View Full Version : Did NK Just Declare War On The U.S.?

07-30-16, 19:27


I know, I know, they get their panties in a wad every year over the maneuvers, and this will devolve into "bring it ya lil' basterd" and all that...

But seriously.... what do you all think about the prospects for a hotter than average august?

07-30-16, 20:49
He's just jonesing for the 2017 NBA season. Probably wants Dennis to tip over and cheer him up a bit.

On a relative scale, it's no different than the BS we are fed every day by our fearless leaders.

07-30-16, 21:36
We are currently at Defcon 4.

DEFCON Warning System. Alert status for 4:35 P.M., Thursday, July 14th, 2016. Condition code is Blue. DEFCON 4.

There are currently no imminent nuclear threats against the United States at this time, however there are events occurring in the world theater which require closer monitoring.
Russia is engaging in submarine operations not seen since the Cold War, including hunting and tracking U.S. vessels. They continue to maintain a large surface fleet in the Mediterranean in response to U.S. Carriers and have been maneuvering dangerously close to U.S. vessels in the region. Russia is also increasing the amount of training exercises it conducts with its nuclear and conventional forces close to its western border, including strategic bombers, and rocket forces.

Nuclear inspectors are finding that Russia is deliberately violating the START treaty requirements. They also are slated to test the new SARMAT ICBM which is claimed to have improved evasive and avoidance capabilities as well as the longest range of any current ICBM.

The largest NATO meeting in recent times was conducted in Warsaw, Poland. The main topic of conversation was defending against Russian aggression. NATO troops conducted an amphibious landing in Finland for the first time as part of an exercise, something which Russia will see as yet another encroachment by NATO.

The South China Sea remains a hot spot in the world. China has begun several naval operations in the region while the U.S. and Japan continue to hold exercises and also run carrier combat operations. Taiwan is set to test fire anti-missile systems while tensions grow between the U.S. and China.

North Korean Plutonium Production is higher than previously estimated. There is anecdotal evidence which suggests China is punishing the north for its nuclear work.

07-30-16, 21:41
The most important statement from the NORKs is that this "could" put us on a war footing.

They don't want none. The language like "supreme insult" is almost kung fu theater quality.

07-30-16, 22:18
I really don't know what to think of North Korea. Most of me assumes that Kim is just going to keep doing this every few months pretty much for the rest of his life, then when his son takes over, he'll continue the tradition. But then part of me is worried; both his father and grandfather were well aware that they were no match for the U.S. and South Korea, and barely a match for South Korea alone. They rattled sabers, fired shots at South Korea ships and land targets, and often dropped their special ops into the South, but they knew that doing anything beyond being annoying assholes wasn't going to end well for them. But I don't know about Kim Jong-un. He's at a point in that regime where his family is literally worshiped. He probably truly believes he would be able to win if he attacked South Korea or even the U.S. I'm sure most of his generals have told him otherwise, but he seems to have a habit of purging so...who knows what kind of people he's got advising him now...

07-30-16, 22:35
They're like a spoiled 5-year old brat that always wants attention. Not to be taken seriously.

07-30-16, 22:37
sometime you just have to slap the crap out of the brat though :)
They're like a spoiled 5-year old brat that always wants attention. Not to be taken seriously.

07-30-16, 23:55
They're like a spoiled 5-year old brat that always wants attention. Not to be taken seriously.

The same was said about OBL snd ISIS. How did that work for us?

NK is a spoiled brat with a nuclear capability and a leader who likes to execute people by mortar and anti-aircraft fire. Eventually, they will develop delivery system that reach our shores. Alternatively, this is a regime that could easily sell WMD's on the black market. You had better believe that we take them seriously.

07-31-16, 05:26
I could see Obama surrendering to them . . .

07-31-16, 06:49
The same was said about OBL snd ISIS. How did that work for us?

