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08-01-16, 15:28
Just another Muslim pushing Shariah Law.



“The Shari’ah-was completed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed, in the Quran and Sunnah. This brings up an important fact which is generally overlooked, that the invariable and basic rules of Islamic Law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah), which are few and limited,” Khan continues to write. “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”


08-01-16, 15:38
Just another Muslim pushing Shariah Law.



“The Shari’ah-was completed during the lifetime of Prophet Muhammed, in the Quran and Sunnah. This brings up an important fact which is generally overlooked, that the invariable and basic rules of Islamic Law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah (Quran and Sunnah), which are few and limited,” Khan continues to write. “All other juridical works which have been written during more than thirteen centuries are very rich and indispensable, but they must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah and open to reconsideration by all Muslims.”

Is he pushing Shariah Law or is he explaining Shariah in an academic article?

08-01-16, 15:42
It is due to this that Khan writes, “to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”

I would say he is teaching that Shariah is above all other law.

08-01-16, 15:45
It is due to this that Khan writes, “to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”

I would say he is teaching that Shariah is above all other law.

To Muslims.

Is not the Bible above all other law to Christians? Or the Torah to Jews? Or the Original Trilogy to Jedis?

08-01-16, 15:56
To Muslims.

Is not the Bible above all other law to Christians? Or the Torah to Jews? Or the Original Trilogy to Jedis?

It's not a matter of someone believing a higher law. We all do at some point. It's whether that higher law is compatible with a democratic republic, freedom of conscience, and human rights that is the question and the concern.

08-01-16, 16:05
I keep my church and state very separate, thanks

08-01-16, 16:09
He should definitely get on the #Trumptrain then.

Donald told us in his acceptance speech that he would weaken the separation of church and state, and Pence is a lifelong warrior for the implementation of Christian Sharia.

08-01-16, 16:14
It is due to this that Khan writes, “to Muslims, the Quran being the very word of God, it is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation.”

I would say he is teaching that Shariah is above all other law.

And mohammedans are BELOW every other form of life. :mad:

You can have mohammedanism.

You can have a democratic republic.

You DON'T get both.

Choose wisely...

08-01-16, 16:14
He should definitely get on the #Trumptrain then.

Donald told us in his acceptance speech that he would weaken the separation of church and state, and Pence is a lifelong warrior for the implementation of Christian Sharia.

Please inform this Christian what "Christian Sharia" actually is. Kev the Christian strikes again!

08-01-16, 16:17
Yeah, like the folks who say abortion or marriage equality should be illegal because of their religious beliefs... talk about a double standard.

Bottom line, if Trump at said "we will agree to disagree. I honor your son and your family's sacrifice and wish you nothing but healing and peace", it would have been over... you know like Bush did with Sheehan... You don't HAVE to respond to every single attack that comes your way. Especially when you have the rhetorical and intellectual sophistication of a flying hammer... OF all the shit to fight Hillary on, he has wasted 3% of the remaining campaign days on this nonsense...

08-01-16, 16:19
He should definitely get on the #Trumptrain then.

Donald told us in his acceptance speech that he would weaken the separation of church and state, and Pence is a lifelong warrior for the implementation of Christian Sharia.

Which is also wrong. I don't want people hassling me so I don't hassle other people.

I remember working a "You don't have a Choice" rally and showing gory pictures of fetuses, calling women whores, and damning everyone to hell did no favors. I was literally leery of something/someone blowing up. I recall asking one guy if they actually would help an on the fence girl get pre-natal care and help find the kid a home or take the child in.

I got two Bible quotes and a vague "Lord will provide". But no man or woman saying they would give the child a home.

It's not their problem and they owe no one. They have answers but no solutions. Personally, I don't believe in abortion and if I did get a girl pregnant I would do anything for the baby. 9 times out of 10 knowing a man will provide will make them want to keep the baby. These girls already didn't seem too enthusiastic about what they were doing and making them feel worse didn't help.

It's a literally unnatural act, and they are already going to be scarred for life. Not defending them, but there are human beings out there on the other end of easy opinions.

It was a depressing day for me.

08-01-16, 16:21
Yeah, like the folks who say abortion or marriage equality should be illegal because of their religious beliefs... talk about a double standard.

Bottom line, if Trump at said "we will agree to disagree. I honor your son and your family's sacrifice and wish you nothing but healing and peace", it would have been over... you know like Bush did with Sheehan... You don't HAVE to respond to every single attack that comes your way. Especially when you have the rhetorical and intellectual sophistication of a flying hammer... OF all the shit to fight Hillary on, he has wasted 3% of the remaining campaign days on this nonsense...

So on what justifiable basis can anything whatsoever be made illegal?

08-01-16, 16:23
Please inform this Christian what "Christian Sharia" actually is. Kev the Christian strikes again!

Very, very bad stuff... horrible!

In Pence's AIDS Kingdom of Indiana, women must fish their late menstruation out of the toilet and bury it or face punishment, even if you miscarry late term and want to forget your misfortunes and move on, he will give fetty a tombstone and send you a bill for the pleasure.

Also, if the choice is made to terminate, he will go trans-V on your girl, and get big government right up in her little pussy.

He's a disgusting, backward medievalist who will bring Taliban rule to the United States if given power.

08-01-16, 16:25
To Muslims.

Is not the Bible above all other law to Christians? Or the Torah to Jews? Or the Original Trilogy to Jedis?

Well, I see your point but he seems to be coming from a legal direction. after all he is a lawyer not a preacher. There is some expectation that when you preacher tells you to live by God's rule you still obey the laws of your land. This guy seems to be saying the legal aspects of Shariah are above all else no matter what. That to me a is bit different than "Give unto Caesar". That latter suggests you can follow two sets of laws. The former, not so much.

08-01-16, 16:25
Taliban rule? At this point I don't know if you believe what you say or just say it for entertainment.

08-01-16, 16:26
To Muslims.

Is not the Bible above all other law to Christians? Or the Torah to Jews? Or the Original Trilogy to Jedis?

I would say no since we haven't stoned anyone for adultery or burned a witch in quite some time.

08-01-16, 16:27
Very, very bad stuff... horrible!

In Pence's AIDS Kingdom of Indiana, women must fish their late menstruation out of the toilet and bury it or face punishment, even if you miscarry late term and want to forget your misfortunes and move on, he will give fetty a tombstone and send you a bill for the pleasure.

Also, if the choice is made to terminate, he will go trans-V on your girl, and get big government right up in her little pussy.

He's a disgusting, backward medievalist who will bring Taliban rule to the United States if given power.

You're pathetic.

08-01-16, 16:28
This guy seems to be saying the legal aspects of Shariah are above all else no matter what.

No, that is not what this man is saying.

All these attacks on Gold Star Families by the limpstrokers and chickenhawks will not bring Trump closer to the White House.

The opposite, actually...

08-01-16, 16:29
You're pathetic.

Every word is true.


08-01-16, 16:32
Bottom line, if Trump at said "we will agree to disagree. I honor your son and your family's sacrifice and wish you nothing but healing and peace", it would have been over...I would have said Hillary voted for Iraq. She doesn't care that your son is dead. She chose to get involved in Libya. She doesn't care that an ambassador and others died. She won't care how many soldiers die through any of her actions. Their lives are worthless to her.

08-01-16, 16:37
He should definitely get on the #Trumptrain then.

Donald told us in his acceptance speech that he would weaken the separation of church and state, and Pence is a lifelong warrior for the implementation of Christian Sharia.

Sometimes you post DU quality stuff. We will have Hillary Clinton demanding the repeal of NAFTA and stating that AR-15s are "absolutely protected by the second amendment" before this country see's anything close to a Christian theocracy.

