View Full Version : So, the 2016 DNC . . .

07-27-16, 04:53
No American flags can bee seen on the floor of the convention much less the stage . . .

Compared to the RNC stage alone . . .

Only flag spotted inside was a couple of Palestinian flags . . .

And outside . . .

Gee I'm glad I didn't pay all that money, oops I mean contribute to campaigns just to get to sit in the front row and stare at a huge solid blue wall . . .

Dude's in suits and earpieces going around collecting any and all "Bernie" signs on the convention floor . . .

For a party that sure doesn't like fences, they had a four mile long eight foot high fence put around the entire convention. I have to wonder who they wish to keep out . . .

#BLM protest organizer telling"white media" to get in the back and "black media" in the front. I have no idea what "black" and "white" media is but she didn't stop there.


07-27-16, 05:10
If you're gonna compare the RNC American flag waving during their national anthem, you should do the same for the DNC.


There were also Soviet flags at the RNC...


RNC Fence


07-27-16, 05:41
A few things . . .

One I didn't compare the two conventions during the National Anthem, mere random pics from Google images.

Two the Soviet Flags were waved by protesters outside the RNC where they were flown by SUPPORTERS at the DNC, I thought that would have been self evident.

Three I have no idea if the RNC fence was four miles long but again, it's clear that the Dems don't like fences where as the Repubs want to build more.

But you knew all that . . . :rolleyes:

07-27-16, 05:43
Part of what Wikileaks showed us was that the DNC has been writing and editing the news releases for major networks.
The DNC suggested what needed coverage, the story was written and sent to the DNC for editing and then sent to the original reporters editor. That's no BS, that is the way they were working in. Now add on to the the revolving door of the Press through the White House then back to their respective News Channels and what you get is the political tripe that now passes for News.
Is it any wonder that the Democrats ended up with Hillary?

07-27-16, 05:46
They power players have owned mass media since the Spanish-American War (1898).

07-27-16, 05:54
The power players have owned mass media since the Spanish-American War (1898).

True, but I think we are seeing this on a level now that shows they have lost any credibility to tell the truth about anything.
It's insane, now they are claiming the Democratic Convention is peaceful and moving forward and the Sanders folks are all falling in line. Flip the channel and their trying to climb the fence to get in and Booing Hillary when She speaks. WTF?

07-27-16, 06:16
Fwiw guys USSS isn't going to go around and confiscate signs unless their attached to poles are sticks or something so it was probably staffers. If that's what was happening.

Second, as for the perimeter fencing, well, security gonna security. Both venues we're a shit show from a security standpoint.

07-27-16, 09:10
Part of what Wikileaks showed us was that the DNC has been writing and editing the news releases for major networks.

I have forced myself to watch the DNC convention on CSPAN. About halfway through day 1 I thought to myself.... 'why isn't this more frustrating than I expected?' Then it hit me....

The DNC convention is no different from a Telethon to raise money for the major networks and Hollywood. All it is, is a condensed version of what we have forced on us every day. If you watch TV and listen to MSM news, the Democrat Convention is basically just a mild carefully edited infomercial.

Same actors, same messages, the only difference is they are simply strung end to end and given a set time to deliver their own little message. In daily life you will see these people either on the news, or an entertainment news show and then you see the show they star in or are having their life portrayed in. For the politicians it's just a matter of public service announcement aside from their normal news bits they do.

There really is no difference. It's simply a condensed "support your local Liberal" telethon. It is no different from public access tV that does those "send just $6 a month or a one time payment of $72" weekends they do every month.

That is all the DNC Convention is. It's just a condensed rehash of the media forced into our lives by the MSM all day every day. In many ways watching the convention is actually a -lot- easier to watch than the daily nonsense bombardment. The Convention is actually far more benign.

I guess that's why the MSM spends so much money having their entire crews cover specific 10 second blurbs from the convention as though it's important. I can't imagine the money they spend to have a week taking about 60 seconds of information. NBC especially. They bring their entire circus to town.

It was really an eye opener just how bad the MSM has gotten regarding sensationalism and mind control. The convention itself is actually just basically boring and somewhat comical at points. The dynamic between normal life and everyday MSM bombardment has really gone off the charts. Watching the live show vs the 'produced' mind control show really is night and day and indicates just how bad the MSM has become.

