View Full Version : Mass stabbing in Japan

07-25-16, 17:25

19 dead, 20 injured.

Looks like it was at a facility that cares for the disabled, and most victims were in the 60-80 year old range. The perp seems to be a former employee of the facility.

Before anyone says it... "ban knives!"

07-25-16, 17:31

19 dead, 20 injured.

Looks like it was at a facility that cares for the disabled, and most victims were in the 60-80 year old range. The perp seems to be a former employee of the facility.

Before anyone says it... "ban knives!"

Evil people will always find a way, regardless of what "protective" laws are put into place. "I want to get rid of the disabled from this world." Pretty damn sick.

07-25-16, 17:37
You know....

Chris Rock made a joke but it's true. If all weapons were banned, somebody somewhere would just do enough puships until they were strong enough to break your neck or choke you out.

07-25-16, 17:57
The left's response will still be to ban "assault rifles". In America.

07-25-16, 17:58

19 dead, 20 injured.

Looks like it was at a facility that cares for the disabled, and most victims were in the 60-80 year old range. The perp seems to be a former employee of the facility.

Before anyone says it... "ban knives!"

So it really was workplace violence this time? Will the press give it any coverage? I'm guessing not so much.

07-25-16, 18:38
Knife Control Inc. to the rescue!!!


07-25-16, 18:45
With that many victims, it must have been a high capacity knife.

07-25-16, 18:50
The left's response will still be to ban "assault rifles". In America.

Pretty much. Their argument would be "Well, think of how much worse it would have been if he had a gun!"

07-25-16, 18:51
So it really was workplace violence this time? Will the press give it any coverage? I'm guessing not so much.

I heard it on NPR a few min ago too.

07-25-16, 20:13
I realize that not everyone in Japan is a martial arts expert, but in one of the countries that spawned some of our greatest styles NO ONE disarmed this individual hand-to-hand? A guy that was a ranking instructor-level blackbelt in Kung Fu told me once that martial arts in Asia is like Little League here (he had gone on a martial arts trip to China). Yeah, it's China and not Japan but he basically said just about all kids do it (like Little League here) but obviously not all adults carry on with it. Still, that's one helluva lot of people killed or injured by one man with a knife. Wasn't there, not being overly critical but jeez......

07-25-16, 20:39
but it was at a disabled center ! so chances are he chose people that for sure had no way of fighting back ! sadly

I realize that not everyone in Japan is a martial arts expert, but in one of the countries that spawned some of our greatest styles NO ONE disarmed this individual hand-to-hand? A guy that was a ranking instructor-level blackbelt in Kung Fu told me once that martial arts in Asia is like Little League here (he had gone on a martial arts trip to China). Yeah, it's China and not Japan but he basically said just about all kids do it (like Little League here) but obviously not all adults carry on with it. Still, that's one helluva lot of people killed or injured by one man with a knife. Wasn't there, not being overly critical but jeez......

07-25-16, 21:48
I feel better knowing none of those 19 people were shot.

The fact that they probably died a slow and painful death just isn't as important as not being shot by a gun.

07-25-16, 21:53
I realize that not everyone in Japan is a martial arts expert, but in one of the countries that spawned some of our greatest styles NO ONE disarmed this individual hand-to-hand? A guy that was a ranking instructor-level blackbelt in Kung Fu told me once that martial arts in Asia is like Little League here (he had gone on a martial arts trip to China). Yeah, it's China and not Japan but he basically said just about all kids do it (like Little League here) but obviously not all adults carry on with it. Still, that's one helluva lot of people killed or injured by one man with a knife. Wasn't there, not being overly critical but jeez......

If memory serves, kids in Japan learn Judo and Kendo before they graduate from high school. High school has karate teams as well, and colleges have professional Karate and Judo teams.

However, in authentic (traditional) kung fu (more correctly Chuan Fa, Kuo Shu) there is no such thing as a black belt or any colored belt rankings. Colored sashes to indicate rank is something that was made up in the US during the 1970s. Some US schools have adopted colored belt rankings, but typically they don't teach anything even close to authentic martial arts.

07-25-16, 23:54
but it was at a disabled center ! so chances are he chose people that for sure had no way of fighting back ! sadly

It must have been horrible to not be able to physically defend yourself and try to roll away from this psychopath. Like a scene from a bad Tarantino movie.

07-26-16, 02:05
It must have been horrible to not be able to physically defend yourself and try to roll away from this psychopath. Like a scene from a bad Tarantino movie.

In all seriousness, that is about as bad as it gets, especially in light of Japans culture of respect for the elderly. The only thing worse would have been kids. But Japan does have a death penalty and I imagine this guy is definitely going to qualify, they still hang people in Japan.

07-26-16, 04:33
So you cut up and stab a bunch of helpless old handicap people confined to wheel chairs, crutches, canes, beds, etc.?

That is a whole new kind of low.

Somehow this will be spun that it's Trumps fault, his wall triggered this . . .

07-26-16, 19:20
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing. But let’s be clear: At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency. And it is in our power to do something about it."

But not one soul on the left will call the man on his BS... France, Germany, Japan, etc...