I don't care of Newt Gingrich becomes President and his VP is Billy Graham. It still won't happen. Christian values CLEARLY aren't the defining ideas of our country today, they are probably a minority influence on par with Islam in the US. I used to think that was a really good thing.

I'm not a Christian personally, but we could use some grounding when it comes to values. I wish Buddhism was more popular but that's probably asking a lot from a country that cannot even do the "do unto others..." thing for the most part.

Hell I'd even accept a secular Islam influence if one truly existed and they were able to ignore most of the horrific OT stuff that the belief is founded on. But given that the basic nature of Islam is "submission" it is culturally at odds with any free society and always seems to trend towards theocracy unless you have a powerful dictator in place.

08-01-16, 16:39
All these attacks on Gold Star Families

Where has there been an attack on a Gold Star family? Perhaps you could start a new topic thread on that.

08-01-16, 16:43
Where has there been an attack on a Gold Star family? Perhaps you could start a new topic thread on that.

Not quite the same but ISIS has vowed to do it.





08-01-16, 16:47
Oh, ok, the Muslims that live by Shariah law that Mr. Kahn speaks of.

08-01-16, 16:52
Every word is true.


I've come to the conclusion that ANYTHING you write is anti-Christian nonsense and spin. Especially the part about you being a "Christian".

08-01-16, 17:14
I would have said Hillary voted for Iraq. She doesn't care that your son is dead. She chose to get involved in Libya. She doesn't care that an ambassador and others died. She won't care how many soldiers die through any of her actions. Their lives are worthless to her.

That's not true. If she hadn't voted to go to war in Iraq, the Khans would not have been available to speak at the DNC. And if the Khans hadn't been at the DNC, Drumpf wouldn't have tripped over his dick again.

Of course, if Drumpf weren't talking about expelling American Muslims, they wouldn't have been compelled to, either.

Where has there been an attack on a Gold Star family? Perhaps you could start a new topic thread on that.

The Khans are a Gold Star family and it seems that between Drumpf and the OP's article, people can't stop attacking them.

08-01-16, 17:24
I've come to the conclusion that ANYTHING you write is anti-Christian nonsense and spin. Especially the part about you being a "Christian".

I came to that conclusion a long time ago.

And I have heard the term "Gold Star" more in the last week from left wing liberals than I have heard from them over the last 15 years combined. The hypocrisy is sickening.

08-01-16, 17:28
I would have said Hillary voted for Iraq. She doesn't care that your son is dead. She chose to get involved in Libya. She doesn't care that an ambassador and others died. She won't care how many soldiers die through any of her actions. Their lives are worthless to her.

And She didn't mind facilitating weapons being moved from Libya to Syria either?
Look, the Clinton Foundation was founded on Clinton's first and the rabble and human trash can wallow in the bloody mire of what is left over.
If you're not tracking you're lacking due diligence.
Haiti anyone?

08-01-16, 17:41
I would say no since we haven't stoned anyone for adultery or burned a witch in quite some time.

Coptic Christians stone girls to death on the weekly. Chaldeans too- and they follow the Pope on his golden throne.

In savage places, people have savage ways.

It's also worth noting, since you bring it up, that the Koran says absolutely nothing about stoning girls to death, and the Muslims actually adopted the practice from Christians and Jews, as death is specifically prescribed in Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22.

The woman and the man guilty of fornication, flog each of them with a hundred stripes: let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of Believers witness their punishment.

And the man that commits adultery with another man's wife, even he that commits adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, then they shall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman: so shall you put away evil from Israel.

(I'm no Bible Banger though.)

Especially the part about you being a "Christian".

I'm a real, actual Christian man.

Guys like Pence are just sexual perverts who use religion as an excuse to pursue their sicko agenda. I literally can't believe he's with Trump.

The hypocrisy is sickening.


08-01-16, 17:46
Coptic Christians stone girls to death on the weekly. Chaldeans too- and they follow the Pope on his golden throne.

In savage places, people have savage ways.

It's also worth noting, since you bring it up, that the Koran says absolutely nothing about stoning girls to death, and the Muslims actually adopted the practice from Christians and Jews, as death is specifically prescribed in Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22.

You Sir are a an absolute Gem and oh so "special".
Have fun with that Kev.

08-01-16, 17:56
Just enough.

To the ONE person that used the report post button, thank you.

To the others that helped push this train wreck forward - perhaps you might rethink?

08-01-16, 18:06
And I have heard the term "Gold Star" more in the last week from left wing liberals than I have heard from them over the last 15 years combined. The hypocrisy is sickening.

No kidding.

08-01-16, 18:14
As if they give two shits about a fallen service member or their family.

08-01-16, 18:53
Without reading the actual article written by Khan, I'm still not convinced he was advocating for a stance rather than stating fact.

To a Muslim, Shariah law should rightfully be the highest law they follow. If your religion doesn't take precedence over earthly laws, you need to take a serious look at your faith.

You could easily quote the above and make the case that I believe in Shariah law and want it, when in reality I want no religion to play any role whatsoever in the government. Also, if your religious views cause you to break earthly laws, take solace in the fact that you'll receive a reward in your afterlife, but you'll get the opposite down here.

08-01-16, 19:01
I feel for the parents who lost their CPT son, and I have never had to face such grief over the loss of a child. I have no real displeasure with them, but I have a real hate for the DNC taking advantage of these people and using them for their own evil means. The DNC, Hillary Campaign and the media is going to drag this out as long as possible.

08-01-16, 19:11
The DNC, Hillary Campaign and the media is going to drag this out as long as possible.

Like pretty much every "scandal" that centers around Trump, the Dems don't have to do anything. Trump will do it all on his own.

08-01-16, 19:12
Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together


08-01-16, 19:13
Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship


08-01-16, 19:16
The Khans are a Gold Star family and it seems that between Drumpf and the OP's article, people can't stop attacking them.

Well, I am the OP. The way I see it, no one gets on the DNC stage without an agenda. The guy's son is a hero no doubt in anyone's mind. But Mr. Kahn has admitted the speech was written and rehearsed with his wife. He specifically called out Trump and said what have you sacrificed? Of course, in like kind, the next day the media is asking Trump what have you sacrificed?

Well, what have I sacrificed? I have made no great sacrifice to this country. Nor have many others. I can appreciate the loss of the parents. They however are the first family I have ever heard ask what has another suffered in like kind... and again, you just don't magically find yourself on stage a DNC convention unless you have a scripted attack. The manner in which they did it by trying to equate Trump to their son via 'sacrifice'. Trump has probably never heard of the guy. .. and honestly, I watched nearly all of the DNC convention on CSPAN and I too wondered... 'I wonder why the wife isn't speaking'. I actually recall having that thought.

So it's quite different if Trump had dug this family up out of the blue to attack but the reality is that they were placed on that stage with great purpose. The fact this guy is a lawyer and writes book on Shriah Law is certainly of interest. Granted Trump is being Trump, but it's like Clinton said... he takes the bait... the thing is, he also is willing to actually give a direct answer. If Clinton gets caught in a net, she lies her way out then claims she was never in it to begin with.

If those two are as upset as they say they are about the death of their son, it was certainly a bit cruel for the DNC to place them front and center with that plan of attack on Trump. Again, just ask Hillary, she knew Trump would take the bait.

08-01-16, 19:29
Without reading the actual article written by Khan, I'm still not convinced he was advocating for a stance rather than stating fact.

To a Muslim, Shariah law should rightfully be the highest law they follow. If your religion doesn't take precedence over earthly laws, you need to take a serious look at your faith.

Right, I still see your point and understand how you get there as to was he stating a fact or stating the way things should be. It's difficult to tell. Could be read either way. But regarding precedence you go back to "shall not murder" to "we need to kill these"... I mean one reality certainly dovetails with normal legal standards much more easily.... and he is clearly a Muslim..... with a copy of the Constitution in his pocket. Hillary said one o0f her first duties would be to amend the Constitution.

