View Full Version : Ted Cruz at GOP convention

07-20-16, 21:42
Last Sunday the giddy Liberal Chuck Todd had Glenn Beck on his show. Beck said he would possibly have no one in Washington he could trust after the convention.... meaning if Cruz endorsed Trump they were done.

I'm thinking Cruz is into Beck for some very big money that he can't pay back. I also think he has ended his political career tonight.

Maybe.... just maybe he can become a SCOTUS judge since everyone now truly hates him.

07-20-16, 22:08
Last Sunday the giddy Liberal Chuck Todd had Glenn Beck on his show. Beck said he would possibly have no one in Washington he could trust after the convention.... meaning if Cruz endorsed Trump they were done.

I'm thinking Cruz is into Beck for some very big money that he can't pay back. I also think he has ended his political career tonight.

Maybe.... just maybe he can become a SCOTUS judge since everyone now truly hates him.

Would you endorse a guy who called you a liar while himself spreading BS about your family? Besides, why would Trump want the support of Cruz supporters? The Trump agenda has nothing to do with conservatism. My only criticism of Cruz is that he never should have accepted the speaking invitation. He should have stayed in Texas.

07-20-16, 22:13
I for one truly don't hate Cruz. I listened to Cruz at the convention and have to say he leveled the truth what probably many on this board would agree with. I am not a Trumpster but I will vote for Trump, there are no other options. We absolutely cannot have Hillary as the POTUS. It would be the end of this republic.

07-20-16, 22:20
My only criticism of Cruz is that he never should have accepted the speaking invitation. He should have stayed in Texas.

I disagree here on this, Cruz needs to speak, he lights the candle in the darkness. That's why he's getting all the flak. As far as his political ambitions, it doesn't matter, he's taking a stand in what we believe and live by here. Seriously, the msm, left and right do hate him, more reason to listen to him and evaluate for yourself.

07-20-16, 22:36
Besides, why would Trump want the support of Cruz supporters?

Because if enough Cruz people don't throw in with Trump we'll get hillary.

I will vote for Trump, there are no other options. We absolutely cannot have Hillary as the POTUS. It would be the end of this republic.

Truth. I wanted more brains in the White House, (Dr. Carson) but I'm throwing in with Trump because even though he's not my first choice, he's the only sane choice.

07-20-16, 22:39
My only criticism of Cruz is that he never should have accepted the speaking invitation. He should have stayed in Texas.

Exactly!! If you are not part of teh game you have already lost, just stay home...

"Would you endorse a guy who called you a liar while himself spreading BS about your family?"

IF... IF.. I were in the game of Politics, yes... that's what they do. That's like asking me if I played football and the guy across the line is talking smack to me right before he tries to rip my head off. That's the game.

I listened to Cruz at the convention and have to say he leveled the truth what probably many on this board would agree with.

But it's the time an place he chose to do it. It reminded me of all the Kayne West, Taylor Swift, tabloid news nonsense.

Maybe it was planned, who knows? I don't think he did himself or anyone else any favors. Glenn Beck will praise him and the left media will love him.. I just think he's going to live to regret it.

We absolutely cannot have Hillary as the POTUS. It would be the end of this republic.
Well, I've got some bad news for you... the word on the street here is that Tim Kaine is looking more and more like Hillary's pick. ... and I can tell you in no uncertain terms... everyone on this board will regret the day Tim Kaine gains that much power as Hillary's right hand "Kill the 2nd" man.

... and that's why I fell if Ted had the integrity he claims to have, he should have just stayed home. In 2024 does he really think there will be a country to be the POTUS of?

He lost this race... get over it, he could have said everything he said AND rallied around Trump. I just think it was a stupid move that will hurt his future.

07-20-16, 22:42
I just hate every politician out there right now.

I thought I was disillusioned in 2000
then 2008....then 2012.

Now, I feel like I live in
Animal Farm.

I am officially disabused of any notion that Trump could possibly be a modern Reagan analog.

Remember that TV series Amerika?

Yeah....I do. I would threaten to leave like these movie stars but this country really is/was the last place on Earth worth a damn

07-20-16, 22:49
I disagree here on this, Cruz needs to speak, he lights the candle in the darkness. That's why he's getting all the flak. As far as his political ambitions, it doesn't matter, he's taking a stand in what we believe and live by here. Seriously, the msm, left and right do hate him, more reason to listen to him and evaluate for yourself.

Time and place. Cruz had his chance to make his stand and "illuminate the darkness." The GOP rejected him in favor of a reality TV host. Trumps's nomination convention was not the time or place for him to set the stage for 2020. Besides, that convention hall was packed full of people who would't know conservatism if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. He might as well have been speaking to the DNC.

07-20-16, 22:49
I disagree here on this, Cruz needs to speak, he lights the candle in the darkness.

Ted Cruz is not a crunch time speaker. His ideas and ideals may be reasonable but he doesn't generate enthusiasm in crunch time. It's crunch time. He just gave Hillary a weapon to use in a debate.

07-20-16, 22:50
Remember that TV series Amerika?

Yeah....I do. I would threaten to leave like these movie stars but this country really is/was the last place on Earth worth a damn

I remember it. Was too young to understand it entirely. Did a marathon viewing of it a couple years ago while recovering from surgery. Everyone should watch it. Twice.


Singlestack Wonder
07-20-16, 22:50
cruz and kasich, the voters overwhelmingly decided on another candidate. Typical sore losers who only care about their own ego. Get over it....you lost. Their actions will only help hilliary.

07-20-16, 22:54
Time and place. Cruz had his chance to make his stand and "illuminate the darkness." The GOP rejected him in favor of a reality TV host. Trumps's nomination convention was not the time or place for him to set the stage for 2020. Besides, that convention hall was packed full of people who would't know conservatism if it jumped up and bit them in the ass. He might as well have been speaking to the DNC.

Good points guys I like this one very much

07-20-16, 22:56
I remember it. Was too young to understand it entirely. Did a marathon viewing of it a couple years ago while recovering from surgery. Everyone should watch it. Twice.


Me too. Similar circumstances.

Kid Firefly in the 80s: "Boring. Boring. This isn't like Red Dawn at all! I thought the Blue Thunder helicopter was in this! Sooo boorrring!"

Adult Firefly laid up and on pills: Oh my god. It actually made me cry. Not like A Walk to Remember emotion but more like this shit is happening and not a damn thing you can do about it. Especially when those kids are are brainwashed and saying...well....the same stuff they are saying now.

That's what is bad about getting older. Naivete gives way with knowing more than you wanted.

Singlestack Wonder
07-20-16, 22:59
Remember the first debate where the candidates including cruz and kasich committed to supporting the party's elected nominee? It appears they were lying. Typical career politicians...

07-20-16, 23:01
Because if enough Cruz people don't throw in with Trump we'll get hillary.

Nah, Trump will do fine without Cruz supporters. Trump even said so. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/04/trump_says_he_can_win_without_gop_unity.html

Besides, it's only about 15% of the GOP who say they won't vote for Trump. He will make that up with cross-over Democrats and Bernie supporters. No problem at all. You should be fine. Really.

07-20-16, 23:05
Nah, Trump will do fine without Cruz supporters. Trump even said so. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/04/trump_says_he_can_win_without_gop_unity.html

Besides, it's only about 15% of the GOP who say they won't vote for Trump. He will make that up with cross-over Democrats and Bernie supporters. No problem at all. You should be fine. Really.

Real talk. Is that sarcasm or are you actually optimistic?

07-20-16, 23:07
Disappointed with Cruz tonight. I voted for him in primaries for this election and was bummed that he didn't get on the ticket. I genuinely like a lot about the guy and especially how he gave the libs hell post Sandy Hook. BUT, he lost...and as someone has said he needs to get over it. Right, wrong, or indifferent...Trump is the only one standing between us and Hillary. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump.

Furthermore, as far as I can tell Cruz just lost the support of the RNC for future elections. No money, no debates, but more importantly no data. The RNC was explicitly clear on what would happen if a candidate broke the pledges they took and did not endorse the 2016 Nominee. I'm intrigued to see how that plays out.

07-20-16, 23:10
Real talk. Is that sarcasm or are you actually optimistic?

Glenn Beck ate Sensei and has taken over his online accounts.

07-20-16, 23:13
Remember the first debate where the candidates including cruz and kasich committed to supporting the party's elected nominee? It appears they were lying. Typical career politicians...

Was the pledge to endorse or support? I can't recall and my brief Google search suggests that "support" was the terms of the pledge. Technically, Cruz would meet that pledge by donating a dollar to Trump's campaign if it were to "support the party nominee."

If Trump doesn't like that distinction, then he should have thought twice before he had his operatives float the affaire allegation or claim that Cruz's father participated in the Kennedy assassination.

07-20-16, 23:16
Disappointed with Cruz tonight. I voted for him in primaries for this election and was bummed that he didn't get on the ticket. I genuinely like a lot about the guy and especially how he gave the libs hell post Sandy Hook. BUT, he lost...and as someone has said he needs to get over it. Right, wrong, or indifferent...Trump is the only one standing between us and Hillary. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump.

Furthermore, as far as I can tell Cruz just lost the support of the RNC for future elections. No money, no debates, but more importantly no data. The RNC was explicitly clear on what would happen if a candidate broke the pledges they took and did not endorse the 2016 Nominee. I'm intrigued to see how that plays out.

Exactly!! I did the same. I voted for him but I don't like sore loser party crashers.

07-20-16, 23:18
Was the pledge to endorse or support?

It depends on what your definition is "is" is.... and at this point what difference does it make?


"I, ________, affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for President of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is," it reads.



07-20-16, 23:22
Real talk. Is that sarcasm or are you actually optimistic?

I'm optimistic that America is about to get a much needed enema no matter who wins in November. The war between the haves/producers and the criminals/recipients has finally begun. The recent uptick in domestic jihad and police shootings is the modern Lexington and Concord. Neither Trump nor Hillary have the wherewithal to change the trajectory.

07-20-16, 23:23
What happened to the signed pledge to support the nominee of the Republican Party? I remember a lot of noise about Trump signing it, which he did. I thought most of the other 16 candidates signed it as well.

07-20-16, 23:27

You get invited to the party and then lay a dookie in the punch bowl; that's really classy. With the establishment schmucks like Jeb and Kasich on one side and the 'cult of me' egotists on the other side I warm up to Trump more and more every day, as he says stupider and stupider stuff all the time. It's a party, you pick the best one. Anyone who thinks that Hillary as POTUS is anything that they could stand in place of Trump is a delusional fool.

How exactly will Hildabeast spin this in her favor for her side? Cruz is their anti-Christ. Him not liking someone is supposed to be a plus? Anyone in the middle has to be thinking "Crap, everyone hates this guy, even the guy that they say nobody likes in the Senate- maybe there is something here.

Trumps ad should run: If you don't like what happens in DC and where the country is headed, isn't it time for a candidate that none of the politicians like?

All these party people that always want us to vote in the elections. All while they get rich either way. Reminds me of the scene in 'Braveheart'.

Robert the Bruce: [Robert the Bruce is visiting his leper father] Father?
Robert's Father: Ah, come in. Come in.
Robert the Bruce: A rebellion has begun.
Robert's Father: [pause] Under whom?
Robert the Bruce: A commoner... named William Wallace.
Robert's Father: [another pause] You will embrace this rebellion. Support it from our lands in the north. I will gain English favor by condemning it and ordering opposed from our lands in the south. Sit down. Stay awhile.
Robert the Bruce: This Wallace... he doesn't even have a knighthood. But he *fights*, with *passion*, and he *inspires*.
Robert's Father: [laughing] And you wish to charge off and fight as he did, eh?
[Robert nods slightly]
Robert's Father: So would I, eh?
[he laughs again]
Robert the Bruce: Well, maybe it's time.
Robert's Father: [the elder man stops laughing] It is time... to *survive*. You're the seventeenth Robert Bruce. The sixteen before you passed you land and title because they *didn't* charge in. Call a meeting of the nobles.
Robert the Bruce: But, they do nothing but talk.
Robert's Father: Rightly so. They're as rich in English titles and lands as they are in Scottish, just as we are. You admire this man, this William Wallace. Uncompromising men are easy to admire. He has courage; so does a dog. But it is exactly the ability to *compromise* that makes a man noble. And understand this: Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of England. And none of us, and nothing of Scotland will remain, unless *we* are as ruthless. Give ear to our nobles. Knowing their minds is the key to the throne.

I have no illusions about Trump. He is a schizter and a putz, but that still makes him better than all those other assholes.

Cruz better hope that Trump doesn't get POTUS. Even if he doesn't, Trump is coming after him, his money and any support he ever had.

07-20-16, 23:28
All of them did... but it was because of Trump that it was drafted. Ironic.

Wow, Ted Cruz got booed off the stage, didn't honor the pledge! I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. No big deal!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 21, 2016

The speech provoked a raft of reactions both on and off the convention floor, with Cruz being excoriated by Trump supporters and lauded directly and indirectly by Democrats and Green Party candidate.


07-20-16, 23:48
A lot of Conservatives, who were original Cruz supporters, expected some sort of light endorsement tonight for Trump. He had a chance to be a team player and work for the greater good of defeating Hillary. Where does his actions tonight leave him? He'll be of no use in the fight against Hillary so he'll be a non-issue, and perhaps destroyed his political chances in the future. Same with Kasich of Ohio. He'll be useless in securing the Buckeye State for the GOP in November and hand the White House to the Whore of Babylon.

I don't get these people. Sometimes you have to dump your little battles and look to things at the strategic level. Maybe at their level, these political elites aren't concerned about things and only look to the next election cycle. In the meantime, the average Joe loses freedoms, economic stability and endures the potential of foreign or domestic terrorist violence. The people take the brunt of this crap while the political elites focus on their petty squabbles. I'm getting to the point where all of them can smoke a giant turd in Hell.

07-20-16, 23:56
Crybaby Ted blew his brains out on National TV.

He is an arrogant and self centered liar who pretends to stand on principle. What about that pledge Ted?

Sorry Ted you're toast. Even the donor who's suite he tried to waltz into threw his @ss out.

Anyone defending him is, well I won't say it.

Trump was the bigger man, he didn't have to invite him to speak and crybaby didn't have to accept. You learn a ton about character in these situations and crybaby has zero.

The only one worse than crybaby Ted is Kasich, who doesn't even show up to the convention in the State he Governs.

They can all suck it.

07-21-16, 00:02
A lot of Conservatives, who were original Cruz supporters, expected some sort of light endorsement tonight for Trump. He had a chance to be a team player and work for the greater good of defeating Hillary. Where does his actions tonight leave him? He'll be of no use in the fight against Hillary so he'll be a non-issue, and perhaps destroyed his political chances in the future. Same with Kasich of Ohio. He'll be useless in securing the Buckeye State for the GOP in November and hand the White House to the Whore of Babylon.

I don't get these people. Sometimes you have to dump your little battles and look to things at the strategic level. Maybe at their level, these political elites aren't concerned about things and only look to the next election cycle. In the meantime, the average Joe loses freedoms, economic stability and endures the potential of foreign or domestic terrorist violence. The people take the brunt of this crap while the political elites focus on their petty squabbles. I'm getting to the point where all of them can smoke a giant turd in Hell.