07-28-16, 04:53
Media is doing there best not to show how empty the convention floor is at times.

Saw this on floating around today . . .


07-28-16, 08:50
I wonder if they had good old union labor building that fence, because at $10.10 an hour it sure doesn't sound like it was union labor...

07-28-16, 09:27
I heard Tim Kaine speak for the first time last night.

So now I know I can't stand the voices of either the Democratic nominee for president or VP.

07-28-16, 09:46
Trump and social media have had an amazing effect on the DNC....

They took down their stage barrier and replaced with "invisible wall" due to criticism: https://www.conservativeoutfitters.com/blogs/news/hypocrisy-dnc-builds-new-invisible-wall-after-the-world-laughs

They added American flags after it was shown they were lacking: http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines-2016/hillarys-dnc-adds-american-flags-to-stage-after-criticism

Democrats were actually chanting "USA USA USA" : https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4uyd57/dnc_crowd_chanting_usa_usa_delegate_in_front_of/

And in absolute proof that Trump has completely changed the narrative and has the Dems on the defensive, speaker after speaker has talked about how great America is...what a contrast from every other DNC of recent memory!

07-28-16, 11:29
I caught a snippet of Tim Kaine 'speaking Spanish'.

Outside of a 7th grade Spanish Class he would've received a "Como?! Jejejeje Gringo estupido!"

07-28-16, 12:14
I caught a snippet of Tim Kaine 'speaking Spanish'.

Outside of a 7th grade Spanish Class he would've received a "Como?! Jejejeje Gringo estupido!"

Yeah, sounded like Dora the Explorer or something.

Big A
07-28-16, 12:19
Trump and social media have had an amazing effect on the DNC....

They took down their stage barrier and replaced with "invisible wall" due to criticism: https://www.conservativeoutfitters.com/blogs/news/hypocrisy-dnc-builds-new-invisible-wall-after-the-world-laughs

They added American flags after it was shown they were lacking: http://www.redflagnews.com/headlines-2016/hillarys-dnc-adds-american-flags-to-stage-after-criticism

Democrats were actually chanting "USA USA USA" : https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/4uyd57/dnc_crowd_chanting_usa_usa_delegate_in_front_of/

And in absolute proof that Trump has completely changed the narrative and has the Dems on the defensive, speaker after speaker has talked about how great America is...what a contrast from every other DNC of recent memory!

That's because they don't view themselves as Americans. They are Globalists and they were showing their true loyalties until someone called them on it.

07-28-16, 17:16
not sure if Clinton Cash was reposted but its active again


07-28-16, 17:24
A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.

Outlander Systems
07-28-16, 17:31
God bless you, and your buddy for this information.

A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.

07-28-16, 17:43
He also said that this is a common practice with the current Dems. He did an event somewhere in Northern PA several years ago. Obama was speaking somewhere and charging an entry fee. At the same time close by, Snooky and J-Wow were making an appearance and had a larger turn out. The Obama crew opened the doors free of charge to fill the seats after the low turnout was realized.
I also remember recently, reading about Hillary speaking at some college. She was speaking in a gymnasium and because of low turnout, they closed in the walls and packed the seats in only one half of the auditorium.

07-28-16, 17:45
A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.

OOOOOHHHH! How I wish I could be a paid extra. Money up front and shenanigans would ensue. You think I'm a shaggy bisexual hipster who believes in whatever....

Then the Rammstein shirt and Ronald Reagan mask and Make America Great hat comes out. Plus it'd be a grand opportunity to make sport of hippie chicks. A beloved pastime

Coal Dragger
07-28-16, 19:17
She's still going to win. The fix was in for the primary, and the current regime will do something to fix the general election. Plus the average voter these days is f***ing retarded and wants handouts.

07-28-16, 19:19
She's still going to win. The fix was in for the primary, and the current regime will do something to fix the general election. Plus the average voter these days is f***ing retarded and wants handouts.

If she wins BFD. She will get so obstructed that she will no shit say everyone in America is part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy.

Taxes will go up, income will go down. S.S.D.D.

Outlander Systems
07-28-16, 19:27
Buy mags. Buy ammo. Buy lowers.

