View Full Version : Who will you vote for POTUS

07-22-16, 18:02
This Poll Ends October 1st.

User names are not tracked in this poll.

Might as well find out what sort of percentages have changed if any.

Regardless of what else you might do on voting day there will be a few choices for POTUS.

07-22-16, 18:22
At this point in my life I'm a single issue voter.

Donald J. Trump will receive my vote this November.

07-22-16, 18:30
At this point in my life I'm a single issue voter.

Donald J. Trump will receive my vote this November.
Sadly, this. The single issue is: Hillary Clinton can not become the President of the United States of America

07-22-16, 18:32
At this point in my life I'm a single issue voter.

Donald J. Trump will receive my vote this November.

This and this.

Sadly, this. The single issue is: Hillary Clinton can not become the President of the United States of America

07-22-16, 18:33

07-22-16, 18:38
Same here on being a single issue voter.

07-22-16, 18:43
Its time to make America great again...

07-22-16, 18:51
Who is "Donal Trump"?

I'm voting for The Donald. :)

Alex V
07-22-16, 19:19
Okay. Who the hell clicked Hillary? That should be an IP Ban. :-P

07-22-16, 19:25
Okay. Who the hell clicked Hillary? That should be an IP Ban. :-P

I was thinking the same thing.... Maybe our local Troll? :bad:

07-22-16, 19:41
Anybody but Hillary.

I would literally vote for Zombies Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin before Hillary.

Even if 8 big pipe hitting demon possessed Hell's Angels were waiting to drag me in a room for voting Trump and beat my ass or if I vote Hilary I get to go to a sauna with Catherine Bell 15 years ago with that one hairstyle she had and Phoebe Cates from Gremlins 2.....

I'd still vote Trump.

No...8 years is enough. Need something different

07-22-16, 19:49
I'm not a single issue voter, but Clinton fails on most of the issues IMHO.

07-22-16, 20:21
I'm not a single issue voter, but Clinton fails on most of the issues IMHO.
What issue could she possibly be right on?

07-22-16, 20:30
What issue could she possibly be right on?

Well, she's opposed John Jackson and Jack Johnson's 3 cent titanium tax hikes.

07-22-16, 20:38
Okay. Who the hell clicked Hillary? That should be an IP Ban. :-P

LOL, it might actually be Bill.

07-22-16, 21:07
No way I'd vote for HRC. I don't agree with him on everything, but Trump's positions on the 2A and Veterans among a few others gets him my vote.

07-22-16, 21:07
Well, she's opposed John Jackson and Jack Johnson's 3 cent titanium tax hikes.

At this point, robot Nixon looks like a really good choice. Hillary Clinton looks too much like John Quincy Addingmachine.

07-22-16, 21:48
As I've said before, I'm reluctantly voting for Trump, more for the Supreme Court issue more than others. I'm not sold on him being a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter, but I believe there's a chance, however slight, he'll nominate a pro-2A judge; there's no chance Hillary will. None.

07-22-16, 22:03
If you listen to trumps speech from last night. It is quite easy to form the conclusion he is not a conservative as we would think of one.

07-22-16, 22:31
I was thinking the same thing.... Maybe our local Troll? :bad:
It was mr blaha. Lol.....

07-22-16, 22:45
Who is "Donal Trump"?

I'm voting for The Donald. :)

I know... I'm an idiot. I read it over three times to be sure.. and whatever... Italics and no d!... I can't edit a poll

Story of my life...

07-23-16, 00:34
If you listen to trumps speech from last night. It is quite easy to form the conclusion he is not a conservative as we would think of one.

I think this election is less of a question if we are going to get a conservative President in Trump, the real question is are we going to create the conditions that conservatism can survive and can have a comeback further down the road. Bottom line is the notion of conservatism is dead if Hillary is elected. We know for a fact Hillary intends to do the following:

1) Provide citizenship for 10+ million illegals of which 95% will be lifelong democratic voters.
2) Have the opportunity to pick at least 2 possibly as many as 4 supreme court justices guaranteeing a far left supreme Court which will no doubt assault all of our constitutional rights.
3) Import 1 million unvetted muslims from the Middle East thus creating the conditions for constant terror attacks on our soil and she will use those attacks to grow government and take our 2A rights.
4) Further federalize and liberalize the education system thus making a more difficult for parents to even have a chance against constant liberal brainwashing of the youth.
5) Further weaken the economy and increasing the size of the Free Shit Brigade. The FSB is already over 40% of the population and once it hits over 50% it is game over for both conservatism and any notion of limited government.

