View Full Version : You are King of America for 1 month. What do you do?

07-26-16, 15:03
The rules are you can't violate basic human rights ("Kill all the _____!") or go to war/invade anyone. Strictly limited to domestic policies (but can include NATO/treaty/support obligations) Anything you do will not be revocable when the next POTUS/Congress takes over.

07-26-16, 15:06
I was going to say round up all my enemies and make them spend an evening with my mother-in-law, but you had mentioned something about not violating civil rights...

07-26-16, 15:14
blow and hookers... ya, lots of blow and hookers.

Outlander Systems
07-26-16, 15:20
Rewrite the Constitution to include an amendment whereby any violation of the BoR by any elected official, or executive appointee, would be a capital offense.

Immediately pass a Constitutional amendment to institute a strict 4-year term limit to ALL elected offices.

07-26-16, 15:20
Legalize everything.
Disband most of the alphabet soup
Bring back big hair and New Wave
Have grudge "relations" with Janeane Garofalo.
Erect a huge, Megacity One style statue of Ronald Reagan that is so large so as to be an affront to God.

Life well lived.

VIP3R 237
07-26-16, 15:20
Install Term Limits for all politicians, remove SBRs and Suppressors from the NFA, remove the sporting clause of the 68 GCA and the Hughes amendment, overturn the 89 import ban.

07-26-16, 15:21
Abolish ALL Presidential EO's.
Abolish the Federal Reserve
Abolish the EPA
Abolish the DEA and the war on drugs
Abolish the BATFE
Abolish the IRS and the 16th amendment
Gut eminent domain
Reverse ALL Anti gun legislation and remove all forms of gun control
Abolish income tax and instead go to a consumption tax/flat tax
Abolish any and all affirmative action legislation
Make immigration limited, EXTREMELY limited
Deport any and all illegal immigrants
Instate a 4 year term limit for congress and every 10 years a random lottery for congress. Everyone in each State who is eligible gets a name in hat and random pick; if you're name comes up-> Congressman/woman for 4 years.

That's what I got quickly off the top of my head. I would do more, but that list would by priority.

07-26-16, 15:22
Crush my enemies.
See them driven before me.
Hear the lamentation of the...

The rules are you can't violate basic human rights ("Kill all the _____!") or go to war/invade anyone.

Awwww, crud. Now what.

1) Enforce existing immigration laws. Just the ones that actually are positive law enacted by statute. Enforce them. You know, like a President is SUPPOSED TO DO.

2) Totally revise foreign policy. Stop being the "muscle" for any country besides the USA itself. Look to US interests, short and long term. Among other things I would stop antagonizing Russia, stand up to China on issues of importance, tell North Korea where they can stick all their asinine threats, and tell the whole Mideast that if they want any more favorable treatment than some randomly selected South American country, they need to justify it. No more two-faced crap will be tolerated. This means YOU Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

3) Tell the Justice Department to enforce laws where the crime at issue actually hurts people, and put a hold on enforcing any of the status offense political-oppression junk. This means a focus on Wall Street, financial fraud, fraud against consumers, and health care industry price fixing. It means no action against small time pot growers, and people who accidentally happen across some endangered species part, who are randomly getting severe prison sentences today for a non-crime. Prosecutions should in all cases require (A) an actual belief that the defendant broke the law charged, and (B) actual harm resulting from that crime.

4) Tell the Departments of Education, Energy and a few others that their budgets are being cut 80% immediately, and they have 21 days to provide a plan of their reorganization.

5) Go on a European tour and visit all European countries, large and small, to tell them that we have not only shared heritage and economies, but shared interests, goals, and needs. Mend fences with the populations of all the European countries, and mend or destroy relations with their rulers-of-the-moment as it may be appropriate. Start patching the relationship with the UK that Obama has badly damaged. Go to Germany, tell them that the largest population of Germans outside of Germany wishes the best for the nation, and that their total idiot Merkel needs to go, yesterday.

Just a start.

07-26-16, 15:27
Term Limits
Voter ID
No taxation or pay without representation - Government 'shutdown'? No problem, no one pays taxes for the pro-rated duration and no politician recieves pay.
Abolish all sorts of alphabet soup agencies.

07-26-16, 16:03
Transfer my fortune to an offshore account and live in exile in Bora Bora. Feel free to take the other 30 days.

07-26-16, 16:24
Immediately pass a Constitutional amendment to institute a strict 4-year term limit to ALL elected offices..

Bingo!!! After 4 yrs must go back to civilian life and be subject to all bills passed during their tenure
Change would come so fast people's head would spin.

07-26-16, 16:47
Hire the Cato Institute to identify any and all laws and SCOTUS rulings that are in contradiction with the Constitution.

For the first time in the country, we would have a level playing field, at least in the legal sense.

07-26-16, 18:04
Two more amendments, one eliminating the electoral college and the other suspending voting rights while receiving welfare.

And get rid of the penny..

07-26-16, 18:26
Outlaw slotted screws and flat blade screwdrivers.

07-26-16, 18:34
Outlaw Phillips screws and Phillips head screwdrivers.


07-26-16, 18:41
Sell California to Mexico

07-26-16, 19:08
Two more amendments, one eliminating the electoral college and the other suspending voting rights while receiving welfare.

And get rid of the penny..

So you'd turn us into a pure Democracy and eliminate a basic freedom rather than eliminate a social service?

07-26-16, 19:08
Day one: Convene a constitutional convention, ask as the first order of business they approve an interim prime minister, then relinquish all claims to the throne.


Taking the premise seriously, the notion is abhorrent. No man should have absolute power over the People, and any system that allows it must be reformed. Especially if they're dumb enough to select me.

