mags every few weeks :)

07-19-16, 13:19
What did you fix? Can you at least bold/increase font size whatever you changed so we don't have to do a word-by-word comparison between the two?

Sorry, my Blackberry wouldn't let me.

07-19-16, 13:21
The next one won't be like the last one. I'm betting California's new experiment of saying, "I know we said your mags were good for life 14 years ago...but now you need to turn them in" will serve as the legal model for future federal attempts (depending, of course, on how California's laws stand up to legal challenge).

I, for one, am glad that the anti's are finally cutting to the chase of what they actually want. More and more I'm seeing them drop the pretense of, "Nobody wants to take your guns..." Our counter arguments have been hitting home that just banning certain subsets of rifles is ineffective in the large scale, so they are shifting rhetoric towards what they actually want- the banning or heavy restricting of all semi-automatic rifles. That affects a hell of a lot more people who might otherwise ignore the discussion. The challenge is going to be stirring action on our end and informing the public about the fallacy of such laws.

Straight Shooter
07-19-16, 13:34
Totally true.

I've been telling my friends to get mags and lowers. One of them finally lamented:

"When was the last time AR magazines were banned??? Never!! So stop throwing it in our faces that you have so many!"

I calmly explained he should research the 1994 crime bill, and now we go halvsies on PSA $6.99 D&H mags every few weeks :)

That's awesome Euro- now add to that Kali's TOTAL ban, even the ones promised to be ok, and maybe others will see the light.
And as BrigandTwoFour said, Im glad all the pretense of not coming after our guns has been dropped, and that they openly are calling for everything from Aw bans & confiscation, to "high caliber" bans, all handguns banned, and on and on. Its woke up a few on our side.
I tell the Fudds who just "hunt" this" Not ONE anti-gunner is pro-hunting. The anti-gunners are anti-hunters, period. You actually think they wont get around to your 30-30, 870,1100, 'scoped sniper rifle', and the like?" Not got a cohesive response yet, for that.

07-19-16, 13:57
They can all rot in hell.

Not a day goes by I don't dream of the world being this big, hippie, hair power Utopia of Love, music, and Chevy vans.

But it isn't and never will be. And to see adult males willing to barter their testicles for....well, I don't know what....is tragic and sad.

Their over-descriptiveness of injury and death is also very cute.

Yes it is guns, NRA, and Trump's fault. Nothing at all to do with radical black nationalism or radical Islam.

Africa is a continent ruled by predominately black leaders and if they stopped pumping free shit over their they would all be dead from AIDS or (their) govt imposed famine.

But luckily Black Americans are American wih full rights and privileges and don't have to live that way.

If ALL the Muslims took over and everywhere was Sharia Law they STILL wouldn't be happy.

But luckily we live in a nation that respects no religion.

We've had it figured out since the 1770s, dunno why all these hipsters think they can "fix" it

07-19-16, 14:11
The author of the OP's article is the BLM shithead who thinks he's black (but isn't at all, like that one chick from the Left Coast) and wants a coup if Trump is elected. I give his article about as much credence as I do The Onion.

07-19-16, 15:20
Ever talk to a younger gun owner/shooter? They DONT EVEN KNOW there was a 10 year ban. Ive had to actually oull it up at work and prove it to them, they would NOT believe me! Then, I showed them either online, or a few of my own ban mags, with the LE/GOV USE ONLY stamping. They couldn't believe it. They've never heard of the AWB at all...amazing to me.

Back in 2009 this happened to me during a USPSA match, I swear the 'new guy' in my squad had no idea about the AWB, which at the time was only 5 years expired.
I honestly think he only got into it because Obama became president ...

07-19-16, 17:26
Whatever the MSM gnomes say, I'm not sure there is going to be much negotiation on this issue. Things are getting ugly at the same time that trust in institutions is in the dumpster. Legitimacy matters, but gut-level existential threats really clear the sinuses.

Spent some time the other day talking to a deputy sheriff; One AR owner to another, so to speak--and pretty well on the same page.

We'd better be.

07-19-16, 17:40
I dunno. At the end of the day. Your deputy friend will be able to legally keep his AR and you will not.