Trump may not be a true conservative but he isn't going to assault our rights in the way Hillary will and perhaps with competent governing in a Trump administration can grow the GOP tent allowing us the opportunity in the future to have a more conservative future.

07-23-16, 05:14
I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.

07-23-16, 05:23
The single issue is: Hillary Clinton can not become the President of the United States of America


Who will do less damage to our Republic, Trump or Hillary?

I'm sure free elections are just smoke and mirrors at this point but so long as the illusion of them exists I'll throw my two bits into the mix.

Straight Shooter
07-23-16, 05:27
Anybody but Hillary.

I would literally vote for Zombies Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin before Hillary.

Even if 8 big pipe hitting demon possessed Hell's Angels were waiting to drag me in a room for voting Trump and beat my ass or if I vote Hilary I get to go to a sauna with Catherine Bell 15 years ago with that one hairstyle she had and Phoebe Cates from Gremlins 2.....

I'd still vote Trump.

No...8 years is enough. Need something different

YOU, Sir...are a wordsmith. KUDO'S.

3 AE
07-23-16, 06:51
Four voted for HRC and 10 members voted for "other", and three not voting at all??? Seriously, WTF? America is at the tipping point of going completely into the crapper and we have people thinking "I have to vote with my conscience". Screw Conscience. If you don't vote Trump, you're just another pussy with a gun.

07-23-16, 07:31
but then they will whine about you calling em out !!!!

kinda like muslims who say they wont commit jihad but are OK with it IMHO those are the same people when Hillary wins they will say it wasn't me !!!
but it will be !!!!!

Four voted for HRC and 10 members voted for "other", and three not voting at all??? Seriously, WTF? America is at the tipping point of going completely into the crapper and we have people thinking "I have to vote with my conscience". Screw Conscience. If you don't vote Trump, you're just another pussy with a gun.

07-23-16, 08:30
HRC is just bad bad and more bad. She will continue the damage being done already.Trump, while I don't agree with everything he says, his view are in general alignment with mine and my feelings on the direction our country should be going in the future. The Donald gets my vote.

07-23-16, 08:36
Okay. Who the hell clicked Hillary? That should be an IP Ban. :-P

Amen. If one of our own is voting for Hillary....AMFYOYO (adios mFer you're on your own).

Anybody but Hillary.

I would literally vote for Zombies Hitler, Lenin, and Stalin before Hillary.

Even if 8 big pipe hitting demon possessed Hell's Angels were waiting to drag me in a room for voting Trump and beat my ass or if I vote Hilary I get to go to a sauna with Catherine Bell 15 years ago with that one hairstyle she had and Phoebe Cates from Gremlins 2.....

I'd still vote Trump.

No...8 years is enough. Need something different

My feelings exactly.

07-23-16, 08:38
I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.

Your vote absolutely does matter. I say this as someone who voted in FL during the '04 Bush vs. Gore election. Please, hold your nose and vote Trump.

07-23-16, 09:10
Hillary simply cannot be allowed to occupy the office. Even if Trump is not your guy, if you stay home out of spite, you're voting for Hillary. You absolutely have got to vote. She is a petulant 5 year old that wants her turn to ride the pony and she's going to throw temper tantrum after temper tantrum. If you've ever seen Shrek 2 or 3 with Prince Charming, that's how she acts.

If nothing else vote against Hillary.

Just to illustrate how screwed up her supporters are, we have a guy at work who's a single issue voter. He's gay, nobody cares, he supports HRC because she's for gay marriage. Whatever. Do your thing bro. He proposed the 80/20 rule for Trump. There's a 20% chance he'll be a flop. Sure, you run that risk. But I pointed out that there is an 80% (it's actually 100% but for the sake of his argument) chance HRC will be an absolute dumpster fire as president. He agreed. But I'll bet he still votes for her.