So I have to look at him in the big picture of the fact he was a key prime time DNC speaker. He wants Hillary to be elected and she will alter the Constitution in his pocket. He writes of Shariah.

Coincidence? Some say there is no such thing.

08-01-16, 20:12
I feel for the parents who lost their CPT son, and I have never had to face such grief over the loss of a child. I have no real displeasure with them, but I have a real hate for the DNC taking advantage of these people and using them for their own evil means. The DNC, Hillary Campaign and the media is going to drag this out as long as possible.

I don't think the DNC is taking advantage of the Khans any more than the RNC took advantage of Patricia Smith. Both the Khan and Smith families were driven into their respective ideologies by their children's death. The political parties simply volunteered a platform for them to voice their opinions. They (Khans and Smiths) are probably not fools or patsies. They are ordinary, intelligent people whose lives were turned upside down by loss and cope with their conviction.

On a practical note, of course the Dems are going to drag this out. Why would they loosen the choke?

08-01-16, 20:13
I don't understand what's so difficult about,

"What have you sacrificed, Mr. Trump?"

"Well, to be entirely fair, I don't think you can compare the sacrifices I've made with those of the Khan family. While my own sacrifices have meant that I did not get to spend as much time with my family as I would have liked to and passed up some business opportunities in order to spend more time with my family, I have not lost a son or a daughter in the service of the United States. While I have made sacrifices, I have not made the sorts of sacrifices on the scale that the Khan family has. Their son is an American hero."

Instead of, "I've made sacrifices. I've made sacrifices. And what's up with that funny accent, haha, am I right?"

08-01-16, 20:15
And I have heard the term "Gold Star" more in the last week from left wing liberals than I have heard from them over the last 15 years combined.How about when they wanted Obama's supreme court fast laned through? "Congress must do their Constitutional duty!" What ?? I have never heard you acknowledge the Constitution exists!

08-01-16, 20:40
Very, very bad stuff... horrible!

In Pence's AIDS Kingdom of Indiana, women must fish their late menstruation out of the toilet and bury it or face punishment, even if you miscarry late term and want to forget your misfortunes and move on, he will give fetty a tombstone and send you a bill for the pleasure.

Also, if the choice is made to terminate, he will go trans-V on your girl, and get big government right up in her little pussy.

He's a disgusting, backward medievalist who will bring Taliban rule to the United States if given power.

KEV, this is the crazy stuff you spout that puts all your intelligent insights at risk. You do realize that you sound bat crap crazy. You guys won the war and have Christians on the run

I just want to get this clearly, by the statements above you are saying that Pence is as dangerous as Taliban? Little girls not being allowed in school instead of earning the majority of BS degrees and gays will be stoned rather than get sugar highs from wedding cake?

08-01-16, 20:43
How about when they wanted Obama's supreme court fast laned through? "Congress must do their Constitutional duty!" What ?? I have never heard you acknowledge the Constitution exists!

Yep, gold star and constitution with out meaning Cincinnati Chili and its effect on your physical state.

08-01-16, 21:03
I don't understand what's so difficult about,

"What have you sacrificed, Mr. Trump?"

"Well, to be entirely fair, I don't think you can compare the sacrifices I've made with those of the Khan family. While my own sacrifices have meant that I did not get to spend as much time with my family as I would have liked to and passed up some business opportunities in order to spend more time with my family, I have not lost a son or a daughter in the service of the United States. While I have made sacrifices, I have not made the sorts of sacrifices on the scale that the Khan family has. Their son is an American hero."

Instead of, "I've made sacrifices. I've made sacrifices. And what's up with that funny accent, haha, am I right?"
I guess the narrative now is a national level pissing match as to whom has sacrificed the most? Your possible retort by Trump would have been excellent, but he's a stream of thought kind of person. Most politicians use a filter to run all of their carefully crafted statements thru. Trump has no filter; what he thinks he spurts out, and that's what you get. Sometimes he leaves the listener wondering if he really meant what he said, or thinking that maybe he could have used a little more tact.

I have seen him in person once in Albuquerque, running the gauntlet of screamed profanities and sprayed with water and other fluids trying getting into the civic center. I have heard what the left has to say and how they demonstrate their free speech. Trump is basically a blue collar dude who made a lot of money, who lacks the eloquence of a Reagan speech delivery, but he's what we have to work with. For the common man, he comes across as one of them. For the high toned politically savy analyst, he comes across as a barbarian. Maybe my Viking ancestry of Sweden gets stirred a little listening to this contemporary savage?

08-01-16, 21:51
Without reading the actual article written by Khan, I'm still not convinced he was advocating for a stance rather than stating fact.

To a Muslim, Shariah law should rightfully be the highest law they follow. If your religion doesn't take precedence over earthly laws, you need to take a serious look at your faith.

You could easily quote the above and make the case that I believe in Shariah law and want it, when in reality I want no religion to play any role whatsoever in the government. Also, if your religious views cause you to break earthly laws, take solace in the fact that you'll receive a reward in your afterlife, but you'll get the opposite down here.

So everyone should kill any witches they meet if their religion demands?

08-01-16, 21:53
sure some of you have been reading his ties with clinton cash his law firm, immigration etc.. and other things

always comes out at some point

26 Inf
08-01-16, 22:04
How about when they wanted Obama's supreme court fast laned through? "Congress must do their Constitutional duty!" What ?? I have never heard you acknowledge the Constitution exists!

Somehow I think by the time it is all over we will wish they had approved Garland. It could have been much worse, and if Clinton gets to appoint a couple it will be.

08-01-16, 22:28
I guess the narrative now is a national level pissing match as to whom has sacrificed the most? Your possible retort by Trump would have been excellent, but he's a stream of thought kind of person. Most politicians use a filter to run all of their carefully crafted statements thru. Trump has no filter; what he thinks he spurts out, and that's what you get. Sometimes he leaves the listener wondering if he really meant what he said, or thinking that maybe he could have used a little more tact.

I have seen him in person once in Albuquerque, running the gauntlet of screamed profanities and sprayed with water and other fluids trying getting into the civic center. I have heard what the left has to say and how they demonstrate their free speech. Trump is basically a blue collar dude who made a lot of money, who lacks the eloquence of a Reagan speech delivery, but he's what we have to work with. For the common man, he comes across as one of them. For the high toned politically savy analyst, he comes across as a barbarian. Maybe my Viking ancestry of Sweden gets stirred a little listening to this contemporary savage?

I think our criteria for what constitutes a "blue collar dude" must differ. I generally think of a cop, firefighter, mechanic, or electrician. Trump has never, to the best of my knowledge, worked for an hourly wage or for anyone other than his father for that matter. He attended private schools his entire life including transferring into the Wharton School of Business during his second year of college. Basically, he is a guy who was given a road map by his father and achieved great success. Feel free to argue how easy or difficult that road was as I have no idea.

I think its great that you have a theory as to why Trump says the darnedest things. However, let's keep at least 1 foot grounded in reality as we attempt to explain the inexplicable. Fair?

The only blue collar dude in this race who made a lot of money is Gary Johnson - he started out as a handy man and grew his construction business into a corporation of over 1,000 employees and annual revenue approaching $40M. No, his daddy didn't give him a loan or tell him how to do it.

08-01-16, 22:28
The ironic point is that Kahn could've turned around and asked the very same question of the Clinton's, who have sacrificed absolutely nothing whatsoever for this country. Did one single media bobblehead ask the Clintons what they've sacrificed? No, but the Clintons wouldn't have answered the question anyway. Kahn wanted to attack Trump because he rightly doesn't want radical Islamic terrorists imported into this country. The DNC doesn't care one bit about the Kahn's, they care about themselves and an attack is an attack. Kahn didn't offer any solutions, nor have the Clinton's and the DNC.