07-26-16, 19:35
Suspend NAFTA with Mexico until they build the wall for us.
Give illegal aliens 48 hours to leave the United States. Those still here after 48 hours can go work on the wall with their people in Mexico. In leg irons with a GPS attached and from our side until completion.
Give the Border Patrol Crew Served weapons and Stryker ICV's and dust off some old Cobra Helicopters to patrol our southern border with explicit instructions to return fire when fired upon.
Find every limp wrist liberal who sold us out on this border issue and chain their leg irons to one of the above illegal aliens. Pablo, meet McCain, now you two play nice.
Walk in to the local VA and fire anyone not actually doing a damned thing. Immediately hire people from the DAV to take their places and then install a whipping post and a set of stocks in the front yard of the VA for negligent malingerers. Friday nights the patients can entertain themselves with all of the Nurse Ratchets and baskets of local rotten produce.
Put an AR in every Police car in the United States.
Pull the plug on PBS. Go on MSNBC and CNN and tell them all to kiss my Royal Buttocks on the air live or suffer the fate of PBS. After that is completed put them in leg irons and send them to the Border anyway. Anderson Cooper, this is your lawn boy Julio, you'll be doing some work for a while together, no Anderson, you don't get some gloves.
Put a M203 on ever AR in every Police Car in the United States. No vagina driven smoke or CS rounds either.
Turn the United Nations Building in New York City in to to the Worlds Largest Super Wal-Mart. Immediately set up pay per view camera's to pay off our debt.
Play Golf with Obama and Putin at the same time. no security, no holds barred. I have a feeling only two of us will be teeing off on the third hole. I'm sure someone makes a grenade that looks like a Golf Ball.
Re install DODSS on every Military Post. These classes will be taught by Warriors with preferences given to Wounded Veterans or those with a "V" Device and appropriate accreditation.
Sara Palin needs some WWF ring Time with Hillary Clinton and Nancy Palosi. I would recommend the losers get launched to Russia from Palin's back yard on a giant slingshot.
The total end of all gun control laws. The other end of that is, if you screw up, you pay and right then and there. Bang, done deal.
The leading Vet in the U.S. figure out why my dogs farts are so foul.
I would like Barbra Eden and Raquel Welsh to come to my office so that I can explain my undying love and fulfill any of their non- BS, non Liberal wishes. They made puberty so fun after all.

07-26-16, 19:40
Remove myself as King immediately.

07-26-16, 19:51
I thought of one more thing I would do:

Get the original Van Halen to play my birthday party.

26 Inf
07-26-16, 20:23
Changing to 'I'm President and everything I want be passed by the Congress for one month.'

1) Term Limits - Senate - one term 4 years; Representatives - one term 4 years (as it is all they do is campaign); President - remains as is. (at max you could serve one term as a senator and one term as a representative and two terms as President)

2) Eliminate all Federal Taxes EXCEPT a federal sales tax and certain excise taxes, rate to be determined by a panel I appoint. No exemptions for anything but Governmental entities.

3) Eliminate the umbrella agency DHS, let it go back to the way it was prior to Bush doing that stupid damn thing.

4) Repeal the Patriot Act.

5) Enforce immigration laws as they are written. Give local law enforcement authority to enforce Federal Immigration laws (no other Federal Authority and no Federal Authority to enforce state laws.)

6) Automatic citizenship upon honorable completion of 2 years military service.

7) Campaign funding reform.

8) Prison reform - determinate sentencing with the first portion served in a facility geared toward punishment/atonement; second portion (upon successful completion of phase 1) - rehabilitation giving you skills to stay out of prison.

9) Legalize non-hallucinogenic drugs - excise tax on alcohol, MJ and those with no common medical application.

9) Mandatory prison time for any crime involving use of a deadly weapon - firearm, knife, shovel, etc.

10) Limit appeals on death penalty cases - two max - first appeal must filed within 3 months and be heard within 3 months of filing; second appeal to Supreme Court, if granted certiorari sentence remanded until heard. Sentences carried out within 3 months of final deposition.

11) Universal conscription - 6 months with 6 year reserve requirement (military only); 18 months immediately out of high school or age 18 - no further obligation; 36 months if delayed until after college, or 18 months with 4 year reserve commitment.

12) Over turn Roe v. Wade. No abortions at all after first trimester except for health of mother or non-viability of fetus.

Everything else - trade reform, banking reform, health care reform, I would be able to accomplish through normal process.

07-26-16, 21:10
So you'd turn us into a pure Democracy and eliminate a basic freedom rather than eliminate a social service?
It's broken from the top down. I'm no electoral scholar, but to me it seems that the electoral college does a good job of maintaining the two party system. Am I wrong, or wouldn't direct elections help third party candidates? Many of the reasons the FF adopted the electoral college are no longer necessary with existing technologies.
And as far as suspending voting rights, I concede that it's one of those slippery slope things, I'm just tired the FSA always voting for some asshat running for student class president promising no homework and pizza every day.

07-26-16, 21:34
8) Prison reform - determinate sentencing with the first portion served in a facility geared toward punishment/atonement; second portion (upon successful completion of phase 1) - rehabilitation giving you skills to stay out of prison.

I'd also build a 50 foot containment wall to surround the island of Manhattan. All routes out of Manhattan would be dismantled or mined and armed helicopters would patrol the rivers. Two time losers convicted of violent felonies would proceed to my newly constructed New York maximum security prison with no chance of parole.

