View Full Version : No More ARs in the Bay State

Alex V
07-20-16, 12:13
Wonder if this is really true? I'm sure it will happen in NJ as soon as Christie is done. He may be a RINO, but at least he hasn't made things worse here. When he leaves, its gonna be a whole new type of suck.


The Massachusetts assault weapons ban mirrors the federal ban Congress allowed to expire in 2004. It prohibits the sale of specific weapons like the Colt AR-15 and AK-47 and explicitly bans “copies or duplicates” of those weapons. But gun manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to define what a “copy” or “duplicate” weapon is. They market “state compliant” copycat versions of their assault weapons to Massachusetts buyers. They sell guns without a flash suppressor or folding or telescoping stock, for example, small tweaks that do nothing to limit the lethalness of the weapon.

That will end now. On Wednesday, we are sending a directive to all gun manufacturers and dealers that makes clear that the sale of these copycat assault weapons is illegal in Massachusetts. With this directive, we will ensure we get the full protection intended when lawmakers enacted our assault weapons ban, not the watered-down version of those protections offered by gun manufacturers.

07-20-16, 12:19
I am not in Mass, but glad I got another AR yesterday. No clue where this is gonna go.

07-20-16, 12:20
I am not in Mass, but glad I got another AR yesterday. No clue where this is gonna go.
I think we have a clue, and it is not good.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

07-20-16, 12:25

07-20-16, 12:25
Wow. As a former Massachusetts resident I am proud and happy to be able to say former.

Pretty wild the AG could make that sweeping a change of a ban that has effectively been in place 22 years and never previously been questioned.

Eta: it would seem this would effectively ban any semi auto I can think of. Even say a ruger 10/22. If I reading this right if there is a non bam conforming version in existence then any thing with the same operating system is banned. All that takes is a semi auto gun that comes with a threaded barrel and flash hider.

07-20-16, 12:40
Wow. As a former Massachusetts resident I am proud and happy to be able to say former.

Pretty wild the AG could make that sweeping a change of a ban that has effectively been in place 22 years and never previously been questioned.

I expect that this is going to breed several copycat people in power that are going to piggback off of this. Time to buy anything is now, even more dire in states that have historical anti 2A feelings.

07-20-16, 12:44
Wow. As a former Massachusetts resident I am proud and happy to be able to say former.

Pretty wild the AG could make that sweeping a change of a ban that has effectively been in place 22 years and never previously been questioned.

Wow. Looks like I left just in time. For those interested, place to get accurate info is North East Shooters. I'm not clear what force of law this has yet, but MA often intentionally ambiguous to make it that much harder to know, and gives them what ever interpretation they want should you have legal problems:


07-20-16, 12:52
What is to stop them from saying any semi auto is a derivative?

So a 9mm blow back AR is illegal?
Is a 300BLK Sig MPX based AR illegal?

I just hope when this gets to SCOTUS that they apply the same logic they did in the Texas abortion case where they said the real issue is that the law was an unnecessary burden and actually wouldn't have a worthwhile effect. That is something no AWB ban can survive.

If you don't think they aren't going to next say, "Sorry, all those sold in the intererum are now illegal", you are an idiot.

07-20-16, 13:01
What is to stop them from saying any semi auto is a derivative?

So a 9mm blow back AR is illegal?
Is a 300BLK Sig MPX based AR illegal?

I just hope when this gets to SCOTUS that they apply the same logic they did in the Texas abortion case where they said the real issue is that the law was an unnecessary burden and actually wouldn't have a worthwhile effect. That is something no AWB ban can survive.

If you don't think they aren't going to next say, "Sorry, all those sold in the intererum are now illegal", you are an idiot.

Nothing. They are intentionally ambiguous and that's SOP for MA approach.

07-20-16, 13:01
If you don't think they aren't going to next say, "Sorry, all those sold in the intererum are now illegal", you are an idiot.

