View Full Version : Things You Remember From Childhood (That Everyone Else Has Forgotten)

Doc Safari
07-22-16, 16:12
I was thinking about old comic books I had back in the 1970's.

Remember "Turok, Son of Stone"?

Basically these two Indians went through a cave into a lost valley where dinosaurs still lived. Their adventures stemmed from trying to find a way out of the valley and of course each issue involved fights with dinosaurs. I remember the last issue I ever bought was around May 1973, and my grandfather had died. My mom bought it for me to keep me and my brother occupied while they made the funeral arrangements, etc. That whole thing sort of left a bad taste in my mouth and I never bought another issue I don't think.

And how about "Weird War"?

It was an anthology comic book, with paranormal type stories associated with war. Some were really creepy.

I don't remember if it had its own comic, or if it was just a continuing series under another title, but I always liked "The Haunted Tank". It was a crew of tankers in World War II who had build their own tank out of the hulks of destroyed tanks. The commander would regularly consult the ghost of General J.E.B. Stuart, hence the "haunted" part of the story.

I'll try to think of more. For some reason old comic books just popped into my head this morning.

07-22-16, 16:16
I was thinking about old comic books I had back in the 1970's.

Remember "Turok, Son of Stone"?

Basically these two Indians went through a cave into a lost valley where dinosaurs still lived. Their adventures stemmed from trying to find a way out of the valley and of course each issue involved fights with dinosaurs. I remember the last issue I ever bought was around May 1973, and my grandfather had died. My mom bought it for me to keep me and my brother occupied while they made the funeral arrangements, etc. That whole thing sort of left a bad taste in my mouth and I never bought another issue I don't think.

And how about "Weird War"?

It was an anthology comic book, with paranormal type stories associated with war. Some were really creepy.

I don't remember if it had its own comic, or if it was just a continuing series under another title, but I always liked "The Haunted Tank". It was a crew of tankers in World War II who had build their own tank out of the hulks of destroyed tanks. The commander would regularly consult the ghost of General J.E.B. Stuart, hence the "haunted" part of the story.

I'll try to think of more. For some reason old comic books just popped into my head this morning.

They actually have a series of video games based on Turok -


Doc Safari
07-22-16, 16:18
They actually have a series of video games based on Turok -


Yeah. I read that. The comic books came out long before the first video game was even invented. I had several issues.

07-22-16, 16:23
Yeah. I read that. The comic books came out long before the first video game was even invented. I had several issues.

Well, the first video game was technically created in 1947 ;)

I was just pointing out that Turok really isn't forgotten on account of the video game series based on the comic.

Doc Safari
07-22-16, 16:25
Well, the first video game was technically created in 1947 ;)

I was just pointing out that Turok really isn't forgotten on account of the video game series based on the comic.

Yeah, but I bet 90% of the people who played the video game didn't know about the comic. By the way they've resurrected the comic several times, so as long as we're splitting hairs I was talking about the four-color Gold Key comics from the Sixties and Seventies. I had to actually Google them to see some of the old covers of issues I used to own. No airbrushing, no slick format, just newspaper printing and color. Very primitive....and those are the ones that have been forgotten.

07-22-16, 16:38
I remember finding some old Tales from the Crypt comics.

I remember pretending I was a tail gunner through the rear station wagon window. Everyone probably thought I was a retard the way I was making machine gun motions at them.

I remember candy cigarettes. The packs looked like real cigarettes. My old man taught me to roll it up in my t shirt sleeve. Lucky Strikes.

I remember summer being an eternity.

Even though I was an 80s kid, Stand By Me was a pretty accurate portrayal. White T shirts, old OD army clothes, Chuck Taylors, and taking piss out of people.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 16:45
BerenSTAIN Bears.

07-22-16, 16:54
BerenSTAIN Bears.

I don't get it. I had some of the books but I don't get it.

07-22-16, 17:00
I don't get it. I had some of the books but I don't get it.

Right there with you.....Did I miss something?

07-22-16, 17:01
They actually have a series of video games based on Turok -


BerenSTAIN Bears.
This was my childhood. Just add the Sega channel

07-22-16, 17:02
I don't get it. I had some of the books but I don't get it.

Lots of people mis-remeber them as BerenSTEIN bears.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 17:48
Here you go:


See also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confabulation#Mandela_Effect

07-22-16, 17:51
puffa puffa rice :) best cereal ever

going out to play all day till you hear the dinner bell ring :)

being able to go fishing and other things as a kid by just loading up the boat heading out no lic no stupidity regulations etc..

riding bikes without helmets and making jumps etc..

camping when I was like 13 on my own in the woods with friends and being able to make fires cook and such at that age which I doubt many kids can these days !

when cracker jack and those rice paper treats the toys were actually toys and not a lousy sticker !

my mom giving me the lipton tea china animals from her tea :)

07-22-16, 17:56
I remember finding some old Tales from the Crypt comics.

I remember pretending I was a tail gunner through the rear station wagon window. Everyone probably thought I was a retard the way I was making machine gun motions at them.

I remember candy cigarettes. The packs looked like real cigarettes. My old man taught me to roll it up in my t shirt sleeve. Lucky Strikes.

I remember summer being an eternity.

Even though I was an 80s kid, Stand By Me was a pretty accurate portrayal. White T shirts, old OD army clothes, Chuck Taylors, and taking piss out of people.

Back of my Dad's Blazer I shot down a lot of zekes. Had forgotten all about it. Thank you.

Doc Safari
07-22-16, 17:58
I just KNEW there were twin Spandau's mounted to the front of our family's Jeep Wagoneer. No Fokker Triplane was safe.

07-22-16, 17:59
I can remember working out design / conception ideas in my head. I hadn't made anything yet, didn't even have the parts, but I can remember figuring out what I'd need and how things would fit together.

I can also remember laying in bed late at night when solutions to design problems finally occurred to me. Haven't done that in awhile.

07-22-16, 18:32
Lawn darts, being able to dial locally with 5 numbers, being required to bring a knife to school and hone it shaving sharp for a class, every TV station(just a few) signing off with the national anthem somewhere around midnight......should be able to think of a few more.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 18:34
That. Right there.

Add BMX bikes, Fisher Price Sky-Talker Radios, 8-bit Nintendo, Daisy BB-guns, Santa Cruz skateboards, and 7 TV channels, and that was my life.

Lawn darts, being able to dial locally with 5 numbers, being required to bring a knife to school and hone it shaving sharp for a class, every TV station(just a few) signing off with the national anthem somewhere around midnight......should be able to think of a few more.

07-22-16, 18:44
That. Right there.

Add BMX bikes, Fisher Price Sky-Talker Radios, 8-bit Nintendo, Daisy BB-guns, Santa Cruz skateboards, and 7 TV channels, and that was my life.

Oh yeah. ...forgot video games.....Atari 2600 here

Daisy lever cocked pistol and Crosman 66.

07-22-16, 18:47
I remember UHF stations that would show horror movies uncut on like Friday night after midnight until 3 a.m.

All the cussing and gore intact. The only thing they would excise or blur (crudely) were boobies and the downstairs(sometimes).

I kinda miss the national anthem sign offs. They would have that and a Bible verse. Kinda corny but I liked it.