Prepare to never see .22LR for the rest of your life....

07-28-16, 20:43
They power players have owned mass media since the Spanish-American War (1898).

The difference is back then is the media had an adversarial relationship with the government.

The hype ginned up for the Spanish American was in the national interest of the United States.

Now the media is in bed with the government along with the education system and big business.

07-28-16, 20:48
Part of what Wikileaks showed us was that the DNC has been writing and editing the news releases for major networks.
The DNC suggested what needed coverage, the story was written and sent to the DNC for editing and then sent to the original reporters editor. That's no BS, that is the way they were working in. Now add on to the the revolving door of the Press through the White House then back to their respective News Channels and what you get is the political tripe that now passes for News.
Is it any wonder that the Democrats ended up with Hillary?

Glad I wasn't the only one to catch that one.

07-28-16, 21:09
A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.

Is there any other evidence for this?

I want to share it, but "a friend of a guy on the Internet" isn't very persuasive to most people.

07-28-16, 21:23
So after getting Jesus (BHO) to come down off his cross last night, they now have the Voice of God™ (Morgan Freeman) narrating HRC's biography.

And with that... I'm done.

07-28-16, 21:26
A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.
Is he USSS or?

07-28-16, 21:30
I just realized whom they are portraying Hillary to be...... unknowingly for sure but still.

Col. Nathan R. Jussup

... and we can't handle the truth.

===== on a side note..
talk about an irritating voice... holy cow.. Chelsea Clinton... that stutter/glitch thing she does is the most irritating vocal inflection I have heard.

07-28-16, 21:45
Is there any other evidence for this?

I want to share it, but "a friend of a guy on the Internet" isn't very persuasive to most people.

I will see what kind of information I can gather from him. I won't see him until next weekend....

He's not secret service. He does a lot of private EP. He's done it pretty much all his adult life.

07-28-16, 22:02
A buddy of mine called me this morning. He is doing security at the DNC. He told me that Brenie supporters walked out and the DNC hired actors at the cost of $50 per night to sit in the vacant seats and cheer so the place doesn't look empty.

On another board they posted the Craigslist ad for the actors. They wanted 700 of them at $50 per night.

07-28-16, 22:05
I will see what kind of information I can gather from him. I won't see him until next weekend....

He's not secret service. He does a lot of private EP. He's done it pretty much all his adult life.

Yeah, find somebody that got the note that says they need to declare it as income ..... of wait... that's right.... they don't pay taxes anyway....

Bernie got called out tonight... Man he looked pissed. Did everything he could to not smile. C-SPAN kept the camera on him a Looooooong time. I doubt the alphabet media did ... but if looks could kill, Hillary was the walking dead.

07-28-16, 22:33
On another board they posted the Craigslist ad for the actors. They wanted 700 of them at $50 per night.


07-28-16, 22:34


07-28-16, 22:42

07-28-16, 22:45
Well that's all folks. The Gospel Tent, Howdy Doody, show is over.

Man,,, what a freak show.

I forced myself to watch as much of the DNC Convention on C-SPAN as I could.

Wow.. what a continual facepalm situation.

I get why young people don't like Hillary.

I don't get the "we still live in slavery" thing. ... there was a lot of that. All the young people I know are diverse and in all manner of income producing aspects of life.

At first I hated it, but came to like that Max Headroom thing Hillary does when she says something that amuses her. That open mouth static smile with the head turn. It's actually quite funny in a retro kinda way.

The rest for me was basically just boring. No one was exciting. No individual had a special message. You would think at least one person would have had some sort of universally compelling message. I didn't hear one.

100 Days - Your freedom is on the line. United we stand. Divided we fall.

07-28-16, 22:48


07-28-16, 22:49
Both conventions were preaching to their respective choirs.
I will say that after watching both, it's almost comical how one party says this (insert issue here) is a problem and the other party says no (insert issue here) is not.

07-29-16, 04:30

07-29-16, 05:01
The difference is back then is the media had an adversarial relationship with the government.

The hype ginned up for the Spanish American was in the national interest of the United States.

Now the media is in bed with the government along with the education system and big business.

I see what you are saying, but Major General Smedley Butler called it out back then with is War is a Racket.