I'm not saying I agree with Trump's suggestion ( I don't), but he's offered one more solution than the left has. :(

08-01-16, 23:41
The ironic point is that Kahn could've turned around and asked the very same question of the Clinton's, who have sacrificed absolutely nothing whatsoever for this country. Did one single media bobblehead ask the Clintons what they've sacrificed? No, but the Clintons wouldn't have answered the question anyway. Kahn wanted to attack Trump because he rightly doesn't want radical Islamic terrorists imported into this country. The DNC doesn't care one bit about the Kahn's, they care about themselves and an attack is an attack. Kahn didn't offer any solutions, nor have the Clinton's and the DNC.

I'm not saying I agree with Trump's suggestion ( I don't), but he's offered one more solution than the left has. :(

I actually agree with Trump.

See here's the thing. He never called for a "Muslim ban", that is the lie.

He called for a ban on Muslims from countries "hostile to the US" UNTIL a better vetting process can be worked out. He never called for a ban on all Muslims and he certainly hasn't suggested ANYTHING regarding US citizens of Muslim faith.

This is a lot like the lie about Trump calling all illegal immigrants "rapists, murderers, etc." He never said that. What he said is Mexico isn't sending us their best in the form of illegals. Many of them ARE drug traffickers, rapists, murderers, etc. And of course some of them "are probably good people", but that isn't how he is being characterized anywhere.

As a result your average dipshit things Trump is going to end ALL immigration from Mexico because he already said he hated Mexicans, is going to make Islam illegal and deport all Muslims including those who are US citizens and that is why the Kahn's are so worried and making a point of offering a copy of the Constitution.

Of course NOWHERE in that Constitution does it state anyone has an automatic right to enter the US or become a citizen. In World War II we turned away a boat full of jews called the St. Louis and they ended up back in Germany where many died. If FDR can do that with the existing Constitution, certainly Trump can prevent people from Syria, Saudi and other "America is the Great Satan" nations from coming here.

08-01-16, 23:49
I think our criteria for what constitutes a "blue collar dude" must differ. I generally think of a cop, firefighter, mechanic, or electrician. Trump has never, to the best of my knowledge, worked for an hourly wage or for anyone other than his father for that matter. He attended private schools his entire life including transferring into the Wharton School of Business during his second year of college. Basically, he is a guy who was given a road map by his father and achieved great success. Feel free to argue how easy or difficult that road was as I have no idea.

I think its great that you have a theory as to why Trump says the darnedest things. However, let's keep at least 1 foot grounded in reality as we attempt to explain the inexplicable. Fair?

The only blue collar dude in this race who made a lot of money is Gary Johnson - he started out as a handy man and grew his construction business into a corporation of over 1,000 employees and annual revenue approaching $40M. No, his daddy didn't give him a loan or tell him how to do it.
Trump comes across as a Blue Collar type, not that he is. He does have a way that appeals to the working class male.

I have worked with Gary Johnson when he was governor here in New Mexico. I served on a Farm/Ranch committee advising the land commission here. My wife and I have eaten dinner with him and his "girlfriend" after he left office and was divorced from his first wife. Gary has some great ideas, and did some good things here in New Mexico, but he is too far to the left for my tastes. He's a mixed bag but his open border beliefs are a non-starter for me. Also, in some ways he's a LINO; Libertarian in Name Only. His belief that a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a cake for a Nazi group does not fit the Libertarian mold. Despite this, Gary is an interesting guy. His girlfriend has a liking for Amish made furniture. Before the last dinner we had, his girlfriend took my wife shopping.

08-02-16, 01:16
See here's the thing. He never called for a "Muslim ban", that is the lie.

He called for a ban on Muslims from countries "hostile to the US" UNTIL a better vetting process can be worked out. He never called for a ban on all Muslims and he certainly hasn't suggested ANYTHING regarding US citizens of Muslim faith.

Hmmm...this took a 15 second Google search: Trump Muslim Ban




(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won't convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women.

Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again. - Donald J. Trump

08-02-16, 02:00
Steyr and Sensei are both right. In the convention speech he does the full version. The 'All Muslims' thing is a bit more complicated since he was tip toeing around it at the start and MSNBC started with their reporters badgering him on the way out of a rally. There is a lot of back and forth and then he gives the Readers Digest version of banning Muslims.

Here it is on the 'Muslim Database' and I had read one similarly about the 'Muslim Ban'. You put a badgering reporter who want to hear a certain thing with Trump who can be as fast and loose with comments as Bill Clinton is with bimbos, and voila, you get a headline.

I think the Muslim ban thing is actually difficult for Trump to get because I think in his head he is only thinking of Middle Eastern Muslims, and he shorthands it.

His lack of sophistication and ability to get stuck in stuff like this with Khan is really a head shaker. You'd think he would be better able to handle stuff like this.

08-02-16, 02:50
So everyone should kill any witches they meet if their religion demands?

If you truly believe your religion, you should. If your religion demands it and you don't do it, can you call yourself a follower of that religion? Or are you (not you to be clear, just "you" in general; I know you're not religious) just cherry picking what to follow and what to not follow even though whats prescribed is the word of God? What will you tell your divine being when you get to the afterlife? "Oh sorry, it wasn't convenient to follow your commands at the time"? Or maybe "I feared human retribution more than divine retribution"?

If you really believe, you should do what the religion says, to include proselytizing and putting your religious rules and commands before national/state laws.

Just don't be surprised if you're arrested after. But it's just a small price to pay to make your God happy, right?

If you're going to claim religion, then go all the way. Otherwise cast the religion out and find a new one, or go your own way and live a moral and just life without paying lipservice to a deity you only believe in one day of the week.

08-02-16, 03:51
Hmmm...this took a 15 second Google search: Trump Muslim Ban



Well again.

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

But that is a - December 07, 2015 - statement.

If you keep up here is his position as of June 2016.


Which is pretty much exactly what I stated above.

08-02-16, 03:54
I bet Hillary looked far and wide to find a Muslim who lost one of their Sons or Daughters in a the very same War She happily voted for.
The irony that he is an Attorney and specializes in bringing folks in from the Middle East to be American Citizens is not lost on me.
Bring them all in, let's not look at them coming in without a background check or some sort of skill and/or education, just open the door and let the flood begin.

08-02-16, 03:57
If you truly believe your religion, you should. If your religion demands it and you don't do it, can you call yourself a follower of that religion? Or are you (not you to be clear, just "you" in general; I know you're not religious) just cherry picking what to follow and what to not follow even though whats prescribed is the word of God? What will you tell your divine being when you get to the afterlife? "Oh sorry, it wasn't convenient to follow your commands at the time"? Or maybe "I feared human retribution more than divine retribution"?

If you really believe, you should do what the religion says, to include proselytizing and putting your religious rules and commands before national/state laws.

Just don't be surprised if you're arrested after. But it's just a small price to pay to make your God happy, right?

If you're going to claim religion, then go all the way. Otherwise cast the religion out and find a new one, or go your own way and live a moral and just life without paying lipservice to a deity you only believe in one day of the week.

I get what you are saying from the POV of the religious commands. However, in THIS country, religious freedom ends when you deny others their rights. So if you don't feel you can live according to your beliefs that command you to kill witches, blow up innocent people and kill all non believers, then you should go to a different country.

Saudi Arabia is good to go on killing witches and a lot of that other stuff. Plenty of other "kill people to impress God options" as well in that region. By the same token, if you think all of that is 10th century insanity and barbarism and don't want to live with savages, then you should relocate HERE or someplace similar. Just don't bring that Sharia law shit with you because it's part of the problem.