I'm of two minds on this. For the most part, I don't think that Cruz should have accepted the invitation to speak. This was Trump's convention, and using it to lay a 2020 platform (assuming that was his intention) was a mistake. On the other hand, endorsing a guy that you've correctly called a compulsive liar unfit for office is a non-starter. So, if Cruz had aspirations for 2020 he should have declined the invitation and stayed at home. His decision certainly cost him the GOP nomination in 2020 and likely his Senate career. Having said all that, I have no sympathy for "average Joe" who gave us Trump as the answer to Hillary. That little prick should have listened to us when we warned him of the consequences.

07-21-16, 00:05
I just hate every politician out there right now.

I thought I was disillusioned in 2000
then 2008....then 2012.

Now, I feel like I live in
Animal Farm.

I am officially disabused of any notion that Trump could possibly be a modern Reagan analog.

Remember that TV series Amerika?

Yeah....I do. I would threaten to leave like these movie stars but this country really is/was the last place on Earth worth a damn

In '08 I had just gotten into ARs, experienced my first panic buy (the great Pmag drought of 08 :laugh:), and voted "anyone but" to "stop Obummer".
'12 voted "anyone but", knowing they had no real chance, but what the hell...
'16, still voting "anyone but", but frankly the only thing that worries me as much as Hildebeast grabbing the iron throne, was listening to the RNC tune change from "make America great" bollocks to "safety and security" bollocks, and watching the sycophantic crowd scream for it.

I'm pretty sure this will be the last election I vote "anyone but".

Anyone here have internet access and a few hours of time, go download that Amerika series and watch it. It's dated, and very 80's in its playout, but there's so many small gems in there, that if you watch carefully, it's worth it.
One of my favorite scenes is when the KGB agent is talking to the new "american" governor-elect, and a riot has broken out. The governor asks why the riot is being allowed (or something to that effect), and the KGB agent says something like "the people are allowed to express themselves in ways that make them feel good, but in the end accomplish nothing".

I've gotta say, that, and a few other lines from various books/TV have been clanging as loud as cathedral bells in my head for the last few years.

It feels a lot like America as a country is at that moment everyone has where you've been told as a kid you can be anything you want to be, and then you realize you really don't have a choice because the bills for those last few years of freedom are coming due.
We've let a lot of junk pile up under the guise of "we're still the free-est nation on earth", and now the pigs are capering around on two legs like it's the most natural thing in the world....


Me too. Similar circumstances.

Kid Firefly in the 80s: "Boring. Boring. This isn't like Red Dawn at all! I thought the Blue Thunder helicopter was in this! Sooo boorrring!"

Adult Firefly laid up and on pills: Oh my god. It actually made me cry. Not like A Walk to Remember emotion but more like this shit is happening and not a damn thing you can do about it. Especially when those kids are are brainwashed and saying...well....the same stuff they are saying now.

That's what is bad about getting older. Naivete gives way with knowing more than you wanted.

That scene where the kid's like "kill him! kill him!".... or the end of the parade....
Yeah, that show kinda sucked.
Dammit Firefly, you're getting me depressed and I'm not even on any pills.... :help:

07-21-16, 00:23
I find it difficult to fault a man for failing to honor a pledge to a two-faced serial fraudster.

The only way Drumpf is winning is to look like less of an ass than Hilliary. And the only way he can do that is if he keeps his mouth shut and the hated "GOPe" can catch Hilliary out in another lie. I don't think either one of these things is especially likely to happen.

And if, by some miracle, the Democrats nominate someone other than Hilliary, Drumpf is sunk.

07-21-16, 00:50
I find it difficult to fault a man for failing to honor a pledge to a two-faced serial fraudster.

The only way Drumpf is winning is to look like less of an ass than Hilliary. And the only way he can do that is if he keeps his mouth shut and the hated "GOPe" can catch Hilliary out in another lie. I don't think either one of these things is especially likely to happen.

The pledge was renounced by Trump, Cruz, and Kasich at 2136 on 3/30/16 when all 3 men told Anderson Cooper that they would not support each other. In fact, Trump was the first to break it by saying that he would not support Cruz if nominated. He went on to release Cruz from the pledge since he was considering it null and void.

07-21-16, 00:59
I've been involved in politics since 1976 when I worked as a young Republican for Reagan. I am a traditional, old fashioned Conservative, with a couple of Libertarian leanings, but that party has made a shift to the Left.

The "average joe" voter I was referring to seems to be a new hybrid type of Republican voter that is a mix of Conservative and Populist. with a smattering of Tea Party, Evangelicals and Anarchist Lite. Whatever it is, it seems that it's becoming an Aberration and minority in our society. The American society of today has moved on to another place and left the traditional Conservative Patriot behind. We're becoming Patriots without a Country.

Obama was voted in the first time because of the novelty of his color. His election the 2nd time was a form of National Suicide. If an evil bitch like Hillary can be elected after 8 years of Satan's Nephew, then you'll know our time has passed and a new order has taken over.

I plan to keep my values alive, but I'll be facing a head wind that will look upon my type of person as outdated and even a threat to their new order. That means moving my Constitutional values, faith, firearms, etc. underground and living in my own little version of America despite what's going on in the rest of society. If Hillary is elected, you'll know that a majority of your fellow citizens don't care anymore for the Constitution, the Rule of Law, personal liberties and whatever else some of us fought for in overseas conflicts. It's possible that it's not our America anymore.

07-21-16, 01:28
I'm optimistic that America is about to get a much needed enema no matter who wins in November.

As I said before, I'll now vote for Trump precisely because he is such a tool. He's the one who might keep Clinton from being elected and, at the same time, cause the Republican party to consume itself. That's the hat trick. And if he can't accomplish the former, well at least he can ensure the latter. They deserve him.

07-21-16, 03:01
Me too. Similar circumstances.

Kid Firefly in the 80s: "Boring. Boring. This isn't like Red Dawn at all! I thought the Blue Thunder helicopter was in this! Sooo boorrring!"

Adult Firefly laid up and on pills: Oh my god. It actually made me cry. Not like A Walk to Remember emotion but more like this shit is happening and not a damn thing you can do about it. Especially when those kids are are brainwashed and saying...well....the same stuff they are saying now.

That's what is bad about getting older. Naivete gives way with knowing more than you wanted.

Yeah, when Caleb gives the "We know that lie..." speech, I look around at what is the populist view on most things and well...Caleb saw the future.

07-21-16, 04:18
Don't worry. When the Cruzbots wake up, and realize they cut their penises off to spite their face and see Hillary on stage, then the stark reality will set in. We are headed towards a massive shit sandwich of epic proportions.

07-21-16, 04:45
Reagan did not endorse Ford at the '76 RNC, his biographer is pretty certain that him and Nancy did not vote in that election either, though he contends Nancy might have voted Libertarian that year.


07-21-16, 05:20
Crybaby Ted blew his brains out on National TV.

He is an arrogant and self centered liar who pretends to stand on principle. What about that pledge Ted?

Sorry Ted you're toast. Even the donor who's suite he tried to waltz into threw his @ss out.

Anyone defending him is, well I won't say it.

Trump was the bigger man, he didn't have to invite him to speak and crybaby didn't have to accept. You learn a ton about character in these situations and crybaby has zero.

The only one worse than crybaby Ted is Kasich, who doesn't even show up to the convention in the State he Governs.

They can all suck it.

My feelings exactly. I voted for Cruz in the primary, but the hell with him now. I'm hoping we get someone solid to oppose him in his next reelection big here in the Republic!

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 06:10
**** lyin' Ted, in the eye socket, with a rusty #4 rebar.

He had the chance to be a unifier, and instead, as IG pointed out, sliced Dugan to spite face.

Ted Cruz got up there during the first ****ing debate, and said he'd support the nominee. Period. Full stop.

So, last night, everyone was shown, why, exactly, Trump won. Lyin' Ted had a chance to literally unify the party, and help push Hillary into the toilet. Instead, he ****ing whips his dick out live on stage, and takes the meat cleaver to it.

**** him. My GOD, damn him to the deepest pits of Abaddon.

07-21-16, 06:19
Smell that smoke Ted?
Those are Bridges and they are BEHIND YOU! Now you had the chance to do the right thing and your ego led you to this, the one and only thing you can now do is publicly the one and only thing you can do is humble yourself and publicly apologize.
If You don't and Hillary wins because you walked away like a petulant child, there is no place in Texas for you to hide.
You just took a crap in your hat, put in on your head and pulled it down tight.
You might have less than twelve hours to fix this and if you don't you need another career.

07-21-16, 06:22
Cruz has rendered himself irrelevant to American politics. He is as dead as the Conservative movement he purports to represent. America has moved on, and in the absence of some kind of charismatic, Republican (whatever that is) version of JFK (Cruz ain't it), we're never going back.

07-21-16, 06:25
Cruz has rendered himself irrelevant to American politics. He is as dead as the Conservative movement he purports to represent. America has moved on, and in the absence of some kind of charismatic, Republican (whatever that is) version of JFK (Cruz ain't it), we're never going back.


Alex V
07-21-16, 07:15
Originally, I was on the Trump train for the novelty of it. Every day I would think, "I wonder what he will say next" Sure I would have liked Paul or someone similar better, but we all know they gave no chance. I just wanted someone other than Hillary.

I have a sinking feeling about all of this. The vote will fall along racial lines, I am sure of that. Trump needs almost all Republicans to show up and vote for him and if Ted just enlarged the divide in the Party, it will make a win nearly impossible. I truly feel that Cruz sacrificed the country for his own petty ambitions.

07-21-16, 07:20
Lots of spin out there defending Cruz, but perception is reality, and the perception is that he is selfish, childish, and narcissistic. He campaigned (i.e. begged) to speak at the convention in that spot, and in the mind of many there and many who saw it, he came off terribly as he has so many other times. Meanwhile, Trump casually dismissed it as no big deal. Easy to see who won and why.

07-21-16, 07:20
Seemed to me Cruz spoke his conscience and told people to vote their conscience. Good on him.

07-21-16, 07:27
I had originally said that I wouldn't vote for Trump. I will hold my nose and vote for him hoping that he's better than Hillary. Guess that makes me "lyin J".

Personally, Trump disgusts me. While there is no perfect candidate, there were several that represented conservative values and had a record to back it up. Trump used leftist tactics to personally attack them because he could not win on facts or policy.

For his entire public life, he's leaned to the left but now he's Regan reincarnated? The town drunk, who's been a drunk his entire adult life, walks up and says "I'm not a drunk anymore" and I'm supposed to believe him on his word alone? Uh, I don't think so. It'll take some time before I buy that, bud.

I voted for Cruz in the primary. If he runs in 2020, I'll vote for him again.

07-21-16, 07:28
Seemed to me Cruz spoke his conscience and told people to vote their conscience. Good on him.

But you forget he is a lawyer....everything is calculated...earlier he had said he is working on Cruz 2020

07-21-16, 07:48
But you forget he is a lawyer....everything is calculated...earlier he had said he is working on Cruz 2020

That is Kasich's angle. He wants Trump to go down in flames so that next time he can say 'look we have to go with the stair was from guy or else we don't have any chance'.

07-21-16, 07:49
But you forget he is a lawyer....everything is calculated...earlier he had said he is working on Cruz 2020

Republicans will pass him by. He is a douche who nailed his own coffin shut last night. All any Republicans need to do is replay that speech and the crowd's response.

07-21-16, 07:53
My feelings exactly. I voted for Cruz in the primary, but the hell with him now. I'm hoping we get someone solid to oppose him in his next reelection big here in the Republic!

I voted Trump in the primary because Cruz is a mean spirited ideologue that Trump nailed from the beginning.

07-21-16, 08:05
I voted Trump in the primary because Cruz is a mean spirited ideologue that Trump nailed from the beginning.

I'm confused. I thought everyone was pissed with the GOP for compromising its principals.
an adherent of an ideology, especially one who is uncompromising and dogmatic.

07-21-16, 08:10
On the issues, I identify with Cruz more than any other candidate. However, I was never excited by any of them. In the past, I used to be a "believer" and I would put my candidate's sign out on a fence along the highway. This year I have not. My 17 year old son described Cruz' speech delivery as a cross between a TV Preacher and a Child Molester. His voice is irritating to listen to. In previous years I have been a New Mexico delegate. This year I've been on the sidelines, but if Cruz or any other candidate was the nominee, I would vote for that person. I am loyal to the Party. By time the New Mexico primary arrived, Trump was a shoe in and I voted for him. I will vote for him in November. I do like Mike Pence as Trump's running mate.

But let me ask the rest of you. Did you really get excited by any candidate this year that you would put parts of your life on hold to work and support that person? As I said in a previous post, the US population may have moved on in a direction away from traditional Conservative values, and that leaves a lot of us as a minority. The general election this year will be a bellwether as to where the US population actually is, and if Hillary is elected, you'll know what a majority of your fellow citizens want.

07-21-16, 08:12
But you forget he is a lawyer....everything is calculated...earlier he had said he is working on Cruz 2020

He's a career politician, so that goes without saying. He's calculated he does not want in on the Trump circle jerk and I think genuinely feels he's a train wreck of a candidate and he's better off doing what he did long term. I know everyone wanted him to circle wagons for the good of the party, but it didn't happen. I respect him for it frankly and had his past speeches been that strong and well worded, he might be GOP front runner, not that I'm a big Cruz fan either. The major mistake the GOP candidates made early on was not to see Trump as a legit threat assuming he'd crash and burn at some point so they could concentrate on the "real" candidates...

I simply interpreted "vote your conscience" as "hold your nose and vote for Trump"

07-21-16, 08:16
Now Cruz is debating some mental midget and telling us how great his shit sandwich tastes.

You know you have stepped in it when you have to hold fake Townhall in front of your supporters to try to undo the crap you've done.

"You sure have a pretty mouth..."

07-21-16, 08:22
But let me ask the rest of you. Did you really get excited by any candidate this year that you would put parts of your life on hold to work and support that person? As I said in a previous post, the US population may have moved on in a direction away from traditional Conservative values, and that leaves a lot of us as a minority. The general election this year will be a bellwether as to where the US population actually is, and if Hillary is elected, you'll know what a majority of your fellow citizens want.

I supported Cruz in the Primary, when it became apparent that he wasn't going to make it and the GOP and Fox News went after Trump, I decide right then I would support him.
If Trump is scaring the establishment this much, it is because they fear being found out and thrown under the Bus when Trump takes office.
Had Cruz had been the bigger Man and not went after Trump early on he would have very likely would have had a place as VP or in the Cabinet. Now he's just a loser and he has really disappointed a lot of Texans.

07-21-16, 08:39
Seemed to me Cruz spoke his conscience and told people to vote their conscience. Good on him.

Yeah, that's what I got..

07-21-16, 08:49
My 17 year old son described Cruz' speech delivery as a cross between a TV Preacher and a Child Molester. His voice is irritating to listen to.

Wow... that's pretty bad. If that's how young people perceive him he might as well hang it up.