07-26-16, 21:51
flat tax
no more TSA
all lawsuits filed if lost they owe the person that much in return :)
no more medical malpractice lawsuits for any kinda non needed surgeries
immigration massive deportation and put to the back of the line they can try again after paying fines etc..
everyone is here legally !!!!
no more welfare !!!!
all the jobs from deporting will be open you can work or go hungry
if you truly cant work we will take care of you but this has to be for sure !!!
and then its purely military style room and board !!!! good enough for our soldiers good enough for civilians !!!

any and all politicians are set at military pay scale and no more lobbyist
any politician who takes bribes is shot
any politician pulling favors is shot
2 term limit to all politicians except the king :)
get rid of the voting system as it exists today and go back to actual votes !!!

if someone admits to sexual abusing a child death carried out that day
same for murder
rape face tattoo RAPIST privates gone and lifetime of road side clean up

these are yeah I did it so what kinda things
if someone is accused that is a different set of circumstances :)

any terrorism suspect is deported
any terrorism person caught the mosque higher ups are deported and 3 family levels deep deported the mosque leveled and something put up
say the gay club that guys mosque flattened and a park built in its place and put a nice large cross do like they do to them
something that will piss them off :)

basically a eye for a eye kinda thing and sure there are lots of other things :)

07-26-16, 22:21
It's broken from the top down. I'm no electoral scholar, but to me it seems that the electoral college does a good job of maintaining the two party system. Am I wrong, or wouldn't direct elections help third party candidates? Many of the reasons the FF adopted the electoral college are no longer necessary with existing technologies.
And as far as suspending voting rights, I concede that it's one of those slippery slope things, I'm just tired the FSA always voting for some asshat running for student class president promising no homework and pizza every day.

The electoral college keeps us from being a pure democracy, where majority always gets their way. It's one of those protections built in to keep the Republic a Republic.

As for the FSA, I'd simply eliminate most social services, and when they have to work for a living like everyone else they won't think so highly of handing over some of their hard earned cash for the "needy."

07-26-16, 22:28
Enact a law that any one who served as First Lady cannot return to the White House as president to further her schemes.
Make SCOTUS an elected, term limited position, with above mentioned term limitations.

ETA: also, any one who served as President cannot return to the White House as First Gentleman.
And all the permutations of President/First Lady/First Gentleman there of.

07-26-16, 22:30
1. Repeal NFA 1934
2. Repeal GCA 1968
3. Repeal 922(o)
4. Rewrite the 2A to be absolutely ambiguous.
5. Add a clause stating that the BoR are individual freedoms, cannot be altered, and any attempt to alter results in death penalty.
6. Change tax code to flat tax
7. Disband the IRS
8. Disband ATF
9. Irreversibly change entitlement spending: No corporate subsidies. No welfare/EBT for any period longer than 6 months unless one is truly disabled or mentally handicapped. No social security unless one is truly disabled or mentally handicapped. Require a panel of 8 physicians qualified in the specialty/sub specialty applicable to the proposed disability who must unanimously vote in favor to obtain disabled status. Employ investigators to routinely snoop on the recipients. Caught driving a high end car or working on the side while receiving benefits - jail.
10. Tort reform: plaintiffs must pay all of defendants costs if plaintiff loses a civil suit. Make plaintiffs attorney(s) liable for the same amount as a punitive damage for bringing a frivolous case before the court.
11. Immigration reform: militarize all borders and mine them. Anyone crossing illegally will be shot on site. Make it easier for good hard working immigrants to enter legally. Track everyone legally visiting. Anyone visiting legally who overstays a visa will be immediately found and deported, can not return for 10 years. Anyone legally here (visa or naturalized citizen) who commits a felony, commits any violent crime (including domestic violence), or anyone who has two or more DUIs is immediately deported. If a naturalized citizen, that citizenship is stripped. No more anchor babies. Give illegal immigrants without a criminal history who are currently in the US a one-time amnesty to register as a legal visitor, but they can never become a citizen. This is the punishment for circumventing our immigration system. Failure to register during the amnesty will result in deportation once they are caught remaining illegally in the US; cannot return for 10 years. Their children may become naturalized citizens, but they will not automatically be anchor citizens. Immediate deportation with a permanent ban on ever returning for any Muslim visitor or naturalized citizen who advocates for sharia or violence against the west. If a naturalized citizen, that is stripped.
12. Surveillance of ALL mosques.
13. Repeal social security. Pay out proportionally to all who have paid into it, then no more.
14. Healthcare reform: too much to type, but I would do it.
15. Alter the supremacy clause so that states can govern themselves. However, items in the BoR may not be changed/altered by states....i.e. no state-level gun bans.
16. Mandatory gun safety and marksmanship taught in public schools.
17. Permitless nationwide firearm carry.
18. Create a national defense force that can never be deployed overseas and is not to be used for anything other than national defense. Mandatory service by all citizens starting at age 18. Quarterly mandatory training. Mandatory maintenance of defense force armory at home with issue ammunition, issue rifle, gear, etc to be used in the event that the NDF is mobilized.
19. Remove imminent domain and civil asset forfeiture.

brushy bill
07-26-16, 22:54
Besides the name in the hat and adding no retirement for a term in public office, I like this list (post 7).

07-26-16, 23:23
1. I would repeal NFA- silencers and SBR would be legal to own, no trust, no $200, walk in and buy and walk out same day!

2. the highest tax bracket would not exceed 22%, the lowest would be 8% - no write offs

3. no tax on home sales, no capital gains tax on money made on home sales

4. Welfare/government assistance programs would only be available for a total of 60 days every 720 days- 80% of last paycheck and government health care for a total of 60 days every 720 days

5. parents who send kids to private school get the total cost deducted from either property tax or income tax

6. 401k money can be used at any time with no penalty or pay back- no age restriction, no pay back with interest and 17% flat tax

7. change copyright laws to say that when someone buys any type of media, they have limited rights to use that media unless they benefit financially from the use thereof.