I remember giving a kid whose parents had MTV a Blank Tape and just having him hit record until it ran out.

Very few repeats and everything from Cyndi Lauper to Danzig for 6 hours.

It was a simpler but happier time.

07-22-16, 18:48
Like others have said. BMX bikes with no helmets, BB gun battles, Candy cigarettes, walkie talkies, playing army in the woods behind the house with all manners of toy guns, old OD army shorts made from pants and shirts, had my grandpa's WW2 metal canteen, belt, and 1911 holster that used to be a mainstay on me when we played army (still have the belt and holster but can't find the canteen), and only had two TV channels, sometimes a grainy third if you held your tongue the right way and moved the antanae just right. Am I the only one who remembers black and white TV when I was a kid?

All the killer cartoons when I was a kid. Hong Kong Phooey, Captain Caveman, Grape Ape, Laff-A-Lympics, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Mighty Mouse, Scooby Doo, Space Ghost, Super Friends, Speed Buggy, and Johnny Quest? Those were the friggin' days! I miss the National Anthem sign offs too.

07-22-16, 18:56
Color TV was around but think the first couple of years for me was B&W. First remote control TV I ever saw was corded and had a dial. Channel surfing sounded like a stamping operation in a factory.

Rotary dial phones that were rented from the phone company is another.

26 Inf
07-22-16, 18:56
Building a crystal radio and then stringing wire from my bedroom window (second floor) to a tree for an antenna. The joy of listening to KOMA radio at night on my homemade radio.

BB Gun Wars, paper routes, working on bicycles - saving up the money to buy ape hangers, two TV channels, the Town Swift adventure series, watching Sea Hunt, Adam 12, Sky King and Rip Cord.

Does anyone today know how to play Workup or 500? You know, from when kids played baseball for fun without a bunch of adult intervention.

07-22-16, 18:59
Building a crystal radio and then stringing wire from my bedroom window (second floor) to a tree for an antenna. The joy of listening to KOMA radio at night on my homemade radio.

BB Gun Wars, paper routes, working on bicycles - saving up the money to buy ape hangers, two TV channels, the Town Swift adventure series, watching Sea Hunt, Adam 12, Sky King and Rip Cord.

Man......and to think you did all that while the Civil War was going on :jester:

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:05
Pretty sure at age 10, SteyrAUG was taking, "Advanced Blowgun Assasinations" and "Dim Mak Combatives"...

07-22-16, 19:05
Hogan's Hero's, The Muppet Show, BJ and the Bandit, Knight Rider, The A-Team, Hardcastle and McCormick, Three's Company, All In the Family, watching westerns at my Grandpa's all day on Sundays. Rotary phone with a party line, and I remember the first cable box that I saw. You changed the channels by pushing a button on top of the box. If I remember right it was only like 20 or so buttons, but I thought the cable box, WGN and The Bozo Show was Valhalla for kids when I went to my grandparents house for the weekend.

07-22-16, 19:08
Pretty sure at age 10, SteyrAUG was taking, "Advanced Blowgun Assasinations" and "Dim Mak Combatives"...

But he is not Japanese. HE IS NOT A TANAKA!

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:11
True, but...


But he is not Japanese. HE IS NOT A TANAKA!

07-22-16, 19:18
Back of my Dad's Blazer I shot down a lot of zekes. Had forgotten all about it. Thank you.

I remember pretending I was a tail gunner through the rear station wagon window. Everyone probably thought I was a retard the way I was making machine gun motions at them.

You guys remember "The club" the anti car theft device you put on the steering wheel? I used that as my machine gun in the back seat of my dad Buick. Sometimes, when my dad wouldn't lock it, I would pump it like a shotgun

Saturday afternoon kung-fu movies!

Baseball card and when the Phillies were on top! But lost to the Blue Jays :(

Comic books. ...I was into Spider-Man. and Capt'n America. I still have all those book and cards somewhere.

Typing /exe into DOS to play a PC game

First PC games. That little car that drove around the track. I could never get over the loop.

Wanting to buy that really expensive game console that was more expensive than Nintendo. I can't even remember the name now. Something 64.....I think

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-22-16, 19:19
True, but...


You were not put on this Earth to get it Mr Burton!

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye, and asks you if you paid your dues; you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: 'Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail.'

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:24
Damn right!

We need a combo-sequel to Bloodsport/BTILC where Jack dips his fists in broken glass, and proceeds to wear David Lo-Pan's ribs out.

Firefly will be reprising his role as "Tang-Po" who has been secretly working with Lo-Pan.

You were not put on this Earth to get it Mr Burton!

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye, and asks you if you paid your dues; you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: 'Have you paid your dues, Jack? Yes sir, the check is in the mail.'

07-22-16, 19:25
That. Right there.

Add BMX bikes, Fisher Price Sky-Talker Radios, 8-bit Nintendo, Daisy BB-guns, Santa Cruz skateboards, and 7 TV channels, and that was my life.
Santa cruz boards......I forgot about that one.

07-22-16, 19:27
Damn right!

We need a combo-sequel to Bloodsport/BTILC where Jack dips his fists in broken glass, and proceeds to wear David Lo-Pan's ribs out.

Firefly will be reprising his role as "Tang-Po" who has been secretly working with Lo-Pan.

I would totally go see that!

07-22-16, 19:30
I would be flattered but I found out that Tang Po was actually a street dancer from Breakin' and was dancing in the same scene with JCVD.

There were only two ways to hand problems in the 80s. Shoot outs or Dance Offs.

Ahh the good old days

26 Inf
07-22-16, 19:31
Pretty sure at age 10, SteyrAUG was taking, "Advanced Blowgun Assasinations" and "Dim Mak Combatives"...

Naw, he was reading 'Knife Fighting, Knife Throwing for Combat' by Micheal Echanis.

Outlander Systems
07-22-16, 19:38
Bro, to this day, I'd I were to find out Ashida Kim's true identity was SteyrAUG, my surprised face would look like this:

: |

Naw, he was reading 'Knife Fighting, Knife Throwing for Combat' by Micheal Echanis.

07-22-16, 19:45
SteyrAUG is Storm Shadow

There. I said it.

07-22-16, 20:04
I'm not quite representative of my age bracket (30), but I miss a few things I grew up on:
Hogan's Heroes, Dragnet, M.A.S.H., Get Smart (We mostly watched Nick at Nite and TVland)
Dick Tracy Walkie Talkies
"The Nashville Network" & Speedvision
The Centurions & Legit Looney Toons

Oh yeah, the biggest thing, when History Channel and The Learning Channel showed actual historical and educational programming instead of Swamp People, Pawn Stars, Ancient Aliens and"OMG, you have how many kids!?!?!" Type shows. Dr. William Atwater is one of my personal heroes from childhood because of my hours spent watching Tales of the Gun on History.

07-22-16, 20:25
Stomper 4x4's...

Take them apart, remove the little worm gear front or back and make it front or rear wheel drive, or leave it 4x...

My Benjamin Franklin .22 pellet rifle.

Any of the original star wars stuff. I had the big millennium falcon, it was prob my fave.