07-21-16, 08:52
He's a career politician, so that goes without saying. He's calculated he does not want in on the Trump circle jerk and I think genuinely feels he's a train wreck of a candidate and he's better off doing what he did long term. I know everyone wanted him to circle wagons for the good of the party, but it didn't happen. I respect him for it frankly and had his past speeches been that strong and well worded, he might be GOP front runner, not that I'm a big Cruz fan either. The major mistake the GOP candidates made early on was not to see Trump as a legit threat assuming he'd crash and burn at some point so they could concentrate on the "real" candidates...

I simply interpreted "vote your conscience" as "hold your nose and vote for Trump"

I had to think about this a bit, and I respectfully disagree. The convention is for everyone to come together, gel, get on the same sheet of music, and launch into the general election campaign. If you couldn't or wouldn't endorse Trump, say those very words, then he had no business there. His non-endorsement smacks of a temper tantrum, and I don't think he has the 'optics' (to use today's buzz word) to see how negatively this is going to impact him.

Singlestack Wonder
07-21-16, 08:54
Yeah, that's what I got..

Delegates should vote as dictated by the voters in their individual states. If they do not honor the wishes of the voters because of a sore, pathetic loser, it doesn't say bode for the process and those who complain about the SCOTUS re-writing the law based on party lines yet they say the delegates should "vote with their conscious" are talking out of both sides of their mouth...

07-21-16, 08:54
Had Cruz had been the bigger Man and not went after Trump early on he would have very likely would have had a place as VP or in the Cabinet.

That's how I was reading it too. There is something about Ted's wife and Trump, not sure where the deep seeded hate is but it has something to do with her feelings. It's not just Ted.

07-21-16, 08:57
Delegates should vote as dictated by the voters in their individual states. If they do not honor the wishes of the voters because of a sore, pathetic loser, it doesn't say bode for the process and those who complain about the SCOTUS re-writing the law based on party lines yet they say the delegates should "vote with their conscious" are talking out of both sides of their mouth...

The delegates have already voted. Ted was talking to individuals... "Don't stay home,,, vote the down ticket"

The good news is,,, if people do go vote, at least some will go ahead and pull the lever for Trump as they vote down ticket.

07-21-16, 08:59
Ted Cruz explains his speech:


07-21-16, 09:02
That's how I was reading it too. There is something about Ted's wife and Trump, not sure where the deep seeded hate is but it has something to do with her feelings. It's not just Ted.

When the sniping started back and forth, I couldn't believe it. These two were going at it in some sort of petty playground level and all the while had either of them smelled the coffee they should have known they were better off together than splitting the party vote.
There are people I really do not care for where I work, but I work as a part of a team. To disparage one of us makes us all less and hurts everyone who depends on our performance.
In the meantime the Hillary camp was eating this up and playing both sides against the middle, no doubt they will have a lot to say about this today.
If your ego is more important than America at this pivotal moment in history you really need to sit back and think about that for a minute and understand just how bad it will get if Hillary Clinton gets elected.

Ted the bigger man would have backed off before it got this dirty.

"And he made clear that part of the reason was personal, referencing campaign swipes at his family in explaining why he broke a primary campaign pledge to back the eventual nominee.

"I'll tell you the day that pledge was abrogated was the day this became personal -- I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father," he said."

And I seem to remember some of your people shoveling the crap at Trump and doing it in your name. At that point you could have been the bigger man, but you didn't and that is how it went.

07-21-16, 09:06
Ted Cruz explains his speech:


Cruz's remarks are horseshit. If it was personal, then he should have simply not accepted the invitation to attend/speak. By standing up there and not endorsing Trump, he too is making it "personal." He can't have it both ways.

07-21-16, 09:14
Cruz's remarks are horseshit. If it was personal, then he should have simply not accepted the invitation to attend/speak. By standing up there and not endorsing Trump, he too is making it "personal." He can't have it both ways.

As much as I want to excuse Cruz I agree with your statement. He should have declined to speak.

07-21-16, 09:18
This convention has been a total cluster.

Hillary is President in 2016.

I've liquidated my IRA and I'm buying mags, lowers, and NV kit.

07-21-16, 09:29
Last Sunday the giddy Liberal Chuck Todd had Glenn Beck on his show. Beck said he would possibly have no one in Washington he could trust after the convention.... meaning if Cruz endorsed Trump they were done.

I'm thinking Cruz is into Beck for some very big money that he can't pay back. I also think he has ended his political career tonight.

Maybe.... just maybe he can become a SCOTUS judge since everyone now truly hates him.

Just because YOU think he ended his political career doesn't mean his constituents think so, and that's all that matters.

07-21-16, 09:32
This convention has been a total cluster.

Hillary is President in 2016.

I've liquidated my IRA and I'm buying mags, lowers, and NV kit.
This is where I am as well.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Alex V
07-21-16, 09:33
This convention has been a total cluster.

Hillary is President in 2016.

I've liquidated my IRA and I'm buying mags, lowers, and NV kit.

By the time Hillary is done in 8 years, the money in your IRA wont be worth dick. Might as well have fun with it now.

07-21-16, 09:49
What Cruz should have said, at a minimum, is "Come November you need to vote to keep Hillary Clinton out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue". That would have certainly not been a ringing endorsement for Trump but it would have been far less ambiguous than what he did say. If you're gonna speak at the convention at least be somewhat supportive, even if only alluding to it.

I was a Cruz guy and will be in the future if he runs. That said, I will vote for Trump but only because the Establishment hates him. If it were Kasich/Bush/Rubio/Christie then I'd skip the POTUS lever this fall and wouldn't give a damn who won the White House. I swore I'd never vote for a RINO again and meant it. Trump isn't a RINO.....not sure exactly what he is but the Establishment hates him so he'll get my vote.

07-21-16, 10:02
This convention has been a total cluster.

Hillary is President in 2016.

I've liquidated my IRA and I'm buying mags, lowers, and NV kit.

I wouldn't do that. Any future ban is not likely to have a grandfather clause.

07-21-16, 10:02
This convention has been a total cluster.

Hillary is President in 2016.

I've liquidated my IRA and I'm buying mags, lowers, and NV kit.

Curious, how much did you watch live, without TV editorial?

07-21-16, 10:05
I'm optimistic that America is about to get a much needed enema no matter who wins in November. The war between the haves/producers and the criminals/recipients has finally begun. The recent uptick in domestic jihad and police shootings is the modern Lexington and Concord. Neither Trump nor Hillary have the wherewithal to change the trajectory.

I completely agree about the enema.

I have been watching WWII in Color on Netflix. I knew a good bit about the war, but it is still a shock to see how similar the US and W. Europe is right now to the 1930's. Especially how communist were busy causing the same kind of trouble that the left is now in places like Germany, Spain, Italy. It is sickening really. All one has to do is read history of the last 100 years to see where we are heading. This huge push against arms should be a huge flashing neon sign to anyone with a brain capable of critical thought.

07-21-16, 10:06
... Any future ban is not likely to have a grandfather clause.

Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?

07-21-16, 10:12
I had to think about this a bit, and I respectfully disagree. The convention is for everyone to come together, gel, get on the same sheet of music, and launch into the general election campaign. If you couldn't or wouldn't endorse Trump, say those very words, then he had no business there. His non-endorsement smacks of a temper tantrum, and I don't think he has the 'optics' (to use today's buzz word) to see how negatively this is going to impact him.

Fair comments. He probably should have simply declined to speak, but as a career politician with massive ego and self importance, no way he'd fail to speak there. Those in charge of speakers (and my understanding is Cruz has been clear he had some intention so formally backing Trump) also could have cut him from the speaking roster I'd think. I have no problems with what Cruz said or did, but I can see that those who want Trump in at all costs would not be thrilled. I do think he probably should have ended his speech with something like "No matter what, it's essential HC does not win" which again would indicate, "hold your nose and vote for Trump."

I personally will vote my conscience regardless of the outcomes and can't find fault per se in someone who tells others to vote their conscience. I don't like his speaking style and never have, but actually found that one to be his best I have seen to date.

07-21-16, 10:12
What Cruz should have said, at a minimum, is "Come November you need to vote to keep Hillary Clinton out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue". That would have certainly not been a ringing endorsement for Trump but it would have been far less ambiguous than what he did say. If you're gonna speak at the convention at least be somewhat supportive, even if only alluding to it.

I was a Cruz guy and will be in the future if he runs. That said, I will vote for Trump but only because the Establishment hates him. If it were Kasich/Bush/Rubio/Christie then I'd skip the POTUS lever this fall and wouldn't give a damn who won the White House. I swore I'd never vote for a RINO again and meant it. Trump isn't a RINO.....not sure exactly what he is but the Establishment hates him so he'll get my vote.

I too was/am a Cruz guy, but I think that he made a mistake when he agreed to speak. I can't see where he furthered his presidential aspirations by doing what he did as opposed to remaining quiet. As for his Senate career, I doubt that he helped himself and may have done some damage. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him for a minute for not providing an endorsement to what amounts to a well-polished sociopath. He just should not have brought attention to his lack of support at the convention.

07-21-16, 10:13
Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?
I believe they will cut off the flow of new purchases, then start focusing later on what is already out there. I won't register, I won't comply. It'll be Prohibition all over again. A shit load of Americans will just try to lay low and ride it out, praying for that future dawn if and when sanity returns. Right now it's twilight.

07-21-16, 10:18
Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?

The leftist are in a long term incremental plan. They know they can't get that now, they know they probably can't even get a AWB right now, but that is the long term goal, "UK and Australia style gun laws." And then what? Keep pushing for more and more. Look, there is no point at which they will be satisfied, ever. No reason to think they be satisfied with European equivalent laws. Heck, we have much more permissive abortion laws than Europe does.

07-21-16, 10:23
Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?

I agree with him that they are definitely working toward confiscation. All it would take is Hillary as president, a democrat majority, and a couple of Supreme Court justices and it will be Australia all over again.

Alex V
07-21-16, 10:29
This huge push against arms should be a huge flashing neon sign to anyone with a brain capable of critical thought.

The problem is that the capacity of critical thought has been purged out of the masses through constant indoctrination in the country's schools.

07-21-16, 10:36
2nd Amendment or no 2nd Amendment, all it will be for a lot of us traditional Conservatives is an inconvenience. I don't look at the Bill of Rights as a list of gifts bestowed upon us by government, these rights come from a higher power, and I will operate as such. I have the luxury of a lot of land and space, but for an urban dweller life in the new American Dark Age will be unpleasant.

I'm not optimistic of a GOP win in November, but I will show up and vote for Trump. I would have done the same for Cruz or any GOP nominee. That's all I can do since I don't have access to stuffing ballot boxes or doing voter registration of dead people. Maybe we can take a page from the Alinsky/New Black Panther playbook and show up at Democrat precincts and do a little voter intimidation? The Left does it and never gets called on it. The Country is falling apart anyway so why not jump in head first into the slime of dirty politics?

07-21-16, 10:38
Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?

When it comes to magazines, yes. Look to NY's SAFE Act as the model for future gun control coming from the left.

When people use the term "confiscation" it invokes images home searches, stop and frisk, etc. That is not what is happening in NY or with any future "confiscatory" ban. Instead, you will put yourself at risk of arrest and stiff criminal penalties if caught with a high-capacity magazine at the range or a routine traffic stop. Would you CCW a high-capacity mag if it meant 5 years in federal prison if you used it to protect your life? Would you keep them hidden in your home if a disgruntled spouse or GF could wreck your life?

As for ARs, I foresee registration similar to the NFA being proposed.

07-21-16, 11:10
I'm not optimistic of a GOP win in November, but I will show up and vote for Trump. I would have done the same for Cruz or any GOP nominee. That's all I can do since I don't have access to stuffing ballot boxes or doing voter registration of dead people. Maybe we can take a page from the Alinsky/New Black Panther playbook and show up at Democrat precincts and do a little voter intimidation? The Left does it and never gets called on it. The Country is falling apart anyway so why not jump in head first into the slime of dirty politics?

Well said sir.

Singlestack Wonder
07-21-16, 11:54
Fair comments. He probably should have simply declined to speak, but as a career politician with massive ego and self importance, no way he'd fail to speak there. Those in charge of speakers (and my understanding is Cruz has been clear he had some intention so formally backing Trump) also could have cut him from the speaking roster I'd think. I have no problems with what Cruz said or did, but I can see that those who want Trump in at all costs would not be thrilled. I do think he probably should have ended his speech with something like "No matter what, it's essential HC does not win" which again would indicate, "hold your nose and vote for Trump."

I personally will vote my conscience regardless of the outcomes and can't find fault per se in someone who tells others to vote their conscience. I don't like his speaking style and never have, but actually found that one to be his best I have seen to date.

Bottom line is that anyone who votes for anyone other than Trump is helping hilliary to win in November. After the election, please don't complain about loss of Constitutional Rights, higher taxes to support 7th generation welfare families as well as giving welfare and healthcare to illegal immigrants who contribute nothing to the system while attempting rationalize how voting for someone other than Trump was better for the country...

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 11:57

Firefly, docsherm, and myself have strong backs, and a willingness to be ranch hands.

We bring our own beer, and I would happily pay you cash for 2 acres of your most useless land.

Kidding...but not really.

07-21-16, 12:04
OS- if you roam to TX.. I got you fam.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 12:24
Roger flippin' That! Thanks!

I've got cash!

OS- if you roam to TX.. I got you fam.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

07-21-16, 12:30

Firefly, docsherm, and myself have strong backs, and a willingness to be ranch hands.

We bring our own beer, and I would happily pay you cash for 2 acres of your most useless land.

Kidding...but not really.

Oh I get it. I'm SOL due to my bum foot huh. :(

07-21-16, 12:33
Remember the first debate where the candidates including cruz and kasich committed to supporting the party's elected nominee? It appears they were lying. Typical career politicians...

Breaking news: politicians lie.

More at 7.

Are you saying that any future ban is actually a confiscation?

Didn't California just remove their grandfathering for 30 rd mags and such?

07-21-16, 12:44
Bottom line is that anyone who votes for anyone other than Trump is helping hilliary to win in November.

Fear mongering to maintain a two party stranglehold on government. Why is it not a vote for Trump and a negative for HC? Some polls find it's about equal, some polls actually find it a negative to HC. "Vote your conscience" meant either "hold your nose and vote for Trump" or "Vote for Gary Johnson as I plan to do"

Now, I'm not going to get into the "third party can't win" hyperbole, but will say everything I have read suggest it's approx an even split as to loss of votes and some polls suggest it's more a negative for HC. A lot of Bernie voters will not vote for HC or Trump, etc. There's all new rules now and nothing before appears to apply to the old rules.

When polls only have the two candidates, HC appears to win, but when polls include a third party candidate, it appears to be a slight negative to HC. Polls are what they are, but there's no support I'm aware of that shows anything but a vote for Trump is a vote of HC.

After the election, please don't complain about loss of Constitutional Rights, higher taxes to support 7th generation welfare families as well as giving welfare and healthcare to illegal immigrants who contribute nothing to the system while attempting rationalize how voting for someone other than Trump was better for the country...

The only one who gives a damn about our Const Rights was Paul in the GOP and Johnson in the Libertarian party, so if I vote my conscience, I'll vote Johnson, or I'll hold my nose and vote Trump, but I sure as hell wont do that thinking Trump the champion of Const. Rights. I do think he'd be a far better friend to 2A Rights, and that's important.

