View Full Version : would you could you have you live abroad ?

07-24-16, 20:02
I am not saying bail on USA :) just more for talk story of short life a lot to see and do IMHO :)

will be curious to here Will Brink about Panama :) what he thinks from his time spent

would love to hear others who own or live in other countries ?

I have only lived in Central America for a year but also spent time in Europe and Micronesia
and Hawaii has its 3rd world charm :) ahhahahaha
I would no way want to live in Micronesia !!! great diving but crap living
Honduras ? I could live in the Bay Islands again has pros cons NO WAY would I live on Mainland Honduras
I spent a month in Guatemala and at one point I would have said yeah but now NO WAY !!!
one of my good friends was a fly fishing guide in Chile married a local girl spent over 5 years there parts are OK but things bugged him with the gov idiocy and lack of control over things they are back in the USA

good buddy of mine is from South Africa he is so glad to be out of there going back to visit family but as he said every single one of his family has been mugged robbed beaten victimized and you just kinda take it as part of living there like we do heat in Arizona !

my wife is Canadian not much dif than here from my time there but medical is cheap and can be OK ? but to many restrictions on guns etc.. and cost in Vancouver of homes is insane cause of Chinese

I know some folks who went to Costa Rica I know its old news but some have brought guns there ? and since its westernized comfort is there but not sure about crime these days I used to read the tico times when I was living in Central America

half my family is from Europe but we all know how that is going :) hahahahaha NO WAY

really seems a few pockets in Central America cant think of any other place anymore maybe Australia cause I love off roading :)

again no desire to bail just more maybe like Will with a get away place etc.. I loved my time abroad and would want to keep toes in both places

07-24-16, 20:43
That's a tough question to answer without living in or visiting some of the more "hospitable" countries and spending some time there. There are of course the 'hell no's", but some countries might be worth considering. While the gun thing is important to me, it's not my #1 factor when deciding where to live. Job, health care, family etc are higher priorities. I wouldn't mind living abroad for a year or so with my family, but have no idea how I'd set that one up now. If I were young and single, it'd be much easier to move abroad for a year or two, and decide from there.

I was born in and lived the first part of my life in England, and there's no way I'd ever move back there. Spent 9 years in south east asia, and there's no way I'd ever want to live in another hot and humid climate again.

07-24-16, 21:02
Spent three years in Iceland which was interesting but I was young. There are tons of cool places to visit around the world. But I'd never want to live outside of the US.

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07-24-16, 21:08
I'd have to visit first, but New Zealand would be at the top for me, south island. Tahr, chamois, pigs, stag, and birds....yes sir.

07-24-16, 21:24
My wife and I have thrown the idea around many times but we always end tabling it, especially now that we have our daughter.

If I was going to I could do a few of the Central American countries as well as some of the Caribbean islands. New Zealand and Australia would be on the list as well. But as others have said, not being able to arm myself legally would always nag at me. I could probably give it up for New Zealand though, beautiful place.

07-24-16, 21:28
I lived in Australia for 2 years. It's pretty awesome. The only thing I didn't like was the lack of firearms. If it wasn't for that, I would move back.

07-24-16, 21:41
During my Army years, I lived in Panama, El Salvador, Germany, England and deployed to a lot of other places. Actually, southern England was nice. They called it the Kent Coast. This was back in the day before the Chunnel when you could take the Hoverspeed from Dover to Calais. Europeans in the small, rural towns are actually nice folks, much nicer than the big cities.

I like the rural West because there isn't a lot of people, and lots of wide open spaces to roam around in. Maybe I just don't play well with others.....

07-24-16, 21:50
Back in the 80s, the cool thing for rich people to do was to retire to Rio which was paradise on Earth, full of amazingly hot chicks in thongs, and one US dollar was like a hundred bucks. Today, I wouldn't live in Rio if it and everything in it were free.

I try and keep the above example in mind when making major life changes. I'd love to move someplace better, where freedoms abound and big hooter women are the norm, I just don't know where that place would be.

07-24-16, 21:51
I'd only live outside the U.S. if this country did indeed become a totalitarian dictatorship or a failed state. However, if that happened, my choices would be:

1) Switzerland: Great gun laws (for Europe), country has the overall reputation for running like a...well, Swiss watch.
2) Malta: Beautiful island with a lot of history.
3) The Netherlands: My wife is 2nd gen Dutch on her mom's side, so I know if we were ever planning on leaving the U.S., this is probably where she would want near the top of the list.

07-24-16, 21:53
I lived in Airstrip One (UK) for 2013-2014. It is a socialist shithole.