Gotta be Trump.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-23-16, 12:28
I am just shocked that 20% of the votes HERE are for HRC....... That is truly disturbing if HERE she get 20% of the votes what is it going to be like everywhere...... Down Right Terrifying is what it is.

And before any of you try and correct my math think about it for a second...... and don't. :nono:

07-23-16, 12:38
Ba'a'a'ah. Ba'a'ah.


07-23-16, 12:45
I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.i don't think swing state means what you think it means...

07-23-16, 12:49
i don't think swing state means what you think it means...

In his defense... he is only the smartest man in FL.


07-23-16, 12:55
In his defense... he is only the smartest man in FL.


:jester: ... that got coffee out the nose.....OUCH! ;)

07-23-16, 12:57
I think this election is less of a question if we are going to get a conservative President in Trump, the real question is are we going to create the conditions that conservatism can survive and can have a comeback further down the road. Bottom line is the notion of conservatism is dead if Hillary is elected. We know for a fact Hillary intends to do the following:

1) Provide citizenship for 10+ million illegals of which 95% will be lifelong democratic voters.
2) Have the opportunity to pick at least 2 possibly as many as 4 supreme court justices guaranteeing a far left supreme Court which will no doubt assault all of our constitutional rights.
3) Import 1 million unvetted muslims from the Middle East thus creating the conditions for constant terror attacks on our soil and she will use those attacks to grow government and take our 2A rights.
4) Further federalize and liberalize the education system thus making a more difficult for parents to even have a chance against constant liberal brainwashing of the youth.
5) Further weaken the economy and increasing the size of the Free Shit Brigade. The FSB is already over 40% of the population and once it hits over 50% it is game over for both conservatism and any notion of limited government.

Trump may not be a true conservative but he isn't going to assault our rights in the way Hillary will and perhaps with competent governing in a Trump administration can grow the GOP tent allowing us the opportunity in the future to have a more conservative future.


07-23-16, 13:13
If you listen to trumps speech from last night. It is quite easy to form the conclusion he is not a conservative as we would think of one.

Good. Let's hope that is what the low information swing voters think too. Conservatives can't control their message into any kind of appealing package, and Donald Trump is the price you pay.

I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.

We may have some people trolling the poll? Do you have to be a member to vote?

On the third candidate thing, why can't they at least get a House seat or something first? Why go for the whole enchilada? Build an actual political basis and then maybe try to get a senator on your own with out using the Republicans as your booster stage. Independents can't carry a single congressional district, but for some reason they are supposed to be 270 electoral vote capable? At least be smart and try to figure out like 3 swing states where you could actually win and take enough votes to keep anyone from getting to 270.

Instead, they indy's try a three point shot, blindfolded, while on fire, while being dry humped by a grizzly bear. You ain't going to make it and you look stupid trying.

07-23-16, 20:20
Sadly, this. The single issue is: Hillary Clinton can not become the President of the United States of America

This, and only this. It sickens me that this is the process we've come to, but I don't think we can afford a second Clinton presidency.

07-23-16, 20:40
We may have some people trolling the poll? Do you have to be a member to vote?

You have to be a member with post count to post in GD. I can't see any way a non signed in member could take the poll.

07-23-16, 21:10
I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.


I'm voting in Oregon a non swing state, my vote does not matter. I will vote Johnson/Weld. I would vote for them in a swing state too though. Choosing between Clump and Trinton is a no win. With a Johnson at least I can say I voted for someone I respect and is not an incompetent, lying, war crime advocate pos.

Four voted for HRC and 10 members voted for "other", and three not voting at all??? Seriously, WTF? America is at the tipping point of going completely into the crapper and we have people thinking "I have to vote with my conscience". Screw Conscience. If you don't vote Trump, you're just another pussy with a gun.

Some men just want to see the world burn. I can actually understand someone voting for either side given their background. To the liberals trump looks like a extreme right wing dictator and for good reason. To conservatives the hildabeast looks like a corrupt power hungry dictator and for good reason.

You have to be a member with post count to post in GD. I can't see any way a non signed in member could take the poll.

I'm pretty sure the less than 200 members can still vote in polls if not post.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

07-23-16, 21:17
Four voted for HRC and 10 members voted for "other", and three not voting at all??? Seriously, WTF? America is at the tipping point of going completely into the crapper and we have people thinking "I have to vote with my conscience". Screw Conscience. If you don't vote Trump, you're just another pussy with a gun.