07-21-16, 12:53
Oh I get it. I'm SOL due to my bum foot huh. :(
Can you ride horseflesh? We always hire hands in the Spring and Fall, but most of my hands run the rodeo circuit during the Summer months, then need cash the rest of the year.

I took this picture with my wife's Nikon about a month ago. Equivalent lens for 35mm would be @ 28mm. This is a view looking toward the southwest, hoping those rain clouds would drift my direction. It's nice being 70 miles from a town (Las Vegas, New Mexico).

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 13:05
Screw my life...

Can you ride horseflesh? We always hire hands in the Spring and Fall, but most of my hands run the rodeo circuit during the Summer months, then need cash the rest of the year.

I took this picture with my wife's Nikon about a month ago. Equivalent lens for 35mm would be @ 28mm. This is a view looking toward the southwest, hoping those rain clouds would drift my direction. It's nice being 70 miles from a town (Las Vegas, New Mexico).

The rugged life of a human packmule is no place for a handsome sumbitch like yerself.

Oh I get it. I'm SOL due to my bum foot huh. :(

07-21-16, 13:06
Way off topic, but I have to say it. OH58D, that is a stunningly beautiful picture. Very serene.

07-21-16, 13:11
I actually ride pretty well. And summer is my slow season. Hmm...

Beautiful AO, indeed.

07-21-16, 13:12
I wouldn't do that. Any future ban is not likely to have a grandfather clause.

To bad I sold all of mine. I ran into an untimely money crunch and had to liquidate.

07-21-16, 13:12
OK back to the speech and Trump's entrance. For awhile I thought it was going to be WWE style. When the boos and jeers got louder and louder, I kept waiting for a black leather duster coat with Trump's face painted white being lowered from the rafters (like Sting used to do) to confront Cruz. It had most of the ingredients :) Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

07-21-16, 13:16
Oh I get it. I'm SOL due to my bum foot huh. :(

You could be our mascot.

And I don't mind being a ranch hand. I saw Bonanza and Brokeback Mountain.

Don't seem like a bad life at all.

07-21-16, 13:17
OK back to the speech and Trump's entrance. For awhile I thought it was going to be WWE style. When the boos and jeers got louder and louder, I kept waiting for a black leather duster coat with Trump's face painted white being lowered from the rafters (like Sting used to do) to confront Cruz. It had most of the ingredients :) Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

I do and that would've been bad ass.

07-21-16, 13:20
Can you ride horseflesh? We always hire hands in the Spring and Fall, but most of my hands run the rodeo circuit during the Summer months, then need cash the rest of the year.

I took this picture with my wife's Nikon about a month ago. Equivalent lens for 35mm would be @ 28mm. This is a view looking toward the southwest, hoping those rain clouds would drift my direction. It's nice being 70 miles from a town (Las Vegas, New Mexico).

Still off topic, but I grew up on a 3,500 acre cattle ranch and used to ride quite a bit. I even rode thoroughbred race horse once. Once. :no:

That is a beautiful pic though. Reminds me of some sunsets I've watched in my life that I will never forget.

07-21-16, 13:21
OK back to the speech and Trump's entrance. For awhile I thought it was going to be WWE style. When the boos and jeers got louder and louder, I kept waiting for a black leather duster coat with Trump's face painted white being lowered from the rafters (like Sting used to do) to confront Cruz. It had most of the ingredients :) Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

Watching it last night - I was thinking " Wow - a WCW moment" when Trump came out into the crowd before Cruz finished. All it needed was The Nature Boy going "Woooo!!"

07-21-16, 13:22
I actually ride pretty well. And summer is my slow season. Hmm...

Beautiful AO, indeed.
You can't see it in the pic, but the Canadian River flows below the bottom of the image. I have several miles of river frontage on the east side. This is old Spanish Land Grant property. Nice when an ancestor marries a woman who's ancestors are from Castille, Spain 400 years back, early settlers in Nuevo Mexico. We're now a little over 22,000 acres of high graze grassland and some wooded areas on the north side.

07-21-16, 13:29
Watching it last night - I was thinking " Wow - a WCW moment" when Trump came out into the crowd before Cruz finished. All it needed was The Nature Boy going "Woooo!!"

If Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and Gingrich came out wearing n.W.o. shirts, it would've been a night to remember

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 13:31
Dude, Trump off the ropes, clotheslining Lyin' Ted, and putting him in a "Boston Crab" would have been the highlight of my life.

OK back to the speech and Trump's entrance. For awhile I thought it was going to be WWE style. When the boos and jeers got louder and louder, I kept waiting for a black leather duster coat with Trump's face painted white being lowered from the rafters (like Sting used to do) to confront Cruz. It had most of the ingredients :) Some of you may know what I'm talking about.

07-21-16, 13:31
Back on topic. I don't dislike Ted Cruz, I just figured out that his appeal was not broad enough to get him elected in a general election. Since last year I have said that a hybrid of several of the 17 in the GOP field would be the ideal candidate: the Constitutional aspects of Cruz, the fire of Trump, and the Intellect of Carson and Rand Paul. Combine all of those people and you'd have a real interesting candidate.

07-21-16, 13:49
I never liked Cruz really.

He just seems phony. Trump is an asshole and lets you know it.

Cruz gives me the whole Bible Camp Counselor vibe too.

Just say'n

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 13:54

Despite him NOT giving me the warm 'n fuzzies, and coming off like a closeted pederast, I respect his record in the Senate, and would've yanked the crank for him in November if he was the candidate.

I lost all that respect for him last night. Gone. **** him.

I never liked Cruz really.

He just seems phony. Trump is an asshole and lets you know it.

Cruz gives me the whole Bible Camp Counselor vibe too.

Just say'n

07-21-16, 14:00
Back on topic. I don't dislike Ted Cruz, I just figured out that his appeal was not broad enough to get him elected in a general election. Since last year I have said that a hybrid of several of the 17 in the GOP field would be the ideal candidate: the Constitutional aspects of Cruz, the fire of Trump, and the Intellect of Carson and Rand Paul. Combine all of those people and you'd have a real interesting candidate.

We're just having a little fun with this, that's all. :) The hybrid you mentioned would be indeed the NWO or maybe the Four Horsemen.

To think that out of 17 candidates, Trump beat them all was unthinkable last year. Any 5 or 6 of the other 16 could have made a decent candidate and president. The republicans had 8 years to come up with two or three great candidates to take this country back but they screw around and made it a free for all and this is what we end up with.

I voted for Cruz in the primary but I will hold my nose, close my eyes, stuff my ears and vote for the Trumpster in November. Maybe there's a miracle and he'll beat out the hildabeast. The thought of 4 or 8 years of her around is very upsetting. The damage to the country may not be irreversible.

07-21-16, 14:25
I never liked Cruz really.

He just seems phony. Trump is an asshole and lets you know it.

Cruz gives me the whole Bible Camp Counselor vibe too.

Just say'n

And that is now his biggest problem....he was the "outsider" until Trump trumped him on that....but now is looking more and more like just another politician who does and says whatever, and you cannot rely on them.

07-21-16, 14:35

Despite him NOT giving me the warm 'n fuzzies, and coming off like a closeted pederast, I respect his record in the Senate, and would've yanked the crank for him in November if he was the candidate.

I lost all that respect for him last night. Gone. **** him.

Yeah, same here. What he did last night? What a douchey thing to do. Go home, you petulant little whiner. Just...go home.

07-21-16, 14:39
Back on topic. I don't dislike Ted Cruz, I just figured out that his appeal was not broad enough to get him elected in a general election. Since last year I have said that a hybrid of several of the 17 in the GOP field would be the ideal candidate: the Constitutional aspects of Cruz, the fire of Trump, and the Intellect of Carson and Rand Paul. Combine all of those people and you'd have a real interesting candidate.

You're not going to get a more conservative candidate than Cruz. His Liberty Score is 98% A which is the highest of anyone running including Rand Paul (92% A). There is also not going to be the super candidate that you describe.

An interesting aside, the substance of Cruz's speech was a textbook articulation of conservative values - arguably the best one of the convention with the possible exception of Pence's. Where he went astray was in failing to kiss the ring of Cheeto Jesus in front of a crowd that included the Trumpists - a cult of followers who take on juvenile incivility of their leader. Cruz had an entire primary season to guage the predictable response of a room packed with Trumpists. He severely misjudged the maturity of people like Peter King (Liberty Score 29% F) who think that Trump is a reasonable candidate. Thus, it was a bad play to come to Cleveland.

07-21-16, 14:44
He didn't have to speak there, he could have stayed away like the other GOP cry babies..but he wanted to be there, he lobbied for that spot, and then he shit on the crowd...

And furthermore, his antics put the focus on him instead of on Pence who gave a excellent speech.

07-21-16, 14:48
An interesting aside, the substance of Cruz's speech was a textbook articulation of conservative values - arguably the best one of the convention with the possible exception of Pence's. Where he went astray was in failing to kiss the ring of Cheeto Jesus in front of a crowd that included the Trumpists - a cult of followers who take on juvenile incivility of their leader.

This was essentially my take on it as well. The rabid, cult-like atmosphere was very scary to watch. And Republicans like to point at Democrats as being bat-shit crazy... They were going after Cruz's wife after his speech.

07-21-16, 14:58
Expecting a candidate to fall at or to the right of your personal views is at best silly, at worst ignorant.

Trump may not be the perfect conservative but he hits most of the high points, including the 2nd amendment which is why most of us are here.

Trump is far more electable than Cruz.

07-21-16, 14:59
This is going to be a wild election. I have had many conversations regarding Trump/HRC. What I find is many people who will vote for Trump but do not want it to be genuinely known. Repubs, independents, even dems. Trump isn't liked but viewed as a capable prick. HRC is simply viewed as an untrustworthy liar. Maybe it's a "here" thing, but I doubt the polls show the people that are ripping on Trump, but planning to vote for him. Hidden support. Cruz lack of endorsement matters not IMO. Some dems are going the Johnson route so as not to vote for Clinton. Hopefully.....

07-21-16, 15:03
You're not going to get a more conservative candidate than Cruz. His Liberty Score is 98% A which is the highest of anyone running including Rand Paul (92% A). There is also not going to be the super candidate that you describe.

An interesting aside, the substance of Cruz's speech was a textbook articulation of conservative values - arguably the best one of the convention with the possible exception of Pence's. Where he went astray was in failing to kiss the ring of Cheeto Jesus in front of a crowd that included the Trumpists - a cult of followers who take on juvenile incivility of their leader. Cruz had an entire primary season to guage the predictable response of a room packed with Trumpists. He severely misjudged the maturity of people like Peter King (Liberty Score 29% F) who think that Trump is a reasonable candidate. Thus, it was a bad play to come to Cleveland.

No doubt Cruz was the BEST conservative candidate. Bar none, really. He just has the personality of a wet fish, and in politics it matters. But here's the thing: the convention is precisely to kiss the ring, and he knew that. If he had just not accepted the invitation to speak, today he would be riding high looking to 2020, telling people how he took the high road. But, he didn't, and his speech, while in fairness promoting the GOP as a whole and deriding HRC, came across as petulant and whiny.

07-21-16, 15:45
This is going to be a wild election. I have had many conversations regarding Trump/HRC. What I find is many people who will vote for Trump but do not want it to be genuinely known. Repubs, independents, even dems. Trump isn't liked but viewed as a capable prick. HRC is simply viewed as an untrustworthy liar. Maybe it's a "here" thing, but I doubt the polls show the people that are ripping on Trump, but planning to vote for him. Hidden support. Cruz lack of endorsement matters not IMO. Some dems are going the Johnson route so as not to vote for Clinton. Hopefully.....

I know a few very Ultra Liberal, "Feel the Bern", very pro-abortion, near commie flag waving women that absolutely will not vote for HRC.
I mean to the point of setting out the election so as to not vote for HRC.
If Trump is polarizing to the right, I can assure you HRC's legacy of how She has treated Women is nearly as caustic as acid for some on the left.

As to Cruz being petulant and whiny, I thought at times in the last few debates, he was pretty quick to show that.

07-21-16, 15:47
OK back to the speech and Trump's entrance. For awhile I thought it was going to be WWE style. When the boos and jeers got louder and louder, I kept waiting for a black leather duster coat with Trump's face painted white being lowered from the rafters (like Sting used to do) to confront Cruz. It had most of the ingredients :) Some of you may know what I'm talking about.


07-21-16, 15:55
Expecting a candidate to fall at or to the right of your personal views is at best silly, at worst ignorant.

Trump may not be the perfect conservative but he hits most of the high points, including the 2nd amendment which is why most of us are here.

Trump is far more electable than Cruz.

Trump's record on the 2nd Amendment is a disaster. He's donated thousands to liberal Democrats who are rabid gun grabbers effictively countering your NRA-ILA contributions. The fact that you and the NRA gave him a pass on that and his previous anti-gun positions does not mean that he hit a 2nd Amendment high point. It means that he told you want you want to hear.

No doubt Cruz was the BEST conservative candidate. Bar none, really. He just has the personality of a wet fish, and in politics it matters. But here's the thing: the convention is precisely to kiss the ring, and he knew that. If he had just not accepted the invitation to speak, today he would be riding high looking to 2020, telling people how he took the high road. But, he didn't, and his speech, while in fairness promoting the GOP as a whole and deriding HRC, came across as petulant and whiny.

I think it came across as petulant to ardent Trump supports. To those of us who are not voting for Trump or Hillary, it was just a obvious strategic mistake - another unforced error.

07-21-16, 16:07
It means that he told you want you want to hear.

There's a lot of that going around in both the HRC and DJT campaigns.

07-21-16, 16:38

Firefly, docsherm, and myself have strong backs, and a willingness to be ranch hands.

We bring our own beer, and I would happily pay you cash for 2 acres of your most useless land.

Kidding...but not really.

Sorry I am ate to the party but......Not going to do the farm thing.....How do you feel about ranching? In God's country.....Texas. :) And it is still BYOB....for both of you...



Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 16:46
Brother, I'll lift hay bales from sunup to sundown...

Sorry I am ate to the party but......Not going to do the farm thing.....How do you feel about ranching? In God's country.....Texas. :) And it is still BYOB....for both of you...



07-21-16, 16:49
Brother, I'll lift hay bales from sunup to sundown...

And let Firefly know that Mr. Pibb was founded about 50 mile from there....... :jester:

07-21-16, 17:14
Sorry I am ate to the party but......Not going to do the farm thing.....How do you feel about ranching? In God's country.....Texas. :) And it is still BYOB....for both of you...
I'm running 680 head +/- right now over @ 34 square miles deeded land. Most of the work now is fence mending, stock tank maintenance and some small engine repair. The bunkhouse is empty and you get 3 squares and a bed. Salary negotiable depending on experience (within reason).

Now regarding Texas as "God's Country", a lot of my beef goes there in the Fall to the Amarillo Feedlots prior to sale. If those Feedlots are in "God's Country", Hell couldn't be much worse.....:)

07-21-16, 17:21
eh may as well.

To roam in a place where God and Man have an understanding.

You know despite the poor mismanagement of this country, we really do have the best land on Earth.