07-24-16, 21:55
My cousin lives on Tenerife part time he married a local girl there he said its a lot like Hawaii was about 40 years ago :)

but they still make the main home USA :) that tells ya something I guess

07-24-16, 21:57
that is one thing my kids are 7 and 12
they have good friends here would not want to pull them away full time !
we home school so could do that on the road a few months of the year
but my family is a #1 thought on living places and safety :)

My wife and I have thrown the idea around many times but we always end tabling it, especially now that we have our daughter.

If I was going to I could do a few of the Central American countries as well as some of the Caribbean islands. New Zealand and Australia would be on the list as well. But as others have said, not being able to arm myself legally would always nag at me. I could probably give it up for New Zealand though, beautiful place.

07-24-16, 21:57
I could probably give it up for New Zealand though, beautiful place.
You can own guns in New Zealand (not as easily as you can here, of course). My shooting buddy moved there for a couple of years and was able to own rifles and suppressors.

07-24-16, 22:01
A lot of these "good places" are kinda lame. I've visited a few places, never like resided there, and while fun could be had, at the back of my head I was ready to go back home.

I recall Europe before all the muslim bullshit and it wasn't bad. But not as convenient as America.

No other place would really have me.

The New Zealand idea seemed good but cursory review makes it hard to have a gun.

You know....I probably wouldn't "need" a gun, but sometimes, if the mood takes me, I'd like to go do a little zen shooting.

Like an old 686 and a bolt action sometimes.

I am too outspoken at times and have been known to mean mug, so I probably would end up in jail for some BS reason.

Plus I recall arguing as a young cat with this (possibly bisexual) German guy about Socialism, the Poor, and everyone needing to be left wing. In my youthful cavalier, I eventually said "Yeah well we stomped your asses in two world wars and fcked all your women! Wu Tang Clan!"

Yes those were more or less my exact words with possible gang signs thrown in for measure(not that I was in a gang just repping the U.S. of A.)

Looking back, I could've handled that better, but I didn't

07-24-16, 22:07
Plus I recall arguing as a young cat with this (possibly bisexual) German guy about Socialism, the Poor, and everyone needing to be left wing. In my youthful cavalier, I eventually said "Yeah well we stomped your asses in two world wars and fcked all your women! Wu Tang Clan!"


07-24-16, 22:09
I have thought about it a few times. I have worked in a lot of different countries and some are nice to visit and such.

That problem is that as messed up as the US get sometimes everywhere else is even more messed up. No thanks.

07-25-16, 04:38
Mars is looking better and better . . .

07-25-16, 05:29
USA all day every day, but f I had to live else where...

1. New Zealand - Spent 2 months there when I was on active duty. Fantastic country. Great beaches, mountains and wonderful people.

2. Austria - Laid back (when compared to Germany) and beautiful.

07-25-16, 06:32
I was born in the USA, moved to Israel and spent about 27 years there. I then lived and worked in West Africa for about 3 years. Now I have business in the Dominican Republic.

I am currently sitting in Falls Church VA.

The places I could live outside the USA are Israel, Ethiopia if I bought a ranch, Zurich if I could own guns. Dominican is ok, but gun laws suck which I am working on a solution. I also have found I need to hunt for a good doctor. I also like Panama.

I will say this the USA has a lot to offer, but I have diversified my money into several countries as a insurance against 20 T in debit in the USA.

07-25-16, 07:15
In the late 80's I spent almost 3yrs in Germany and also traveled all over Europe. I also have family in Italy. While I had a great time in Germany and Europe I wouldn't live there. As others have said New Zealand would be a place I'd seriously consider. The hunting and fishing are out of this world. Other than that it's awful hard to beat the good ole USA!

07-25-16, 07:20
Lots of places I enjoy visiting OCONUS, but no where else I would rather live, warts and all. You know, the devil you know versus the devil you don't.

07-25-16, 07:52
I lived in and been to a few places. Could easily live there. Honestly I don't have much hang ups on anything. I can get along with most people and I'm pretty easy going. So long as it's not a 3rd world shit hole.

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07-25-16, 08:32
I am not saying bail on USA :) just more for talk story of short life a lot to see and do IMHO :)

will be curious to here Will Brink about Panama :) what he thinks from his time spent

I think everyone should live at least one year out of the US at some point in their life. It's totally changes your perspective of the US and you come to further appreciate the differences and better understand the cons of the US and how it's perceived outside of the US. I don't live in Panama full time, but under the right circumstances, I could.