Having done this my whole adult life....don't put too much faith into the police as an institution.

You will be disappointed every time. I've seen it, the indoctrination, sheepdog, you're the only thing between anarchy and chaos, most civilians are dumbasses, etc.

Any one person can be cool. But like I have said, and stand by, For very moral officer who throws his badge away in disgust there will always be an amoral person there to pick it up.

A lot of people still have not gotten over high school.

Unless I know a person, I don't discuss my stash. If someone brags to me about their DPMS with a forty round clip; I just say "Right on, man. Be blessed".

While I don't want people assuming police are Klansmen looking to just kill somebody; I alsl don't want to further the notion that the police are pro-gun. IACP, FOP, and so forth ALL have promoted and endorsed gun control.

I was guilty. I got my Colt 6920 with all evil features while all anyone else could get was a neutered Bushmaster.

Just cause of my bullshit job. I was really no more deserving of it. Nor affordable high caps. But partake I did and in my very early 20s mind; it didn't bother me.

Now. Seems kinda retarded and now I understand why three FFLs refused the transfer.

07-19-16, 17:57
Yeah, I know. There was a thread elsewhere recently discussing the alacrity with which the authorities in occupied countries in WWII rolled over to do the bidding of their new masters. France being a prime example.

Point taken.

To clarify, we mostly talked politics. I know about his AR because it was visible in the rack. My only military-style weapon is a Trapdoor Springfield.

07-19-16, 18:03
Yeah, I know. There was a thread elsewhere recently discussing the alacrity with which the authorities in occupied countries in WWII rolled over to do the bidding of their new masters. France being a prime example.

Point taken.

To clarify, we mostly talked politics. I know about his AR because it was visible in the rack. My only military-style weapon is a Trapdoor Springfield.

Damn dude, a trapdoor. Didn't know you were that old. I hope some day you can put the horrors of the Spanish-American War behind you. God bless.


07-19-16, 18:58
One other thing in those articles is the idea that CCW doesn't work and we shouldn't have guns because they haven't stopped any of these attacks. So, the collectivist progressives who argue that we shouldn't have guns and that we need to depend on the police to protect us now say that we shouldn't have guns because we haven't protected the police....

That's rich.

07-19-16, 19:29
Damn dude, a trapdoor. Didn't know you were that old. I hope some day you can put the horrors of the Spanish-American War behind you. God bless.

I've got an 1877 made Springfield Trapdoor Carbine. Been in the family since the early 1880's; probably from an Army deserter from Fort Union. I shoot it with black powder loaded 45/70 or downloaded 45/55 ammo. Very accurate carbine. I've used it on a Coyote at @ 40-50 yards while in a standing position. It did the job.

07-19-16, 19:34
I've got an 1877 made Springfield Trapdoor Carbine. Been in the family since the early 1880's; probably from an Army deserter from Fort Union. I shoot it with black powder loaded 45/70 or downloaded 45/55 ammo. Very accurate carbine. I've used it on a Coyote at @ 40-50 yards while in a standing position. It did the job.

I guess shooting a Coyote with a 45-70 means you didn't have a handy freight train to hit it with? LOL!
I shot a old dryer at the dump with a 45-70 and it blew the door off of it.
That's what he gets for buying his camo at ACME.

07-19-16, 19:43
I've got an 1877 made Springfield Trapdoor Carbine. Been in the family since the early 1880's; probably from an Army deserter from Fort Union. I shoot it with black powder loaded 45/70 or downloaded 45/55 ammo. Very accurate carbine. I've used it on a Coyote at @ 40-50 yards while in a standing position. It did the job.

Remember Watchmen when the blue guy disintegrated the VC?

Poor coyote......

oh well. Cool story, thats an heirloom

07-19-16, 19:44
One other thing in those articles is the idea that CCW doesn't work and we shouldn't have guns because they haven't stopped any of these attacks. So, the collectivist progressives who argue that we shouldn't have guns and that we need to depend on the police to protect us now say that we shouldn't have guns because we haven't protected the police....

That's rich.