07-21-16, 17:23
I'm running 680 head +/- right now over @ 34 square miles deeded land. Most of the work now is fence mending, stock tank maintenance and some small engine repair. The bunkhouse is empty and you get 3 squares and a bed. Salary negotiable depending on experience (within reason).

Now regarding Texas as "God's Country", a lot of my beef goes there in the Fall to the Amarillo Feedlots prior to sale. If those Feedlots are in "God's Country", Hell couldn't be much worse.....:)

LOL...I have been there....WOW. Just goes to show you we have the best and the worst of the world here.... ;)

That is a huge ranch. :blink:

07-21-16, 18:08
Cruz has shown his ass on several occasions now, the guy is a slimeball. DJT will be the 45th POTUS, I called it long ago.

Alex V
07-21-16, 18:10
You know, we are all so centered on the Presidential race, what's doing to happen in the senate? There are 24 republican seats up for election. How will that play out? Will we lose the senate along with a continuing shit show in the White House?

07-21-16, 18:17
The more I think about it and listening to the radio, the more I think that Trump knew it all along what Cruz was going to say and he's letting him do it to set him up for failure. His timing of entrance just as the masses were booing Cruz couldn't have been by accident. Cruz fell for it and Trump punked him, putting a nail in Cruz's political coffin for good.

07-21-16, 18:21
The more I think about it and listening to the radio, the more I think that Trump knew it all along what Cruz was going to say and he's letting him do it to set him up for failure. His timing of entrance just as the masses were booing Cruz couldn't have been by accident. Cruz fell for it and Trump punked him, putting a nail in Cruz's political coffin for good.

Nailed it!

07-21-16, 18:25
You know, we are all so centered on the Presidential race, what's doing to happen in the senate? There are 24 republican seats up for election. How will that play out? Will we lose the senate along with a continuing shit show in the White House?

There are 6 highly contested seats that are now toss-ups. The GOP owns 5 of them. It is highly unlikely that the GOP will expand their lead. The Democrats stand a small but real chance of taking the Senate; I'd say 20%.

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 18:25
Trump, while an absolutely inelegant speaker, is not a fool.

07-21-16, 18:29
If nothing else the whole debacle makes Trump look like the better person.

I still say it's all calculated for some reason.

07-21-16, 18:38
The more I think about it and listening to the radio, the more I think that Trump knew it all along what Cruz was going to say and he's letting him do it to set him up for failure. His timing of entrance just as the masses were booing Cruz couldn't have been by accident. Cruz fell for it and Trump punked him, putting a nail in Cruz's political coffin for good.


I mean... Trump literally said he knew what Cruz was going to say.

07-21-16, 18:40
Trump's record on the 2nd Amendment is a disaster. He's donated thousands to liberal Democrats who are rabid gun grabbers effictively countering your NRA-ILA contributions. The fact that you and the NRA gave him a pass on that and his previous anti-gun positions does not mean that he hit a 2nd Amendment high point. It means that he told you want you want to hear.

Come on Sensei, I know from your posts you're smarter than this......Did Trump donate to Gun Grabbing Democrats hoping they'd skewer the 2nd Amendment? Nope. He donated for influence in other areas where he might need help. It happens all the time and is a part of business in this country until there is real campaign finance reform.

I guaranflipping-tee you he also donated to Republican's for the same reason. You can bet your sweet @arse it wasn't for their Godliness or views on abortion.

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 18:48
If nothing else, it shows that the "Blustering Buffoon" can be the "Bigger Man."

Trump took the high road.

07-21-16, 19:12
Come on Sensei, I know from your posts you're smarter than this......Did Trump donate to Gun Grabbing Democrats hoping they'd skewer the 2nd Amendment? Nope. He donated for influence in other areas where he might need help. It happens all the time and is a part of business in this country until there is real campaign finance reform.

I guaranflipping-tee you he also donated to Republican's for the same reason. You can bet your sweet @arse it wasn't for their Godliness or views on abortion.

I'm pretty sure you know Sensei was also referring to the 2000 quote where Trump wrote "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."

Plus, if you were a strong 2A advocate, would you for any reason donate to a very outspoken and powerful anti-gun politician?

07-21-16, 19:26
It’s like professional wrestling. It’s amazing that he does not have people around him to tell him, ‘Ted, maybe you shouldn’t be committing suicide live on national TV.’ But I mean, I guess you’ve shown your viewers the great thing, among the great things about it, was when Donald Trump came out and the whole crowd turned their back to Cruz and applauded Trump as he glared down Ted Cruz.”
It’s Cruz who is the little bitch who can’t get over it.”

Thanks Ann

07-21-16, 20:00
I'm pretty sure you know Sensei was also referring to the 2000 quote where Trump wrote "I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun."

Plus, if you were a strong 2A advocate, would you for any reason donate to a very outspoken and powerful anti-gun politician?

So he's lying, better take your chances with the clintons and their appointees, cabinet and every other idiot they surround themselves with.

07-21-16, 20:02
So he's lying, better take your chances with the clintons and their appointees, cabinet and every other idiot they surround themselves with.

Always with the straw man.

07-21-16, 20:37
Drumpf doesn't care for the Second Amendment one way or the other.

He cares about him and he cares about making money. And that is it. I'm sure he'll cash in on a movie/book deal on 9 Nov, shortly after congratulating Hilliary on her win.

07-21-16, 21:06
Always with the straw man.

No, you guys apparently don't have enough business experience to believe other than what is obvious to you and I don't have the patience to sit here typing on my phone trying to convince you differently.

You're just another example of a fringe special interest group who would find faults in Jesus if he was running.

ETA: I am NOT comparing Trump to Jesus just in case it isn't obvious.

07-21-16, 21:15
Did he eat another booger?

07-21-16, 21:17
Did he eat another booger?

07-21-16, 21:24
Damn that still makes me gag a little

Outlander Systems
07-21-16, 21:31

...I just...yeah. Every time, man. Every time, I get that curdled milk feeling in the back of my throat.

Damn that still makes me gag a little

07-21-16, 21:31
The more I think about it and listening to the radio, the more I think that Trump knew it all along what Cruz was going to say and he's letting him do it to set him up for failure. His timing of entrance just as the masses were booing Cruz couldn't have been by accident. Cruz fell for it and Trump punked him, putting a nail in Cruz's political coffin for good.

They all knew about it. Trump, Gingrich, everyone. Hours ahead of time. Now they may still have punked him. It sure does make Trump look like the guy walks it like he talks it as to negotiating.

The other perspective would be to say Ted was in on it. That would of course mean Ted is even a bigger liar.

I swear I think it's just who he is.

07-21-16, 21:40
No, you guys apparently don't have enough business experience to believe other than what is obvious to you and I don't have the patience to sit here typing on my phone trying to convince you differently.

You're just another example of a fringe special interest group who would find faults in Jesus if he was running.

ETA: I am NOT comparing Trump to Jesus just in case it isn't obvious.

Facts are stubborn things.

Drumpf doesn't shoot. He doesn't like guns - nor does he dislike them. He just doesn't care about guns, one way or the other. It doesn't matter what his business interests are. It doesn't matter what his record is, that he's supported the Second Amendment as steadfastly as Mitt Romney or less steadfastly than Bernie f___in' Sanders.

The Second Amendment is simply a bartering chip for him. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything is up for negotiation, including the Constitution.

I don't expect perfection - I expect consistency. Jesus was consistent from day one all the way to the crucifixion. Drumpf? Well, his positions are X, tomorrow they'll be Y. The only thing we can say for certain is that his positions will be good positions, they'll be the best positions; Nobody has positions that are as good as Drumpf's positions will be.

07-21-16, 21:41
I believe that Mr. Cruz just killed his political career unless he changes his party affiliation to Democrat.

07-21-16, 21:51
With Ted Cruz's embarrassing low class stunt last night, I think Donald Trump may have indirectly unified the Republican party. Let me explain, prior to last night the nevertrumpers in the GOP made up perhaps 20% of the GOP. This was a troubling number going into the general election. Trump very graciously gave Cruz, his biggest rival a speaking slot without reviewing Cruz's speech. If Cruz endorsed him, Trump would have been fine but perhaps Trump knew the a rat like Cruz is going to do what a rat is going to do. Cruz then gives his speech making him the pariah of the Republican party and with the exception of the most ardent Cruzbots no one likes Cruz and the Nevertrump movement has fully been exposed for the sore losers that they are. So in fact last night Cruz on the stage was a win/win for Trump.

07-22-16, 00:15
With Ted Cruz's embarrassing low class stunt last night, I think Donald Trump may have indirectly unified the Republican party. Let me explain, prior to last night the nevertrumpers in the GOP made up perhaps 20% of the GOP. This was a troubling number going into the general election. Trump very graciously gave Cruz, his biggest rival a speaking slot without reviewing Cruz's speech. If Cruz endorsed him, Trump would have been fine but perhaps Trump knew the a rat like Cruz is going to do what a rat is going to do. Cruz then gives his speech making him the pariah of the Republican party and with the exception of the most ardent Cruzbots no one likes Cruz and the Nevertrump movement has fully been exposed for the sore losers that they are. So in fact last night Cruz on the stage was a win/win for Trump.

So you think that Ted Cruz is the epicenter of NeverTrump? Do you really think that people who are not voting for Trump based on lack of principles and class are now flocking to him because Ted Cruz made a political blunder?

If that were the case, then Bush, Lee, Kasich, Ron Paul, Romney, et al would be lining up to endorse Trump. That is a idealogically diverse group who are united on either class or principles. It should tell you something about that 15-20% of traditional conservative voters who are not pulling the lever for Trump. If you doubt me, then I suppose you could commission another M4C poll.

07-22-16, 03:30
Damn, 70 miles from Vegas, you are out there. I just passed that way on up to Colorado Springs.

Can you ride horseflesh? We always hire hands in the Spring and Fall, but most of my hands run the rodeo circuit during the Summer months, then need cash the rest of the year.

I took this picture with my wife's Nikon about a month ago. Equivalent lens for 35mm would be @ 28mm. This is a view looking toward the southwest, hoping those rain clouds would drift my direction. It's nice being 70 miles from a town (Las Vegas, New Mexico).

07-22-16, 03:40
Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign


07-22-16, 03:56
Observations from someone who wants to nuke the world sections at a time.

1. Grandpa Munster aka Ted should have followed the lead of Kasich and stayed home with Heidi. He screwed himself.

2. Donald give a good speech. Based on all of the attacks Hillary is launching against him on Facebook, she is scared.

3. Hillary is losing in the court of public opinion. She is untrustworthy and that is starting to sink in.

4. Hillary has and is spending a lot of money compared to Trump. That's scary since some polls have him leading slightly and others at a dead heat. That means she isn't able to buy opinions.

5. If the shit is going to happen, let's get it going while I still am in good health, have mags and ammo stocked up.

6. Inviting Michael Brown's mom to speak at the DNC just convinced a shit ton of LE personnel to vote for Donald Trump.

07-22-16, 05:59
I don't get all the Trump bashing. What is the reason for this? The primary is over. What would you like us to do?

07-22-16, 06:09
Observations from someone who wants to nuke the world sections at a time.

1. Grandpa Munster aka Ted should have followed the lead of Kasich and stayed home with Heidi. He screwed himself.

2. Donald give a good speech. Based on all of the attacks Hillary is launching against him on Facebook, she is scared.

3. Hillary is losing in the court of public opinion. She is untrustworthy and that is starting to sink in.

4. Hillary has and is spending a lot of money compared to Trump. That's scary since some polls have him leading slightly and others at a dead heat. That means she isn't able to buy opinions.

5. If the shit is going to happen, let's get it going while I still am in good health, have mags and ammo stocked up.

6. Inviting Michael Brown's mom to speak at the DNC just convinced a shit ton of LE personnel to vote for Donald Trump.

Agreed on all 6 points.

07-22-16, 06:16
I think what a lot of us are not seeing right now is that HC's campaign is a disaster and they are very afraid that She's done.
For Decades the Democrats have counted on Republicans like McCain and Romney to play polite softball with them in debates. The perfect example is Obama and Romney, Romney had every chance to destroy Obama, but he didn't have the sack to take him out.
Trump isn't going to play nice like that and he certainly isn't going to back down, he's going to fight and fight dirty if that's what it takes.

07-22-16, 06:58
Observations from someone who wants to nuke the world sections at a time.

1. Grandpa Munster aka Ted should have followed the lead of Kasich and stayed home with Heidi. He screwed himself.

2. Donald give a good speech. Based on all of the attacks Hillary is launching against him on Facebook, she is scared.

3. Hillary is losing in the court of public opinion. She is untrustworthy and that is starting to sink in.

4. Hillary has and is spending a lot of money compared to Trump. That's scary since some polls have him leading slightly and others at a dead heat. That means she isn't able to buy opinions.

5. If the shit is going to happen, let's get it going while I still am in good health, have mags and ammo stocked up.

6. Inviting Michael Brown's mom to speak at the DNC just convinced a shit ton of LE personnel to vote for Donald Trump.

Good points. And yeah that's what I keep thinking on number 5.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 07:09
The 'Springs, you say?

I hear the popular camouflage pattern is Tie-Dye, and a bunch of dudes out there swear by pachouli for lubrication.


Damn, 70 miles from Vegas, you are out there. I just passed that way on up to Colorado Springs.

07-22-16, 07:16
Observations from someone who wants to nuke the world sections at a time.

1. Grandpa Munster aka Ted should have followed the lead of Kasich and stayed home with Heidi. He screwed himself.

2. Donald give a good speech. Based on all of the attacks Hillary is launching against him on Facebook, she is scared.

3. Hillary is losing in the court of public opinion. She is untrustworthy and that is starting to sink in.

4. Hillary has and is spending a lot of money compared to Trump. That's scary since some polls have him leading slightly and others at a dead heat. That means she isn't able to buy opinions.

5. If the shit is going to happen, let's get it going while I still am in good health, have mags and ammo stocked up.

6. Inviting Michael Brown's mom to speak at the DNC just convinced a shit ton of LE personnel to vote for Donald Trump.

Yup, yup and yup!

07-22-16, 07:34
Wealthy Cruz and Bush Donors Dump Millions Into Hillary Clinton’s Campaign


This is sad, but not unexpected. It is proof that some Republicans are working overtime to put HRC in the White House.

07-22-16, 07:44
This is sad, but not unexpected. It is proof that some Republicans are working overtime to put HRC in the White House.

And it is proof of who and what the GOP is really all about.

07-22-16, 07:44
Observations from someone who wants to nuke the world sections at a time.

1. Grandpa Munster aka Ted should have followed the lead of Kasich and stayed home with Heidi. He screwed himself.

2. Donald give a good speech. Based on all of the attacks Hillary is launching against him on Facebook, she is scared.

3. Hillary is losing in the court of public opinion. She is untrustworthy and that is starting to sink in.

4. Hillary has and is spending a lot of money compared to Trump. That's scary since some polls have him leading slightly and others at a dead heat. That means she isn't able to buy opinions.