No. Impossible. No one would ever do that. Well, except Kalifornia. And states that follow Cali laws. And other states. And the feds. And...

On a more serious note, such a sweeping re-interpretation of a law from long ago is blatant overreaching, undemocratic, and makes a mockery of any form of valid legislative process. Looks like another official has declared that the federal Constitution, the state constitution, and 800+ years of common law is just a nuisance in their view.

07-20-16, 13:04
California will be next. I expect in a number of weeks.

And then nationally if Hillary is elected once she's stacked the SCOTUS.

This is no f-ing joke, folks. The Leftists have already shown their hands on numerous occasions over the last 2 years. They aren't even hiding the fact anymore that they want to ban and confiscate everything.

07-20-16, 13:05
Mass. then CA then what next?

07-20-16, 13:05
This is going to get interesting. California effectively tried the same approach in 2001 and lost (ref. Harrott v. County of Kings).

MA's new "test" appears to be,
The directive specifically outlines two tests to determine what constitutes a “copy” or “duplicate” of a prohibited weapon. If a gun’s operating system is essentially the same as that of a banned weapon, or if the gun has components that are interchangeable with those of a banned weapon, it’s a “copy” or “duplicate,” and it is illegal.

Hell, that is so broad as to ban nearly any semi-auto in existence since they all share "essentially the same" operating system. Also, what constitutes interchangeable components? STANAG mags? Roll pins? Pistol grips? Stocks?

When this gets challenged for being overly vague/broad (and it will be), it will probably be the guidepost by which antis try to maneuver in the future.

07-20-16, 13:12
I'm confused.

The law bans the Colt AR-15 specifically, correct? but they are also banning firearms by feature?

Now they're saying that a, for example, BCM4 with no bayo lug, Flash hider, or collapsible stock is banned?

How can they do that? I mean, I know how they can do that - it's because no patriots in Massachusetts have the testicular fortitude to head to the state house and start slaying bodies like they did circa 1775, but I mean how can they make that jump of logic?

On the other hand, who cares what they do up there? It's quite easy for Massholes to head to Florida and get all the firearms they like, if they are so inclined (and so many are).

07-20-16, 13:17
I'm confused.

The law bans the Colt AR-15 specifically, correct? but they are also banning firearms by feature?

Now they're saying that a, for example, BCM4 with no bayo lug, Flash hider, or collapsible stock is banned?

How can they do that? I mean, I know how they can do that - it's because no patriots in Massachusetts have the testicular fortitude to head to the state house and start slaying bodies like they did circa 1775, but I mean how can they make that jump of logic?

On the other hand, who cares what they do up there? It's quite easy for Massholes to head to Florida and get all the firearms they like, if they are so inclined (and so many are).

MA, where Liberty started and ended. As a MA resident, not that easy to go to FL to get what you want BTW. You can only buy what's "approved" in MA and what happens when/if all ARs are banned in MA? Moving to FL is another matter and it looks like I got out just in time.

07-20-16, 13:40
Mass. then CA then what next?

Hillary's march to the sea . . .

Straight Shooter
07-20-16, 13:48
EVERYTHING the left does & is doing & is going to do, they do on the following two hopes:
1. They know it is illegal- but it will be "law" unless & until it is first challenged, then overturned in the courts.
2. They have the media, Demonrats, Govenors and public opinion in those areas on their side, and they don't have to do one damn thing unless & until someone else jumps up to fight them.
Itll stand.

07-20-16, 13:56
I'm sure this will stop all the crime in the world.

The Northeast was a groovy place as a lad. Like if you wanted a real, actual pizza or wanted a real Christmas or see old Colonial achitecture.

And now all the lawyers and yabs just fcked it all up to hell and gone with no real positive benefit

07-20-16, 14:03
EVERYTHING the left does & is doing & is going to do, they do on the following two hopes:
1. They know it is illegal- but it will be "law" unless & until it is first challenged, then overturned in the courts.
2. They have the media, Demonrats, Govenors and public opinion in those areas on their side, and they don't have to do one damn thing unless & until someone else jumps up to fight them.
Itll stand.