America is already in the crapper if Trump is the only option.

07-23-16, 21:47
America is already in the crapper if Trump is the only option.

And yet, it could still be worse.

07-23-16, 21:59
Donald Trump and feel good doing it.

07-24-16, 05:02
Just to illustrate how screwed up her supporters are, we have a guy at work who's a single issue voter. He's gay, nobody cares, he supports HRC because she's for gay marriage.

Does he realize that the progressive legislators on the SCOTUS legalized gay marriage already lol?

07-24-16, 06:08
If Hillary is elected, she will give the right to vote to 10's of millions of ileagle's that will flood across the border to add to the ones already here. She will get at least 3 Justices on the court.

Then baring a total economic melt down, or some other horrible thing we will have lost the country for the rest of our lives if not forever.

Ask yourself this simple question, will my family survive and thrive in such a place. But be honest, about your answer. Think an America with the KGB or Gestapo, taking care of things everyone might be a snitch. Storage of food and gold, will become a crime. Guns forget about them.

So do you have a plan for survival from Hillary's America?

Is voting for your principles and voting 3rd party, going to help you or hurt you?

07-24-16, 06:24
I'm sick of it all frankly and Trump is *almost* as big a train wreck as Hillary...I'm still not convinced he's even a conservative. That said, what I'm planning to do is wait until Election Day to decide. If either Trump or Hillary has a ridiculous lead in my state then I'm voting for Gary Johnson...however if it's at all close between Trump/Hillary then I'll hold my nose and vote Trump. That's the best I can come up with honestly to help make my decision.

300+ million people in this country and those two clowns are our options?

07-24-16, 07:13
I checked none, because I'm in a swing state and my vote doesn't matter.

Hmmm, *only* votes in swing states matter. May want to rethink that, compadre

07-24-16, 09:52
I live in NC which will likely go for Trump. My vote for POTUS will therefore go to #FeelTheJohnson. My Senator, Richard Burr, has a Liberty Score of 47% F. My House Rep, Virginia Foxx, is 60% D. Thus, I'll probably vote Republican only in a few local elections since these 2 clowns are RHINOS.

07-24-16, 16:37
I don't think you guys understood the point of my post...

07-24-16, 16:59
Here is an interesting take on Donald Trump by William F Buckley from back in 2000 when Trump was floating his first run for the WH:

Look for the narcissist. The most obvious target in today’s lineup is, of course, Donald Trump. When he looks at a glass, he is mesmerized by its reflection. If Donald Trump were shaped a little differently, he would compete for Miss America. But whatever the depths of self-enchantment, the demagogue has to say something. So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents — midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War — had little to do with a bottom line.

So what else can Trump offer us? Well to begin with, a self-financed campaign. Does it follow that all who finance their own campaigns are narcissists? At this writing Steve Forbes has spent $63 million in pursuit of the Republican nomination. Forbes is an evangelist, not an exhibitionist. In his long and sober private career, Steve Forbes never bought a casino, and if he had done so, he would not have called it Forbes’s Funhouse. His motivations are discernibly selfless.

In the final analysis, just as the king might look down with terminal disdain upon a courtier whose hypocrisy repelled him, so we have no substitute for relying on the voter to exercise a quiet veto when it becomes more necessary to discourage cynical demagogy, than to advance free health for the kids. That can come later, in another venue; the resistance to a corrupting demagogy should take first priority.

07-24-16, 19:32
Here is an interesting take on Donald Trump by William F Buckley from back in 2000 when Trump was floating his first run for the WH:

So what does Trump say? That he is a successful businessman and that that is what America needs in the Oval Office. There is some plausibility in this, though not much. The greatest deeds of American Presidents — midwifing the new republic; freeing the slaves; harnessing the energies and vision needed to win the Cold War — had little to do with a bottom line.

Now FF 16 years and your solution is to allow Hillary to do what? Which slaves will she free? Those her party has enslaved practically forever. Will she unite America? Hardly as she calls for your guns and diminishes the 1A with court ordered PCness. Will she midwife a new Republic?... hardly, she may in fact give birth to the socialist States of America though. Vision? She has none. Her life has been that of a Remora riding on anyone's back that would carry her the furthest. Not knowing where she may go, only that she is getting a free ride with the big dogs.