Football of any kind.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-22-16, 20:27
my kids watch the munsters and adams family ! also things like johny quest etc... I have most all the old shows on our media center
kids loved leave it to beaver ;)

dating myself ;) all the true Americanism that was around !!!! and even more so when the bicentennial happened

who remembers those funky shoes in the late 70s with the wavy bottoms ? think they were called earth shoes ? or were those the ones with heels that went lower than the front ?
but some funky shoe designs and yeah platform shoes in the 70s :) ahhahahahahaha

07-22-16, 20:29
My favorite commercial when I was age 8! ;)


07-22-16, 20:38
When I was in the fourth grade, another kid brought his .410 shotgun to school on the bus so he could hunt squirrels after school. The teacher kept it in the cloak room. In high school some of the country boys who drove pickups to school had rifles or shotguns hanging in plain sight on a rack in the cab. Nobody paid much attention to any long gun and very little to hand guns.

07-22-16, 20:38
In the Summer we would go outside after breakfast and not come in until Dinner time. We might scrounge some KoolAid and a Baloney Sandwich if things got dull around lunch time.
Baseball games that lasted 50 innings. Two hand touch Football that would lead to a fist fight most days. Helping my Buddy with his Paper Route in the mornings. "Skinning the Cat" on a low hanging branch of our Apple Tree, if you're not familiar with that, it is to chin up's, what Burpees are to Pushup's. Not wearing shoes for so long that the callouses on my feet made wearing shoes to school at the end of the summer nearly impossible for the first two weeks.
Learning the "Art of the Daisy BB Gun" to the point that I had the ballistics figured out to minute of beer can out to about 50 yards. You could fire, lower the gun and watch it hit the can that far out. Playing Tag or some version of tag after dinner until about 9 O'Clock, Opening my Dad's Beer Cans with the pointy end of a Beer Can that didn't come with a pull tab. Riding my bike behind the mosquito fogger truck that went through the housing area.Seeing my first rather raunchy Porn Mag and wondering how in the world that much hair got "down there" and wondering why looking at naked ladies made me dizzy?
Waking up one morning and coming to the realization that school starts again in three days and how that really sucks.

07-22-16, 20:40
Sears had catalogs and long guns. Missed out on the handgun sales days.

07-22-16, 20:42
I was thinking about old comic books I had back in the 1970's.

How about the "Sgt. Rock" comic books? He ALWAYS had a Thompson.

07-22-16, 20:46
You guys remember "The club" the anti car theft device you put on the steering wheel? I used that as my machine gun in the back seat of my dad Buick. Sometimes, when my dad wouldn't lock it, I would pump it like a shotgun

Saturday afternoon kung-fu movies!

Baseball card and when the Phillies were on top! But lost to the Blue Jays :(

Comic books. ...I was into Spider-Man. and Capt'n America. I still have all those book and cards somewhere.

Typing /exe into DOS to play a PC game

First PC games. That little car that drove around the track. I could never get over the loop.

Wanting to buy that really expensive game console that was more expensive than Nintendo. I can't even remember the name now. Something 64.....I think

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Commodore 64?

07-22-16, 20:47
Lawn darts, being able to dial locally with 5 numbers, being required to bring a knife to school and hone it shaving sharp for a class, every TV station(just a few) signing off with the national anthem somewhere around midnight......should be able to think of a few more.

Family reunion, circa August 1973 or so. My younger brother, the apparent moron (at 5yo to be fair!), throws a lawn dart up in the air and then stands there looking up at it........yeah, didn't end well. As I recall an emergency run for stitches. I wonder if that's what wrong with him to this day!

07-22-16, 20:48
Commodore 64?
Neh. I know that name. I gotta look it up

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

07-22-16, 20:50
Like others have said. BMX bikes with no helmets, BB gun battles, Candy cigarettes, walkie talkies, playing army in the woods behind the house with all manners of toy guns, old OD army shorts made from pants and shirts, had my grandpa's WW2 metal canteen, belt, and 1911 holster that used to be a mainstay on me when we played army (still have the belt and holster but can't find the canteen), and only had two TV channels, sometimes a grainy third if you held your tongue the right way and moved the antanae just right. Am I the only one who remembers black and white TV when I was a kid?

All the killer cartoons when I was a kid. Hong Kong Phooey, Captain Caveman, Grape Ape, Laff-A-Lympics, Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Mighty Mouse, Scooby Doo, Space Ghost, Super Friends, Speed Buggy, and Johnny Quest? Those were the friggin' days! I miss the National Anthem sign offs too.

Yep! The Banana Splits? HR Puffenstuff? The Monkees on Saturday mornings? I'll be 51 in a few months so these are EARLY memories. How about Dark Shadows?

07-22-16, 20:57
Bottle rocket wars! Blowing stuff up with M80s. Not being allowed inside until the street lights came on. Adam 12, Emergency, S.W.A.T. and Baa Baa Black Sheep, all in glorious black and white. Being my parents remote control for the rotary dial on that sweet B&W TV.

07-22-16, 21:02
watching the Vietnam war on TV then my brother and I would go out with our Matel life like M-16 and kill the commies !!!!
we also had some M1 type rifles that were pretty cool a good selection of the old Daniel Boone flintlock types that would load caps into etc..

making lincoln log homes then smashing them with our matchbox :)

07-22-16, 21:08
Jeeze... most of the stuff I remember can't have been forgotten by others because it could have never been experienced.

Catching crabs and digging up clams and oysters in the river. No license for this, license for that. Guns just were.

There was one toy that for some reason fascinated me.. it was a demolition derby car that you would wind up or something, I can't even remember. When it hit something it would blow up into several pieces. Put it back together, go again.

Go to sleep at night with the doors and windows unlocked and open.


Ok.... slot cars!!! that's something that was cool and probably forgotten.

07-22-16, 21:13
There was one toy that for some reason fascinated me.. it was a demolition derby car that you would wind up or something, I can't even remember. When it hit something it would blow up into several pieces. Put it back together, go again.


Remember those, but never had one so rolled my own with other toy cars & planes combo'd with verboten at the time Black Cats brought back from Tennessee.

07-22-16, 21:23
Remember those, but never had one so rolled my own with other toy cars & planes combo'd with verboten at the time Black Cats brought back from Tennessee.

Ha!! We got ours from South of The Border in SC. Yep,, been there, done that too.

07-22-16, 21:28
Anyone sleep on the rear deck during trips? Never had a rear deck that wide so elementary school age unrestrained stretching out in the back seat or floor board was my norm with the occasional highway speed ride in a truck bed for good measure.

07-22-16, 21:34
How about Wild Wild West, the original. I had a collection of toy derringers that I could wear up my sleeve.
The Haunted Tank was my favorite comic book as well.

07-22-16, 22:59
How about Wild Wild West, the original. I had a collection of toy derringers that I could wear up my sleeve.
The Haunted Tank was my favorite comic book as well.

Favorite show hands down, then the Twilight Zone.

07-22-16, 23:09
I remember seeing the first episode on TV of Batman. That was in January 1966 on ABC TV, and was a mid season replacement for some other failed show.