07-25-16, 09:41
I lived in China for about a year. Don't need to go back.

I would live almost anywhere given the right circumstances for my family as long as it was temporary.

07-25-16, 09:48
I lived in China for about a year. Don't need to go back.

I have to admit, China has never been on my short list of places to visit. What did you like about it (if anything) and what did not like?

07-25-16, 10:11
My wife and I have talked about doing a working sabbatical somewhere when the kids are older. Lots of places will pay Drs to come work and practice for 1-6 months at a stretch and pay absolutely everything plus a salary on top of it. We've mentioned Australia and New Zealand for that primarily...

07-25-16, 11:33
I have to admit, China has never been on my short list of places to visit. What did you like about it (if anything) and what did not like?
I have a friend who married a Chinese chick. He's been there twice and loved it. Just said that it was like night and day. ...so different. So many people and so much stuff. Unbelievably urban but drive an hour and you go back 2000 years. Urban areas never sleep. Seems like they are out in shifts. At 2am on Tuesday can be as busy as Friday afternoon rush hour

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07-25-16, 11:46
Have you checked the cost of living in some of the places you all have mentioned?

Switzerland, Austria, New Zealand?

Many of those places have scary high taxes and the cost of living there is outrageous. Think Manhattan on steroids.

07-25-16, 12:09
I think Norway/Sweden/Finland would be OK. The Old Country and you can own guns, most people speak English and are polite, and the economy isn't shit. And the weather will help to keep the riff-raff out.

Austria gets a nod, since you can own firearms and self-defense is a 'legitimate' reason to possess a handgun.

South Africa is pretty much shit. Except that if you have a handgun license, you automatically have a license to carry that gun openly or concealed, and only the Interior Ministry can establish gun-free zones... and the only gun-free zones are government buildings. It's probably better if you have a ranch and an LM6 (and speak Afrikaans).

Gun laws being what they are, I'm not sure about New Zealand and Iceland, but Australia and the UK (outside of the Isle of Man and Northern Ireland) is a big NOPE.

07-25-16, 15:10
I want to spend a year in Japan :)

I can say the places I have been for extended times say a month makes me appreciate the US even more
so often the desire to live in a place for a year or so is more curiosity to experience things etc...

07-25-16, 15:35
Japan is like going to an Alien world 10 years into the future.

A lot of folks think it is some big live action anime. NEWP.

If you are over 6' tall, allergic to seafood, and have claustraphobia...well, I got bad news for you. It's expensive and not as clean as people would have you believe.

Plus the women learn enough English to try to get hooks in you especially if you are either blonde or black. If you are black and can dress even business casual then you are spoilt for choice you are. Especially if you are a skinny brother.

It's interesting for, like, a week. Like really interesting. It looks almost like Blade Runner.

Then it's just pedantic and annoying. But like if you run up on another American, they are like automatically your buddy for a spell.

But I'm not into Asian chicks and really...

if one had to go into exile, just find a hobo village in the Southwest or some place in the middle of nowhere.

I think it is worth it to travel a bit if only to realize that America at it's absolute worst is better than anywhere else.

Like at my crib, I have clothes long enough, some ARs, and while I'm far from wealthy, I live pretty good. Got a truck. Got all I need.

Unless I like, had a Fatwah put on me or something; I really couldn't bear to be elsewhere past a week.

That's just me.

07-25-16, 16:02
I think the clean depends on where you are at for sure just like here cause I think most cities and areas can be dirty in the sense of a big city

being form the islands I was already part way into that you describe :)
seafood every day our 720 sq ft place etc..
married so no worries about other chicks !
I cant find good Mochi here so hard and rare to find !!!! I have to go to a asian store to get certain foods I like here already :)
lack of variety of shoyu and rice on the mainland sucks !!!
we have multiple rice makers and even the electric hot pot for water going 24/7
but Hawaii has a lot of that influence is most likely why I think I would be OK with it

for me the camping stuff is intriguing and certain areas and a few other things
again no plan to integrate as that would never happen and no plan to live full time just absorb for a year :)

I would love to go shopping for a week :) ahahahaha
wacky electronics
Snow Peak items and Japan Uniflame etc..
also Snow Peak headquarters for a tour etc.
some of the camping stores are pretty cool
but for me would be a bit more out in the country tenkara fishing where it originated some of the ocean coastal areas etc..
the cities I would love to go into for a day or so to experience then leave :)
small village rural living would be my focus and again I know from people that have lived there you will never fit in always a outsider but they can accept you
again a lot like Hawaii !!! so I am OK with that as I know its short term :)

fun to hear another perspective for sure about it :)

Japan is like going to an Alien world 10 years into the future.