William F Buckley Jr. would roll over in his grave if he knew Hillary even had a prayer of being elected.

07-24-16, 22:14
I will vote for Trump.

But... I'm registered to vote in Clark County, so that likely means I'll vote 'Si' for Hillary too... At least three times...:(

07-24-16, 22:16
I am just shocked that 20% of the votes HERE are for HRC....... That is truly disturbing if HERE she get 20% of the votes what is it going to be like everywhere...... Down Right Terrifying is what it is.

And before any of you try and correct my math think about it for a second...... and don't. :nono:

I guess those 5 votes for Hillary are just the illegals voting on my behalf :suicide2:

07-25-16, 10:44
I am just shocked that 20% of the votes HERE are for HRC....... That is truly disturbing if HERE she get 20% of the votes what is it going to be like everywhere...... Down Right Terrifying is what it is.

And before any of you try and correct my math think about it for a second...... and don't. :nono:

Why are you surprised? We told you last Summer that Trump was not an option; just like some said that Christie or Jeb was not an option. People thought that we were lying. They thought that we would come around after the primary. We were not and we are not. Prepare yourself accordingly.

07-25-16, 11:49
Why are you surprised? We told you last Summer that Trump was not an option; just like some said that Christie or Jeb was not an option. People thought that we were lying. They thought that we would come around after the primary. We were not and we are not. Prepare yourself accordingly.

So where do you stand on HRC and Sen Kaine's support for an assault weapons ban that goes up to and includes an Australian style mandatory buy backs? Not saying you have to vote for Trump, but a vote for HRC is a vote to put our continued ownership of AR pattern firearms, and firearms in general, in serious doubt. So I'm genuinely curious as to the logic of that vote from someone who frequents this forum.

07-25-16, 11:54
So where do you stand on HRC and Sen Kaine's support for an assault weapons ban that goes up to and includes an Australian style mandatory buy backs? Not saying you have to vote for Trump, but a vote for HRC is a vote to put our continued ownership of AR pattern firearms, and firearms in general, in serious doubt. So I'm genuinely curious as to the logic of that vote from someone who frequents this forum.

Drumpf publicly supported the AWB.

I don't see you saying jack or shit about that, except to excuse him.

I swear, you people are worse than the NRA telling to tell us that the man who passed an AWB was better for gun owners than the man who wanted to and didn't.

07-25-16, 14:25

Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.

07-25-16, 19:45
Drumpf publicly supported the AWB.

I don't see you saying jack or shit about that, except to excuse him.

I swear, you people are worse than the NRA telling to tell us that the man who passed an AWB was better for gun owners than the man who wanted to and didn't.

I'm not sure who "you people" are, I merely asked about supporting someone for president and vice president who have spent they entire political careers working take away the very freedoms the members of M4c support. You are absolutely right, at one time Trump did say he supported AWB. His current position:

Defend The Rights of Law-Abiding Gun Owners

GUN AND MAGAZINE BANS. Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.


Could he reverse course on an AWB once in office? Sure he could. I personally don't have a ton of trust in the guy. I however have ZERO doubt that HRC and Kaine will stay their course and do everything they can to increase gun control and, if able, pass an AWB. So I'll take my chances with Trump. That's my justification for my vote.

I have a friends (from H.S.) and family that support HRC, but they are all anti-civil rights types who think we should go all Australia, collect everyones guns and repeal the 2A. I get their support for the dems. My question was so I can understand why folks here would support HRC.

07-25-16, 21:03
I'd love to hear from one of the people voting for Hilary why

I'm voting Trump because the idea of Hilary appointing Supreme court justices gives me severe anxiety and nausea. Not to mention he stance on guns.

I like where trump is coming from in many ways, but his delivery is alienating and lacks tact. A more presentable toned down version of trump would be quite appealing to me. Trump himself is not particularly appealing to me, but he's way better than Hilary.

07-25-16, 21:32
Drumpf publicly supported the AWB.

I don't see you saying jack or shit about that, except to excuse him.

I swear, you people are worse than the NRA telling to tell us that the man who passed an AWB was better for gun owners than the man who wanted to and didn't.