07-22-16, 23:26
I remember wasting entire evenings listening intently to the radio with my finger poised over the pause button of my AM/FM cassette radio, ready to instantly record all the songs I loved. I probably had a seventy to eighty percent success rate in taping all my favorite songs. I was too poor to buy very many cassettes from the store, but I did (and still do) have an original Def Leppard - Pyromania cassette! (sounds pretty bad now, though).
My first (and only) BMX bike was a Panasonic, much to my dismay (ended up breaking one of the seat stay welds during my paper route). Meanwhile my friends were all riding around on Redline's, Haro's, Hutch's, and Schwinn's & Mongoose's (back when they were cool).

07-22-16, 23:49
I remember wasting entire evenings listening intently to the radio with my finger poised over the pause button of my AM/FM cassette radio, ready to instantly record all the songs I loved. I probably had a seventy to eighty percent success rate in taping all my favorite songs. I was too poor to buy very many cassettes from the store, but I did (and still do) have an original Def Leppard - Pyromania cassette! (sounds pretty bad now, though).
My first (and only) BMX bike was a Panasonic, much to my dismay (ended up breaking one of the seat stay welds during my paper route). Meanwhile my friends were all riding around on Redline's, Haro's, Hutch's, and Schwinn's & Mongoose's (back when they were cool).

My wife and I still have all of our cassettes from back in the day, even the taped ones from the radio. We have two big bookshelves devoted to tapes and CD's. I forgot about Stompers and Baa Baa Black Sheep. Black Cat bottle rockets seemed so great in the 80's, but seem so weak now. :) I still have my Benjamin .177 pump pellet rifle from back in the day. Best I remember it's at least 35 years old.

I remember when the Atari, Coleco, SEGA and Nintendo came out, and we'd play them after a long day of sled riding when we came in to the warm up around the fireplace with hot chocolate. One comic I remember reading was Jonah Hex. I thought he was pretty bad ass back in the day. Oh, and anyone who had a Slip n Slide was the toast of the neighborhood. I can remember my dad working on everyones bikes tightening chains and such, and him teaching me to ride way back when.

Those were the daysssssssss!

07-23-16, 00:30
How about Wild Wild West, the original. I had a collection of toy derringers that I could wear up my sleeve.
The Haunted Tank was my favorite comic book as well.

Oh yeah, had one. Forgot about those. Derringers where beyond cool.

07-23-16, 00:35
Fancy ice cream flavors,
Like chocolate chocolate chip or rocky road.
Stuff is way fancier and those are hard to find now.

Real steam boiler hot fudge, not chocolate syrup or fake pre made hot fudge.

Chocolate shakes made out of chocolate ice cream and milk.
Not vanilla with chocolate syrup. Not soft serve.

Ice cream sundaes with real glass and silver wear.

Peeling the Skelton out of the fresh cooked brook trout you just caught and cooked over open flame.

Fairs and horse pulls, etc.
Rides that could make you throw up after real fried dough, not the drizzled funnel cakes,
And candy or caramel apples, etc.

The day's lasting forever and the summer lasting even longer.

Going to work with Dads in the summer.
How many kids sharpen a chain saw, drive a skidders, watch the timing get set in a car at work with dad when they are grade school aged nowadays?

Banana seat bicycles.

Comics for a quarter.

Finding bottles and cans and Turing them in and it being worthwhile money wise for a kid.

Libraries being full of fun and exciting books for you to find.

Recess. Full on kick ball, dodgeball, snow ball fights, and the occasional real fight.

07-23-16, 01:53
But he is not Japanese. HE IS NOT A TANAKA!


Naw, he was reading 'Knife Fighting, Knife Throwing for Combat' by Micheal Echanis.

Actually true.


Bro, to this day, I'd I were to find out Ashida Kim's true identity was SteyrAUG, my surprised face would look like this:

: |



My true history is of course classified but can be found here at post #10. Just don't tell anyone. DISCLAIMER: By clicking on this link I promise not to discuss the classified operations of the member discussed.


07-23-16, 05:08
I miss the hell out of a local TV station, KXTA Channel 39.

It's now a ****ing Espanol station . . . :suicide:

They use to have Tough Guy Theater every Fri, Sat, Sun. non-stop Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Chuck Norris, et al. films. During the week they would show from morning till night in Kung-Fu, Man from U.N.C.L.E., Mission Impossible, Rockford Files, etc.

TV now blows hippo crotch.

Straight Shooter
07-23-16, 05:45
I miss and remember:
Bugs Bunny & all the "racist" others.
Evil Knievel
Bubble Gum Ice Cream, my fav to this day. had real bits of bubble gum in it, too.
Our old farm.
Our old 8N Ford tractor.
Trappin, huntin, fishin, shootin until my heart' content.
Cuttin, haulin & splittin wood with my daddy, God rest him. Yes, Ive known since age 9 how to sharpen an chainsaw. Got a nice scar on my left knuckle from a chainsaw when I was 11 or 12.
Haulin hay.
Ridin bikes on out old long, gravel driveway.
The long gone Yearwood Implement Co. window at Christmas, that was stacked 6' high with all that years toy tractors and accessories, like wagons and plows. Id get my dad to drive by it a hundred times to look at them, and would almost always get one for Christmas.
I miss all those beautiful fields where we hunted rabbit and quail and dove, that are now long filled with houses.
I miss the three channels we had on an outside antennae, that went off at about 0200 with the flag flying, then came back on with the same.
Those old kung-fu movies, the awesome old Godzilla flicks, the REAL MEN actors of the time, most of whom were combat vets, shows with awesome cars & women like The Duke Boys.
Real firecrackers that would F you up quick if not careful.
Dodge muscle cars. Miss my 70 Challenger.
Old trucks with three-on-the-tree shifting.
Damn, its getting daylight, and I aint even got started. Ill hush now.

Outlander Systems
07-23-16, 07:33
Dude, those links were both educational and awesome.


Actually true.




My true history is of course classified but can be found here at post #10. Just don't tell anyone. DISCLAIMER: By clicking on this link I promise not to discuss the classified operations of the member discussed.


07-23-16, 08:00
Fishing, tractors, hauling hay, splitting fire wood, bb guns, as much double bubble as you can fit in your mouth, 3 wheeler, supper bell, cows, etc.. man those were the good old days.

07-23-16, 08:21

07-23-16, 08:42
Mixing anything I could together in my chemistry set to make something foam up.

Making DC motors out of 2 safety pins, a cork, some wire and a 9volt battery.

Captain N

Kit car commercials

Arie car wax or however it was spelled

Still have my anniversary edition red ryder(s). Yes plural. My dad bought 3. One for him, my sister, and me. I wore mine out, commandeered my sisters, then my dad's. Go up to the field next to my house with all 650 bb's loaded and return empty several times a week. Miss my old sidekick dog.

Stores stop selling eggs halloween day. We got wise to this and started buying them the week before. Stuff them away in stashes throughout town for Halloween night. Small town stupid stuff, but you didn't dare drive your car down Main Street. You were gonna get egged.

Graduation day = water balloons. Lots of windshield chrome popped off.

Strange thing is, cops never shut it down and town folks just knew to avoid the main strips where all the kids where hanging out.

Jumping on my bike and going to the other side of town for black bass or a 20 mile ride out to the country on gravel roads for walleye and perch.