5. If the shit is going to happen, let's get it going while I still am in good health, have mags and ammo stocked up.

6. Inviting Michael Brown's mom to speak at the DNC just convinced a shit ton of LE personnel to vote for Donald Trump.

Nailed it, as usual...your typical boring reliability...:)

07-22-16, 07:46
And it is proof of who and what the GOP is really all about.

You know if this is a fact, it needs to be out there and in Bold Print for my fellow Texans to read.
I've not heard anything about this except here, but I will be damned if he gets my vote ever again if this is fact.

07-22-16, 07:55
And it is proof of who and what the GOP is really all about.

Regardless of party affiliation, for some people of influence it's all about money.

07-22-16, 08:04
I don't get all the Trump bashing. What is the reason for this? The primary is over. What would you like us to do?

It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

07-22-16, 08:07
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

And Ted Cruz was the savior to all problems political?

07-22-16, 08:23
And Ted Cruz was the savior to all problems political?

No, and my opinion of Trump and Hillary has nothing to do with Ted Cruz.

07-22-16, 08:27
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

8 Years of HRC will likely get you a single party and not a third party system. Voting third party to make a change in the system is like placing a tourniquet of the neck to save the brain..........

07-22-16, 08:32
Seeing the leftists pundits, news hacks and politicians collectively have their heads explode after this convention is a great sign, at least it is to me and people like me, that ant Hillary to be defeated. The message is getting through, and they are threatened.

Singlestack Wonder
07-22-16, 08:38
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

Another unintended vote for hilliary...

07-22-16, 08:49
8 Years of HRC will likely get you a single party and not a third party system. Voting third party to make a change in the system is like placing a tourniquet of the neck to save the brain..........

Yep.... RINOs can be replaced without having to suffer 8 years of disease. They can be surgically removed once the Rs run the show.

and consider this scenario. Tim Kaine... What if something happens to Hillary... We get all the socialist infrastructure with an NRA F RATED, open borders POTUS.

07-22-16, 08:55
8 Years of HRC will likely get you a single party and not a third party system. Voting third party to make a change in the system is like placing a tourniquet of the neck to save the brain..........


Remember NeverTrump = Always Hillary

07-22-16, 09:25
8 Years of HRC will likely get you a single party and not a third party system. Voting third party to make a change in the system is like placing a tourniquet of the neck to save the brain..........

The two party system is giving us massive exsanguinarion via the carotid.

In any event, we don't have a two-party system. We have one party (the Democratic Party) and a megalomaniac's personality cult (the zombified corpse of the GOP).

07-22-16, 09:27

This is the one election were you need to hold your nose (like myself) and vote for the GOP nominee. The winner of this race will likely be replacing two Supreme Court Justices...perhaps even three. If the SCOTUS gets stacked with Hillary's picks, it won't matter if the third party gets established or not. Please remember that not only would you be giving Hillary the win, you would also be stacking the SCOTUS with liberals...something we cannot afford. As skewed as our society is and as rampant as Obama has been in breaking the law, imagine if the SCOTUS wasn't there to act as buffer.

07-22-16, 09:33
who would find faults in Jesus if he was running.

Well... that's true, but not for the reason you gave.

But regardless, your previous post was still a straw man and you didn't address that at all.

Alex V
07-22-16, 10:07
I just don't get it. This is a gun forum, and I see firearm enthusiasts saying they don't like Trump so they will vote 3rd party. You would rather throw your vote away and help Hillary than vote for Trump? What sense does that make? How delusional are you that a 3rd party candidate has any chance what so ever? If you know a 3rd party has no chance then why? Just to make yourself feel like you are somehow morally superior? You are willing to gamble your 2nd Amendment rights away? WTF is wrong with you? Once that bitch on wheels castrates the 2nd Amendment will it make you feel better? "Yeah, I have to turn in my guns but at least I didn't vote for Trump, I am Awesome!"

It's ridiculous.

This is why the Dems will always win. You want to keep the moral high ground, good, you can keep your chin up while the ship goes down to the bottom. In the mean time, Dems vote for any Dem nominated without any reservations. We squabble while they are running away with the country. So much good our high morals have done.

07-22-16, 10:08
I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

The fact you called Trump's ideology "progressive populism" tells me you haven't got a clue as to what is going on here. Trump is a paleoconservative, he's displaced the neocon's in the Republican Party. The neocon's are the RINO's, paleoconservativism is very much conservative but it has broadened the tent and that movement isn't dying out any time soon. Most constitutional conservatives have finally gotten a clue and come around to paleoconservativism. I doubt you will see a "constitutional conservative" anytime in our lifetimes hold the office of the POTUS.

07-22-16, 10:52
The fact you called Trump's ideology "progressive populism" tells me you haven't got a clue as to what is going on here. Trump is a paleoconservative, he's displaced the neocon's in the Republican Party. The neocon's are the RINO's, paleoconservativism is very much conservative but it has broadened the tent and that movement isn't dying out any time soon. Most constitutional conservatives have finally gotten a clue and come around to paleoconservativism. I doubt you will see a "constitutional conservative" anytime in our lifetimes hold the office of the POTUS.

I've got a few clues. He is paleo on immigration and some aspects of foreign policy at times. He is progressive on spending. Case in point: he wants a government health care program for the uninsured.

While I didn't watch last night's speech, I skimmed the transcript. I didn't see much to make me think that he was going to limit the scope / size of government and his daughter's speech would have fit in with the DNC.

07-22-16, 10:56
Yes, but is his diet paleo??*

*cross-thread points.....

07-22-16, 11:00
I just don't get it. This is a gun forum, and I see firearm enthusiasts saying they don't like Trump so they will vote 3rd party. You would rather throw your vote away and help Hillary than vote for Trump? What sense does that make? How delusional are you that a 3rd party candidate has any chance what so ever? If you know a 3rd party has no chance then why? Just to make yourself feel like you are somehow morally superior? You are willing to gamble your 2nd Amendment rights away? WTF is wrong with you? Once that bitch on wheels castrates the 2nd Amendment will it make you feel better? "Yeah, I have to turn in my guns but at least I didn't vote for Trump, I am Awesome!"

It's ridiculous.

This is why the Dems will always win. You want to keep the moral high ground, good, you can keep your chin up while the ship goes down to the bottom. In the mean time, Dems vote for any Dem nominated without any reservations. We squabble while they are running away with the country. So much good our high morals have done.

There just is not a choice to be made here. You are wasting everyone's time if you vote 3rd party.

It's either take your chances with Trump or throw it all away as Hillary doubles down on the disastrous Obama policies that have our country on the ropes and the 2nd Amendment hanging by a thread. Think of what just one Hillary supreme court justice would have done recently such as with immigration; the borders would already be wide open. Which part of the Obama/Hillary plan is it that is appealing to you, the uncontrolled immigration and sanctuary cities; the dead economy; the ailing military; the lack of support for law enforcement; the pure disdain for average Americans/the Constitution/the rule of law; the outright lying to the American people; the incredible growth of the welfare state and the pay raises to welfare; the lack of salary growth for anyone else; the tremendous support for immigrants from anywhere and everywhere while our own veterans and middle class get zero; the world-wide apologizing for America in general; the disastrous foreign policy; the extreme divisiveness pitting black vs white/rich v poor/law enforcement v citizens; the overt political and racial activism from the president through the AG and down to even local politicians; the liberalizing of our court system where common sense and the rule of law are an afterthought; the outright lies and changing of semantics before elections to hide failures in foreign policy/CONUS employment/terrorism simply to keep the populace from making informed decisions at the voting booth? I mean if you can come up with a single positive for anyone other than illegal aliens, refugees from terror-sponsoring areas and welfare recipients than I would love to hear it. There is only one choice at this point unless you're enjoying the destruction of America.

I don't see any segment of law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying society that is doing much other than getting crushed by this administration's policies and Hillary has stated she is going to increase it all.

Plain and simple, "Raise your hand if you're voting for Hillary. Good. Now slap yourself with it; you're an idiot."

07-22-16, 11:14
While I didn't watch last night's speech, I skimmed the transcript. I didn't see much to make me think that he was going to limit the scope / size of government and his daughter's speech would have fit in with the DNC.

If you listen to them all you will see that they are trying to present the reality that yes, he may spend money but rather than have a task run on for decades adn decades, his MO is to simply get the done and over with on time and under budget.

So there is a big difference between cuts that run on for 40 years and some short term increase that solve the problem in 5 years. several examples have been given where the .gov called on him to finish projects they had let run away.

Giuliani mentioned it, his daughter mentioned it. It was part of the theme.

so yes, you could say that spending grows but the project actually gets finished. OR, like we have now, claim to cut spending and the projects are never finished. They just slowing flounder and eat up resources. Like someone in credit card debt.

Hillary is the "I'll control you forever" candidate. Trump is the "I'm going to finish this project and you are going to play by the rules after it's finished" candidate. IOW, no more long term system abuse. that's pretty much what most here want. Abide by the laws, eliminate restrictive non-Constitutional Laws, and basically create a society where we can actually live free again.

There is a big difference between providing health care to someone that just flat out has no possible way to pay for the care they need and someone that is running a Welfare baby farm in the projects.

07-22-16, 11:48
I just don't get it. This is a gun forum, and I see firearm enthusiasts saying they don't like Trump so they will vote 3rd party. You would rather throw your vote away and help Hillary than vote for Trump? What sense does that make? How delusional are you that a 3rd party candidate has any chance what so ever? If you know a 3rd party has no chance then why? Just to make yourself feel like you are somehow morally superior? You are willing to gamble your 2nd Amendment rights away? WTF is wrong with you? Once that bitch on wheels castrates the 2nd Amendment will it make you feel better? "Yeah, I have to turn in my guns but at least I didn't vote for Trump, I am Awesome!"

It's ridiculous.

It's ridiculous when people don't do their homework and just repeat debunked claims such as a third party is automatically a negative for Trump when polls find it may actually help him. Obviously a direct vote for Trump would help him more, but polls don't suggest it's a win for HC either and in some specific segments, Johnson is polling higher than HC or Trump, such as active duty military (1). The main problem is both major candidates have a very high unfavorable rating with voters, who would leap at another candidate if they felt they were viable. As polls find HC winning easily in a two way race, and possibly losing when a third part candidate part of the poll, it may even help Trump. Personally, the support of the death grip the two parties have on the system bothers me more than anything. Third party voters may take more from HC than they do from Trump...

What I'd like to see if Johnson part of the debates so he can at leas make his case to the public, and he's polling double digits even when most don't eve know who he is! That tells us just how much people want an alternative to the train wreck of a choice they are faced with currently. He's just 1-2% away from being part of the debates, and that would be a major plus to the elections, the system, and dare I say it, the country.

This is why the Dems will always win. You want to keep the moral high ground, good, you can keep your chin up while the ship goes down to the bottom. In the mean time, Dems vote for any Dem nominated without any reservations. We squabble while they are running away with the country. So much good our high morals have done.

The reason the Dems win is because the GOP puts forwarded horrible candidates, being more interested in keeping their power base than winning the WH. Only real plus about Trump should he win for me is finally and hopefully and end to the neocon right running the GOP. I will hold my nose and Vote Trump over HC, but saying third party vote is automatically a negative to Trump does not appear supported by the facts, a legit third party candidate being in the debates and the mix a plus overall, and once actually in front of the public making Trump and HC look bad in debates, could make history. If Johnson does not at least get into the debates (and I have no doubt both GOP and Dems will do their best to prevent that) than chances are slim. I will promise you this: Third party will be record turn out as people make their extreme displeasure over their choices known. Whether that turns out to be a negative to HC or Dump remains to be seen.

(1) http://thehill.com/policy/defense/288546-poll-libertarian-johnson-beating-trump-clinton-among-active-duty-troops

07-22-16, 12:37
...a megalomaniac's personality cult (the zombified corpse of the GOP).

I like that. I'm stealing it, thanks.

I just don't get it. This is a gun forum, and I see firearm enthusiasts saying they don't like Trump so they will vote 3rd party. You would rather throw your vote away and help Hillary than vote for Trump? What sense does that make? How delusional are you that a 3rd party candidate has any chance what so ever? If you know a 3rd party has no chance then why? Just to make yourself feel like you are somehow morally superior? You are willing to gamble your 2nd Amendment rights away? WTF is wrong with you? Once that bitch on wheels castrates the 2nd Amendment will it make you feel better? "Yeah, I have to turn in my guns but at least I didn't vote for Trump, I am Awesome!"

Participating in a gun forum does not automatically mean that we're all single-issue voters. If Clinton pulls out a win and goes on a gun-grabbing spree... well, time to nut up or shut up, I suppose. It's getting really tiresome (to the point of pissing me off) hearing people telling me how I have to vote. Last time I checked, I don't have to do a damned thing. I'm not beholden to anyone.

If your party really wanted unaffiliated voters to support them, they should have put forward a better candidate. They did what they did, they own it, and now they'll stand or fall based on it. And Trump winning is only half of their problems. They'll spend four years wondering if/when he's going to flip on them.

The reason the Dems win is because the GOP puts forwarded horrible candidates... I will promise you this: Third party will be record turn out as people make their extreme displeasure over their choices known.

I agree.

NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F)

Yep, he's another example of where I part from the Republicans.

07-22-16, 12:45
I just don't get it. This is a gun forum, and I see firearm enthusiasts saying they don't like Trump so they will vote 3rd party.

Yes, this is a gun forum. Besides the fact that I'm not a single-issue voter, I am actually voting for the person with the strongest record for support of the 2nd Amendment. Trump isn't that person.

You would rather throw your vote away and help Hillary than vote for Trump? What sense does that make? How delusional are you that a 3rd party candidate has any chance what so ever? If you know a 3rd party has no chance then why? Just to make yourself feel like you are somehow morally superior? You are willing to gamble your 2nd Amendment rights away? WTF is wrong with you? Once that bitch on wheels castrates the 2nd Amendment will it make you feel better? "Yeah, I have to turn in my guns but at least I didn't vote for Trump, I am Awesome!"

Sentiment like this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A 3rd party candidate has no chance because people believe that a 3rd party candidate has no chance. To change that, you have to argue FOR the 3rd party candidate rather than stick your head in the ground and hope to whatever god(s) you believe in that your lesser-of-two-evils candidate won't mess up the country beyond repair.

This is why the Dems will always win. You want to keep the moral high ground, good, you can keep your chin up while the ship goes down to the bottom. In the mean time, Dems vote for any Dem nominated without any reservations. We squabble while they are running away with the country. So much good our high morals have done.
Without morals, what are we? Animals?

By the way, the Dems are saying the same thing about 3rd party candidates. They're telling their voters to hold their nose and vote for Hillary because Trump will destroy the country and any vote for a 3rd party is a vote for Trump.

Well, if the ~50% of the "anyone-but-Trump" HRC voters and the ~60% of the "anyone-but-Hillary" DJT voters got together behind Johnson, he'd win by a landslide.

07-22-16, 12:55
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest...

Hmm, you have been called out several times in similar threads for making dishonest statements, yet you still cling to your moral high ground. Wow. You can call me Dr. Obvious...you are part of the problem. It is unlikey that your third party candidate can pass the most simple of drug tests. GTFO

07-22-16, 12:59
It is unlikey that your third party candidate can pass the most simple of drug tests. GTFO

I almost guarantee Johnson would fail a MJ test 6 months ago. If I recall correctly, he admitted to smoking some recently. He even legally owned a MJ producing company. Although he said he stopped a couple months ago and won't smoke until he loses or ends his term.