Various MA gun laws are clearly and blatantly unconstitutional and nadda for serious challenges, although GOAL has done their best. For example, in MA the "issuing authority" in a town can decide who gets a CCW and who does not. That means in one town if the chief is of the personal opinion people should not be allowed to own guns, you don't get one. Town next to it, chief feels different, you get one. Change towns, and you'll lose your CCW when the chief refuses to renew it, or get a new chief in the town who does a 180 and no one gets a CCW, etc. and you can kiss your CCW goodbye come renewal time.

You dated his daughter in high school decades ago and he don't like you, you don't get one. It comes down to the whims and opinions of one person. in MA, they (no more "we" for me!) keep a list of "red" and "green" towns where some person resides over your Const. Rights and not a damn thing you can really do.

If that's not as blatantly unconstitutional I don't know what is and no other Const Right could be treated like that and survive 24 hours before the ACLU et al attacked it.

07-20-16, 14:04
I don't think the left has any intention to stop violent crime & mass shootings. Life is not a priority to the left, ie: Chicago. It helps with their agenda to make the case to disarm America.

07-20-16, 14:09
I don't think the left has any intention to stop violent crime & mass shootings. Life is not a priority to the left, ie: Chicago. It helps with their agenda to make the case to disarm America.

When stats showed crime actually went up post various gun laws passed, MA simply blames it on NH for their "lax" gun laws. NH of course has far less crime...

07-20-16, 14:14
EVERYTHING the left does & is doing & is going to do, they do on the following two hopes:
1. They know it is illegal- but it will be "law" unless & until it is first challenged, then overturned in the courts.
2. They have the media, Demonrats, Govenors and public opinion in those areas on their side, and they don't have to do one damn thing unless & until someone else jumps up to fight them.
Itll stand.

This is pretty much it.

Just a couple months ago, when CA was rushing its new laws through the process despite legislative rules, one of the chairmen effectively said that, "This is California, we don't really care about the constitution."


During the debates about the "No fly, No buy" laws, Joe Manchin stated that "Due process is what's killing us right now."

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of examples where our elected officials are essentially disregarding the rule of law in order to get whatever pet benefit they are looking for passed. If anyone wants to understand why the feeling across the country is that our institutions are crumbling beneath our feet and people no longer respect the law, well...as with any organization, it starts at the top. If our own elected leaders, the supposed betters of society, can't be bothered to follow the laws they have sworn to uphold, then why the hell should anyone else?

Granted, I'm not that old and experienced. But I feel like there was a time when an elected leader being outed for doing something shady used to be a major offense worthy of news time and public review (Watergate, Iran-Contra, etc.). We are so jaded to misconduct now that we collectively shrug our shoulders and say, "meh."

Without rule of law, this country will descend into chaos and tribalism.

07-20-16, 14:15
What about the sales of trucks and pressure cookers?

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-20-16, 15:11

I just watched that clip and saw the context the guy was saying it in......was he advocating the fact that Kali ignores the Constitution or being snide about it? It almost looks like he was chiding their unconstitutional BS.

07-20-16, 15:43
I suppose it could go either way. At this point, the Cali legislature has a pretty good reputation for passing whatever the hell they want regardless of constitutionality, and then letting the courts either back them or shut them down (and, being that the circuit court is the 9th, they often get away with it).

Reggie Jones-Sawyer, the individual speaking, represents "troubled" portions of Los Angeles and is certainly no friend to the 2A. He spoke at an Everytown rally last month and was quoted by the SacBee (http://www.sacbee.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/dan-morain/article85905807.html), “Do not be afraid of the Second Amendment...The Second Amendment is not Bible verse.” That same individual has been part of many gun control initiatives, and has even been spotted (http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2013/09/23/ghost-voting-california-assembly-members-caught-breaking-the-rules/)casting electronic votes for other members who weren't present (contrary to CA legislature rules).

