View Full Version : So Despite Growing Up In South Florida...This Was A New One For Me...

07-31-16, 20:55
So this afternoon I stop in one of my favorite pizzeria's to grab a couple slices for lunch.

Without being graphic, there were two boys who looked like they were about 12 years old, and they were obviously in an openly gay relationship. I discovered I'm not quite as open minded as I once believed.

Now if this was a 12 year old kid and his girlfriend hugging and kissing, etc. I'd have probably just chuckled to myself and remembered being at that age. In fact for probably 30 seconds I really did question if he didn't just have a really flat chested girlfriend with a crew cut, but it slowly dawned on me that this was two boys.

The first part that bothered me is, man I don't wanna see that. Same exact thing as watching some HBO, Showtime or Cinemax series where they insist on explicitly showing gay men kissing because it's almost a rule that somebody has to be gay to make the story line interesting.

The second part is in a adolescent male / female relationship, typically the female keeps things from getting to second base, especially in public. With two males, especially very young ones that restraint seems to be absent and they seemed more interested in pushing the envelope than what anybody else thought about it.

Now growing up there were kids we knew were gay, and they didn't necessarily hide it and there is no reason for them to no be happy either, but you didn't see them making out in the halls either. But this really was cringe worthy and I really wonder, and worry, what is going to be socially acceptable in 20 years.

07-31-16, 21:14
Cringe-worthy for sure. The other day I saw a what appeared to be a very gender-confused adolescent male eating breakfast at the hotel where I'm currently staying for work, and there's a a person at my church who is in some stage of trans-vestite/gender something-or-other. I'm basically a "live and let live" kind of guy, but I freely admit that trans-gender stuff and gay PDA bothers me. On the one hand, I am glad I defend country that doesn't throw people from rooftops over their lifestyle choices. On the other hand, I resent the insinuation (or outright statement in some cases) that I'm somehow inferior for feeling a certain way about it. In this culture where people think they have a "right" to not be offended by anything, why am I expected- daily- to bite my tongue?

Tough question. I have no answers. Other than "tolerance" does not equal "acceptance".

07-31-16, 21:15
You were probably on that "What Would You Do" show and would've been publicly crucified on national television if you said anything negative to them.

They don't tolerate any intolerance.

07-31-16, 21:18
You were probably on that "What Would You Do" show and would've been publicly crucified on national television if you said anything negative to them.

They don't tolerate any intolerance.

They're intolerant of anything that doesn't align with their agenda. Which is basically me in a nutshell. White, straight, male, hetero, military, meat-eating gun owner.

Some days I can't help but wonder if they'll lock me up someday for just being.

07-31-16, 21:37
I have some gay friends, coworkers, and a family member. My take is that it's a big, scary, lonely world and whatever happiness we can find in it is worthwhile. My personal belief may be that homosexuality is a sin but then again none of us is without sin. Live and let live. There's a whole big group of people offended we own guns. Liberty should be a two way street.

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07-31-16, 21:54
Making out and groping in public is just raunchy. Its trashy. If you have to do that in public to be happy, you've got major issues.

I don't mind people kissing, but keep it pg, gay or not. Actually, especially if your gay. If you want people to respect you, respect them first... but that won't happen these days.

The people I ussually see doing it are the Gothic 20 somethings who still act like they are in middle school.

07-31-16, 22:23
Making out and groping in public is just raunchy. Its trashy. If you have to do that in public to be happy, you've got major issues.

I don't mind people kissing, but keep it pg, gay or not. Actually, especially if your gay. If you want people to respect you, respect them first... but that won't happen these days.

The people I ussually see doing it are the Gothic 20 somethings who still act like they are in middle school.

I agree it could be trashy depending on what exactly they were doing, but no different than the straight teens I saw last week dry humping on a park swing with kiddos around.

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07-31-16, 22:23
You were probably on that "What Would You Do" show and would've been publicly crucified on national television if you said anything negative to them.

They don't tolerate any intolerance.

Except from Muslims who want to behead, stone, rape (ironically) and throw off roofs any gays they find.
Then it's just part of their culture and we must respect that.

07-31-16, 22:33
Making out and groping in public is just raunchy. Its trashy. If you have to do that in public to be happy, you've got major issues.

I think it's different for middle school age kids. Everything is new. Like I said, had it been a boy and a girl, it would have just been amusing. I guess "gay kids" doing exactly what we did is the new norm, I just wasn't socially prepared for it.

07-31-16, 22:35
I think it's different for middle school age kids. Everything is new. Like I said, had it been a boy and a girl, it would have just been amusing. I guess "gay kids" doing exactly what we did is the new norm, I just wasn't socially prepared for it.

Seriously. 12 seems too young. Kids must be hitting puberty sooner these days.

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07-31-16, 22:53
Seriously. 12 seems too young. Kids must be hitting puberty sooner these days.

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At 12 I was "definitely interested" in what girls were all about and Carter was still President. Had no idea what I was doing in most cases, but I was definitely interested.