Doubling down on stupid is a hallmark of the libtards dude! Didn't you get the memo? ;)

07-19-16, 20:11

This is Doubling Down on Stupid

07-19-16, 20:28
One other thing in those articles is the idea that CCW doesn't work and we shouldn't have guns because they haven't stopped any of these attacks. So, the collectivist progressives who argue that we shouldn't have guns and that we need to depend on the police to protect us now say that we shouldn't have guns because we haven't protected the police....

That's rich.

I've been following a lot of internal leftist debates lately. It seems they've twisted the NRA's "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" message from after Sandy Hook to mean that "good guy with a gun" can only refer to CCW holders. The police fall into a separate category. It's convenient for them, because now when an LEO stops a "bad guy with a gun," it doesn't count. So now they can claim that a CCW holder doing the right thing by removing themselves from the situation in order authorities to intervene effectively means that CCW holders are cowards and there really is no such thing as a good guy with a gun.

Their logic makes my head spin.

07-19-16, 20:40

This is Doubling Down on Stupid

I'm always highly skeptical of any and all Chiefs and Sheriffs but he is speaking what I am thinking only without profanity or slamming Downlow Lemon's head on the table.

If Clarke is a fraction of the man he presents himself to be, he can have extra rounds from my magazines and drink from my Go Cup of Mr. Pibb any day.

07-19-16, 20:48
Can we ban everyone with an IQ the equal of, or less than, their shoe size?

So long, demtards! :cool:

07-19-16, 21:12
That's not the ramblings of some dumb kid on facebook, but published in The Daily News

-the former would have more validity than the latter.

07-19-16, 21:37
I'm always highly skeptical of any and all Chiefs and Sheriffs but he is speaking what I am thinking only without profanity or slamming Downlow Lemon's head on the table.

If Clarke is a fraction of the man he presents himself to be, he can have extra rounds from my magazines and drink from my Go Cup of Mr. Pibb any day.
I'd say that interview didn't go like cnn wanted. A black democrat sheriff. Prefect right?

I'd vote for that guy. Why can't we get a guy like that to run for office? To me, that's a much better form of middle finger usage than even the don can pull.

26 Inf
07-19-16, 23:20
I'm always highly skeptical of any and all Chiefs and Sheriffs but he is speaking what I am thinking only without profanity or slamming Downlow Lemon's head on the table.

If Clarke is a fraction of the man he presents himself to be, he can have extra rounds from my magazines and drink from my Go Cup of Mr. Pibb any day.

Sorry Bro, the guy gives off asshole vibes - look at his facial affect - and I've never been one to like assholes just because they say what I want to hear. He also is in denial regarding police treating black males differently.

There is a distinct difference between working in a predominantly black area and working in a predominantly white area. One of the first interdiction classes I attended the instructor, from Miami (I believe) said he stopped a black man one day and the guy said 'the only reason you stopped me is because I'm black' the officer asked the guy to get out of of his and then said 'show me a white person within a half-mile, I'll stop them.' You've stated you work in the ghetto. Tell me virtually all officers talk to a ghetto dweller the same way they talk to the dude living in a gated community. I know YOU do, and I know a lot of other cops also do, but there is a significant number of officers running around out there that don't.

Denying that simple truth does not give him credibility.

I'm not even going to get into percentages of police contacts which don't end in arrest based on percentage of population by ethnicity.

He's in denial.

Are most cops racist? No, I don't think so, but to state that everyone gets treated the same in terms of decisions to stop and what goes on after that across the board just ain't true.

07-20-16, 00:37
Wingman, you know my heart.

I said I was skeptical of all CLEOs as they are politicians first. And I do get the A-hole vibe, so I don't want it to seem like I'm singing his praises from rooftop or wanting him to run for president.

But he is telling off a CNN guy and he did ask "Where are the riots for the officers?".

But....The beard is unseemly, he has too much flair on his class A, and he does seem to have a slightly unrealistic outlook on life in the ghetto. It is refreshing that he is calling BLM a hate organization, but.....

Well...certain segments of law enforcement over the years have abused some trust and everyone has prejudices(not always racial) and couldn't lock it up.

Working in a bad area isn't easy but not impossible. Just put people first, never lie, keep your word, and be fair.