08-02-16, 04:05
I'm sure somewhere in this whole argument there is likely some sort of religious edict about taking in those of your own faith when they are in crisis?
Why don't we cut a deal with the Saudi's and they can have the Muslims and we will take the Christians and the Jews?

Simply because the Saudi's don't want those of their own faith who went all whackadoodle Jihad, Jihad coming in and screwing up "Their" Country.

08-02-16, 04:24
So . . .

A Congressional Medal of Honor recipient among other Veterans was booed at the DNC.

At the Democratic National Convention, retired four star Gen. John Allen, Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg and other veterans were heckled by the crowd with boos and chants of "no more war!"

A "Gold Star" parent, Patricia Smith mother of slain Benghazi hero Sean Smith was called a liar by Hillary and MSNBC leftist mouth piece Chris Matthews said; "I don't care what that woman up there, that mother has felt."

Kahn's linked to the Suads, scuttlebutt going around he is even linked to CAIR and possible Muslim Brotherhood.

Yet this what the MSM, McCain, etc. is spinning as Trump's downfall. . . :lol:

08-02-16, 04:31
So . . .

A Congressional Medal of Honor recipient among other Veterans was booed at the DNC.


A "Gold Star" parent, Patricia Smith mother of slain Benghazi hero Sean Smith was called a liar by Hillary and MSNBC leftist mouth piece Chris Matthews said; "I don't care what that woman up there, that mother has felt."

Kahn's linked to the Suads, scuttlebutt going around he is even linked to CAIR and possible Muslim Brotherhood.

Yet this what the MSM, McCain, etc. is spinning as Trump's downfall. . . :lol:

Exactly; The Progressives want this to happen and Trump's mouth and potential Presidency is getting in the way of these folks coming in.
The idea that Khan might be a shill, or have other motives, or even be using the name of his own Son in a way that that very same Son might now object to if he were alive is not of any consequence when it comes to getting Hillary elected or turning this Country in to America'stan.

08-02-16, 06:57
Trump missed such a great opportunity with this issue...he could have talked about the radical Islamist that killed Khan's son, he could have talked about Hillary calling the Benghazi families liars, he could have talked about Hillary voting for the Iraq war, so many more things he could have done than what he did.

08-02-16, 07:43
Trump missed such a great opportunity with this issue...he could have talked about the radical Islamist that killed Khan's son, he could have talked about Hillary calling the Benghazi families liars, he could have talked about Hillary voting for the Iraq war, so many more things he could have done than what he did.

This, never go on the defensive. He's been very good about staying on the offense, but this was a step back IMO.

08-02-16, 07:50
Trump missed such a great opportunity with this issue...he could have talked about the radical Islamist that killed Khan's son, he could have talked about Hillary calling the Benghazi families liars, he could have talked about Hillary voting for the Iraq war, so many more things he could have done than what he did.

He still has a chance to do so in the debates where more will hear it.

08-02-16, 08:28
He still has a chance to do so in the debates where more will hear it.

And I think his reaction was more of an eff you to the press for the way they handle him vs Hillary, he just could have done so much more? Ask the media about when they asked Hillary about her calling the Benghazi families liars? Of course they would ignore it, then he could have praised the lost soldier, and then talked about what a shame he was lost to the radical Islam fighters that Hillary won't even acknowledge....maybe it is easy in hindsight.

08-02-16, 09:02
Trump comes across as a Blue Collar type, not that he is. He does have a way that appeals to the working class male.

I have worked with Gary Johnson when he was governor here in New Mexico. I served on a Farm/Ranch committee advising the land commission here. My wife and I have eaten dinner with him and his "girlfriend" after he left office and was divorced from his first wife. Gary has some great ideas, and did some good things here in New Mexico, but he is too far to the left for my tastes. He's a mixed bag but his open border beliefs are a non-starter for me. Also, in some ways he's a LINO; Libertarian in Name Only. His belief that a Jewish baker should be forced to bake a cake for a Nazi group does not fit the Libertarian mold. Despite this, Gary is an interesting guy. His girlfriend has a liking for Amish made furniture. Before the last dinner we had, his girlfriend took my wife shopping.

Trump comes across as a NYC asshole. If you spend some time in NYC, you will see that it has nothing to do with white vs. blue collar. It's a city of 20 million people and 90% are assholes. The 10% who aren't assholes are transplants who just arrived; give them a few months and they will be assholes too. I think that it is something in the water.

As for Gary Johnson, you are correct. His nothing close to an ideal libertarian or candidate. Some of his positions on religious liberty should be no brainers, but he somehow makes a meal out of them. He has other ideas such as a government-sponsored testing facility where heroin addicts can go to test their smack before shooting up. Some of this shit makes me think that he is high. Thus, I'm not completely sold on him. I would like to see how he handles himself in a debate and it's looking increasingly likely that he will cross the 15% threshold.

08-02-16, 09:16
Well again.

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on.

But that is a - December 07, 2015 - statement.

If you keep up here is his position as of June 2016.


Which is pretty much exactly what I stated above.

I do keep up and I'm more than aware of Trump's evolved position on the issue. My concern is you throwing the "lie flag" and claiming that Trump NEVER called for a blanket ban on Muslims. He did. He even put it in writing.

Yes, he changed his position once his daughter pointed out that her hairstylist is a Muslim, and that the ban would completely wreck her look.

FWIW, I agree with his CURRENT position that would ban immigration (Muslim, Christian, Rastafarian, Atheist, etc.) from certain regions.

08-02-16, 09:34
So everyone should kill any witches they meet if their religion demands?

We've been over this before.

Christians kill people they accuse of practicing witchcraft in contravention of secular laws every year. And they've been killing 'witches' for nearly two-thousand years. Christianity's earliest practitioners chose God's law over man's law and were put to death for it - breaking secular laws is part of Christianity's DNA. (Until they were given the chance to make God's law man's law, and they did so for twelve-hundred years or so.)

So, yes, a good Christian - as defined by a couple thousand years of history - will do things up to and including murder (well, they don't view it as murder) if their religion demands it.

08-02-16, 10:02
We've been over this before.

Christians kill people they accuse of practicing witchcraft in contravention of secular laws every year. And they've been killing 'witches' for nearly two-thousand years. Christianity's earliest practitioners chose God's law over man's law and were put to death for it - breaking secular laws is part of Christianity's DNA. (Until they were given the chance to make God's law man's law, and they did so for twelve-hundred years or so.)

So, yes, a good Christian - as defined by a couple thousand years of history - will do things up to and including murder (well, they don't view it as murder) if their religion demands it.

You might consider switching to De-Caf.
Seriously? We have folks here, Christians in America running around killing Witches? 'Cause if it's happening here I haven't seen it and I will be a lot more careful answering the door to religious folks spreading the Gospel.
Or, and more than likely; are you talking about some aboriginal tribe in Africa half wacked out of their skulls and calling themselves Christians and doing some tribal punishment in the name of the Lord?
I think what you are failing to acknowledge and you're doing it with a purpose, is that most Muslims identify with Sharia Law and those who live here want it here.

08-02-16, 10:34
We've been over this before.

Christians kill people they accuse of practicing witchcraft in contravention of secular laws every year. And they've been killing 'witches' for nearly two-thousand years. Christianity's earliest practitioners chose God's law over man's law and were put to death for it - breaking secular laws is part of Christianity's DNA. (Until they were given the chance to make God's law man's law, and they did so for twelve-hundred years or so.)

So, yes, a good Christian - as defined by a couple thousand years of history - will do things up to and including murder (well, they don't view it as murder) if their religion demands it.