8. prison reform, instead of keeping inmates in jail for 20 years to watch tv, life weights and join gangs, they would be confined to a cell 24 hours a day, eat-sleep- shower in the cell and reduce sentence. No commissary, no education, no free time. non violent crimes get a clean slate after serving to enter back into the work force.

9. lawsuits are limited to 1 million and damages are not to exceed 1 million unless real property or life was lost then limit would be raised to 5 million with damages not to exceed 1 million. plaintiff pays for there own lawyer, defendant pays for there own lawyer

10. minimum age to drive a car would be 18

11. those who are under 21 and serving in the us military would be allowed to drink alcohol as long as they drank responsible and would be able to buy handgun as long as they qualified

12. service men and women would not get a raise but would pay no more than 10% in income tax. extend GI bill to include masters degree for those who serve minimum 10 years

13. felons under the age of 25 would be required to serve in a special program in the us military for 2 years or 2 years prison. they would mow, paint, clean, and learn valuable trades

14. parents who pay tuition for college would have the yearly amount deducted from there income tax plus all expenses like phone, car, gas, rent books etc.

15. repeal death tax, marriage tax, payroll tax, minimum shelter tax, alternate minimum living tax, utility usage tax, voice/date tax, franchise tax- basically every tax besides sales tax and income tax.

16. large animals like horses, cows, long horns would be considered dependents as long as they are not wild, $200 a year per animal not to exceed 10 large animals would be deducted from income tax

17. make law that stated that 80% of all appliances sold in USA have to be manufactured and assembled in USA, all US auto makers would need to have at least 80% of there car made and assembled in the US, 50% of all furniture would need to be made and assembled in the US, US based clothing firms would need to have at least 75% of all there products made and assembled in the US, Electronic companies would need to have at least 60% of all products made and assembled in the US.

18. no tax on food that had to be prepared

19. any violation to US constitution or any interpreting of US constitution to limit or restrict or regulate by any means - verbal, non verbal, expressed, implied, sign language, smoke signals, hieroglyphs, Morse code or any form of communication would be viewed as an act of treason.

20. No one from senate or congress or family member or close friend is allowed to sit on any board of any company nor are they allowed to except any money from anyone as long as they hold a public office. they are to live only on the money they have saved and they money they are paid by the American people.

07-26-16, 23:54
If I'm going to be a king/dictator of the U.S. for one month in the style of Cinncinatus, I'd do pretty much what everyone else here says they would do:

-Repeal the NFA. All tax stamp money paid back in deductibles to NFA item owners in the next tax year.

-Repeal the Gun Control Act of 68 and the Import Ban of 89.

-Decree a few new amendments:

28th: Term limits for elected officials: 4 terms for reps, 2 terms for senators (at the current term length they're at now), keep the 2 term limit for president. I'd also have federal justices elected by the people rather than appointed by the president. Also, at the circuit and supreme court levels, a justice would be limited to 2 six year terms.

2nd Amendment subsection A: "This amendment shall be understood to recognize the preexisting right of the individual to keep and bear arms for defense of himself, his family, his community, and the nation, both as part of, and removed from, military service. The individual citizen shall have the right to possess, for all lawful purposes, any weapon available to law enforcement officers and/or armed forces personnel. The right for a private citizen to carry a weapon for all lawful purposes shall be recognized and respected in all U.S. states and territories."

-Legalization of marijuana, and the immediate release and/or pardon of all users or dealers convicted of non-violent marijuana related offenses.

-Keep gay marriage legal, but ensure that all religious institutions would be permitted to refuse to perform ceremonies if doing so violated their beliefs.

-Get rid of affirmative action, and also ban demographic questionnaires in school and job applications. A person should be hired on merit alone, period.

-Outlaw the use of polygraph testing for pre-employment screening (it's a junk science that's ruined too many prospective careers of innocent people).

-Mandatory military service for every citizen after age 18. 6 months of mandatory active duty service, 6 years of active reserve (basically, NG: One weekend a month and a 2 week training every year), 20 years semi-inactive reserve (1 weekend every 4 months during this time). Every citizen would be issued an M4 to keep in their home and a number of rounds of ammo a month. The rifle could be used for all lawful purposes at all times, so long as it was kept in working in case of emergency. At the end of all service, every person could keep the rifle if they chose. Unlike Switzerland, they would be permitted to keep it in select fire.

07-27-16, 00:55
-Mandatory military service for every citizen after age 18. 6 months of mandatory active duty service, 6 years of active reserve (basically, NG: One weekend a month and a 2 week training every year), 20 years semi-inactive reserve (1 weekend every 4 months during this time). Every citizen would be issued an M4 to keep in their home and a number of rounds of ammo a month. The rifle could be used for all lawful purposes at all times, so long as it was kept in working in case of emergency. At the end of all service, every person could keep the rifle if they chose. Unlike Switzerland, they would be permitted to keep it in select fire.

I don't know why people think this is a good idea.

First, why should the military be saddled down with the flunkies and rejects of the world who will simply continue to be flunkies and rejects and screw up any part of our military that they are involved with. How would you like to go to war with guys who two months ago were gang bangers, drug dealers, anti war activists or similar types who are going to leave you hanging when you need to depend on somebody to watch their part of the line and defend it. Why should anyone else who wants to be in the military be forced to depend upon such individuals.