07-20-16, 16:06
Why on earth would S&W and the few others manufacturers - who employ people and pay millions in taxes - stay in MA after this I don't know.

Straight Shooter
07-20-16, 16:33
Why on earth would S&W and the few others manufacturers - who employ people and pay millions in taxes - stay in MA after this I don't know.

Brother Will...THAT is the $64,000 question. If anybody here with close ties to the industry can get an answer, by all means clue me/us in.

07-20-16, 16:36
The Minuteman would be-otch slap the quislings running Taxachusetts these days.

And dis-own them.

07-20-16, 17:15
Why on earth would S&W and the few others manufacturers - who employ people and pay millions in taxes - stay in MA after this I don't know.

good question. Actually if they don't leave that is fairly telling also.

07-20-16, 17:29
Wouldn't it be something if all gun manufacturers were based in pro-gun states?

There would be more leverage for sure.

It was explained to me that a lot of the big firearms institutions (Colt, Remington, Ithaca, Springfield, S&W) were based in the North out of need for specialized mechanical labor. People who knew fitting and machining and started training for it out of high school.

Well...it is the 21st Century and most machining is done by...well...machines. If they are paid well enough then they can move.

Furthermore, if I were a US based gun manufacturer, I'd pull a Ronnie Barrett. Get High Point to equip your guys or go back to honoring the individual rights afforded by the constitution.

This is all BS. And more people focusing on bullshit and ignoring real shit.

07-20-16, 18:50
McAwful is watching carefully.

He is 100% all about executive overreach.

Outlander Systems
07-20-16, 19:10

McAwful is watching carefully.

He is 100% all about executive overreach.

Alex V
07-20-16, 20:20
This will come to other like minded states shortly.

Hillary will win, SCOTUS will be ruined for a generation. I want to cry.

I came from a socialist shit hole to The Land Of The Free and this beatiful country will be turned into a socialist shit hole.

07-20-16, 20:24
The time for civil disobedience is long past due. We the people need to start just not following these "rules" in mass.

Ironic that disarmament by our over reaching government is taking place in Mass...ironic indeed.

07-20-16, 20:37
This will come to other like minded states shortly.

Hillary will win, SCOTUS will be ruined for a generation. I want to cry.

I came from a socialist shit hole to The Land Of The Free and this beatiful country will be turned into a socialist shit hole.
It will be worse. At least back there we didn't have these hippie, everyone is special, your a racist for not agreeing type. Men were still men

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-20-16, 20:46
This will come to other like minded states shortly.

Hillary will win, SCOTUS will be ruined for a generation. I want to cry.

I came from a socialist shit hole to The Land Of The Free and this beatiful country will be turned into a socialist shit hole.

You should get a refund or something.

All these people escaping communist hellholes just to end up in.......a communist hellhole.

07-20-16, 21:02
Why on earth would S&W and the few others manufacturers - who employ people and pay millions in taxes - stay in MA after this I don't know.

Gun control laws exempt their preferred customers.

07-21-16, 07:04
Gun control laws exempt their preferred customers.

How so in this case?

Straight Shooter
07-21-16, 07:18
Why on earth would S&W and the few others manufacturers - who employ people and pay millions in taxes - stay in MA after this I don't know.

JUST seeing a report that Mossberg is pulling out of MA 100% and TEXAS bound!! HOPING its true!!

Alex V
07-21-16, 07:21
It will be worse. At least back there we didn't have these hippie, everyone is special, your a racist for not agreeing type. Men were still men

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Maybe. But I think that is because society there was about 20 years behind the rest of the world. Its also hard to be a racist when everyone is white. Before moving to the US, I saw ONE black guy my entire life. I am assuming he was an exchange student from Cuba or something.

You should get a refund or something.

All these people escaping communist hellholes just to end up in.......a communist hellhole.

At least here we have the means to revolt. We have the means, but not the will.

How so in this case?

I assume he means LE sales.