So tell us how great its going to be when Gary Johnson gets elected in Narnia fairy tale land...

09-25-16, 05:37

After Clinton’s struggles in the polls in Florida came up, Brooks said, “Yeah, but that’s not her fault. That’s because the media has forgotten what their constitutional duty is.”

He continued, “Well, the reason we have a free press, the whole reason it’s in the Constitution is to inform us, the electorate about what we’re voting on, and they’ve forgotten that. They think this is a circus. They think this is ‘dancing with the stars.’ And so, they have given Trump probably a trillion dollars’ worth of free press over the course of this campaign.”

Thanks Max, your stupidity brightens my day.

Edit to add
Besides being Mel Brooks's Son what are his qualifications to be on the Atlantic Council?
Max Brooks is a nonresident senior fellow with the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security's Art of the Future project.

Mr. Brooks is a New York Times bestselling author. His fiction, while undeniably entertaining, works to raise awareness on the issues of disaster preparedness, crisis management, and survival for the common reader—all under the thematic guise of a zombie apocalypse. He has devoted much of his life to the study and development of “anti-ghoul” security, culminating in a genuine interest in the fundamentals and logistics that go into keeping our world safe from natural and man-made disaster threats.

Yep, we're screwed !

09-25-16, 05:58
Here we go Max, maybe this is more up your alley?
Zombie Voters!

Local officials in Colorado acknowledged "very serious" voter fraud after learning of votes cast in multiple elections under the named of recently-deceased residents.

And what could be causing the Dead to rise again?
A new Quinnipiac poll shows Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton tied at 47 percent in a head-to-head race in Colorado.
The tightening, according to Quinnipiac, is mostly due to shifts among white college-educated voters: In August, Clinton had a 25-point lead among that group (58 percent to 33 percent) but now leads Trump by just 5 points (45 percent to 40 percent).

Max is it really fair to use your Zombies if you don't know a damned thing about our Constitution?

09-25-16, 11:50
Gonna pencil in Ron Jeremy.

09-25-16, 13:53
Gonna pencil in Ron Jeremy.

The Hedgehog for POTUS! :D

09-25-16, 16:37
Gonna pencil in Ron Jeremy.

Sounds reasonable given the choices.

09-25-16, 17:29
Sadly, this. The single issue is: Hillary Clinton can not become the President of the United States of America

Trump being the GOP nominee almost guarantees she will, but it aint over 'till it's over and that debate tomorrow will be a chit show of highest entertainment regardless.

Outlander Systems
09-25-16, 17:35

09-25-16, 17:38
I hope she falls out. Thats a LOT of standing and I hope Trump trolls her and pisses her off. She can only have one way conversations.

If she went apoplectic and pissed herself on live TV I will bust out laughing.

09-25-16, 17:48
I hope she falls out. Thats a LOT of standing and I hope Trump trolls her and pisses her off. She can only have one way conversations.

If she went apoplectic and pissed herself on live TV I will bust out laughing.

This. I hope he give her both barrels.

"Mr. Trump, I didn't go bankrupt several times"

"True, but I didn't get a US Ambassador and his staff killed you POS"

Like that :cool:

Outlander Systems
09-25-16, 17:59
Parading out the Slick Willy rape victims and mistresses would be PRICELESS.

26 Inf
09-25-16, 18:56
Parading out the Slick Willy rape victims and mistresses would be PRICELESS.

The David Mack facility only seats 5,032. Need to find a bigger venue.

Outlander Systems
09-25-16, 18:59
Bro, you just won the Internet for today! ������

09-25-16, 19:12
Parading out the Slick Willy rape victims and mistresses would be PRICELESS.

Hilarious, and tasteless. Definitely Trump's M.O. It'll happen.

09-25-16, 19:23
LOL, it is comical how obviously corrupt that family is and yet their followers continue to choose to ignore it.

Actually I think Trump knows to attack Hillary through Obama. He has yet another entry point to do so with the pseudonym email deal. Fresh news that keeps the scandal in light. Amazing how all these little things keep happening at just the right time. What do we get for the October surprise?

Jeeze if only Hillary could have done her seizure/collapse a little closer to election day. She will be running as the Jack Lalanne of politics by Nov1.