Second, why should people who have no talent for anything military, but tremendous talent in other areas be sidelined for a year, 6 months or even a week. The world is a better place because late 70s techno geeks were building computers in their garage rather than field stripping a M-16 rifle. And lots of guys in uniform are alive today because those techno geeks gave us night vision, GPS and satellite comms.

And finally, we are a free country. The only time anyone should be involuntarily inducted into ANYTHING is in the event of actual invasion by a foreign army.

07-27-16, 01:30
I don't know why people think this is a good idea.

First, why should the military be saddled down with the flunkies and rejects of the world who will simply continue to be flunkies and rejects and screw up any part of our military that they are involved with. How would you like to go to war with guys who two months ago were gang bangers, drug dealers, anti war activists or similar types who are going to leave you hanging when you need to depend on somebody to watch their part of the line and defend it. Why should anyone else who wants to be in the military be forced to depend upon such individuals.

Second, why should people who have no talent for anything military, but tremendous talent in other areas be sidelined for a year, 6 months or even a week. The world is a better place because late 70s techno geeks were building computers in their garage rather than field stripping a M-16 rifle. And lots of guys in uniform are alive today because those techno geeks gave us night vision, GPS and satellite comms.

And finally, we are a free country. The only time anyone should be involuntarily inducted into ANYTHING is in the event of actual invasion by a foreign army.

Agreed on all points.

Trying to forcibly instill a sense of duty or patriotism via draft is a terrible idea that will backfire. It just makes no sense. Some might be converted, but more will likely resent every moment they are forced to do something against their will, and thus resent the government that is responsible.

It might create a sense of focus and discipline, or it might teach people how to fake discipline and get out of doing work. Hell, if they have to be there anyway, they might just decide to take the punishment and do nothing.

Trying to make the best fighting force in the world via draft is a terrible idea that will backfire. If half or more of the force doesn't want to be there, they will be ineffective at best and actually counter-productive at worse. I don't want to be in a foxhole with a dude that would rather run away or surrender than do any fighting because he's there against his will.

And yeah, some people are simply better utilized in doing other things for society than running around with a rifle for a few years.

07-27-16, 03:16
Agreed on all points.

Trying to forcibly instill a sense of duty or patriotism via draft is a terrible idea that will backfire. It just makes no sense. Some might be converted, but more will likely resent every moment they are forced to do something against their will, and thus resent the government that is responsible.

It might create a sense of focus and discipline, or it might teach people how to fake discipline and get out of doing work. Hell, if they have to be there anyway, they might just decide to take the punishment and do nothing.

Trying to make the best fighting force in the world via draft is a terrible idea that will backfire. If half or more of the force doesn't want to be there, they will be ineffective at best and actually counter-productive at worse. I don't want to be in a foxhole with a dude that would rather run away or surrender than do any fighting because he's there against his will.

And yeah, some people are simply better utilized in doing other things for society than running around with a rifle for a few years.

Yep, and that was the entire purpose of the National Guard. It was "Army-lite" for those who wanted to do their part without devoting their life to the military. Remember that one weekend a month deal? That was a great idea. You volunteer, you learn some stuff, but except for the monthly camping trip you worked a regular job and slept at home. But you still knew most of the basics, and if something terrible happened like a natural disaster or civil unrest you might get called up.

But you NEVER got sent to fight an actual war. Not sure who changed all those rules but it was a real bad idea. If we still had the "old" National Guard, I'd do that shit for free.

07-27-16, 03:45

What I could come up with for now:

- Abolish the Federal Reserve
- Constitutional Amendment banning central banks
- Abolish all anti-gun legislation
- Abolish income tax
- Put time limits on all social welfare
- Abolish Odumbocare
- Abolish the erroneous trade acts
- Abolish affirmative action and replace with a best ≥ best act
- Deport illegals
- Reform immigration
- Gut the alphabet boy umbrella
- Constitutional Amendment for terms on all public office positions
- Abolish life pensions for public office positions
- Stop the war on drugs
- Decriminalize drugs
- Reform the sex offender registry (stop statutory rape offenders from having to register with child molesters, put them on a different system)
- Reform all tax law (no more getting taxed 20x on the same lump sum of money)
- Ban free health care to illegals
- Remove tort reform on medical practices
- Abolish the two party system
- Repeal the Patriot Act
- Abolish no-fly lists without due process
- Reform the divorce legal system
- Constitutional Amendment stating infringements of the BoR or the Constutition are capital crimes and treason with punishment of exile
- Ban all gun free zones
- Abolish imminent domain
- Abolish property taxes of private property
- Abolish state indoctrination institutes aka state run schools

07-27-16, 10:40

What I could come up with for now:

- Abolish the Federal Reserve
- Constitutional Amendment banning central banks
- Abolish all anti-gun legislation
- Abolish income tax
- Put time limits on all social welfare
- Abolish Odumbocare
- Abolish the erroneous trade acts
- Abolish affirmative action and replace with a best ≥ best act
- Deport illegals
- Reform immigration
- Gut the alphabet boy umbrella
- Constitutional Amendment for terms on all public office positions
- Abolish life pensions for public office positions
- Stop the war on drugs
- Decriminalize drugs
- Reform the sex offender registry (stop statutory rape offenders from having to register with child molesters, put them on a different system)
- Reform all tax law (no more getting taxed 20x on the same lump sum of money)
- Ban free health care to illegals
- Remove tort reform on medical practices
- Abolish the two party system
- Repeal the Patriot Act
- Abolish no-fly lists without due process
- Reform the divorce legal system
- Constitutional Amendment stating infringements of the BoR or the Constutition are capital crimes and treason with punishment of exile
- Ban all gun free zones
- Abolish imminent domain
- Abolish property taxes of private property
- Abolish state indoctrination institutes aka state run schools

I'll vote for you...

how about decriminalize massage parlors too?