A lot of folks think it is some big live action anime. NEWP.

If you are over 6' tall, allergic to seafood, and have claustraphobia...well, I got bad news for you. It's expensive and not as clean as people would have you believe.

Plus the women learn enough English to try to get hooks in you especially if you are either blonde or black. If you are black and can dress even business casual then you are spoilt for choice you are. Especially if you are a skinny brother.

It's interesting for, like, a week. Like really interesting. It looks almost like Blade Runner.

Then it's just pedantic and annoying. But like if you run up on another American, they are like automatically your buddy for a spell.

But I'm not into Asian chicks and really...

if one had to go into exile, just find a hobo village in the Southwest or some place in the middle of nowhere.

I think it is worth it to travel a bit if only to realize that America at it's absolute worst is better than anywhere else.

Like at my crib, I have clothes long enough, some ARs, and while I'm far from wealthy, I live pretty good. Got a truck. Got all I need.

Unless I like, had a Fatwah put on me or something; I really couldn't bear to be elsewhere past a week.

That's just me.

07-25-16, 16:07
when I go places I like to try to seek out the rural or small places
like the bay islands I chose to live on the smallest of the 3 !
my life in Hawaii I loved living on Lanai etc..
was sad when even Maui started to get Starbucks and stuff kinda ruined that vibe of none of that crap there but now its home depot and such :(

so often for me the visit countries is more about the small out of the way places not the big cities so much
in Europe the cities were fun to see such as the Coliseum etc.. but the funky small village bike shop has a memory for me and the street vendor with gelato more so
when I was in Guatemala the tiny villages or out of the way places !

to see the Mayan ruins I spent a week in Copan back then was harder to get to and still is not as main stream as the others and kinda liked that

but I am sure like some of you here I hate hate hate crowds of people !!! so seeking out the small and out of the way is more my adventure

07-25-16, 16:10
There are enough places here where you could fall off the grid and still live a pretty good life.
I know of a little place in Arizona that consists of a Post Office, General Store and Gas Station all rolled in to one, no other buildings in town, that's it.
Cash out of everything and build a 1800 sg ft house cinderblock and stucco house, then solar/wind/geo thermal energy systems the joint until it's up and running. Sit back and watch civilization burn on your satellite TV/Internet connection.
I think unless you really wanted to know, the whole thing could fall apart without your knowledge of it.

07-26-16, 04:58
Sounds like the place I need to be looking for.

There are enough places here where you could fall off the grid and still live a pretty good life.
I know of a little place in Arizona that consists of a Post Office, General Store and Gas Station all rolled in to one, no other buildings in town, that's it.
Cash out of everything and build a 1800 sg ft house cinderblock and stucco house, then solar/wind/geo thermal energy systems the joint until it's up and running. Sit back and watch civilization burn on your satellite TV/Internet connection.
I think unless you really wanted to know, the whole thing could fall apart without your knowledge of it.

07-26-16, 09:05
Best bet is to live under the radar in a very rural area far from civilization in the US. Next choice would be somewhere in the Caribbean that is way off the grid, no tourism, no cruise ships, etc. NZ is a cool place but it is very "progressive" left. Gun ownership there is actually quite good and with a Collector's license one can own fully functional full autos, but they cannot be fired. From my understanding there is no lawful use of deadly force. And concealed carry is not an option. They are also just one active shooter/terror attack/mass shooting away from banning guns as was done in Australia.

07-26-16, 11:44
I would really rather hunker down in some remote community in a free State and take my chances.
The closer you are to a Blue State, or a Blue Zone in a Red State the less likely these folks are to mind their own business and live and let live, that goes double if you aren't a part of a protected "group" or "religion".
I keep thinking that the last thing I want to do is be different from or stick out in an environment when chaos or potential chaos is about to happen. I'm not going to be a refugee for or from anyone.
If you think popping smoke for a better environment might make sense, you might want to see what happened to the majority of people before, during and after WWII. For the most part a lot of people fell in to some pretty bad circumstances.
I can't imagine leaving for New Zealand, Australia or especially the Caribbean in the hopes that when I get there I can settle in without a fuss. Pretty much people are going to get tribal and if things are going south that tribalism can exclude or kill you.

07-26-16, 11:50
I lived for four years in Singapore and nine years in the Philippines. I enjoyed my time in each but have no desire to go back, that chapter is closed.

In spite of filling quite a few passports over the years, there's some pretty nice places right here in the U.S.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence...

