View Full Version : Mass murder sues (and wins!) in Norway

07-22-16, 14:57
Remember the POS in Norway who killed dozens of kids at a camp? I'll just leave this here:

Oslo, Norway (CNN)Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik has won part of his lawsuit against the state over his solitary confinement in a high-security prison, a court announced Wednesday.
The Oslo district court found the 37-year-old's treatment in prison violated Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, prohibiting "inhuman or degrading treatment," and ruled that his conditions must be eased.

The court also ordered the government to pay legal costs of 331,000 kroner ($40,600) for the right-wing extremist, who killed 77 people in a shooting rampage and bombing attack in 2011.

Norway has the right to appeal the ruling. It has not announced whether it intends to do so.
The court dismissed Breivik's claim that the government had violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees respect for "private life" and correspondence.

The ruling outlined areas of concern in regard to the conditions of Breivik's confinement, which, taken as a whole, constituted a breach of his rights.
These included the duration of his isolation, and inadequate consideration of the mental impact of the regime. It also said the routine nude checks Breivik had to go through were not sufficiently justified from a security perspective.
But it did not give concrete directives on how the conditions should be changed.



07-22-16, 15:02
Wow. Homogeneous states such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, et al are really not equipped to deal with particularly heinous, violent murders.

They should probably figure that out really soon.

07-22-16, 15:07
That's why you don't open your judicial system up to international edicts. The TPP is our first foray into these dangerous waters, but it won't be our last with the globalists in charge. :(

07-22-16, 16:02
But what about the dead people?

07-22-16, 17:46
Do expect any less from those European nations who are participating in collective suicide, this is just one of a plethora of reasons why Western nations use to put murders to death.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 18:38
This is what happens when your country is a socialist "utopia".

07-22-16, 18:54
Rights are rights. If the law doesn't deprive you of those rights, you get them.

My surprise at this is about a 1/10.

07-22-16, 19:01
Yeeep, still waiting to hear what the dead people think.....

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:02
I'm surprised not having state-supplied call-girls, 80-inch plasma TVs, and high-speed internet aren't considered "inhuman and degrading punishment" in Europe.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:03
This. The 77 butchered victims could not be reached for comment...

Yeeep, still waiting to hear what the dead people think.....

07-22-16, 19:10
The law is the law. You apply it equally to everyone or you change it through proper channels.

Anything else is corruption.

07-22-16, 20:20
they are a lot tougher than New Zealand though !
which is sad

yeah guy should have been tied to a tree in the woods and watched over until dead

07-22-16, 20:24
To me, general population sounds like a good place for him..

07-23-16, 09:16
They should read The Iceman about Richard Kuklinski, then go find that cave he used and let the rats do what they do. No more problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-23-16, 09:19
But what about the dead people?
Screw them, they're dead. It's me me me!

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-23-16, 09:33
That's why you don't open your judicial system up to international edicts. The TPP is our first foray into these dangerous waters, but it won't be our last with the globalists in charge. :(

Given Norway's general cultural perspective, I'm not sure that their judicial approach would have been any different than that of the EU's edict. In fact, I'm not sure that that case wouldn't have had the same outcome in the US. As stated above, the law is the law.


07-24-16, 21:31
They did him a favor by not putting him in general pop and this is how he repays them? No more favors. Put a child murder in general and see how long he lasts. He'll never see that fort large if they do.

07-24-16, 21:45
How would you like to be a tax paying relative of one of the murder victims.

Geeze, I think that situation alone would be enough to make me go on a murderous rampage. Talk about intolerable.

07-24-16, 21:46
To me, general population sounds like a good place for him..

I prefer underground.

07-24-16, 22:13
They did him a favor by not putting him in general pop and this is how he repays them? No more favors. Put a child murder in general and see how long he lasts. He'll never see that fort large if they do.

...that being said, I do agree that the laws are for EVERYONE including the worst of the worst. In fact, they're the reason they exist because it's easy to be fair to decent people.

07-24-16, 22:35
Yeeep, still waiting to hear what the dead people think.....

At this point what difference does it make!? I'm starting to get why people want to vote for Hillary. Look,,, if you can't understand that if you go out and slaughter a bunch of kids and then are treated as vile and dangerous sub-human.... I mean I just don't get it.... Don't you have any compassion? Are you devoid of love for the helpless?

Yes, what he did was wrong but he should be cared for. Treated with respect and comfort.

This is no lie, I was searching for something the other day and his picture came up. I had forgotten about him and the first thought I had was.. oh that guy must be dead by now. ... who knew... they actually want to civilize him. What a bunch of morons. That guy should be a patch of decayed soil for what he did. He should be fertilizer for truffles that even a pig wouldn't eat under some forgotten tree in the middle of nowhere.

07-24-16, 22:38
As stated above, the law is the law.

When you can't buy it.

07-24-16, 23:34
To me, general population sounds like a good place for him..

I prefer underground.

Step by Step. Rome wasn't destroyed in a day.

07-25-16, 01:03
Newsflash. When the European Union was formed and the laws became streamlined all of these things were addressed. If you are a member of the E.U these various articles apply.