07-23-16, 08:47

I forgot about these. My mom got me a blue one at a garage sell for $10. It had a solid rubber front tire. I can remember riding up my neighbors cement driveway and getting the front tire in a seam and trying to turn out of it. I went one way and the bike stayed going down the track it was in. Not to mention it resonated the vibrations from the ground into the bike frame and into you.

I asked for weeks for a real inflatable front rubber tire!

07-23-16, 09:08
Geezer fifties memories:

First color tv in a store window. About a 6" screen. A big crowd oohing over it.
First tv period. Not enough new kid's programming to fill the time so we got to see all the wonderful cartoons and westerns from the 30-40's.
Baseball cards clothespinned in bike spokes.
Playing marbles for keeps before school.
Listening to scary guys asking " Are you now or have you ever been..."
Coonskin hats.
Building forts and "chugs" (cars w/rope steering) out of scrap lumber.
Going to sleep listening to top 40 via ear bud of Rocket crystal radio.
Great tv western photo cover comics.
Booted out of the house summers after breakfast with a lunch bag and told to not come back til supper.
Match head rockets. And what a paperbag of a couple hundred burned in the basement does.

07-23-16, 09:18
Fox mini bikes, Stingrays, Slot Car Racing, Estes rockets, M80s, bb guns, GW Invaders, Water Skiing, Snow Skiing, Leave it to Beaver, Space Angel and Combat! What I don't miss is horrendous sunburns and poison ivy..;)

Oh yes, match head rockets... did that too.

07-23-16, 09:29
TV sets that were housed in a cabinet that was made to the same quality level of decent wood furniture that took at least 2 men to move around.

07-23-16, 09:35

Mine was a Murray copy. Eventually converted the seat, handle bars, and tires over to BMX stuff.

07-23-16, 11:24
As a child of the late 70's and the 80's I give you these:




Velcro shoes, parachute pants, Vision Street Wear, Powell Peralta...

07-23-16, 11:30
I remember...Pokemon was for children. Everybody suddenly forgot that two weeks ago.

07-23-16, 11:50
It is still for kids.

Lets be clear, this homie ain't doing no damn pokie-mon crap.

07-23-16, 13:59
I remember Vision Street Wear. I remember when Tony Hawk was a kid and youbonly knew his name if you read Thrasher

I also remember thise old jams pants. They looked like Venusian camouflage or something you got of a homeless person who slept near a paint drainage pipe. They were hideous but for five minutes in the 80s they were the coolest thing ever.

07-23-16, 14:08
Speaking of old comics, I just found these while digging through my old stuff...


And a few more not pictured, but with less interesting covers.

07-23-16, 14:13
I loved Parachute Pants!!!!!

How about Kaepa Tennis shoes? Anyone remember those?


07-23-16, 14:20

Enough said lol

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07-23-16, 14:21
I loved Conan comics. Half nekkid girls, Conan decapitating some messed up dude, and it was great.

Whenever I played Golden Axe, it always felt like what a Conan game should be.

07-23-16, 14:28
I remember Vision Street Wear. I remember when Tony Hawk was a kid and youbonly knew his name if you read Thrasher

I also remember thise old jams pants. They looked like Venusian camouflage or something you got of a homeless person who slept near a paint drainage pipe. They were hideous but for five minutes in the 80s they were the coolest thing ever.

I forgot about Jams! I used to have a few pairs of those.


Another brand of skate pants that I wore were called Limpies. I'm pretty sure I wore those to see if anyone would catch onto what the logo represented...


Thrasher was great!
Gleaming the Cube was the skate movie with Tony Hawk and a bunch of those big name dudes from back then...
BA Surf Stuff

Man, I'm on freakin' memory lane right now. Makes me want to start skateboarding again!

07-23-16, 14:56
Tony hawk is literally in his 50s now.

Gleaming the Cube was a badass movie then and now.

When I was shorter and ganglier, I skated everywhere in my old man's old poplin ERDL camo or old jungle trousers.

Which I could beat my own ass for. Some of that should be in a museum, but he didn't care.

07-23-16, 16:16
Tony hawk is literally in his 50s now.

I googled it, he's 48. That was part of his appeal, he is less than ten years older than I am and watching what he was capable of gave a kid room to dream...

07-24-16, 03:59
I had a pair of Kaepa shoes, they had the plastic inserts that would pop out and you change colors on them. Turns out they are still in business but now only make shoes for girls, cheerleading and volleyball.

I remember Vision Street Wear, all the cool kids had a pair and a t-shirt.

I use to think Ocean Pacific, Lighting Bolt, Panama Jack, and Bugle Boy were cool clothes.

L.A. Gear and British Knights for new kicks.

Singlestack Wonder
07-24-16, 11:47
Fireball XL5 and Stingray TV shows.... (not the Stingray from the 80's, the one from the 60's)

07-24-16, 18:22

hahahah see what I did :)

I used to own a huge skateboard snowboard shop in the late 80s early 90s
I still have a huge box of original skate stickers like Dogtown and old powell a bunch of huge dealer stickers :)

I forgot about Jams! I used to have a few pairs of those.


Another brand of skate pants that I wore were called Limpies. I'm pretty sure I wore those to see if anyone would catch onto what the logo represented...


Thrasher was great!
Gleaming the Cube was the skate movie with Tony Hawk and a bunch of those big name dudes from back then...
BA Surf Stuff

Man, I'm on freakin' memory lane right now. Makes me want to start skateboarding again!

07-24-16, 19:14
Oh man, where do I start ?

Waking up and eating breakfast then leaving the house and being gone until dark and no one worried about me. Hiking through the woods to find a stream to catch fish or a spot to bombard cars and trucks with snowballs in the winter and oranges when I moved to Florida around 1979 or so. Creature double feature on Saturdays for the old Godzilla movies and that crazy Karate robot one that I don't remember the name of. BB gun fights, Orange fights in the groves or the neighborhood if there were enough trees around, and fights with those seeds from trees down here that look like black elephant ears or something. I learned how to curve those and nail my friends hiding behind what they thought was good cover. Endless games of football, baseball and tag or whatever else we wanted to play.

When I first moved to Orlando we lived in Pine Hills ( now CRIME hills ) and there was a golf course right next door to our apartments and it was a favorite of the kids in the complex to go play capture the flag at night until security in the golf carts came for us. Lol, it was like turning on a light in a run down rat hole place and seeing the roaches scatter everywhere !! They would spot one or two of us and yell at us to stop and then next thing there were like 30 kids hauling ass for the fence to escape !! Good times right there my friends :)

Swimming with friends all summer, riding bikes for miles and miles to other kids houses, hunting the RR tracks behind where I lived with my trusty Mossberg 20g pump gun. I think if it flew, walked, ran, crawled, hopped or slithered it got shot. I was a rootin, tootin, shootin S.O.B. back then.

Someone brought up the Conan comics and I loved those along with Sgt Rock and the Haunted tank series. I was crazy about all those old war movies and TV shows like combat and Baa Baa black sheep. My older brother is about 12 yrs older than me and he had a Smokey and the Bandit Trans Am that I loved to ride in with him jamming to Aerosmith or whatever else was on the radio.

I also lived in an area where we never locked doors and windows and you knew all the neighbors and families around you. Mess up too bad and your friends dad would set your ass straight then when you got home it was time for round 2 from your parents.