07-26-16, 12:25
If you think popping smoke for a better environment might make sense, you might want to see what happened to the majority of people before, during and after WWII. For the most part a lot of people fell in to some pretty bad circumstances.

There were quit a few Jews who saw the writing on the wall and escaped Europe to America and other parts before the Holocaust kicked off, needless to say they lived and so did their children.

With that said I understand what you are saying and tend to agree.

This is also the point no one has mentioned. Why not stay and fight? So much has been sacrificed to make this country the greatest in human history, my family first arrived on the continent in 1724.

We all got to die sometime, none of us is getting out of this life alive.

07-26-16, 13:07
not saying find a place to bail and agree on staying and fighting for the country :)

this for me was more just living abroad as a way to see the world :)
or just have experiences of traveling etc..

07-26-16, 13:23
I think it depends on the time frame.

Pre-9/11 Europe was fun, and according to former Joes, way more interesting in the 80s.

But these days it is not the same.

As for Japan, it's a joke from Bloodsport "You are not Japanese. You are not a Tanaka", but they actually mean it over there unless they are younger peope trying to piss off their parents or con someone into getting out.

Interesting for a week then, nope.

My dream home is a Burt Gummer bunker in the middle of nowhere, USA.

07-30-16, 08:28
If I hit the lotto first choice would be 200 acres in either Idaho, or Montana in the middle if nowhere.As far as other countries, I'd look at the Philippines, New Zealand, Japan, or Southern Ireland, again in the middle of nowhere.

07-30-16, 10:54
If I hit the lotto first choice would be 200 acres in either Idaho, or Montana in the middle if nowhere.As far as other countries, I'd look at the Philippines, New Zealand, Japan, or Southern Ireland, again in the middle of nowhere.

Not a lot of real "middle of nowhere" in Japan.

07-30-16, 11:08
If I hit the lotto first choice would be 200 acres in either Idaho, or Montana in the middle if nowhere.

Wow... that sounds... so incredibly horrible.

I could write a long post about what I'd do if I won the lottery and chose to live abroad, but instead I'll just post this pic:


07-30-16, 11:36
Wow... that sounds... so incredibly horrible.

I could write a long post about what I'd do if I won the lottery and chose to live abroad, but instead I'll just post this pic:

Just better make sure to pay off the corrupt officials and police down there in Belize.

07-30-16, 11:46
Just better make sure to pay off the corrupt officials and police down there in Belize.


I also wouldn't murder any neighbors or become an internet-drug-reviewer (I don't think...).

Definitely I'd be down for a bunch of guns, a bunch of girls, a decently capable PSD, and getting chauffered around on boats, catching starfish, and wandering around town playing a wooden recorder though...



07-30-16, 12:36
Japan is like going to an Alien world 10 years into the future.

A lot of folks think it is some big live action anime. NEWP.

If you are over 6' tall, allergic to seafood, and have claustraphobia...well, I got bad news for you. It's expensive and not as clean as people would have you believe.

Plus the women learn enough English to try to get hooks in you especially if you are either blonde or black. If you are black and can dress even business casual then you are spoilt for choice you are. Especially if you are a skinny brother.

It's interesting for, like, a week. Like really interesting. It looks almost like Blade Runner.

Then it's just pedantic and annoying. But like if you run up on another American, they are like automatically your buddy for a spell.

But I'm not into Asian chicks and really...

if one had to go into exile, just find a hobo village in the Southwest or some place in the middle of nowhere.

I think it is worth it to travel a bit if only to realize that America at it's absolute worst is better than anywhere else.

Like at my crib, I have clothes long enough, some ARs, and while I'm far from wealthy, I live pretty good. Got a truck. Got all I need.

Unless I like, had a Fatwah put on me or something; I really couldn't bear to be elsewhere past a week.

That's just me.

Agree 100%. I ended up absolutely hating Japan and 13 years later I still have zero desire to go back, ever.

I've been to more countries than I can count hungover, and I think the USA is the bee's knees. It would take a lot to make me leave but if pressed, I'd probably go to Australia, or wherever I could find work. The no firearms thing really sucks, but by that point it wouldn't be any different here so I'd have nothing to lose by leaving.

07-30-16, 15:10
Wow... that sounds... so incredibly horrible.

I could write a long post about what I'd do if I won the lottery and chose to live abroad, but instead I'll just post this pic:

There's a number of countries in that region I'd choose first personally, but I'm feelin' the concept. My place in Panama allows a wide range of choices to go in a number of directions, which is one of the various reasons I like it.