NK is a spoiled brat with a nuclear capability and a leader who likes to execute people by mortar and anti-aircraft fire. Eventually, they will develop delivery system that reach our shores. Alternatively, this is a regime that could easily sell WMD's on the black market. You had better believe that we take them seriously.

American hubris is not to be underestimated. Anyone who doesn't think NK is a viable threat hasn't done their homework.

07-31-16, 11:15
Can he declare war , when we are already at war with them??

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

07-31-16, 11:36
If North Korea chucks a nuclear missile at us and destroys, say, Nome Alaska or Seattle then that's probably the day that they'll invade South Korea. We could easily vaporize Pyongyang in return but there's the whole "China is just next door" thing. Not sure how they'd take a fallout cloud drifting over their territory or indeed, a nuclear detonation so close to their backyard.

A more likely scenario is that they launch the missile and it malfunctions and falls into the Pacific. We counter with a stern warning.

07-31-16, 13:07
Can he declare war , when we are already at war with them??

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Technically no. The Korean War was never a declared war so we've never been legally at war with them. That was the start of our current tradition of the president bypassing congress to go to war on the grounds of a "police action".

07-31-16, 13:08
American hubris is not to be underestimated. Anyone who doesn't think NK is a viable threat hasn't done their homework.

BLUF: This saber rattling doesn't seem different than usual, but don't disregard North Korea just because they're using 50 year old gear.

In terms of conventional military equipment, they're not as nearly big a threat as other potential enemy nations. Their stuff is mostly old, horrendously out of date, and relatively easy for the USA to defeat in a straight up fight. Of course, our politicians would probably do everything in their power to limit our ability to fight to our potential... But, unless nukes were used, we would probably come out on top, militarily. If nuke(s) are used, it's a Bad Day no matter what happens next.

What's frightening is the diplomatic side of things and 20-30 years of our failed foreign policy. With literally nothing to stop him, Kim Jong Un could start a nuclear or conventional war (the latter most likely against S.K.) any time he feels it would benefit him. The trick is keeping the deck stacked in such a way that he doesn't. Saber rattling is nothing new, but I feel we will see radical changes in the country of North Korea within the next 20-30 years, possibly earlier. Our foreign policy doesn't fill me with optimism on how that's going to go down. The other scenario that scares me is them selling a nuke to a hostile 3rd party (Daesh, or whatever band of savages eventually replace them) who would then use it against a western country. Sometimes the devil you know...

07-31-16, 13:28
NATO troops conducted an amphibious landing in Finland for the first time as part of an exercise, something which Russia will see as yet another encroachment by NATO.


I mean, I always knew Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland were neutral not because they genuinely feared an invasion by NATO, but they feared Soviet invasion and simply didn't want to provoke the Soviets or get stuck in the middle of a NATO/Soviet nuclear or conventional exchange, but... wow.

I'm also not surprised that Finland and Sweden would want to assist the Baltic states - which are NATO members - as any incursion by the Russians in the Baltic states is a threat to the national security of both Fenno-Scandian nations. I get that Finland is a reasonable facsimile of the Baltic states for performing amphibious operations, but... I mean, so should Poland (although I suppose that might be too close to East Prussia/Kaliningrad for Russian tastes), but still.

Wow. NATO operating in Finland. I wonder if Finland and Sweden might soon formally join NATO.

The other scenario that scares me is them selling a nuke to a hostile 3rd party (Daesh, or whatever band of savages eventually replace them) who would then use it against a western country. Sometimes the devil you know...

I think the NORKs are smart enough to know better than to sell a nuke to a non-government actor. If a North Korean nuke goes off in Paris, Berlin, or Moscow, it's lights out for them, no matter who actually touched it off.

If a non-government actor, like Daesh/ISIS/ISIL or al-Qaeda or tomorrow's boogeyman gets their hands on one, my money would be on it coming from Pakistan, with or without the ISI's assistance. And then it's just as likely to go off in New Delhi as a European capital.