So it looks like you're another anti-Christian, fair enough. Maybe you can answer some questions about your assertion. Is it good to let witches practice? And how do you know it's good or bad? How many witches were killed, where, who actually did it......any particular denomination? Did the Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists kill witches? Was there a particular time when witches were killed the most? Should Christians obey God rather than men? Why should I as a Christian accept your particular view of law (man's law) rather than God's law? Is your law superior to God's? Can you even justify your view of law or is it just the manifestation of some electro/chemical reaction going on in your head? Is your choice of a good law just a personal preference, with no real foundation other than you like it? Why do you hate Christ so much?

08-02-16, 10:54
God, by definition, has to be rational. If 'God's Law' differs from Man's law, either the big guys autocorrect messed it up, or the law is not just. Now maybe a religion gets off on a tangent, but you can test that by seeing if the law is rational. Stoning gays or giving them one free flying lesson, pretty much not Kosher.

The other way to look at is that we are in the age where we are decoupling morality from legality. It used to be what was immoral was illegal. The West has had the separation of Church and State to ever greater degrees, until recently when the progressives collectivist have inserted their non-religion values into legal edicts.

08-02-16, 11:12
We've been over this before.

Christians kill people they accuse of practicing witchcraft in contravention of secular laws every year. And they've been killing 'witches' for nearly two-thousand years. Christianity's earliest practitioners chose God's law over man's law and were put to death for it - breaking secular laws is part of Christianity's DNA. (Until they were given the chance to make God's law man's law, and they did so for twelve-hundred years or so.)

So, yes, a good Christian - as defined by a couple thousand years of history - will do things up to and including murder (well, they don't view it as murder) if their religion demands it.

lol, troll level 100.

Be back on later this evening guys. Have a busy day today, my local CWH(Christian Witch Hunter) society has a meeting this morning since our monthly quota of witches burned at the stake hasn't been met and then I am off to defy Caesar this afternoon.

08-02-16, 11:15
lol, troll level 100.

Be back on later this evening guys. Have a busy day today, my local CWH(Christian Witch Hunter) society has a meeting this morning since our monthly quota of witches burned at the stake hasn't been met and then I am off to defy Caesar this afternoon.

Have Fun!
Don't forget the pointy wooden stakes, Holy Water, matches and Gas!

08-02-16, 11:22
Have Fun!
Don't forget the pointy wooden stakes, Holy Water, matches and Gas!

That comes with the welcome kit

08-02-16, 12:01
There are many ways to define a religion, comparative discussions falter with a narrow scope on one category, either historically, doctrinally, theologically, socially, scripturally etc.

What bears Christ's name is not and has not always been Christ like in accords with prevailing views.
The blunt truth is that Christianity, by and large, especially in the west, has excised from its practice and belief some of the more socially barbaric imperatives from inheritance in a hermeneutic that understands them as descriptive elements from its canon that are not theologically prescriptive nor binding. Entire libraries are full of analysis of the question of the end and extent of continuation of the Mosaic law and other theocratic elements of the Old Testament/TaNaK. Furthermore the acids of theological liberalism have filled even more library shelves examining the the moral authority of the New Testament itself with an amalgamation of morals and philosophies from secular sources and contemporary culture (an ironic, sad example is Christian's like Kev who herald the barbarity of sucking an unborn life into pieces as a Woman's egalitarian battle cry, all for sake of convenience of coarse, but that is another discussion). The result today in the western world is by and large a cafeteria approach to Christian faith and practice, take what you want, leave what you don't. It's all open for interpretation. Yet even those who tend to the more narrow side of the interpretation spectrum acknowledge what is considered proper interpretation of the Bible as able to handle these issues in a more leave it kind of way in reguards to things like stoning, genocide, forceful imposition of faithfulness through government, etc.

This phenomenon has not happened on any large scale in Islam. The trend is quite the opposite, Kahn's assertions demonstrate as much. Since I care not about the supposed purity of Islamic doctrine, I would like to see what happened with liberal Christianity in the west happen to Islam. Though one must recognize the historical forces of the enlightenment as an instrumental framework to liberal Christianity's expansion as lacking any traction in the Islamic world except among those "inwesticated". Progressives have sided with soft jihadists like CAIR, what we need is more of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy's separation of mosque and state view in a true libertarian civil liberties sense.

08-02-16, 12:06
There are many ways to define a religion, comparative discussions falter with a narrow scope on one category, either historically, doctrinally, theologically, socially, scripturally etc.

What bears Christ's name is not and has not always been Christ like in accords with prevailing views.
The blunt truth is that Christianity, by and large, especially in the west, has excised from its practice and belief some of the more socially barbaric imperatives from inheritance in a hermeneutic that understands them as descriptive elements from its canon that are not theologically prescriptive nor binding. Entire libraries are full of analysis of the question of the end and extent of continuation of the Mosaic law and other theocratic elements of the Old Testament/TaNaK. Furthermore the acids of theological liberalism have filled even more library shelves examining the the moral authority of the New Testament itself with an amalgamation of morals and philosophies from secular sources and contemporary culture (an ironic, sad example is Christian's like Kev who herald the barbarity of sucking an unborn life into pieces as a Woman's egalitarian battle cry, all for sake of convenience of coarse, but that is another discussion). The result today in the western world is by and large a cafeteria approach to Christian faith and practice, take what you want, leave what you don't. It's all open for interpretation. Yet even those who tend to the more narrow side of the interpretation spectrum acknowledge what is considered proper interpretation of the Bible as able to handle these issues in a more leave it kind of way in reguards to things like stoning, genocide, forceful imposition of faithfulness through government, etc.

This phenomenon has not happened on any large scale in Islam. The trend is quite the opposite, Kahn's assertions demonstrate as much. Since I care not about the supposed purity of Islamic doctrine, I would like to see what happened with liberal Christianity in the west happen to Islam. Though one must recognize the historical forces of the enlightenment as an instrumental framework to liberal Christianity's expansion as lacking any traction in the Islamic world except among those "inwesticated". Progressives have sided with soft jihadists like CAIR, what we need is more of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy's separation of mosque and state view in a true libertarian civil liberties sense.

What word sorcery is this?


08-02-16, 12:13
Recenter this thread on Kahn please. You guys already have a bunch of threads that cover the drift in here.

08-02-16, 13:37
Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship


Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration


08-02-16, 14:58
Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship


Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration


You'd think the DNC would do a better job of vetting their political hatchets before using them, but ideology trumps intelligence with that bunch! LOL

08-02-16, 15:22
You'd think the DNC would do a better job of vetting their political hatchets before using them, but ideology trumps intelligence with that bunch! LOL

With a complicit media, it doesn't matter much.

08-02-16, 16:20
Khans a toadie for the DNC, and Trump shot himself in the foot. Hillary is flat out evil, and my hope is Trump gets control of himself. But then I NEVER put my faith in "political man".

08-02-16, 17:22

Capt. Kahn’s death at the hands of Muslim terrorists twelve years ago was tragic, but Donald Trump bears absolutely no responsibility for that death. That occurred in a war that Mr. Trump actively opposed. The Khan family’s appearance at the Democratic National Convention was about launching an unfair and unwarranted attack on Donald Trump that deliberately misstated Trump’s policies and personal beliefs.

The military service of the Khans’ son does not give the Khans immunity from fact checking about statements they made in their partisan support of Hillary Clinton. Specifically: Mr. Khan asked about Mr. Trump’s “sacrifice” without posing a similar question about Secretary Hillary Clinton — where was HER sacrifice?

Mr. Khan also misrepresented Trump’s proposal for a temporary ban on Muslims, which was a response to the Syrian refugee crisis that was created by President Obama and Sec. Clinton’s policies. It has been established that terrorist groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda are using the Syrian humanitarian crisis to bring terrorists to the West — risking the lives of innocent people all over the world, including Muslims. Mr. Kahn’s claims to the contrary, nothing proposed by Mr. Trump in his current presidential run affects Kahn or any patriotic American Muslim.