That goes a long way with a mistrustful population. I've heard cute little acronyms like "NUT stops" and "NAD checks". You can presume what they stand for. And that's wrong.

Policing with honor. Corny, but I believe in it.

I think wanting some kind a voice makes people like Clarke tempting, but....then again, showponies tend to be less than scrupulous when the rubber meets the road.

But you know, Some people on the street I wish would drop over, but everyone else I worry about. The scant few officers I consider personal friends....we all agree, people come first.

Arrests are always going to happen, tickets are always going to happen....but if you can protect someone or make life easier for them; that is the best feeling.

You can't be paranoid but you can't be naive.

I ramble. But yeah, I see it.

07-20-16, 02:01
Most anti gunners abandoned logic and reason long ago.

The fact is bad people do bad things. They do bad things with guns, pressure cookers, knives, axes, explosives, trucks and even religion.

The really scary part is sometimes bad people don't give you enough warning that they are really, really bad people. So rather than accept that reality, people try to regulate objects in an act of futility.

Until people start talking solutions to really, really bad people...I'll keep all my guns.

07-20-16, 06:36
There is a distinct difference between working in a predominantly black area and working in a predominantly white area.

Tell me virtually all officers talk to a ghetto dweller the same way they talk to the dude living in a gated community.

but to state that everyone gets treated the same in terms of decisions to stop and what goes on after that across the board just ain't true.

What is the likelihood of an LEO in a gated community being shot while trying to apprehend someone, compared to an LEO in the hood trying to apprehend someone? Would that influence your mannerisms? It would mine - consequences be damned.

Additionally, what is the difference in attitude among LEOs arriving at a meth infested trailer park full of white dudes with mullets vs. a crack infested run down hood full of black dudes with fades? I'd bet most non-LE wouldn't be able to spot the difference.

Lastly, why do we continue to pretend that liberals want guns banned to reduce crime? We all know, deep down in our little hearts, that it has nothing to do with reducing crime. If liberals wanted to reduce crime they would be aiming their efforts toward prohibited persons caught carrying firearms or people who use firearms in crime. It's like every damn day I see a hoodlum get arrested for felon in possession and every damn day they plea down to a misdemeanor. They want assault weapons gone for a reason. It's not crime, it's not a "Feel good" measure, and it's not about appeasing voters....

07-20-16, 08:43
If the Republican Party were a constitution based freedom loving party they would be running a full on counter to the liberal gun grabbers. Let's face it though, deep down in their power hungry little hearts, they fear an armed populace also. Lib-light is still liberal after all.

07-20-16, 08:49
If the Republican Party were a constitution based freedom loving party they would be running a full on counter to the liberal gun grabbers. Let's face it though, deep down in their power hungry little hearts, they fear an armed populace also. Lib-light is still liberal after all.

At the ends, both parties are more similar than they are different (authoritarian-leaning power mongers), they just talk about different issues.

Straight Shooter
07-20-16, 09:17
Sorry Bro, the guy gives off asshole vibes - look at his facial affect - and I've never been one to like assholes just because they say what I want to hear. He also is in denial regarding police treating black males differently.

There is a distinct difference between working in a predominantly black area and working in a predominantly white area. One of the first interdiction classes I attended the instructor, from Miami (I believe) said he stopped a black man one day and the guy said 'the only reason you stopped me is because I'm black' the officer asked the guy to get out of of his and then said 'show me a white person within a half-mile, I'll stop them.' You've stated you work in the ghetto. Tell me virtually all officers talk to a ghetto dweller the same way they talk to the dude living in a gated community. I know YOU do, and I know a lot of other cops also do, but there is a significant number of officers running around out there that don't.

Denying that simple truth does not give him credibility.

I'm not even going to get into percentages of police contacts which don't end in arrest based on percentage of population by ethnicity.

He's in denial.

Are most cops racist? No, I don't think so, but to state that everyone gets treated the same in terms of decisions to stop and what goes on after that across the board just ain't true.