07-21-16, 07:23
I assume he means LE sales.

I'm still not fully tracking as it applies to my comments. LE sales in MA for S&W are minimal compared what they lose in sales otherwise.

07-21-16, 07:27
How so in this case?

I didn't see anything in the AG plan modifying:

"The provisions of this section shall not apply to: (i) the possession by a law enforcement officer for purposes of law enforcement; or (ii) the possession by an individual who is retired from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving such a weapon or feeding device from such agency upon retirement.”

Did I miss a press release over riding that?

Alex V
07-21-16, 07:27
I'm still not fully tracking as it applies to my comments. LE sales in MA for S&W are minimal compared what they lose in sales otherwise.

You are probably right, Will. I am not saying I agree with the statement, just thinking out loud as to what the reason behind it may be.

On the other hand, S&W may be thinking nationally. Moving a large facility may be less cost effective that the loss of civilian sames in MA and whatever small backlash they will get from the rest of the country. They may very well take the small hit from sales in one state than to move a factory and interrupt the supply to the rest of the country and LE sales.

07-21-16, 07:47
BTW, Any semi rifle with a detachable mag is banned, Aks, M1As, etc, etc. MA will be bolt, lever, or pump until/if a challenge is made, and I wouldn't hold my breath as the (GOP) Gov. supports her and large % of the public supports it, etc.

07-21-16, 10:11
The exemption for LE, on duty, off duty, retired, whatever. That creates a divide and makes LE the enemy of the people. Just how it is.

07-21-16, 10:14
BTW, Any semi rifle with a detachable mag is banned, Aks, M1As, etc, etc. MA will be bolt, lever, or pump until/if a challenge is made, and I wouldn't hold my breath as the (GOP) Gov. supports her and large % of the public supports it, etc.

What about an SKS?

07-21-16, 10:18
You are probably right, Will. I am not saying I agree with the statement, just thinking out loud as to what the reason behind it may be.

On the other hand, S&W may be thinking nationally. Moving a large facility may be less cost effective that the loss of civilian sames in MA and whatever small backlash they will get from the rest of the country. They may very well take the small hit from sales in one state than to move a factory and interrupt the supply to the rest of the country and LE sales.

All possible yes. As with any major move, up front it costly and a huge PITA but long term often worth it. I have no doubt they would find a state that would make it very much worth it long term for S&W on all manner of levels from tax incentives to labor costs, etc.

The exemption for LE, on duty, off duty, retired, whatever. That creates a divide and makes LE the enemy of the people. Just how it is.

Then that is total BS to be sure and off duty nor retired should have any Rights above any other law abiding citizen, but it's MA...

07-21-16, 10:22
What about an SKS?

If I understand it, Semi auto, detachable mag, etc. The vagueness and ambiguity is intentional and MA may be level action, pump, and bolt only shortly from now on. Lines are down the block I was told.

07-21-16, 10:22
If I understand it, Semi auto, detachable mag, etc. The vagueness and ambiguity is intentional and MA may be level action, pump, and bolt only shortly from now on. Lines are down the block I was told.

Lines for what?

07-21-16, 10:26
Lines for what?

To buy ARs and other semi autos. I think most assumed it was limited to ARs, but the wording implies just about everything semi auto.

07-21-16, 10:37
All possible yes. As with any major move, up front it costly and a huge PITA but long term often worth it. I have no doubt they would find a state that would make it very much worth it long term for S&W on all manner of levels from tax incentives to labor costs, etc.

Then that is total BS to be sure and off duty nor retired should have any Rights above any other law abiding citizen, but it's MA...

That is nationwide with LEOSA.

Alex V
07-21-16, 10:40
I thought this was an instant ban of sales, and stores were pulling things from the shelves? How can there be lines to buy, if the sale is illegal as of yesterday?

07-21-16, 10:43
I thought this was an instant ban of sales, and stores were pulling things from the shelves? How can there be lines to buy, if the sale is illegal as of yesterday?

The lines were yesterday.

Alex V
07-21-16, 10:45
The lines were yesterday.

But sales were banned yesterday? Were those sales technically illegal?

07-21-16, 11:39
But sales were banned yesterday? Were those sales technically illegal?

Sales were banned as of midnight this AM. Folks had all of yesterday to make purchases, which is why many stores stayed open late...

Alex V
07-21-16, 11:41
Sales were banned as of midnight this AM. Folks had all of yesterday to make purchases, which is why many stores stayed open late...

aaaaaaaaaaah! I misread. Thanks!

07-21-16, 11:57
An open invite to any northeastern gun manufacture. Come to Idaho. We'd love to have ya.

07-21-16, 12:06
Best part is, none, and I mean no one in the "Why have guns" public, are able to understand why firearm ownership is so very important.

I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum. Since so many of you have seen the world. The USA is different. Mostly because our constitution. Mainly because our bill of rights.

The second amendment is the insurance policy to the entire constitution. Without it, tyrants are able run roughshod.

When 2A goes away, so do all the others.

Why is the left so bent on killing 2A? Once it's gone, there's nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want. Free speech would be the very next target.

07-21-16, 19:48
If I understand it, Semi auto, detachable mag, etc. The vagueness and ambiguity is intentional and MA may be level action, pump, and bolt only shortly from now on. Lines are down the block I was told.

So.... what if your bolt gun has a detachable mag? :confused:
Is it just Semi + detachable mag = ban
Or Semi *and* detachable mag = ban

Not that this isn't sucky any way you say it, just curious as to exactly how this is worded...

Best part is, none, and I mean no one in the "Why have guns" public, are able to understand why firearm ownership is so very important.

I know I'm preaching to the choir on this forum. Since so many of you have seen the world. The USA is different. Mostly because our constitution. Mainly because our bill of rights.

The second amendment is the insurance policy to the entire constitution. Without it, tyrants are able run roughshod.

When 2A goes away, so do all the others.

Why is the left so bent on killing 2A? Once it's gone, there's nothing to stop them from doing whatever they want. Free speech would be the very next target.

Of course.... not that it's slowing them down a whole lot as is.... :rolleyes:

07-21-16, 20:04
Small part of email that I sent to the AG in Massachusetts in reference to the Banning of assault rifles yesterday:

Suggesting stripping Americans of their Constitutional rights and disarming them based on the rare instances of a madman killing people is not an answer to the problem. Owning a AR-15 doesn't make you a killer any more than owning a guitar makes you a rock star. It is still the murderer's fault, not the weapon. Do you ever blame the knife when someone is stabbed; the bomb when someone blows up a crowd; the car when someone plows into a group of people; the alcohol when someone drives drunk and kills others? No, it's not the knife's fault, not the bomb's fault, not the car's fault and not the alcohol's fault. The blame lies with the person wielding the knife, detonating the bomb, driving the car, drinking and driving, period. Yet all of these happen many, many times more often in our country than shootings where the killer uses a so-called “assault rifle.”

Would love to show the whole thing but it's a bit long for the forum. All I got so far was a canned email response that it was received. Shocker

07-21-16, 20:18
Threw some actual facts in too:

According to the FBI's uniform crime statistics, 678 people were beaten to death in 2012 while rifles of any sort accounted for 322 deaths. So if you would narrow it down to just the AR-15, the number would get even smaller. That's 322, in the whole country, in a whole year, which comes out to less than one a day. Not to minimize any of those 322 deaths, but just as a point of comparison. In the years from 2010-2014, rifles of any kind accounted for less than 3% of all firearm murders. Beginning in 2010, the percentages were 2.7%, 2.55%, 2.31%, 2.21% and in 2014, 2.07% of deaths by firearms, respectively. If you narrow it down to so-called “assault rifles,” the number drops even further.

07-22-16, 08:29
I bet Hilary Clinton thinks AG Healy would make a great scotus pic. This stunt shure gets her in the spot light.

Makes me sick

07-22-16, 08:41
I bet Hilary Clinton thinks AG Healy would make a great scotus pic. This stunt shure gets her in the spot light.

Makes me sick

No doubt the intent of the stunt.

07-22-16, 08:57
Small part of email that I sent to the AG in Massachusetts in reference to the Banning of assault rifles yesterday:

Suggesting stripping Americans of their Constitutional rights and disarming them based on the rare instances of a madman killing people is not an answer to the problem. Owning a AR-15 doesn't make you a killer any more than owning a guitar makes you a rock star. It is still the murderer's fault, not the weapon. Do you ever blame the knife when someone is stabbed; the bomb when someone blows up a crowd; the car when someone plows into a group of people; the alcohol when someone drives drunk and kills others? No, it's not the knife's fault, not the bomb's fault, not the car's fault and not the alcohol's fault. The blame lies with the person wielding the knife, detonating the bomb, driving the car, drinking and driving, period. Yet all of these happen many, many times more often in our country than shootings where the killer uses a so-called “assault rifle.”

Would love to show the whole thing but it's a bit long for the forum. All I got so far was a canned email response that it was received. Shocker

Actually, there are lots of knife and bomb laws and still a few alcohol laws.

07-22-16, 09:48
Actually, there are lots of knife and bomb laws and still a few alcohol laws.

Uh, yes, of course. The point is that the media, politicians, etc. don't blame the object in those cases like they blame the rifle in shootings. You blow someone up, you're a terrorist or psychopath. Same with stabbing or running crowds over. But shoot someone and all we hear is that "an assault rifle killed people; ban weapon ownership for everyone."

07-22-16, 10:51
Uh, yes, of course. The point is that the media, politicians, etc. don't blame the object in those cases like they blame the rifle in shootings. You blow someone up, you're a terrorist or psychopath. Same with stabbing or running crowds over. But shoot someone and all we hear is that "an assault rifle killed people; ban weapon ownership for everyone."

It's even has it's own term "gun crime" as if the gun caused the crime. I always ask WTF is "gun crime"? It's a term used so often, no one seems to question it, even some pro gun types who have become accepting/desensitized to the term.

07-22-16, 12:48
Official language posted.


“Assault weapon” is defined as a:
{Section 121 Background}
The sale, transfer, or possession of an “Assault weapon,” as defined in Section 121, is unlawful pursuant to G.L. c. 140, §§ 128 and 131M.

“Assault weapon” is defined as a:

semiautomatic assault weapon as defined in the federal Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. section 921(a)(30) as appearing in such section on September 13, 1994, and shall include, but not be limited to, any of the weapons, or copies or duplicates of the weapons {emphasis added}, of any caliber, known as:
i Avtomat Kalashnikov (AK) (all models);
Action Arms Israeli Military Industries UZI and Galil;
Beretta Ar70 (SC-70);
Colt AR-15;
Fabrique National FN/FAL, FN/LAR and FNC;
SWD M-10, M-11, M-11/9 and M-12;
Steyr AUG;
INTRATEC TEC-9, TEC-DC9 and TEC-22; and
revolving cylinder shotguns, such as, or similar to, the Street Sweeper and Striker 12;
Section 121 incorporates by reference the definition of “semiautomatic assault weapon” in the former federal assault weapons ban. This establishes that in Massachusetts weapons with the following characteristics are also within the definition of Assault weapon:

18 U.S.C. section 921(a) (30) as appearing in such section on September 13, 1994:

B) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least 2 of—
{typical 2 feature test}


A weapon is a Copy or Duplicate and is therefore a prohibited Assault weapon if it meets one or both of the following tests and is 1) a semiautomatic rifle or handgun that was manufactured or subsequently configured with an ability to accept a detachable magazine, or 2) a semiautomatic shotgun.

Similarity Test: A weapon is a Copy or Duplicate if its internal functional components are substantially similar in construction and configuration to those of an Enumerated Weapon. Under this test, a weapon is a Copy or Duplicate, for example, if the operating system and firing mechanism of the weapon are based on or otherwise substantially similar to one of the Enumerated Weapons.

Interchangeability Test: A weapon is a Copy or Duplicate if it has a receiver that is the same as or interchangeable with the receiver of an Enumerated Weapon. A receiver will be treated as the same as or interchangeable with the receiver on an Enumerated Weapon if it includes or accepts two or more operating components that are the same as or interchangeable with those of an Enumerated Weapon. Such operating components may include, but are not limited to: 1) the trigger assembly; 2) the bolt carrier or bolt carrier group; 3) the charging handle; 4) the extractor or extractor assembly; or 5) the magazine port.

If a weapon meets one of the above tests, it is a Copy or Duplicate (and therefore a prohibited Assault weapon), even if it is marketed as “state compliant” or “Massachusetts compliant.”

The fact that a weapon is or has been marketed by the manufacturer on the basis that it is the same as or substantially similar to one or more Enumerated Weapons will be relevant to identifying whether the weapon is a Copy or Duplicate (and therefore a prohibited Assault weapon) under the applicable test(s).

Under Section 121, the Features Test in the former 18 U.S.C. section 921(a)(30) remains an independent basis for qualification as an Assault weapon.

If a weapon, as manufactured or originally assembled, is a Copy or Duplicate under one or both of the applicable tests, it remains a prohibited Assault weapon even if it is altered by the seller. Therefore, a Copy or Duplicate will be treated as an Assault weapon even if it is altered, for example, by pinning the folding or telescoping stock in a fixed position, by removing the pistol grip, by removing a bayonet mount or flash suppressor, or by preventing the weapon from accepting a detachable magazine.

Purely cosmetic similarities to an Enumerated Weapon, such as finish, appearance, or shape of the stock, or appearance or shape of the rail, will not be treated as relevant to a determination of whether a weapon is a Copy or Duplicate.

Application of this Enforcement Notice (dealers licensed under G.L. c. 140, § 122):

The Guidance will not be applied to future possession, ownership or transfer of Assault weapons by dealers, provided that the dealer has written evidence that the weapons were transferred to the dealer in the Commonwealth prior to July 20, 2016, and provided further that a transfer made after July 20, 2016, if any, is made to persons or businesses in states where such weapons are legal.

Application of this Enforcement Notice (individual gun owners):

The Guidance will not be applied to possession, ownership or transfer of an Assault weapon obtained prior to July 20, 2016.

The AGO reserves the right to alter or amend this guidance.

07-22-16, 13:46
The point is that the media, politicians, etc. don't blame the object in those cases like they blame the rifle in shootings.it depends if the perp fits their narrative. Religion of peace = "Truck attack in France" headline.

07-22-16, 14:44
Official language posted.


Still seems to be some loop holes here. I think ARs and AKs are done, I think a sig MCX has enough interchangeability to be out.

I am pretty positive a SCAR 16/17 with a pinned brake and pinned stock will be gtg. FN FS200 and ps90 are still going to be good too.

07-22-16, 17:17
Still seems to be some loop holes here. I think ARs and AKs are done, I think a sig MCX has enough interchangeability to be out.

I am pretty positive a SCAR 16/17 with a pinned brake and pinned stock will be gtg. FN FS200 and ps90 are still going to be good too.

There might be, but then I think it falls back onto this language:"Similarity Test: A weapon is a Copy or Duplicate if its internal functional components are substantially similar in construction and configuration to those of an Enumerated Weapon. Under this test, a weapon is a Copy or Duplicate, for example, if the operating system and firing mechanism of the weapon are based on or otherwise substantially similar to one of the Enumerated Weapons. "

That statement is so vague as to mean that any semi-automatic firearm that has some familial relation to the banned weapons (thereby being "substantially similar" in firing mechanism and operating system) is also banned.