07-25-16, 14:19
First and foremost: I was born in 1981 so most of these are from late 80s to mid 90s

Super Dave!
Hi-C Ecto Cooler - late 80s drink in the spirit of Ghost Busters
Kellogg's Pizzeria chips
Slice -its like 7up or Sprite but 10 times better
MTV when it was MTV
Clear Pepsi - it was short lived, almost like "New Coke" but a lot cooler
BMX bikes were cool, like GT, Dyno, Haro, Redline and Power lite. I had a blue diamond back with blue handle bars and blue wheels with hot pink and turquoise graphics, so rad!

Back then you could just walk up and talk to random people without them thinking you are a psychopath. People back then were more social and easier to make and establish friendships.

07-25-16, 16:02
I used to beg to get Crystal Pepsi even though it made my stomach hurt.

I also remember that period when Nelson killed hair metal.

07-26-16, 09:47
A vibrant economy.

If you are in your 20s, you have no idea what a vibrant economy looks like.

just a scout
07-26-16, 10:44
TI-94A, my first computer. With the cassette player hard drive

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07-26-16, 18:35
I grew up in late 60's early 70's England.
Favourite shows: Captain Scarlet, gerry anderson's UFO. 80's shows: The Professionals.
Favourite toys: Airfix models, Action man (British version of GI Joe), and this:
It was an Airfix FAL (http://www.historicalfirearms.info/post/126124471044/airfix-fal-from-the-late-1950s-through-to-the) - a 1/3 size version. I wanted an SLR like the squaddies i saw on TV in Ireland and carried this all over the back yard.

Trigan Empire comic.

Outlander Systems
07-26-16, 18:41
Do you even Parsec or Hunt the Wumpiss, Bro?

ETA: I can not tell you, words can't express how bad I wanted this game:


Dork Alert: One of my earliest memories as a kid was busting caps in spiders playing that.

TI-94A, my first computer. With the cassette player hard drive

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

07-26-16, 18:56
That cover art alone is badass.

I miss oversized mirrorshades. Now everyone is an Oakley douche or a Gucci queer.

Good old honest Ray Bans. I remember begging for some and was given this cheap pair of folding RB wannabes but I didn't care and wore em erryday.

Anyways, a toy FN FAL would have ruled. I had a toy M16 and a toy UZI.

Outlander Systems
07-26-16, 18:58

The UZI!!!! The most 80s gun ever.

My uncle used to bust my Outlander chops for wanting one. I was approximately 7-8 at the height of my UZI obsession.

He informed me that he should eat some Indian food, and give me an "oozie" anytime I want...

ETA: "Close 'nuff"


That cover art alone is badass.

I miss oversized mirrorshades. Now everyone is an Oakley douche or a Gucci queer.

Good old honest Ray Bans. I remember begging for some and was given this cheap pair of folding RB wannabes but I didn't care and wore em erryday.

Anyways, a toy FN FAL would have ruled. I had a toy M16 and a toy UZI.

07-26-16, 19:01
Sunday morning Charlie Chan or Sherlock Holmes mystery on WGN. The Lone Ranger, Cisco Kid. Abbott and Costello reruns.

US 1 Electric Trucking.

O and HO gauge model trains.

Playing war in your neighborhood with the plastic AK47 that made the noise when you pulled the trigger. And nobody cared.

Out till the street lights came on because mom couldn't count on you to even look at a clock or care what time it was.

Moon boots.

I'm sure I'll think up some more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Outlander Systems
07-26-16, 19:03
I'm officially about to hit eBay:


07-26-16, 19:13
I remember my favorite toys were Tonka trucks, cap guns, and Hot Wheels. I remember watching Curley Neal and Meadowlark Lemon were the stars of the Harlem Globetrotters, and they had a cool cartoon. I remember playing records on a machine where you had to choose your speed from 78, 45, and 33 rpms. I remember Mr. Cote, the TV repairman, coming to my grandmothers home and fixing her TV with his huge bag of tools and tubes. I remember when we got our first color TV (I was 10), our first cable channel, and our first telephone that we owned (used to have to rent them from Ma Bell).

I used to go to the butcher shop down the street for my grandmother and get a pound of ground beef and a quart of milk, and I always had change from the dollar she gave me for a bottle of Coke from the cooler with the change. I remember my dad taking my brother and I to the barber shop and we got to have a soda there...either a Coke, a Hires root beer, or a Fanta grape or orange, in a bottle we had to put into a big wooden return rack. I remember George Reeves was Superman, Adam West was Batman, but Chuck Connors was The Rifleman, and tougher than either of them.

I remember when we weren't playing baseball, football, or hockey, would pretend to be Daniel Boone (Fess Parker) playing in the woods, or Rat Patrol when we played war. Favorite TV shows were Wild Wild West, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Rat Patrol, and Sunday night TV was Mutual of Omaha Wild Kingdom followed by the Wonderful World of Disney (best night of TV hands down!). I can still see Stan running barefoot for a tree while being chased by a bear! And when Davey Crockett was the Disney show, that was the best.

I remember leaving the house after breakfast, coming back in when the noon fire alarm blew for a PBJ and salad, and then back in when the church chimes marked 6:00 PM because my dad was home and supper would be ready. My mom usually had no idea where I was during my absence, whether I was at a nearby river fishing, in the woods, at a friends house, etc., and I was 9-10 at that time. ON ht nights, my dad would usually come home to a 16 oz Miller High Life, and he'd pour half a shot glass for my brother and I so we could" have a beer" with him. But my dad never had more than that one beer, which he thoroughly enjoyed...

I remember on rainy summer nights, my grandfather would come by and we'd wander for hours all over my neighborhood backyards without permission with a flash light and a coffee can picking up nightcrawlers. Other summer nights might be spent fishing for bullheads or catching bullfrogs. Winter nights (without homework) might be spent playing hockey on icy streets or sledding in the moonlight.

Wow! Thanks Doc, for the trip down memory lane!

07-26-16, 19:17
Ugh, I hated Chips. Miami Vice was my show because guns.

I remember pump shoes. The black kids would gang up then beat up and take them off the rich kids.

Then have the temerity to wear them to school the next day!

I was not so wealthy so I had older Adidas that nobody looked twice at.

Plus people literally got killed over those LA Raiders starter jackets, but gangsta rap was coming into prominence, then the white kids tried to do it too but Vanilla Ice kinda destroyed those dreams for like 10 years.

I saw people go from dressing up like Punk Rock Rambo After the Apocalypse, to Day Glo Neon Aerobiciser Epilepsy Inducing Fashion to Everybody is from Seattle to Everybody is from Compton to Everybody Wishes it Was the 70s to It's Almost Year 2000 So Look Snappy and Gay to now It Seems Like Everyone is Colorblind and Bisexual.

I will say that if you took these jive kids today and dumped them off in the early 90s they would die.

Hell, I remember people buying broke and fake pagers and hanging them off hats.

It was quite a time.

07-26-16, 19:36
I forgot about Rat Patrol, it started my obsession with Jeeps. I used to have an aussie hat to wear when we played army.

Outlander Systems
07-26-16, 19:37
Bro, that is Gangster.

Like, Str8 gangster.

07-27-16, 02:40

Oh damn! That would have been killer . . .

I had an old wooden mortar crate filled with my weapons cache as a kid. OD green plastic M16A1 that I used electrical tape to mount a piece of black plastic tubing underneath to create Dutch's M16/M203 from Predator. Had the Rambo Uzi, and a battery powered micro Uzi water gun. A company called "Delta Force" made all sorts of plastic goodies, had their Tec-9, an AK-47 where the stock could come off and it along with the handguards were brown plastic and a whole assortment of metal cap guns from a 1911, to snub nose revolvers, and Colt SAA.

07-27-16, 02:57
I was not so wealthy so I had older Adidas that nobody looked twice at.

Plus people literally got killed over those LA Raiders starter jackets . . .

Hell, I remember people buying broke and fake pagers and hanging them off hats.

Growing up dirt ass poor I was taken to either Payless or K-Mart for a pair of kicks that had to last me that whole year. I wore them till they fell apart. I had never even heard of brands like Nike when one of my uncles who was well off took me to the mall to get a pair of shoes for my birthday. He took me to a place that I had never been in, a Foot Locker. I didn't know what to get so he had the sales clerk bring the newest thing and bought me those in my size. Turns out they were the Nike Air Trainer aka Air Bo Jackson. They retailed for $64, I almost fainted as I had no idea shoes could cost so much lol.

A little older all the cool kids wore Nike Air Jordan's or Reebok's Pumps, could never afford those but my immature ass was embarrassed to be seen in Payless brand shoes so I mowed lawns in the warm months for a little coin. When I could scrape enough together I would buy a pair of the Adidas black high top basketball shoes with the three signature white stripes on the side.

We were warned on a field trip where we visited a large city that kids were being killed for their Jordan's and sure enough they were. Crazy.

Starter was THE thing to have in Jr. High. They easily retailed $100+ for one of their team jackets. I saved up for one and scored an NHL Chicago Blackhawks jacket. The Stars were still in Minnesota and hockey wasn't big down here yet. I felt as if I had hit the lottery when I was able to buy one as I loved hockey and stood out from all the other kids NFL/MLB/and NBA Starter jackets. Today Starter is a Wal-Mart brand lol and don't cost any where near that.

07-27-16, 03:09
Ugh, I hated Chips. Miami Vice was my show because guns.

I remember pump shoes. The black kids would gang up then beat up and take them off the rich kids.

Then have the temerity to wear them to school the next day!

I was not so wealthy so I had older Adidas that nobody looked twice at.

Plus people literally got killed over those LA Raiders starter jackets, but gangsta rap was coming into prominence, then the white kids tried to do it too but Vanilla Ice kinda destroyed those dreams for like 10 years.

I saw people go from dressing up like Punk Rock Rambo After the Apocalypse, to Day Glo Neon Aerobiciser Epilepsy Inducing Fashion to Everybody is from Seattle to Everybody is from Compton to Everybody Wishes it Was the 70s to It's Almost Year 2000 So Look Snappy and Gay to now It Seems Like Everyone is Colorblind and Bisexual.

I will say that if you took these jive kids today and dumped them off in the early 90s they would die.

Hell, I remember people buying broke and fake pagers and hanging them off hats.

It was quite a time.

While I watched CHiPs and loved Miami Vice, ADAM-12 was where it was at.

Had forgotten the pumps, I remember Nike Airs being the first $100 shoes around 1982 and the ones you could get jacked for. I also was wearing Adidas, but I got into Fila early on.

I didn't give a F about football so I never worse any desirable sports jackets and nobody wanted my Nam era OD jacket. My god I remember the flashdance look, the neon crap but it did lead to spandex body wear (thank you GOD) and probably there was no better time than 1983 when all the slutty girls did their best to look like Madonna. Finally dealt a death blow to that obnoxious valley girl crap I hated so much.

Grunge, Retro 70s and the rest also sucked. There was another fitness craze in there during the 90s with Sheena Easton doing commercials for Bally's and it was nice to see hot chicks in tight fitting workout clothes again.

But no matter how old I get, at heart I'll remain an 80s kid. I'll lounge in Adidas tracksuits, I'll always be a sucker for Body Glove stuff on a girl and the ultimate BDU pattern will always be '67 Tiger Stripe. Morgan Fairchild will always be the epitome of "mall hair" and I will love her for it, and no matter what there will always be a place for Ginger Lynn in my heart.

In 20 years I can probably be found in my Lazy Boy recliner, watching "To Live and Die in LA" for the hundredth time, with an old SP1 or an AR-180 in my hands.

07-27-16, 03:43
But no matter how old I get, at heart I'll remain an 80s kid. I'll lounge in Adidas tracksuits,

Not sure if you follow LAV on FB, but he posted a pic recently of himself at the NRA Show in '85 where he is sporting an Adidas track suit.

07-27-16, 04:16
funny about shoes :)
mainland is shoes shoes shoes
Island is cheap rubber slippers over and over and what almost everyone wears even out to dinner ;) ahhahahhaha

07-27-16, 04:23
funny about shoes :)
mainland is shoes shoes shoes
Island is cheap rubber slippers over and over and what almost everyone wears even out to dinner ;) ahhahahhaha

While on O'ahu, I wore my Teva flip-flops out to dinner and around town. Never have done that before or since.

When in Rome . . .

07-27-16, 07:54
The Dukes of Hazard was my favorite show. Daisy was smokin hot, there wasn't any bad language and the adventures that the duke boys got into were both mischievous and real fun to watch. All the car jumping and crashing....awesome. Whom would have know that the flag on top of the general lee would cause so much grief 35-40 years later? I saw top gun in the theatres 5-6 times. My first "gun" was a daisy pellet pistol. It was a copy of the Colt SAA and the air cylinder attached under a shroud under the barrel. I also had a crossman .357 that looked like the Colt Python. The air cylinder was in the grip. Reagan was pres.

Doc Safari
07-27-16, 09:07
I remember when I was a kid and bottles of "Top Job" cleaning fluid came with a toy truck shrink-wrapped to the bottle. Remember when Dolly Parton and Porter Waggoner advertised Duz wash soap as having a free towel inside? That was the height of Hillbilly Hollywood in my estimation. And Jimmy Dean made personal appearances in his commercials for Jimmy Dean sausage?

Doc Safari
07-27-16, 09:09
i remember watching the first moon landings on my parents' black and white TV in their mobile home. I was a tad too young to understand the significance of it. I remember going outside, looking at the moon, thinking, "Wow, those guys are UP THERE"

07-27-16, 14:15
who remembers these wacky candies you could make and mold ?
forgot the name of them but you could make spiders and bugs and stuff ?

07-27-16, 14:36
Who remembers the wax candy with the juice inside?

07-27-16, 14:45
Growing up dirt ass poor I was taken to either Payless or K-Mart for a pair of kicks that had to last me that whole year. I wore them till they fell apart. I had never even heard of brands like Nike when one of my uncles who was well off took me to the mall to get a pair of shoes for my birthday. He took me to a place that I had never been in, a Foot Locker. I didn't know what to get so he had the sales clerk bring the newest thing and bought me those in my size. Turns out they were the Nike Air Trainer aka Air Bo Jackson. They retailed for $64, I almost fainted as I had no idea shoes could cost so much lol.

Same. My dad had died, my older sis was out of the house, my mother couldn't keep a full-time job, and she never had two nickels to rub together. My first pair of "name" shoes, Nikes, I was 12ish, this was maybe 1980. They were the cheapest ones, white canvas with the blue swish. But they were mine.

In spite of crappy circumstances, in hindsight I had a great childhood. Definitely a child of the 80s. My mentor (a neighbor who was the HS history teacher), was retired Army, almost all of it SF, multiple VN tours. His son was just a little younger than me, his son and I were friends and he took me in. He talked to me often about SF and was the first person to really pique my interest in actually joining the military (though my dad retired from the Marines in 1975). So when the US invaded Grenada, I walked to the library and read everything I could about Grenada. When the Marines were in Beirut, I studied everything I could about that.

I remember parachute pants, the red Michael Jackson jacket with all of the zippers, the Vanilla Ice haircut before Vanilla Ice made it popular. I remember Run-DMC and The Fat Boys being the original rap, I remember the first day of MTV and the very first video, and I remember thinking Martha Quinn was HOT!

07-27-16, 15:37
Who remembers the wax candy with the juice inside?

Yep, looked like little soda bottles. Lotta work for little reward.

07-27-16, 15:37
Yep, looked like little soda bottles. Lotta work for little reward.

But it was soooooo worth it.

Outlander Systems
07-27-16, 15:41

I also remember wax lips, and the little soda bottles. But the Doc P gum was the shit!

07-27-16, 15:44
I remember Gatorade gum.

I remember feeling like the biggest gangster on Earth for getting ahold of some Jones soda back when it was regional.

I thought I was just the Bandit I did

07-27-16, 16:41
I remember Gatorade gum.

I remember feeling like the biggest gangster on Earth for getting ahold of some Jones soda back when it was regional.

I thought I was just the Bandit I did

Grape or Cherry Pixie Stick + 8 oz. GLASS coke bottle. Drop pixie stick flavored sugar into Coke bottle and chug before it goes all over the place.

That was the gangster move.

07-27-16, 18:07
Grape or Cherry Pixie Stick + 8 oz. GLASS coke bottle. Drop pixie stick flavored sugar into Coke bottle and chug before it goes all over the place.

That was the gangster move.

Whoa....that IS hardcore.

I remember pop rocks but actually believed you could blow yourself up if you drank coke with a mouthful.

I remember the innocence of single digits where if an older kid or an adult told you something, It was Gospel.

Outlander Systems
07-27-16, 18:58
Dude. I've never had pop rocks. Shit scared me bro.

07-27-16, 19:26
i remember watching the first moon landings on my parents' black and white TV in their mobile home. I was a tad too young to understand the significance of it. I remember going outside, looking at the moon, thinking, "Wow, those guys are UP THERE"

I remember watching the first moon landing with my Dads Mother.
I asked her if She thought She would see a man walk on the Moon in her lifetime and she explained to me that when She was a kid they didn't even have airplanes yet.
That right there just amazed the hell out of me.

07-27-16, 19:33
I worked with a bunch of (like 40) retired Military guys and we were talking about "Members only Jackets" the next two guys through the door both had on, you guessed it Members Only Jackets.
Someone said "It's kinda sad, there go the last two members." I laughed till I cried.

07-27-16, 19:43
Dude. I've never had pop rocks. Shit scared me bro.
Blasphemy!! Combining Pop rocks and getting to third base was like the holy Grail of every male youth in America lol

07-27-16, 20:59
I worked with a bunch of (like 40) retired Military guys and we were talking about "Members only Jackets" the next two guys through the door both had on, you guessed it Members Only Jackets.
Someone said "It's kinda sad, there go the last two members." I laughed till I cried.

Men's fashions should come with expiration dates.

07-27-16, 21:04
Whoa....that IS hardcore.

I remember pop rocks but actually believed you could blow yourself up if you drank coke with a mouthful.

I remember the innocence of single digits where if an older kid or an adult told you something, It was Gospel.

Pop rocks never really moved me. Really the only hard candy I did was atomic fireballs and spree's. That is until Nerds came out.

07-27-16, 21:06
Blasphemy!! Combining Pop rocks and getting to third base was like the holy Grail of every male youth in America lol

Giving or receiving? Not sure I'd want that mess on me. And I'd worry about throwing the delicate female balance out of whack by adding pop rocks to the mix.

07-27-16, 22:44
Kissing with pop rocks? I dunno.

I was "surprise kissed" on the mouth by a girl in 6th grade who had a predilection for red lollipops. Stunned at the assault, I stood dumbstruck as she turned red as a beet, slapped me in the face, and ran away crying.

She then ignored me for a week. Like totally ignored me. Then came up to me like nothing happened.

I eventually told my old man and he said that I learned at age 12 all there was to know about women from that one incident.

Impulsive. Over-Emotional. Unrepentant.

07-27-16, 23:03
Giving or receiving? Not sure I'd want that mess on me. And I'd worry about throwing the delicate female balance out of whack by adding pop rocks to the mix.
Yea, it was a receiving only kinda thing

07-27-16, 23:30
Yea, it was a receiving only kinda thing

Gotcha, sounds more like a novelty than an experience. Closest I ever got to something like that was one chick doing rum shots. Also had one who tried the ice cubes then hot tea thing but I got bored with it pretty quick and just moved things along.

07-28-16, 17:09
Nerds candy.

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07-28-16, 18:20
penny candy :)
those little hot dog gum :) yummy
spree candy :)
wacky packs ? I think that is what they were called

cinnamon oil and toothpicks where big for some time when I was in school :)

26 Inf
07-28-16, 20:14
10 cent hot chocolate from the machine in the filling station where I folded my papers in the morning.

Old style pop machines that allowed you to pop the cap off and catch half the bottle in a cup. (I went straight in the 9th grade)

Gold Dollar Condoms

07-29-16, 01:08
10 cent hot chocolate from the machine in the filling station where I folded my papers in the morning.

Old style pop machines that allowed you to pop the cap off and catch half the bottle in a cup. (I went straight in the 9th grade)

Gold Dollar Condoms

Amatuer. Naturalambs were where it was at.

Benefits of being bold enough to ask a female pharmacist at 13.

07-29-16, 05:37
My wife and I still have all of our cassettes from back in the day, even the taped ones from the radio. We have two big bookshelves devoted to tapes and CD's. I forgot about Stompers and Baa Baa Black Sheep. Black Cat bottle rockets seemed so great in the 80's, but seem so weak now. :) I still have my Benjamin .177 pump pellet rifle from back in the day. Best I remember it's at least 35 years old.

I remember when the Atari, Coleco, SEGA and Nintendo came out, and we'd play them after a long day of sled riding when we came in to the warm up around the fireplace with hot chocolate. One comic I remember reading was Jonah Hex. I thought he was pretty bad ass back in the day. Oh, and anyone who had a Slip n Slide was the toast of the neighborhood. I can remember my dad working on everyones bikes tightening chains and such, and him teaching me to ride way back when.

Those were the daysssssssss!

Love the rifle bro...brass and all. Mine was .22 and is long gone. :(

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