As one who is not a cop, couldn't be a cop if I wanted to, and wouldn't be a cop if I could..Ill say this about what you posted sir, with UTMOST respect, and as an avid fan of your posts here. There are two ways..1.The way things OUGHT to be. 2. The way things ARE.
To compare a ghetto rat to a gated-community living white, or black- is absolutely unrealistic. Most blacks Im around, have served with, grew up with, and work with nightly actually believe, and some have said outright, that laws shouldn't apply "to dem, cause dey black and we was slaves and we don't owe dem nuttin". That's an actual quote I heard awhile back. And the ghetto/hood rat is THE WORST at this thinking. Just because they blow a stop sign, have a tail light out, carry a weapon as a felon, or basically do anything illegal, MANY believe today, that they shouldn't even be questioned about it, much less stopped and/or arrested.
The SHIT I hear on a nightly basis, yall wouldn't believe me if I told it. In THEIR minds, they are never wrong, they never do anything "iilegal", "ERRBODY BE PIKIN ON DEM", another recent quote, and "ERRBODY HATE DEM CAUSE DEY BLAK". To compare a tax payer financed hood rat, who never worked an hour in his life, and has had cradle-to -grave taxpayer money GIVEN to him, to a man/woman who has worked, educated themselves and made it to the point they can afford to live in a gated community- well that's no comparison at all. Question- how many gated community calls do yall get vs. ghetto/hood calls?

07-20-16, 09:47
One other thing in those articles is the idea that CCW doesn't work and we shouldn't have guns because they haven't stopped any of these attacks. So, the collectivist progressives who argue that we shouldn't have guns and that we need to depend on the police to protect us now say that we shouldn't have guns because we haven't protected the police....

That's rich.

I think the most important thing to pass on to anyone that says that "good guys with guns haven't stopped bad guys with guns" is that almost every single shooting, especially those the media calls "mass shootings," occur in GUN FREE ZONES. Therefore, the law-abiding citizens, the "good guys with guns," are told not to have their guns in these places. See what happens when these idiots attacked places where they were prepared, i.e. the Texas cartoon-drawing contest, where the "bad guys with guns" didn't even get past the parking lot because of "good guys with guns" who were prepared.

Take a look at any issue of the NRA's "Rifleman" and there are a dozen examples of crimes being stopped by "good guys with guns." Take the CDC's own study that came to the conclusion, much to the dismay of the Left, that anywhere from 500,000 to 3 million crimes are stopped each year by armed citizens, most time without ever having to do more than show the firearm. Again, the facts support anything but what the left is pushing, it's just that they're usually so busy yelling, screaming and pulling at emotional responses that no one is able to get the message across.

07-20-16, 09:49
I said I was skeptical of all CLEOs as they are politicians first. And I do get the A-hole vibe, so I don't want it to seem like I'm singing his praises from rooftop or wanting him to run for president.

But he is telling off a CNN guy and he did ask "Where are the riots for the officers?".

But....The beard is unseemly, he has too much flair on his class A, and he does seem to have a slightly unrealistic outlook on life in the ghetto. It is refreshing that he is calling BLM a hate organization, but.....

Well...certain segments of law enforcement over the years have abused some trust and everyone has prejudices(not always racial) and couldn't lock it up.QUOTE]

I admire the guy for calling CNN on their crap, that interview was fraught with the potential and agenda to make the Police look like and admit to being a bunch or racists. Every time it headed that way, he got in front of it and redirected the narrative to attempt to show the other side.
Was the beard a bit much, yeah, but I think I see this guys career heading out of Law Enforcement and in to more of a face on the News. I don't blame him, he is likely well in to his forties and the future isn't bright right now. Showing up twice a month on Fox and CNN is probably looking a lot better than another ten years of dealing with the Administrative side of what he is doing now.
I'm not the Guy to judge him, but if being a Cop is anything like being a Soldier, when you get as angry as he appeared to be getting it may be time to hang up your spurs and find a better job. So far the media is loving his input and if it works out for him, that's pretty cool.
You know last night another Cop, I believe a Police Captain was gunned down responding to a drive by shooting. It's going to get worse before it gets better and who would think we would be tracking a monthly KIA/WIA count like we've had this Month?

07-20-16, 09:55
As one who is not a cop, couldn't be a cop if I wanted to, and wouldn't be a cop if I could..Ill say this about what you posted sir, with UTMOST respect, and as an avid fan of your posts here. There are two ways..1.The way things OUGHT to be. 2. The way things ARE.
To compare a ghetto rat to a gated-community living white, or black- is absolutely unrealistic. Most blacks Im around, have served with, grew up with, and work with nightly actually believe, and some have said outright, that laws shouldn't apply "to dem, cause dey black and we was slaves and we don't owe dem nuttin". That's an actual quote I heard awhile back. And the ghetto/hood rat is THE WORST at this thinking. Just because they blow a stop sign, have a tail light out, carry a weapon as a felon, or basically do anything illegal, MANY believe today, that they shouldn't even be questioned about it, much less stopped and/or arrested.
The SHIT I hear on a nightly basis, yall wouldn't believe me if I told it. In THEIR minds, they are never wrong, they never do anything "iilegal", "ERRBODY BE PIKIN ON DEM", another recent quote, and "ERRBODY HATE DEM CAUSE DEY BLAK". To compare a tax payer financed hood rat, who never worked an hour in his life, and has had cradle-to -grave taxpayer money GIVEN to him, to a man/woman who has worked, educated themselves and made it to the point they can afford to live in a gated community- well that's no comparison at all. Question- how many gated community calls do yall get vs. ghetto/hood calls?

There's a deeply ingrained cultural victim mode where all their problems are caused by others, and nothing they do results in the problems they face. What's interesting to me is, the friends I have that are black who are successful, are the least sympathetic to those who use the usual excuses as to why they can't succeed. Some are cops, one is a medical doctor at a top hospital in Boston, none started out wealthy, had any advantages, etc. They have all experienced some racism in their lives, none allowed it to stop them. I experienced some straight up racism at a Ford dealership with the GF who was being treated like garbage until I walked in. Is there racism by police and or others? Of course, that's humans no matter where you are and plenty of blacks are racists. What should be noted also when someone says some police treat blacks and or other minorities differently should note that includes black cops.

Humans are what they are and past experiences tend to predict future experiences and expectations and cops are no different regardless of color. That does not make it right, but it's total denial to pretend otherwise.

26 Inf
07-20-16, 10:45
Wingman, you know my heart.

Pretty sure, why I posted this: Tell me virtually all officers talk to a ghetto dweller the same way they talk to the dude living in a gated community. I know YOU do

Do they make Diet Pibb? If so I'll find one and hoist it to you!

26 Inf
07-20-16, 11:11
What is the likelihood of an LEO in a gated community being shot while trying to apprehend someone, compared to an LEO in the hood trying to apprehend someone? Would that influence your mannerisms? It would mine - consequences be damned.

Additionally, what is the difference in attitude among LEOs arriving at a meth infested trailer park full of white dudes with mullets vs. a crack infested run down hood full of black dudes with fades? I'd bet most non-LE wouldn't be able to spot the difference.

Euro, all due respect, I still think you are the smartest guy in FL, but, have you ever heard me tell you the way it was in Irag or Afghanistan?

LEO's aren't drafted it is a volunteer operation. There isn't anything in the job description that says 'well you get to talk this way to this person, but not to this person.' Officers that do that either 1) have no business being cops; 2) are not confident of their abilities to handle the situation - in essence fear biters.

I try to talk to folks the same way whether I'm alone or have backup. I've seen otherwise, many times, especially little sissy boys and girls who get all bad ass when back up rolls on scene.

JMObservations, some of which are based on history I will not discuss on open forum.

07-20-16, 13:15
Point taken.

But please remember, the smartest guy in FL isn't very smart anyplace else ;)

07-20-16, 13:32
The author of the OP's article is the BLM shithead who thinks he's black (but isn't at all, like that one chick from the Left Coast) and wants a coup if Trump is elected. I give his article about as much credence as I do The Onion.

I was wondering if anyone else caught this.

Of course he supports an assault weapons ban, he wants "his people" (even though he's white lol) to meet an unarmed resistance when they spring their "coup". Same disarmament song and dance since forever.