07-29-16, 05:07
Glad you guys posted up the paid actors and white noise machine. Saw those earlier on social media and was going to post them here but now I don't have to.

Hillary and this convention remind me of slimy televangelist . . . at least more and more sheep are waking up to the fact that this is all a mere illusion.

07-29-16, 05:14

I remember Hillary falling asleep at Reagan's memorial . . .

Their f'n shit heels.

Outlander Systems
07-29-16, 05:39
For everyone that gets it, there's someone that will vote based on genitalia.

Just sayin'.

Ain't no cure for stupid.

Glad you guys posted up the paid actors and white noise machine. Saw those earlier on social media and was going to post them here but now I don't have to.

Hillary and this convention remind me of slimy televangelist . . . at least more and more sheep are waking up to the fact that this is all a mere illusion.

07-29-16, 06:08
Give the OLD guy a break - he'd been "vetting" DNC interns ALL day! :sarcastic:

07-29-16, 06:24
According to the comments in the last youtube video, the white noise machine she is referring to is actually a wifi antenna, part # AIR-ANT2513P4M-N= . It does look the same to me, but I am certainly no expert on either piece of equipment. I'm as much against Hillary as anyone here, but we need to make sure our arguments are accurate. They can't deny the paid seat fillers though.

07-29-16, 06:43
Sure, she is the first woman, but she is the second Clinton... That is more important.

07-29-16, 06:58
I'm as much against Hillary as anyone here, but we need to make sure our arguments are accurate.

Exactly. We sound like a bunch of old retired idiots at the barber shop regurgitating BS "talking points".

The blue wall thing was funny though ;)

07-29-16, 07:03
During the moment of silence for LEOs some retards starting yelling "black lives matter." Then overnight I see two San Diego cops were shot, one of them, dead. **** black lives matter. May they rot in hell. Their lives do not matter, to me.

07-29-16, 09:40
Did anyone see the Hillary platform item of a 25% gun tax?

07-29-16, 09:48
Did anyone see the Hillary platform item of a 25% gun tax?

We can't talk about that, we are supposed to be gushing over the beautiful DNC, ignoring the riots outside and ignoring the radical platform.

07-29-16, 09:54
"Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention"


Outlander Systems
07-29-16, 10:00
We live in an era where everything is bullshit.

07-29-16, 10:59
He also said that this is a common practice with the current Dems. He did an event somewhere in Northern PA several years ago. Obama was speaking somewhere and charging an entry fee. At the same time close by, Snooky and J-Wow were making an appearance and had a larger turn out. The Obama crew opened the doors free of charge to fill the seats after the low turnout was realized.
I also remember recently, reading about Hillary speaking at some college. She was speaking in a gymnasium and because of low turnout, they closed in the walls and packed the seats in only one half of the auditorium.

But THIS IS what the dems have wanted for soooo long........ a society of disinterested voters motivated only by free giveaways.

07-29-16, 11:01
We live in an era where everything is bullshit.

I'll need a Snopes citation for that

07-29-16, 11:03
The difference is back then is the media had an adversarial relationship with the government.

The hype ginned up for the Spanish American was in the national interest of the United States.

Now the media is in bed with the government along with the education system and big business.

Now the media is in bed with a Democrat/liberal governments and against conservative/Republican governments...... (Fixed it for you.)

07-29-16, 11:12
I see what you are saying, but Major General Smedley Butler called it out back then with is War is a Racket.

Dr. Moriarity said it so eloquently in the second Sherlock Holmes movie.

Outlander Systems
07-29-16, 11:13
I see what you did there. ;)

Snopes would simply conjure up bullshit, stating that what I stated about them being bullshit is bullshit.

I'll need a Snopes citation for that

07-29-16, 11:48
"Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention"
For some time now their adgenda has been apparent. I simply don't trust them to fact check anything partisan at this point. Need to debunk a myth about toxic onions or some Nigerian prince that an idiot family member is posting online? Snopes works. Need to check on anything (D) or (R) related? Find another source.

07-29-16, 12:30
Yeah it's not like people with websites lie or anything

07-29-16, 12:47
"Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention"


I am so shocked.......... They have been twisting the truth about Herr Führer for the last 7 plus years. I will take Wikipedia as a source or reference before Snopes........

