View Full Version : LEO and eating out on duty

07-28-16, 18:17
man with all the stupidity of so many places denying serving cops why are they not suing the pants off these people and the places !!!for discrimination !
I know most LEO are above this but somebody needs to play there game
or make sure the idiot who denied service gets a record for discrimination and suing the companies for millions and making a fallen leo college fund for those with kids etc.. with the money etc.. would be my vote :)

at the same time if I was LEO I would not be eating out anywhere !!!!! not trusting what they might be doing to my food etc.. which is so sad that its happening so much

pretty sad whats happening wish I was ultra wealthy and open up a LEO only lunch truck :) where LEO could eat for free and make it so the proceeds keep the truck going from other sales :)

07-28-16, 18:44
I'd sooner pack some granola bars and call it good.

Outlander Systems
07-28-16, 18:45


07-28-16, 18:53
Being a LEO and the restaurant staff messing with your food is the least of your worries.


07-28-16, 19:00
I eat out fairly often at work. I really shouldn't but pure laziness in the morning kinda makes it happen.

We have several places that we trust and other than those only go to places like Subway where you can watch them make your food. However I work in a nicer part of town so my experience differs from someone who works in the ghetto. Plus Az as a whole has much less anti LE crap going around than other places.

07-28-16, 19:12
I eat out fairly often at work. I really shouldn't but pure laziness in the morning kinda makes it happen.

We have several places that we trust and other than those only go to places like Subway where you can watch them make your food. However I work in a nicer part of town so my experience differs from someone who works in the ghetto. Plus Az as a whole has much less anti LE crap going around than other places.

I have some strong opinions about eating out but....

If it's a trustworthy place, it's a prime opportunity for some community policing. Get to know people and let people get to know you

07-28-16, 19:14

Hold the spit on that cop burger...

Outlander Systems
07-28-16, 19:31
I'm with Firefly.

Learn to pack a lunch.

Learn to like Clif Bars.

Burrito Joints like Moe's and Willy's make the food in front of you, so limited opportunities for shenanigans.

But your health and well-being will thank you for avoiding any and all fast food.

07-28-16, 19:50
If I was a cop right now, depending on locale, I'd be hesitant of sitting down and eating anywhere other than in the station or the car with a clear line of sight for a long way in all directions. It's like being a sitting duck.

07-28-16, 19:55
I eat out, in uniform (more often than I should). Have I eaten someone's spit? I'm sure I have. Has everybody else? Probably.

Straight Shooter
07-28-16, 20:14
Back in '05, I was briefly married to my second wife who was a juvenile probation officer. She would not eat anywhere she saw one of "her kids". And would stand at the counter to watch them make the food, if possible. Shit's been goin on a long time now.

07-28-16, 20:25
I used to pack my own food. Some places have, over time, proven to be cop friendly so my team would go there. We never ate where we couldn't see the food being made though.

As Firefly said, it can be great for getting to know you locals.

07-28-16, 20:29
Honestly, I bet my lunch gets paid for by unknown good people moreso than I end up eating something nasty.

07-28-16, 20:31
I eat out in uniform regularly. I am careful about where I eat, actually we all are. There are a few places we can eat without the worries as the employees and owners are friends to the Dept. I wouldn't even enter some of the others.

07-28-16, 20:59
I eat out just about every shift. I eat at the same place and know everyone who works there. I'm sure that's not the norm but I will not eat anywhere else unless I can watch them make the food.

07-28-16, 21:02
I very rarely eat out in uniform for the aforementioned reasons. My wife is retired now so I look forward to taking my dinner break at home.

07-28-16, 22:45
I look forward to taking my dinner break at home.

I miss that. I moved out of my AO in 2012.

07-29-16, 05:25
I go out every day for lunch and always where I can see my food being prepared. Chipotle used to be a good bet but when they bowed to Blomberg's anti gun b.s. I stopped. I think that was three years ago. I miss my chicken burrito and chips but there's more important things.

Lately much more worried about more overt attempts on our safety though.

Straight Shooter
07-30-16, 13:29
I go out every day for lunch and always where I can see my food being prepared. Chipotle used to be a good bet but when they bowed to Blomberg's anti gun b.s. I stopped. I think that was three years ago. I miss my chicken burrito and chips but there's more important things.

Lately much more worried about more overt attempts on our safety though.

I like your priorities, sir. Stay safe.

07-30-16, 13:45
I eat out just about every shift. I eat at the same place and know everyone who works there. I'm sure that's not the norm but I will not eat anywhere else unless I can watch them make the food.


07-30-16, 17:03
I try to bring my own or make my own at work. The salad bar or hot meals at the local grocery store are good and usually healthy. I have subway once in a while or eat at a local place where trusts the owner and his staff.

07-30-16, 19:42
Are restaurants actually refusing to serve police officers or is this more a concern over "special sauce" ending up in one's meal?

07-30-16, 20:03
Are restaurants actually refusing to serve police officers or is this more a concern over "special sauce" ending up in one's meal?
Had a Noodles & co employee refuse to serve a uniformed LEO here near Alexandria last week or the week before.

07-30-16, 20:23
Their manager should have refused to continue employing them shortly after...

07-30-16, 20:33
If one can refuse to serve a cop, can one refuse to serve, say, a Muslim? No, of course not silly. That would be Islamophobic.

07-30-16, 20:53
If one can refuse to serve a cop, can one refuse to serve, say, a Muslim? No, of course not silly. That would be Islamophobic.

Had a Noodles & co employee refuse to serve a uniformed LEO here near Alexandria last week or the week before.

Their manager should have refused to continue employing them shortly after...

07-31-16, 00:25

Good for Noodles & Co. Would be great if the officer could sue the two employees involved (not the restaurant) for civil rights violation.

07-31-16, 05:40
also no chance of them getting any unemployment !!!! no welfare etc.. and as said charges against them is what needs to be happening to these animals

Good for Noodles & Co. Would be great if the officer could sue the two employees involved (not the restaurant) for civil rights violation.