07-20-16, 13:36
And Sheriff Clark has got my support 110%, the fact he looks like "an asshole" to some is just a cherry on top for me.

If Trump somehow manages to win I'd like to see the good Sheriff appointed FBI Director.

07-20-16, 13:39
And Sheriff Clark has got my support 110%, the fact he looks like "an asshole" to some is just a cherry on top for me.

If Trump somehow manages to win I'd like to see the good Sheriff appointed FBI Director.

That guy is definitely pro-cop, but I thought he had some pretty authoritarian views on individuals 2A rights?

07-20-16, 15:04
BREAKING: Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New “Assault Weapons” As of Today (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/07/robert-farago/breaking-massachusetts-attorney-general-bans-new-ar-15-sales/)

07-20-16, 15:43
BREAKING: Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New “Assault Weapons” As of Today (http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2016/07/robert-farago/breaking-massachusetts-attorney-general-bans-new-ar-15-sales/)

I'm certain that with such brave legislation, no more crimes will ever happen in Massachussetts

07-20-16, 15:45
I'm certain that with such brave legislation, no more crimes will ever happen in Massachussetts

Legislation? What legislation? This is rule by fiat.

07-20-16, 16:07
For any gun control to be legal, the second amendment has to be repealed. With out repeal, they are unjust laws.

07-20-16, 16:34
For any gun control to be legal, the second amendment has to be repealed. With out repeal, they are unjust laws.

I'd direct you to:


You were saying? They don't give a damn if they are unjust and unconstitutional and turning over the 2A as an individual Right, one justice and one SCOTUS case away. Yes, it's rare for SCOTUS to do a total 180 on such a decision, stranger things have happened, and are happening right now.

07-20-16, 16:54
Since gun ownership is a civil right, I'll quote a civil rights leader.

"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."-MLK 1963 Letter from a Birmingham jail.

07-20-16, 17:05
For any gun control to be legal, the second amendment has to be repealed. With out repeal, they are unjust laws.

"An unjust law is no law at all." St Augustine (354-430) On Free Choice Of The Will, Book 1, § 5

Contrast that with what Paul Begala, a Clinton-era flunky said back in the day--"Stroke of the pen, law of the land--cool".

You can't have it both ways.

07-20-16, 17:24
While being African gives Augustine cool points, he has no slave blood. Therefore his non-slave, male, and Christian beliefs render his writings null and void. :)

07-20-16, 17:31
Legislation? What legislation? This is rule by fiat.

You are correct, sir. In fact, it is one person's emotional decision

07-20-16, 21:14
What is the likelihood of an LEO in a gated community being shot while trying to apprehend someone, compared to an LEO in the hood trying to apprehend someone? Would that influence your mannerisms? It would mine - consequences be damned.


Not sure if it was gated or not, but the affluenza baby apparently came from a nice part of town. Having a reasonable expectation of that sort of outcome probably isn't going to trigger a fight or flight response in the sense you are referring to.

07-21-16, 03:27
Well apparently my thread was deleted???

So lets see if it "fits" here shalt we . . .

Want to make America safe again? Ban assault rifles

Five law enforcement officers shot to death in Dallas. Three officers killed in Baton Rouge.

Let's not pretend that the Black Lives Matter movement is responsible for these murders. The real culprits are assault weapons.


So the biggest newspaper in Chiraq home of the strictest gun control in the country and the nation's highest murder rate is spinning the rhetoric that America will be safe after another AWB?! Note the article's author blames the guns in the Dallas and Baton Rouge LE assassinations and not the black militants who perpetuated those murders.

07-21-16, 11:36
Just to reiterate the point, *All* firearms without exception or distinction are assault weapons to the anti-gun people. IMHO, their plan continues and always will be to step by step divide and conquer to achieve their end goal of banning all firearms and ammo.

07-21-16, 21:43
Yup they want to ban everything for non party members ala Peoples Repub of China. Assault weapons is just a made up term by leftist Goebbels. It gets the most support from a wellmeaning but ignorant public who know nothin about guns or killing.

Fixed it...nah when they all see what a 300wm does to the firsr guy @50m the rest will drop their shit and run.