07-27-16, 10:43
I don't know why people think this is a good idea.

First, why should the military be saddled down with the flunkies and rejects of the world who will simply continue to be flunkies and rejects and screw up any part of our military that they are involved with. How would you like to go to war with guys who two months ago were gang bangers, drug dealers, anti war activists or similar types who are going to leave you hanging when you need to depend on somebody to watch their part of the line and defend it. Why should anyone else who wants to be in the military be forced to depend upon such individuals.

Second, why should people who have no talent for anything military, but tremendous talent in other areas be sidelined for a year, 6 months or even a week. The world is a better place because late 70s techno geeks were building computers in their garage rather than field stripping a M-16 rifle. And lots of guys in uniform are alive today because those techno geeks gave us night vision, GPS and satellite comms.

And finally, we are a free country. The only time anyone should be involuntarily inducted into ANYTHING is in the event of actual invasion by a foreign army.


and how about a nice incentive. Like folks that actually served get 2 votes instead of one or some variation thereof.

07-27-16, 12:52
EVERY elected official who EVER advocated gun restrictions/confiscations, will be arrested & charged with dereliction of duty, for FAILING to uphold the Constitution, which they PUBLICLY swore to do on oath. No civil rights violations - arrests and charges, of FAILURE to uphold the citizenry's civil rights! :D

07-27-16, 12:59
EVERY elected official who EVER advocated gun restrictions/confiscations, will be arrested & charged with dereliction of duty, for FAILING to uphold the Constitution, which they PUBLICLY swore to do on oath. No civil rights violations - arrests and charges, of FAILURE to uphold the citizenry's civil rights! :D

And judges whose rulings do the same... And/or legislation from the bench

07-27-16, 15:02
Wow, a lot of you guys favor big government.

Here's my first day's "dirty dozen" draft in no particular order:

0.) Establish my anonymity. No press conferences ever, and my name would remain unknown to the public. Records of my month-long reboot would remain sealed, except for changes to the government and its laws.

1.) The 28th Amendment - No more than 2 terms allowed in any part of the legislative branch (e.g. 2 as a senator or 1 as a senator, 1 as a rep). Current term length to remain the same. The longest you can serve is 12 years (2 terms) as a senator, followed by mandatory replacement and no more federal gov't service, unless you get elected POTUS.

2.) The 29th Amendment - Any failure or stalling action of the Legislative Branch to pass a Budget or any other Law which prevents the Government from carrying out its function, shall require immediate elections for the replacement of all legislative and executive incumbents. Incumbents at the time of such derelict action shall not be eligible for election or appointment to any branch of government (including all Agencies and the Executive Cabinet) at any time after such action is taken.

3.) The 30th Amendment: The voting franchise shall be limited to citizens over the age of 18, not convicted of a felony, and who have demonstrated contribution through the payment of taxes and/or federal service. Filing a tax return yields a discrete number which can be used to receive a free photo ID, which is required to vote in all federal primaries and elections.

4.) NFA repealed. BATFE disbanded. 50-state Constitutional carry. Any weapon legal for police or government agencies is now legal for individuals not convicted of a felony to own.

5.) Former BATFE funds re-rolled into mental health awareness and treatment. No confiscation of personal property permitted for anyone voluntarily seeking counseling or mental health treatment, unless a felony is committed.

6.) Any person not a citizen who is residing illegally within our borders will no longer be eligible for any government benefits. Employers of illegal aliens will no longer be eligible for any government subsidies or tax breaks.

7.) The Bureaucracy Neutralization Act. Force all lawmakers and executives to weight the bureaucratic impact of laws they pass. Any law increasing bureaucracy must also reduce it elsewhere by a commensurate amount. This will be worded to force the government to choose what its priorities are and not arbitrarily grow bigger.

8.) The Tax Code shall be simplified such that a third grader can understand it.

9.) Limits on prison sentences and mandatory rehabilitation for drug-related offenses. Elimination of plea deals for violent crimes and crimes where a weapon was used.

10.) Elimination of the Patriot Act and the no-fly list. If we can't trust you to get on an airplane, stand by to get arrested, deported, or at best, thoroughly investigated.

11.) If a member of your family served as Chief Executive, to include family members by marriage, you are ineligible to run for POTUS. I'm sick and tired of dynasties.

12.) Mandatory financial education in schools. Prep kids for life, not just for college.

Actually, I'm not sure I want this much power. I have no idea if my stuff would make this country better or worse. Maybe I'd just mandate term limits and preventing government shutdowns, repeal the NFA/BATFE, and call it a day.

07-27-16, 15:09
One thing that seems unanimous that I was not expecting were term limits.

I don't think that could even be permanently enacted, however. Even if you made it a Constitutional Amendment.

After all, the people who vote to repeal that amendment all have incentive to overturn it.

07-27-16, 15:24
One thing that seems unanimous that I was not expecting were term limits.

I don't think that could even be permanently enacted, however. Even if you made it a Constitutional Amendment.

After all, the people who vote to repeal that amendment all have incentive to overturn it.

Ratifying an amendment requires a Constitutional convention, and 3/4 of the state legislatures have to approve it, so Congress couldn't overturn it without very widespread support (e.g. repealing prohibition). That said, a term-limit amendment itself would never be passed in the first place, since it needs to get a 2/3 majority in both houses to even go up to a Constitutional convention.

But if I were king for a month...

07-27-16, 15:32
I still think that before you propose a bill to Congress, you should get beaten half to death by drunken, meth smoking bikers who honestly worship Satan.