07-29-16, 12:56
Sure, she is the first woman, but she is the second Clinton... That is more important.

first communist ?
not the first women to run that is for sure :)
quite a few before her but the KKK also known as the DNC never allowed it to go further

the first to be nominated and if she was not a clinton this would not be happening but I am sure all got nice love letters with a list of what they could release and of course what happened to others R.I.P

07-29-16, 13:31
K T McFarland is right on>


07-29-16, 14:35
Now the media is in bed with a Democrat/liberal governments and against conservative/Republican governments...... (Fixed it for you.)

Why did you put conservative with Republican?

07-29-16, 19:59
Why did you put conservative with Republican?

Most registered Republicans who are NOT elected officials hold conservative values.

07-30-16, 04:50
"Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention"


Snopes was debunked long ago, they are ran by a little old radical leftist couple. One of which was not even born here. Yet people still think they are legit.

Leftist propaganda is all.

07-30-16, 06:54
even when its true and they cant prove it they always say something like

partly false
but not really cause whine whine whine whine :)

Snopes was debunked long ago, they are ran by a little old radical leftist couple. One of which was not even born here. Yet people still think they are legit.

Leftist propaganda is all.

07-31-16, 04:36
Anyone else notice how these two reacted to balloons?

Either they all took a hit of acid backstage before coming out or they have the mental capacity of a chimp.

The retardation begins @ 01:38:


07-31-16, 05:45


Straight Shooter
07-31-16, 06:44
I shit you not..that is difficult to watch, right there.

07-31-16, 08:20
I shit you not..that is difficult to watch, right there.

But wait!, There's more!!

Gov. of VA Terry McCauliffe


07-31-16, 22:29

if you have not seen this WATCH IT :)


07-31-16, 22:32
test your blood pressure!


26 Inf
08-02-16, 23:08
Apparently President Obama thinks it is in the bag:

President Obama Having Copies Of FEMA Camp Keys Made For Hillary

08/01/2016 09:06 am ET | Updated 1 day ago

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Reporters in the nation’s capital recently stumbled upon President Barack Hussein Obama (D-Kenya) at the Home Depot nearest the White House. Obama was found in the aisle where keys are made, and when asked by the media, he said that he was making copies of the keys Hillary Clinton would need as president to lock and unlock various gates, doors, and confiscated gun warehouses located in FEMA camps around the country.

“Make no mistake,” Obama said as he chose a fun, Disney-themed key blank for the Home Depot employee to use, “the next president will have to carry out Order 666, since it appears I will not be able to. And Lord Alinsky’s spirit has ordered me to make copies of these keys so that Hillary can do just that.”

Obama said that Order 666 was the “quadruple-hardcore-super-duper-classified” executive order that only he and the right-wing conspiracy theory industry knows about. It dictates that all “Alinsky Acolytes” report to the nearest FEMA camp in their town, where they will be issued nets to capture Americans to be brought back to the camps. There, the captured citizens will be stripped of all their guns and be forced to either get a gay marriage or perform an abortion.

“She won’t be able to open the doors to the camps without a key,” Obama said, “so Master Alinsky’s ghost figured since I’m a lame duck president and Congress is out campaigning right now, I might as well come down here and get some keys made.” Obama said he’d also be picking up some disinfectant wipes and a new set of sprinkler valves for the White House, since he was already going to Home Depot anyway.

President Obama also plans to show Mrs. Clinton the secret map to America’s underground communist railroad per George Soros’ request. Obama told reporters he “may or may not” have time to show her the combination to the safe in the White House where the “Marshal Law” orders are kept, but he does plan to show her where they keep the extra kitchen garbage bags. The pass code for the drone flight operation room will be given to Mrs. Clinton just before she’s sworn-in next January.

“Hillary Clinton is going to do a wonderful job as president,” Obama said, “and she will most certainly carry out the directives I was not able to. Comrade Clinton is someone I trust not only with the secret pans to shred the Constitution, I know she will do the right thing and immediately declare the presidency null and void and hand power right back to me, Emperor Obama.”

This is a developing story.


James Schlarmann Comedian, writer, founding contributor of The Political Garbage Chute, holder of zero world records or lifetime achievement awards.

More daily fake news at The Political Garbage Chute.