08-02-16, 18:07
Haven't been paying much attention to this food fight, but as a reformed INS agent I do know a couple of things: other than specifying that naturalization (and immigration matters) are an exclusively federal responsibility, the Constitution says NOTHING further on the matter. The only restrictions on what the federal government can do is that it must adhere to due process; i.e., follow its own laws and regulations. So if we wanted to actually bar all Muslims, blue eyed people, or women--we could legally do it.

Having had numerous dealings with immigration attorneys, I can only say that most make other attorneys look virtuous. A sorry lot, to put it mildly.

Now back to keeping track of my grandson--which is a damn sight more than we do with criminal and terrorist aliens.

08-02-16, 18:21
With a complicit media, it doesn't matter much.

Yep, they are still running Trump bashing them on the evening news.

08-02-16, 18:29
Not wanting to stray this topic beyond the subject, it vexes me wht Donald Trump is getting blamed for anything at this point.

He's a private citizen.

The Khans and everyone else pointing fingers at him are foolish. They are not the only family to lose a child in war. I know of a few people minus a brother, son, and husband. Where was their DNC spotlight moment. Or even the Benghazi crew's?

Donald Trump does not make and has not made any policies or political decisions. He has no more authority than anyone else off the street. He has nothing to apologize for and, as a private citizen, is entitled to say whatever he wants.

This whole affair is yet another strawman to focus on BS.

In the grand scheme of thngs, Cpt. Khan's personal beliefs matter as much as PFC Schmuckatelli's. Had he survived, grown a beard, and became another Koran thumper on his own time (provided he did nothing illegal), he'd be just another weirdo.

Why this is even in the news is seriously confusing.

08-02-16, 18:38
Ummmm because you are a white Christian?
But it doesn't matter if you are neither White or Christian as long as we can label you so.
Thank you for playing our game, here is your consolation prize.

08-02-16, 19:08
Ummmm because you are a white Christian?
But it doesn't matter if you are neither White or Christian as long as we can label you so.
Thank you for playing our game, here is your consolation prize.

I'm kinda mixed and casually religious. Still not seeing the point of the DNC narrative beyond "focus on the bullshit and ignore the real shit."

For 8 years Obutthole, John "I tossed someone else's medals" Kerry and KKKlinton have been at the wheel, making decisions, and those decisions have led to deaths and failure

So....yeah I can see the need for then to create their little strawmen and rewrite the narrative. And it bespeaks negatively of the Khans for them willing to play and parade the corpse of their kid around.

Cpt. Khan could've been GI Joe or some underbiter. I don't know and, honestly, don't care. Sucks that he died but no one drafted him. And if a private citizen badmouths him, BFD. Lots of good guys go unsung every single day. That's life.

I'm not trying to be specious but I'm not seeing the real, actual point here for this to be national news except to stir pots.

08-02-16, 19:17
Not wanting to stray this topic beyond the subject, it vexes me wht Donald Trump is getting blamed for anything at this point.

He's a private citizen.

The Khans and everyone else pointing fingers at him are foolish. They are not the only family to lose a child in war. I know of a few people minus a brother, son, and husband. Where was their DNC spotlight moment. Or even the Benghazi crew's?

Donald Trump does not make and has not made any policies or political decisions. He has no more authority than anyone else off the street. He has nothing to apologize for and, as a private citizen, is entitled to say whatever he wants.

This whole affair is yet another strawman to focus on BS.

In the grand scheme of thngs, Cpt. Khan's personal beliefs matter as much as PFC Schmuckatelli's. Had he survived, grown a beard, and became another Koran thumper on his own time (provided he did nothing illegal), he'd be just another weirdo.

Why this is even in the news is seriously confusing.

Trump hasn't been a private citizen for a long time.

08-02-16, 19:25
Not wanting to stray this topic beyond the subject, it vexes me wht Donald Trump is getting blamed for anything at this point.

He's a private citizen.

The Khans and everyone else pointing fingers at him are foolish. They are not the only family to lose a child in war. I know of a few people minus a brother, son, and husband. Where was their DNC spotlight moment. Or even the Benghazi crew's?

Donald Trump does not make and has not made any policies or political decisions. He has no more authority than anyone else off the street. He has nothing to apologize for and, as a private citizen, is entitled to say whatever he wants.

This whole affair is yet another strawman to focus on BS.

In the grand scheme of thngs, Cpt. Khan's personal beliefs matter as much as PFC Schmuckatelli's. Had he survived, grown a beard, and became another Koran thumper on his own time (provided he did nothing illegal), he'd be just another weirdo.

Why this is even in the news is seriously confusing.

And he really didn't say much of anything to be honest.

Now today Khan is saying he doesn't want to be in the spot light....too effing bad, you went to the freakin' DNC and publicly attacked a presidential candidate, what did you think you were doing?

08-02-16, 19:27
Why this is even in the news is seriously confusing.

See post #81 above.

Today all the networks are running the "Hillary inspired pants suit" as though that were a real thing. It's in the news because they need to exploit anything and everything to get her in the White House.This guy Kahn is the most strategic method regarding immigration or especially Muslim voters. It doesn't matter what the truth is. Liberals always and constantly find something wrong. That's what they do. Look at Bill Clinton... what is the definition of "is". They never quit. The lies they tell are, it would seem, necessary for their survival. Well, in fact, they do make livings off the broadcasting of sensational distortions and outright lies.

The media is the Democrat Party. It's all one in the same. Asking why is it in the news is like asking why is Hillary talking smack about Trump. That's what they do. That's how they get paid. Produce a sensational show of half truth's and lies that help your person get elected or go file for unemployment. Anyone that would choose the latter has most likely already left the machine for greener pastures.

08-02-16, 19:30
Now today Khan is saying he doesn't want to be in the spot light....too effing bad, you went to the freakin' DNC and publicly attacked a presidential candidate, what did you think you were doing?

He thought he was going to be able to stab someone in the back in the dark of night and get away with it.

08-02-16, 19:31
Trump hasn't been a private citizen for a long time.

Legally, he is.

He has taken no Oaths of Office. Nothing from Reserve Honorary Dog Catcher to POTUS.

He may be in the public view but he has no more political or public responsibility at this point than Kim Kardashian.

08-02-16, 20:49
Trump hasn't been a private citizen for a long time.

Being in the public eye doesn't strip one of that title. Only Oath of Office does. You should know that.

08-02-16, 22:10
Being in the public eye doesn't strip one of that title. Only Oath of Office does. You should know that.

He's actually legally a public figure. He's not a public official because of course he hasn't taken an oath of office, but he lost the ability to call himself a private citizen at some point after becoming a household name, star of a reality TV show, and wealthy CEO. You should know that.

08-02-16, 22:21
He's actually legally a public figure. He's not a public official because of course he hasn't taken an oath of office, but he lost the ability to call himself a private citizen at some point after becoming a household name, star of a reality TV show, and wealthy CEO. You should know that.

No, technically he's right. He is like the local weatherman. He can say whatever he wants about the weather on TV and in print and if he's wrong people will either not listen to his show or not buy his umbrellas.

That is celebrity. He is subject to parody and criticism.

But he is not a sworn person. No Oath of Office. He is not officially liable for any public matters or affairs any more than you are.

Once you take an Oath, that changes a lot of things. It leaves you open to more scrutiny, more liability, and more accountability. For military people it is the UCMJ, for any LE from Reserve Deputy in dullsville to Head of the FBI it is violations under Color of Law, and for elected officials it is malfeasance and violations of Oath of Office and perjury.