I'd rather have a pot smoking president than a president that drinks alcohol.

07-22-16, 13:14
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

Trump hasn't "brought" anything. All he's done is exploit the vulnerability the GOPe RINO's created when they refused to listen to their constituents and did as they damn well pleased.

07-22-16, 13:54
.......................The reason the Dems win is because the GOP puts forwarded horrible candidates, being more interested in keeping their power base than winning the WH..........

This is it in a nutshell. The GOP also waits entirely too long before presenting their candidate to the voters. The process should start immediately after losing an election. Identify a viable candidate, thoroughly check their background, prepare them for the process, then be ready to put their name out as a viable candidate. This should apply to running mates as well.

The Republicans have really dropped the ball the last few election cycles.

As far as third party candidates are concerned, I have family who are union members and they are still angry about losing when they backed Ross Perot.

07-22-16, 13:54
Hmm, you have been called out several times in similar threads for making dishonest statements, yet you still cling to your moral high ground. Wow. You can call me Dr. Obvious...you are part of the problem. It is unlikey that your third party candidate can pass the most simple of drug tests. GTFO

So, where have I been dishonest?

07-22-16, 14:01
It's the same reason people bash Hillary - they are both fundamentally dishonest and unfit for office.

You can do what you want, but I'm voting third party for POTUS, House, and Senate. According to Conservative Review, NC Senator Burr has a Liberty Score of 41% (F) and my House Rep, Virginia Foxx, gets 60% (D). Both are RHINOS, so I have no reason to support the GOP going forward. I'm willing to take 8 years of Hillary and 8 years of Cain to either a) grow a 3rd party option or b) purge the GOP of this progressive populist movement that Trump has brought.

Sounds straight.

I'm not sold on Trump either. I agree with most of your positions (maybe all?)

My only thing, and I mean *only* thing that keeps drawing me to trump is that so many people that I hate, hate him even more.

I mean, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a sure bet he's gonna do anything right at all. But the "safe space" liberals are literally crying when thinking about the possibility of a President Trump and that is enough for me to get excited.

I'm sure 2020, after 4 years of Trump, probably won't be so great because the true conservative movement in the USA will be entirely dead, but those 4 years are gonna be so rewarding.

07-22-16, 14:06
If we are going to focus on a single issue, we should be concerned about who will be the President that selects the next Supreme Court nominees. I think that is the most critical issue that will have a positive or adverse affect on all of us over the next 20 to 25 years.

07-22-16, 14:17
Without morals, what are we? Animals?

Not Animals........ WINNERS. The only people that "take the moral high ground" are those that are loosing and making a last ditch effort or just lost and are trying to justify why they lost.

The Democrats do very well because they don't care about such things. If rational people want to "play" the game with those that will have people "taken care of" if they challenge them they must change the way they "play" the game or they will never have a chance at winning. People give up their morals and ethics every day to go along with society and "not make waves" so as not to loose what they have. So why is it so difficult for people to do this when it really matters? It is truly mind boggling.............

07-22-16, 14:18
Trump hasn't "brought" anything. All he's done is exploit the vulnerability the GOPe RINO's created when they refused to listen to their constituents and did as they damn well pleased.

Good point. Perhaps "exploited" would have been a better term.

07-22-16, 14:29
If we are going to focus on a single issue, we should be concerned about who will be the President that selects the next Supreme Court nominees. I think that is the most critical issue that will have a positive or adverse affect on all of us over the next 20 to 25 years.

This is it for me. Obama may have been stopped from appointing Scalia's replacement, but he has done much damage to the system already at both the SCOTUS and circuit court levels.

There will almost certainly be three SCOTUS judges selected next term, Scalia, Thomas (who's speculated he will retire to enjoy his last few years), and Ginsburg. Trump has announced his list of judge nominations, and they are a decent group of judges, all things considered, and from my basic, non legalese research.

If HRC gets the stick, the 2A could be all but trashed, as anti gun groups will push court cases up through an already gun hating circuit court system. And the SCOTUS holding up bad decisions would create huge repercussions for many years beyond either HRC or DJT's term(s)

Certainly a third part vote or abstaining from voting are your right, but you would be denying the obvious reality that one of the two major parties will govern over you and your family. There is zero hope for a third party winner this election.

I don't know it 3D party would hurt Trump or Clinton more. Polls can say whatever, but reality is unless you could poll 3D party voters after they voted, it's hard to really know who they'dhave voted for otherwise.

One thing is certain, Ross Perrot gave us Bill Clinton over GH Bush, based on all the exit polling after the fact.

Take Care,


Doc Safari
07-22-16, 14:44
Ted who?

07-22-16, 15:00
This is it for me. Obama may have been stopped from appointing Scalia's replacement, but he has done much damage to the system already at both the SCOTUS and circuit court levels.

There will almost certainly be three SCOTUS judges selected next term, Scalia, Thomas (who's speculated he will retire to enjoy his last few years), and Ginsburg. Trump has announced his list of judge nominations, and they are a decent group of judges, all things considered, and from my basic, non legalese research.

If HRC gets the stick, the 2A could be all but trashed, as anti gun groups will push court cases up through an already gun hating circuit court system. And the SCOTUS holding up bad decisions would create huge repercussions for many years beyond either HRC or DJT's term(s)

Certainly a third part vote or abstaining from voting are your right, but you would be denying the obvious reality that one of the two major parties will govern over you and your family. There is zero hope for a third party winner this election.

I don't know it 3D party would hurt Trump or Clinton more. Polls can say whatever, but reality is unless you could poll 3D party voters after they voted, it's hard to really know who they'dhave voted for otherwise.

One thing is certain, Ross Perrot gave us Bill Clinton over GH Bush, based on all the exit polling after the fact.

Take Care,


If you're in a solid red state like myself or a solid blue state like some of the poor souls on here, voting 3rd party to get the numbers high enough to send a message is sound tactics. If you're in an even remotely possible purple state, voting 3rd party is horrible strategy. That's a condensed version of the 2016 election in a nutshell. :(

07-22-16, 17:02
Drumpf doesn't care for the Second Amendment one way or the other.

He cares about him and he cares about making money. And that is it. I'm sure he'll cash in on a movie/book deal on 9 Nov, shortly after congratulating Hilliary on her win.

Hell, he's not even elected yet and his family is already starting to cash-in on his run:

Ivanka Trump markets her look after RNC speech

07-22-16, 20:45
My concern is that Trump will have destroyed the Republican Party, and Cruz didn't do it any good either.

Big A
07-22-16, 20:50
My concern is that Trump will have destroyed the Republican Party, and Cruz didn't do it any good either.
Trump didn't destroy the Republican party, the RINO's and Neocons did.

07-22-16, 21:02
I've got a few clues. He is paleo on immigration and some aspects of foreign policy at times. He is progressive on spending. Case in point: he wants a government health care program for the uninsured.

While I didn't watch last night's speech, I skimmed the transcript. I didn't see much to make me think that he was going to limit the scope / size of government and his daughter's speech would have fit in with the DNC.

You may want to go back and actually read the speech, he's a paleoconservative through and through.

07-22-16, 21:10
So, where have I been dishonest?

With the level of your intelligence, it's not appropriate for you to play dumb. Or maybe you lack the intelligence for which i have given you credit. Once again, this is not the first time you have been called out due to being dishonest...for the first time viewers.

07-22-16, 21:35
Sounds straight.

I'm not sold on Trump either. I agree with most of your positions (maybe all?)

My only thing, and I mean *only* thing that keeps drawing me to trump is that so many people that I hate, hate him even more.

I mean, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a sure bet he's gonna do anything right at all. But the "safe space" liberals are literally crying when thinking about the possibility of a President Trump and that is enough for me to get excited.

I'm sure 2020, after 4 years of Trump, probably won't be so great because the true conservative movement in the USA will be entirely dead, but those 4 years are gonna be so rewarding.

I generally I put very little stock what other people think, love, or hate when I'm critically evaluating evidence. When I do give a shit, I generally get a lot more milage out of those I respect than those I hate. The correlation coefficient with those I hate in this election seems to be R = 0.

When it comes to politicians and political personalities, there are still a few that I respect: Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Cruz, and Levin to name a few. R~0.9 for me and those guys (it would be 1 if it were not for Rand "supporting the nominee" after comparing him to a corneal ulcer). Then again, I really don't care what they think - we just share a common idealogy.

07-22-16, 21:54
Not Animals........ WINNERS. The only people that "take the moral high ground" are those that are loosing and making a last ditch effort or just lost and are trying to justify why they lost.

The Democrats do very well because they don't care about such things. If rational people want to "play" the game with those that will have people "taken care of" if they challenge them they must change the way they "play" the game or they will never have a chance at winning. People give up their morals and ethics every day to go along with society and "not make waves" so as not to loose what they have. So why is it so difficult for people to do this when it really matters? It is truly mind boggling.............

Doc nails it.


07-22-16, 21:58
At this point, my only concern is the Supreme Court nominations. Clinton or Trump will make them. What could would or should is long gone. The thought of Clinton appointments.... Lord help us.

07-22-16, 22:00
With the level of your intelligence, it's not appropriate for you to play dumb. Or maybe you lack the intelligence for which i have given you credit. Once again, this is not the first time you have been called out due to being dishonest...for the first time viewers.

I'm smart enough to know that if you could find a post where I'm being dishonest, it would already be quoted in this thread.

Trumpets love to scream liar whenever someone criticizes their hero - it's a trait that is passed from the top. The problem comes when they are called on to produce evidence of the lies. They can't stand the criticism, so they try to shut down debate without getting into a real dialogue.

So, let's take this to PM. You choose the issue where I'm being dishonest, and we can have a chat. Otherwise, I'll spare the rest of the membership any future dialogue along this lines. Fair?

07-23-16, 10:59
There is no need to take it to a private conversation. It is important for anyone that you may persuade here, that you are willing to be dishonest in an attempt to sway people's opinions.

You were dishonest about comments Trump made concerning the media and libel. You intentionally changed what he said around to fit your narrative. He was clearly talking about libel, but you changed it to defamation.

He also seemed confused about the 1st Amendment yesterday when he suggested that he would change the Bill of Rights so that it would be easier to sue media outlets that publish defamatory articles about him.

You were dishonest about comments Trump made concerning his daughter and Paris Hilton. He never said that his daughter was hot. He said that she has a very nice figure. She was a professional model. You tried to paint him as a pedophile, and you know damn well that he is not a pedophile.

Trump has one very big problem. It's a relatively new invention called - video tape. On it you can find Trump talking about how hot his daughter's body is and that he would date her if they were not related - real classy. Then, there is tape of him talking about how hot Paris Hilton was - when she was 12.

You have continuously tried to discredit Trump and attack his character. You are the loudest opponent of Trump, and are willing to be dishonest to try to gain traction. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. That road goes both ways. I can't keep you honest, but will point it out if you are not. The reason that I made the comment in this thread regarding you and dishonesty, was to point out your hypocrisy. Have a good one.

07-23-16, 11:29

I've written all 3 of these assholes off, Levin was the most disappointing but follow the money.

07-23-16, 12:48
There is no need to take it to a private conversation. It is important for anyone that you may persuade here, that you are willing to be dishonest in an attempt to sway people's opinions.

You were dishonest about comments Trump made concerning the media and libel. You intentionally changed what he said around to fit your narrative. He was clearly talking about libel, but you changed it to defamation.

You were dishonest about comments Trump made concerning his daughter and Paris Hilton. He never said that his daughter was hot. He said that she has a very nice figure. She was a professional model. You tried to paint him as a pedophile, and you know damn well that he is not a pedophile.

You have continuously tried to discredit Trump and attack his character. You are the loudest opponent of Trump, and are willing to be dishonest to try to gain traction. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. That road goes both ways. I can't keep you honest, but will point it out if you are not. The reason that I made the comment in this thread regarding you and dishonesty, was to point out your hypocrisy. Have a good one.

I'm especially fond of how you aren't providing links to where Sensei's wrong. You're only quoting him and then saying, "Sensei's wrong."

If you can't or you won't, that means you're either lazy or you're wrong. "Because I said so," does not rise to the level of evidence. Even if you support someone for president whose foreign policy is, "going to be huge," and, "it's going to be the best foreign policy you've ever seen."

07-23-16, 13:36
Just a friendly reminder to those saying Cruz lied and/or broke his pledge:


Trump broke his pledge first and then (quite fairly) released Cruz from his pledge to support him.

Not Animals........ WINNERS. The only people that "take the moral high ground" are those that are loosing and making a last ditch effort or just lost and are trying to justify why they lost.

The Democrats do very well because they don't care about such things. If rational people want to "play" the game with those that will have people "taken care of" if they challenge them they must change the way they "play" the game or they will never have a chance at winning. People give up their morals and ethics every day to go along with society and "not make waves" so as not to loose what they have. So why is it so difficult for people to do this when it really matters? It is truly mind boggling.............

Now it makes sense why you're backing the guy who advocates killing the families of terrorists.


07-23-16, 13:52
I'm especially fond of how you aren't providing links to where Sensei's wrong. You're only quoting him and then saying, "Sensei's wrong."

If you can't or you won't, that means you're either lazy or you're wrong. "Because I said so," does not rise to the level of evidence. Even if you support someone for president whose foreign policy is, "going to be huge," and, "it's going to be the best foreign policy you've ever seen."

I guess that you didn't listen to the comments Trump made and/or don't know the difference between libel and defamation. Are you saying that Trump is a pedophile?

07-23-16, 14:13
Now it makes sense why you're backing the guy who advocates killing the families of terrorists.

I'm all for making it perfectly clear. You want to blow yourself up and kill hundreds of people? You better not leave a trace of DNA, or anything we can use to ID your sorry @ss.

Because once we identify you, we will eliminate your wife, kids, mother, father, 1st cousins, 2nd cousins and anyone else who may get in the way.

You fight barbarism with barbarism. Start practicing this approach and watch how fast they get turned in, or simply refuse to participate in this nonsense.

ETA: Needless to say this will never happen.

07-23-16, 14:26
I guess that you didn't listen to the comments Trump made and/or don't know the difference between libel and defamation.

I know the difference between libel and defamation. I'm sure Sensei does, too.

I'm not convinced that Drumpf does.

Are you saying that Trump is a pedophile?

Are you saying that Drumpf is the Second Coming of Christ?

Because your question tracks what I've written about as well as my question tracks what you've written.

07-23-16, 17:33
I guess that you didn't listen to the comments Trump made and/or don't know the difference between libel and defamation. Are you saying that Trump is a pedophile?

So here is what I originally said: "Trump gets the Constitution? He certainly doesn't seem to get property rights. He also seemed confused about the 1st Amendment yesterday when he suggested that he would change the Bill of Rights so that it would be easier to sue media outlets that publish defamatory articles about him." Of note, libel is a written defamation according Webster.

Here is my evidence:
"One of the things I’m going to do, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m going to do is — if I win — is I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposefully negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money...So that when the New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money. We’re going to open up those libel laws, and we’re going to have people sue you like you never got sued before.”