I mean, if you really think your little rules will actually do the world some good, then you wouldn't mind taking one for the team

07-27-16, 16:41
Make the Right To Bear Arms the law of the land and write it down. Oh wait...

07-27-16, 16:49
Ratifying an amendment requires a Constitutional convention, and 3/4 of the state legislatures have to approve it, so Congress couldn't overturn it without very widespread support (e.g. repealing prohibition). That said, a term-limit amendment itself would never be passed in the first place, since it needs to get a 2/3 majority in both houses to even go up to a Constitutional convention.

But if I were king for a month...

Understood. But wouldn't you want term limits apply at the state level as well? Which would make a 3/4 passage pretty likely.

Of course this is all hypothetical. Just neat to think about. I think 3/4 of state legislators and Congress would repeal that amendment. Fooooo shooooo.

Make the Right To Bear Arms the law of the land and write it down. Oh wait...

Yeah, like, let's have an amendment in the Bill of Rights.

It should say,

"The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".

Pretty straightforward.

07-27-16, 16:50
I still think that before you propose a bill to Congress, you should get beaten half to death by drunken, meth smoking bikers who honestly worship Satan.

I mean, if you really think your little rules will actually do the world some good, then you wouldn't mind taking one for the team

It's all about:

1. Legacy - Believing you somehow made this country great with your pathetic little legal contribution. When Bloomberg banned Big Gulps he really did feel like he was saving millions and that history would remember him like he was Leonidas.

2. Psuedo accomplishment - Being able to look at a group of voters who couldn't pass a 6th grade civics class and say to them "I have passed" or "I have introduced" legislation that addresses the problem of [drugs, violence, ugly girls, etc.] to make your lives better and help create a better world for your children.

3. Accommodation / Favors - I don't really care, or even know what this bill says, but if I'm critical to getting it passed into law several people are going to owe me when I need something.

And of course...

4. Lobbied - The check for $10,000 cashed so I'm voting FOR this bill.

07-27-16, 17:03
Understood. But wouldn't you want term limits apply at the state level as well? Which would make a 3/4 passage pretty likely.

Of course this is all hypothetical. Just neat to think about. I think 3/4 of state legislators and Congress would repeal that amendment. Fooooo shooooo.

Agreed, it's a pipe dream. But I think a LOT of informed people are in favor of term limits. I'd like to see more professional variety in Congress too, not just lawyers and business people. How about doctors, architects, engineers, and definitely more military experienced folks? If I could fundamentally change one thing about our government, I might even put that above term limits.

07-27-16, 17:05
Agreed, it's a pipe dream. But I think a LOT of informed people are in favor of term limits. I'd like to see more professional variety in Congress too, not just lawyers and business people. How about doctors, architects, engineers, and definitely more military experienced folks? If I could fundamentally change one thing about our government, I might even put that above term limits.

I'll go one further. If you have a degree in political science it is an automatic disqualifies for any elected office.

07-27-16, 17:14
I'll go one further. If you have a degree in political science it is an automatic disqualifies for any elected office.

Ha! I kinda like it. How about maximum annual quotas for poli-sci and law degrees? I'll concede we need a few of those pukes around, but not nearly as many as we have. Have a random lottery for the few spots, and offer to subsidize the rest through vocational trade schools- we actually need more of them.

07-27-16, 17:34
What I gather here is that a lot of people would become tyrants.

07-27-16, 17:42
It's all about:

1. Legacy - Believing you somehow made this country great with your pathetic little legal contribution. When Bloomberg banned Big Gulps he really did feel like he was saving millions and that history would remember him like he was Leonidas.

2. Psuedo accomplishment - Being able to look at a group of voters who couldn't pass a 6th grade civics class and say to them "I have passed" or "I have introduced" legislation that addresses the problem of [drugs, violence, ugly girls, etc.] to make your lives better and help create a better world for your children.

3. Accommodation / Favors - I don't really care, or even know what this bill says, but if I'm critical to getting it passed into law several people are going to owe me when I need something.

And of course...

4. Lobbied - The check for $10,000 cashed so I'm voting FOR this bill.

I can't argue with that.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day someonevsponsored a Bill proclaiming kittens to be cute and then acting like they were one of the Framers of the Nation.

Our Founders were literally committing high treason against the throne and argued endlessly over a Constitution designed to grant genuine Modern Liberty. It was not popular and the only reason they got away with it was because it was just too much to fight a foreign war like that at that time. Had the British more capabilty, every last name signed on the Declaration of Independence and their family members would've been hanged.

And now people treat legislation in this country like a vanity license plate.

07-27-16, 17:52
What I gather here is that a lot of people would become tyrants.

But the whole notion behind the thread is tyrannical, isn't it? It's a mental exercise that temporarily relieves you of the need to uphold the Constitution. While it's initially a fun idea to kick around, I discovered while writing my original post that the longer I thought about it, the less I liked the idea of anyone ever having that much power.

07-27-16, 17:56
What I gather here is that a lot of people would become tyrants.

Consider the thread title.

You are King of America for 1 month. What do you do?

Might be and/or trigger a bit of a subconscious bias, no?

07-27-16, 18:02
What I gather here is that a lot of people would become tyrants.

Not me, bruh.

So far I've just Legalized Everything, Disbanded most Alphabet Soup(FAA does have a place ya know), Erected a huge statue of Ronald Reagan(pbuh), had Janeane Garofalo bathed and brought to my bedchamber, and got the original Van Halen to play my birthday.

Sounds pretty just and fair to me! :p

07-27-16, 18:04
I can't argue with that.

I wouldn't be surprised if one day someonevsponsored a Bill proclaiming kittens to be cute and then acting like they were one of the Framers of the Nation.