Right now Donald Trump is just a wealthy man on TV who elects to have celebrity and is a nominee for POTUS, but as of yet at no point has he Sworn or Affirmed an Oath of Office and the liabilities, responsibilities and pain of penalties forthwith.

The Pledge of Allegiance doesn't count.

08-02-16, 22:33
No, technically he's right. He is like the local weatherman. He can say whatever he wants about the weather on TV and in print and if he's wrong people will either not listen to his show or not buy his umbrellas.

That is celebrity. He is subject to parody and criticism.

But he is not a sworn person. No Oath of Office. He is not officially liable for any public matters or affairs any more than you are.

Once you take an Oath, that changes a lot of things. It leaves you open to more scrutiny, more liability, and more accountability. For military people it is the UCMJ, for any LE from Reserve Deputy in dullsville to Head of the FBI it is violations under Color of Law, and for elected officials it is malfeasance and violations of Oath of Office and perjury.

Right now Donald Trump is just a wealthy man on TV who elects to have celebrity and is a nominee for POTUS, but as of yet at no point has he Sworn or Affirmed an Oath of Office and the liabilities, responsibilities and pain of penalties forthwith.

The Pledge of Allegiance doesn't count.

That's basically what I wrote?

08-02-16, 22:58
That's basically what I wrote?

Well admittedly, yes.

Most people confuse the two. I wasn't really trying to give you guff or anything as much as buttress that Donald Trump's views at this point are no more important than Kim Kardashian's.

Clinton and Obama, however, have been highly irresponsible and beneath their Oaths; they just get a pass.

Clinton parading Khan about is as reprehensible as Obama parading the Sandy Hook kids around.

Without straying too far off course here, most Americans (not M4Cers mind you) would fail a basic citizenship test.

And the Pols at large know this and capitalize on it. Most are lawyers for a reason. That's why Trump is a threat. He isn't a lawyer, he buys them.

Regardless, the interjection of Khan has been pretty disgraceful and if we bemoan his death, let's not forget whom his Commander in Chief and Secretary of State were.

It wasn't a rich white businessman in NY.

08-02-16, 23:04
His views at this point are significantly more important than Kim Cardassian's because he's running for the highest office in the world.

While at this moment they carry the same legal weight as Kim's (that is, none), they have orders of magnitude more potential energy behind them and people domestic and abroad will use his words to predict a possible future course of this country.

I agree with everything else you wrote.

08-03-16, 00:14
"Republican or not if Donald J. Trump wants to be the Commander in Chief, he needs to act like one. And that cant start until he apologizes to the Khans."

-Dakota Meyer

Link (https://www.facebook.com/SgtDakotaMeyer/posts/1219141904792315)

And commence slamming of a Medal of Honor recipient by Drumpfvolk in 5....

08-03-16, 03:50
And commence slamming of a Medal of Honor recipient by Drumpfvolk in 5....

The DNC already slammed a CMOH recipient at their convention . . . see my post on top of page four for quote and link.

08-03-16, 03:52
The DNC's blatant sexism and racism . . .


08-03-16, 09:58
Sorry, but if a family wants to interject itself in politics, well, they entered the ring so don't be surprised if it gets dirty. In the Kahn family's case, follow the money and business/political connections. This isn't some random family that the DNC/Clinton's just happened to find.

The DNC/Clinton's seem like they've already figured out Trump's kryptonite: Get someone to ding his ego and vanity and he'll step all over his own crank in his rush to get to his phone and on Twitter.

08-03-16, 10:02
"Republican or not if Donald J. Trump wants to be the Commander in Chief, he needs to act like one. And that cant start until he apologizes to the Khans."

-Dakota Meyer

Link (https://www.facebook.com/SgtDakotaMeyer/posts/1219141904792315)

And commence slamming of a Medal of Honor recipient by Drumpfvolk in 5....

I'm not a Trump fan. Dakota Meyer has been politicizing his MOH-recipient status for years. He's fair game, IMO.

08-03-16, 10:12
Earning an MOH does not mean one is beyond reproach, more so if that person decided to interject himself into politics. Much respect for what he did but once you enter the Thunderdome of American politics, don't try to hide behind your MOH when you're called out for saying something stupid.

08-03-16, 11:50
Some of you are so smart, your stupid.
This election is about the status quo, if you like it vote for Hitlery.
If you don't, vote for Trump.
Everything else is white noise.

08-03-16, 12:27
This Khan business has run too long. I wish Trump had just responded by thanking the Khans for raising a Patriot son, and then left it alone. Right now, every mainstream media newscast devotes at least the first 10 minutes to Trump gaffs and statements (which they call controversial) and the picture of Trump they insert as a graphic show some unflattering image of the Donald with his mouth wide open, or some distorted facial contortion. Right now I am betting the Soros funded entities are digging into every possible thing Trump has done over his lifetime since a child. I expect a daily barrage of negative news stories creating a narrative of being unfit for the Presidential Office.

In the meantime, some Conservatives and Independents are looking to Gary Johnson, ignoring the fact that his running mate William Weld is a lefty who supported the Assault Weapon's Ban and other nutty leftwing environmental crap. Johnson is not a contender for my vote.

08-03-16, 12:28
What I said about Trump is true. Right now, despite running for office, he can say whatever he wants. And people may like it or not.

And Dakota Meyer does have a point. If you are going to be CinC, then start acting like it. Then again, that same criticism should be directed towards the actual CinC at this moment. Anybody can make decisions. Doesn't mean they are good nor well thought out.

Finally, the Khans decided to play, welcome to the game.

08-03-16, 12:56
Right now I am betting the Soros funded entities are digging into every possible thing Trump has done over his lifetime since a child. I expect a daily barrage of negative news stories creating a narrative of being unfit for the Presidential Office.

Yep, because that's their best play -- "the other guy is worse than our... thing". Trying to run on Clinton's record is a loser for them. Trump's the worst danger to his own campaign. All the Democrats need to do is keep finding ways to wind him up and hope that he eventually (inevitably?) implodes. This Kahn debacle was certainly a good start. I expect that we'll be seeing and hearing a lot more from him.

08-03-16, 13:09
I think it was Bogart that said the trouble with the world was that it was two drinks behind. He may have had a point.

Personally I try to ignore the MSM as much as I can. But let me know when the drums beat for muster on the green.

08-03-16, 13:11
Sorry, but if a family wants to interject itself in politics, well, they entered the ring so don't be surprised if it gets dirty. In the Kahn family's case, follow the money and business/political connections. This isn't some random family that the DNC/Clinton's just happened to find.

If you don't want to be dragged into the mud with the political pigs, don't give speeches as political conventions...

08-03-16, 13:55
Some of you are so smart, your stupid.
This election is about the status quo, if you like it vote for Hitlery.
If you don't, vote for Trump.
Everything else is white noise.


08-03-16, 18:51
Trump should invite the women that spoke at the RNC that had children killed, and the Kahns, to Trump tower for lunch.

08-06-16, 21:10
So let's see:
- Kahn is a Muslim who pushes for Sharia (incompatible with the Constitution)
- Kahn is a Muslim who basically sells US visas to his Muslim brethren
- Kahn is a Muslim who is on the Saudi team (not ours)
- Kahn waves a copy of the Constitution and badmouths Trump about not respecting the COnstitution, despite the glaring hypocrisy AND the fact that the President can and has barred groups of people based on nation of origin and ideology from entering the USA.

We need to revoke Kahn's citizenship and execute him for treason. There is too much treason going on right now. Time to start making examples of people. Want to push Sharia? Then we are going to be medieval on your ass. I'm tired of losing to 7th Century goat fornicating inbred morons. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. It doesn't guarantee our enemies freedom to destroy us from within.