The notion of a sitting POTUS suing the press for what they think is dishonest, defamatory, or a hit piece should scare the piss out of everyone - especially if that POTUS is Trump or Hillary.

Up next is Trump as the pervert. Notice that I never called him a pedophile, that was your term. Here is what I posted: "Trump has one very big problem. It's a relatively new invention called - video tape. On it you can find Trump talking about how hot his daughter's body is and that he would date her if they were not related - real classy. Then, there is tape of him talking about how hot Paris Hilton was - when she was 12. He'd go on to talk about her performance on the sex tape; keep in mind he is talking about someone he knew as a child. That is just from 1 interview with Howard Stern. There are many other examples where he repeated some of this twisted shit on The View and other visits to Stern's show."

Here is my evidence:
1) Tump on the Howard Stern Show about his daughter: "You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body."
2) Trump to Rolling Stone on his daughter: "If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…" He actually didn't finish that sentence living people to wonder what he meant.
3) Trump to the View on his daughter: "She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her."
4) Trump on Paris Hilton: "I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested… but she was beautiful.” The Daily Beast reported that Trump also admitted to watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape with his wife, despite knowing her since the age of 12 and being very close friends with the Hilton Family.

Although not proof that Trump is a pedophile, it supports my original claim that Trump has said some twisted shit.

07-23-16, 17:36
I dunno, man.

Seems like he's just bragging on his kid.
I'm sure at some point your old man or mom told people in mixed company, "Look at Sensei. He's a strapping young lad. Couldn't you eat him with a spoon?"

ETA if you proffered the theory that Trump was a Slavophile, I would agree. He likes the Eastern European ladies.

07-23-16, 17:40
I dunno, man.

Seems like he's just bragging on his kid.
I'm sure at some point your old man or mom told people in mixed company, "Look at Sensei. He's a strapping young lad. Couldn't you eat him with a spoon?"

Yeah, my Mom was telling all her friends that she'd be dating me if we were not related. Especially with my great body and 12" pecker. :rolleyes:

ETA: Can you point out any other public figure who has said to the media something along those lines. I can't. Not one.

07-23-16, 17:43
I'm all for making it perfectly clear. You want to blow yourself up and kill hundreds of people? You better not leave a trace of DNA, or anything we can use to ID your sorry @ss.

Because once we identify you, we will eliminate your wife, kids, mother, father, 1st cousins, 2nd cousins and anyone else who may get in the way.

You fight barbarism with barbarism. Start practicing this approach and watch how fast they get turned in, or simply refuse to participate in this nonsense.

ETA: Needless to say this will never happen.

Talking like that is absolutely off the deep end and anyone who subscribes to that sort of psychopathy belongs either in a cage or at the bottom of the sea. Fanatics are dangerous, no matter whose side they're on.

07-23-16, 18:04
Yeah, my Mom was telling all her friends that she'd be dating me if we were not related. Especially with my great body and 12" pecker. :rolleyes:

ETA: Can you point out any other public figure who has said to the media something along those lines. I can't. Not one.

Well....Confession time. Years back I got into watching Family Jewels. I hate Kiss and I hate Gene Simmons but I got to watching it.

Anyways his son is tall like 6'6" or something. He looked like a skinny 16 y/o big bird Howard Stern. Anyways Gene Simmons tells some girl "Check out my son. He's got big feet. You know what that means."

I don't know if that counts exactly but people with money and a little celebrity say odd things. Paris Hilton had a reality show to find a friend because she was older and not so popular. So....

All I know is that I'm not ready to put Trump in the Trailer Park just yet. Although, had I a daughter I would say "She's a lovely young lady with a promising future." and leave it there.

But if you legit want to be creeped out, check out purity balls. I worked security for one because well guns don't buy themselves.
ANYWAYS....I don't wish to judge but 40ish y/o dudes slow dancing with their 10-16 y/o daughters to "Lady in Red" and "Cinderella"(whatever that obnoxious song was), was pretty awkward, especially after the girls pledged their virginity to them.

So....yeah. I dunno. I don't care.

07-23-16, 18:34
But if you legit want to be creeped out, check out purity balls. I worked security for one because well guns don't buy themselves.
ANYWAYS....I don't wish to judge but 40ish y/o dudes slow dancing with their 10-16 y/o daughters to "Lady in Red" and "Cinderella"(whatever that obnoxious song was), was pretty awkward, especially after the girls pledged their virginity to them.

I suppose that is why God issued me a son.

07-23-16, 18:36
Are you saying that Drumpf is the Second Coming of Christ?

Because your question tracks what I've written about as well as my question tracks what you've written.

Wow, you are way out there, man. I know that there isn't any hope for you, so I won't waste my time.

So here is what I originally said: repeat of the same stuff you have already posted snipped....
Although not proof that Trump is a pedophile, it supports my original claim that Trump has said some twisted shit.

So you are insinuating that Trump is a pedophile...gotcha.

26 Inf
07-23-16, 19:54
I hadn't seen this before:

Donald Trump plans to create and fund super-PACs specifically aimed at ending the political careers of Ted Cruz and John Kasich should either run for office again, after both snubbed the Republican nominee during his party's convention this week, a person familiar with Trump’s thinking told Bloomberg Politics on Friday.

The plan would involve Trump investing millions of his own money --perhaps $20 million or more -- in one or two outside groups about six months before their respective election days if Texas Senator Cruz or Ohio Governor Kasich stand for office again. The person said Trump is willing to set up two separate super-PACs – one for Cruz and one for Kasich – and put millions into each.

The person also said that Trump would be willing to invest tens of millions more if necessary to ensure his former competitors didn't win another race. Of course, the ire that Trump has exhibited in the aftermath of the bitter nomination contest could fade over time, leading the sometimes mercurial billionaire to drop the plans.

The person said that despite former nomination rival Jeb Bush skipping the national convention and refusing to back the Republican nominee, Trump “does not care” about doing the same against Bush because the former Florida governor is already “destroyed.”

During an event in Cleveland on Friday, Trump hinted at the prospect of funding an outside group against Cruz in the future.

“Maybe I’ll set up a super-PAC if he decides to run,” Trump said of Cruz. Turning to his running mate Mike Pence he asked rhetorically, “Are you allowed to set up a super-PAC…if you are the president, to fight someone?”

The person close to Trump’s thinking indicated that Trump would consider forming the super-PAC whether or not he wins the presidential election in November. According to Federal Election Commission rules, if Trump doesn't win the presidency, he is clearly free to set up and fund a super-PAC. But if he occupies the Oval Office, the rules head into a legal gray area. Between elections, or if Trump declares himself a one-term president, he would be allowed to donate to a super-PAC, but is not allowed to solicit contributions of more than $5,000.

Kasich, 64, cannot run again for Ohio governor due to the state’s term limits. The 45-year-old Cruz is up for re-election in 2018. Both men have indicated an interest in running for president again in 2020, when they would either face Hillary Clinton or mount a primary challenge to a sitting Republican, Trump.

When contacted, the Trump campaign declined to comment.

Trump’s feud with Cruz boiled over in prime time on Wednesday, when the Texan refused to endorse Trump during his convention speech, instead urging voters to “vote their conscience” in November. After being criticized for the speech by Republican elites, and even many members of the Texas delegation, Cruz pointed to Trump’s attacks on his wife and father as reasons he felt justified reneging on his pledge to support the Republican nominee, saying he will not get behind Trump “like a servile puppy dog.”

The Trump campaign waged a separate war with Kasich, whose home state hosted the Republican convention. After Kasich refused to attend the convention, some within the Trump camp began to attack the Ohio governor. During a Bloomberg Politics breakfast on Monday, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort called Kasich “petulant” and said he was “embarrassing his party in Ohio” by refusing to back Trump.

“That’s a dumb, dumb thing. Will John Kasich finally grow up? Maybe,” Manafort said.

Asked for comment on Saturday, Chris Schrimpf, a spokesman for Kasich, said ``LOL.


Please, I hope the Military Aide who is entrusted with the Nuclear Football is not the epitome of “He was the perfect soldier: he went where you sent him, and stayed where you put him, and had no idea of his own to keep him from doing exactly what you told him.” Because if he is, Lord help us all.

07-23-16, 21:24
So here is what I originally said: "Trump gets the Constitution? He certainly doesn't seem to get property rights. He also seemed confused about the 1st Amendment yesterday when he suggested that he would change the Bill of Rights so that it would be easier to sue media outlets that publish defamatory articles about him." Of note, libel is a written defamation according Webster.

Here is my evidence:
"One of the things I’m going to do, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m going to do is — if I win — is I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposefully negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money...So that when the New York Times writes a hit piece, which is a total disgrace, or when the Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money. We’re going to open up those libel laws, and we’re going to have people sue you like you never got sued before.”

The notion of a sitting POTUS suing the press for what they think is dishonest, defamatory, or a hit piece should scare the piss out of everyone - especially if that POTUS is Trump or Hillary.

Up next is Trump as the pervert. Notice that I never called him a pedophile, that was your term. Here is what I posted: "Trump has one very big problem. It's a relatively new invention called - video tape. On it you can find Trump talking about how hot his daughter's body is and that he would date her if they were not related - real classy. Then, there is tape of him talking about how hot Paris Hilton was - when she was 12. He'd go on to talk about her performance on the sex tape; keep in mind he is talking about someone he knew as a child. That is just from 1 interview with Howard Stern. There are many other examples where he repeated some of this twisted shit on The View and other visits to Stern's show."

Here is my evidence:
1) Tump on the Howard Stern Show about his daughter: "You know who’s one of the great beauties of the world, according to everybody? And I helped create her. Ivanka. My daughter, Ivanka. She’s 6 feet tall, she’s got the best body."
2) Trump to Rolling Stone on his daughter: "If I weren’t happily married and, ya know, her father…" He actually didn't finish that sentence living people to wonder what he meant.
3) Trump to the View on his daughter: "She does have a very nice figure. I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her."
4) Trump on Paris Hilton: "I’ve known Paris Hilton from the time she’s 12, her parents are friends of mine, and the first time I saw her she walked into the room and I said, ‘Who the hell is that?’ At 12, I wasn’t interested… but she was beautiful.” The Daily Beast reported that Trump also admitted to watching Paris Hilton’s sex tape with his wife, despite knowing her since the age of 12 and being very close friends with the Hilton Family.

Although not proof that Trump is a pedophile, it supports my original claim that Trump has said some twisted shit.

Speaking of pedophiles, Tim Kaine has pedophile written all over him.

07-23-16, 21:31

No principles.

07-23-16, 21:37

No principles.

That was very powerful, thanks for posting that.

07-24-16, 10:41
Talking like that is absolutely off the deep end and anyone who subscribes to that sort of psychopathy belongs either in a cage or at the bottom of the sea. Fanatics are dangerous, no matter whose side they're on.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I suppose you are also against Hiroshima and Nagasaki? After 15 years and thousands of American lives, I'm sick of this crap. It is time to try something different, especially after the last 8 years of doing nothing except give back ground our troops earned with blood.

You deal savagely with savages, sorry if it offends your sensibilities.

26 Inf
07-24-16, 23:42
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I suppose you are also against Hiroshima and Nagasaki? After 15 years and thousands of American lives, I'm sick of this crap. It is time to try something different, especially after the last 8 years of doing nothing except give back ground our troops earned with blood.

You deal savagely with savages, sorry if it offends your sensibilities.

You are certainly not alone in your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it.

The problem I have with all of that is that most often folks that say 'kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out' are not going to be the ones doing it, they will send someone's son or daughter to do the dirty work.

07-25-16, 03:06
Ted who?


I clicked on this thread and had to recheck the thread title!

We're four months away from the election and people care what Ted Cruz did or didn't do, he's not a candidate so people had better re-the-****-focus.

07-25-16, 03:21
You are certainly not alone in your opinion, and you are certainly entitled to it.

The problem I have with all of that is that most often folks that say 'kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out' are not going to be the ones doing it, they will send someone's son or daughter to do the dirty work.
Ok, but then why have a military then if we're not going to use it? So long as the need is just and righteous.

07-25-16, 09:33
That was very powerful, thanks for posting that.

Powerful indeed and disgusting to say the least. I found this powerful also, but obviously for different reasons:


07-25-16, 10:08
So you are insinuating that Trump is a pedophile...gotcha.

Nope, a pedophile is sexually attracted to children. A prime example of a pedophile would be Trump's buddy Jeff Epstein who ran a some form of orgy island where he'd fly friends out to have sex with adolescent girls.

Nothing that I've written suggests that Trump is sexually attracted to children or had sex with children. What I have suggested is that Trump lacks the basic inhibitory functions of a frontal cortex that allows him to control impulses - especially impulses that center around sexuality.

It's that intuition that keeps people from telling "that joke" at work which seemed like a great idea for a split second but would have probably landed them in HR. Well, Trump tells "that joke" but nobody with any class (i.e. developed frontal cortex) finds it funny or amusing. Why is it not funny to people with class? Because people with a developed frontal cortex only relax its inhibitory function in the proper context such as a comedy club, locker room, or night out with the guys. Otherwise, most of us keep it functioning when we are doing things like listening to a presidential candidate.

So, now you understand why we got to hear about his daughter's body, Megyn Kelley's period, assurances that his penis is adequately sized, etc. You also understand why the majority of people who hear this shit are repulsed, and why a minority think that it is "cool" or examples of him "kicking the media in the balls." It all has to do with the frontal cortex. If you doubt me, ask Ben Carson...he'll tell ya. ;)

26 Inf
07-25-16, 10:35
Ok, but then why have a military then if we're not going to use it? So long as the need is just and righteous.

Nailed it with so long as the need is just and righteous. What he proposed is neither.

26 Inf
07-25-16, 10:55
Nope, a pedophile is sexually attracted to children. A prime example of a pedophile would be Trump's buddy Jeff Epstein who ran a some form of orgy island where he'd fly friends out to have sex with adolescent girls.

Nothing that I've written suggests that Trump is sexually attracted to children or had sex with children. What I have suggested is that Trump lacks the basic inhibitory functions of a frontal cortex that allows him to control impulses - especially impulses that center around sexuality.

It's that intuition that keeps people from telling "that joke" at work which seemed like a great idea for a split second but would have probably landed them in HR. Well, Trump tells "that joke" but nobody with any class (i.e. developed frontal cortex) finds it funny or amusing. Why is it not funny to people with class? Because people with a developed frontal cortex only relax its inhibitory function in the proper context such as a comedy club, locker room, or night out with the guys. Otherwise, most of us keep it functioning when we are doing things like listening to a presidential candidate.

So, now you understand why we got to hear about his daughter's body, Megyn Kelley's period, assurances that his penis is adequately sized, etc. You also understand why the majority of people who hear this shit are repulsed, and why a minority think that it is "cool" or examples of him "kicking the media in the balls." It all has to do with the frontal cortex. If you doubt me, ask Ben Carson...he'll tell ya. ;)

So, I just have to know: What part of your brain compels you to repeatedly explain to this guy that you didn't call Trump a pedophile? :confused:

07-25-16, 11:01
Since the discussion keeps slipping farther and farther away from the title, it's time to end it.