Our Founders were literally committing high treason against the throne and argued endlessly over a Constitution designed to grant genuine Modern Liberty. It was not popular and the only reason they got away with it was because it was just too much to fight a foreign war like that at that time. Had the British more capabilty, every last name signed on the Declaration of Independence and their family members would've been hanged.

And now people treat legislation in this country like a vanity license plate.

Pretty much. And don't forget almost as soon as we got started, we had to fight the same war a second time in 1812 just to prove we could defend it. I hate to think of those who died in what really was the second revolutionary war who have all but been forgotten by people who don't realize it already happened.

And before somebody corrects me, yes I understand the relationship to the Napoleonic war, but it was still a matter of England thinking we were one of their colonies and forcing people into service with the Royal Navy, seeing if they could get several native tribes to weaken us enough to possibly retake the land and return the colonies to the crown.

Of course one could also argue that it was a second French and Indian war as well.

07-27-16, 19:36
You can tell who has been involved as a defendant or co defendant in a bullshit lawsuit.....lol.....well....not really. It's not actually funny.

07-27-16, 19:41
Pretty much. And don't forget almost as soon as we got started, we had to fight the same war a second time in 1812 just to prove we could defend it. I hate to think of those who died in what really was the second revolutionary war who have all but been forgotten by people who don't realize it already happened.

And before somebody corrects me, yes I understand the relationship to the Napoleonic war, but it was still a matter of England thinking we were one of their colonies and forcing people into service with the Royal Navy, seeing if they could get several native tribes to weaken us enough to possibly retake the land and return the colonies to the crown.

Of course one could also argue that it was a second French and Indian war as well.

The building of this Country was done with a lot of Steel, Black Powder and Blood. To forget that is to embrace the Progressives.

07-27-16, 20:04
Random 3am drone strikes at Walmart.
Drone strikes on people driving while texting anytime.
Drone strike on people driving while on the phone before 9am.
Drone strikes on stupid people that bother me.
Drone strikes on Dairy Queen when they run out of chocolate ice cream.
Have a piss boy with a bucket at my beck and call 24/7.

It's good to be the king.

07-27-16, 20:22

and how about a nice incentive. Like folks that actually served get 2 votes instead of one or some variation thereof.
I like Robert Heiein's idea- citizens get all the privileges and duties of citizenship, while residents get the benefits of living in the society as voiceless guests. That is, if you want the right to vote, you must earn it through service to the government you expect to influence. If service is not for you, fine, but no one cares about your opinions or expectations since you won't risk your own life. Citizens are tried by jury of their peers, while residents are processed by statutes determined to be fair and fitting by the citizens.

07-27-16, 21:14
I like Robert Heiein's idea- citizens get all the privileges and duties of citizenship, while residents get the benefits of living in the society as voiceless guests. That is, if you want the right to vote, you must earn it through service to the government you expect to influence. If service is not for you, fine, but no one cares about your opinions or expectations since you won't risk your own life. Citizens are tried by jury of their peers, while residents are processed by statutes determined to be fair and fitting by the citizens.

A little too statist for me. You should get a vote, but nothing else is free and you pay your own way.

07-27-16, 21:16
How about you get a vote only if you pay your own way?

Be a welfare rat if you want to, but don't expect to get a say in anything political.

11-22-16, 20:27

11-22-16, 23:56
King for one month? I would pardon every non violent person serving in prison. I would offer them a pardon for profit. Those serving up to 5 years pay $10k, up to 10 years pay $15k, up to 25 years they pay $25k and walk away with a clear record. At the same time I would limit the amount a person could receive from welfare, people ages 18-50 would be allowed to receive 70% of there last check for a total of 60 days in a 720 day period. In that 60 day period you would also be qualified for full coverage health insurance. in the event that you found a job in that 60 days and your new employer makes you wait a certain amount of time before benefits, the health care would carry through until your employer provided health care. Disrespecting members of armed forces, members of law enforcement and national monuments including US flag and POW flag would have a mandatory fine of $2500 for each offence. Spouses of members of military who are serving full time would not pay income tax. No income tax on service members serving in other countries. Police officers who work in public schools would provide discipline for misbehaving children if teachers wont. Dual credit for high school students, $500 for summer school for 3 years and graduate with not only a high school diploma but a associates degree. I would love to have a threesome in Abraham Lincolns lap in the Lincoln memorial. No income tax after 66 1/2 years of age as well as no property tax on primary residence, sales tax capped at 1.5% for all goods. Mortgages for those who serve active duty are guaranteed by US government, those who die and have a spouse, mortgage will be paid in full. Of all the goods sold here in the US, 70% of all goods will have to be manufactured from raw materials and assembled in US or 70% of each item will have to be manufactured from raw materials and assembled not from components making more than 30% here in the US. All mortgages will have a interest rate not to exceed 10% flat rate for 20 years with 20% down and no PMI. If you borrow $100k, you will pay back the original $100k plus $10k in interest over the life of the loan. This way I could put the banks out of business and force them to not rape hard working Americans. No tenure for college professors. No scholarships for non US students. Mineral rights are conveyed with property regardless. Water on property is owned by property owner. Get rid of yearly auto registration/ inspection.

11-23-16, 02:19
I would deport Democrats via catapult.

11-23-16, 08:17
I would deport Democrats via catapult.

To Canada or Mexico?
To Canada they would be in a socialist state but would have to work hard to pay a much higher price for things they take for granted here.
To Mexico, they would be surrounded by the have-nots they so dearly love to support here. Perhaps they could teach the opprossed how to demand their government do more for them...I bet it would work :suicide: